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The Clinton New Era, 1900-05-18, Page 4
Ma -1.811103 Dress Goods Again.. •'fir • Never in such a position to serve ) your every need as,now. Our stock fairly sparkles with sp in ;^. freshness. ° Every fashionable shade and weave will be found here. Bo111espuns, :Broadcloths, Venetians Satin Royals, etc , are all included in our showing Colne in and see th •m.No need to buy ifyouaare not ready. .As to the prices —you'll find them all right or we couldn't do tie business. • 52 inch Bro•tdeltith in. colors of shades of navy, brown, green,. mode, light blue, dark grey, etc.,: prices • ' ° brown,purple, pearl,grey, etc., ....... . 25c, 150o and 500 fine soft finish, •reversible, jest one suit in each length and no 42,inch wide Plaid Skirt Length two +tlike,price for pattern 5.50 of fine soft anish,tnixed colors of l .oyal,green,black and gold, Homespun Suit ingsfull5.1inch- will make very stylish skirt, - .. . _ ........ ..... THE 01,461TON NEW ERA, ¥ •***tKSeeenae* nen et-nat f•tf• said to me "Mr Holmes, may I florets 8.30 to 10 p,m.r and in that time the QUEEN'S BJRTIIDAY .EXCURSIONS Are you going away on the 24th? Tiokcts to all points in Canada at Single Pare Going May 23rd or 24th Jfeturn May 25th For tickets and all information apply to es wide, "smooth: and rough price $5.00 effects in greys, browns, etc., warranted all wool,ust one skirt and suit in length, prices per yard... 85c and $1.25 Homespun suit lengths 42 inches . wide in colors offawn, grey and blue, Vandyke weave,one of the newest makes, will make a very ser'viceable•eult, no two alike. pi ice roi•.suit , '$5.00 40 inch wide Suirings in calors of le ow u, bine,fawn,ete„ in very • hard finish cloth,same 00 both sales, cele buitin 'e+>:ch piece.and no two alike. special val- ues at $5.00 and, 56.00 38 to 45 ineli wide • Serges, war- int war- rented 1 wool +lltlte best 1 t hal 1i atl� time eve 11 make then' Laches trench Kid Gloves with Black Broadcloth 50 inches wide, extra fine . satin finish, best qualityfor tailor-made suits, special values at 90c & $1.40 38 to 44 inch Black Lustres in extra heavy qquality,. tine bril- liant tinish, all gond values at ' 25c 40c 500 75e Railway & Steamship OAgenat, Clinton '5 tl.e job of showing your Mende into guests were thoroughly entet tained by the gallery, whenever you want to very high class productions. from Cho - send them up ?" I replied "Certainly," pin, Wagner, Schumann, and other but wondeting why he wanted the psi- great masters, as well as compositions vilege, asked him. "Why," he said ref his own. The program was arrang- with a significant smile, "they often ed thus * tip me a quarter, and one dayI made Palonate° (Brilliant) . Chopin .« as much. as a dollar•and•a-alf. I EveningPrayer..`".Our queen" ... J.A.H. et tumbled at once. Rin;; e dWagner et Imp oainmtu, ....."Dying Po©t'• liszt A Liberal Convention. Jenny L id`s famous song .. Ecluitt Moorr). •X •-- Home Sweet Roma ..(Repeated Notes) • • +I.A.H. -1 The Annual Meeting of the West Mr Howard will have completed 20 '-el years' study on the Plano on the 27th Huron Reform Aesoctation, for the'Sept., 1900, He has been a pupil of 1 election of officers and other business 14ladamel?upatchman,wife of aldimir 'a will be held at Dungannon on Friday. Dupatchman, of New York, and with c R Edward Irisber, director of the. Tarots.. June 1st, at 1 o'clock, p. m. The Liber- to Conservatory of Mucic, in special al members for the Ridings and some studies with both; and in lengthy other prominent X. Y, will address the terms with. Madame.. Stt+venson. He has travelled for five years .tor the meeting. 