HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-18, Page 7•
1 Church Chinn* 1 day tVening. The finances of the ,
chut ch are in a berth hy eenditioo. The ! fethIlL A VN Itio.'111.tiN
Sugar/Sugar Sugar. g......„ so..., and
There are 230 Baptist churches in I
o t to 4/itor oft le els Ara.
, ave been paid in gill:11Th' eexvPaerillotZ ''/I)11..1AilFsi'n...,rrilliy N v
, London. England.
I connexional interests have been well I can say toMr13aer,
Rev Jos, Edge, pastor of Wellington I
susteind. The grand total of monies "Netted fur n ti h and ygave me a ser.
Just to hand, second car Redpath Extra Standard Granulated and Yellow St, Methodist chore, is seriously' ill at raised is nearly $1900 more than 1
est, pent,' aeked toi bread and ye gave we
engem. We sell in bbl lots less than wholesale sell in 50 bble, Speoiel price in 100 pound his residence in London.
year, waking en aggregate et 1f3,12,3, setronie4'6'keig isaa hrnectienv: (I
tote and dollars. The annual convention of the Metho- this including 75 for the new site,
be held in Wingham on the 22nd and just closing. The pastor and people it
disi; W. M. S. of Wingham district will which has been purchased, for the year ing flohratntaTIolnh,eeirp.,egtairarloofuscehdaeroancet.a,
23rd of May. at e woraing,tegether in harmony, and eriivtehltezitrfim
Thoas Bell, of Wingham, has of. 1 the outlook for the corning year is very g
ferecl to give $500towards pay.ing oa ! hopefel —At a meeting of the Junior a :Subject on which he elatimed to be an
the debt of St, Paul's church, in that League last Friday evening, the follow. authorit y, and was desperatelyanxioue
ing officers were elected: Pres., Ed,
' tto ventilate his views. Bot the sun re -
town, providipg the congregation can
We have best 250 tea in town, extra nice 'Japan tea 20o, agents fcr Ram raise $700 in six mouths. JentatIgrSecy, Blanche Fisher; Treas., fused to give its Ileht and I was left as
Ida Wilken; date -boa Treas., Dot Bak- much in the dark as before, Instead
JAI% Appleton, Monsoon and Rine Ribbon team in packeges, . . • Rev J W. Goffin has resigned his er; Convenor of Lookout Com., Vira of answering my that question "what
. . charge as pastor of Wingham (eonare- Heywood; Missionary, Nellie Holmes; is character? Analyze it and state
Exquisite Dinner, Tea, Toilet, Glass. and Water Sets. we expect this gational church, and the resignation Temperance, Oscar Rogere:Social„las, what elements enti
er nto its composi-
week two orates direct from the manufacturers in Staffordshire, England, bought before has been accepted by the congregation, Doherty; Music, Adella Wilken; Flow- tion," he refers me to Webster's Dic-
the advance of 15 to 20%. We are selling at old prices, you will saye 25% by buying to take effect at the end of June. et, Mary Chant; Scrap -b aik, Edna, tionary. If Mr Baer does not know
from us, Call and examine goods and prtoee before you buy,
The dietr ict meeting of I he Methodist (Jo
Jackson; B slid of Mercy, May Davis; any m 0 ore about "Oharactethan he
r, r cy., Vira Heywood.—At the appears to know about a dictionary I
,,J. W • IliWIN, .. - - - Clinton will represent. Ootario street and J.
Wedne.elay, Meer ,23cd J.- McElardy the new prt sid nt, occupied the chair,. answer my questions. .A. dictionary is
church will be held in Londesboro, on League on Monday evening, H. Rorke, are not surprised at him refnsing to
Jackson Rettenbtary street church. and a a illing worker be will make. The a bookin which words not thinge Eire
five vice presidents spoke on the work explained, rind ns I asked him to ex -
Edward A. McIntyre, , assistant of they lave under their charge, and plain the thing "cherecter", a dicition•
Rev (). C. Owen, rector of Memnrial asked for the help of the members to nry as a book t f refte once is .not sails•
chug ea, Lender), will take Rev. E B. aesist in t he departments over which factory,
' 4444-114.443/4441Ppi44.10fit-Y44-10At 4-11444-11444•44-14-144-444YY Y V( 'FYSmith's wr I k jn Middleton's, Holmes- they are placed. The meeting was well But suppose for I hP sake of argu-
vil'e and Summerhill churches on Sun attended, ment I could ote ain the desired infor-
day next. mation then, what was his object in
refering me to it for an answer to my
Rev Wm. Stout remitted, this week, l
in aid of the famine sufferers of India, ' Additional Local refering . first question? and why did he reter
Velvet Cream
' The daintiest and most perfect toilet cream for chapped
hands face lips roughnesa of the skin.
