HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-18, Page 6r 8 St!PkIEME ,ING ATTACKED... 'RESULT UNKNOWN N: BOER IIELEGATET POWERS 0.101.* WiUX ut Prophesy. FREN011 YET. ISSUE NO 20. 1900- THE • . a OHBA, HMO ELI' BATH Aeolph Suttee* Splendid Olft to the 11••••••••1•••••••••1. City of leen Frencloco. ieTbilVgn. 3f:"ISiillitel=1.,14grg To Aslancle Salll to Assume,- Stirred lip Over the OM Dedd's on In ,the press as to when 'We war will end by the following telegrant, a 'Protectorate. Kidney Ails are Kajdng. dated Monday, a•nd tient: through a correspondent, who had made the de•••••••••••,••••.11 rect .enquirY "I regret that I cannot give any re. ply to your question, as it le hopes- . albite at preseite to prediet when the . Boer Reports That the Place Has' ea *b -a correVondent, tO whone Pre' ellellleiv?notrtlietrcl);11er elee is. report, • S Been Captured. "sidet teyn Sepeer tithe leave thie country to - fall into the hands of the British, 1 Would destroy all our houses and leave It a desert" • t The Cavalry Charged-. Kroonsted, elny 14.-Dur11Lg Oen: French's advance cm May 10th, Gen* erre Dickson crossed the Zand Illeer, near Dupree° bogey, and, hurryleg forward, caught General Porter at o'clook next morning. He found three squedrorie of Carinneers, Scots Greys, Inuiskillings and Dragoons oeelneelllg Itercirag, where. about SOCe'lloers had =rendered. eithen Gen. Dickson arrived, the rest of the Boers wieleirew, to thw water, and at mid-day opened fire. The cavalry lined up during the night and charged .the Deere, wee fled. The next clay the - cavalry crossed "the etalsoli River, and occupied Resole peort. ROBERTS STILL AT KROONSTAD. •••• • Quinnities Among Canadians -Bullet's Success Pleases eiritish-Oen. De Wet '.,Veganizing to Depose leen. thanter.--Frela State tieing Quieted-Oallant ,,.COricluct of Canadians at laraei's. Poeeteehlafeking Was Suffering for 'Want of Food-Nyhat Win 13ufter Do NeIrt Canallane-Orieleh at _•,0010...40er power Delegation et New York -Will Appeal to president and Then to the People-erielsia PrEss CoMmente. • • Kreonet,ael, May 18.-(Sfaeolal to Oa 13 position,' above the railway' ' 'Olcateeelielayed in trauemiesion.)-. bridge. A. British field hettere pushed - acroes the river and bombarded the „ The.' 'EOM Canadian Regiment tettele kopieti Philip Botha was holding so eel bees Yesterdaee Ae flelowing cieu- beeerily• that they apramed to be teefeeagee • . ' • :shrapnel. 'Under eover of this can - have occurr.ed- eleme my. }est oloud-csteped from t e bursting *ntietade•tite British infantry advanced ' Cottene *Carlton - • - 2. but tbnl eY .et with .eo ho recap. %flee. at TOP', bi.coaRtaim APO. i Von that they ewe to retire. , G. Floyd. 7th Fee/liars. at 'en. the 'meantime, the British cav. • Zend4tiver. May 10. • • airy had °reseed ;tee river, moving -WedupdedeeetsTalaya.340uatten. Maystraight north. General Botha atent • •le. Lieut. e*.• MeRees; pasta Oxford Re tile Staedclertou burghers- With a :eftee, slightly ; Pee R. Irvine, 1.9th St, battery of cannon to bead them off. e•Crateinelees. elightly; Pte,. Balloon, The burgher.' get the edeantage and •Essex Feetelere„ ergbelyo lengler eaptured 14of tbe British. Unforta- Feeter, of eloperealieergetly ; Pte. AT. rettele, just itt tbethee abeut • 11 • ; 'Lute rierl"Fte..T: Teets:an, .620.ce Bette &Moak, to eintre• of the bergliers e..e,betle."Pleehelee gave way. 'without ceuso. Upon this, At .e.end River, leay lo -Pte. 0. W. Philip Botha, and all the others gave" eeLeteetrds. 22nd Batttlou, dang.erods- way. • .The Seanddertota and Bethel efe•Pte. S',..Armetteertg, B, CeAe.elute eeenunandoes..with the Irish •brigade, :.beeerel•ed!ree F. McLean, Seth Dufferie eiveked the retreat' to leroonstad, 13.1004.,*elieletle e. *Stanley McKeown eGthertelse then in the re•treatfrom Broare :temeefael• end Emptier; . dor. Btandford and the Vet lever; the 'Brit- elreepolelent. was *Minded In tile tbigh • isir fired .hord on the retreating Boers,. • at the Ziend Revereflght on May 10. All our cannon and minunissaxiat were • • • Frederick Hamilton., brought out; . and so far ae Is known, eur Ceeetaitlee _Were Peelflnel to 0°'zen " • fighting 'et latitteirin'gee - • Suecess:: e "see:he ..eatedelon elaielring .bas been London; ',May 15. -once • meets the e.afeete,d;. neje. the teeeee . reveres glee '<Merlon -have begun to speak in earn - ,est in leortleNatal, News reached Lon- "eneeee thee -.elle. cense for e anxiety . • •den yesterday that General Buller had ;* The. Wer Oftlie has' receivee the moved .catit. hi" force from lade'emith •••efellovillag erten Lord Reberts, Meted a° wea' loPoefeenn elet.oe7 -11e •,-,,serooesetee latur . driving. tbe Boers %from their strorig" peeitions -the rugged inottetaine .. of