'A full attendance is request- benefit of his health in many coun- ed, tries of Europe, as well as in America, and in that time has played before Unto FRIDAY, .MAY 18, 1900n ' e glA �ttgietwtntO Your fruit orop—S Jackson.... Parr Queen's birthday—F R liodgens .., ., •, . f- A, Bargain -W Cooper lit Co Dress goods—Newoombe Sugar—J W Irwin Choice seeds— W Minoan Wanted—Holmen & St' t is Court of Revision—w Court of Rovision—J Campbell Eggs—GE ISin AAt the Lender-Bliss°h esCo Summer hesiery—Hodgons Bros Now Idea- Jaoltp liras e 4 r l the 'witness stand, but the others a came forward and on oath denied it in 5 tato, declaring that it was a tissue of a falsehoods from beginning to end. The Pritchett, one of the alleged "mach prominent people in St. Petersburg, „•Moscow, Paris, London, and other ins workers in the West Elgin elec.places. In New York city he took tion case, made an aflidavitimplicating part in Mrs Wingham's recital (Irving certain others in wrong -doing. Prit- Place) were present, including Mrs Cornelius Vanderbilt. He has a concert grand, square, of Wm, Knabe, & Co., Balti- inore, whose celebrated pianos.are known throughout the world, and se- cured it through Gourley. Winter & Leerning, of. Toronto. Mr Howard takes years to study some productions, and has. 41 diffet•ent works under way now, to which he is paying close at- tention, a few of which are: Grand Caprice Hongrois, Etude de Concert, en octaves, by E. Ketterer; Sonata, Wiest un a fantasic, op. 27, No, 2, by L. Von Beethoven; 14@ endcs, No. 2 St. Francais do 3'aulein.Archantsurlesfiots twalking on the .waves), He intends o knot) at these studies to thoroughly perfect hirosrlf to give recitals in thi country and America. The gathering - the other' evening !were highly pleased with title rehearsal; he intends to have a reputation shortly. Among the 1were- invited • Ms Ytames Man sti W ning, S,17bley, Channon. Armstrong, (7ooper, Doherty. and Murch, Misses Gibbing%, Shannon and Tanneq,Messrs W. Manning, B. P. Sibley, A. Arm- strong, W. Doherty, Murch, Cooper,' Tanney, Rey. Howson, . and many others. • • chett subsequently gave his evidence 6 C,tnservative papers are quoting the g affidavit, but are ignoring entirely the 5 contradictfon. Pritchett has .also •$ 'se -Made an affidavit eoincerning•his eon- (xrauit:e (Cloth, 38 ieches wide,;in nechlon WIt.h West Horan. and Brock fawns and greys only, hard finihh, will not hold dust., a. real btu•gidunt......... •...• .45e- 38 loch wide Mark 1401(101,a vary fine entin finished cloth tont will give Al wear and will not hold dust, well worth(nlie eye - end et ' 50e id Gloves Never• was a store better • fortified to do, your. Kid Glove business: • This is one of our pet stocks and we keep it right up • notch of to thetopits . usefulness. Same with Gloves • as • with other:. Goods—if' not right at rigl}t. ' +t• Finest .qualityKid Gloves, •. two large dote fasteners, us• i - French make, with gussetlin- . set fingers, in all the 'newest. . spring shades of tans; browns, modes, greys, also .white and black with heavy silk stitch- ing on backs, all sizes from 52 to 7 and every pair warrant- - � ed togive. good wear,. special per pair ; $ 1".00. fasteners er largedomee gees in shades of greys, browns, • • tans, modes, .also black with. • self colored silk stitching on hack, sizes 5j to 72, every pair guaranteed. usually sold ' at $1.50. our" special price O(� IR I. per pair. . $ �.Lu - Those who visit our store on Saturday :or Monday will bepresented.with a Uikion ...Tack.. Saturday, e Monda pe ,a .a15 We have selected only seasonable goods and things you'll nted fair tie.24tH ' . ' - . A P at the prices' below ' is '., suCfirient to. show glance• how important. it will be to Come 4441y, • 'Red, "iiit—"`".ard Bu- e Ribbrob,ar,a tdo1Oc & 12]rc . r . QUICK REPARTEE I have said that Nicholas Flood Dav- in is one of the worst bores in the House—which, in my opinion,'is a fact. % I could say something a.; good deal. worse about him than even. that, and prove it, but it is unnecessary. He has a -tongue with asaw edge, knows and i .a past master in ' to use 1 s how , P the art of.reparteeandabuse; the mem- ber who attacks him " does not usually gain anything. Thursday he brought down the House b his quick use of an' old phrase.JamesMe nuOen, of North' Wellington, had been caustically scor- ia a as a• tar Parliamentary SketelleS. villa -elections, bub Mr 13 'torten, who • • brought the West Huron election mat. To keep irp, week after week, a syr• ter up ill 'the llduse on Frl l iv, watt' tea of Inteeestitig sketrheir that do trot dlsrtevt enough riot to stay wise r Crit• lapso into Acton' 00111 tent tettitjv�et0, and Chea had Codified to concerning West tutee controversial points, is very lard llui'crn thou 1► he did ahnut'I3rook.Vllle. work. •.It not 'stat unpossibility, incl 1 , f( lion tuyseli almost tell dry efliteIdents .I,hEe Gndet'ich Star aorr'ects,lts error or. facts of a character that will Inter - eat; without proving dlsputatioas, If is so far .as It relates to the member. I occasionally drt.p .into anytllinir of a for West Heron and the temperance strictly political nature, it. is; therefore, uestion but Its criticism is still'illo because of a lack of other sub eche, q ,. g- ical, It thinks Mr Holmes should sup- port Mr Flint's provincial prohibition resolution, ` instead of Mr McClure's straight prohibition motion. Thgre'e nothing to prevent him supporting both. Being a . prohibitionist, • Mr 1•Iolmes believes in Mr Mc0lure'.s mot- sho his' wi in ness to o in ion and s 11 ,. . w s g g. far the fulh measure of prohibition,; but •should that not.carry in the. House; he is still, at liberty. to:support Mr Flint's resolution, which he believes to be el ' Black and. White all Silk Gloves 25c Ladies' J Bets 30c' . t 1 u La les Crepon Belts 350 - • Ladies'Li -nen: "Collars 10c $5 Silk Waes �35 o etre, prices from n 40 c to f0cSat- ua and ildaY 1 8 C Ladies' waists made of fine goal - stripes, made in the very latest Ladies' skirts, made of very:fine styles, collar to match, silk' white cotton, seams all 'over- -- warranted not to cut. Regular sewn, nicely ' trimmed with value $5, Saturday or Monday tucks and wide embroidery, - $3.50 cheap at $1.35, Saturday or Monday $1,00 Shirtwaist 5oc 75c i5 Ladies shirt waists made of Per. Ladies' Vests at 20c cale in stripes and checks; col- Ladiee' vest% made of very fine ors of blue,pink,etcself collar cotton,shaped,nicely.trimmed- and cnffs,latest styles,all sizes, around -neck, - short sleeves, a special value at......SOc & 75c real bargain for. Saturday or• Monday at ,. .. ,,..20c Hankerehiefs- ose2pair 25e ing Davin, who' bald ,bill' d ball,, and gave him a good and deserved trouncing, remarking that "if his head ' was as green as. Davin 8, he'd' be able`. togrow. hairfor sale," closing with the remark that "Davin avin had rooms to let in his upper story." ---Davin was on his feet in a minute, and, with twinkling eyes, said "It is true I have rooms to let in my upper story; sohue the mem-' ber for North Wellington, but the dif- ference between us is that my rooms. are furnished, while his are. not," Even Mr McMullen ' could not refrain from the general laugh that followed this piece of bold and witty. effrontery, • DECIDEDLY UNFORTUNATE: It is a very .great pity that the Cana- dian exhibit at l'aris • will be open on Sunday, and apparently'. cannot be closed. I - is said that so faras agricul- ture c t R ture is concerned, no state or- country will equal the exhibit of Canada, but the glory thusachieved willbe lessened by .the •fact that we • have no power -to observe the Sabbath day, so far as closingutheR eneral Canadian section onSunday is cuicerned, The United States section is else only one that will be closed on that.,. day. The reason for this is that the British authorities did not snake .. application early enough, that the Canadian section lei t.echnfc- ally part of the British exhibit, that. the programmes