t is not sticky or greasy,
t remotes tan andsunburn and is a delightful appliort-
ion after shaving, Put up in tubes at 15o each,
We also keep in stook Coco Cream, Cream
Witch Hazel, • almond Cream, Lanoline
and Witch Hazel, Cold Cream, etc.
Dispensing Chemist, •Clinton
The steady increase in our trade is good proof of the feet that our goods !are righ
our prime lower than those of other dealers in the trade.
We mannfaoture furniture on a large scale and can afford to sell cheap: If yon buy
from ns, we save for yon the profit, whioh,,in other oases, has to be added in for
the retail dealer, '
This week we have passed into iitook seine of our new-designe. Space :will not perm
us to quote prices, but come and see for yourself what snaps we have to offer.
Remember—we are determined that our prices shall be the lowest in the trade.
In this department or stook is •complete, and we have undoubtedly the best funera
outfit in the county. Our pricer are as low as the loweet.i
BROADFOOT, BOX &CO.4. w• ChidleY
. Manager
P. S.—Night apd Sunday calls attended to by calling at J. W. Claidley's, (Fnnera
Director) residence
'ae'e •
the offertories taken HP in the congr e- SUCCESSFULLY TREATED.—Mie8 L. me to a "course of honest reasoning
gallons of St, Paul's, Kirktien, and St, Olson, oho hav been at Dr. Gunn's and the exercise of common sense" for
an answer to my, other questions, es -
Patrick's, Biddulph, on Sunday last, hospital for treatment for inflamed
pedally why, when he positively refus.
amounting to the sum of $18 24. glands in her neck, underwent a suc-
ed to commit himself to a statement.
Rev (1. F. Salton, the popular pastor essful operation. She .has left the
of the Centenary Methodist -church, hospital, and kJ -near complete recovery. rIeri he mean that, in regard to my first
question he and Webster do not agree.
Hamilton, and formerly of (Minton, has Tieu MAracaas, — Dairy products and in regard to the others he and
not only been invited t o return for his still are coming in but prices are about "honest reasoning" and "common
sense" are at variance? and hence a
reference to them would not commit
himto a statement, Or did he mean
to hat himself down easy and took that
way ot letting 'me know he could not
answer my questions, even to his own
I did not attend the debate in the
Baptist church and hence d ) not know
anything about what took place the/ e,
but if Mr Baer's speech on that occas-
ion was no more logical and his argu-
ments -no more conclusive than those
contained in his recent, letters it is not
a matter of surprise that a jury.of "in-
telligent men and women" decided
against him. Take for in tance his
argument against, the contention that
he is troubled "with big -headedness."
He imagines he can settle that in a
sentence and merely dei ie s the state-
ment and gittes as proof the fact that.
he has worn the same hat for 'yews
and it fits as well today as ever it did.
-Ndvv.-hiaeargriment-edoee not—prove
anything conclusively. We take for
granted that he has a head and a hat,
and that he hns worn the hat. for sev-
eral years and it fits as well today as it
ever ,did and we can .come to several
conclusions, each differing quite die-
tistinctly from the other. Now let us
subject his argument to a course of
"honest reasoning and common sense"
and see what will become of it. His
statement that he has been wearing
the same hat for years may tend to
prove that he has been troubled with a
big head tor years, that' is, if it 'nroves
anything beyond the fact that he has
a head and a hat. Or the head may he
hard and dense and the hat soft and
easily extended, so much so that when
applied to the head it expands quite
readily so that the resistance offered
would he imperceptible to the wearer.
Or it might he the reverse, The head
may he soft and the hat hard in which
case would he necessary for the head
to yeild to the pressure of the hat and
if it; diti so quite readily the fit would
f Or :IQ 111" baar. seems
to.think he has had enough and feels
real sorry he has written letters on
character.- f ir publieitt ion and has -
promised. "come what will". be will
never do it again I will not bother him
anymore. •
In conclusien let me say 1 have no
reason why I should he aehamed to
sign my name unless it be a matter for
sharneto be engaged in a controversy
witha man of heal than mediocre abili.
ty. • Your Respectfelly,
President McKinley has been authorized
to invite Great Britain to join in a cpm
mission, four. from each Government, to
weenier the diversion of waters along the
boundary of the United States and Canada.
