The Clinton New Era, 1900-05-11, Page 8May 11, 1900
Many a school-
�•� , girl is said to
be lazy and
Ii`i• when she
doesn't deserve
the least bit of it.
She can't study, easily
falls asleep, is nervous
and tired all the time.
And what can you ex-
pect? Her brain is being
fed with impure blood
and her whole system is
suffering from poisoning.
Such girls are wonder-
fully helped and greatly
changed, by taking
Hundreds of thousands
of schoolgirls have taken
it during the past 50 years.
r,; Many of these girls' now -
• have homes of their own. _
',1 They remember what
.4 cured them, and now
they give the same medi-
t cine to theirown children. .
• You can affordto trust' a.
Sarsaparilla that been
r4,1 tested for half a century. • -
51.00 a bottle. MI drattists.
? y If your bowels are coma-
,' pated take Ayer's Pills. You
.l . can't have good'-healtlrunless '
77'- u h ave daily action of the
t t•eweis. 25 ds. a box.
• " One box of A en's Pills oared my
I d^rpepsia." L.D. CAZDWILL
..t Jan.12,189Q. BaN
th, T . T.
Write the Deatop.
If you have any complaint whatever -
anct desire the heenneatcal advice you
eon possibly receive, write the doctor: -
freely, You will receive a prompt re: • _,
ly, without cost. Address.
La. 1. 0. AYER, Lowell, Mass,
Beecher's Mee..
The power of •an orator can .he largely
measured by the degree of confidence
which he_•iuspires, end judged by this
standard Henry Ward Beecher must -be
reckoned among the greatest speakers of
modern times. lien w1i• benr)Thim in
the pulpit or talked with hint out of it.
could not question the sincerity, which
showed forth in his face, his'manner and
'his voice.
• ;u►. Beecher was on a lecturing tour,
and Major Pond, his manager, was sit-
ting beside him in the railway cur. Sud-
denly the preacher slapped his hand on
the little watch pocket of his trousers
and drew •Porth a small envelope. For a
moment he looked atit iii sni'ft'ise, diet
opened it and smiled. Presently he turn•
ed to his eompnt.ton.
"Major," said he, "I married a gl•eat
railroad magnate a few months ago,.and
as I was taking helve' Of hits, he handed
me an envelope, which 1 slipped..iu•my
pocket unopened. 'l'hat was the last 1
thought of it until today. Just now,:i
opened it. and this is what I totted." •
The major took the -envelope. \l ithin
it were five $1.000 bills: Youth's'Com
:. Curion:4 Lake.
A curious phenometten is that 'metal
never rusts in the waters of l,al.e Titi
caca. Yon can throw in .n' chain' or nn
anchor or any article of ordineey iron and,
let it lie for weeks, end when you haul it
up it will he as clean, and' bright as when
It came from the foundry. And,• what is
stranger still, rust that has been formed
upon metallic objects elsewhere will. peel
off when immersed in its waters. This is
frequently noticed by railway and steam-
ship men. Rusty car wheels and "rails
and even machinery can be brightened by
soaking them In the waters of Lake Titi-
caca.—Chicago Record.
Just where the inrge crowds that sud-
denly fill the galleries of the senate and
house when a notable speech Is being
made come from is a puzzle. They spring
up, however, and as strangely disappear
Into nothingness.
Early grayness, without hntdncse, 1s
said to be an indication of lone lite.
The Famous Ornithologist's Deserip-
tion of the spirit of a Dead Friend 1
Who Appeared to and Conversed,
With ilirn In Ills Boons.
D. Elliott Coues, the !amens ornt-
thologist and member of the Ameri-
can Academy of Sciences; was long
reeoguized as the foremost advocate of
belief in the existence of ghosts. Ile
had promised several of his friends.
that, if able to do so, he would appear
to them atter his owndemise; and they
are still waiting, with no little inter-
est,: to see If be can carry • out the
"I have myself seen the ghosts of a
good ,many dead persons," said the
doctor one day. "I remember one oc-
casion when 1 bad just gone to bed,
the .light being turned out, 1 was com- .
posing thyself to slumbe when I •sud-
denly became awrnre of a presence In
the room. The impression . conveyed 1
to my mind was that it was the Pres-
ence of a•certaiu person lately deceas-
ed; with whom I had Veen -on. very in-
timate terms. In fact, I felt an over-
powering sense of the nearness .of tine
individual in question.