ace arranged, and the fair authorities are arbitrary and: Will make no change,notwithstanding the g earnest remonstrances of the Canadian representatives. SLOW PROGRESS. That great bodies move slowly was. never better illustrated thann by Par- liament in its current sitting. On Fri- day the House. passed -its 100th day of the, session. The actual business trans- acted has been almost infinitesimal. Day after day has been frittered away, largely by members of ;the Opposition, who. seemingly imagine that the ub- are anxious for t pp hr, hem to exhibit theiroratorical powers or ability to obstruct. The Opposition could easily criticise the government without be- coming' obstructionists. For the life of. me I cannot see what the Opposition expect to gain by their course— except to drag out the session—for after + p- posinir some measure all day Ion e,• hey. allow it to pass at the end of the u..y''• proceedings. lam much mistaki n if hnv+ the general public, ata itt,, are not sick and tired of this sr + e til' procedure. Certainly many menrltet s of Gat House are. 7 for 25c actin' black cotton. hosewar- Ladies' handkerchiefs made of ranted fast dpe • sizes 8q, 0, Oh.. . q py fine quality lawn, nicely- hem-' fine quality,.spe,tial at 2 for 25c ' rl stitched.usually sold at 5 to 7e each, Saturday or Monday 7 for 25C All sizes in ladies' suinmercon. Corsets a,t 9c sets, well made,fft guaranteed 111 •;`,,,,,;',...'"'"--,' ...... ... ..:...>. •, -• Ties -at � 50c •a,nd• Weil -worth n0e, Saturday- • . Ladies' ties in bows,fiowiegepds . .� or Monday. ,...... ....-...,.,.39c and kerchief, made- 'of " fine satin and silk, in .blue; red, white, Ptc., special values far. Saturday and Monday, 25c, 50e 50c Sailors at 250 / Ladies' sailors, made of "rustic i- straw, in assorted;_ colors et brown; blue, etc,,velvet' bai,d• Stock Collars 25o` and bow, sold elsewhere at 5'e taffies 'st ek collars made of fine ea ths Saturday or Monday.Z. s satin, tucked,in cearn and red d . Corset et Cowerm•at +5 e. only,regular value 4C,Satur• day or Monday. .. • 2150 Ladies orset covers made of 500 I buotts at 8e fine white cotton, nicely riled with embroiery, r Fancy silk ribbons in assorted fitting, well worth 35c, special colors, suitable for tier, belts, at , 2 5c Black Swaim Shirt Waists r eelts like satin �ryi�.5 . spacial rt ►��i Lathes' Spring Jackets at 1/2 price tlul less. In order to make a quick clearance of all our Spriug Jackets we . have marked them atrices• like this : , p . 3.50 Ja cleegat $1 t, � $8 Jackets at $3.96 a Ladies'Jaek@t N le iL ( , i t of ' 'we e d, 3 only Ladies Jackets ma d@ o f one lined thi mirth With silk,2 fine ers@ywhip cloth and Half lined, veItt volltr,'sizes• cord, in navy, black and fawn, 32, 24, 3d, regales price was sizes 32, 3•t, regular price was $3.50, to clear. . .. $1.00 l $8, to clear at.. ... .$3.95 cossclti'(58t D( J y)Cs C ClieSCID (=SO= ' Your honey 'Sack If You Want Yt . . 11 11 1111111 1 1 561111111111111111t 1111 1 11111 : i d tai ..... , g Macri 1•Y EVENTS.' voice. Miss Combe who to hear her . good as far as it goes. We are afraid that no matter which way the member er- Hurongoes oh. the tem for West , p ance question; the G*oderich Star will. not'be satisfied .• Additional Local News. ' '•REPAIRED.—Jos. Copp put in the large plate glasses in Newcombe's Win - Coming., and going.. J. Ransfordspent.Monday in: London. W. Coats returned' from Hamilton on wednesda y. .. John Car -r -ie, of-Goderioh, spent Sunday last here. Dr. Rose, Aabarnspent Wednesday ed' week in towof n, W Y W. Coats returned borne from Hamilton on Wednesday. " • D. lvlunroe was in the. hub - on Friday last on business. ' Miss Note, Teronto, was .visitingfriends in town last. week. Richard Blatohford and wits visited Clin- ton on Monday week. - Miss C. A. Taylorspent' a few days; last week at her home in Blyth.." W. Passmore was the guest of E.Carisie, Hemel), on. Sunday week. dow..last Friday, and the place does..' D. Robb, inspector of schools, was, in• not now show signs of having recently. +town, yesterday, on duty," been damaged by fire, since the, paint brush has. been _used. Harland Bros, Meet Dot Fairas visiting her sister, Mrs supplied the glass, the cost of which (Dry) Campbell, in Detroit: wasin the neighborhood of $150. _ Mies Clara Middleton was the guest of Comma : BACK.