HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-18, Page 1f
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ROBERT leiaLaLGS, Publisher.
he Clinton New
_________________________ Colborne
NerrEs.-Mr Abraham Fisher is erect.
ing an addition to his house ; Mr Win.
Burney is doing the frame work. Mr
Little ed over, which adds greatlysto the inn,
Bichard Allin has had his house board-
of the _piece. A large
crowd attended the raising of Mr Al.
lin's new barn last week, Mr J. Riley
being the contractor. Quite a number
. from around here -attended the revival
• meetings at Ball's appointment the 2Ittlbeirrn
past week which are being conducted nineara,-'ehere occurred a Rad vit.
by the eva.ngelist, Miss Williams. ca,ncy the ranks of our young men
Some of the young people from this last week in the person of Gilbert
vicinity spent a very enjoyable tune Baer. second son of Mrs Baer of this
one night last week tripping the light village. Deceased was born in the
fantastic till the wee small hours of the tochilitiP. of Hullett twenty-seven years
night, some being so overcome that ago and has resided in this locality ever
they slepE all the next day, Mr Chas. since. He was well liked by all who
Treble has been visiting at Mr Nathan had the pleasure of his acquaintance.
Johns, where be will celebrate the 24tb He sufferedfrom enlargement of the
after which he intends returning to his heart. Cut down ere he had arrived at
home in Cedar Vallee. Mr Thos.johne the noon of manhcfed. The sympathy
was the guest of Mr ii, Allin on Sun- of the community is extended to the
day last. Mr Norman Snycles epent widowed mother and brothers and sis-
Sunday last under the parental roof; ters of deceased. His remains were
Norman now:eports a• wheeland willow interred in Ball's cemetery last Satur-
doubt,be among the scorches ere the, day, followed by. a large number of
sunomer is past. Mr W. Tebbutt Sun- friends and acquaintances. •
dayed at Mr S. Snyder's. Mr John
McCarty lost a valuable horse last CHunoer.- The collection taken up
in the Presbyterian church two Sab-
week which stepped into a• hole hurt-
ing itself inwardly and afterwards had baths ago in aid of the Indian Famine
to be killed. • A certain young ma,n of Fund amounted to over forty-five dol.'
the 8th con., while visiting a friend a, lars• The Presbyterian. congregation
few days ago, got his robe and cushion here have been beautifying the side of
e wa c a eye Her Malesty's highway to the east of
stolen, ii t roug DEATII.-On Tuesday. of this week
of Constable Gurdry he got them back the manse. During lase winter several
ingRobt. Marks passed "quietly away at.
safe ; we hope that such work will not trees 'were cut down on the manse I the age of 74 years, after a few weeks'
occur they again or may have to .
• rounds• tus of da what have been the renanants are re- illness. The deceased was a native of
; seen •
undergo a Severe cross examination. Ireland, and when a young man he set-
anywhe-re forty years ago. It is rumor-
ed near Bayfield on a farm. In 1855
. . d th t the Presbytery of Huron is go-
ing to annex Leetairn to the present
a eneral store and bought large ship-
A Prec frarenbberinkentent*Ork
The News of the Neighborhood
Death of Dr, McDonald,
I The best advertising medium
in this section.
The Close of a Long, Earnest
and Prominent Life.
looking at the quiet, benevolent
Supplied by the New Era's widesaWake And reliable correspondents form one is reminded of the scriptural
YskeleY-Y-ifeeloyeetaPPIdeaterViauf-O-VP1444-1°PlaPPee-et-pserratat passage: "Oh death, where le -thy
OiUtv that was mortal of the late Rey Di.
sting; oh grave, -thy victory, as all
way home little breaks are
-nourring daily. Maybe..
Table Silverware,
Rings, Pins,
Watches or Clocks, =
Whatever it is we're anxious it shall
come our Fey. .
We repair sub things in a satis-
factory manner.
Our charges are moderate - one ec
services prompt.
Whether large or small it receives -4C
all OW attention it requires. 44
We are Leaders in ourLine,
-Jeweler -K
And'Optie ran ec
CEIUR011.-On Sunday next a special *
• sacramental service will he held in
Thursday next, being the 24th of Sharon. The adjourned business '
meeting of the board of the Methodist
May, and as we wish to celebrate
church will meet on Monday. Those
the Queen's Birthday along with who were out Sunday evening enjoyed '
the others, our next issue will be a treat, which is by no means rare; Mr
Greene gives us some.grand discourses I
published on Wednesday, the 23rd especially in the evening.
inst. We would therefore aslrour FORRESTERS,-Organizer Clayton, of
correspondents and advertisers to Listowel, has been here fora week ens
I rolling and initiating youngForreeters.
havatheir copy in one day sooner
I Quite a number have joined the order
than formerly, so as to ensure in- and at the regular meeting Friday,
sertion. please bear this fact in May 25th, there will be further initia-
tion for -those who were unable to be
rnind and oblige us hy doing so.
present Monday or Fcida,y evenings.
