HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-18, Page 10May 18, 1900
This store is noted for the excellence of its hosiery
stocks. For all round, goodness and 'downright good values
we take second place to none. Buying in most cases direct
"from the mill we own our stock at the closestprices. Any of
these are good, the kind that stand good wear, and keep their
color, just what you would expect to get here. I'
Children's Plain Cotton Hose, I'eavy
weight,eplioed heel, fast blaok 10112l1-%
Cbildren'a Ribbed Cotton Hose,
heavy and strong, feet black, willl�.+ C
give exoellent wear
Children's extra quality ribbed 'Doi
ton hose, extra double knee, double
sole, Hermedorf dye, never lose
their color 20r, 25e, 30c
Ladies' Plain Cotton Hose, good
weight, fast black
Ladies' Cotton Hose, strong and
heavy, spliced heel, fast black, 2
pair for25C
Ladies' Cotton Hose, full fashioned,
extra heavy heel, Hermedorf dye 10C
Ladies' Cotton Hose, full fashioned
real maoo yarn, the kind that
gives the best wear,double sole,
high spliced heel,— silk finish,
Hermedorf dye, absolutely stain- 4L5C
lees .
Lisle Thread Hose, very fine quality
Muleskin Hose
They are just what the name implies "tough" and will
stand any arnount of hard wear. Heayy ribbed cotton, ab-
solutely fast dye, knee spliced, heel.and foot double, made of
hard twisted yarn, they are just the thing for rough wear the
average boy, gives his hosiery,sizes 6- to 10i at from 20c to 35c.
Warm Weather
The weather we` have been having is .a
hint of what's to come. Wouldn't it be well
to be ready for it I Nowhere near hero is
there such an assortment of cool, comfortable,
summer underwear as you'll find on our coun-
ters. These will give you an idea of some of
our values
Ribbed Cotton Vests, strong make, Pare white or natural Ribbed Vests,
half sleeves 7C - neck and arms lace and ; baby rib-
. bon trimmed, with or . without 3Oc
Pure white Ribbed Veste,balf sleeves
very etroiig...... :.. . -10c
Pure white or natural Ribbed Vesta,
;well made, neatly finished, fine
strong yarn 25C
Extra quality creams ribbed, Veatch
German make, -very fine "goods,
special value at.... 25e
-sleeves..-.. ..Oc,25e
Very fine quality ribbed Vests, the
best we handle, made of extra
good yarns 45c and. -5OC
Ladies' Balbriggan Vests,' fine gqlial:.
ity,with or without aleeves..50C,'
For Rain or Su shine
One of our Ladies' Umbrellas is just the
'thing. Some new lines were added to the stock
this week. The newest conceits in fancy handles.
with tops that will not cut or turn green. Some of
our leading lines
Blank Sateen Parasols, strong frame, blank or fancy
wood handles; look and wear well; r, . OUe
L•.di .8' Umbrellas, steel rod, hollow Very fine as. ortment of Parasols and
e ib,,etrong top that will not turn, I . Umbrellas, good tops, strong
teen fancy handles of wood and .. frames, newest styles in blank or
pel`ahed born, specially goon fanny handles,with sterling silver
:glue I.00 i mountings at., $1.50. $2.00 Q.
New Summer Millinery
• In our .Millinery Department we are showing some very
'stylish and handsome creations in Summer Mil1ii ry. Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday of this week we 'make a tepecial
opening display of Summer. Millinery, and invite you to visit
the showroom and see it. You will be just as welcome to look
as to buy, and a visit will givo you an idea .of fashionable•
styles in Summer,.Millinery. .
Allways Something New ReadyATrimmed
Hats, $2.50
There is always something new to be
seen in our chow, oom. This week it no
excepti•.n to the rule, and to -day we are
New Sailors
New Hats
New Children's Hats
New Trimmings
New Ornaments
And the very latest Now York fad in bands
for Sailor Hats
The way tali Ready-trimrsed Hats at
$2 50 are selling surprises even ourselves..