—Dr. Frank Scott is .Mies Taylor on Wednesday. ohn . a now on 'hie way back from the old Mise Ella J a, of To okersmi h, is country, and will' arrive in Clinton . visiting her sister, dire A. Seely. about Monday next ..He has been in • J. B. Hooverr was in London on Monday, London, England, taking a post grad. in connection with the W. O. W. Mite Bourse, and- hats devoted the fast Reeve Brigham and Clerk Campbell, ear, of year to nose and making aspecialty of the eye, sullen were in town on Monday. ' throat.. The doctor as a gold medallist in hgraduating year Fred Davis, of Mitchell, was here on at Toronto, this allowing him a year. as Tuesday looking after a stock of groceries, house' physician at the hospital.. . He eta. ' has the degree of L. R. O. P. from Ed-; . I1re Stewart' has been Snits all inburgh University, which he.'got a during the past week, but has improvedfew years ago. :He had been in prat- coneiderably.." tice at Uampbellford before going to the old country: He may settle' in Among those who spent Sunday at Bay Huron county, so' we are told,. and we field were Mr and Mrs E, D7. MoLean, Mr. n that were he to dos he J.E. Durdle. might add t g n' toWestman, be a valuable , acquisition the Geo. w Samoa, of the Stratford Herald, .medical fraternity. W e would bewas in town on Tuesday. He is touring pleased to have Dr. Frank in our midst. around•on his wheel. D.' Glreham returned to Inglewood on BENEFIT CONCERT.— he co n - THE BEN 0 �,' Saturday.H a cert given in the town hall on Thurs. eleetrio ight business.p hero attending to day evening last week,on behalf of the David Cavan,of 33rd Battalion,was the best yet attend- Paris, a nephew of the ed held in either Wingham,Brussels or late Dr. McDonald, was ng to attend the Seaforth, It was a successful enter- funeral on Saturday last. tainment in every respect. The pros Copts. McTaggart and Combe attended gram was considered first-class, and the military concertheld in. Goderioh on giving . " rt very each performer g R herpa a y Tuesday evening last week. pleasing, which reflected credit on their ability. They may rest assured Mrs T.Brook, of Ottawa, is expected h they highly pleased. all. who were there. ere in a Yew days, and 'wilt spend some The program opened with a yocal solo, time with Clinton frtenae. "•Schubert's Serenade," with violin ob- J. W. Broderick, of Goderioh, was here 1,r;atn,byy Mrs Mclvor•Oraig, whthe also eda hsatttending to the grocery • gave " VVha carries the gun,"andstook, purchased d in town. Hume, > Sweet Home," being encored Mies Mabel Harland,who has been living each; and responded Eby Auld Plaid in Ellerton, Elgin Co., for the past year,re- Shawl, Annie Lawrie,; and Within turned home on Monday evening. - a Mile of Edinboro Town." She prov= J.C. Walsh left for St Louis on Monda ed herself a singer of sweetness and having accented a position with the Si, clear enunciation; ber rendition of the Louis Taunt Co, for the summer. Scotch song was particularly good ,and she can count on a warm spot in.'the Rev. J. W. Holmes was unable o occupy hearts of those whose fortune it was his pulpit in the •Askin street Methodist. church, London, on Sunday last, owing to sickness. Miss Ida Holmes h .... s . ,who ars been.: away.