HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-18, Page 3__ • Your 4 Doctor 1 KnOWSS Tour dOotOr Itnerws all about f0Ode and. Inedioines. The next time you see WTI juet ask him what he thinks of scors [moon Of .0ladsTaiVer Oil 'With Hypos PhOeiShitee, We are PWIlling to Waist in hie answer. Piar twenty-five years doo- tore have preeicribed our Erntslericin for paleness, weak - nem, nervous exhaustion, and fors,all diseases that cause leSse fieslit- Its oreamy color, and -its (40 splea,sant taste .zatiko it es.. tally usieful for thin and delicate children. No other preparation of cod - Barer. oil is like it. Don't lose time and risk your health by taking something uxtknosna gad Untried. .ICeep in mind ,t Nat' SCOTT'S EMULSION has. stood the teat for a quarter of a century. ) 0v- 4111 SCOTT BO 4,14, Chemists, Toronto. 3V1,00; ill druggists, 1 4 411Cheers(' In swisa The social rank of a family 111 SwIts wetland is estimated by the age of its cheeses and the greater the respect due to or the affection for a guest the older Is the cheese set before him. There . are In each pantry at least as IslanY cheeses as there are boys and girls in the family, for at the birth of every child ‘a cheese is made. It is first cut into on his or her wed- ding day, on which festive occasion all .. the guests partake of a piece of the groom's and the bride's cheese in order to secure for them all earthly thrift and happiness. The rest is served as a token of friendly souvenir and heart- felt mourning after the tomb has clos- ed over his or her earthly career. Moreover, when a Swiss. youth falls In love and wfshes to pay court to the girl of .his hart' he goes to her father and asks permission to share the famis ly dinner next Sunday. . This' is al- ways granted if he is respectable, fo-r- it would be considered a deadly insult to refuse. The anxious question in his • mind is, ."Will pain bring . out the . cheese?" . •• . Papa does not usually hurry to re- lieve his fears, having the family dig- nity in mind and wishing to proceed with due deliberation. If he is indeed satisfied with the suitor, he at length rises from his seat, goes. solenshly to the cupboard, takes down the oldest piece of cheese, splits it and hands a piece to the youth and one to the maid- en, and from tbe moment they have tasted it they are betrothed. • • - Both Rad Been out. "The revenue cutters of the United States, as you may know," said en offi- cer of one of them who likes his little joke, "confistatheir services, which are really invaluable to the -government, to g lndeed t "rools Their Tartar. • A young man residing in the Perth. ern section Of the city had been coifing for some time on a young woman, In fact be thoroughly enloyed the cern pally of ber whole family, One mein he called and of the father who an swered his ring he made his usual in quiry, "Ave the folio in?" He was an swered In the affirmative and asked t Step in Ile was ushered into the parlor, au after the old gentleman bad eugaged conversation with him for about quarter of an hour he excused himself went out, and the eldest son next enter ed and entertained tile young man fo about a quarter of an hour. Then an other brother and sister, and the young Matt's truspicions were somewila aroused ween the mother took he turn. A. little sister came next, follow ed in turn by the family cat, which rubbed itself against the young man's newly pressed trousers. • He gave•a sigh of relief when, after an hour spent in misery, his sweet- heart made her appearance. Ile begged of her to "put him next" to the joke, and between her bursts of laughter she informed him that "since he was try- ing to court the whole family papa thought they bad best take turns." It is unnecessary to say tat he failed to see the joke and has ceased bits at• • tentIones-Reading Eagle. • THE CLINTON NEW ERA. A Track That Won. A. few Weeks ago. a pretty little 11 rislan actress was appearing at a th *der iuGieneva. Olt the lea night of - the play a tall, well dressed man Sent g in MS card and asked permiseilon to - thank her personally for the pleasure • that • her perforraances had given to • , hins. Ile entertained her at supper o and asked permission to see her off at tlze atationon the foliowing day. He d arrived with his grooms who was ear. n rying a tremendous bouquet of flowers. a, lie told her that he had telegraphed , to his brother, who was in Paris and • Who had Influence both whir the press r and .the theatrical managers and that he would meet' her on her arrival In • Parts. To the astonisbment of the t actress all thls turned outto be true, r •and she found a magnificent carriage • at the station. A fine dinner followed. The girl was dumb witb astonish.. went. Her host told her that it was . all for the sake of his brother, whom he loved dearly, and he spoke pathea Ically of the beautiful bouquet that she carried and which was made up of Solversculled in the garden of the old • homestead, She offered him the bou- quet instently, and he accepted it with a thousand thanks, : Now she has found out why she was asatirti 1 The Mension House Vend tor the relief 03' 1 of the Ottawa -dull fire sufferers emonele te to $80,000. 1 Weims, tbeso p0518 o chfldhoo.Io readily destroyed, end expelled by the usr of Dr. Low' e Worm, Syrup. It is easy to taite and contains no parodic, s • Nicknamed by Architect. These young architects are merciles chaps when they are discussing the work of some one else. The spire of one of the new churches in Boston al- ways attracts my attention. Away up aloft there are angels, gracefully poised each with a trumpet at mouth and leaningfar out on the. air that swims around them. I have admired that group most mightily. I vvas (coin - meeting in that strain in the hearing of a Boeton architect. • "Of what church are you speaking?" queried the arebitect I told him. "Oh, yes," said he carelessly, "the Church of the Holy Beanblowers. That's what conies of lack of sense of proportion. Those trumps. are too slender." • And now I can no longer admire that seraphic group on the spire. • I strive to think of angels, and I fetch up by thinking of beanblowers. • • And another church in Boston is fn architects' thrms the "Church of the Holy Thermotinter" on account Of some decoration meant to be iniposing. nd another is the "Church of the Kindergarten Steeples" -for there Is one big spire surrounded by lots of lit- tle kid spires-"walting to grow," say the architectural ,Phillatines.-Letris- . ton Journal. Look lietore Von Leap.. • Once upon a time there as a •young man who believed what the books said: He left the farm and came to the great y to rnaker une and to climb the. ladder of fame. The books said a great deal asset the ladder 'of fame, sothe young man exercised him- self en copybook morals and poor Rich- ard's almanac in order to be able to chin himself up a round at a time. He was especially strong on,- run- away horses, and one day, to his grati- flcatlofl,h plunglng down the , crowded Street. Be could not see any fainting maiden attached, but stilt be knew this was his oppor- unity. sprang for, the bridle, but for any one of them ettept dicta° o; the Bering sea petrel to venture, any clie•;, • tance out to sea.'. Nor is this Tule an t ;unsatisfactory one, for, say what you please about it, sea :service' Is. not as • pleasant as the noveints and -other tie -1 prancers would have -yeti -believe. •• f, • "But I am getting off of rely story,. .• which applies thabe cutter Grant when a she was doing duty in New York bay . and IleinitY, ,Stairething hid happened to call her down- the. shore Somewhere,. and she left the bey one; afternoon, and:. a early the' nett 'Morning,. while,alic•warit bowling along it about seven knots tins f •honr, sag hailed 'a -big four. master.- `' .• b " 'What ship is. that?' . caine the cry. 0 from the Grant. • • "'The Royal Bengal Tigers 243 days t out from Calcutta,' came the reply. b 'Whit ship Is that?' "'Revenue cutter Grant,' was the . a plaintive ansseets 'and we've been out all night.' "-Washington Star. • • h hit the front Wheel Insteat and , was projected with violence int the gut. er, Six months later, when he carte ut of the hesPital, he was sent to the Home For the IleeblemInded for try - ng to stop afire marshal In the per - entrance of his duty. Moral -Qt your opportunities label.' d.