They go almost as quickly as we • can get
them out into the showroom, We will
have another special lot ready for Satur-
day's selling, and people who get them will
getexera good value
Those Curtains
All this week we are selling the cheapest Lace Curtains
that have ever left our store. The seven special lines are all
medium priced goods, and qualities that give good
wear. We told you last week the reasons for these low prices
Not nearly so many now- as. a week ago
Lot 1—Nottingham Lace Curtains, gooa lengthy and width, strong net, 25C
suitable for bedrooms, special pattern,--- Lacey effect,
Lot 2—Nottingham Lace Curtains, new spring p
new woven edge, strong net, 54 inches wide, 371 yards long, a curtain that diA
would sell in the regular way for $1.25, special at
Lot 3— Nottingham Lace Curtains, an extra good pattern, new woven
edge, 54 inches wide, 3i yards long, would be good value at $1.25, special 1.00
Lot 4— Nottingham Lace Curtains, handsome floral patterns, strong
net, will givo.excellent wear, 60 inches.wide, 81 yards long, would ecu for
1.50 and be good value if rega'lai price was paid, special 'while they.laet-=1.0.8.
Lot 5— NottinghaLace Curtains, very handsome pattern, One of the
>best we have bad, new woven edge, 60 inches wide, 37i yards long, would.
sell in'regular way at $1.75, speoial'for Saturday and next .week 1.240
Lot 6 —1 Nottingham Lace Curtains, strong net, handsome floral pattern
one of the best values in the lot, good valve at $2, epeoial for Saturday
and next w k
Lot 7— Only, ex ra good.Nottingham Lace Curtains, very fine net,
limey pattei�.. , new woven edge, 54 inches wide, Si yards long. regular
82,26, speoial while the lot lasts
More Travellers Samples
We have some more travellers samples for you at bar-
gain prices., They're • none the worse .for being carried on the
road.'and the adyantage to you is being' table to buy them
away below the regular prices. We put them on sale Saar;
,day 'morning. They are all samples of high grade qualities.
Lot 1-20 Linen Towels,`not more than 2 of any one kind, the linea we sell ,,„
regularly at 120, 15o and 180, Choice of Ibis lot...,. ' tve
Lot 2-8 Llnen liuok. Towele, plain or red border, sold at 900 *hie little lot 2gC
2 for ..�.,
LOt 3-27 Extra good linen towels, mostly fine •buokabeek, assorted kinds 16enever sell for lees than 26e, choice of this lot
LOt 4-10 Only extra fine Onok towels, finer than we usually keep in stook aC
would sell at 30o or .850, choice..
LOt 5-6 Only fine damask towele, knotted fringe, extra tine quality, rep
lar 50o and 60o
57 Sample napkins, not more than
OSItsferted'1`ltrkialll o tutee two or three alike, all samples and
all different nnalities, all sample6 good qualities at just about half
et less than regular prices, value.
50 Hat Pins at 5c
.50 jewelled and Military Hat Pine, new geode, regular 1210 and 15o qualitiee �r
choli}e0natarday,r+.•..r.. ... .. .. ...• ••••..•s•••,•• r tlti
linton w *ra
PRIMLY MAY 18, 1900.
LOST.—A hymn book near Londeaboro, Will
the finder kindly leave it at R. .Adams.
Roomers—Lady roomers wanted; oan hgve
ei her furnished rooms, or not, as required,
,Apply at NEW ERA, office.
For Sale—A handsome American folding bed
of quartered out oak with British plate glass
mirror, A snap. Appiy at the Naw Bilk
3 Specials for Saturday Next.—$8.50 lawn
mowers for 83.04 $5.00 lawn mowers for $4.25;
88.50 lawnmowers *2.80. For Saturday only,
Cheap Sale,—The stook of groceries, oroek-
ery and glassware, of N.•ltobson Clinton has
b. en purchased by J. W. Boderio'k, at chattel
mortgage sale and the whole stook must be
cleared out. The cheap sale will commence
on Saturday 19th May, and will continue for
one week. Store will be opened from 8 a m.
to 9 p.m., ever day. J. W . BRODEBICH.
(gown t11'o01c .
OUT AGAIN.—We are much 'pleased
to see G. D. McTaggart out again,after
being confined to the,,house for over a
week, having been troubled with his
.right leg. Dr.Gunn attended to I1 and
he is around again though hehas a per-
ceptible -lameness but will he all rip ht
in a few weeks.
WELL TRAINED. -T. Cuninghame's
horse got out from his place of abode
the other night and wandered up town
to the express office, there to await for
express to the 640 train. It is quite
evident it is a fail hful animal and also
that Mr Cuninghaine is a good horse -
trainer. Any way,the horse knows his
NARROW ESCAPE.—While .Thomas
Mason was driving some cattle along
Albert Street, his little boy was follow-
ing up with a horse and rig. The horse
became frightened and ran away, the
brave little fellow hanging on to the
linea until he was thrown over a big
fence at the flax mill, and the rig was
demolished. The young lad was
stunned for a time, but fortunately
was not ser loos! y.injtired.