e" -"Baden-Powell reports, 'Under date the Bigge,ieberg ,roge. all well 176'ver. enthusiasm which* wee display, el§ deeterieingeTlise garrison Is peace. here nt the tidings ot the Natal .. and the fearleseill laet tietit about ecOnneander's success , showed .June lOtitee •• • 11•10 popularity of tha general, "and - 'The correspoedence metres .it Olettr that the sentiment. of. the couritrY herd *tliat the besieger] Beitish a;ee -"suf.; 'been -aroused iti hie 'favor by, the re-, • e,• • -Leedom May 16, -There es again '..enOthing to Oconee -get the hope that pow, •••••••••• SECRETARY REITZ'S BUNCOMBE. New York, %lay 10. -The steamer ' i Mt:Modem whicle mile! from Bettor Pleuo 112r);(11alirs, ago tVI 'tlit: Dwft; er va at g cl oe IIUaine Deroster, of et Belvtridge, the Detest itteported-tronnerly a laelle eate Man -One Box of Dodd% Kidney Pills Inetituted a • ' Change. St. ledwIdge, Que., May T. -Nothing has ever taken place In Quebec that hue eautied retch a Universal eenea,timi ttutong all viewless of people as the mire Meknes Miro performed by the war* f mous remelt', Dorkes Kidney Pille. • From ell over the Provinee new castle are reported every day. Pleet we hear of a mum of Chronic Rheumatism • down in Dreamlond, cured by Dodd'e Kidney Pille ; then a man In "Seer - bracers, Is Mired of BrIglatei Dieenee- Then another cure of this formerly hie curable rib/ease in eticitellen. Then away down the river, a waraten in the county of Rimouski, is cured of Dropey. In Montreal the cases of cures of Various forms of Kidney Disease. by Dockl'a Kidney Pills are legion. Diabetes. Bleeder and Urinary Teen- blee, Womenes Weakness, Blood Theme dere-all the kidney diseases, including Bright's Disease, have been perMale ()title eradicsated in acmes of eases. It is claimed that wherever Dodd's. Kidney Pills are honestly used they never e'en to drive kidney diocese °et of the human system. This has been found absolutely true by teoustands of people throughout Quebec: Illialee Derosler, of St Ecisvidge, a village near tbe Grand Trunk line in Comptoll county, Is among the latest reported. He was tortured witherld- ney diseas3e. Ile oral naturally dells, epee, never having been very strong. Re was treated by numerous and var- lows doctors, but they availed •nothing, tle Was then living out. west, but came home met to be treated. Here he heard of Dodd's Kidney Pilla One box suf- ficed to ehow him that be could be cured if he kept on. Ties spring he is returning with bis family to his home In western Canada, Bodcee Kidney Pills having made a strong man out of him. Similar cases are corning to 'tight from all over the Province.. VirlIsitted, at 8.25 a. m. todaes Mee will reach bar doter about 1 pen. 1301411 DELEGATgS' DOWERS. New York, .4We 15.---Aecording to the Pretoria correepondent of the Heralds the cone/Mission compood of Metiers. Fleeller. Weseels rted Vol' raarales. represeeting the Republics of the Transvaal and Orange Free State. which tit expected to arrive here to -day, hi empowered to take emportane action. The cermet/cald- era says: "I hey° the bigheet au- thority' for makeng the etatement that the comMiesioners are enipOW- ered to • ask the United States to Itemize a protectorate over the re. publice, this protectorate to ;tend, It 'desired, toweled eventual anneese Oen territoriet3 or steteee. "Secretary of State Reitz, who Is rapidle *breaking doers) under the strain he . is undergoing. Voices this national hope in these words ; " We will maintain our indepentl- Once ef we can. If we cermet we will appeal to the American, people to Winnipeg Spieler M. take us under their wing. Surely the London, MAY 15. -Pte. C. C. ThomP- deelaratien.oe Incleimedenoe le broad Eton, of A Compuye.Royal Cana- enough to span the ocean. Our last dian Regiment, is tlangerouisle le hope is that, having again and again the hospital at Winburg. Before en- listing he belonged to the 5tit Regie einatire4th' eonwrwel3;nrestleon. to egpoearpsesiceritrioomn meet Canadian Artillery, at Whiter England, we may be permtvted to Peg. • .? • - • • deposit it tt,t the foot of tlea etatue •••••••...•••••• " • of liberty, to find peace and protect. 8,500 Tioorts Beim- tion tinder the stars and stretee.." Deem .itay 12. -About 13,efle Britiah troop. shave ttreivee Imre thus , fere • most friendly and helpful In peeing LIFE' ON k FARM The 'Pertuguese officials have been them tbrough, . elmaigine the railway at 'Bemboo creek from narrow to broad gauge As Told „by .rno Who. Vas &dor- bto caused a' great delay to the' • • • • • trottp3. A number of horses died there, There is much sieltuesa among the gone Its Harttships. Men.. It is. an nub -smithy plaee, •tee- . peciafly aft this time of . elle year. e Hated: Work • and Vexpostere to ,All • Permits Treeing. , Kinds of Weather Plays Havoc With London, MAY M -The Queen. to day the Siro'nghst ConstItte Ions -How issued a proclantatien permitting trate . Ing .between the 'South Afriean col- Health MitY Obealtied. onies and the portioes of tb,e Orange _ Free Sta.te now occupied by the Brit . vvelle ae a farmer le eee of esle. . • .