-Dartmo h Litemry Monthly. A prophet indeed has no honor in his wn country. An English ,gentleman who had gone to Brentwood on an out - ng tour, finding .himself in need Of ooks in order to begnile a heavy hour r two, stepped into a bookstore of Ruskin's village and asked the lady at- endant if she had -any of the thinker's ooks. "Yes,", shesreplied. "There were some, but they were int -soften siEhd for." . Having obtained the book he desired, e asked her what she thought of the reat critic and teacher. Her ideas of uskin's personality were very vague, owever, and she excused her igno- ance on the ground that the people bout there did not seem to trouble uch about him. As for herself, she knesv him as "the old gentleman ho only 'fiad 'a clean collar once a eek." ' • g A Bold Little Bird. The honeybird is a. well known .deni, b sen of many parts' of the Transvaal It has the unique peculiarity that .it .a does not fear men and women,- but _fa actually files up to them, :uttering. a plaintive low note ands- flying about w their heads, tiles to lead them pa. to w the nearest eluinp of rocks or kopje. The bird knows full well that under a. certain rock lies a store of heney, con•'•• coaled by the cunning bees, and, roes t honey being. as much esteemed by birds as by 'Inman beings, the clever little fellow tries to !mince e frienSily k being Witir two ,strollg bands to pm!) aside tte 'rock, .that it may get Is •.1 — If it succeeds in Its- object and the travelee On the veldt, attracted by the bird's fiutterings to and fro between himself and the rOCICR. .iltnik the hetioy, the bird changes its pleanive tone to one of joy and Weems e, as much as to • • , Pat's HAPPY 'Wish. judge -So the arisoner bit you on he head with a briek. did he? bacGinty-Yis, yer honor. Judge -Rut it seems he. didn't quite 111 you anyway, McGinty -No, bad 'cess to him, but Svishin he had Otdo be, alldge.Whsr.de youswiah. that? . McGinty-Begory, thin 01 would have seen the schoundrel hanged. for murtheri-Chicago News. • Staying at Home, A lady residiag in North Columbus - meeting a girl the other day who had lately been In her service inquired: • "Well, Mary, where do yoU live noWl" • "Please, ma'am, I dOn't live no- where," rejoined tbe girl. "Pm mar- ried." -Indianapolis Journal. The American Bible soelety circu- lates the Scriptures In 96 tongues, be- sides our own speeeht 28 European, 39 Agitate, 8 Oceanic, 9 African, 9 Ameri- can Indian and 3 South Anlerican lan- guages rind dialects. Although the Transvaal is 1,000 mites nearer the equator, the temperature averages mob lower than at Cape Town.• 't'Sent firee by Mali. •••••••••• Ladies' or gents' superb ivory handled knife, or gold plated chain, or beautiful plated scissors, or latest pocket books, or silver latter knife or auger spoon, or five sheets of lidest musici and handrail of beautiful novelties of merit (no spaoe to ineatian tete) 4fecnii With dire aothit mail or. der 0? Orieletiamie any prise tees or coffees, andae, baking -powder, oh000late, pepper, Musteirdsginger, etb, at 25o., 30o., 35o,, and 40os a pound. 4. $2.0 poet by mail gets you any two :articles In the $1.00 list or dossheavy plat ea sifeer fake, or tea, table, dessert:spoons or i• doz. granite pie plates, or large sauce dish, preserving kettle, or Splendid large telt or coffee pottaliDavidaon's famous gran - Reward. Your chokes Trial order Will ceinvinee you Of the NW': Ing and eirceptional quality; agents wanted. Stamp for big prize lot Write to us. So- led your prize or wa will for you; 3 and 4 lbs Order of anything $1,00, Mc and 8 lbs. order $2,00. Mention what you Went, thee or coffees, or some of each. GREAT PAOIVIO TEA. 00., 1464 St. Oatharine St., Montreal,. Quo, treated so well. She had been the means of sraugglIng watch springs to The statensent of the British Board the value of ;10,000 into Paris. of Trade for the namth of April shows increase of £3,264,900 in imports and Has New Stove. • ' 13,187,600 in exports. In London, England, there axe 000 people who do not attend a plebe of ' worship. kith Jelin Weldon of Collingwood w as found dead in her home, and her husband and son are under arrest. 