"About the sante moment. there'.
arose slowly from the. floor a nebulous
tnass of what . looked like shining.
white vapor, which began to .take
shape, as did the smoke from the cas-
ket opened by the fisherman in the
'Arabian Nights" tales. Gradually it•
assumed •a more distinct outline, un
til it presented 'a radiant image of my
friend: The lips appeared to. • move,
and from thein came an intelligiule ut-
terancea a message insh shot
fromm the
of care
departed., Ido n say :what . :
t o
that message. was,
"I can assure you that the vision was
no:dream, and the nature of. the mes-
sage was such as to eliminate, to, my
own satisfaction at all events, -the the •
oiyof-halliieination,- What,-.then,.waa-
fills shape . ot- shining . white vapor?
n'as • it a. human soul? It Is a question
pregnant with Intense Interest. • •
"Each of us. 1 believe,. has in •him a
Omit,. which ordinarily Is confined to
the _precincts of the body. When 1
die, my ghost. leaves my body pertna-
nently, and, .having done so, perhaps it
may co`nlinue•.to,he. the: vehicle and
Means of expressioite'of conscious will,
memory and understanding. St 'Paul
says, 'There Is a. :natural body ;and a
•spiritual body' It is of the.spirltual
body that I am speaking.
•'=Our senses take "cognizance of no
forms of matter except those' which
are in . a ,certain degree of 'condense-.
tion, .but the spiritual body may be of •
a more rarefied and tenuousaubstance.
The nonappearance of ' ghosts to • us
may be. a question. not of the .existence
of specters; but of.the acuteness. of Our
perceptive faculties. •
• "Aly own experience is that the coln-
ing of an aliparition is always preced-
ed by a curious _sensation which I call
the 'ghost chill. "When this symptom
arrives, the threshold of consciousness
.•*eettls: to- be- shtftet to the- •e stent: -o!
• rendering possible a perception . of
something -usually
invisible. The
• change Is usually very brief; lasting
only 'a few seconds, during which the
manifestation occurs.. • •
"One reason that i hate for believing
••the evidence of any own Senses 'inthis •
platter is that et several occasions the.
apparition of my oath. personality has,
presented itself to' other persops rn
pieces Where my .bode Was not at the
time. Scute years ago I was in Chica-
go, at an ordinary evening party with
about 40 friends, when an individual
in Washington, who did not even -know
where 'i 1vas, was visited by my phan-
tasm and received from it a brief ores
sage • stating- where I was at the time
and giving the names ..of two or three
1 -of the guests•present—persons with
whom the observer was unacquainted.
This was one of the rare eases where
a ghost made itself audible.
• "You ask what would happen if one
should approach a ghost such as I have
described and try to touch it; My re-
ply is that there would certainly be no'
danger in doing, so, for specters never.
do anybody any.harm, the fear of them
entertained by most people being sim
ply a dread of that which is unknown
and not understood. Whatever 15 una
known is always terrible.,But the
phantom 1s composed of mtter too
tenuou"s to present any obstacle, and _
I do not doubt that It would dissolve
and disappear !f • you attempted to
walk through it."—Washington Post.
Jack of Ail Trades.
Medicines Now lifter Backache;
Y t tterday, Your Liver; To.
pay, Your Kidneys; To-
morrow. Yt^ttr Stom-
• ach;1Sc�at Bay.
— VI,'hat2
'1'4e reocbT ;5'' ,;noes', of Dr, Pitcher's
Bpi.':ac1.e h,. :e Tablets for backache and
kidney comp:aims, nes led to a lot of rem.
edit t bobbing up serrneiy as backache cares.
