The Clinton New Era, 1900-05-25, Page 1iRecornmenti the New ara to ,
your triends, -K
The elinton New
ISOREsar 121=8,1truinislier.1
In every home little breaks are
marring daily. May be
?able Silverware,
Rings, Pins,
Watehes or Clocks,
Whatever it is we're anxious it shall
CORM our way.
We tapir such things in a satire
faotory manner.
Our charges are moderate our
services prompt.
Whether large or small it receivea
&lithe attention it requires.
We are Leaders in our Line.
And Optician
Godericb. •
WILL APPEAL. -- The Water and
Light Committee of the Town Council
at a recent meeting decided to appeal
the coal case, in which le, B. Holmes
sued the town for coal delivered and
obtained a verdict with costs.
DEATH -An old citizen, 2i.nmel Me-
gaw, died rather suddenly It Friday.
He had been suffering from a corn -
Plaint that could not be eased Without
.an operation, wntch was perforarod.
Deceased seemed to pass the ordeal sat-
. itfactorily, but he began to sink and
Soon quietly passed away. The remains
were conveyed to Seaforth for inter-
ment. .
NoTES.-It is expected the new tug
N. Dyment will be handed over to ,her
owner on -Saturday. A public meeting
will be heldierethe town hall on the
' .25th inst. to make arrangements. for
the proms, celebration of Dominion
<lay. A."`MeD. Allen has been appoint-
ed to judge fruit at the Stratford Hor-
ticultural Society's show in Stratford
an September. Our lawn bowlers have
friendly matches. The sehaoner Cora
.A. with corn from Chicago discharged
her cargo at Richardson's. elevator on
Tuesday. Miss R. A. Drigit, of Strat-
ford, who hadiseveral elapses in deport-
ment, etc., the past winter, concluded
ber series. Th'. Carlyle, who has been
giving reading chiefly from Dickens,
will on June 1 present eIci On Pole
Francais," "One touch of Nature" and
'SlasherdCrasher" assisted by h
Goderich amateurs. On receiving the
news- of the relief of Mafeking the
band marched at the bead of an im-
mense procession of citizens who join-
ed in chorus to national airs; a special
thanksgiving service was held in , St.
George's church, and the Te Deum was
sung by an enthusiastic congregation.
NOTES. -Rev, 3; W. Andrews and
wife drove to Londesboro; the former
attended the district meeting held in
the same place. The school -children
hoisted the flag on Empire day. After
spending a few days in the village, Miss
C. Cook returned to her home in Eg-
mondvillea Miss Aggie, daughter of
Mrs T. McIntyre, is seriouilly ill with
pleurisy; we hope she mav soon recover.
LEAGUE. -On Monday evenIng the
League metes urinal. The pastor, Rev.
J. W. Andrews had charge of the topic,
*while Mrs McOlyment had. charge of
the literary part. The program con-
sisted of the following: -Speech by the
President; reading, Miss Macguire;
duett, Misses Foster and Raabe.; read-
ing, V. MaDiehl; solo, Mise Andrews;
speech, Mr Wiley; reading, Mrs Diehl;
duet, Mrs elcOlymont and Miss Mac,
erruirts: -.The-meeting elesedattY-singing.
the national anthem.
St, Augustine.
NOTE81.-Mr and Miss °Metal, of Cols
borne, were the guests of Mr and Mrs
H. Baker on Sunday last. Mr and Mrs
W. Phillips Sundayed at Jars. Arm.
etrong's, Donnybrook. We. are glad
to hear of the recovery' of Wm. Sillibs,
who has been on the sick list for some
time past. Mrs S. Mills, of Blooming.
ton, spent Wednesday of last week
with her mother, Mrs .7. Robison. T.
Billtbs,of Goderich,was visiting friends
in this part on Sunday last, leir J. and
Miss Nellie Stafford spent Sunday at
Eenney's, of Pordyee,
gave you tried the new
%Washing Com'pound
Absolutely no rubbing required. eaves roar
time, Saves your hands, Saves your clothes,
It extracts tho dirt velment rubbing and it
ingredients are (Mar/added to be positively
harnalesa. Use is gOld at Be per package.
Try package next wash day. Try our 5 o'clock
.ersefeeettes, int per wattage, Hovers, leait's
Bost Family Ploar, to per ewa .
Ina have just,opened an invert orate of
Scot& Mate Gooch; *outdating Of :-Teo Pots,
Coffee rote, Irong terece Bowls, Bandied
Beakers, sugar, cream,Hot Water Isottles,ete.
These are ail new goose, with quaint Scotch
tuOttee On Mont. our stock of china fit' nearly
u hew bought since WO tnered. We have
t °period et orate of dinner Me revising
lilfiliti8ifittil 86 to $12, and thItt nadir expect
another arate thot Win range in pee° from $12
to tie for set locale, everyone likes to See nide
(111 )1(2 Call and See thetn Whetber you want
to htty Or not, PleaBO bete front, Iday 15th we
owing sa 7 p38, dual* tho summer- Months.
Corner reeve in'Searlies Mock.
PheeePa Omit for Butter old Ego
• Westfield.