1 DYSPEPSIA EIGHT YEARS. Nine bottlee of Laxa-Liver Pills oured ine of dyspepsia and painsin the stomach after I had suffered 8 years and could get nothing to do me auy good, . • Nes Aria Listuraoa, 'leer River, N.S. John A. Tiffany, who keeps a temperance hotel in Delaware Village, is charge with forging the names c f resideets ot the dis- trict to a petition whidli accompanied an application for a tavern license, °tying to ill health, Mr S. liaison, • Clerk and Treasurer of Paris, Ont., has resigned. Mr Thos. McOosh was • appointed to fill the PI ce. A severe cold settled on my throat and lungs A1:1 ih It I could hardly speak. Aber other retnelied failed I tried Dr. W nbd'e Norway Pme Syrup • and one bottle of it completely cured me. Mas Tiros. Curren, Northport, Ont. HI Drew, who lives in a village The rising of peasants in the vicinity of not miles away, came into town last Rub:shirk, Bugaria, is assuming alarming • proportiorits. The peasants havesueoeeded week • n the sly to buy a birthday gift • in dsarmms SOnle troops, and have ueed for hi wife. He east about vigorously rifles against others, , and struggled In a valiant Way through the crowds, finally being • washed • ashore in the doorway of a hardware establishment. Despairing of fighting his way any farther, he made up his tnind to make his purchase right there. • Martha: wanted a new stove, anywey. So he allowed himself to be taken in hand by an energetic salesman and lia; croon purchased for ;21 an article that was guaranteed to cook anything and everything all at one time. He bad it expressed out to the village and by cunning strategy succeeded in getting It set up In the kitchen the next morn- - Mg without Martha's knowledge. When she saw it, she bugged him and beinn- ed all over with tVelight. Then he went • out and killed a young sucking Eng and wo chickens and prepared Or a royal • spread. Suddenlf.a bia.nk look. passed over the old man's face.. "Why, What's the matter, Drew?" • exclaimed his Wife. "Leokit here!" be cried. "Here I've • been and bought a darn gas shive •for $21,, and there ain't no gas for Pine miles."--Ohicago Times -Herald. • • • • some time: -Oue Morning while hunt - lag in the hush he espied the old man In an 000no, tree gathering the apples,. He at once bred an arrow at the man, • striking him • threugh the chest and . While the body was falling placed an• arrow in the neck. Fortunately for, himself he managed to teach the nearest Spanish settlement. before any LITTLE Bur SuAnoanla,-Er, Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are not big nauseous dues thet contain injurioue drngs or nar- cotics -. they are toe pure vegetable pepsin ,the medicinal extract from Sue luscious fruit, and tablete are prepared in as Wilt. able form as the fruit itself. The rensedy ' searches out the weak spots in the digestive organs-enonurages and stimulates them - 60 in a box, 85 mate. • Quick Arrow: Shooting. . The Maya [willies -have acqutred.ex- traordinary dexterity with the bow and arrow, Which, with the spear, is their only weapon, though the boys before The Profeesor'e Foresight, Professor Frederick von 'Matthias who holds the chulr of international law In the St. Petersburg& university and; is a frequeat representative of the czar in legal councils of rooMent. Is not a RusSion citizen, nor even a Rua - Sian subjeet, but a ehilosaphic German. lie Is a notable linguist and author, and at the Venezuela arbitration eon- fetenee in Paris, where he readthe de- cision of the commission, be had a pleasant fashion of addressing' each delegate lu his own language. One of the English jurists wonderedbow tire professor was .able to keep ux his knowledge of so many modern tongues. The professor replied; "It Is self de - Cense You see, in case 1 lose my °bah 1 wish to be prepared for any offeryou foreigners may make" Saturday Evening Post, sales', re prattle. • Every