We wish to be as loyal as our The 0. 0. F. is recognized as the best
neighbor by celebrating the occas- of the kind and the high rank it holds
is proven by the members .who ident-
ion of the 81st birthday of our ify themselves with it.
Miss S. Cantin is visitingher parents.
Robt McLea.neead a drove of floe steers
Brucefield... delivered here Wednesday. J. L.
Courtice nearly lost his cow with milk
fever but Dr. Blackall brought it
around by the new treatment which
seems to be a decided success. Mr Geo.
Huller nearly had an accident the oth-
er day when his team ran away with
the roger but he says he does not want
it in the paper. Miss Emma Cantin is
visiting in Mitchell. We understand
that, Mss Geo. Tebbutt intends leaving
Montreal on Jene 2 fora 3 months'trip
to the Old sod, Milk is coming into
the tactory faster this week, Mr Rob-
erton, of Bright, assists Me Scott this
y ear. Mr yr. Williams left on Mone
day for Tavistock where he has a pos-
ition in Mr Bell's cheese factory • they •
will have to provide lots of milk if they
keep well.going. Fred Fords' horse
rap away Sunday night but nothing -
serious Teen' ted. Mibses Jenny and
Aggie Phipps arrived home can Friday;
the former has been visiting in Toron-
to and east for a month, the latter has
0 he came to"Brucefield where he opened
CHURCEL-Mr Naftel prea,ched an ex- pharge of Mancheater and Smith's Hill, . g -,
cellent serrnon here on Sunday even- et least it was announced lad Sabbath mews of grain, that Was shipped to
a good lake port. He
ing last from "How long halt you- be- that the Rev. Mr Anderson, Goderich, Bayfleld, then '
was the first postmaster of our village,
tween twc opinions?" •Oto Sunday was to occupy the pulpit here and -ex -
evening next, Mr McIntyre, assistant plain the Century Fund and V. motion at that timetlienearest post offiees were
aH rpurhey (near Seaforth). Bayfie
eitefirkliekekiniekkiklieklekektikek******* to the Rev. C. C. Owen, of the Memor- made by the Presby teryat itslastmeet-
and Clinton in the vicinity. Mr Marks
ial church, London, will preach here. ing. The DistrictTemplare had a meet.
This young man comes as one of great ing here last Tuesday and there was a was then known for miles around and
dielea flourishing business; he was a
Nile promise and all should grasp the op- good attendances no doubt good will
friend to the poor man, A kindly,gen-
CHURCH . --The regular quarterly
-meeting was held here lase Sabbath
-morning. Rey. M. J. Wilson, of Ben.:
supt. of this circuit, was pres-
ent and administered the saarament.
Miss Williams, evangelist, who is en.
gaged in evangelistic work on the Ben -
miller circuit, was present and deliver-
ed an impressive sermon from the text
"The Lord is•my light, why should I
-fear." Anse matqy friend
were glad to hear her again; she was
engaged in special work here, eleven
years ago.
Oetuncia.--Tea-meeting to he held a
Wile on the evening of the 24th. Re-
freshments to.be served from 6 to 8,
after Which a program will be given in
the church. The following speakers
are invited: Rev. J. Wilson, Goderich;
Rev, J. E. J. Millyard, Rev, Sutcliffe;
the chair will be occupied by H. E.Rel-
lington. Thesfellowing popular recit-
ers have promieed to attend: Misses
L. Brydges Mon A. Walters, E. Wiht
son, and otlers. Several singers have
been invited; and the Nile choir and
orchestra will assist tvith music.
NoTEs.-Etev. Su tcliff, whp has been
in our midst taking up Rey. Kelfing-
ton's work, left on -Monday for Strath-
roy District, where he.. is engaged in
the Forward Missionary Campaign.
Messrs0. (eleven, Geo. Ryan and Geo.
eaurrey, Sr., were in Clinton on Tues-
day. Mrand Mrs D. Cook, jr., ofOlin-
ton Sundayed at Mrs Samuel Kerr's:
Mr le Chrystal, of London, Sundayed
in the bound nee Miss Essie Clark, of
Rochester, N Y., is visiting her cousin,
Miss May Bogie. Mr W ill and Miss
Etbel Treleaven visited at IL M'cIl-
vvain's on Sunday. Miss T. A. Sprung
wheeled to her home in Auburn Fre
-day evening. Mr and Mrs Wm. Mor-
row, of Goderich, Sundayed at Nile.
Messrs F. Weird and A. °mortice, of
Holmesvill.*. paid a visit to Nile friends
'Tuesday night, Mr Hodgere of Hay,
and Mr Saunders, of Brussels, have
finished the cement foundation for S.
Matthews'new barn. Miss Jay Stew-
art accompanied Miss Etta Hall to
Clinton Tuesday mornings Mr J.
