HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-16, Page 6WITH POETS Munchhaussn on a Cracker Bar 1. "I Crabbed th1 b u;' s,l1 t Arte lke, IM)v8 to hill',; grocery ,tore ez 1 held i1, huddn' round, 1 jueka! 'Phot' stood tko more, "An' jest behind 'ton, scrooehin' lou', them 'a' eviller, ale, Jest 'fore thy(' spun, to chow you up, l seen.' a put1th0' tun! '7:z 1 sus paiin' at ihat beast, An' wond')))i' at hes size, Off to his left 1 rse three great Big wolves, with sterid eyes! "'\Vull, shucbo ' says 1. 'rye got on hand A job 0' quite sante heft!' lint 1 pitched in an' t.1 ,('IIed all '1'heut critter., right al' left. '4 grubbed an' yanked an' scuffled '001 1)0110d 88' down nn' itp, .An' lugged each ghn•h)' (8)inint off Dead as a pizened pup;,' !Flom Deacon Pennington he riz, .Un' vexed iib r0sed could be, ,lie shtick his fist at Uncle llo, i1(' luilicr1 )' out, says he: "Ike Straiten, of what. liars has 'hhcirportion all is true, Thai burnin' brimstone lake won't bo Half hot enough for you!" Tho Deacon's fist it quivered nigh Phe tip 0' lsaa0'8 nose, But Uncle Ikejest mildly says, "1 never did suppose, Till 1 helped move that. museyual, An' at 'em tugged nn' puffed, That varmints m s s ech ea 1 11011 cold bo Cu true 10 norm' stuffed!" A Tete -a -Tete With Pa, 2dy pate didn't go to town Last evening after tea, But got a book and settled down In !lOThfy 1) could be, I'll tell you 11108 awful glad '1'o have my pa bout To answer all the things I had Been tryin' to find out. And so I asked him why the w'n,ld Is round, instead of square, And why the piggies' tails etre curled, And why don't fish breathe air? And why the moon don't hit a star And why, the doi'k is block, And just how many birds there are, And willthe wind come back? And 'Why' does water stay in wells, And w'hy. do June bugs toms, .Ind what's the roar I heat' in shells, And when will Christmas come? And why the gram is always green instead of sometimes blue, \ndavlly a bean will grow a bean, .1i1)1 not nn apple, too? And why a horse can't 100011 to moo, .ind why a cow can't neigh? And do tine fairies live on dew, And what makes hair grow gray? And then my pa got up and, gee! 1 hadn't done a thing, but he Jest sent ane off to bed. APRIL. 'I'ho gray hap_k wheels in snotty sheen; The new sop throbs through trunk anad bough; Earth wears a diadem sof green Upon hef brow. The quid: blood fills each swelling vein, Yearning to rush ,with wind and brook; It knows the sign of pool -starred plain And building rook, \\'hat of the past?—its W000 are naught; The future dugs?—dear filmy dreams. The sunlight's mesh of yellow caught By running streams. —S. A. White, in tie Canadian Maga EASTER DAWN. Awake, 0 earth! the rose of dawn names softly over Olivet, The night of pais and death hos gone, 'rile sir is full of fragrance drawn Froin blossoms of the thorn, dew -wet. Awilke, 0 earth; awake and greet 'file tiny and all at brings to thee— Love's crowning triumph, full, plcte; $w'Pko and sing with 1'81310.0 sweet Thy song of Immortality! Awake, 0 earth! the rose of dawn l lamea 13oftly over Olivet. --Jean Blewett, in the Canadians Maga- . Her Fourth Birthday. j,olbv had a lovely party- 'Twit0 her fourth birthday,yon know; 1(11 the wrests dere quite young ladies, Children were not asked to go; loll may think it odd when !old Dolly's friends arc On So old! Bet a glume nus pl8ycd; the guests just Chatted, as they do at. oal14; Igo one brought n to3' cn' gift, and Dolly dOl'sai't 1,010 for dolls— All 'such things she put. away Long before her fourth birthday! 1311 1 quite fagot to mention, One lulpol'tndt fact, los" dears; Dolly has a birthday only Once in every four long years! So, though 001y four sloe's seen, Doliy's dgn' is sweet sixteen. Little Folks. FIELD CROP Competition in AgriculturalSocieties 1903. To be carried on by the cooperation of the Agricultural Societies. Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture and the Seed Branch of the Dominion Department of Agriculture. llaving in view the excellent rosette obtained last year in stimulating a greater interest in the production of better seed grain, ng- ricultural soaietiee will again be assist- ed in the holding of contpetitione in standing field crops during 1008, under the following regulations: L Nature of competition. Competi- tion shall be limited to one crop, to be 'selected by the society, which should be the one of most importance to the farm - en of the distriot. Entries for competi- tion must consist of a field of not less than five acres, and where beans and po- tatoes are entered, the minimum plot not lees than one acre. Selection must be made from the following crops, vie.: Spring, fall, goose wheat, oats, barley, eorn, peas, slaihe clover, red clover, po- tatoes, bean or any other staple crop produced for seed in Ontario, 2. Competitors. Competition shall be Waited to members of agricultural socie- ties, and the fields entered must not be more than fifteen miles from it head- querters, Competitors shall be allowed to make entry m only one society and but one entry oan be made by each competitor. 3. Society's entries, Societies desiring to enter this competition must notify the superintendent not later than the flret day of May, and must make not leas than ten entries nor more than twenty-five. 4, Individual entries. All individual entries must be forwarded by the see - rotaries of societies to J. Leckie Wilson, Superintendent of Agricultural, Seek. MI" Parliament buildings, Toronto, be- fore the first of June, 1908. 5. Sooletiee may, if thought advisable, charge competitors an entry fee of not more than one dollar. Prises. The Ontario Department of Agriculture will contribute $30 to each society on condition that prime to the amount of $50 be offered, these prizes to be not less than $15, $12, 10, $8 and $5. The seed branch of the Dominion De- partment of Agriculture will protide ex- pert pudges for these eompetitions free of coat to the societies, WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE Prom_ October to May, Colds aro Me moat frequent QUININE, removes of muss H.VE W. prove on box, rbc. Too Tough! A young Scotch emigrant was brought before the Magistrate of a Nova Scotia eourt, charged with having deserted his work on a certain farm without giving lie notice to his employer. When asked what he had to say in his defence, he replied: "Weal, they gied me -pout but brakeehaw to oat,' Brake - slam, it may be explained, is the flesh of animals which have died a natural death. "How was that?" asked the Magis- trate. Weal, it was this way. Ye ken, the old coo deed an' we ate it, the auld steg (gander) deed an' we ate it, the add coo (sow) deed an' we ate it, the add bubblejock deed an' we ate it. Then the auld woman deed --an' 11eft." THE GRAVE OF HANNIBAL. Archaeologist Claims to Have Found It Amid Byzantine Ruins. According to the Frankfurter Zeitung, the well-known German Archaeologist, Theodor \\'tegaud, claims to have dis- covered the grave of llaimibal in 1110 neighborhood of the ancient .11ithyniau town of Libyssn, on a hill called :Haud- echir. The fragments of fine marble columns and ancient walls, evidently the remains of a large monument, in the midst of the ruins of a Byzantine monastery, have lel him to this conclusion. The archaeologists of his own country, however, as well as those of England and France, seem disposed to receive his claims with extreme caution. Perhaps when Profeesor Wiegand has given the public fuller and more exact dela re• garding his discovery his fellow-antiquar- fes may grant him a heartier support. Shiloh Use Shiloh's Cure Sfor the worst cold, thesharpest cough —try it on a guar- antee of your money back if it doesn't actually CURE quicker than anything you ever tried. Safe to take,—nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cure - 25c., 50c., $1. 316 Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY s�ra� Proof is inexhaustible that Lydia E. Pinl.11am's Vegetable Compound curers female ills and carries women safely through the Change of Life. Mrs. Letitia Blair Cannifton,Ont., writes to Mrs. Pinkham: "I was sick for five years. One doc- tor told me it was ulceration, and an- other told me it was a fibroid tumor, and advised an operation. No one knows what I suffered, and the bear- ing down pains were terrible. I wroee to nay sister about it and she advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It has cured me of all my troubles, and I did not have to have the opera- tion after all, The Compound also helped me to pass safely through Change of Life." FACTS FOR SiCK WPOMPal, For thirty years Lydia 1. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female i1Ls, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, infialnmation, ulcera- tion, fibroid honors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that hear- ing -down feeling, flatulency, indi;es- tion,dizZiness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick WOUND to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass• Pension for Descendant of Burns, Mr. James Glencairn Thomson, the only surviving grandson of Robert Burns, is now in his eightieth year and has been in somewhat reduced circumstances for some time. Efforts aro being made to got him a civil list pension and thus place him) in the position of the poet's granddaughters, Mrs. Sarah Burns Hutchinson and Mies Annie Beckett Burns of Chel- tenham, who each receive civil list paneions of £100 in consideration- of their grandfather's undying fame.— trim the London Globe. Side Lights on Mythology. Vulcan had just put four new horse- shoes on the feet of Centaur. "Basiest job I ever did," he said to the bystanders. "Ile stood perfectly still, end when I handed hint the fly brush he kept the flies away himself." Making a handsome discount from his usual price, he asked his customer to drive himself to his shop whenever he reeded any more work. Send us your name and endwise for 12 pleoes of Jewelry to relish Incoote each. When ,old send m the 1130 and we wntrend. you these TWO SOUL) GOLD e1010na tee t,wet you with th•Jewolry and w111send Itallebaraesbind. Sohn us your nein. and unit tMinew, STAR Alpo. Co.,28 Boy 8t„PBOVIDElt6E,11.1.,f1.0,A, What Did He Mean? On reaching a certain spot i:he driver turned round on his sent ttnd observed to the paesengere: "From this point the road is only ac- cessible to mules and donkeys; 1 must therefore ask the gentlemen to get out and proceed on foot." --The Catholic News. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. 4'• CARE OF BABY'S BOTTLE. Chronic Coughs Cured Mrs, Joseph Eeelee, of Drouore, says: "1 tool: foto' 01' five bottles of l'sy chine, and 0 cough 1 had continually for nine 10001110 disappeared. It 13 the, bast remedy for chronic coughs that 1. ever used.' 'I'boasands of living witnesses pros amine): Pesehine the greatest medicine in the world. It is not patent medi- eine, but I presr•riptiou of a greet sillc- -ieinte I'atit to 1 h toss in any ease of throat, lung or stomach trouble or any run down or weak condition. At all druggists, 50e and $1.110, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto, Statesmanship. "Well, gentlemen,” said the candidate for aldermen, leading them into the par- lor, "whet ono I do for you?" "We want to know," said the spokes- men of the delegation, twirling his hat awkwardly in his hands,"how you stand on enforcirl' the dog law in this ward." The caaadidate did not hesitate a mo- ment. "Gentlemen," he said, "I take it that you own dogs yourselves." "Yes, air." "Some of you, perhaps, raise doges" "Yea, sir." "Then, gentlemen,' says the candidate, raising his voles and speaking with tre- mendous emphasis, "as one of your toil. low-eitizeno, interested with you in all that stakes for the prosperity of our great and growing city, I declare to you, without equivocation or evasion, that never with voice, vote, or influence will 1 do anything to discourage one of the principal hrdlietries of our ward, inhab- ited ea it la by sturdy, indomitable peo- ple who represent what has been well and appropriately designated as the hone and sinew of our beloved lamb Gentlemen, what will you take?" Many Ills, Even Death, Result From Carelessness. A.a soon se the feeding lo over the bottle should be rinsed in cold, not hot, water. Hot water makes the milk stick it oared first. Then It should be filled with clear water and about a quarter of a teaspoonful of bicarbonate should be put to a full bottle. if