The inquiry is designed principally to
ascertain the effect of the level of the greet
lakes eaueed by improvements at the
Welland Canal, Sault Ste. Marie Canal
and the Chicago Drainage Canal.
third year, but ,.the Booed has asked
• him back for a fourth year -as well.
The ninth annual Sabbath School
Convention of Brussels district will be
held in Melville church, Brussels, on
Tuesday, May 29th. There will he
three sessions, and a good program is
being prepared for each, which • will be
issued in due course. ,
ONTARIO STREET.—On Monday even-
ing the League gave something unique
in the line of entertainments—a "mys
tery social." After solving the my.,tery
we found it to consist of a very enter-
taining musical and literary progettrn,
followed by an abundance of pale table
refreshments. ,
At the quarterly board meeting of
the Pordwich circuit, held latea , the
pastor, Rev R. I. Hosking, wh has
been invited to remain for • other
year, was granted a leave D. ..G.aince
for three months. We understand
that ha ratenelins-Takg teipetdEtigee
land next month, to visit, his mother,
who lives there.
The Presbyterian congregation at
--Thatnesford has decided to ptesent a
call to Mr A. W. McIntosh, a member
•of the recent graduating class at Knox
College, and who is to be licensed to
preach in a few days. Mr McIntosh is
a former resident of Seaforth, and he
took a very brilliant course at Knox.
He has,a brother in South London.
Rev Morgan Wood was tendered a
We havi Provided for your Wants farewell reception by the Bond street
Congregatimaal church, Toronto, of
which he has been the pastor for three
years. Addresses of encouragement,
which bespoke future success for Mr
Wood's work, were delivered by a num-
ber of Congregational and other min-
isters of the city. Mr Wood goes to
Provisional arrangements have been
made for the induction of Rev Mr Lar-
kin, of Chatham, to Seaforth Presby.
terian church, as soon as the Presby-
tery of Clhatham deals with the trans-
fer. Rey Mr Stewart, in. the absence
of the moderator, will preside, Rev Mr
Saw ers will preach', Rev Mr Musgrave
address the minister and Rev Mr
Fletcher the people. -The pastor of
Manchester and Smith's Hill will
ply Leeburn-for the next two months,
and the pastor of Leehrun and Union
churches will supply Union, Bayfield
and Bethany for the same length of
SALVATION Amuy.—Adjutant Orch
ard visited Clinton this week and con-
ducted a special soldiers' meeting in
the barracks on Tuesday night.—There
will be a little competition in the Self -
Denial this year as Palmerston, Wing.
ham and Ulinton have targets of $70
each. Capt: Campbell feels confident
that Clinton will come out on top,
Eyerybody may have the privilege of
helping, Donations will be thankfully
received by the officers orEioldiers of
the Clinton' corps.—Major McMillan,
provincial officer for West Ontario,
and his assistant, Staff Captain Phillips,
will visit Clinton and conduct a special
meeting in the S. A. barracks next
Tuesday night. '
By laying in a large stock of Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Mattress
Wire .Spriiags, Tables, Chairs, Couches, Furniture Covers, Tapestry
Curtains, Table Covers, etc. Headquarters 'for Baby Carriages,
Wagons and Carts.
Picture Framing and Repairing. Prices low as the quality will permit.
.11. H. 401-1.1ELL4VINV Env -tit
Ictib Cream
And Fruits
Yon will find us headquarters
for Pine Apples, Cocoanuts,
Strawberries, Bananas,Oranges
and Lemons as we will endeavor
to keep on hand a stock of fresh
and seasonable fruits.
Our Soda Water
Is again s up and running in
fine order to supply the wants.
of thirsty customers for another
Ice,Cream and all kinds of cool
drinks. First class Bread
cakes andpastry always
on hand.
Any kind of fancy cakes not
in stook made when ordered.
Jas. McClacherty,
Novelty Bakery
And Restaurant.
Telephone No.1.