There is, however, only one medicine per-
fectly balanced for the relief of backache
,ey complaints—Dr, P1ioher's Baokaobe
Kidnoe 'rabies. The name indicates what
they aro for, mai the advertising is always
•l:rected that way,: They era not a "jack of
all trade's"medicine during liver trouble to-
day, pal•• i•eop1e !'o*morrow;kidney troubles
next. ape s0 on t,It -ough the list of human
ills. However,for•baokaohe kidney troubles
all other remedies ,combined cannot refer
ou to catch a volume of evidence in Clinton
as the following. -
iltrs Ftenry Routledge, Rattenbury St„
says:—"Ever since I was a young girl I
have had lot of trouble with my bank and'
kidneys'. • Every time I washed or made
any exc.tien the pain was terrible. I tried
many things, even tried a doctor in Port-
land, Maine, U.S..ff My
father got me a bottle of Dr. Pitcher's
Backache Kviney Tablets at H. B.Uombe'e
drug .':ore, and though I have not taken
but two-thirds of the bottle, the trouble is
all gone, Tbis is certainly remarkable but"
neverthcleastrue, I am glad to recommend
thaw te, hili r, '
If a.,a hr ,tom of
baolt.,>•ho • ••t .an test
tht e,+. neeetents
hac..', , r 'r of
The Virtues of
Pain's Celery Compound
Are Recognized by the Ab-
b-lest Physicians.
It is the Great System Builder
in the - Spring Time.
It Produces Solid and Healthy
Plesh, Makes Pure Blood
and Strong* Nerves.
The peculiar and distinguishing modioin-
al yirtnes of Paine's Celery Compound are
fa recognized by the abtet,t medical riven
•--in-every part of the Dominion.
In Its peculiar power and ability to invig-
orate the body; to make new blood land to
regulate the nerves, lies the great value of
Calory' Compound in all wasting
diseases and dieoidera 6f the kidneys, liver
and stomach.
At this season of the year,when thousands
are tired, rundown and sick, Paine's Celery
Compound oomee'to the resoneof the shaky
and enfeebled nervesand keeps theta from
utter prostration and rain, and banishes
that feeling of exhaustion that is the pause
of deepondenoy tholanoholia and depression
among men and women of all ages.
Pain's Celery Compound makes solid
and healthy flesh, pure blood and strong.
Paine's Celery Compound ntrengthb0e the
digestive powers, and restores the nervous
system When impaired from over exertion
of mind or body.
The beat teat that can be applied to
Paine'n Celery Compound is to nee a bottle
'Or two at this time when the body needs
musing and building up. 1
The Loggerhead,* Name.
• "The, loggerhead turtle," said an old
fisherman,., "gets its name from , the
resemblance: of its head and neck, un-
der some clrcumstances, to the end of
a log. ' You take a big turtle; one
•weighing, say, 800: or 800 pounds, at
sea, w1;i' its body submerged and head
and. neck out of the water, and they
look at a little distance just like 'the
end .of a log - r,tticking up. Hence the
name loggerhead."—New York Sun.
A stet. Girl.
Mabel—Why do Mott always buy two
kinds of note paper?
Maud—Well, you seer when I write
to Toth, I use red paper—that means
love—and when I write to Jack I use
blue paper -which means faithful and
true.•• -Chicago News.
A college education spoils a fool, but
it shows'an Intelligent young man how
to acquire knowledge that may be use-
ful to him.—New Orleans Picayune.
Some men have the reputation 'of bt-
Ing Jolly good fellows, but that doesn't
go with the paying teller of a bank.—
Chicago News.
V< i , • ,., th.., parer•
t -t t ain afoga-
..,yn an obtain g
lar size for 50'oenta plc crottle; If not.ob-
tainable.atdtuggists,mail'ed fres of postage
on reoeipt of price. •
,etc abso-.
for) :41'sge
rent 'Ont.