AN ULD INJURY.—Nearly 40 years.
ago Mr W. Tiplady, sr.; of the base
line, got his ankle injured by a cow
kicking him. The injury got better
and caused him. little or no inconven-
ience for years, butlatterly it has coin-
menced'to trouble him again, -8o -much -
so that for snide time back he has
scarcely been able to put his. foot to
the ground. It, is .to. be hoped. that it
will not' seriously inconvenience him,
of groceries, . crockery, fixtures, etc.,
which were sold 'by unction by D.
Dickinson on•.Tuesday bast were all
bought by outside merchants. They
were placed in parcels. of 4. lots, t he
groceries and crockery going •to G. W.
Broderick,` of Goderich; and the shop
fixtures, horse, wagon,ete.,to Colquhoun
&.Davis, of Mitchell. About 50. cents
on the dollar was realized. After the
sale the safe was sold by Colquhoun &
Davis to Henry Warren, of Hullett.
informal, it was a big success, the as.
senility given just after the 33rd Batt.
•concert on Thursday evening last week
in honor of the ladies, Mrs` Mclvor-
Craig, Misses Acheson, Fisher and
Combe,' who took partin the program.
Dancing started ut about 10.30 to the
sweet strains of Tony Vite's orchestra.
The company numbered about •eighty.
Light refreshments were served".up at
midnight, and dancing -kept np .- until
2.30 eau, It was one of the best gath-
erings this season.
WITH . TAE' BOWLERS. - The sod
from the'old bowling .lawn has been
removed and laid on the new grounds,
and it will not he long befoi e the mem-
bets,ot the club will be thoroughly en-
joying themselves. The water supply
' will be furnished by Jacob Miller, who
had 1 1-4 inch pipes laid from Huron
street through the rink o the green.
It is expected that the place will be in
shape for playing in a month. A. new
iron roller weighing 350 pounds has
been bougbt from Geo. White & Son,
London, costing $40. It is a substan•
tial article' and will -be found much
more servicable than the old one.
When filled with water the weight will
he 1350 lbs. Dr. Shaw presented the
Club with two gates, for which they
are very thankful; It was very thought-
ful and kind of the doctor. E. Carter
and J. McCourt are ,doing good' work' -
in laying the sod in the new bowling
,green; they are taking great pains in
having it put down right,
P. S. BOARD.—The regular meeting
was held on Monday evening,the chair-
man and trustees Hodgens, Agnew,
Taylor, Smith and Stevenson being
present. Principal Lough's monthly
repot t, which was very favorable, was
received. W. G. Smith, as chairman
of the property committee, reported
that J. Peterson agreed to sink an ar-
terian well at the school for $1.75 per
foot including piping, from the bottom
of the present well, orie.h:ilf this nrice
from the surfae'e to bottom of well ;
Will be sunk during the summer
holidays. Messrs Agnew, Taylor and
Hoover were appointed a committee' -
to consult with the Principal regarding
:Empire day celebration.D. Robb, in-
spector for'East Hurotirtipw.t�r:;
"The school was visited on March 13th,
14th and 17th, ' The school was clean,
comfortable- and -well- ventilated, but -
Miss McKay's room was, hardly as
warm as it should be. The teachers
are all doing excellent work; in fact,
there is an excellent staff of teachers,
it would be •difficult to find a better."
NOTES.—We notice the many color-
ed posters out for the different celebra-
tions. The street overseers repaired
the water main which leaked on Albert
street; The Doherty quartette will
take part in the evening entertatninent
at Mitchell on the Queen's Birthday.
The window frames of the stores of A.
T,. Cooper and S,Jackson were repaired
by T. McKenzie'a men; it necessitated
the removal of the large plate glasses.
The Queen weighs 108 pounds, and is
four teet ten inches inheight; she will
be 81 years of age on Thursday next,
24th of May. Arthur Marton, of Bruce -
field, has sold his Clydesdale . stallion,
Orlando Bruce, for over $2500 to a syn-
dicate of Northwest farmers, The
heavy advance in the price of paper,
together with the•postage newspapers
have to pay, have eaueed a number of
weekly papers to adopt the plan of
cash -in -advance for all stibscri1tions.
