HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-11, Page 9COVERED WITH
11.111.1. oared 'little Harvey Deline nine
years ago and hehas never had s
spot. on hint linos.
IT fa practically impossible to Wei up
aerie or uloere, especially the old
rehrorde kind, with ordinary remedial).
No matter • how large or of how long
standingthey may be, however, they heal
isp reaily and stay. healed, Permanently
• Vhw Purdook Blood Bittere is used.
Mrs. E. Deline, Arden, Ont., proves this
in ;the following account she• gavo of her
!little boy's case: "When my little son
Harvey was • one year old he broke out in
sores all over his body. They would heal
•'Up for it zrpei then bFeak out again about
twice a year, till he was paeb four; then be
seemed to get worse and was completely .
prostrated. When doctors failed to cure
ihtni I' gave him B irdodk BIood Bitters,
rand besides bathed the, sores with it.
r "It is pine years ago since. this happened
am, 4 muet•saythat in all. this *free a hap
never lido a'spot on his body.or ally sign of .
the old trouble returAing," -•
Shoving How Completely One Habit
May, Supplant Another.
"Habit is a curious thing," said Mr.
•Joggleton, "but .the completeness with
• which one habit .can be supplanted -by
another sees more eurioue. stili.
"I had a chair that 'I had used for
;years and which, as .1 was firmly con-
'vinced, was by long odds the most com-
fortable chair ever made.After break-
fast, when I read the paper, I used to sit
In that chair, and after dinner at night I'
nettled down into it, with a cigar, in
peace and happiness and thought there •
never was a 'chair that combined so many
good points as to height and pitch of seat
and slope of back and all that. I : had
never. seen a chair that spited ire so well.
"But oneday this chair was tipped
aver or 'som'ething or other happened to
It," I dont know what, but something se
serious that•it was put out of commission.
With ourusual conservative slowness we
lint off from day to day and from week to
week getting that chair repaired, and, as
•a matter . of fact, it was tyvo or three
years before we had it fixed up and
brought into use again. Meanwhile I had
.singled out another chair which I came
-commonly to occupy. This didn't begin
'to be'atst so comfortable ae the old •
one had been, but gradually its objection-
able paints dil};tppeared, and I'pi blessed
if it didn't begin to develop good points
that I had never suspected In It, and "I`
came at last to look upon it as a very
comfortable sort of chair indeed. But at
last the old chair -the good old . chair-
, was fixed up again rind brought back into
use, and the day it appeared I looked for-
' ward to settling down in it at night with
all the old time comfort. r
"But when, with all those pleasant an-
ticipations, I came to sit in .it again I did
not find the pleasure that I had expected.
= It was too high or too low or the seat
sloped too much or 'something) I don't
-know-what.--It-wasn't-ES lii3se7 to be-'
' tb me. I tried it once or twice more after
is that and then gave it; up and went.. back "
to the new chair. My new habit had be-
come firmly fixed. I liked the new chair
. better, and now as I settled down. in it its
good points were at once emphasized and
softened and rounded into completeness,
' and I accepted it in full as the chair of
satisfying comfort and wondered as I
looked across at the other what I ever
could have seen in it to make me like it.
so much.
"Such is the force of habit." -New
York Sun.
The Various Classes of Persons In
Great Britain Who Can?4ot Be Ar-
t rested - Royalty, as a. Matter or
Course,,,I• First en the LIst.
The other day at the Westminster
(England) county court a warrant for
the arrest and committal of a solicitor
bad to be extended for four months
more, as, though the solicitor was
walking about the streets in the sight
of the police, they dared not lay a fin-
ger on him. Eve& the judge seemed
surprised that the man could not be
arrested. But It is probable he never
will be arrested, for, as he carries a:
charm on his person in the form of a
• brief, bis body cannot be seized. This
Is because no one engaged on business.
at a law court can be arrested for any
breach of the civil law. If you happen
to owe a debt, to'bave a judgment de-
livered against you and to be commit=
ted to prison for not paying, of course
you can .be arrested under ordinary
circumstances, but if you are sub.
ppenaed as a witness you cannot be
arrested while going to the, place,
while staying there to give evidence
or While returning home, and you may
feel sure that the courts will stick up
for you._ .
There are many other people who
can laugh at the police. Of course no
member of the royal family can be
arrested under . any circumstances.
Servants of the royal household also
have great privileges in this way.