'Sutherland, of Woodstock, is visiting
at W. B Thomson's.
PRESENTATION. -On Monday even-
ing the mein berg of Nile Sunday school
gathered at the parsonage and present-
ed Mrs Hall with •an address, accom-
panied by ton dollars, as a slight token
of their appreciation of her services
whilst amongst them. Mrs Hall left
for Clinton on Tuesday morning, where
she purposes making her future home.
.Our best wisbes go with her and her
family. The following is the address :
Nile, 1.1aY 14, 1900.
Dean SISTER HAt.L.—We, as fellow workers
for God inconnection with the Nile Sabbath
'School, desire to express to you in some tan-
gible form our estseen and appreciation of your
valued services among us a faithful and effici-
ent teacher or our Juvenile class of boys. We
'feel that in you we shall lose one whose place
1 in our school will be difficult, to fill. We trust
that you will find a place in the hearte of teach-
ers and pupils where you may cast in your Tot,
'and vrefeel certain that you will be able to do
a good work for the Master in the school where
you may enter. Kindly receive this gift as a
smalltokenof our, appreciation, and may we
all be so unaposkably happy as to 'enter the
'Scheel at last, Where we no ltrhger need the
-teaching ; of earth, and Christ JiIni,elf cloth.
•rtde. Waned in behalf of the
R. Motewars, Secretary.
Ewes you tried the new ,
Washing Compound
Absolutely no rubbing required, .Saveis your
titne,,BaVeS lent hands', Saves your clotheg.
Jt extraota the dirt without rubbing and its
ingredients are gUaranteed to be positivelY
nermIesg, Esc is sold, at tle per patentee.
\it Try &Package next wash day. Try our 6 o'clock
waferetteet lee per package, 4 never*, Faies
Best rentioy Flour, SLTO per irivt.
We heir. just Opened an import crate
aottsb. Motto Goods consieting orl--Tos Pots,
(lees rots, Burns Grace nowitt, Handled
'Beaker", kinglet', Cream, Het Water Kettles,ete,
That are an haw EdollS, With. natant Seotch
Inottoe *an them. Our stook of China nese7
atl new bought .sinoe we moved. We have
jtiet (keened up a Crate of dinner sets ranging
in price4 from fa to $12, and this week expect
anothar °rat* that range in price from $12
t4$ $15 tier see nearly everrone likes to .on nide
dishes end toe them whether you *emit
to buy or not. Please tote from May 15th We
r at 7 p.m, during the sunItner months.
Corner gore in Beetle's Blasi,
Cash for nutter end Eggs
Phone eta
portunity of hearing him. The regu- be the -result ot the meeting; we are
lar meeting of the 'Women's Auxiliary afraid that the Good Templar lodges erous, honest Man; heleaves a widow
met on Thursday afternoon at 2 p. m. and three children -Robert, of Kansas,
are not flourishing in this district as
at the home a Mrs C. We Williams', they ought to be; are members as jeal- and Mrs W. Rattenbury and Miss
Marks of our village. He erase staunch
Maitland con. Sunday School met ous as they ought to be;how many vvill
and well-read in all the
here on Sunday laSt at 10 a. m, with take the trouble to bring the offenders Conservative,
fairly good attendance ; let US see more of the License Act t o acconnt affairs of the times. He will, long be
NOTES. On Thursday morning of
leBR/EMI-G. F . Yuogblut, who has where he had many true friends. The . een out West for a year.
last weesMr S. L,owery was taken sud-
denly ill ; the services of a physician f boots and shoes in the village for noon to Bayfield cemetery.
Porter's n'.
were resorted to and we are glad to nearly 30 years, left last week for Hen- Ncerns.=Rey. Mr Carriere preached
sale where he intends going into i.,,..;. in the Presbyterian church on Sunday NOTE& -Mr Win. Elliott, who un.
next Sunday. missed in our village and vicinity,
carried on the manufacturing and salefilner al took place on Thursday after -
say he is inaprovinimay he soon com-
ness; we believe it is hie intention to last; Rev. E. Sewers filled his place in derwent an operation at the Clinton
friends. Masters A. and W. Ohristo- wet in a, stock of hardware AS well. 3, Corbett and Grand Bend,it being their
pletely recover is the wish of his many Hospital some time ago is expected
Nicholson has purchased the parsanage anniversary. Miss Maggie McTavish, home this week. Mr John Margnis
pher, of Walton, called on friends in
this part last week. Miss Blanche Mc- from the Methodist congregation here, of Detroit, is visiting at home. Mrs has been laid up for some time with a
and intends making it bie future resid- Graham, who has been visiting at the cr ushed foot but is able to get around
Ilyeen visited her aunt, Mrs F. Mait is repor
l- intends 'home of her daughter, Mrs 3. Sims, of again-, Mr John Cox had tee mistor-
veen, part of last week T. Lindsay ence; ted that he
building a harness shop on the same Blyth, returned home last week Miss tune to get his, toes jammed by it wag
spent Sunday last on the 16th con. Mr lot. The. Methodist congregation have Langly, of London, is visiting at the on wheel running over them one day
and Mrs C. Beacom spent Sunday at urchased the house belonging to G. F. home of her sister, Mrs W.Aikenhead. last week Mr F. Renck got his barn
ular merchant,. is doin s good bus) .k-ungbiort, which will, in future. be the Rev. E. Sewers attended the funeral.