NOTES, -Mrs D. Ramsay ie very lotv
at present. Mr and Mrs M. Braith•
waite, of Londesboro, attended the
wedding of Miss Fothergill last week.
A football match was played on Friday
evening between Auburn and West-
field teams, resulting in a victory for
Westfield. Ur and Mrs J. Pickett, of
Sunshihe, visited friends in the neigh-
borhood on Sunday. Mrs Geo. Henry ,
left Tuesday morning for Hespeter to
visit friends, .
MATRIMONIAL, Another of those
pleasing events took place on Wednes-
day at 4 p. in. at the residence of Geo.
Fothergill, when his eldest daughter,'
Annie, was united in marriage to II.
McVittie, of this place, the ceremony
being performed by Rey. J. Kennedy,
Auburn The bride was attended b
Miss Susie McVitie, sister of the
groom, while VV.ill Fothergill, brother
of the bride supported the groom. Miss
Stackhouse played the wedding march.
The bride wore white muslin with brid-
al veil and blossonas,the bridesmaid be-
ing dressed in a pretty gown of pale
blue Cashruere. After the usual con-
eretulatiohs, guests to thenurnber of
180 sat down to a nountiful repasts The
gifts were unusually numerous as well
as costly. The happy couple will make
their home on the 3rd con.. with the
best wishes of many friends.
(Intended ,for last week) '
NOTES. -Don't forget the ice cream
social at Westfield on the 21th of May
also a foot ball match between Auburn
and the home team, When Miss Mary
McClinton was returning home from a
visit with friends at Bethel last week
she was oyer taken by a big rain storm
'and had to put up.for the night at the
home of Rota Taylor,: 0. Armstrong
sports a new buggy purchased from J.
Bergman, of Aubtan. W. J. Hoover
was in the county town this week.
Miss Rachael Redmond,we are sorry
to statepie.not improving. Mrs. Ander-
son is making preparations for moving
to the Westshortly. Miss Annie Dens-
more, who has been learning to be a
trained nurse in New York for- the
last few years is home on 4 visit. II.
MeVettie and Miss • 'Annie Fothergil
will be united in marriage on the Mit
inst. Mrs Killoogb, who got her ankl
sprained nine weeks ago; cannot rase it
yet. Mrs Adam Mover intends mov-
ing in her hettse at Marnock this week.
Goderich Township.
ACCIDENT.- A. Cantelon, 9th con.,
happened with a misfortune the lather
day at Jas. Swit zer's barn -raising.
While they were pulling up one of the
plates the rope slipped off and the
plate fell on Mr Cantelon's shoulder,
dislocating it and breaking a bone. He
certainly suffered great agony for it
while, Robe Hanley got hit on the
head with a commander which fell
from above. 0
TARE NneneE,-Meetings to appoint
delegates to attend the annual Liberal
convention to be held at Dungannon,
on Friday, June ist, will be held as fol-
lows: -No, 4 polling sub division on
Tuesday evening,. at 8 p.m., at Jos. alz
zard's; No 5, on Tuesday evening, at
'Wm. Sinclair's, lot 18, con. 15; No 6,
on 'Tuesday evening at Holrnesville, 11
is earnestly requested that a good re-
presentation should be present.
nation in the flax mill. fee MaGuire,
of Stanley, took charge of the League
last Sunnay evening at Oole's; a large
crowd was present. T.Elliott, B•kyfield,
jacked up his barn on Monday and
'Tuesday of this week. Percy, Oale is
helping his uncle in Stanley for it few
days. °has. Middleton now owns a
chestnut driver. The three large berns '
on the Bayfield line are raised and are
nearing completion; P. Oale's was rais-
ed on -Wednesday of last week and was
up at fifteen minutes to six; R. Ulliff
and J.Elhott were captaihs, but °liars
side was the winner.
LECTCRE.-The lecture on Tuesday
evening,May 15tlewae a grand Success.
Dr. Murray, of Kincardine, is an able
man; he told about some strange oe-
currences and scenes in Italy. Revs,
Shawatif Egmondville, andeSawers, of
-*Orefield, Were also present.,
QV/Tit A TRIP. -D. J.Bell had a felon
.on his hand, which has put him off
work at present. The other afternoon
he thought he would take a bike ride,
and rot home about 2.20. He wheeled
to Exeter, then to Grand Bend, then to
St. Soseph, then to Hayfield, thence by
Bannockburn and Brucelieldatnd arriv-
e&borno, for aes • dis-
tance of 58 miles.
NoTE8.-E. audit:tore has purchased
a fine chesnut driver. Lome Murch,
of Clintotecalled on some of our villag-
ers one evening last week; there must
be some saki -action. B. .Jackson, Bea -
forth, was in the village doing business
this week. S. Acheson was presented
with it fine Oolumeia wheel this week
by his father. House cleaning is all over
now. Mr and Mrs Jos. Mislaidll left on
Mande): for a two weeks' visit with
friends at Port Elgin; they drove up.
G. DIA has got moved into his new
house at the eastern end of the corpor-
ation, which he recently bought from
J. McKay, who leased the AtrieriCan
Rouse, Brucefield.