iFintiller belleres that the only safe place Maley lire Is the recent scene of some canummile eseapade. • When defending a Port or ea nib. the wounded are generally phietsi in the breaches, as the enemy is not illarly to waste pow- der and shot ein polnts\which have al- ready been cleared of all . barricade; The same holds true of naval engage- ments. Sailors much prefer to sit in some yawning gap still hot and smok- ing trona •the effect of a splintering es in • ball than behind the stoutest ark, • Progress. An Egyptian paperannounces that. "first class, up to elate,..modern dining ;Ars" are to be run this season between . Cairo. and Luxor, and that "an Ameri- can dentist has started In business at A ssouan, which is on the edge of the Sudan." A "palace hotel" at Khartum forthe special tweet:laudation of tour- ists will also tie completed end opened for business In about three months. • • Malaga usually bas about 16 rainy days a year and at least 200 days when there is not a cloud in the blue sky. •• • 4Be1gium spends 1.213,000 francs a dity on strong drinks they are strong enetigh to draw the Children Cry for' •squirrels and small' birchi. 'The bowl' OR IA. Sea, sonable strip of rawhide, with which they kill . May 18, 1900 Muninimall111111104111.1111.00.1•10011111111111111111111411111111111111111 What is 4 ; 4 ( V\ \`‘'` Vk," \\\ e•‘.'s*s..S&\\• • :•••,..‘„‘„ \-ks — Castoria s for Infants and Children. CaStoria, is a harnaless 'substitute for CastOr Oil, Paregoric,. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic dubstance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of • Mothers. Castoritt destroys Worms and alla,Y's'Feverish., nes% Castoria, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria, • relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation •awl • Flatulency. Castoria assimilates :the Food, regulates, the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving • healthy and natural sloop. Castoria is the Claildren's, Panacea—The Mother's Friend. Castoria. “Castoria is an excellent medicine for children, mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children," • DR. G. C, OSGOOD, Lowell, mass. Castoria, "Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any pro- scription known to me." IL A. Ancunn, M. D; Brooklrs,,1V. THE FAC -.SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THR O5APFAUF1 COMPANY, 7.7 MURRAY CTFICET„NEW YORK CITY, Ilimmoomum 'bow often use a sling Made" from a are obout five feet long, made 'of a • thin, .tough 'strip of einem palm, well seasoned. . The arrows are -usually car- ried in e tiger skin quiver and can he used with marvelous rapidity, 'as the *following ineideitt will show:* - . A chief of the LacOndones of my ac- quaintance isimed•Caneit had been on ' bad teinfs with his father-in-law for. The building laborers of London, Ont., are out on stike. • • • • There are thirty million persons in South America who have never seen a Bible. . • The 20th quadrennial oonference of the Methodist Episcoind Ohurch opened , at Chicago.• •. • • THE Hu 0 , few points from the recent Hell Ot tawa tire - are learnt: -Number of lives lost, 10; • number homeless, 15,000- number of buildings deslroyed, 1,900; estimated • loss, $10,000t000- origin of the fire de ective flue private dwelling; dura- . tion froin stai t until under control, 12 • hour ;territory covered around Ottawa estimated at 1600 acres. • BRA.VE MEN FALL Victims' to stomach, liver and kidirey troubles and feel the results id loss of t tes b k h , , headache and tired, run-down feeling, but "Electric Bitters• ere just the thing for a man" writes3. W. Gardner, of Idaville, Ind., "when he 18 all run-down. . and don't care whether he liees.or dies. It did more to giye me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and baye a new lease on Me." Only b0c. Every bottle guaranteed -by alldruggists. • , The projecilf selling the Danish West Indie tb the United States has now been given up. . The fourteen.montinadel boy of Mr and Mrs J, T. C. Laing, of Centreville, was burned to's:teeth. Amos Loyst, a fifteen year old boy fell off c, freight train at Comber and waskilled. 