Should one of the royal servants com-
mit a crime at the command of the
crown he could not be arrested. As the
crown ean'do tie wrong, of course any
order the 'crown should give, would be
considered right, and Bobby would not
dare to make an arrest.
Then members of parliament, though
they can be arrested for some things,
are exempt In certaln cases where or-
dinary citizens would certainly be Tun
_ in. -_If .a -member, of••the house of; com-
mons commits a crime, he can be ar-
rested like any other citizen, half it is
a case of contempt of court, such as
not paying debts,. he can, snap his fin-
gers police during the eater
e s at the o Ic u r
g P g
theyear-that i to sa• he Can-
not be arrested while parliament is sit-
ting nor for 40 days before and 40,days
after the session. • This gives • him' ex- .
emption•" during about nine=tenths of
the year. . •
•Of course .a peer enjoys the same
good fortune, and go' does a peeress in
her Own .right. But in their case the
privilege is still greater, for they can-
not be arrested on•a civil process at.
any time, whether parliament is sit-
ting or not. In fact, if the heir to a
peerage happens to beta prison for any
oftense not criminal, be is liberated the,
moment be succeeds to the title:
• Foreign embass&dors• may commit`
any offense,. from drunkenness up to'
murder, without running the slightest
risk of seeing the inside of an English
prison. And. not only have the embas
sadors :themselves • this privilege, but
their secretaries, coachmen, cooks, '
valets, etc., are equally favored lndl-
viduals, for the theory is that. an em-
liassador is useless without bis dinner,
his drives, his shaves and the like.
When an embassador commits a
crime, all that can be done is to ask
his government to recall him. But, of
course, !Oho went about the ..streets
knocking many people down he would
certainly be arrested .and held: tempo-
rarily. But he could` not be tried and
punished. The foreign embassador's
house, family and servants are !oohed
upon, as if they were in their own coun-
try. • Under 'no circumstances could a
policeman 'or bailiff break into the
house or arrest any of the inhabitants.
Soldiers, while on service, could run
up dehitta, refuse to pay, and If a Judge,
after ordering 'them to Pay, .witliout're-
sult, issued a warrant for their arrest
and committal, no policeman dare exe-
cute It unless the amount were over
$150. Navy men enjoy the same privi-
leges, but no• doubt they seldom get
the opportunity of exercising them.
The clergy are another class of men
who are..sometimes secure against• ar-.
rest A clergyman' cannot be arrested.
• when he is celebrating divine service
or conducting the celebration of rites
for the dead; nor can he be touched
when going to or. returning from either
of these duties. Any one breaking the
layv In this respect might be punished
With es much as two years' imprison-
ment, with bard labor.
On Sundays we are all privileged.,
No one can be arrested on Sunday ex-
cept for treason, felony or breach of
the peace. If any one tries it on with
YOU, you can resist up to the point of
killing btni,� •
• A. curious yule In connection with ar-
rest ie not generally known -if a pollee -
man comes along after a fight or an
';assault, he can' Make no arrest without
a warrant. -London • Tit -Bits.
r The largegmajcrity ot people very natur-
ally have a justifiable desire that the phy,.
sic an's prescription should be filled by a
competent druggist. Oar long experience
end our ample facilities for disponsins are
at year command at all hours.
If you have wisely decided to make
Patinas Celery Compound, that king of
modioines, we are always prepared' to sup. •
ply your wants. Our stook of this popular
medicine is always fresh and pure. We
Iseartily recommend it. J. E. Hovey, Drug•
gist, Clinton, Ont.
Morr an, headl'sawyer in Blette &
sCo's. mills at Tara, was caught in the
•anachinery and had one of his lege saw.
ed oft
0 ,;l.j`J; coir,, .s
Little L1 V` r Pis.
i Il it lrbB.�iF'1i fi�ituillti ir.
sot gee i5a0i Wass', !Wow
age aeivy:,
FOR $AixofRKIMa ver Infante and. Children.
usraa town "y 'het•
Makes Brilliant Flames.
People who live on the New England
Coast like to use ocean driftwood as
fuel in open fireplaces. It Is Impreg-
nated with copper and ocean Salts mid
when burned gives out the Most brit.
1fiLiitt''eblored 'dames. It 'is aeaerted
ttattiafNtaf,Bedford dealer Nati orders
Pr, ,t'e *red from all parts Of the
cb''dstry', 'add e$0fd from NlttroPe, aitd
OW ttWd hundreds of barrel,! Of it Year*.
r ariltt}}sI� aatompte have been made td
1n ff teAbis wood by artificial process,
bet iwitheht Itic'eees. Longtaubmelrslon
in the esltevfater le •neceea to p'ro�
duce thi ' `br111fant "' flames.- .1W,, lora
''k'1'ltlnklla.• .