The News of the Neighborhood
SePPlied b7 the Nev 161'n's Wideiraw- ake and reliable correspondents o
Londesboro, . I Sununerbill. Additional Local News
41 •
. NOTE13.-An entertainment will be ORANGE PICNIC. :- We understand
given in Knox Church, Londesbora, the L. O. L of this part intend holding inttilo7TMITTED FOR TRIAL.
Tnesday evening the 29th, beginning i a picnic on June 20th. Morienartipulare ---,Karl Dull- -
sing, assisted by home talent; refresh- I - ttOd enjoy a I been c/ahutnittaelcitarutdr&honn
I had a speedy trial as their case will be I
at 8 o'clock ; Madam Walla of Clinton i lstri (lost ionhhaa,r gvee ,
, Later, get ready to come
and Miss Paterson, of Manchester, will ' a day's sport.. ,
i' i of injuring the Welland Ottrial, They f
ments will be served; admission 10 and . •CHtenols.-Mr McIntyre, essistant of called at the assize court. which open. ,
20 cents; proceeds in aid of missions. i Rev. 0. O. Owen, of London, esreached . ed at Welland on May 22nd.
- I
, ENTERTAINMENT - A ster o t* a here on Sunday evening hat from Ex -
and lime -light entertaanment was ive odus 25.40. This young Men has cer- I Ronan PI.—Dem 86 Davis sold
church on Thursday, May 17th and Adam Hays,. of Seaforth, who will put
• coupled with an exce lent .voice, for
•Tbe best advertising inedittlin
la this section,
V -Y -110,1444 -4 -4.400.101 -Y -Y -Y -44 -******114
in per year in advance.
$.1.tO when not so paid,
Additional Local News. 4-*********4144444-Y-PPPPPPA*
Fruit Crop
11 Cetera A FO0Z-Wingbarn has let
its contract for the laying...of all the
granolithic walks to be constructed
!here this year, to A. Graham, of Len-
ten, at 11 cents per foot. Othet ten- -
dere were 1.1)1 and 11 cents, but Grah tin
,ecnrecl it in consideration of prev'oes
pod work done
vitt present to the bowling club several
rophies to be contested for by the
members, and play for these will take
I place right away. It likely that
there will be two classes of cOnapetitors
-thegreens and the.have-beenet. Per-
haps handicaps will be arranged.
discharging a giant fire-cracker,at Sar-
nia, in celebrating the relief of Mafe-
king, last Friday night,Frank
a prominent business man, had the fin-
gers of his right hand blown off, and ?o.
his nose spltt open. Mr Mitchell is an '
old Clintornan, and his friends will a.
be sorry indeed to learn of his aceid Int. re
en by T. B. Coupland in the MethoLt titinly an exceedinglr strong grays; a six•year•old, to
mind 1 one of I heir,
his sermon bristled with deep thought Ina in t e 'very barn there; Harve
was a and sUccess, being very much
appreciated by all present, The pie.
Rural Dean ici.odgine, of Sehfor will go to Lindon and secure another,
so as to have a matched team., Dr.
and striking Practical iffustrations.
tures were all of the highestorder. The th will
s:nging by Miss Gibbings, ef Clinton, preach here on Sunday evening next all has bonght a pretty cream six -
to the children and it is honed all Ian year-oldhorse from Mr Harvey, Kip.
enlivened the entertainment consider-
children and grown people will attend. pen, baying sold his brown horse to
able. The proceeds were partly devote
ed to the church fund. . Children will occupy front aeats. The Walter Mali'?, Base line, Hullett.
'Sacrament of Holy. Oornmunion will THE 0. A. C. EXAMS. -The results
Claultote - The regular quarterly
meeting and sacrament service was •
vice. :
be administered at the close of the seta of the Easter examinations at the On,
held here on May Otb. The church was tario Agricultural College are out, and
-ertstesd-edetrari- upwardssaaf-200 partook NOTES:: -Mi T. Mur h had 11 among them we notice the riamee of a
p ya line
of the emblems of the Lord's Supper. young draught horse take suddenly ill number of Huron boys.' S. Atkinson,
Rev: T, B. Coupland, superintendent on Friday lastof indigestion; Vets.were of Eginondyille, R. 11. Sloane, of Blyth,
of the circuit, preached an appropriate called in but the mime' remained tn a and CI. B. txilpin, of Gorrie, have passed
sermon, very forcible and impressive, i evincei condition for some days. Mr in all subjects in their fame year; to
after which a large nunaber of the con -land Mrs A. H. Plummerasof illyth, takeaupplementel are G. Diek,atlen-
gregation gave their humble testimony spent Sunday et J. H. Loweryes, of 16- sail, in geology and English literature
for Christ On the Monday following concession, Mr and Mrs Carter, of in his first year. a.nd W. J. Know, 'Ben
the official board met; nearly all the Stapleton. spent Sunday at Mr John grave, in practical poultry, in his second
members present. The finances were Johnsons, Miss Alice Burnett, of year. Huron countye has done well.
in good sharaethe seamy and other ton- (lento!), spent last week at Mr Robert atustAtanae, - In Pur -
were Well up, • R. Carter Millerfs. Mrs Wallace, ot Clinton, is ittleerCAL ExA
a,,platt . arranged two, years_
was chnaip --delegate to, the; district *siting her elauglitsielMial-41S-sWseodssr-s'144"e'llt
Silica; ' the - Toronttreetnaservatory--of-
meeting, A resolution of aPpreciation• yard. Mr George Hayes is improvin -
of .the faithful services of Rev. T. B. the appearance of of th f t f hig Music e ron o expeeter to conduct examinations
a this season at the folio ' I I
Will be marsh larger if you
take the miceseery precautions now
awl tinnier: your trees and .bushee.