1,111644, ' • • Vekt MIN THE SAWS OF A LION. -risliant Major Swanie tells otbeing knocked senseless by', a lion that lacerated his arm. His thrilling escape from the Jews of death is only equalled by Dr, Ring's • New discovery for Consumption, ivhIch has saved thousands from desperate Throat and Lung troubles, "All doctors said my wife woithi soon die of Oonstimption,14 writes L. C. Overstreet, of Elgin, Tenn., but your wonderful medicine completely • cured her, and saved her life," Satisfact- • ion ie:guaranteed by all druggists who give 5trti.a010bottles free. Large bottles 50o and • Bunsen and His Veal Outlet.. • Absentmindedne is was a 'marked trait in. Bunsen's character, and many amusing anecdotes are told of the diffi- culties it brought him. The statement that he remained a- baciselorsbecauses .he forgotble•wedding day is of course apocrypha), Be is the other about hie petting • on a suit 'of garinents on the top of others that he had forgotten to take oft, but the following came under my personal observation: 1. Bunsen.used to dine every day at a little table reserved for him in a res- taurant connected with the hotel in which I lived. One spring he fell into the habit Of ordering veal cutlets and asparagus as the chief item for his meal, and without reilection or feeling that a change 'of diet woUld be agree- able he continued to order "kalbs cotelette and ;Target" daily for several weeks until one day the kellner grave. ly informed him that asparagus was no longer in sestina and could liot be imp - plied. Bunsen seemed to be immensely tak- en aback. and to realize for the that time that he had been dining on one dish for a long period. He Seen re. eoVered himself, however, and asked the Waiter for the bill of fare, from Which, after careful examination, he ordered mutton chops and peas, and this was his daily diet Up to the UM. changed my hotel.-Sclence. MIMING OVERTIME, I Eight hour lewd are ignored by those tirelese little workers -Dr. King's New • Life rills, Millions are always at work, night and day, paring Indigestion, Bilious nese, Constipation, Hick Headache and all Stomaeh,Liver and I3owel troublea. Easy, /gement; eafo, RUM. Only 25a at all drug stores. • 1 children Cry for CASTOR lik• • Gopds -POTATOES • have on ,hand a quantity of the , Bove and six weeks' varieties foal Seed: • OURTAINS They are..two weeks earlier than the Berly Rose, good producere, are dry and -mealy • . kt w en riling. Mr. Tease Jackson last season raised 13 beanie from half a bushel sown, and Blaokall _raged a Went pail from three hills, ' WM. DUNCAN, • Cl!ntoii. Ineensed Auctioneer. ofthe m u rd e red m an's relatives could • • •'ove--1. rthmChiJ4 •4. akei,anbersournal.:AtThe 4.4444+81 t• • From 15c to $6.00 per pair HE1VIP UNION AND WOOL CARPETS From 10c to $1.00 per -yard ALWASS REAM :3: Leader • OIL CLOTH AND LINOLEUMS ' We are always ready • and prepared to X . eater to your wants and requirements. Our stock of drugs is yery complete, enab- ling as to fill without any order from your doctor. • • Our Stock of Toilet Requitites is -.1Insurpaseed in. Variety., •Qaantity and Prices. •Are you ueing Parne's Celery Oompound, nature's great rerciedy for the cur t.of rheu- matism, neuralgia,nervons diseases, diabet- es and lives troubles? If you have not giv. • en Paine's Celery Coropound a •trial for your failing health, do so at once; Wa re- commend it. H, B. Combe,Druggist, Clin- ton, Ont. , . • Hike nil- Over, DuffyilIrs. Keay, it ,pains me t' • infarna.yez that yule' hoosband has Mat. bin blowed oop bol a doinamoite ear-. thridge. We found his head in wan lot.. • an his' body, in another. tot, an his lige .in another lot, an his armsan fate in. another lot •• • Mrs. ' Kelly (proudly) Begorrah,' that's Molise all 'over!