Mr S. Lowery's Mr Bullard. our pop- jacked up on Monday ready for the
residence of their Pastor. Mrs John of the late Dr. McDonald, in Clinton. masons. Mr Jas. Cox is preparing to
nese in gathering ego Miss Mabel Arthur has purchased the stock of G. on Saturday last., Seldon Ross has re- build an addition to his barn. Mr Pet-
Bingnam visited her friend, Miss K. er Cantelon is hauling lumber., fOr his
F. Yungblut, oor late shee-maker, and turned home from Chicago, where he
Williams, of the Maitland, one day
last week. Qifite-a- nunibeie-airourid
here secured some "shad" in the river
below here, Mr W. Stanley, of
Rohnesville, passed through here on
Monday last. T. C. Elford, of liolmes
vitae, called on C. A. Telobutt one day
last week.
NOTES. -A epecial treat is in store for
all at the entertainment in Knox
church Tuesday the 29th. See adver-
tisnaent later. .
lo THE FRONT. -The. pupils of No. 8
Lonclesboro have again shown that
they are not in the rear but in the
front rank, like our boys in South
Africa, by the ready manner in which
they replied to the urgent call for re-
lief from the Ottawa Citizen Company,
in behalf of the sufferers in Ottawa
and Hull.. The amount of the subscrip-
tion amounted to the snug sum of
$4.45. Four Dollars is sufficent to ail
one person for a considerable time.
The teachers of No 8 have only to thank
the pupils and parents in behalf of the
company for their_ sympathy for a
just cause, --
NOTE:B.-The name of Mr L I. Walk-
er appeareas one of the successful part-
ies at the final examination of the med-
ical school in TOT onto;he will -now be a
full pledged M, D. Mr John Johnston
moved to Blyth, on Tuesday; he has
secured a job on the G. T. R. as section
man; we are sorry to lose him. The
Rev, Mr Hamilton, on Monday occu-
pied the pulpit of the Presbyterian
church, Myth. for the thanksgiving
eervice, We are sorry to say that Bono°
of the sick of the villiage are not im•
proving as much as they and their
friends wish. The creamery began
operations on Monday. Great number
of fat cattle are being sent away &Om
here. Mr 0. Myer and another buyer
from London spent a few days here
thie week but did not , purchase many
cattle as prices were high,
Critatoli. -Sada mental services were
held at the Bethel churela on may 6th.
The house was crowded and some had
to go away. Miss S. J. Williams,
evangelist, who is greatly loved by
people ef this circuit, preached an ap.
ropriate and forcible eermon; about
r40 Dartook of the emblems of the
Lord's Supper; music by our newly or-
ganized Bethel choir was well render.
ed. All seemed greatly blessed. Mee
Williams is laboring with.the pastor at
the Balls appointitient ; Ohristiane two
earnest and the meetinge are good.
Board meetirli at the Benmiller church
on Monday, May 7th. Bro. Albert Al -
lin was chosen delegate to the district
meeting. A resolution of appreciation
intendacarrving OU WS business In all is studying dentistry. Mrs Rat n w house. Miss Amy Cox has gone
its branches. Chas. Howeon intends ail etyttepieb, is vim-U-13E1d- the -home -of ter -Kincardine -to -teach:- music where
building a new house this summer. Mr Marks., Ihe creamery commenced she. will likely spend the summer as
The season of statute laber bas almost operations last week. John Batten- she has secured a large number of pup
arrived again; the sidewalks here are burylis officiating in the post office at ils in that vicinity. Mrs 0. W. Putter
badly in need of repair at present. We present, owing to the death of Mr and family are visiting friends near
are sorry to have to stath that W. Mc- Marks. A. Murdock, brother of R Woodstock, Mr John Shaw left on
gaged for the summer. Miss Rosie
Cook, of Leeburn, is visiting at E. U.
Potter's this week. Mr P. Potter and
Miss F. Blackwell were palling on
friends in our burg on Saturday,
here, and intends erecting it new house cm St. Joseph's.
this summer.