It is not expensive to do so, Ana the
extra return.of trust will amount to
many times the coat of spraying -
Is recognized as the best a ern -
oh for spraying. It kills all injurious
grovnhe and insects and insures a
larger quantity of betters fruit. We
sell the best.
are still disposing of lightning rode.
LIGHTNING Hons.-Senn Ss ICennedy
For a month past many haye been put .
up. Last week sales were made to J..
Middleton, Joe, .Proctor, Jas. Connolly, Phone 2 Drug Store
R. Baker J.. S tardy and Peter Gra nn of ***--Irkit**lokeleks*************-*
Goderich' township, P.McOalluin, RAC.
Ferris, Geo. A. Brown, Bee. MoOlueesa
R. Anderson, R. Acheson, 1:1 Ada,n3s, Additional Local News..
Henry Bailey and Mr Foster, of Hul-
ty•has botight from A, Couch 15 acres
of land lytn eouth ot the river and
Gina a former resident of town, died
in Godericb last week. When here he .
aught school In Hallett, and was welt
east of„the ondon road. Mr Doherty liked and highly respected. Mrs W.
intends. to have this for pasture which Holmes is a daughter. He was a poems
includes the flats, . J. H. Dulmage, of be.r. of ' the Brethren, and the remains
-the.:13.eetilleeesekallattee... Wiatiehrtmaabliss. sweretakee_ta-Seafarstir afor.interatentre-
sold out to ur. .mcLaughan, of men- .
treal, who will take resession on the THE COMBIWA'
Oonpland was passed and a unanirnoue farin' by a neat fence. Mr W. Tebbutt. °flag °ea 20tla of June- Mr .Du naa,ge nill retire onx.- When the clerks at Molson's
MUM:WI Ile, GeorgetoWn, Guelpbi Ham-
ilton; Kingston, Lindsay, London,
Perth, Peterboro, Port Hope St. Cath-
arines, St. Thomas,' and '&oodstook.
They will be held also et the Ontario
Ladies' College, Whitby, and Alber
°allege, Belleville, these institution
being ape Bated w.ith Csnservator
of for purposes.
How TO BE.LOYAL.-We near many
complaints of people buying goods Out
of totem haye oftentimes per-
suaded my citizens to deal at home,
not only to help keep the town up by.
assisting the merchants, but just as
goodan many times e er) goo
are tote got at home. Buy all you
dry goods, clothing, groceries, tot,
harness, vehicles, inc., ears, froM.ho
dealers. Beery donee you spend a
home is a lament. to yourself and t
the con munity. Thisapplies 'to imerch
'ants as well as to others. Loyalty doe
not merely c insist in cheering for you
country and cussing for adversity.
°cooper isexhibitingin connection with
the -Cleveland bicycle one of the • best
things -axe h tte seen for some time in
the wtael line and one which will be
generally used by bickists. . It is the
Morrow brake and coaster. By back
pedaling the rear wheel is set free to
allow coasting be if need be a brake
can he ler plied should to mrach speed is
attained in a long descent and this
is done hire the feet rest on the ped-
als, It ia said there is a saving ot I
miles pedalingin 50 mileS, alga by
taking advantage of declines. W
think it is a handy contrivance and
one which will come into use. _
RAILWAY NOTES. -The I. 0 O. F. o
Winghana will run an excursion to
Credit Forks next month; the date wil
probably be Tuesday, June 19th, if thi
can be Arranged. The G. T. R. is hav
Eng 24 engines of the Mogul type buil
at the Point St, Charles shops; the
company expecte the largest run of
freight next winter in the history o
vit ti t ded hi t • eentres. yiz: Belleville ram ton • ' • bank t t o
n a on was ex en m o re an If ' • f h wen o• n afe T d
ne t on uesday morning Inc Rainy
another year with them. River District, success Walgete. A
Dom= MEETING.-Tbe annual die. good debate was we understand given
Wet meeting of the Methodist church in the Temprance H411 on. Tuesday
was held here on Tuesday and Wednes- evening last "Resolved tliat the world
da f" w k ill I' r
! net see vvorse, t e a rotative Was
all3Present with the eXception of One Jed by Me R. Draper, the negative by
h or two of the -voting men who are on j. D. Burns; as these are old debaters
e• probation and now attending college; we expect there would be a strong list
s t n h
Nagasa.-Fred Burnett, 7th con., in
Lends to (mit farming and rocure a sit
NEW PoirrmAseatt,---The. Vocal:10y
caused by the 'death of Mr Mark%
postmaster, has been promptly filled
by the appointment of Mr David Mc.
'Moab. Alt McMillau, M. showed
good judgernentin his selection of it
successor to Mr Marks, and also In his
promptrierei in haying the office filled.