-Harper's Week- ly. IIXtieperatinsr, • "Gee whizz, how my wife does ag- grawate -MeV" • surprise me. Surely she doesn't henpeck your! • "No, It's her awful meekness. When- ever we have an argument and. Vm in • the right,. she.alwars sighs and says, '012,• very well, deer. have it your own • wayi' "-Pbliadelphla Press. • Inionetatent "Yon ke me waiting so lone" com- \ kplained th eustorner. . "Madam, '+• said the worried grocer:, • who was e onornizIng In his business by employing only one clerk, "ald't you .111e,W.0.14.441-thatswas in hereyesterday- kicking about short Weights?"-Ohica, • ka Tribune. Don't Chide the Children. Theft Geoid the little ones it the bed le Web In ohilds fault. 1519 sufTer Ing from a 'weakness of the kidneys and bladder, and weak kidtieya need strength. ening-thet's Alt You can't afford to risk deiay. Neglect may *retail a lifetime oI laffforing and tnietry. • ' DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS strengthen the kidneye and bladder, then • all trouble ift at an end. , Mra.E. Muer, 0. London, Ont., mother, living at 409 Grey St., treys: "ify little daughter, aix y had week kidneys since birth. Last Fob - runty 1 got a box of Doan's Kidney.Pilli at Strong's drug store. Since taking them she haa had no More kidney trouble of any; •kind, I gladly make this statement be. cause of the benefit My child had rankled from this medloina," 11111111 11111111 11 1 111111 1111 111 1111 • 1111111111111111 . 6* Although the price in Mil- .1: • • linery goods have gnne u,p 4 ;5 I will eontinne to dispose + • ?•my new stock at the regu- X lar prices. 'Watch for bar - 4.• gains in Mitlinarv* • eall and seethe new 'e styles and Shapes. • S • 2:wserredntice loss ROSS., ..•• 101 u 1,4 1,1 u Ae.m,.....vywooAAAA,AAAAAAA BUM BALL'S WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE ;rust seceived a lot of new Belts, Buckles, Pulley Belte,Bangle Brace- lets, etc. The latest goods in the market. We make specialty of fitting SPectaoles and Eye Glasses, Eyes etamined free. • • AAAWAAAANNAMMANYV The Imperial MEAT MARKET. lo• ginThe undersigned wish to inform they have opened up in the store the people of Clinton and vieinitY formerly occupied by Fair & Co. MacKay Block9 Ontario S.. where they will keep in stock all kinds of ^4" •Freat, COoited, •Curealtild"—' •Canned Bleats, • oe are usually darrled,In a first class meat store, tegothersvitn Poultry, Canned Tongue, Beef, Pigs' Feet,ifince Meat, and all saddles ot a like nature, which will be delivered to any • part of the town, Orders solicited 3 lbs. good Sausage for es teats. JOHN SOBAJTON, Manager T. R F. CASE 8t CO. • • • CLINTON 44-04.444+444-444-•-•-04444-41-0-40-. Central Meat Market Having purchased the butcherieg btisinees of E. H. Powell 1 am pre.. pared to furnish the'people of Clin• ton with all kind e of Fresh and Cured Meats. Sausage, bologna, lard, butter and eggs alweys kept on hand, Orderer delivered promptly *0 all parte of the town. Fitzsimons & Son. • Telahliond 7'0. • ' N.B.-Penes* laving hogs for • shipment will confer a favor by leaving word at the shop. 44+44-4410:444-0,444-44444- All widths and pieces Robt. Coats & Son Are Your Looking' For a place to buy the best grade of groceries cheap if so, "YOU WILL FIND IT HERE." 1:4;1;11 Maple Syrup, Buckwheat Flour, and a dozen kindp choice Breakfast Food, Corn Neal, Oatmeal, Flour, Fancy Decorated Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, Fancy -Glass and China 1Berry Sets and Table ;Sets "Cheap. Before you purchase give us a call. N.ROBSON'S CASH GROCERY • Chilton, February 151h, 1000. Egeter Flour AT NO EXTRA cosr *bias' ni- Small Ficlir as TiinotRy; -ItCa and Aisike Clovers. Headquarters -for Turnip, Mongold, Carr°. Seeds. . Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods. • Our speoialty is Teas, Try 3ur 15o Tea. Other:varietiee equally as cheap. ' Highest market pries paid ia bash for eggs. ‘7. IIIT—JTJ Buggies 'Ow We are selling Buggies for three of the:best Carriage CoMpanies in Canada, GREY AND SONS, CHATHAM, BRANTFORD CARRIAGE CO. • CANADA6 CARRIAGE CO., BROCKVILLE. and. the well known RAIN WAGGON. We are selling twine made by the very best makers at reasonable prices. • Also agent for the Alexander and. Mallotte Cream Seperatori and.lfassey Harris Bicycles. Saraples can bo 40en at the shop, Isaito Street •Geo. Lariat General implement Dealer, Clinton • a •••••,,s,