Donald is not improving as we expeet- Murdock, passed throughis wee on
ed.a short time ago. Ali the Free his way tsze Toronto, where he has it
Masons from here were out at Smith's good position in Simpson's departmente
Hill last Weclnesday evening,flth inst., al store. Rev -Mr Beavers and Rev Mr
the Deputy Grand Master was present Acheson, of Kipper*, attended the fun -
on his official visit; they report good eral of the late Dr. McDonald in °lir-
time and he is a jolly good fellow. W. ton on Saturday, Jas. Aikenbead left
Paterson has taken up his residence here last week for the Old Country:
• Foot-
bail Club was heldMonday, May NOTES, -Mr R. Durand and3. Pap -
14th, when the club was re-nrganized • ineau are preparing s for the fishing
• Blyth. under its former name "Brucefield season by getting their pond nets ar-
Revers. The following officers were ranged. MrJas. Ducharrne, who, has
Tau Rotas -From the easement roll elected for the present year :-- Hon, been away to Mich., on' a tour the
WA take the following particulate:- Pres., Alex. Mustard; Pres, Dr. Arm- past three months is back again. Mr
Real property, $197, 845; personal prop- strong; vice Pres., A. T, Scott; Sec.-
erty, $19,875; real and personal proper- Treas., W. Baird; Capt., G. A. Turner;
ty and taxabls income, $218,020; num. Man., S. IL Ross; Man. Corn., R. G.
ber of acres, 429. The population is a Simpson. T. O. Delgatty, J. McKay, J.
little less. than last year but still keeps Snider, J. Burge; Field Corn.. V. Mus -
within sight of 1100. tard, J. McIntosh, A. Oak, D. Reid, J.
NOTES. -Mr .1, Williamson and Miss McCowan; Curator, C. Mason. • Tues -
M. Johnston, of Seafortb, were guests day, Thursday and Saturday of each
at the home of James Moot) over Sun- week are to be special nights for prac-
day. Mrs Frank Metcalf is in St. tice. The successof last year in which
Marys this week attending the funeral five mat chesweere won and one drawn
of an uncle. Sr. Andrew's church has should enlist the energies of all those
so far contributed $65 towards the In- interested to make the present season
dian fund Mr .T. G. Emigh and a red letter day in our history. Come
the Misses Emigh, of Goderich, and Mr out to practice and help to roll the
and Mrs A, M. Emigh and daughter, of chariot to victory.. In this present elec-
Buffalo, spent Sunday with Blyth tric age arm -chair practice will not
riends, Mr Alex McCreight has lately hring us to a Pretorie. A special meet -
purchased through Mr (5. Hamilton, 4, . ll d f S t d evenin • all
agent, a new Harrill' compound steam '
'citation to attena, he club are open
A. Denomme has purchased a new
wheel from C. Fritz, Zurich. The fall
wheat is promising to be a heavy crop
this year while the spring crop owing
to cool weather is a little backward.
NEW HOTEL, -The license, long -
sought, has at last been accorded to
Mr Carotin and the hotel has, for the
present, been established in his own
house. His house having been re-
modelled has now become a COM-
modious building suited for the pur-
pose, Mr Cyril Vallee who owns the
Queen's Hotel in Montreal is the pro-
prietor and Mr Mitchell is the . present
managee, Now the town is in a fit
position to receive travellers and what
has formerly been a drawback to this
interested kindly accept this inflitS
engine, made at Mitchell, anti placed it f h . • Tuckersmith
in his chopping mill. Mr Wesley or c a enges.
Walker, who for several years was it BULL PURCHASED. -Mr Ira Johns
member of the firm of Walker Bros, & • Westfield., , h purchased a tine young thorobred"
Button, furniture dealers, Wingham, ICE CREA.M Soetae.-The annual ice Durham bull from Mr Henry Plum -
steel, of the London road,
has opened out in the furniture Wei- cream social will be held in the Metho-
nese in Blyth; he has rented the store dist church here on the evening of May . CHURCH Nonts,-The League meet.
first door north of Mr J. T. Carter's 24th. Tea will be served from 5 to 7 Ilion Sunday evening last was addrein
harness shop and is busy getting it in• o'clock, after Which an excellent pro- se by Miss Nott and on Sunday next
to shape for lousiness. Mr Wm, Einigh gram tvill be rendered. •Addressee will will he taken by Mrs WO]. Townsend,
the topic being "The power of a tefia-
and Mr James McMurchie had an ex- ne delivered by, Rev, M. J. Wilkon, of perate life." t
citing experience cas Monday :evening, Benmillenand Rev, Mr Whaley, of St.
they were returning from it drive an Helens. Special music, vocal and in- NOTEE.-Mies Gladys Hahne% of
Luct11"7' 41 visiting her "neje' Was
when in front of Mr McMurchie's home strurnental, will be given. Proceeds in ,
Holmes. Mrs Newton Crich left
the horse made a sudden turn, the force aid of the Sunday School, M.
this week for Holly, Mich., where Mr
of which threw them both out; forttin- NOTES. -Mrs I Redmond Was called Crich has secured a sit uation * she was
ately neitherwais seriously injured. to Grindstone City, Mich., last week, accompanied by her sister, Mss Pah-
to see her daughter, Mrs Hunter, who alda Nott. Miss Rebecca Stanbury
Beigrave was dangerously ill. Miss Annie j. spent Sunday with Miss 0. Johns, Mr
Densmore, who bas been in New York Earnest °rich, of Clinton, spent Sun -
FASHIONABLE: WEDDING, -On Wed- tor the past eight years studying for it day at his home here, Miss Ella Johns
nesday, May 9t1), the residence of O. nurse* returned home on Thursday for is spending this week with her sister,
W. Lawrence, Morris, was the stone a few months' ylsit with her Parente Mrs A. Seeley. of Clinton,
of R. fashionable gathering upon the here; she has been successfulin passing
occasion of the marriage of his third her final examinations. Word was re.