Mr MeIntOsh is it man who will die.
charge the duties of the office to the
entire satisfaction of all parties.
NOTES. - The Sacrament of the
Lord s Supper will be held on the
second Sabbath of Juno in the Preeby.
terian church, Miss Cash Arno, Olin.
ton, is the guest of Miss Mary Broads
foot. Mr MarWe funeral on Thursday
last Warr very largely attended; the
floWers on the Casket sent in by friends ,
were beautiful; the pall -bearers were r
Messrs W. Scott, D. MeIntoirh, W, c
Dixon, P, McGregor, T, Fraser and S.,
McDonald, and Rev. Mr Sewers officio
Medi Mee A, McCartney and &ugh.
ter, Miss Minnie, and eon left on Tues.
'day for theft home Moosejaw, N,W.
T. Our eltizens ehowed their loyalty t
in holding flags in honor of the relief
cif Mafeking. Mrs Rothwell,Goderich,
and Mager Etned returned hotne on
the different circuits were well repre
sented, by lay.delesrates. On the even
ing of the ministerial session a relig
ions service was held and was ably con
ducted by Rev. Jasper Wilson, chaw
man of the Goderich disti ict, Rev. J
Ailing of Victoria street church, God
erich, gave an excellent and elaborate
monthly meeting at the house of Mrs
address on "Epworth Leagueand Mis
sionary Work:" Rev. A. L. Russell, of • H. McMantes on Wednesday, the 16th
Seaforth, in his pleasant and humor- hist. A very busy and enjoyable after-
ous way, then spoke of the usefulness t0000ooawvaertaspreenpto,r t. ortif
Beth:. mjaegainnganishile:
and importance of class -meetings. The
attended at the city of Ottawa. she
choir rendered. excellent Music; a, col -
then read a very tad 'but interesting
lection was taken up thr the 'Indian
Famine Fund. ' letter that she had received , from her
NOTES:- Mrs II. Rill and. Mrs
Walker returned home on Saturday af
ter a visit to Toronto and •vicinity for
about two weeks. J. J. Walker also
returned from Toronto a,t the same
time, 'Mrs Wm, VVallace, of Toronto,
cisme to visit tier parents and brother,
A, Jamieson. L. Hill, who fell off a
barn near Hayfield Some time ago,
finds now that he was worse hurt than
he thought he was. Thotallill has had
his shed newly-peperadefreesof -costathe
expense being paid by Lemen Bros,;
they are advertising their show to
e e in erre on June n rs
Wilson, who resides with Parimer
is cn the sick list at present.. Mr an
Mrs Duff, of Markham, ate the guest
of A..Tarnieson. A.Jamieson, who ha
been confined to his house for some
time, while out walking in the yard,
fell and an iniured himself that he hes
been confined to his bed. MrsJ.Bell,Clin
ton, paid a visit to e the village on Tues
day; her friends were pleased to see
that she had recovered much. Con
siderable numbers of shad Are being
speared in the river this spring. Ther
will be no special Celebration here or
the 21th; we will just have our usua
every day proceedings.
of points. C. :A. Tebbutt 'will attend
the Weet Huron Teachers'. Institute
meeting in Seaforth to -day• (Friday)
and' Sitturday. •
CHIJRCE.-rhe W.F. M. S. held their
sister, Dr. Marion Oliver, of India,about
the terrible famine there. •
• N0TE8:-Benry A. Horton ,spent
Sunday with. cousins at •Holinesville.
Mies Clark, of-Rocheater,--wha has been__
visiting friends and relatives in this
vicinity returned back to her tome
this week; she is much improved. Mr
Shaw. of Porter's Hill, visited his friend
Alex Stirling. on. Sunday. Mr John
Straw'and two sons, of Goderich, paid
our bog a brief visit on Sunday, Mr
And Mrs Walter, of Carlow, visited our
burrs, Sundae:, being the guest of the
latter e mother.
• Aolmesville
s IMPORT. -By permission of the in-
spector the March promotion examine
tion was postpcined till last Thursday
and Friday. The resultis as follows:-
- Sr. III to Jr. IV, marks .obtainable 810,
- to pass 405 -Gordon Amess 627, Maine
Munnings 579, Myrtle Levis 516, Oliver
Sturdy 482, Howard Williams 421; Jr.
III to Sr III, marks obtainable 780, to
e pass 390-Evalena McCartney 552, May
Proctor 528, Stanley Amese 526, Daisy
1 Williams 453,* Wilfred Cololough 438,
Perrnilla Halstertii 418; Sr, to Jr. III,
marksobtainable 625, to pass 313 --Edgy
'Willson 490, Albert Pickard 439, Dacer
Tebbutt 429, Arthur Sturdy 340, Sohn
e Dempsey, 336; Jr. /1 to Sr. II, marks
nbtainable 60o, to pass 803 -Clarice
ilitadour 531-, Reward Trewartha 409,
Francis Patter 382, Ida Huller 361, Lulu
Mtilholland 318, N. W. TREWARTHA,
TilltOwN os 'A SAW.- A fatal ocid
ent in Onbithrope's sawmill, Ashasla
happened an last Saturday, whereby
Chas. Carpenter, a mill band, was
caught by the fookthrown 011 the large
circular saw and cut to 'pieces. He
leaves it young wife to mourn.