-. • _ . emisiderable ineepencience; it lavery far from being ene of ease. The "eerie . _ ..........ctioesdiees at Israelles Poort. Mita of the .eallin is one tha,t Detaels. of the 'affair at iters , r g Poort, seven miles "west of ., Thalet f3xPeseN itei. "1°37431'8 to all sort 01 Nelni, lion that thO eee coloulal troops • weateer, and it is Cerhaps. not sur - again. had to bear - the brunt ot the, prising that So rave* fart/tees set: ,Gea. Ian Hamilton, who wall ter from chronic aliments. Mr. Thos. hr .oteemand, ordered; Smith-DorierOs brigade to drive out tile Boers at all Metlelaie Of efollegh, .1). Et Lt . a risk, end press on to Thaba Nchu. %lair escainpie of this cease,. Hr. Me -- The place of lioeor nras. assigned to Adam himself says ".1 was telways the Canadian contineent, whe were lookeqNnpon ee one having eng., supported la the rlesitult by Gra- ' itainstown IlorSe. The Canadians ged constitution, but the hard Work, tuoVed forward very cleverly under .eoupled with , the. eeposure incident the direetien of their dashitig cone to life on a farm' ulthrtatele proved inandei, •Otter. Successive dashers 7 • ' food .is being elite Out in 4uarititiee cent discussion of the teeelon Kop che brofight them. almost to the foot of - tee much ter .'me. .tebout eighteen • ferieg trent' perpetual hunger, hunger, and Switches,. The Official reverts of his the Itopje without repeiving a Shot months age I was 'attacked with only seffieleite to •preserve Alice • Ope aevance seemed to bo-halled every- from -the enemy; There they. got ,Imina )n ethee • of the b40-4. and ' of them eaifez "We's 'have stow cense , whole with almost as Much satisfac- amongst the Wire entanglements, 'to "eating anything '. that : can ,••be : thighg. At first ' vney were : of : an tionieat was the news, of the hecupa- which had evidently. been. placed with- . eatela,.eand are thankfultwto. have ' it, tion of lirminetad by Lord Rober.ts, e in *rnerked eatige ot 'the concealed _intermittent nature,. and while they _ *ere extremely painful. would Pass Horses" loCuit and mule are,... famil-‘ .. Now that the enemy have , beet) Boors. : At. title. Juncture tea enmity ande heridellide ' breeen es . extensiv.ely • ilisiodgedefrom the Biggareberge they opeeee a terrific fire; but, the Cane- ,OWaY :after a dal: ter two, . and Might' : not bother me again. . for iqr articles *Of' • diet to - everybody; ,'. avill • have no choice but to fall back . dians ' luid teem sueh ' good covet. made. It is •not bad, though- it is • through Newcastle ' upon" :thee ,ent) As the .elttacks, after each soniewhat *gluey. The, whole garee • r, that. coinearaelvely little -* damage, Weeks, Interval, grew more. and more . ree- mealy. :strong natural festnessee of, Wee done bartheeenerny's TAM of but - son have relthquiehed their ' daily al. Vera, I jiecame alarmed and ciensulte Lainges nee,. and. the. Ingoge. River : let . CelOnel • Cotti.-i• .i.,ONv led. 'another ... .loweeme of ' an ourtce or. sugar to Mn- short reeheie the elee - a the nen:re ,eti aedoctor, who said the trouble . each man :..to enable the women,a ;Jraetari :*111ch is d°Inirlated '''bi. and... childrenes amount to 'be " n i Just' atf-, the.--gallanteeeliae. . was _lumbago- ills treatment would give - temporary relief, . bat. _nothing bill. - 'NO' one believes,' however,. es.e ..ircipJe. I ' etllat:. :eel' attelelet • *111 be matie • to MIS *eta tatting . shelter . afeer Ole- creased." attack the Boers at Laing's nee by fine uphill burst, Colonel . Otter was more, itud ultimateiy I was. a sate elearelonle. weitee inother, ' with mem It reniaine to be seen • whether :Sir • Mg- a naaree, but not, ' eangerouts, any. other than a, turning , movemetit, twice -struck, the first bullet ;emote ple. To w.allt, 'or even to move about In a chair or turn In bed caused eTheteat an aching void here. Pass telegraphed to • het* Meter be Leaden ,by Lanclmaree drift . and attaeli Vi -y- tore off tibiellebriftedgcke's Wfliniet :tilt -,, stilt:71-- lintelialdnik .tong?I'lleYeel lel elloe a _ attempted to . stoop • or pick • any. hunuee ' . . ' • - • Redvers will cross the Buffalo ' River Wowed r in , and in going about- " ' Iately :Serail. erieleoit. op. May , erd cane. If I held on the way, or will advance by der without • penetreting. ,tite '•body. Meted of horse sapeages and her lunch . , . , . .eee,e..... Way pf Astelyeastje war tett-eche • . Cbeered on - by their wountied cone *thing . lee the pain would be almost • that her breakfast . on that daY cote . • ' ' mender, tale -Canadians new ewope _ ,unbearable. •This condition of /Waite* had .its efftect upon my weole forg- et -minced mtile and .cureledelocusts. . . . -... with Gen. Roberta. • ' right up the kopje, and tie they near- .,_,•.and for a . men , in tun prime of ' Neyerthelese, all the niessages hove •.: . . . ed the summit the Boers fairly bolt: _ we' It ceeenen degree of .cheerttenese. Since London, Ably 16 . -The hal e .of Gen. .ed, '1)11e. • t oit was fleet gained by tee , lie% tree condition wee eleplorable. I they were despriteeed; howeirer, the Itobet.to at Kroonstad • eon entree, Tlie' Canadians, closely followed by . •the _ .t hink -I 'had tried ett• least half a gerrisou have been put to ,e, severe correepondents send . etorles. of. ince Grahamstown,. mete. Who bad tulle. dozen iemedies before . I fotind relief „tele it is ealdent that the Boer.. as- dents on the enareh from ,Bloemfon- Shared the honors of the day.- TI,0 and a cure, and ties. mute to me saute on May 12th Was resolute, and teem but •they tell natter* that its "e through . the use of •Dr.. 'Willittner otlier km.* was carried sinteltatte. entailed deisperato, fighting, the result sensational. They. pity a• telbuta to °user, without difficulty. Ger eoeses. Pink Pills, Which a friend:- urged me a 'white le not fulle known.. There- .. the ma•nagement of the tranepert, amounted to .ortiar twenty. killed amd ...to try. . 1. felt . some relief before t he . Aie no reports .f kozii the British dee, the. 'soldiers never being • vilteout the killed wee Capt. • float box. was all gone, and by tile and nothing official from tete Brame' blankets; which' were welcome, as wounded. Among timta .1 had taken five boxes 1 *wee Wee but some 'unofficial lioek• MS- the, eights were .bleterly cold. The Gethin, of the Grahamstown ' voiun- .tts Well and' smart *as ever; and. al. counts have reached I:ondon by ivaY . teens, which corps had also half a correspondents* complain . elute, dozen* officers. • wounded.-Seuth Af- -- - - • thenoli months have now *passed • 1 of Lorenzo Marquez. . through the officiousness qf a Sub* rice. . jpduatneylareetnefinreiioldt•letloe One account says that , after severe Ordinate officer, they were the only .. . ....-...- , . , Ittra,ovueli 1 not .fighting, in the streets, Col, Baden, ...sufferers, being kept without food • '..,.' ' ' - • • the use of 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills- porron asked for an armistice on anti without blankets for two* days - Ainetic nu until tu dit. --. and the only regret X have Is that .Settirday one surrendered. on ,Sunday . and nights. . • . . ' ' London,. May 16. -All • the ' inorning . I did not . try . them. at the outset. . • Morniing.I would . • 'I'he Boers! •fIeena to lie surrendering papule give long accounts of the re- , tfa,4 I done ea: not only have Unofficial 'Beer. bulletins, hoemeer, , in coesiderably larger numbers than 'eeption of the Boer envoys In New been. raved much stiffering, but eon. have so 01 ten prevee untrue that UM" hi Bloeinfoetelle One oPrrespondOnl York, but none comments etiltor•lally .Seiderable money. as well." ise,not believed here. • ' says that a thousand of thetaare 'except the. Deily chronicle and the ' • , The Daily Mali's correspondent at- delivering their arms and promising Times. The former nays: "To glee a Hunting Big Game in Africa. tdrentO Marquee imam he has recelvtd ' not to fight • again.. Tilley ate Teeely- 'parallel Instance, suppose that during ' An expedition liasetinte left England reliable information' teat the .Boe s, Ing passes to their' farms, upon pledg- the doting). Of the Hisparto-American with the objet of ttscendipg the Nile easing artillery, attacked the town ing theMselrea to appear when. stun- war the Spaniards had asked England as, far up as possible beyond Kiser - Saturday. Very soon the Kaffir Idea- moned. ' . ' , • to in' ervene and had sent a deputation .tount and exploring the country • on - then *was In flames. Some •say the fire Further accounts have been receiveti .totoesson Vieteselaewould tlicaeireanlards both sides of the river south of Fn - was started by :shells and ethers that of destruction ot property end ex. 'have been reeelved with cheers and Ahttda, Which Is Said to teem with It was due to treachery. Fighting at eeoseN by the Beers before they , let have been presentee with the freedom big game �f all kinds. AinIcast nOthing close quarters becalm) ,general, and Li Kroonsto,o, 'The foreign, mercenaries of the elty of Southatapton, or of the Is known of the zoology of the re - the midst of the .confuelon the Boers with the Boer, are described as eat- meanest township in that vicinity? gion of the Upper Nileand the Cepa- gained poseaselon Of eke., .10eaticee bodying tite Worst types of European This diftertheue ;between. the temper of dition will devote most of its Atte).