True titobility.ial in. the Mink net hi
the ,!1J•, X wish to leave after me
w epi `I did° my' memory and seed
• works: 'Piing Alfred the Great.
tliiivrslt' of hll Ayhar, In Cairo,
SO the oldest in the world. It has ren
orae dating' hack 1,000 years.
♦ w M./rI�Y4V .511 1,, i 'f OE
. r�
"e""'"i�M��Rifrt(/ "PIN.
(Wig SICK WiE141�ACWlL`r
He Knew the Sharpers' Qame, but
The. Story of n'Woinan Addressed They Knew It fletter,.
to Women. open
the days when things were wide
ppen there was a "brace" faro game on
the other side of Canal street, where
some pretty fat pigeons were frequent-
ly plucked. While this was going on a
broken down sport formed. the habit
of dropping in and securing a share of
the plunder by simply betting the re-
verse of the victim. The latter, for in-
stance, would bet $50 one way on the
ace, and the old sport, knowing posi-
tively that the dupe would lose, would
bet $5 the other way on the same card.
In order to secure the $50 the dealer
bad to let the unwelcome visitor win
his little five, and that sort •of thing
happened almost every time a fresh
fool was piloted into this establishment.
It Tell Flow Those Weak and Despon-
dent Can Obtain New Health and
Strength at a Small Expense -The
Facts Fully Verified by Investiga-
From the Mail, Granby, Quo,
The reading public have evidence put be-
fore them almost every day of the •heeling
powers ot Dr. Williams' Pink I,'ille. It is
sometimes asked whether these aures are
permanent, and in reply to this, we would
say that a oase which recently name to the
attention of the. Mail indicates that the re-
sults following the nee of this medicine are
as -lasting as they are, benefional. Some
years ago Mrs Robert, Webster; who it welt Of course the sharpers who ran the
known in Granby, passed through a yery game regarded this proceeding on the
serious illness in whiohber ooudition very old sport's part as a most outrageous
nearly bordered upon oollaepe. Be blood invasion of their private rights, equiv-
appeared to;bave almost turned. to water,
alent to blackmail. "I call It just the
She was very week, her appetite fickle, and
ebe. Buffered from severe headaches. Mrs same as stealing •for him to come in
Webster had the benefit of excellent medi- that way when we're skinning a man
pal advice, but apparently without avail, as and take off a slice," said the main
she seemed steadily growing worse. The sharp, "and 'he really ought to be ar-
least exertion would fatigue her, and flnall rested. We must do something to stop
ly the was for a; time unable .to ',do her
housework, and was confined to bed. 'H'er Accordingly they laid their heads to-
hneband suggested the use of Dr, Williams'bxe . et er and evolved a Machfav elian
Pink Pills and purchased.. a few box.ee, g h
Mrs Webster had not been taken the piles scheme. A few .days later a stranger,
long before she found herself growing who had all the appearances of a. very
stronger, Her headaches disappeared, her verdant planter, was steered into the
appetite improved, new blood appeared to place, and right behind him, as usual,
be coursing through her veins, and her came the old sport, scenting rich pick-
er became strongand. *dive, n vas again .. eaam_ ae . v . ings. After playing for {awhile In a
After acing the pills for a couplein, months small way the stranger, who appeared
else felt as Well as phe had done in, her life,
and could do her housework without feel- to be more than half tipsy, pulled out a
ing the fatigue that, had formerly spede her huge roll of bills and offered to bet
life so miserable. This, as already indioat- $1,500 on the turn of a card. -The prop-
ed,happened some years ago, and in the per- osition was promptly accepted, and the
iod that has elapsed Mrs Webster has en- other fellow, thinking' he bad the
joyed the best of health. She says that if chance of This life„ immediately put up-
takesfeels at any time a little run down she
takes a few doses of Dr. Williamb' Pink $65, which was every cent he had on
Pille and is soon alright, and she thinks earth. To his.consternation, the plant -
there is no medicine to equal them. Mr er won and he lost. That broke him of
Webster epeaking•of his wife's cure, says the habit and was the last time he ever
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did her a thou- tried torob rob .ere. tt turned " out
'sands.doilaxe.worth of good, and friends later that the phsuter was a Memphis
who knew her condition before she began gambler. "made up" expressly for the
using the pillo and saw the effort..upon_her -r -- gl en ns- Til es-Deinocrat.