NEW PoST OFFIcE,ThThe people in
the vicinity of Harrison s Corner, 9th
cam, of Ashfleld, bave alwar been
without close mail facilities,their near-
est post nfilce beitog either Belfast or
lanes. For some time R. Holines, M.
htla .131.3e n. tevitt .RVerennia...thie
difficulty, and has at histsucceeded,the
government having consented to the
establishment of an offhte at the home
of W. j, Treleaven, township treasur-
er, who will also be postmaster. The
new office will be known as Mafeking.
It. will have a, tri -weekly service, and
will be supplied from Lucknow by the
present contractor for the Lucknow.
Belfast -Lanes service. Crewe post of-
fice has heretofore been supplied from
Ditn.gannon semi-weekly,Mr Sherwood
having been a faithful mail -carrier be-
tween thee() two points,but Crewe will
be added to the Lucknow-Lanes-Belfast
contract, and will have a treweekly
mail instead, so that the people around
Crewe ofilee as well tt8 those served by
Mafeking will haye very much better
mail facilities than they have at pres-
ent, a fact they will doubtlem appreci-
ate. As it requires three months' not-
ice to cancel an existing contrack the
Government has notified Mr Sherwood
that his service Will tertninate at the
end of that dine, and the new arrange-
ment will then go into operation at
once. This makes the third new office
established in the riding during the
past year at Mr Salines' request, and
shows the willingness. of the Govern-
ment to accomoda e the public as far
as possible,
Dr. A eW dentist, will he at the River
se, Arno dteVetY itednesdar afternoon,
beginning on may 1St . Any message left
wi h the proprietor will rodelVepromPt MUM*
Martin rh:t ttfi tiVrtinie taild sIi
as largetip„y I h
nvites the lacues to cs,11 early and seettrit o
hake before all are Welted over, Orders for
ressentkinOf Or millinery promptly attended
0. A. tall is invited,
Nome. -L. Marks and wife and Miss
1Vlary Garner attended the funeral of
Mr blarks, Brucefield, last week,
Cannen.--11ev, T. Murduck, Clin-
on, will preach on the Bayileld circule
next Sabbath, May 27th, as follows ;-
Bethel at 1030 MM., Cole's at 2 30 pan.,
Beyfield et'? pan. Collection at each
eerviee aid of Pareonage Puna,
• CHUR00.-A. E. M. Thomson has re-
turned from Toronto and will conduct
services next Sunday on the Alma and
Trickersmith circuit,
is arranged by the Preiviocial Educa-
tional Department as a day set apart
for a public deaionstration to be par-
ticipated in by students of high and
public schools. The object sought to
be accomplished by the setting apart of
this day, to be known as Empire Day,
is to inspire and develop in the school
children and youth, of Canada mutt.
ments of intelligent' and patriotic loy-
ally to the great Dominion whose des-
tinies they, soon to control, and to
remind them that they are heirs to it
Island and gloriours heritage. The day.
is also intended to give something of
Inspiration to our teachers. The work
of our teachees is most Important and
valnable, as it is arduous and. respon.
eibie, Teachers are character builders.
They are not only deyeloping and Pimp-
ing the intellectual powers and trend
of the young min& committed to their
care, but they are forming characters
and shaping destinies. Teachers who
do their work faithfully and well de -
servo to be highly esteemed and their
labors liberally rewarded. Let parents
and. ethers encourage the children and
their tea,chers by cheerfully recognizing
their celebre,tiOn On Empire Day. In-
stead of the usual day being 'held to
celebrate the oecaeion, an entertain -
talent will be given by the public, school
on the evening ofFriday, June 1. The
program will consist of marches, drills,
tableaux, songs by classes, and by the
school. life anney is training the
pupils to sing the following national
and patriotle choeuries: The Maple
Leaf, The Land of the Maple, illy Own
Canadian name, The Soldiers of the
Quese, When Johnny Oanuck Comes
Horne, and perhape Rule Britannia
The rink will be fltted up to wahine.
dat e 1200 to 1500 people. Ten cents will
charged for admiesion, as there will be
considerable exneneee incurred. The
nee proceeds will be devoted to the
purchase of echoolaupplies, Come and
enjoy an evening with the boye and
girie This is oue Empire Day Celebra.
or t e )3Iesent- • . pe e on nes ay
they found it had taken a kink in the
NEW Rums FOR APPLE PACKERS.'" combination, thusnccessitating
theanitials and the full surnime of the a ea
AbeftreguesiteldstoexrnPaQrrktetrliselfbaaPrPrieela wwitiihi borrow from ttg other banks in town,
sending for an expert. They had tp
com ensa r h
packer, With the size oethe fruit in in. •
. THE COLLEGIATE BoArtlY—Tite betti'd
s ches across at the core with the name
met on Tuesday evening, being ad -
y of the variety and.vvith a designation
j armed from Monday. Asceunts were
Of the grade of the fruit. , These mea -
ordered to be paid to E. Herrnati, $6;
sures are calculated to prevent fr aud
Neva Era, $2; et . Brydone, $5:75; N.
being perpetrated: Last year so mueh
Robson, 50c; S. Jackson, $5.57, A res-
ibfertor fruit was worked off on .ship.