- whence they brought .gunts to beat on. seoundrellem. • t , • the English -people toware Americo tier) to this subject, making extere the toivn at Close .range, By an adroit slyinsten, Chitreitill; the . liforning aati tette of American populace toward elve coneetions as It works its way The fineat teeth °In the world, is the Sutra Oath, at San Francieco, a monument to the raeMore of a • publIcespirlted Mayer a the elty, trays the New York eoUrnal, The Sutra Bath Is &moat as big as Madison Square Garden. It Is "ZOO feet long and 254 feet wide; 100,- 000 square feet ef Waite .10 silePesea in Ite roof to 04410 tire light of (lay to lee interim.. A great owl:naming tank istretebee . nearly the Whole length ot the build. WO 1150 feet long and 100 feet wide, It le- amply Icing enough for spirit- ed OwInanallig' races. leurnerOtle entail' er tanks ere (stowed about. Alto- gether they held nearly 2,000,000 gallons of water. The great house) is beet on a 00114 reek foundation, liolieWed Plat tome, level. Pure' salt water is admitted III vast quantities, permitted to set- tle in fettling- reservoire and then Massed through the tanks. There are 517 private dressing rooms and elub rooms, with capacity for nine bathers each. Nearly 4%000 lockers are provided. Above the tanks are seven tobeg- gam sliclete, nine springboarde, three trapezes. 0110 high dive and SO swing- ing rings. for nombetheres there are setae provided at one end. and a 1 'museum to while away their time In. The seats will aceolleelodate. 7,- 400 spectators, and the reetaurent. will feed 1,000 people at °nee From any plate in the .building you can beer the. waves of the Open eel. breaking upon two massive stone rip - rap breakwaters outside, which Con- tain 750,000 cable feet Of rook. The engines which pump the water in and out are of enormous size. They supply 6,000 gallows every mintlee, fresh, clean and Of • the true ram : tenmerature, at lo'w tide. At lege tele the tanks are flooded without .t3umPleg. e ' • To Cure 'iteCold in One DAY Take• Laxative Bream Quinine Tablets. All drugiasts refund. the money if it falls to cure. Ma E W. Grove;saignature is on each box. ' - With 0. Spice of illiallec. Ioften one is tightly, "laced," . re- marked ' the plain girl, au they filed , • elowly out toward the feeef•, Is , • _ , Minards Liniment e ,Lunmermans a, good detel of trouble 'to throw an Friend. • • -.opera 01°i:dr-peer peseta ShOUlders; isn't It.? • - t - -• Rini in Love and Witchcraft. . don't louse?! It. Bele, earefeeme The ring has figured*not Only in do-, mestle concerns -in rattlers of love and velteecraft-bat in cburch and state. Tea Greeks a ancient days elevated the ring from a mere bauble to a Hen- limeneaT eletirietialte and ever slime, that time the• ring -has assumed, a elg- nificance accorded to no•other Article or personal adornment By them It wets regnrded as type a eternity, and •becartie the• -emblem of stebility, end affeetion. • By their action oi). the Stomach, LIN'er and Bowels, Alillere Worm Low des correct all such' troubles an letek of Appetite, _ Biliousness, Droweinese, Complexion, etee nice to take. . . • , Goat With an Appetite for Crape, • leerier the_eiterition, dellete their' alien- pest's correspondent. at lerimustad, England Will' take a good deal to eV.' up. , eitireenielng 1zTi8 Boers wee bad slap- held at Lindley decided that it wee The Times says; "AS the Preelden- enter] the loeation. Seeere fighting foe linportant to bold Ilarrigentelt as long tiat eempaign is at hand, the Aroeris lowed, latit according to the lateee re- tet postale. It countermanded the can wireputers on both sides perceive ports the 'Beers still hold tho location, ewers for a withdrawal/northward that iter. Fleeter and ble dolleogues in :Which they are probably sur- of the force there, which has now may used to influence German and beet strati thened be fore ti om Irish Votes The leoer envoys ars) tole • tiittetr.numbere Stieeeedect in hetet:Lily' rept:tree-thee the'Beer beerier' oe*eerie .nway." *rounded. • • - • It edema; that the location was 'trac- e, ' *ally deserted, the 'it:attire for the Most pert hoeing boon away to • Have foal. .Tite actual situation* is therefore" unknown, as is the Position , Of. the British relief weenie .