New Beauties
0 � 0"
Having a first class - removator. I am pre.
pared to reeeive all orders for, cleaning and
renovating feathers of all kinds. By dropping
a metal card I will call anytirae.
• A, HAYWARD, London. Read,
May 11-3 Clinton P. 0.
Cream and Buttermilk
On and after May 14th - the creamery (oppo-
site Fair's Mill) will be prepared to supply
sweet cream from 7 tole a, rn. and fresh but-
termilk at anytime during the day. Extra
quality. Usual prices.
May 11-2 J. E, CREALY.
' Seed Corn, seven varieties., Sugar
- Beet, Mangolds, Turnips, and all varieties
of eeeds required for field or garden nee.
Exeter flour always on hand, -and general
mill feed. ,
WM. DUNCAN Clinton.
Licensed Auctioneer.
• Through tickets issued to all points
in the state, Manitoba, the North
West and British Columbia. Trav-
ellers to anypoint will consult their
interetats'bk"Oonitiltingetheire''''''' -
y \
The following stallion will make
theit stands for the Improvement of
stock this season as follows:—
This is what the spring footwear we .
Milton Hill, No. 10381, Vol. XX, Clydesdale
are showing is like,
84 G. 11 Brod by Jas, Brown Esq., Milton -
We oan give comfort,. gbeatity, style hill, TorreS, Seetiand. Imported in 1897 by
Alex, Innis, Clinton, Ont, Monday, to James
and finish at reasonable prices. McBrine's, Bayfield road, Godorioh township,
-, ()all and see a fall stook. for noon, and to,(4eorge 0. Sturdy's, 7 eon. for
et.. i,liogohnt; nefels,y. to R. II, ElliotVe, 8 eon, for
Full lines of „Trunks, Valise, i d tJohn liathwelre, Bayfield Taber
for night; V) ednesdaY. to John Wigginton'o
etc., Single and Doublellarneas for noon, and te WM. Celelouglee, eon. 11 for
N. night; Thursday, by Way of Hohneaville to
J TwiTcHELL i'Artzfr:214filgrol,:: Beettirig.eft"
metre; 14'r:day, to WM, Hick% con 8, Goderie
Vletorta Bleck. , township, for noon, then' to his own stable,
Hamilton street Goderieli, where he will ro.
main until Monday morning.
TEW48.—$10 to insure, payable January It,
1901, For the neasozi, te.00, to bo paid on or
before July 1st next. Persons trying mares
and not returning them regularly will be
ehergett as soason mares. We Will net bo
reepoesible for any a coidotit$
Manager proprietors, Goderich.
Good eecond Land Oxford wheel for sale in
ood shape, *tut about two months 'eat fall.
`tti) Itog's baok limo kile,Ilttllett.
WILLIS CHURCH.—R. S. Laidlaw, B.
A., of Knox college, 'Toronto, will sup-
ply the pulpit in Julyancleterguste
when the praetor intends to go holiday-
ing for are .—Miss Linnie Irwin will
take charge as organist on Sunday
next —At the C. E. meeting on Mon-
day last. Mr McTavish occupied the
chew' and Miss Taylor led in the study
of thecatechism, and in Mr Scott's ad-
drese upon the topic "Vision and Ser-
vice," he emphasized the thought that
the Christian service should be one of
love, devotion and consecration. The
remarks upon the subject were helpful
and interesting.—Sacrtunent will be
dispensed on the first Sunday in June,
subjects for next Sunday are, at 11 a.
m., "Why I like to go to chutch;" at 7
p. nee, "A .common sin of the Atreets."
Young Men specially i ranted.- -Services
bright and helpful.--Thia,congregation
is to be congratulated on the splendid
report presented to the official hoard
at their final meeting, *held last Tues
••••::00.44,••••••••••••••••••••••••:•••••••••••••••040•044.4 -04.A.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ••
At The
I will offer frem now to the
24th big 'reductione in all'
kinds of black hats trim-
med and untrimmed.
Come and see our bargains
on Saturday in e11 kinds -
of hate.
X Apprentice mass Ross •. ?
the same. Fir in butter is quoted at
12 to 13e and roll butter at 11 to 12c ;
eggs are at 10 to 11e. Cantelon Bros'
shipments were 3500 lbs butter and
8000 dozens of eggs.
nual meeting of the East Huron Teach-
ers' association will be held in the
Seaforth Collegiate Institute on Fri-
day and Saturday, May 25th and 26th.