Gifts that involve• no sacrifice return
neither happiness nor pleasure. --
Where..the •body is wrung- with pain,
where it is filled with disease: one -cannot
be happy ; •
' Doctors head thelist of suicides, • be-
cause they see the i11 side of .life—its
physical side, ' '
We here in -.America.' seem, to • have
evolved in the .cout'st' bf inn' fast living.
a cfisease that once was not known—nary
Otis prostration.'
It is always very hard to "tell which: of
these two is the. mere, miserable 'Man on`
earth— the discontented rich or the
friendless beggar.. .
The' littlechild who buys tin toys for a
Cent ie the stores gets more pleasure out..
of. giving them to•ramie other little child:
than the rich men .who ostentatiously give
presents worth thousands of dollars.—
Rev. Charles:AL Sheldon..:
`'�•.. AItwA,Y'i;'._Illat'ADY.�,w,r .,
We are always ready and prepared to
cater to your wants and requirements.
Our stock of drugs is very complete, enab-
ling ns to 611 without any order from your
doctor,...... •
Our Stook of Toilet Requisites is
Unsurpassed in Variety,
Quantity and prices,
Are you using Paine's Celery Compound,
nature's great remedy for the cur of rhen-
mattem, neuralgia, nervous diseases, diabet-
es and lives troubles? If you have not giv.
en Paine's Celery Compound .a trial for
your failing health, do so at once ; we re-
commend it. H, B. Combe,rruggist, Clin-
ton, Ont. '
Four capes of smallpox were sent to the
isolation hospital at Winnipeg,
A tornado passed through the southern
part of Texas recently ' doing great
Luxe -Live; 'ills work'. while you: sleep
without a gripe or pain,ouring Biliousness,
'Constipation, Dyspepsia and Siok Headache
and make you feel better in the morning.
Mr W. W. B. Mdlnnes, M. P,, will oppose
Mr Ralph Smith in Nanaimo for the
British Columbia Legislative Assembly.
A silk special, with 1194 tons of raw silk
and 125 Chinamen, is on the way from
Vancouver to New York over the C. P. R.
Some time ago my little .boy was very
bad with worms.. I procured a bottle of
Dr Low's Worm Syrup and am thankful to
say it cured him quickly and completely.
Bins C CAuLsTON, McKellar P. 0., Ont.
Mr Wyndham stated in the British,
House of Commons that there was an
exchange of despatches between Lord
Roberts and General Buller before the War
Office gazetted the Spion kop reports, •
Reoeiyes it, eetbaok, if the has offensive
breath through Constipation, Biliousness
or Stomach Troubles, but Dr. King's New
Life Pilis always oure those troubles; Clean
the system, sweeten the breath, banish
headache; beet in the world for liver,
kidneys and bowels. Only 25o as all .drug
—Front i*riahtfiildisfigurement Mriattrunes
Gialleger, of La Grange, Ga., applied
13uoklen's Arnica Salve to great Noyes 011
her head and face,end writes itegaiek relief
exceeded all her ho e. It works wonders
In pores, Bruises 'Skin Eruptions, Cuts
'Barna, $oalds, and Piles, 25e. Curt .
guaranteed by all druggists.
Cautions Man,
"Are you married?" he asked of the
man who sat next to him on thesub-
urban train.
"What's that to you?" was the un-
gracious retort. ,
"Oh,. no offense meant; no offense at
ail. I'm a bachelor myself, but I've'
just been visiting a mnrried sister, and
I feel the need of Pxpressing my view')
on children to some one. ' If , you're
married, though, possibly+ it wouldn't
be wise."—Chicago post.
Disobled bye Distraction.
"Is your husband a good whist play-
er, ltfrb. Chatter?"
"No; he can't play at all if anybody
at the table talks."---Indlanapolis Jour-
It never offends a, woman when her.
doctor or preacher geoids her; she con.
siders that la hld'W of "tatting an 14
terest" In her.—Atchison Globe. •
The larged city in the country in
Washington's time was Philadelphia
l t he d 60,000 inhabitant;;.
Ohildroil Ory for
Saved the Minlr's ;honey.