Clegg, B. A., cattle merchant, of Bel- Addle Tyndall„ of Chatham eldest NOTES.-Mhit eFleb0:leirefir. 0 hheringham,
daughter, Florence M., to Robert J. ceived last week of the death of Miss
grave. In the presence of about 40 eaughter of Geo. Tyndall, a ' former of Brucefleld, is visitingher eister. Mrs
guests Rev F. J. Oaten, Ph, B., de- resident of this place; deceased was 0, A. H. Clutton, Mee Maggie McLeod,
clared them man and wife. The bride- cousin of A. B.Carr. Mies rt,Redraond of Sault St. Marie, arrived here last
accompanied to the altar b her father, still continues v ry low. re j. Bean, week and is spending it few holidays
McDonald, a kr mer beloved pastor of
Willis church, lay in bleep. It was
with a sense of personal loss that young
and old heard the news that be bad
passed away, on the 9:h Lnet„ at the
age of 68 years, after a long life of use-
fulness in the ministry. The body was
brought to Clinton on Friday evening
and placed in the churclitheeeto await -
interment on the following day, In
the chancel it lay, amidst many wreaths
from friends and relatives, all bearing '
silent but eloquent testimony to the
high respect in which the late reverend
gentleman was held. As he lay there
Longfellovv's words seethed true -"The
peace of God in all his looks."
The sad event took place on Wednes-
day, 9th inst., at his residence in De-
troit, and as the sad announcement
was passed from one to another it
caused sincere grief. It was known
that he had been in declining health
ever since leaving Seaforth, but not
that his condition was so serious.
He was a man of strong individual-
ity, one whose advice was eagerly
sought for in other -than ecclesiastical
matters; one who was genie I and friend-
ly, tninking evil of no one, and bene-
fitting any he could. Enjoying many
friends, he had no enemies. In the
ministry he was a faithful steward of
God, his teachings sound, living up to
what he professed and taught, and his
sermons bore evidence of ,thorough
nreparedness. Ie Was a diligent, in-
dustrious and successful pastor in all
the charges with whiph he was con-
nected. In the Presbytery he was a
valued member, always ready to take
any part in committee work, In
church, state, home .and society he
commanded the liking. the esteem and
the respect of all who knew him: His
influence for refinement and good did
much for the moral rating for which •
the Seaforth lacrosse club was noted.
During his early pastorate he had con-
siderable driving to do, and the excel-
lency of the horse and proficiency of
the driver attracted the attention and
comments of many.
Ile was born on November 9th, 1832,
$1 per year in advance.
t $1,50 when not so paid.
Fruit Crop
Wel be much larger if you
. take the necessary precautions now
and spray your trees and pusher!,
It is not expenses() to'do so, and *the
extra return of feint will amount to
many times the cost of spraying.
Is recognized as the beet arti-
ole for spraying. It kilts all injurious
growths and inseots and insures a
larger quantity of better fruit. We
sell the best.
4nnn. nrAn
Phone 2 Prescription
Drug Store
NOTES.-Dr,Stanbut y and daughter,
of Bayfield, called at the Methodist
parsonage on Monday. On Tuesday
Rey. J. W. Andrews and daughter at-
tended the District Lodge of' Good
Tempters which was held m Auburn -
The Presbyterians intend hawing a tea.
meeting on May 24th, Mise Maude
Andrews has returned home after vis-
iting -friends in Clinton. •
Rshfield '
. NcrrEs.-The farmers are busy pre-
paring the round for the root crop.
Mr and Mrs Joseph Helm mourn the
loss of their infant son Harvey. There
is an increase of acreage. of spring crop
put in this year in this vicinity. Many
In our neighborhood have had severe
attacks Sof grip, but are now recovering.
Additional Local News .
HoD'SE OF REnnome-Timothy Hew-
itt, of Bluevale, was last week admitted
as an inmate The Salvation Arm con-
ducted the services on Sunday last.
MONEMENTS.-Recent ewe by 3-B'
ligover of monuments are: -Red gran-
ite sarcopbagus for wife of D. McPhee- .
son, Goderich; red granite for on of
Wm. Blair Goderich township; grey
granite, Gates Ajar, for son of A. B.