say'the same-thing;•-•There•are. a nninve-s- 'pie: N.ew t�. t •s p
of others in this vicinity who have used
this great medicine, and so far as the Mail THI6 I�THE WAY OF IT
oan learn the results have always been ben-
There are thousands of women throe h=The glycerine in Soott'a Emulsion soothes
g therough The b.
and irritable threat.
o y
ant the country who suffer as Para Webster
did, who are pale, sabjeots to headaches, cod-liver hil.heale and strenethene rves. the innd ,
heart palpitation and d?zzlneee, who drag flamed bronchial tubes and nir Dells, •
along frgnently feeling that life ie a burden.
A general order has been published a-
warding the Viotoria Cross to Major Horn-
by, Sergeant Parker and Gunner Lodge of
A Battery of the Royal Horse Artillery for
gallantry displayed during the disaster at
Sanna's Post.
Agnew's Ointment Will Soothe, Cocl
• ' and Heal it.
With the skin fairly ablaze from • ltd..
ing, burning skin diseases, such as eczema,
TOWN TOPICS.. tetter, itob, salt rheum, scald • head, and
other distressing eruptions, one application
of Dr.' Aanew's Ointment will quench the
fire, give instant relief end comfort ; will
cure and leave the skin clear and soft; In
three to five nights it will pure any kind of
piles. •
During the mariage of. the. daughter '.or;
the Russian Ambassador, M. G. De Steel,
to. :Count Alexis Davidoff, in the Russian
Chapel, London, the bride's Veil caught
fire from a candle which the carried in
her hand. The Count seized the veil and
ornebed the•fire out.
For all such we say give D. Williams' Pink
Pills a fair trial- These pills make rich,
red blood, strengthen the nerves, bring the
glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks,
and make the feeble and: despondent feel
that life is once more worth living. The
genuine are sold only in boxes, the wrap-
per bearing the full name "Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People," May be had
fro.a all dealers or by mail at 50o, a' box
or six boxes for 12:50, by addressing the
Dr, Williams' MediciueCo.,Breokville,Ont.
Omaha's auditorium is ail ready save
for Inclosing it and putting on the roof.-
oof:Omaha World -Herald.,.
Chicago is having more trouble with
her river than .Buller had with the Tug&
la. -St. Louis Globe Democrat.
The National :Editorial association has
decided tomeet at Buffalo next year. It
is only fair to add that Buffalo decided
some time in advance that they should
meet' there. -Albany Argus.
The loyal Kansas City newspapers In-
dignantly deny the stories about extor-
tionate hotel charges, but the • enterpris-
ing Kansas, Citymerchants are not ad-
vertising convention accommodations as
bargain features, -Milwaukee Sentinel.
Dr. Mach of Berlin has made a new
alloy of .magnesiumand aluminium, pro-
ducing a compound like brass. white as
.silver and can be turnwl and bored,
The weight of all the air on the globe
would be eleven and two-thirds trillion
pounds. if ilo deductions had to be made
for space filled by mountains and land
above sen level.
Blasting with liquid air at Vienna hat
led to the conclusion that to be effective
the liquid should be used within 15 min-
utes after preparation. As tried after
72 hours, when bait of it had been evap-
orated, it had no destructive effect.
"Have by some surgeon Shylock on thy
charge to atop hie wounds lest •he do bleed
to death." People can bleed to death. • The
logs of blood weakens the body. It most
follow that gain of blood gives the body
strength. Tho strengthening effect of Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is in the
lara part due to its action on the blood -
me ing glands and the increased supply of
pa} e; rioh blood it produces. It is only
when the' blood is improyished•and impure
that disease finds a soil an which to root.
The "Discovery" purifies' the blood and
makeelt antagonistic to disease, When.
the body ie emaciate, the lunge are weak,
and there ie obstinate lingering ooagh,"Go1-
den Medical Dieooyery" putsthe body on a
fighting' tooting against disease, and so in -
areas a the vitality that diaeaaq� IV t�r.Rini
off, and phyeioal health perfeotlk anti' per-
maneptly restored. it has cured thoneande
who waie, hopple s iaad,helplessf,, .ni1 , yyho
tried all other means of cure w th'on av il.•
81 one•cent stamps to cover •expense of
mailing and customers will obtain a copy of
• Dr. Pierce's olmon Sense Medical Ad-
visor, 1000"` e,.inaapaper oyiyert;.Band,6O1
stamps0 eth bin i' preferred. , s.tl.
dreag,Iir, Pie ilidlo V.