"Whenever I buy anything." once
said Itussell Sage in telling the story,
"I wake It a rule to talk with the sales•
plan. i and a member of a great Many
different Wavle" of directors In a great
many lines of investment, and I often
find this information of great service.
Some time ago I went Into a large
clothing store to buy a suit of .clothes
at a low price that 1 had seen adver-
tised. I bought the clothes for $14, I
think, and In talking with the c1er1. 1
found the lot bad been sent to his store
from a big manufacturing concern to
be sold on commission. I got them for
less than cost. Now, 1 have kept a
general store and understand that busi-
ness, and there Is no money in that
sort of thing.
"A few weeks afterward this maw
factoring concern applied to one of the
banks I am connected with for a large
loan. Their credit was apparently all
right,' but on the strength of what 1
bad learned. I held up that loan, 'and a
short time later the concern failed."—
Saturday Evening Post.
We„the undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund the money on a twenty five Dent
bottle of Dr. Wills' k,nglish Pills, if, after
using three-fourths of contents of bottle,
they do not relieve Constipation and Head-
ache. We also warrant that four bottles
will permanently oure the most obstimate
case of Constipation. Satisfaotiop or no
pay when Wills'I'7nglieh Pills are used,
H. 13. Combe, Chemist & Druggist, Olin.
ten; J. E. Hovey. Dispensing Chemist,
Clinton; Watts & Co.,Drugsand. tt&hioines,
Clinton a Sydney Jackson, Druggist, Clin-
The convictions of the Sunni t-irrh re-
bels is causing much resentment among
Dutch sympathizers at Cape Town.
There is a discredited story at Durban
Dutchattempt blow t, a
of a ltc to
.Britishtransportwith an al pia -
ufern a
"I have been using Dr. Fowler's Extract
1 Strawberry years
Wild S wbe y for the past i' e x yea s
and oot eider it a grand remedy for diary
hoes, and it is espeoially,good tor. children
cutting teeth. ' •
Mas HENRY 0. Timm, Port Elgin, Ont,
Russia continues tca say, nothing, and
lasailroad.,ties.-Washington Stara
"The professor whose dreams solve-
probleuts suggests the question, "Are not
some people -Wider awake” when asleep?"
--Nese York World. '
Black diamonds in' Alaska •retell $125
a ton. In that region, they have no• ice
man, but the coal man is essentially "it."
—Kansas. Qity Times. • •
England is ordering American railway
ears. There is nothing the United States
is not reedy to send to.,tt3urope; from bat-
tleships for navies to coals. for Newcastle.
- •Baltimore Ai eriean.
Although there are over 20,000 horses...
and uncles in, use in the federal army, the
common sense stifi'finai-d of a veterinary•
corps has -never hien resorted to by the
govot-ntuent.-Philadelphia Record.
If the kaiser uousents to bar out Amer-
ican, Meat la order that be may add a
few more ships to lair navy; he may wake
tip goitre ()Imgnd find,.that when he did so
he engaged • in u losing 'venture.-41'1Iis'
Litre Times. '
The near approach: 'of the- - bubonic
plague • to . this country,, should serve to
enuse. every precaution •to be • taken to
prevent its 'reaching our shores. It is re-
- ported on an island off the;cemst o! Mexi-
co. 1 • •
Japan has a foothold in kern. Russia
regards, Ii:orea as a necessity and in
ovitable pati• of her. eest Asiatic empire..-
Japan and Russia aro t!lorefore, enemies
and feel that only.'a wt' rtMt•aettle. their
differences. •
It iooks•:very ',;nein ns if influenza was
being overworked. • All sorts 'of fatalities
are charged •'to it, just as they were
charged to malaria or heart -failure, years
ego. doctorsnne..
goat 'handy.—Cleveland tohnve•usc Piain Dealer.