-11'hatruth believe, that the Pre- terite .aethoritiest, knevving of the pro - OW of the relief column, gee% orders WOO. tertytnall teetoint the plaee, 48 etelh as the location was; in flame% Beer %Meting of victory were flying (hte officer of tile Transvaal art!). inflamed condition Of the invicotts o the about everywhere to eneottrage. the' lersr Ones entate will lee no serious odleusteneklatt Tube, Whon this tube sets ,eateseek kneed bdrgitere. Deena wheeelee fighting this sick) et Pretoria., as us- icingitill'ive4th21711gigNigyqolrgittlitt= skein* here yesterday front .PretOtiti reereging on tbe Vaal le indefensible ig the result and unless the Inanimation eat; g e . r , Y' Vicksburg and Biggareberg. erably certttin tO meet \dell pleaty of . The Boers are still holding the lails verbal eempathari. So long as that is all .north of the Valselt Iliver.'Their main theY get, Wt, Elhall bet, EreatlY mind, body, ineluding the Free Staters, have one we feel tolerably seenre that they retired to Biattuw 'and BOadlipoort, will get netthing more." •••• They have destroyed the bridges over - - the Ithenoster River. • Deafness Cannot he Cured Gen De Wet reached Klerkseor on ' Sarbdillr. Re JO organizing a tome tO I/ focal amallicathete as they cannot reach the oppose Gen. minter* solone avanee d seamed port on of do ear. There is only one Ivey to, auto Deafness, and that le by condi. causes the 130eri1 great uneasiness. tuttonai reinedles. Deafness Is Iinlnr emitted an ••,••••• Alfred A, Taylor, of leargaree, see% "Ono bottle of MINARD'S etINIMMIT. Cured swelling of the gamble joint, and three horse worth $140. Thom W. Payne, of Bathurst, leveed the life of a Valun,ble horse that the Vet. had given up With a few bottles of MeNARD'S LINIMENT: Produced t.. 41,,. inered- Heavy gam are being mouttted taken( itat and this tube festered to ird nor- . eke* Britiehers t 0 telegrams by offi,. protoria, but Generale Botha- and ovaeirrttlItnotergronallcagrstgted ftr,; Walk One ,of .Whieh WW1 signed by 'Ammer are agreed that ultimate loc. eatarrh, which la. nothing but an Inflamed "Salyeuttee and maid. "I Was lucky cess is impossible. Fmk -lent Kruger condition of the mutons surfaces. • enough to Capture Baden-Powell with is obstinate, und a majority of the We vela give ono Iturterea Dealers tor tart . ease of Deernesseerouted otwehis morning." Tramtvattlers hold'. firmly with lout., by catarrh) t.- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure• Stat end for ' There Is ISO detest Aimee. the heavy It 'le eatImated the Transettaters emitters, free. fighting, a telegram from the Port*. ean still maw n0,008 men oa Oa F. J. 011Blirit &- (lo.,Toledo, Or geese Colletel to the Governor-General fightSterSold jay Draggles, Mc ing litte. ' Halle Family Pills are the best bere•oentfrane thin; and there 18 little General Buller's) Advance, lie lee emtbt of the occupation a Kaffirstad, tee:greens. indleate, was by the in. , .but'iltallar telegraifiS were published struetiona of Lord Iieberts, and it,,.,,usvonterIs there any difference _ Styles. ee at Pfetedda about tadYsmith, ' and will +nuos or gdforward as LOrd Rob- e (bete teceittly about Wceener. lust erte may direct. certain eommenta. between this year's Styles of saddle that General Duller's orders to- eep Meech) Metier -Olt, yes; last yetir y befOte Col) Ditigete Whe relieved. tand titose of litet ear?rs affiliated to tits War Office say the Meer Aceettnt, tho nom omplJoyed halm beim there were 87 styles. This year X think °tendon, May despateb"from Mentetl by an" order to drive them there are only att -Chiengo Tribune. • the Beier Magert A altateptaltd , ated cemplotreyeettt of Natte lifaY -10, • vlit Xrett elitad, deseelbille Move oft tor Ilmetentitit, % and then • , Keep Itfinard's Linlineat in the house, the .Zaltd. Beier fighting, says: Genval lianas and General lira- •qa•A report was received last night bant are taking poewesion of the that the British had crossed one of wide regions around Latlybrand al. t•Oospietunts Drawer y. the lower „ drifts'. At d ofelock this most without opposition. They find ItteStratters-Iones is •tt, brave one, morning the tanbori ehot PrO" the country plomitifuly rettaplied whit 3.fef3wittera-"What's In done ? claimed the opening or' the battle. tattls, boriY feed and flour. General Ile81vattersA1ent tile navels wills Tha British ,bestir eotild 181 Seen ltd. handl* Is rallying hia transport find las next door neighbor was holding Wincing In IsOlid masses. Their ettv. feeding MS Men and anitusis largely es garden tarty, airy hung On out flanks. Their Infan. off the country. try were 101 eaellY 410M:triable in the Tito Dom* In that quarter sur. Ask for ltlinard's and fake no ether. Kraals The Ay WAS clouded with render daily, and it ha the expecte- moots from the burning veldt. tion of the correspenfttat on 01(000 The Ilrateil trailer B. lettere 111* ar- "The fighting began at Philip Do-. that the eastern section of the Pres at Malta t heel ',Wilma, • Placing the- lelante. "Isahil, 