The first session will commence on
Friday at 10 a.m. Mr Wm. Scott, .B.A.,
of ,Toronto Normal school, will be pre-
sent and deliver an address at each see -
G. T. R. NOTES.—On June 28th a
monster excursion from Kincardine
and other stations will be rim by the
farmers' institutes and agricultural
societies to the Guelph 0.A. C. While
A, 0. Pattison was away On the Lehigh
excureion, the'boys were assisted by a
baggageman from Mitchell, as they
had extra work to attend to. F. FI.
at• -rfirefeeititentle-nt;-
and G. 0. Jones, superintendent of the
Middle Division, passed through here
on their way to London on Tuesday.
-Among the shipments this week were
hog- to Toronto by C.' Wallace, and 6.3
head of cattle Wednesdayeby S. Smith.
W. M. S. Convention..
The convention of the Goderieli Dis-
tact W.M.S. of the Methodist church
will hp held in -Ontario street church,
Clinton, on Tuesday, May .29th, the
morning session opening at 10 o'clock,'
The following program is being ar-
ranged: ' . •
Reading of Seripturefk Mrs. Leech
Prayer Rev. Mr. Clement.
Report of Sec.-Treas .
Reports frcon Atutilialies, Mission Band,Circles
Words of WelcoMe, EX R.e7.1411arland
Dr.itiyerIntroducedMrs. (Rev.) Penhall
QuestionClosing Exercis'es •
AFTERNOON 2 I..15r. •
- -
Opening Exercises ' ,
-Bible Reading ' Mrs. (Rev.) Russell
Minutes. of Morning Session
Short papers introducing --the discussion of
the following subjects:— • •
Benefits of W.M.S • . Mrs. Mord
Benefits of Mission Band Woik
5111.1 (Rev.) Greene
Prayer Hour and "Cycle of Prayer" • '
' • Mrs. (Rev.)Turner
Systematic Giving Mrs. (Rev.) Hutton
Missionary Outlook Mrs. Chant
Missionary Report— Mrs, (Rev.) ()lenient
Paper on what I have learned _
' at branch meeting, ,Mrs.'Diehl
Paper on personal benefits resulting from at-
tendance at monthly meetings, questions ans-
wered, election of officers Mrs. Ratteribury
Consecration meeting led by.. Mrs, (Rev.) Hall
Rev, H Clement Chairman
Special music by choir Ontario street church
Report of district organizer.
Address among the Western Indians '
Rev, G, H. Long,Kippen
Closing Exercises .
Auxiliaries are urged to send a -good
representation from their societies.
Unorganized charges are cordially in-
vited to -send delegates. The public
are requested to fill the church for the
evening 8086i011. M.WASHINGTON,SCC.
r Corrected every Thursday afternoon.
Thursday, May 17, 1900.
rail Wheat 0 64 a 0 65
Oats,. -.,0 26 a '027
Rye 0 40 a 0 45
. Barley 0 38 a 0 40
Peas 057-060
Fleur per 1 50 a 1 70
Butter,loose 1143,1:Meld 0 11 a 0 13
Eggs er doz..... .... 0 10 a 0 11
Hay.................,8 00 a 8 00 .
Sheepskins 0 60 a 0 80
No. 1 Green trim, hides 0 06 a 0 07
Potatoeo, ..., 0 25 a 0 25
Chiokens, per pair 0 30 a 0 40
Ducke,per. pair,. . 0 25 a 0 40
Geeee, per lb 0 05 a 0 06 '
Turkeye, per lb 0 08 a 0 09
Pork, live 5 15 a 5 15
dreseed6 25 a 6 25
Driel appl6s per : 'n'115 0' OW -
Bran, per ton . 16 00 a 16 00
Shorts, eer ton ...... 18 00 a 18 CO
Montreal Cattle Market.
Montreal, May I4. --There. were about
450 head of butolters' cattle, 250 calves
-250 sheep and lambs and 65 store hogs and
small pigs offered for sale at the East End
Abattoir to -day. The butchers seemed to
have turned out in full force, and trade was
good with firm prices all round. Mr
George Nioholsort paid 44a per lb 16 primo
cattle. Prime beeves sold at from 4ao to
So per ib, pretty good stook at from no to
41o,bulls at from 3o to 4o and the common
stook at from no to 00' per lb,. Calves
sold at from $2 to 010 eaoh, Mr C. Brown.
bought 10 good ealvesat $0 each. Shippers,
paid for gool large'sheep from 4o to*
per lb and $1 per head for bucks. The
butchers paid from $4 to $0.75 eaoh for
sheep, or from 3ao to nearly 6o per lb.