- :-'+..•-=✓.sir-�, : • .
Mr George Levereage, treasurer Of Perth
county, died, at Stratford.
t0 CURIII A Dalai* ONE DAY.'
A Book . for Every
Woman and Girl.
Thousands Writing for the
i Diamond Dye Rug Book.
Mat and Rug making in thehome 1e now
commanding the attention of thnneands of
womenand girls in Canada. The new il-
lustrated "Diamond Dye Rug Book" show-
ing the latest designs and giving full in-
formation asto how the patterns can be
proonred, will be sent free to any one inter-
ested in the fascinating work of making
hooked mate and rugs. Send your address
to Wells & Richardson Co., 200 Mountain
Street, Montreal.
° "All Dunlop Tires in tgoo"
When you hire a wheel
from the Bicycle Livery
look at the tires.
• If they are Dunlop -Tires
then you can rest assured
the wheel has a good pedi-
gree in its every part. •
Dunlop Tires on all good
"rbc only tools."
• T.1$ 1.3; Tirbd.., itnitse,
Take Laxative B}otobiQalnhie :Tablets. Ali 1 to
druggists refund the moneyyif it falls to ourb mama, sw kWh
dots. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. .i.: oz ,. `
Bye landslide near Radlow, Que., two _ t
houses were,.swep aw yr • n the.. Zntee,
oolonierexpress ran into the isle 61 reek 1 �' + / e, : ";! " + /
and ,tgatp' ;wretsikedf., NA '1W sfilkei "s .70**1- Oillot*Waittedhnrtu
Will in Thousands of (lases Have to Fight , Oats. wanted in exchange for `'ti:,t-
tneal'eud thli be/L
Flagg in trillt'iife4,
Catarrh Utiles' Dr. Agnerv's itJatali{t�ll " >.�'y� jJ
Powder is Used to Prevent the Sowing of 11 lbs Oatmeal for i bushel) Oats
the Seed.' 15 lb* Flour (Manitoba Mixed)
The wife of A prominent ;physician :of for 1' Bushel Pats.
Toronto was a victim of Catarrh in '`its •
worst form. She tried elmoati'1lvery'treat, Siiv,en ,>><ip' GIv,ett,Awaya
ment known in the world of medicine with. Every purioitaser, anything theb we sell,
out receiving any tasting benefit. Ilea. be the amount small or large, gots a coupon
ing of the almost miraoulous,'cures made and when a entitle number is received the
by Dr. Aatnew's Catarrhal Powder, she tiro., holder will be entitled to a piece of Silver•
cured it, persevered in , its use for eight' ware of their own ehoo.ing. Come and
months, and was fully restored, and all see the S11Yerware,
symptoms of the dreaded disease errdioat•
ed from her system. She says, "Atter
years of suffering I reloioe to he freed.'"
Dame given on epplieetion, Goei Battler and Eggs wantodt,
False Teeth of Antiquity.
The manufacture and use of false
teeth are undoubtedly of great an-_
tiquity, The ancient Egyptians were
no mean dentists jawbones of mum-
mies have been found witb false teeth
in them, and also witb teeth filled with
gold, The ancient Greeks also knew
'how to all teeth with gold; also bow to
make false teeth,
There Is plentiful evidence of skilled
dentist! $mnilgthw-R }man ,-T.or_ ;t•ny
of the Latin authors have references
to false teeth, In the "Roman Laws of
the Twelve Tables" there are distinct
references to artificial teeth. Tbe first
part of No, 10 forbids useless expense
at funeral's in general, but an°exception
is permitted by No. 11, which allows
that the gold fillings of false teeth or
the gold with which they were bound
should be burled or burned with the
The Most Ungrammatical.
A literary man who has just returned
from the anthracite coal region of
Pennsylvanla. says that be found a.
great quantity of "local color" there.
He also says he heard the most un-
grammatical sentence while there that
ever came under his notice. He was
strolling through a mining village In
Schuylkill county when he heard a Wo-
man, calling, and at some distance off
saw severtirehildren who were playing
In the road. When •he. reached them,
he said kindly: •
"Your mother is calling you, chil-
• The largest child, a girl or about 10
years, turned to him and said:
."Eler ain't a-callin we; us don't be-
long to she." -New York Times.