The Wiatton Canadian recently,placed
into court cases of delinquent AO.
scribers and in every case judgmeet
Was granted at the rate of $1.50 per
annum. Fresh fish now appears as
one of the principal dishes on the menu
card; fresh rhubarb pie is noticed,, .in
the dessert Het. The collegiate board
metas on Monday evening next. The
Boy's .Sri ade o town have been in-
vited by the (nc1erich Brigade to pay
a return visit there on Empire lay.
next 'Wednesday; they have (accepted,
and will take part in celebrating this
day in the county town. The amateur
Ne i
photographer is getting ready to get
snap-shotr; watch out or you may
find your photo in a museum of relics,
or in the rogue's gallery. Mrs Hall, of
Nile. moved into town on Monday to
occupy the house on Mary .street,
wbicb.ehe bought from F Rutnball;
we are pleased to have Mrs Hall come
to our town to live. Just to give our
readers en idea of the immense quan-
uan-tities of British Columbia red cedar
shingles handled by one man, we may
state that Mr James Twitchell paid in
freight on these articles,neat iy $50.00r
which represents a good -many c
loads. Ir.epector Robb was around
the school rooms on Wednesday mak.
ing bis periodical visit; reports of all
departments were good, Jos. Ratten•
bury had a batch of.Ar-dalusian chick-
ens out ou May 4th; he had about -two
dozen from three settings, which he
considers good, On Monday evening,
sweet strains of music were beard on
many sides; the 0.0 F. band was at
practice, the Salvation Army band
was -out, and the Italian Orchestra was
also around town. The Sons of Eng-
land Society of town will attend di-
vine worship at the Baptistchurch on
next Sunday morning, when Rev. Mr
Murdock will preach an appropriate
sermon, It is likely a repetition of
the celebration of Ladysmith will take
place in a few days; it -will be for the
relief of Mafeking, so. boys get ready
and celebrate in right, royal style.-
There appears tb be a.number of cases
around with sore throats and weak
eyes. The lacrosse boys are practicing
these nights; their first game- is with
Exeter in an exhibition game on the
24th May. The small boy will be right
'in it now : two holidays next week—
Empire Day on Wednesday, and
Queen's Birthdayon Thursday. In-
spector Paisley i� valuator for W.
Oantelon. who is buying cut the Com-
mercial Hotel, at Hensall; Mr ()ante-
lf.n takes possession in a few days. S.
Smith bad over 80 head of cattle de-
livered to him this week; be shipped
03 and will pit 20 on grass for future
shipment. Some one told is that a
number of the "indecent' lights were
out in the north part of the town Wed-
nesday night. The Lemen Bros.' Or -
cue, which consists of 44 cars, will ex-
hibit around this locality early next
month; they are to be in Kincardine
on June 4th, and will exhibit in Goder-
ich on June 2nd. Tho Liberals of
West Huron will meet in convention
at Dungannon, on Friday, June.let, at
one o'clock; the Liberal members for
the riding and other prominent M. P.'s
will address- the meeting. Geo, Lavis
bas sold two Massey -Harris wheels this
week; they were to Howard Miller,
Goderich township, and Wm, Shipley.
Hullett. The Court of Revision will
meet on Monday evening, May 28th,
at she council chamber, at 8 p.m., to
hear appeals against the assessment
roll; all parties interested should at-
tend. We have received the official
text book and program of the grand
musical festival to be given in London
on May 21st, when two concerti, will
be given, including the "Elijah" chor-
us of 800 voices, and Baston festival
orchestra of 40 performers; among the
sopranos appears the name of Miss
Carol, daughter of Rev, Newcombe, of
town. The Grand Trunk will issue re-
turn tickets on May 23rd and 24th,
good to return on the 2511 at single
fare; the same rates and dates apply to
the C. P. R, The town council were
out viewing the gravel pit the other
day, preparatory for use for the roads.
We received a donation from G. Bed.
ford, of Hullett, towards the Hu1l.Ot-
tawa fund: it is a worthy object.
portant . .
To Housekeepers
We are now aellrig our celebrated Faniily Flour ilius -half
Manitoba) put up in aoysize parcel,' .
Art'.. $1:70 PER.. CWT._..__...
Delivered to any part of the town. We have ..other brands
Ifor special purposes at equally low'prioes.l-nt for general use
we recommend PAM'S FAMILY FLOVit, -
All goods manufactured by us may be had direct frons
the mill or from any of .hs following grooers : D. Cook,
Cantelon. Bros., 0. Cooper & Co., : G. Stewart, U. Wiltse, 0.