Spring lambs sold at from $2,50 to $5 eaoh.
Fat hogs sold at from $5.76 to $5.90 per
100 lbs for good taiaight lots, weighed off
the oats. Store hogs sold at from $5 to
$8 each and small pigs at from $1 to $1,50
each, -
The population Sa,,
Cool* Cotton Boot P.Compoutl.
an increase of 768 of hi the year. ••
rnia is now 7734
Is successfulte used monthly by over
,000 Ladies, Safe, effectual. Ladiee risk Harrell,Jf.sper who hhi
ed been an m ate
your druggiet for Ceek.s Gatos Rote Clew ' of the Hamilton asyltin for about 80Veln
Kind. Take no other As all Mittures, pills endmenthet committed guioide by throwing
imitittons are dangei$1 ons. Prise, No. 1, per .-
box t No.s,i0 degree n stronger,SO per box. No. himeeIf from a highwindow to the ground.
1 or 2, mailed en receipt of price and two 11 -cent nit.„, ,-,„,,,„ ,z,,,,„„,,,
Stamps The Cook Company Windsor Ont. ea"" "VT" '3"""" "°ard. g lira. de l'alt4
ere -Noe. 1 Anil 2 Acrid anct reeommended. ey ill phased a kettoltitioa protesting against the,
teSpOnalblo Drum:Mate ie Canada, etibeidleing of Any railway Hee f tent
Nen. 1 and 2 seta In Clinton by Sydney 3aoke Toronto to the Georgian Hey parellel to
on Druggist , existing three.
WALKER—In Clinton, on May13, the wife
of Wrn Walker, of a son.
MUNNINGS—Xn Goderioh township, on
May 12, the wife of W. Munnings, of aeon.
TAYLOR—In Tuckersmith, on May 14, the
wife of Wm. Taylor, of a daughter.
NICOL—LINIMATER—At the residence of
the bride's parent-, Lower Wingham, on May
10, bv Rev. D. Petrie, AzithonyNichol, of Wing -
ham; to Mies Annie, daughter of Thos. Link -
GRA.RAE—Inniringham, on May 8. ICliza-
b eth Scott, relict of the late Robert :Graham,
aged 90 years, 4 mouths and 8 days,
SCOTT—In East Wawanosh, on 'May 8, Mrs
3. T, Scott, aged 27 year4, 11 menthe 14, days.
14()DONAL3)—In Detriot , on May 0,- Rev. A,
D, McDonald, D. D., aged 68 years.
' Eggs 110 wish, 13e trade—A fair book, crit-
icise it as you will. Six weeks ago we sugges-
ted to you in tho face of the most adverse
erltlolsm ta "Feed. therm; Eons.'. paring the
first campaign of the egg season:we hair° tat"
mired the calumny of our enemies, and the
adulation of our friends, and are still here,
strongly fortified in our kopje, enjoying the
eventualities of the
tf ---------KING. Wingham.
%to, Adreitigenteato.
t0000 lbs wool wanted. The undersigned
will pay the highest cash price for all kinds of
wool delivered at the Standard Elm ator.
May 13-4 CiintOn,
6P rtuvzsitoic.
Take notice that a Court of Revision, for the
Town of Clinton, will hold its first sitting in
Mullett Chamber, on Monday. May 28th, A.D..
1900, commeneing at 8 o'elook. pm., for the
purpose of hearing and rectifying all com-
plaints against or errors in the assessment roil
of the present year. All parties interested
are requested to attend. W. COATS.
Cantn, May 17, 1900-2 Clerk ofMenieipality,
Nalco is hereby alvon that the meeting of
the 001.1rt for the ReVisiot of the Assessment
Roll Of the ToWnship of llullett will. bo held
at Lendesbero, in the Said Tewaship, on Mon-
day, May 28th, at the hour of o Meek a. in,
for the purpose of timing and settling earn -
Plaint!) againet the said asSeasineat roll.