1 told you particularly not to tell Illattelte teat Retard, mei you went Agit* off and told her." "Well, It's all your fault, Illetutor you put it into my heati by telling me nett/ to tell her." The police of Jersey City beep been trying for some time -to catch the Mis- creant who has, been in the habit ot stealing erape from the doors of Menses In whiett deathshave taken place. The thief was .caught one morning in the very act. Ilawas a disreputable -look- ing goat, and he was rapidly stval- liming' a long. crape soarf which -it was pulling -from the' doorbell as fast as he eould get it dove ids throste. There are matte families Who uee Miller'e Worm Powders for all ages in cases of biliousness, and claim bet- ter results than from any other made eine 1- one dese usually. sufficient to correet the trouble.. .• girl, "I never have UV Wiese children are eale, peevish and restless at night they require- a dos? or taro of Milleres Worm Folvdere, • • Pleasant AlatielPationS, • "We fanny what freaks some fel- lows teke. There's. &halt rich' brother 'of• Simpkinae,. for instance. He's gone to South Alma to fight the Boer.". "Simpkina is his heir -limit he r "I geese so. Why?" • "I heaydehim bra,ggiarg • to -day- that he'd be able to pae all els .dohis and buy a• steam yacht La a couple of months.."-learper's Bazar. , iikrofelo, cured by Miller's Corapoune Iron. Pills. •• • .. To, ,Cleast FrkkIlleg 1111t1 Glass. To clean gilded frames, gently-wee:a them with fine cotton. cloth dipped In sweet oil.. Tio clean. elate gimes, a, sofrt cloth. wet in alcohol is excel- lent to clean French plate glees ,and markers... • . Can't etet ? Take Miller's' COmPolled Iron Pills for a few daps and observe the resulte. Steamboats on teit, Deed Sea. The ma nrho fights country' Is never a Hugo. ' .Steamboate , are to be: put on the Dead Sea for traffic.) between the vil- lages on the banks. The first .brtat alreeelyan the way. • • Miller's Grip Powder's cure. • They Speak for Tharuesivis. Pteroti, Feb. fit -Thiele 10 tortify theta hare utted Polootee Nerviline for rheutnatlitm,. end have found it a valuable rainedy for all inter nal peln..and wrnilil greeter recommend It to thLegille,-N. KINGIALMItA. couNTY. Jatt, it - we are not in the habit ef puffing palette medicines, but we eon not withhold our testimony 418 40 the great value of Nervilitte ae remedy for pain. We have 112:11,7.2lotrir 14111r1ft81.3 and many other!. Sold by druggists. Willing , to COktilkrOINkille. "Want rt dittea, do yetti° said the kind old lady ; "X kraulmso You'd fol drunk '10.9 it. if X gave .3011. vilo lady," replied the Weddle, gal.! wus 0' buyin,* a attain yneltt wlii ite However. if dab seems llke extravagaino ter yott, 1 might. compromise on It (011)11' o' sehooners." Teat fulness after meabs promptly rellevel by taking one of Miller's r'osa. pound Iron PlUrt eater each meal, 'against his hero.-Vietor iscong onet In speaking about Scott's • Emulsion for children, you should not forget that it con. tains /boo and soda, just what the child must have to Form strong bones and good teeth. It's this forming time you want to look after. Orowing bodies must have an - easily digested fat* Just think how much of it there is in inilkots cream. i St011'S EililligOir - is even more easily digested than , ' cream. fes surprising hew chil• dren thrive when given it. , Don't lteep the children living*n the edge of sickness all the time. Make thent strong and tugged, : plump and hearty. sows bout. •siob of Cod-liver 00 and the Hypo- : phosphites of Lime and Soda will do . • 1•this for them. SCOT'? g Writ' genitale!Irtonto, . . ....-- . ,, •••••-.. • A _ New York altlermen heartily wel- comed the Boer peace delegates, • • • • • CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE . „ 1'91,011nd Gerrard street.Toronto. Certain- ly. the leading Buoinese Training School in Canada. Twelve regular teachers.' Fifteen rooms in actual use for 4104 end study bane. Splendid equipment =eluding. tiIXTY Type. writing Machines. Enter any time. No vaca- tions, Write for calender. W. SBA:W. A WONDLRFUL CURE FOR 81.0K HEADACHE • The most wonder/Id effects proeueed ee ' KIDD'S LITTLE LIVER fILLS In curing Sick Readach,e, Biliousness, Coated Undue, Nervousness: Dyspepda, Heartburn, Liver and Kidney Trouble, bas places them at the bead of all medicine. • . 75 1Pills in a box 25 cents at all Druggists, ot melledbY EBY. Port. Elgin. Ont. • 1111 - 1. SK YOUR GROCER .FOR THE NEW -ra. Coffee' manufactured by the Coffee co. Leamington. Ont.,- free sample sent on aii- plleation ; Superior to all others. 