wlehed, the bottle may stand this '0107 until several are toady for washing, but be sure that one is never empty, lot 1011k stuck on 1s very hard to get off. The final washing ahonld be 1n hot soap- suds, and then the ghee* should be put into clear hot water and bowed for at Meet five minute's. This boiling is better done Just before the ireeh supply of tood 10 001 In, for 1t renders them quite free from germs, says the New York Evening 'telegram, Tho nipples are a trifle more difficult to care for properly, for rubber has a tendency to stickiness, and boiling spoils them, In- stead of this a solution or borle acid must be used. Do not think Ole a trifling or silky ! and. It Is really a most important and ser- ious detail, for without It the food, sterilized though It may be, will go Into the mouth full of germs gathered from the nipple. After using they should be rinsed, first in clear, cold wafer sod then In warm, quite es the bottles ore. One ,mould look at them closely and turn them Ine)de aur during the cleansing. Atter the bath drop thew into 4 little covered jar containing boric acid so- lution, or borax water 1011) do. Let them remain there until needed. Certainly twice a any they should he scrubbed on Ole wrong nide with a brush and hot water. a 0 The South Polar Post Office, Before leaving Christchurch for the Antarctic regions says The Westmin- ster Gazette, Ca Mnn Shackleton, the commander of the latest 1 ril h South Polar expedition Watt dull seen in as postmaster of King Edward the Sey- entll land. 1Je has been authorized by the Postmaster General of New Zea- land to 118011 as office in that most southerly o: tae hogs dominions, to issue stamps .and trnnsuait mails as op- portunity offers. These South Polar stamps will doubtless be prized by philatelists and other lovers of curios. 0 0 He Knew What it Meant. "I see," remarked errs, Henpeck, Nutt there is a new play, called'The Great Divide, I suppose it is ,another of those divorce problem "Vo" replied Ilanpeek meekly, "It probably has something to do with .t woman's weekly grab for the bulk of her husband's salary." Just then the door bell rang and Hen- peck made a quick getaway. I consider 1IINABD'S LINIMENT the BEST liniment in use. • I got my font badly ja mnled lately. I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINI• and it was as well ea ever next day, Yours very truly, T. G. M8MULLEN. Spring Pomo. Soon the nights shall be full of music, The bullfrog will warble his lay, Moequitoea their The mosquitoes will sharpen its stingers, Mosquitoes will tune y Mosquitoes will tune up their voices And hum as they And sting as they 'saxes away And sing as they puncture away." 'Diving to the Lateness of the hour there is no time to trim this into proper shape, and it goes in just as it left the typewriter. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to euro any ase at itching, Blind, Breeding a0 Protrud- ing Pitts In 0 to 14 days or money refunded. Ids. A Queer Pet, In a country town in northern Penn- sylvania there lives a little old man who sells milk, carrying it from house to house' morning, and evening in n small hand-chrt, 'there is nothing strange shout that, but lois companion on these daily trips is the very strangest you ever heard of --an old grey goose, who follows him abort in the most dignified manner, and stands watch over the cart, letting no one go near it in his master's absence. Isis name is Major, and his master nye he is just its uaefnl as a dog would be. Bulk ten may leave the dealer a larg• er profit, but "Saluda" Ten (peeked in sealed lend packages) leaves a lasting and favorable impression upon the pal- ates of all giving it a trial. Hence its enormous Sale. ART IN SPANISH BANK NOTES Mignonette Drives Away Flies. Mignonette, it has been discoreed, is abhorred of flies, and i1( a roost where pots of the flower are set no fly will lin- ger for a nenueut, says The Gentle- woman. Now is the time to 0010 the seeds, and for cerly blooming the pots must be subjected to gentle heat, Instead of fly -papers and horribly sticky brown mixtures left about a room in glass dishes, what a blessed resource as 8 de- terrent of the irritating fly is the sweet, wholesome flower of mignonette! •-• Minard's Liniment for gale everywhere, e — Expected to Baffle Counterfeiters Even More Than 'Rapid Changes. tel. 1 '.I1( baffle the covulu fe I .