Worsens having businees at the Court will
pleaee attend at the ORM time atal place 'With-
out farther MAW, JA.MES, MPBE
IlUllatt, May 15th,1060.--a Mork,
• e -
May 18, 19
WIPAVIVIMIA0 1‘4,1011WV"11 vip
McKinnon at C�. 111
13 ..4Y
.You Have
No Idea
Of the quality et clothing we carry, except you have visited our cloth-
ing department on the seoond floor on this store. The demand -for ready-to-
wear clothing is rapidly inoreasing, and to meet the demand we have bout ht
nearly double the quantity this spring that we ever did before. The prep -
dice against ready-teewear elothing is fast disappearing. The time was
when all wearing apparel was made to measure. But now all is ()banged.
No one thinks of going to the shoemaker to teals his measure for so the
same with ladies' *lists and ()cretonnes. An tbe best dressers weer them
ready-made. And ready-to-wear clothing is making rapid strides during
the last few years. You atm now get clothing ready-made eq eel in qaeliry,
fit and finial' to any ordered goods at about bait the price. We svou'd Jike
to have the pleasure of showing you'our clothing whether you want to bey
now or not, We are sole local agents for Shorey's Oe'ebrated Clothing for
men, boys and children. Below we quote a few prices :
Mhleano"ss BTiwneeeacinSdul3i tea, (3ikn $
eehregoeksBaunitd8 $6ato5y0' mixt u res 84 50 and $5.
Men's Fine Tweed Snits, naw patterns at eo u 4 $7.
Mens Suits, in fancy tweed and overoheoks, e..x a good lining, French
facings, ar $8, $9 and $10.
Fine Black Clay Worsted Snits, in sacks or three button put a , bast
Italian lining, French fatings, $10.
Boys' Tweed Suits at $1.50, $2, 52.50 and M.
Children's Fancy Suits, with vestee, $2, $2 60 anti $3.
McKinnon az Co.. Blyth
icycles •
have during the past three years won for themselves the title of
The Best That Is, and while it sticks in the crop of some of the
small dealers it delights the riders of this beautiful wheel. A
- MeDurney- Beattie eider.never.ohangea.his mount. .
We Nary a large stock and would be pleased to call on you or
forward a eatalegne. We have a large stook of so and hand
wheels at from OW up.
We also handle the Sharplere Cream Separators and would be
pleased to give you a ten day trial free.
E 0410411410 ONIHNO0011401
mERsoN's BicitLE a MUSIC HOUSE, Goderich
/Boys', Youths' and Men's
ew Hats
Ready Made Cloihing
50 many people have been envineg
. .
• our store for ready made clothing ,tha t we
thought it would be advisable to ut in a
-stock. We have Just received a complete
Call and see our new line of men's, youth's and boys' clothing
Sprite. Hats Easter
are beaities.
that will fit the boys''from five 3 ears old
to a hundred. They were =Webs, Lally,
Watson and Bond, the noted ready made --
makers of Canada. They use the best
goods and best trimmings to be had et the
price and are noted for the out and style of
their garments. You'll be suited if you,
buy here. Ordered clothing a specialty.
The Sherwin Williams Paints
Are best quality and are easily applied. We have
a large variety of colors. .
We have had a large sale of Wall
Wall Paper. Paper this season and are pleased to
know tFat our selection has met with the approval of so many.
Our stock is still very compiete,—.
Lp.ce CuraThe best selling line,s are these
tins $1, $1.50 and $2 a pair.
New and pretty designs and colo 'n
Muslins at 5c, 8e, 10c and -12c a.yard, n
Spring Roller Blinds ;t
35_ to 75c each.
W. L.,: AITIMETTE, Londesboro
Will it Pay
Me to buy a Sharpie's Cream
Separator? We anseter Yes, it mar-
tainly will pay you handsomely. Yon
will have more and better cream. You
will have more and better butter. Your
calves and pige will do muoh better en
tbo warm milk from the separator than
on the ordinary skim milk,
You will save ice, time arid - labor
You will find a Sherplele Cream Separ-
ator the Most profitable machine you
can haye on your farm.
We know those to he facts and oan
provo them by the testimony of hun-
dreds of progreative fume who are using
the Sharploai, but we do not ask you to
take our word or then's' for it, With
your permission we will set up a mach,.
ine in your premisee, leeve it with yon
for a ten day trial, then if you Want it
we close the deal, if not, we remove it.
Would yon like one on trial? A postal
will bring.it to you
L. Ommette,