62 The Cu tise. First Young Man (as he tastes deviled egg for tho first .tinte)-Dly but these eggs taste funny Second Yeautg Man -Te tha.t so? The, old hen meet have *en a comedienne, „lee_ • Meaner; Linim•ent is used by Playse eAlmiltanfileiidotees is the principle of tact. F'ainfut Corns TORMENT AND ROMER PEOPLE Ill' ustfxs snasort. --=f1 SURE GUKE------ )vTNAwrs AINLESS CORN - 'EXtRAOTOR Piithams Painless Gorn and wart lAtitaG tor Is guaranteed to remove without pain in °net° three days the most trouble, • some Gores, warts and Men& ia•Minp SUR6,' SliFt. PAINLESS. If you ere a sufferer. 'front corns of *my de. eeription whatsoever, hard Correa. *eft earn% bleedittg clime, go at Once ter the nearelet deal- er in ntedicine land hroctire O. bottle of the famous PutlitiM*4 Painkwil Cern settee -ter. Everyotte mosaic* well et 'Ptfineerett.' and the meson la quite patent, 14 14 paints,* and Mail% It Is thoOnlYoktilole Air that /Morel 11 (010* and Warts that dote Ali that Is elettned for le Putntures Corn Extraetor, Matokina bathing, injurtam, tatt entirair vegetable In caavasi. thin. Money refunded If it falls tactile. Beware tof 111 totbidittitionN And Isom mar the genuine red -label Peitnant 0. Every battle guiraattad. Sold by ell dealer* or font on tees_ tato( prfee of 26e, te any addralat by N. t'. POIAWN t0., 1(ieg$1.0e, Ont. 2411100 'Srti"1111111PLAWRENCE GRAN U L ATE -0 A fa GENTS WANTIcD FOE oUR TWO NEW es- bookle "The- Library of South Attlee Maur books in onee, and "Dwight L. Moody, The Man rine His*Latime; the books ape wen - -written and up-to-date, and are not a rehash of oldmatter; the prides are. lowland' the terms extra liberal; agents caii make money if they ' .bike bola at once and eell our hooka, Pros- pectus free. If you Mean buttinato, ether ar. remgetherits fOrthecanveadire'benefit."Williiini " Briggs, Methodist BookRoem, Termite. „.1 o„...1.,„•mi flit seaworthy, reliable, no fire. eau jameatg egee,kto -„moire or heat. Sethi stamg tor Cataloger. IIECTRONAPOR LAUNCH CO., HAMILTON, ONTARIO. ••Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. No FITS PERIIANENTLY pamto litY Dn.. Me or nervoniness after firtst day•P use. Send to 931 Arch street, Phila- delphia, Pa., for treatise and free $2 trial bottle For sale by J, A.Harte. 1140 Notre Damostreet Mentre,al. Que. 11.fre, Winslow's Seething Syrup should "at ways be need for Children Teething, It soothes the child, oofteos the gums, cures wind colic and is the hest remedy ior Diarrhosa. Twenty five cents a bottle. • - SU.00.0 • put.... St-. '1DOWFOliGt ::..SRUar • -Kqii.ilo.-ru .• 111. MRKES fl& SUGAR... THE.IR GRRNULRTED 15 100 PER GUIT. PURE. altham Watch for We OM send to any render of this paper a Genuine • Viraltham Watch in a "Nickel Silver Ctn.°, stem -wind nod stem -set, for only$6." RI. We will guarantee. 41 10 exacify as represented, and should it uot, in your opinion,be so, we will return your money. We want . your trade. fo get it is why we make this offer, and We are confident that our business judgment will not be Misplaced. We know. that by pleadng you Is the only way for Its to earn. your good -win -and Constant patronage. -'You ntay not desire to send no any money .in ad- . vatour, ce with yoorder, as our reliability is unknown teryoe. Should this be so you need not seed us any • mond' at all, but wo will send the watch to such ex. Press erne° as you to ty uranofor you to examine. It 59 we represent it on hand tho money to tlie express agent and take the watch t if not, return it ttt our exPonae. We make this oiler solely to prove our good faith, and bze14114..1 we want yonr 00011de/8e and hopo • to sell yon other,artieles that you may want In the Valve. Write at once. BARR & COMNINY, - • P. 0. Box 63, Hamilton, Ont. . "4111AMIVIV-114~1"1164,41146.11.4,11.06011ANIAWMAMIAVIVWM 010 TSO OD,W Al s olu N o li 1' I MI JA lit $200 1N GOLD ... FREE.... $ We Will give the above await beeeY pertain who Will cotrectIy arrange the above lettotato_spell the names of three small Canadian %eh line represents ono mune. Try it. We W111 positively give the money stWaY. end ,you may be the fortunate pergen. hoUld there be ere s e then one of roved an.,ver., t te mon144 la- d ey ubivided equally,. ; m or instanee, shouldfive persons send ilk eoffect answers, emelt will receive $J ioo; should tett persons send Iui correet answers, malt wilt receive $20.0t I went y per,ons, $10,00 each. 'We 88 41)1' In quickly intrederte our firm and geoids we handle as quickly as pessible. SEND NO :MONEY' 1VITIL YOUR ANSWER. Thet Is a VitEE- contest. A pestettrd Will de. Addretal N. V. Supply ea., Can. dikiieVil$4101$4011011,4$4.11/41-ioW illAW41411,1114.1114/4/11,14441,, • . , • E. B. EDDY'S PARLOR MATCHES Produce a QUlCX, SUR I3 "LIGHT,' every" time reputation fat nearly Ulf st century. rike tialn by MI EirstAtlavi Ut MANUFACTURED UV Da 00., LIMITED, They have bade_ .•014 iers. lid, Wad& _