Eye Wash For Dos..
For pet dogs that inherit a tendency
to watery eyes'a wash of cold, clean
rainwater, followed by a lotion of
three grains of rochelle salts dissolved
in four..ounces of distilled water, is roe.
ommended; The latter should be drop-
ped into the eyes with a medlcine
dropper. About three drops twice a
day'Shale lie'titch lades' Ydi k Trill
Dr. Low's No -way Pine S)rep cured me
of a hwaesing cough h and hoaraeoes&,, I
know of no better remedy for healing and
Bootlin„ the lungs and bronchial tubes.
Price 25c.
aseespimmit teeeseeesesoeseisseeeeet
Don't Guess
At Results.
' •"This}, man knows what he did and
how he did it. Such endorsements as
1 the following are are a sufficient proof
of its merits.
Kinn., Feb.
se on
Dear rne, your new book k one yert1s d Your
the les, En our sew book as a on your
andbottCu pth t. I have curedf two Kendall,'
and one UM I with two bottles of your ICeodali'a
spa 1n Care in lour weak..
Price; is; six for is. .'u a liniment for
family use It bas no equt,_. A9k your druggist
Treatise on the Horse," book free. or addreog_s_
"Klondike Gtold Fields," a arge cheap, vain.
able book, selling like a whirlwind. Beautifu'
prospectus twenty-five cents. Books on time
Honest man or worrtn o , travel for largo
house ; salary 365 monthly and expeti es, with
increase; podtiot permanent inclose self-
addressed stamped , r -.,,?lope MANAGER. 330
Caxton bldg., oh: Due. 26.10
No experience no^oa.ary. Perm•Lnont posi-
tion, Liberal terms. Pay weekly. Stook
complete with fast soiling specialties, including
Seed Wheat, Corn, Potatoes. &o. OUTFIT
FREl1,. Secure BROWN now. )S.`00.
Nurserymen, Brown's Nurseries P.O., Ont.
110 for 10 Conte
this book contain' one hundred sad
"ten or the beet humorous recitations,
embracing the liessoYankee, irbh saf
Dutch dialects, both in prole and vow
as well u humorous ooespgelttoar of
every Ids!' and ebsreterr, Irani, pat-
ratd, with our Inuatzeted eatal•sa*bi
boob and novelties for only, ten ants.
Jobaston m Ielarlaa+.
�•71.7ldsaVtgite.�. T4s+;te.Cfi►a.
1 F1„ 6,ligERKNOWS
--- A$A DARTUIUE T;i gDl4lt .;'
Our tee retuqrned if we fail.. Anyone eendin
Sketch and description of atiy "MAVentio,( Witt
Ap ptly receive oar Opinion 'fr '$z<natatiyi>ig
the pate 5lrbility.otl-ahrue. "31..1* to 0btikke
Palest!11ae ,upon rgneltr t4uL},�
tb h us adver i or sate ao low ie.,
ratentl•tkke t inveigh'a eetpt
,I.UckitvitiloatCllargej1itTAltPAtatitifbtttOt b',
arta tedrard, widely ,direm .,icitlr+Aal,
mutated 1lauufactu r ed ,
Send or.apaple cOpy���yy ad. ad ise
:A .port)*
i YPa iioitto .2
unfit IuIPllall0 'iygsHi{tetQ 4Ilk lig
IBVIS1.1toei TW'nle •'h a anW.
71t�t61 :+F'lIt�1Gpt,y-,sive
j, You can't be healthy If your
bowels are constipated and
your system clogged with
poisonous material. There
should be a natural move-
ment every day, and the best
way to secure ilt In to take t
Lam -Liver Pills. The most
obstinate cases yield to their
action.; They neither gripe,
sicken nor weaken, aro easy
to take and prompt to act.
• Drt. Wood's Heals and
Norway Pine Lungs and
curesoug i
Syrup and CCold: osf
the worst kind after other remedies
fstil." Pleasant to take. Price 25c.
i"rtai, iAt Jdt,lt,1411W.;1 0;114;1,400'
Pain -Killer..
A•Medlcine Cheat In itseH.
Simple. Safe and Qulck Cure for
• 25 and 50 cent Bottles.