Cornell, Goderich.
in the citadel of Quebec-. His father •
was bandmaster in the 79th regiment,
and was present at the battles of OM--
unna and Waterloo. After leaving
the army he received a pension and a
grant of land in Durham county. His
father died shortly after the rebellion,
Alex, (the subject of this notice,) being
only 8 years of ago, arid then he lived
with a farmer until he was 18. From
that time on he began to study, attend-
ing the Toronto Academy, then under
charge of Prof. Gale. He also taught
ischo)l in Blenheim in 1853-4, and was
afterwards employed...es- a- catechist
student in 1855 at Weetport and New-
burgh. and in '.56-7 in Collingwood and
Bradford. After complei.ing his there
lagical course at Knox college, he was
assistant to the late Dr. Bityae,pf Galt.
flaying then been duly licensed by
Hamilton Presbytery, he was ordained
pastor' of his first charge, in Clinton, in
1859; 10 years later he went to Elora,
in another 10 years he was inducted as
, pastor of the Seafortla Presbyterian
church, and it was from this charge he
resigned on account of ill health, sust
a year ago. For eight years he acted
as clerk of Huron Presbytery; was
moderator of the Synod of Hamilton
and London in 1883 and also superin-
tendent of the public school board of
Clintpn and Tuckeremith, and chairs
rnan of the eleaforth high school board
In '80 Mr McDonald travelled exten-
sively in Great Britain, and in the
Northwest in '82 and '87. An incident
in connection with his demise is that
it occurred exactly 68 years and 6
months from the date of his birth -
Nov. 9, 1832 to May 9, 1900, Just 40
years ago he preached his first sermon
in Clinton, and in May of last year his
farewell wa,, given in Seaforth.
Deceased WAS married to Agnes,
daughter of JamesCavan, Paris, Ont.,
on Sune23, 1859, and they were blessed
with a family of 9 children, 3 haying
died -1 in Elora and 2 in Clinton.
Tbose left to mourn are his widow,
four sons -Douglas, in Winnipeg; ,Tas.,
in Neepe,wa, Mane David and William
in Detroit; Rober't, in Windsor; and
daughter Allie in Detroit.
' The funeral services were verreitn-
pressive, a numberof clergymen taking
part. Wreaths of flowers sent by
friends were in abundance, and the
pulpit was draped. Rev Mr Stewart
presided as officiating clergyman. Rev.
A. McLean, of Blyth, clerk, gave an
address on behalf of the Presbytery,
and after a feeling prayer by Rev Mus-
grave, the present incumbent Rev Mr
Goldsmith, who is filling the Seaforth
pulpit gave an address paying respeot
to his memory and ability, both as 0.
man and clergyman. The choir,assist-
ed by Miss Combo ab the organ, rend-
ered suitable selections, during which
an opportunity was given to those
who wished to take it last look at one
who will long live in their memories.
Relatives and friende ()Coupled the
ront pews, and among the clergymen
present were: -Reye. M. Bate and Muse
grave, Seaforth; McLean, Blyth;
R. Henderson, Auburn; S, Acheson,
Kippent C. Pletcher and W. E. Martin,
Exeter; 36 Se Hendereon,of flensall; j.
A. Hamilton, of Lendesboro; James
Hamilton, Goderich; N,ShaW,Egreond-
Fine and H. E. Swam Brucefleld.
Tho flowers were beautiful. Including
it Wreath of wheat from D. C. Kerr, of
Detroit; pillows from Seaforth C. E.,
tbe employees of Farrand & Vallee's
organ factory and the Journal office,
In Detroit; lyre from the decessecl'e
sons; and many others from friends.
The funeral Was largely attended,
many coming from outside places to
pay their last respects, there being
over 50 present from Seaforth.
The pall bearers were Robert,, David
and William McDonald, lames Fair
Rev, W. Dickie, of Toronto, and J. A.
Wilson,of Seaforth.
of the iervlcos 01 Bro, InMa e ,, was gracefully costumed fn white feu- of Clinton, and rs R.Sla er, of Blyth, w or relatives ere. r a
steward at Benmille ,r who has gone to' lard de bole, and wore with the veil it spent a few days brat week visiting at Horton and Miss E. Horton visited Mr
Manitoba, WAS passed, to be placed on -wreath of white carnatrone, and carried the home of A. B. Carla and Mrs Wm. Cook, of Port Albert, on
record. Benmiller• Sunday School Is a 130quet of white roses. To the strains . Sunday. According to agreements of
looking forward for a S. S. picnic; Inc. of music by the orchestra the guests Presbytery a trial will be made for the
ther particulars will be givrn later. enjoyed the wedding luncheon, which Rippen next two months of joining Leeburn
Rev. Sutclift (student of Montreal) was of it most sumptuous . nature, AT, QT110.-liev. S. Achoon was in on with Carlow and Manchester and
preached at leenmiller, Sunday, 13th. Many were the valuable presents to Clinton on Saturday attending the 'Union, Goderich Township with Beth -
the pastor being at Nile conducting the bride, silVerware and ebeice china funeral of Dr. McDonald, who died in any and Dayfileldt These arrange -
the Sacrament there; all appreciated being prominent, while ether subetan.Detroit and wee brought to Clinton ments will make it necessary to change
the able seryiee of 13ro, Sutclife. • tial thinge were 116t Wantingi Mr and for I interment. A. Bishop ex- the tint° of service here and next Sun -
Mee Clegg left by the afternoon train M. lima in Kinen the forepart of day service will de held At 4clock and,
%tank',/,' for Toronto. On their return they win the week ; Mr 11 a ez is very crippled Sunday School at 3 o'cloek and Rev.