• Parisian hotels of the $3 a dey` class,
It is understood, 'wilt raise prices to $0 a
day after April 1, end • even the price of
seats at theaters wig be tripled. at -the
same time. People who "ran boarding
houses" or places of amusement in 'Chi-
cago during the World's fair will' take
off their hats in awestricken admiration
of the Frenchmen'si'nterprise.—Chicago
III" V iesys on the Precaution. Taken
to Prevent ills 1Sseape,.
One of the extracts from Dr. O'Aiea-
ra's'St. Melena diary in Tho Century
records Napoleon's views ou the pre-
cautions taken to prevent his escape.
Ile spoke anew about escaping and
said that If he was Inclined to try it,
which be was not, there we1'e 05
chances in 100 against his effecting it,
"But," said be, "this jailer every week
imposes new and vexatious restridtions
upon me, just as.lf I was in a place
where I had nothing to do but to step
into a boat and be away. When I was
at Elba, its was different. It is true
that while one lives there is a chalice
61 escape. Although ironed and chain-
ed down, inclosed lura cell -of stone and
'every 'mitten precaution taken against.
a possibility of'it,still there is a chance
of escape and the only way to, prevent
it is to put me to death.
"This is the only sure way. Let him
put me to death, and all uneasiness on
the part of the European powers, Lord
Castlereagh himself and his govern-
ment will cease. No more expense
then; no more squadrons to watch ane'
or poor soldiers; fatigued • to death with
pickets and guards or harassed . with
carrying burdens up those precipices.
.I am sure t'iose•poar'ieVils=hove rea-
son to hate me and• wish my death.
They must, however, be, conscious that
the fatiguing duties imposed upon
them .are unnecessary and vexatious,
as the sight of . the island must ' cou-
' vince every one' but -a suspicious. eog-
lfone that escape from it was nearly
impossible unless, • as 1 'have said be-
fore, that while there -Is life there is a
chance, if attempted. .
"Where could 1 go to, allowing that I
of thesland er lace 1
got out Island? Ev
_ y I?.
could arrive at.I would find enemies to
seize m.e. This governor's conduct will
soon be known in England and will not
procure him any' credit there. • •Those
officers all will write an account of the
unnecessary rigor. with •which I am.
. treated [93.A. their ini on ofIt.The
n op• o
newspapers will be full of It"
The baby's: coming is often looked for-
ward to as a' title of dread and danger.
Many women are physically unfit to be-
come mothers. They are sick and.weak
ij:) C',•�\•.
\'t' \r'r:�
In these days of imitations iS is, welt for
everyone to be careful what he buys.
Especially is this necessary when a matter
of health is involved,
There are so many imitations of Doan's
Kidney Pinson the market—some of them
absolutely worthless—that we ask you to
be particular to see that the full name and
the trode mark of the Maple Leaf are on
every box you buy. Without this you are
not getting the original Kidney Pill, which
has cured so many severe cases of kidney
.ompiaint in the United States, Australia
and England, as well as hare in Canada.
The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto.
The lniperial ,
in a womanly way and may well look •
with fear toward the time of 'maternity.
Intelligent preparation . for this time is
most essential. An athlete'! trains " for
months before his trial. Most women.
do not " train " at all and yet their trial.
' is to be fifty times as severe ,as the
athlete's: .
"Daring the period- of-gestation-every-
fgestation-every-.woman should use every means to
strengthen the organs that • are to be.
tried. They should be kept'in. perfect
health. The faintest symptom f dis-
. order , or disease should be promptly
Dr, Pierces' Favorite Prescription is.
designed to do this very thing --has been
doing it for over thirty years. It is the
one sure medicine for all female corn -
plaints, It is the only medicine• that
may -'be absolutely •depended upon to
•p acticany abolish the pain and danger:
of childbirth. It is the only preparation
of its kind that is the invention of a reg-
ularly graduated physician --•a skilled
and experienced specialist in the cure
of diseases of women..
Mrs. Emerson Allen, of Dorset, Ontario Co.,
Ont., writes : I was In very poor health fora .
long time, dating from the birth of my Little girl
,tried different doctors and different medicines.
I took four bottles of Favorite Prescription'
and seem tube perfectly well again."