• front town for the benefit•of her health for the past five weektiaeturns this week con- siderably improved. piss C. Newcombe returned to London on. Thursdayafternoon after a visit hereto see he mother,who r w was seriously ill, but now nearly recovered. W. E. Rand accompanied the football club to Seaforth on Friday last when the collegiate tried conclusions g ewith the teem of that town for the Hougb cup. J.Maophereon, of Windsor, was the guest of his brother,. D. F. Macpherson, for sev- eral days this week, They were np to God. erioh on Saturday last to see the county town. There+ is' •'t• "p+'ciety" in. Ottawa was down for• a piano solo,"Cachoucha than in' ai, tier r t 'n Canada; „ s t ,, y ><, , d ,this,: ,Caprice, �lurtng�the•evenip'� was ac-' iR fj i'^ iv •trttu 'al di vaeW Of it being the Compantst, and a good deal .of.the stir- r•.,+ e,r p twee' and sof weal ttq. the cessful rendering of the numbers is due i. i s is a ,;pod deal of wealth in to one who fills this place; hey solo was a+. it is not uncommon that there finely executed. Miss Fisher's num- bers were "Entertaining . a Beau," Atm Italian, with musical accom- paniment, and ".Che Gypsy Flower Girl," in costume, Her expression is good, her countenance remarkable for its changes when either in reciting humor or pathos, and her personality on the stage shows dramatic power; while her voice is rich and well modu- lated; the Test number was considered her best. Miss Acheson won high favor in her selections on the violin— "Hungarian Idyll," "Love's Dream," and "Wilhelm Telly" and responded in er zzo one encore byan' Int me. The music brought forth by the young lady shows that she is an artist of no mean ability; her technique and precision of time were exceptionally noticeable and pleasing. Each lady gave encores sev- eral times, being applauded repeatedly, which testified to the. appreciation reci tion of the audience. They are a combination thattheir own with the best caw nod h1 .d should they de - of ant@stainers, an o y de- eide to again favor Clinton with an- other concert there is no doubt but they will be favorably received. At Wingham the proceeds amounted to about $'45; Brussels, $32.80; Seaforth, $75- and Clinton, $81, The quartette will go OW (I•oderich next week to Con - elude the lye concerts' which they. will give for the Dattalion'shenellt, T .ANO HEC. .AL. --Those who were n uld be an effort to display this, in yai ions ways, and it is done in comma - 1 Von with sciciety events," thechief bf which are-- inevitably either at Ride au Ilan (the residence of the Governor- General,) or at "receptions" in the House of Commons. Lady Minto— like her predecessors—holds several garden \parties' in the summer, and skating parties in the winter, either of which are anxiously looked for, 'espec- ially by the fair set. Invitations are issued by the thou,and—and as very few are declined, it will readily be seen what a crowd may bt•re eat. p s If in , � summer, the nal fee appear in all the colors of the rainbow, and look as chat ming as can be, and as refresh- ments—liquid 'crud solid—are liberally served, ail have a good time. Many of those who attend practically believe in. "taking a little wine for their stomachs' poke," and though open indiscretions ar•e ittit common, I have seen members of both sexeri who were able to see two mono in the skyy before the left the i grounds. These cursory thoughts are suggested by the knowledge of pre- vious events, and the fact that invita- tions are out for a garden party et Rideau Hall next week. ° T'tiit.NING AN HONEST PENNY, The page *boy's of the 'Ilouse are bright, shagpgand obliging littlefellows, who draw $1.50 per day while the sea - cion lasts but they know how to make A ong them ho attended the of the late R v.A.D,1xoD'nald was Mr Angns Johnston f Stratford, a forme li o S r r C! intonilan and elder in Willis' ohnroh during his pas. torate. Mr and Mrs Jas, MoMiohael were np from Seaforth on Saturday attending the funeral of the late Pee, Dr. A. D. McDon- ald. Theywere guests of W. R. Lough