known, the we wishee ela attend ter the hard political battlee he has the following Weeks Mr Henderson
NoTE8,--Mrs /Win Bose, a former "ttle in Behteave' Del widely With rheumatics An little wonder af- Jas. Anderson will conduct the service;
resident of Clinton, but now of Idaho,
6 tlaern at "the hanging of the crane" fought *end wen ;ih South IlitrOti. Will take therge.
IT. S., was visiting this week at th W. Oudtnore was in Goderich on pri-
home of Mrs D,R06s. Revavit carriere, shoold bring them much happiness.
day last. Mies Lily Parson tuid Mr The South African 'Review asserts that
of Grand Bend, spent the first part, of
Goder felt Township,. . Scott, called on friends in the burg member of the Legieleture of CapeOolony
the week with Mrs P. Campbell; he Monday evening. John MeNevin offered money to 8 121813 to Sheet Sir Alfred
copied the pulpit of the rtey,Mc Salvers, NoTgg, -Miss Aggio Tebbutt hits re* has disposed of his lumber to Broadfoot Milner, the British High Commissioner,
Brucefield, morning and evening, re. turnedfromGoderrchehehad a pleasant Box st On., of sootott h; he had Some Affidavits on the enbjeot are said to be in
turning to his home On Monday. time with her friends there. fine elm and hemlock. the hands of the Attorney•General.
II 1111 I 1 11111 1111111 1 111
BrYnOt..Atm,-The safe in the G.T.R.
station was blown open the other
night, and the contents, which were
not large, tarried off. It is said the
work hi that of pi ofessions.ls, Detec-
Live Oookburn, of the G. T. IL has gone
to Locknow to investigate.
STOOK NOTRS.—Thos. Mason ie con-
stantly on the lookout for heavy.drafts
and lewd 'stockers. D. Dickson, of
Tuckersmith, bought a bunch of fine •
beeves from him. Chas. Wilson iS al-
so gathering a number of stockers for
ehipment. Wallace and (Jantelon ship- .
ped a carload of hogs • to Toronto on
Monday ; the priceressie dropping,:this
week being 8565 e."
" PRETTY CHINAWARE. -In the win-
•dowof P. B. Crews' jewelry store is
to be seen a quantity of silver and
chinaware, composing candelabra,pick-
le and olive dishes, salad bowls, busts,
bric-a-brac, etc. There 'are some very,
pretty ornaments in the window, and,
considering the quality, are very low
in price. Mr Craws had the candel-
abra lit, which gave the windowit bril-
liant effect.
ON TO PRETORIA. -1 This production
which was billed to appear n the town
hall on Wednesday, evening was post-
poned on account of unforseen circum-
stances, Notwithstanding the fact
that the citizens -have had more than
the usual number of entertainments
the past season it is no doubt but that
this attractive drama would have been
appreciated, It was liberally patrons
ized in the county town and is carried
through by Godench nersonel. Dr.Car-
lyle, who produces the four ace drama,
has had it staged in London and other
places where it has been well received.
He is a:reader of considerable note also.
in writing to his friends, Dr. Biackall
and 0. Johnson, reports things very
favorable up in Assinaboine Territory.
He and J. Ireland arrived at Weyburn
just five days and fifteen heurs after
leaving Clinton. The horses are doing
well he took up withhim. It is one
month since they got to Weyburn, and
in this time 35 acres have been 'broken;
oats and wheat are looking well and
up three to fur inches. There is some
prospect of the.place growing as some
houses have been built and a big stone
hotel is ming erected He is feeling
well, but his son Will has not been In
the best of health lately,having had aa
attack of la grippe; he is improving
n 0 r) ) r (") ) •
Of Spex
Do you, ever find when read-
ing ab night thole the different
lettere run into one enother404
confuse yea,
If to, 11 18 a good time for
yoti te commit se optielan,
We esti maks reading it eon.
for to you if yon come ko rie.
Yeti shothd have year eye* ems
&mined 11 ono, and hie* them
properly fitted with &real.
Examined free.
A. J. Grigg
jevreller and Optioisti.
Successor to jos. 13iddlccorabe