- 111 o 000 both nuuurr0us and miming in Madrid, the Bank of Spain has persued the pot ley of changing its notes with gre:t. frequency and retiring each isvue ns fast ns possible. The bnuk is now determined 011 a naw plan. 1t has placed nut order for a ser- ies of notes with nu English concern, and it will rely for safety upon a special color process. In addition the totes are to present pictures of well-known buildings in Spain, executed with a per. feelion that will defy counterfeiting. "The pictures are to be so beautiful that amateurs will be tempted to frame them," says one Spnnise nowepaper. "Hardly," rejoins another;' the cost of the set will he i,thowsetas, you see." To the Spanish mind $338.50 is a great deal of money. Starting Seeds Indoors, .Any one who intends to start seeds indoors needs a knowledge of various facto concerning each variety—the length of time needed for germination, the time required for the plant to reach the blooming or fruitage stags, and whether it can be transplanted to the open ground with safety in early spring, or not until considerably lated. For in- stance, says Suburban Lite, chrysanthe- mum seeds will germinate in from five to ten days, but the punts require a very long season of growth before flow- ering, and the person Nebo gets ahead of Jack frost mast sow the sends not later than March first--ind earlier, if possible. With varieties 101,10)1 germinate quickly, grow rapidly and bloom early, the sow- ing should be delayed at least a month, to avoid the trouble of repeated trans- planting, to prevent tie seeding plants from getting 'leggy" and wreak, • a "I chafe against' the regulations," murmured the college girl as she pre- pared the surreptitious Welsh rabbit at 2 u. in. herr rd Lampoon. A Toilet Luxury Mira Skin Soap is a delight to every woman who values a soft, beautiful skin. Mira Skin Soap takes away all skin irritations—casae akin troubles—and k the skin clear and smooth. Elegantly perfumed — refreshing — unsurpassed for toilet and bath. 0,11 emir -at druggisleor sent on receipt of price, The Chemists' Co, of Canada, Limited, Hamilton. • "1111117aadt MARK 550150e1100. SKIN SOAP 22 The Office Boy. "Is the proprietor int" Reked thevisi- tor. "No, sir," replied the office boy. "Is he in the city?" "Yea, sir." "Will he be back scan?" "No, sir." "To -nightie" I,1 1;J'; "No, sir. "To-lllerl'OO', sometime }" "No, sir." "Did he leave any weed Null?" "No, sir" The stranger looked at the office boy sharply. "Millen did he go?" "Yesterday afternoon." "IHdnit he say when he'd be baokt" "No, sir." "Well, where the dickens is he?" "At the undertaker's," "What's the )natter?" "Hers dead.—Barper's Weekly. •-a. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT re- moves all hard, soft and calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, etifleo, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, ale. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists, ♦-r Cleaning Paper on Ceilings. While there are 00010 preparations for cleaning wall paper on the )market, they are not always readily obtainable in every locality. The simplest way to clean wall or ceiling paper is to make a bag of coarse flannel, in which tie or sew up two quarts of wheat bran, rub- bing the same over the paper briskly, all in one direction, taking ea8e not to miss a single spot. ' Before beginning to rub, however, the walls or ceiling must be carefully dusted.—Canadian Architect and Builder, for Mr. BoOnM1:LAs of ail the standard paten medicines and toilet preparations now in use; send 2 -reit sloop for free list nf formulas. Address DR. MERWIN, Windsor, amt., Canada Retribution. "One of the well known suffragettes, Helen Bourehier, las discovered a genu- ine grievance at last; the beds in Hol- loway, she says, are so 100000w that she rolled our -."