...Orion WAS Rassed acknowledging t he
pers and dealers that a serious blow
valuable services rendered by H. Fos -
was dealt the reputation the Canadian
ar, the late secretary, to the board
feint had gained in the English mar.
arid Institute, and t he seeretar e
instructed to forward a copy (If was
reader Writes .us thee:
• "The practice of allowing Anis to spend furnish:the hoard at, the end of doh -
same. The Principalwas instructed to .
their evenings on the streets ia versyo term the arrearages of fees
(t' ruinous and dangerous. Nothing
ECLIPRE OF THE SON. -Great prepare .
a speedily and surely marks their cnursr
ations are being no ide to observe the
"s downwards. They acquire, under the
eclipse of the. sun during the forenoon
s cover of darkness, in unhealthy state
of Monday. the 23th of Mays which vyill
If rnind, vulgar and profane language,
tom New 'Or leans; across the Missis-
• totous beering. It . is on the Streets
e total throughout a path extendipg
r olascenc practices, and a, sort lawlese,
sippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carel-
:hat boy's aet, en edacation anti capon,
inat North •Carolina, and part of Vir-
icy to become rowdy, and roomy times
gime, to Cape Henry on the Atlantic
'earn criminal habits. ' Indeed, atter'.
coast, and have a length of 15d0 miles
'ion of parents shoold be directed to
and it breadth vaaving fat.= 40 miles at
young giels romping about after night.
New Orleans to 60 miles at Cape Hen-
fall, as well as their brothers.
' ' At Toronto, which will be about
CAmP NOTES. -The annual camps. of 500 miles distant from the eclipse track,
the militia have been arranged. The the phenomenon wet he a very notable •
dates and a,pproxirnate number of men one, more than four fifthe of the sun's
in each tvillbe as follows : Artillery face being hidden by the moon. In
„ canop- Deseronto, three brigades of this part of Canada the eclipse will be-
e about100 men each. First brigade, ',gin at about 8 30 a. m., and end a little
June...6 ta second brigade, June 19; after 10 o'clock, the phase of greatest
C third brigade, July 2, Cavalry and in- obscuration occurring about, 9 o'clock.
' fan try-Lond en, about, 3,850 men, June ,
a 5; Niagara, abont 3 800 men, June 12;
1 Kingston, about 3,670 Men, .Tune 28; Coming Itld doing.
I sex, N9 t 13.°, utaboutmen,81,800najeurin, e j26a;ne821815; • I. Rattenbury is away on a trip around
e Aldershot, N.S , about 2;000 men, Sept. London,
H.E.Hodgens went to Toronto on a busk' '
e 11. Capt. Combe is filling up his oone
I pany with men; his lieutenants this ness trip to Thursday
year are W E. Miller and Henry Jot ars A. 3. Giza.4 i, ;vending a few days
with relatives in St. Thomas.
the road. Extensive changes are to be
made around the Blyth depot by re-
pairing and overhauling. Four spec
ials went down the line hist week; one
was a freight, another stock, the third
the pay ca,r,a,nd the fourth (bo officials
Trainroaster Lynch, of Stratford, was
over this part of the line on Tuesday
f eed dell has been invented and pat
ented by James Steep, of Indian Head
forrneely of Clinton, which has been
found to be very satisfactory. From
the Winnipeg Free Press we take ft
notice which describes the drill and its
operation on the experimental f rim up
there:--e*Aniw tr
eeed grain drill i vent
ed and patented by. James Steep, In
dian Head, has been successfully oper
ated on the experimental and other
Walgate Tebbrat left for Rat Portage on
Hunan county treasurer, .Dr. . Holmes,
as issue e following is o a i
this connty who bave taken out auc-
tioneers' and pedlars' licenses Inc this
year Licensed auctioneers -Ch ts,
Halley; Ed. Bsssenbery, EL Torrance,
Thos. Gundry, J, Purvis*, Thos. Brown,
• J. Gill, F. S. Scott, J. Currie, G, Bar-
ton, Jos. Cowan, D. Dickinson, Wm.
Duncan, R. M. Ohatles 11, Brown, J
Knox 11. Bossenbere, 'W. Netvton,
ThosAJameron, B. S. Phillips, C. H.
Wilson, Us. Sones Ohms, Harbiltare
tackled Pettit rs Rathkopski, J.
Jaffe, L. Corcoaata V. Whaley, W.
. J. McCracken, F. Gosstnan. ea -Fine, A.
▪ Lieberman, H. Hayden, W. Potter,
Chas Sanderson, A. McNair', A.. Xing,
• A. McDonald, Chas. Mina, j. Mur-
dock. R. A. Where lt, A. Johnston, 3,
'farms in this district, a It, • consistleof a
single cgtelter and it short narrow shoe
and hoeadepositing the seed behind in
an even channel, and Can be attached
to any chill note in uses Mr Steep is
putting one of the shoes on other drills,
thus demonstrating the gratifying re-
suitof his invention. Thos. Danger',
mechanical superintendent of the Nox.
on Manufacturing Co., Ingersoll, Ont., t
who has been here, during the past few t
days inspecting the merits of the rav-
iolis drills in use in this district, was i
much pleased with the result and suc.
ceeeful working of this drill.