while here. W. J. Paisley was in Goderich on Tues- day and went to Hensall to attend to vain• Ming some hotel property for harry Oen. Olen who takes possession of the Commer- oral house. • Edward. J. Howard lett 011 Tuesdayfor a month's trip on his wheel. He intendrt to go as far as Marietta, Ohio, by way of Port Huron and Columbus. Mr Howard hes toured an extensiye part of theStates,for months at a time. Two yore ago he took privileged by receiving an invitation a three months' trip from Ohio stats over a little extra money, as the following to the piano' recital elven by Sohn A. to the Atlantio coast and up through Sew incident shows. Occasionally a memo- Iioward, on Monday evening, heard oatate on his return, making a otrouit• ber may wish to show solve friends Something rare around ,Clinton. It p rk iota one of the galleries while• the was a trent not to be massed, ,n,bout; While hero taking part in the 03rd House is sitting, and a page is called thirty invites had been issued, and all concert on Thursday evening last weak for the purpose. The other day a page were accepted. The recital was from Miss 1lisher was the guest of Miss Combo • argain �n indow shades We were fortunate in securing a five hun- dred dollar stock of Window Shades at "a very close price and while they last we will sell them to you from 1.0 to 20 per cent lower than. the regular prices. Thls is 'a genuine snap and comes to •you at a time when you°- can use a few shades to good advantage, �?' They will be placed on sale Friday morning: 40c and 45c Shades for 30e. 50e cc " 40e.' 65c ei " . 50e. These are,brand new goods made by the best manufacturers in Canada. Curtain ,:ro%s 25e will buy a five foot oak pole c omplete with oak trimmings and brass pins,or brass trimmings if prefered. - Cooper & COf, Clinton, Ont. • ToI1-heLaciies - O : Clinton and Surrounding Country un Vit^+ The undersigned begs to inform the ladies g of Clinton that she has opened up a Wady - to -wear Garments Store in the Biddlle- combe Block, and trusts ` that by. honest dealing you will always find prices reason- able and In keeping with the g timEs. Also that our goods are exactly as ` represented. We' have in stock several lines of material suitable `for.fancy 'work, viz ' Berlin wools, silks, arr seine, madonna ,cottons,'ete.,whitsh. will be sold at a great reduction to clear; Coxae and look through our store andgot familiar with it. MRS., , • R.• G.1VIcLELLAN' Siddlecombe`s Old Stand • • CLINTON. and Mrs M I vor-Gear w as - h a guest of Tra Chas. Rance. • H. Bell end R. Beattie drove down from Wingham me Saturday.. - Miss Eva Reynolds is t e vtaitin g' herbrother and sister in London,. -: Editor McLean, of the Seaforth Expos- itor, and son drove nr to attend alts funeral of their late pastor, Rey. Mr Dever, of Toronto 'Victoria Uni- versity,, was in Clinton lastweek; he is tele. is A. E. Thom ons' 8 macre oe ivhi g le' 1? heis away, and was the greet of Miss Whitely, Huron St., when in town. Arable MoCoryie, a lacrosse player from Luoknow, has secured a. eitnation in the dry goods store of Learoyd Bros., and will play with the Mitohell laorosse team this season;—,Mitohell Recorder • Mrs" J. 3. Allen, who has been here and in Seaforth for sayeral months, lett on Sat- urday in company with Mrs MeIvor.Craig 'for Toronto, where she will "spend a few da a visiting,prior g,prior to going to join her hoe- band,who has one of the best drug stores in Ottawa. • Thos, J'aokson,.jr., leaves on the 281hifor a tri fathead• o 1 country and is booked Yto take the Str. •Dominion from 'Montreal. He will away foro befew -vi' attin3 his aunt Mrs Ward in West ,Hartlepool, and in London, Eng., and will also take in the Paris exhibition, While on his way to Montreal he will visit hie sister, Mrs J.J. Allen in the Dominion Capital,. A montho ag Mr Geo. Lyons sold- h' brick house on Isaac street