—London Paper. If lleleds conscience had been good, She would have slept, no doubt, Upon her bed in prison rude, And not have fallen out. But p'raps the reason elsewhere lies— The truth w'e're hinting at— The bed's too small for Helen's size, She may be very fat! le Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. ISSUE NO, 'i6, ABEOI'A N,041.c,6JI, 1 1.1".b -,,I1,,0 Al 1 iT1 I 1 U 1 ' LSpray, ' 11 1, 11800 itessu11(h• ntlrn0tic. 1.1n.al ilei.. ,t •. era 11000, Gol), eat. A b.i115 1f t t:iii. Exact Directions That May 11c?p the. Inexperienced, To make a fomentation a pie of 1(1(11.;0 flannel should be praenreo d:'llell. and made into a small rel!, anti t8rn 3(1( 0d i1( the email: of a towel, the unl rads of the latter being twisted so a,; to lout an Improvised handle. The towel should then be placid in u bowl ---the ends hanging 'over the.4:1104 and a kuttleful of boiling water pewee over the top. The moisture should thea be wrung out by means of twisting the towel, and the fleetest should be sag 011ie4- ly applied as passible, the greatest out however, being taken not to burn the patient's skin. A square of pink joeonet ahonld le: laid immediately on the top, covered in thio. with a large piece of cotton wool. Human Forestry Aire. Nokker--?ors. Higsoul0, I think it my duty to tell you that your Tommy whom you consider so well behaved a boy, is a perfect little limb! Mrs. lligsome (with a majestic frown) —IIe 0119111 to be, madam. Our family tree never yet has borne 11 eroolced stick of timber. Knew Where to Find Him, Harry ]i. Thaw, awaiting trial for the second time for the killing of Stanford White, a few daye'ugo asked his lawyer, 31a'tin W. Littleton, to cone and 8)0 him) at 11 a- ne the next day. It was 11.30 when Air. Littleton arrived. "Mr, Littleton," said Thaw, apparent. ly greatly excited, "I regnested that you call to see me at 11. It le now 11.30. Why ase you half an hour late?" Mr. Littleton eyed his client for a mo- ment or two and then calmly replied: "I know I could always find you in" UMW made no reply. Black atch "Biggest and Best" Plug Chewing Tobacco A Railroad Mane Knock. "'That famous railroad man, the late Samuel Sloan," said a New York ban- ker, "loved' fast trains and hated Blow ones. They tell a etoriy about a trick he once played on a railroad whose ser- vice was notoriously slow. "Having, several times, to use this railroad's afternoon accommodation, he caused a sign to be painted, which lie took from hie pocket and hung in front of one of the oars when nobody was looking. The sign said: 'Passengers are requested not to pluck flowers while the train is in motion.'"—New York Timers ♦e• ITCH aa•••••••I�tah on b ser every ails ea ear d in 80 minutia by gold bss 4's I an Loofas. It mann MIL.• a Thackeray's Poets. Tbackeray's favorite poets were Gold- smith and the "sweet lyric singers." Prior, whom he thought the easiest, the richest, the meet charmingly humorous of 131091ish lyrical poets; and Gel, iTe force of whose simple melody and art- less ringing laughter he appreciated.' He admired Pope, too; but while admitting Dlilton's greatness thought him "such a bore that no one could read bim," It is not surprising, therefore, that Thaeke- ray never essayed the, big "bowwow kind" of poetry,—Fortnightly Review, •-• Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Sympathy. "It's a serious thing, Verona," sighed Upmoro,"to be the wife of a man 10110 holds a public office. It demands so melt of his time and keeps Mm away from his home." "I know just how you feel, ma'am," said the elderly domestic, ' My first husband was the grand imperial outside guard of the Amalgamated and Solidi- fied Order of Fuzzy Guzzles, and some- times he was that busy tryin' to remain - bar the signs and grips that I couldn't get a word out of him all day long." ♦-_ NOT PARTICULAR, Grateful Patient—Doctor, how can I ever repay you for your kindness to me P Doctor—Doesn't matter, old man. Check, money order, or cash. 1(01'):' *J Nw Lk II-llereo Why do you use WOODEN Rails and' Tubs, when those made of fIBREWARE are away ahead? They have no hoops—no seams. They will not leak, water•soak, or rust, and they LAST LONGER and COST LESS MONEY. BUT—you must ask for Eddy9 Fikewre All Good Grocers sell it—and Eddy's Matches l,.