The Undersigned wish to inform
they have opened up inthe abere
formerly aeonpled by Fait & Co.
MacKay 'Block, Ontario St.,
whore they will keep in stook all'kinds of
Fresh, Cooked, Cured and
Canned Meats,
such As le usually carried in a first-class meat
store, together with Poultry, Canned Tongue
Beef. Pigs Peet, Mince Meab, and all articles of
a like nature which will be delivered free to'
any part of the town. Ordore;eolioited.
31tnt. good Sausage tor 115 etudes ,
dOldai i9bltU'1'QN,' Manager '
T. It. ,Ii‘. CASE; & -CO,
f . t7LINTON
•1]C SU itA N'C1:: '
Fire, •• Lore, Accident, • Plate:Glass.
Clinton. - Ont. .
General District Agent for the
Confederation Life Insurance Co
for Stratford and Goderieb, indlusivo." Ail in
.ormation relating to insurance gladly given
Money to loan at reasonable rates.
Amce la Palate ]sleek
If you look at the sole of the shoe you're buying, and -
the name and price appearthcreen in a slate frame,
depend on it being a r' Slater Shoe." • •
T`lris is the registered trade mark and ti point of clistinction.
Beware of the"just as good."
Midst tor Os Macirsarsa Finn Maximums
0o. of Manchester, England, whose funds and
security aro rated at $14,500,000. Also the Mo-
KiLLer MUTtiAL 1145th;/NCE Co, All classes of
farm rine and town piope1tyy 'ta'ken a -
lowest rates. First-class Loan Companies
also represented. Money to be had from,4 - icer
Dent up, according to nature of security --
Daily mail to Holmesville — postal card will
fetch him.
London ' & Lancashire 'Life
Establi8Led in Canada, 1505.
Invested Funds, - $0,532,288
LIBERAL -- STRONG -- Pltoonas$IVhi
,.A111 na
the popular forme of insurance issued.
Policies unconditioli world wide and neuter -
tenable. Money loaned, Policies purohaeed.
Business 11808 olders,,�'6687.0000
Full information furnished:by
Agent, Clinton.
For"Story of South Afrioa;" 'l.r John Clark
Ridvath, L. 7., D„ Edward 5..Elios. M. A., .7.
A. Cooper Managing Editor of tt a "Canadian
Magazine," Toronto, and J. 1i. Aiken, of
Landon, Ont. who has returned this week
tram 12' earef travelling in South Africa for
ns. We are the only Canadian Publishers
wlm have had a branch in *loath Afriea for
nineteen rears, givinsue animmone advent -
Ale in proenring photographs and material.
Our authorship; letter rime and engraviu�t9
are,superior, and Canadian o' ti agents bet•
ter illustrated than in any rival work. So
sure are we of this, that we will mail free for
coin petrleon ourproepeotue' to anyone Pesetas.
lags, rival ro_sppectus circulars and terms
free. Att rte World Publishing Company,
12 foot -fitting shapes.
All reliable leathers in black
and fashion's shades..
Every pair Goodyear welted.
-"art alal
Jackson Bros„ Sole Agents for .Clinton.
For pure blood,
A bright eye and
A clear complexion,
A keen appetite,
An easy di: estion ,
And refreshing sleep.
'i'A x.30
1 i y . ti
mito 3. blarIiii,',,,,,.....kiddi
. '
It arouses the Liver,
Quickens the circulation,
Brightens the
spirits --and -
Generail _, makes , life •worth living.'iht
Sixty seven years trial have proved it to be beyond question, f ;
the most reliable: BLOOD. purifier known. • .
MI the leading Druggists sell BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA
Buggies I tottaigons
First-class lroui $65 to $80...1 $46•
i•WithUs ._ •
Do You Des
If Not..t ?
We are here to supply your wants to 9. certain extent, We carry in stooka
great variety o'i goods aril seIrthetrron a very •close margin of: Droll;... - tom,",
We give 16 oz to the pound and 86 inches to the yard and do not take amore.