GENERAL REadionta.-Friday, the 0
ifith, wee the 213th day of the siege of a,
Mafeking, and it Was well known that b
Col. Bader. -Powell and his eplendid f
hotly of aoldiette, thinned down from t
1500 men to less than 1000, as well as it
the citizene, had been reduced by, -semi17
starvation to a very low condition. h
Lord Roberts had promised succor by w
May Ifith, and it came. The news of E
the relief came by wire about 5.801:4 W
tn. on Prides, and immediately the
British and Llanadien flags were run
up in different parte of the town. The t
belle of the town hall, foundry and h
English church pealed out, and the 0.
whistles at the foundry and organ fac- e
tory blew for e, considerable time to m
epread the joyful news. ()MOM gen. it
orally wore and carried Liege, while the c
Children were out with horns blaring U
and fireworks exploding.In the even- r
ing the boys had un, ye ling and shout. o
ing being intermingled with rockete
and cannon crackers. The 18th of May X
will remain 'long in the minds of the c
youths ae the crewning point of the t
war -the relief of Mafeking and ite
noble defender, Cot Baden-Powell. In Is
thiaeonnection it will be inteteriting mrecall the length of the historical elector it
Geo. -Beatty% Thes,o'N'iley,
F. McPhee, •• • ,
EiticeESSKIL — Me D. R. Lands.
borough,.of Tuckersmith, has passed
his third year examination at Trinity
Medical College Toronto, Mr J. T.
Elliott, of Egniondville, has passed his
final examination at the same institli•
ion, taking second class honors. In
he first year list Mr W. T. Gemini% of
Egmontiville, took a special prize of $25
n physiology, obtaining 90 Out of 100
ni arks ; he al so took second year sehol a r,
hips amounting to 430. Mr Percy
larkson, student in Da'. Belden'e office
nd Mr Harold Fowler, of Dr. Ross',
oth from Seaforth, each reseed his
reshnean examination before the Den -
al College in Toronto. Li theeranaiti-
tion faculty' of medicine in Trinity
niversity, Mr J.R. Morrierm,oftihisel-
urst, passed his primary exaraination
ith firstsclasatonors, and Mr .f. T.
iliotk. of Seaforth, appears final list
ith third class honors,
Tag Paoan BA.1+8.-It seems that ,
here Is it lot of discontent among the '
ueinese men at the new phone rates.
nder the old rates for ehort distancee
uhacribers were charged 15 dents for 5 o
touters arid 10.cente for each addition.
I 5 minutes; nottosobecribere were
harped 25 cents for the first 5 minutes.
oder the new rates nonosubscribers"
ates are cancelled, and, they are iti-
wed the eame mares as subacribers,
ut these rates have been changed. t
nstead of talking 5 minutes for 16 ;
ents, only 3 minutes ate given, and ;
he charge for over tinae is 6 cents per
inute. The only wetting adyantsge
that non -subscribers can have the 3. ;
inute message foe 15 eente-the same tio.
a subscribers, but to both those who. ,
IWO phones and to noreeubseribere it ;
it greet deal higher. for !Ong metieagee.
TO minute talk under the old rate
oat, 25 cents to subscribers, now it.
osts 50 cents, arid the longer it talk so
uth higher it goes. Anyway' the
,'w rate appetite to be unsetiefactory
Tuesday; he svas ticketed by F. R.Hodgenta
Miss 1.001es left on Wednesday Morning
for a six weeks' visit at Delevvare and Lon- ,
do3a, Two
r vvas in Toronto on Wedgesday
and two following days hist week on a bus-
iness trip,
A. Rance, who has been attending the
Pharmacy College, has returned home for
W. •Paristiore end 9, Thempoon tro to
Lan:know on the 24th to play football, The
•Cidlegiate boys are always called on.
McGuire, freight agent at the G. T. R.
depot, went to Buffalo tbis week on a trip,
oombinsng business with pleasure.
Andrew Callender, representing the
wholesale dry' goods house of Masers
sefeeentibieldia Son &Goa/Asa:me-et ealacni .. -
Tuesday. Ile was formerly a resident of
Clinton about 1879. Mr °attendee has
been with this house for no
Bo° time but
Western Ontario h new ground for him,
his territory extending from IfOntreal to
Windsor, • We were pleased to have him
of caMpatatively recent, tiniest-1May. h
tonna WAS besieged 311 dome, Sebattopol is
327, Waking 213,Paris 107, Itimberley A
x243, Ladysmith 110, Plevart 01. Luck. e
now 80, Maragoesa 02, Cawnpore and c
Iladajoz 21. Mafeking therefore comes Ifl
WM in duration of Investment,
A Question
Of Spex
tn, you ever find wben reaa.
ing at night that the different
lettere rnn into one anotheratud
confuse yon, '
If rer, it is a good time for
you to coneult in optician.
• We arm make reading it g011t•
fort to you if yea COMO to US,
!oft should haye your eyes ex.
amined at once, and hey° them
properly Juba with glasset.
• Examined; free.
A. J. Grigg
Jeweller ited Optician.
Successor to Zoe. Iliddleetothe