to a Mr Smith, of Tackersmith, for the stun of $875, who intends taking np hie residence therein. Mr Lyons has been an industrious resident of Clinton for over 80 years, 20 of which were spent :n the employ of the G. T. R. On Monday het took k hi edep departure for Guelph, where he will in future reside with his son. in.law., He has been a good, honorable citizen and carries with him the good wishes of his inany friends. Ticket agentsA, O Patti son ,W. Jackson n and Reagens returned on Thu day, their trip to New York given bythye Lehigh railway.. They left Buffalo on Mon- day, spent the night at Manch Chunk and arrived in New -York. on Tuesday, staying there over a day. It was t day light trip given to allow the agents few the beg i at fat sights along the Le- high. They were all treated white, every attention being paid to comforts and lux. cries. Aleas nt as well time wart spent by all. as profitable Mr Robert Gardner, who for flit(' , v ears has been olerk at the Tecumseh House, leaves is two weeks forlMurray Bey,Quobec, baying accepted the position of chief olerk of the Manoir Itioheliea, one of the finest and moat fashionable sninmer hotels in Canada. Duringhis stay in London Mr Gardner has mae shoat of friends by his unvarying geniality, while among the travelling nubile "Bob" is exceptionall- popular. The hotel is owned and operated by the Itioheliett de Ontario Navigation Company.—London hies. Press.• -The above gentleman is a sort of MrsGardner of town. Sire wish Bob every eucec+es and hope that his late illness lass entirelyleft him. Sampling Or anythingelse we en packages ione of the many es kwe accord our customers. Y p We do not wish you .to feel that .you are buying "a pig in a poke";anyone is free to test all our groceries we have . on sale before buying. One of. the easiest cleat things to adulterate is tea, it keeps the best of ns guessing . almost to avoid imposition. Even tea experts have to look twice and taste three - tinies before . they are, satisfied, When needing anything in this line give our a trial. The Staff of Lite" Owes its name to the nutriment there le in the floor from which it is . made. Good bread d oan only i be . obtained e nd from 0 flour. Low price le no object if the Sour is poor. Our brand is really worth more than weobarge, but when we have a chance to give our customers a bargain we do eo, ..'• If you hayn't already tried it, 'it'll be to "lions Yeoa"r fit to do so nextt ' ernes s we guar- antee to give satisfaction or we'll take e. . - fottr blot* our - Pries e - ie F P $ ,8 per cwt._ House Plant - s Wehandle 'dnd keepinof a nice and well assorted seleotton of houselants, - • We'll have vegetable plants in in few day. • Green en Vegetables On hand Wednesdays. and Saturdays. F. M elv ill e,successor to sieorge Swallow•GROCER - ,67A.:/V7' 'qG STRATFORCD, ONT Young hien and women should exercises great baro in choosinrr ca school. Money' is' not easy to get therefore it should not be • spent foolishly. •nefbre you 'decide to spent a dollar let ns correspond with Soft. Our catalogue tell o g Ao >rnbo t a n ottr snp rto e advan- tages. e Comraenbed ant oourae. now. .Oar at- tendance eisia0r increasing year by year. lards number of recent students have aocepted stood situations. Students in attendant)* this year from Canada, United Stater' and Newfound- .,. land. W. J. Elliott; Principal'. AA". 400". 'Wood', 110100d!no, 'Sold Great eeeomlmen Nosey. r * druggists in Canada, Only 1.11• able uubdleirta discovered. ,Biz »emacs duatanteei to care all forms o Sonata Woitkness, all enacts of surras or exce,s, Mental Worry, lsxe.eisuive use of To• beoeo.Opinta er Stimulants. Mailed on receipt tff price, one 'aokarte 11, six, O. one tetlt')%der, +ixtufucure. t=aniplilsts free to any addreek, The Wean Cr'npat'y, Windeor,iiiek ' 5' nod's• Phoi hodine old in alit lar sled hey Jackson, Druggist, s