The Morons Bank
Inoorporated by Act of Parliament 1861
CAPITAL $2,000,000
REST FUND - $1,059,000
Wu. Morsels Mtoruaaeotr. President
F. WOLYZEByAN TnoaAa, Gen. Manager
Notes disoognted, Collections made.. Draft*
issued, Sterling and American eilobs
. bought and sold. Interest allowed on dea
• poerte. ' GOINGS BANE- Interest ,allowed os.
sums of 51 and up. Money advanced to
farmer§ on their own note, with ane or
more endorsers. No mortgage required
H. C. BRE eltR. Manager. Clinton
Subscriber is: prepared to promptly fl1I all or,
dere for Wood or Coal, which will be sold al
lowest Tates. Office on Isaac Street, at LAViS
WANTED -Honest man or women to travel
ler large house • salary §
6T :
mont 1Y
and ex
senses,with increase' positionpermanent;
infuse solt•addressed stamped envelope. MAN-
AGER 330 Caxton bldg., Chioaro. ' Deo 29.16
"The best•life of Her Majesty I have seen,
writes Lord Lorne about "Queen Victoria."
Agents make lie dollars daily.
For a germine money -making .position ; 110
books, insurance, or fake scheme - every house
a customer. Particulars free. Write to -day
CII& E'. E.KARN 00,133 Victoria street, To -
Fab 23 13
A► general Banking Business _tc
Drafts.esned. Interest allowed on
Advances made to farmers on their own
notes at low rates of interest.
A general, Banking Business transacted:
Interest allowed on depoeite.
Sale Notes bought
J. P. TISDALL, Manager.
Weak and Impure Blood, •
Liver & Kidney Diseases,
Female Complaints, Eta. -
A& Drug ILA, or wrlle direct to:
Goderioh, Ont.
We -buy -direct yfrom the manufacturers in Staffordshire, England, and thus buy
at first cost, We secure goods of finest quality, and therefore know that in prices and
value our pole are unsurpassed. Boyers must aavej°money on these goods, compared.
with articles not, so' favorably purchased. ,,
Exquisite Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets
DINNER AND TEA SETS, 97 Pieces, from $5 up.
TOILET SETS, complete, $2 and upwards.
You -can examine these goods without being compelled to buy, but you will want
to buy offer you examine.
We have the best 25c; Tea in town ; we have tea at other prices, but no matter
what priced tea yon want, we oan give you entre value: g:,Agent for Ram Lai's, Appleton'
Monsoon and Blue Ribbon packet Teas. •
- Clinton
TO EVEItY ONE who can end in for Dewey Puzzle 2 Face -rack
them and return to us—we gtva an exgnl.us 11+tany style simulative
Opal or 5uby Stick tin Free, and tend 12Toweeht tock. er rr Im•
perlababliPerNme to ;di
ell for us 1f ynU can. r it hen geld• r. n;fn tnnnr7
and we ghe you Free choice of a heavily plated PI'ain 1'raaelet with
IRTHDAY RING rock and l:e +r SolId Cold shell Belcher Blrthdar R'ng. SIInp1y
Warms puma ane we send prise without mono or price. write tn.tay You risk n„1hh1e, as we ray the duty MA
wstae�.a as yarrow seat late oanada. makingto delivery absolutely free, and unsold raids are returnable.
YaatAatads meNATIONAL SPPLY CO.. 45.50 West Larne& St. Detroit. Mar
TOILET goods
• lisintY Gifts for both Ladies
and Men-fbr Young or Old
Give Perfumes if you'd please the fat
rex. Tbe choicest kinds are here. All the
'famous makes -all the desirable odors-•'
and many kinds put up in specially attrao-
rive Christmas packages.
Our assortment OflFrne Hair Brushes,
Military •Brushes, Mirrors; Whisks, •
' • ebony and handsome woods}; is the mos
complete in the town. And the mostinter•
estinp part to you is that prices are far he*.
low what you ve _beenaccustomedto PM.
for similar articles elsewhere.
i Chemist & Dritg,;ISt
Feduthtg is part of it' -►'just AS ranch as oioati,
1144.sdut Oi"libbtiiig.,. There are spots that water
cI�0tt. t ,:*nd.a ticoloratiousthatstouritig
will not take away. Use the paint brush in OVA
r�rir : •
&i�zwlN- WIWAMS ` r w"
Aar PAINT ,u: ., r
os mitt =itissisd•tomitteuthismast et
one detttanldafarallttle �
in ready to }tea Lanes o de* wilitastsigAllb
Can be Wes, it