Olson, or J.W. Irwin. Remember, every pound is Guaran-
teed and money refunded if not Satisfactory.
Fair's Breakfast Food r
makes a pleasant summer morning meal. It is easily digested
and cooling—just the proper thing for the -warm weather.,
J. & N. Fair,
mttrltntrttrttrnrnrtmtrttrttntrttt ttrltrltrttrnrltrnr
ate For R ringing
ink Dusiness
Is our fancy decorated flower pot, eight etyles
and colors, stands about six inches high and
• the eame in diameter at the top, some are fioral
in deeign,some have silver gilt or colored band.
They are quite fanny and finished enough for
use on the table and well suited to enclose an
ordinary pot in. We had six dozen the first
of this week end about half of them have gone
to knowing prudent people. The price is what
made them go so fast at fifteen. Dents each; they
are not what we call a bargain because we don't
like the word it bas been eo much over-worked
and often applied to that whioh means so little.
These pots however at that price are exception-
al value, the equal of which perhaps has never
been offered before. See them displayed in
our window. ' - •
The W. D. FAIR CO, Clinton.
"Often the Cheapest Always' the Best.!'
W. Taylor & Son's
It Gall Solicited. We sell
everything in Modern.
Our Stock is equalled by.
few -St excelled by none
Special values • in Ladies'
FineBoats-and OXford;3
We shall be pleased to
show you our stock and
give' you our prices. 7t
Might be money in ye
We -buy and sell for eash
Our Spring stock of Boots and --
Shoes.is-now complete._. "It is use-
less to specify. '• We haye :all the
very,latest styles and our - prices
are right -
The immense demand 'for our
Shoes is the' evidence that our ef-
forts to supply reliable and •up -to-
date footwear has caught . the ' at-
tention of . shrewd buyers
Gentlemen, try a pair of, the ; Clelebratsd
American Floesheim Shoes, You cannot get
better; value. Doubtful if yon Oen do as well.
We guarantee every pair to give entire satisfaction
See our Boys' and Girls'School Boots
W. Taylor. az Son.
s,t 1 and 0 t Price. :: •Eggs taken as' Cash -
Insurance office at the store "+"' •
' -- nntr.nrur Trim -rim it Th It ¶tf 11I 1t111)11F-ttt ¶ iv 1tt
r A New Idea 111 the.
Clothing .Business
For a reat many years past we hasp, been . manufacturing n(arly all our
own Ready -to -Wear Clothing, saving to buyers the middleman's profit. Shrewd
buyer§ are getting on to the fact thatit pays to buy from first hands and conse-
quently our trade keeps constantly increasing.
Just now we are paying a great deal of attention to Boys' Clothing.,
We are turning'aut hundreds of Suits at Wholesale prices and we guarani=
ee to save all buyers 25 per cent. on their Clothing. '
A New Idea in Boys' Clothing is the 4 • 9 9
make. We - make Coats, Vests and I.,�1- brand..
Pants of the same material but if you only want' the Coat leave out the Pants
and Vest ; if you only want the Coat and Pants, leave out the Vest ; in fact you
can buy them any way you wish, The goods from which you buy the "Lion Brand"
Clothing is bought direct from the mill in large quantities for ;spot Cash. We cut, make and trim these goods ill
o a y different manner from cheap Readymades and we.know that no goods on the market can equal them quality
$2.60 buys aCoat and Pants in sizes 26-27-28, larger sizes a trifle higher
. _
and small sizes a trifle lower.
a. We makethese goods.an very, large.qua» ities;and.themanner.,in which they :are selling -is splendid'
that they are; being fully appreciated. It will pay mothers to bring their boys here for their Clothing.
oee: ar .en.
One year's selling of our'Boys' "Standard" School Shoes has demonstrate two
things. The first is that no Shoe has ever had such a vale and the second is that no
Shoe has ever given the same satisfaction for the money. Day after day we have peo-
ple coming in and asking for certain sizes in this make. They do not ask to see" *by
other line. They have tried this make and found them perfectly satisfactory in every
way. We are paying 10`per gent. more for these goods titan we did last year owing to the big advance in leather but
we are having such a big sale of them that we are leaving them at the old price. Having no expense in the Shoee
Department we can afford to do business on a commission. The "Standard" Shoe is made from a strongfgraiu featly
er, shapely in appearance, but strong enough to last the boys,
The prices are #1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 according to size.
We have also the tan color in this same line.
All repairs on,'boots and shoes promptly attended to.
�--�Depart mental Stoie