We have a supply of field seeds,' viz. --Timothy, Red, Alsike and •Lucerne- •
Clover, Orchard Gratis, Flax, Rape, Millett,; 0 Rowed Russian Barley, Banner and New
Zealand Oats: White Beans and no end of garden seeds. • We have' Spades, . Shovels,
Forks; eto., Wire both plain `and barbed, 'Nails, Glass, etc.
We are making a speoial sale of ready made Clothing and Tweeds, very (cheap. '
We have Wali Paper, Brushes, Brooms, Soap, Carpets, eto. for spring.
Our.Millinery always pleases the eye and is not hard onthe purse. '
Our terms are cash or produce for which we always pay the highest prices.
Consnit,your own interests. and you will giye us a fair trial.
Emporium, Londesboro
April 17th, 1899
General Builder and Contractor.
This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest •improved mar
cbinery,.,capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive
andreliable stook and prepared plane, and give estimates brand build all plass.
es of buildings on short notioe and on the closest prices All work is . supervie'
ed in'a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell ail kinds of in-
terior and exterior material. •
Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lune, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Ete
Agent for the Celebrated ORAY3ILL SCHOOL DESK, manufaot;nrea
et Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates .before.placing your orders'
. .
. .4.44,‘) k.--*----!ws,„
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e-1 N. -------=2-----4 . v ,,..
4 , 1\ ....,...„0, s ,,
•►.. ...rte,./"" It
........„......„.....,„.....„ .
i am a farmer located near Stony Brook, one cf the most t a! rioua'
districts in this State, and was bothered with main. I., r" , 4in-sell
$t) I could not work, and was alt'•.'• • •:5urlir,i 0 • •'• ' 9
DorsI had malaria so bad in th., 'r'r �C II'
• ' •tu
that 1 could do rothing but sl'al.f., . ,r •l '' s 't•L,•••,-,.C 1
- of quinine pills b.,'' " ' -.
any permanent It t,;i• 1 .1; 1 t. ;''
attack Of chills s: t • '+rrld; :. 1.. ,.r:'1., ` : 'r:: up,...
friend's advice, Li
nt .i ., 'e l• 1 :., u 1 have never
been without th ; • .:'.. :. 4 r .o. -:ng and night r'
and sometimes w an i 1 :..I more than t.:wally e::llacsted 1 take three In
a days They have kept my stomach sweet, my bowels regular and I
have not had the least touch of malaria nor � splitting e
,h adacirb since I
commenced using them. 1 know ditto that I sleep better and wake up
more refreshed than formerly. 1 dont know how many complaints
Ripans Tabules will help, but I do know they will cure any one in the
conditions was and 1 would not be without them. at any price. 1
honestly consider them the cheapest -priced medicine •in the' world, as
they etre also the most beneficial and the most convenient to take.
1 am twe-.ty-seven years of age and haw .:-,:-:;ed hard all m lti 'hie
dame as most farmers, both W.t 1 and�
r tort. a1•,I 111 ail kinds of" -weather,
.or y_. 8
and I have never enjoyed stir t good as l have since last fall; In
fact, my neighbors have An Irina! kt:d rely 1 itl'•tcvr.l condition and have
Said; *Say, johns what are you do111g to itie:k t o r'.•,rtthy ? t' 1
Ikeaxx>ri0,--Aesseofbr,dheat:t :tau:11P•1 n8',;'; tt••r.•at :. ,...•.tt -einsad
Ovai�(ir,sy.IIet. NG. a a,.• w or. tai ' ti ' .: ,.•• • • . , . , ,• •p• n. ,i •. ., , , .,.1 humilis. •I'i'.C' . .
ieMisew welvs ps'Re`s r..t 1 ''''-' t,.; .. • o. •.o, .t..iw r, ,. tsaryl.s�an�dp
e ;i a tr e.tslSc i " . :;�, i
t....1 i, 1• A' ,t e
.t , w3 t {d9 it{ Ons trh.lasleai
4 vM