HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-11, Page 60 COT Off SITPI'LEMENT TO THE CLINTON NEW ERA,. 1 Aceording to reports+, the P,oere in. front, indeed, is eca wide -mai over— EIEE 111101.1T FIEFEHE at Lodgelegela (Weigelegen?) eiding. Lord, Roberts' aavanee. The latter's in As colonial. regimento is- to-uight settled ;nuke a iictermin•ed attempt. to /stem o tend to make a. big stand near thia whelming in nembere that it is (Ufa - d Iti The ailrodei bee beet re- cult to me how the Boers can help be - nn E11 RETREAT DI= tavouttinigtuteer:! Itirey°1ge•g 3,3/ alAiti?1Mf, are »LWY on maalatt de:talon ocross the bed. they elecited to give battle. The isame • conaideratione would probably affect A Pill ARISAICA.le 1,OT. ' - the situation at Kroonstad ; heuee. the general beltet tita.t little real optima- Volkeraask Closes With the Usual Lot ton will be encouatered south of the Roberts May Connect W h of Gush, Vaal. The repair e to the bridge over Pretoria, May 7, -Tile official elos. the Vet River toed the Vaal are expecte Army M Natal, k ing of the• 18 o eraa ed to retard the general march from , Smaldeel and Fourteen Streams for , . broke up unofficially. in September - three or four days, when General Bul- . last, oceurred this morning. The .. ler will A100 WI ready, • . coon (seats o • en. t ou r . May Out Off Boer Retreat. , De Kock an others were filled with RENON18 AT SMALDEEL faloweersn.umTher 1,11agesas being present. sartir:,,irgi',V, ttra. i iig.,• that ii.,:ir.: Idurgbers and Boers Quarrel, and the Free State Men are Giving Up • Their! Arms-Huller's Army te Play a Part Sookr--The Eneuky Retiring FrinnsZand River. London, May EL -The following des- . patch. from Lord Roberts has been received at the War Office deel, May 7. -The railway from Britxtdforcl ' to this place has been :Considerably damaged, and the bridge over the Vet Rivex has been. hopelessly damaged. This' delays sup- • plies coming up. Every fewyards ehargelk of racka,rock had been laid under the rails. Thia might have cre- ated loss of life, but was fortunate- IY discovered. by a West Auetralian Infantryman. "Winburg. Is occupied by the fligh and Brigade." 'spite of these wrecked railroads the British advance goes on 'stead- ily. Lord Roberts' outposts are ap- parently about 12 Miles north of •Smaideel. Gen. Brabant -has joined' -Gen. 1undJe . at Thabanchu, whence they are moving forward. The coun- try IS all quiet in tbat clirection. A 119,,B.?th - the -prayer of the chaplain an In order to get in touch with the Natal allusion to Gen. Joubert moved *army coming through 'Van Reen,eetat many to tears After prayer thePaes• '. A despatch from Meeeru, dated May 1111,04 adjourned till the afternoon, when the session of 1900 was inoug. 8th, says the, Boers 'lave deserted both wanted. The aereraonies were ao. •Ladybrand and Ficksburg in a Pane companled by the customary ,salute, -Joky condition, owiug .to reports that President Kruger arrived in the tile Britiet had •oceupled Stratelial, thus state carriage, With "the usual es - threatening their retreat to tbe eort. All the diplomatists and for- Taaaloaal* E, QUEBEC MUTED May Interfere With the Jeffries vs. Corbett Fight, TOD SLOAN WINS GOOD RACE, ' New York, May 9.-aamee Jef- fries and Jamas J. Corbett have dis- agreed over the seleetion of a referee! for their battle at the Seaside Sport- ing Club, Coney island, on. Friday night. Jeffrie,e wants Charlie 'White to efficiate, while Corbett Means upon the appointment of Sam Austin. "Wien the match was nmae," 'Cor- bett Wei, "William A. Brady, aeffriee' manager, suggeeted Austin, for referee. I wanted Tint Hurst to officiate, but as Brady would not accept, any man but Austin I agreed. Now, for some reason best known to myself, ,Teffries wants Marne White to be referee, If Anatin was good enough. for aeffries When the match was made he .eer- tainly is good enough now." Wben tho attention of. William A. Brady was called to Corbetta state- ment about the possible appointineat of White 'as referee of •tbe battle, last night, he &ail : "Jeffries waats 'White as referee. Personally I would as soon 'have Austin referee, but the champion believes that White, Is better qualified for, the position, and he realises to ac- cept anybody else!' ; SLOAN ON CHESTER CUP WINNER LOndon, May D. - Tire 'Ches- ter Cup of 3,500 sovereIgns, was run toolay at the Chester meeting, and won- by M. C. A. Brown'e Rough - by Sloan, The Duke of Pertland's Maulers and Lord Car- navon's Bolden, finiehed iseconao and third respectively.. Fourteen 11.31.393 ran, on the old cup mullet, nearlytivo mace and! a .quarter. • • NO: SUNDAY GAMES FOR THEM. -Syracuse, N. Y., May .9. -Dr. Prat* Smalley; Chairman of the -Athletic 'Committee of the Sytaeuset . niver- one.. &alit this meaning that thejavie aces() laaek team, w1.11 abatoloe its Paris trip if any co:lege games are held on Sunday at the , Exposttion, whether the .Sunday games aka thoeme in which the Syracuse le entered or not. . .• • -o KaAlt MA:It 141-11S°0101OON 'ST Itl K Stratford Rollers -Want an increase • • • Wages,. * Stratford, -Ont., May G. -The cigar-. tnalrers of the city, are on strike for an Inereatio of- wages. Mr. A, H. King's men' went out Frielay .eigiet, and those of- the Hamilton & Lovett factory aaturclay night.. It Is understaag that - the . WoOdstook men will. also 'ea on strike_ InStratford there are ftbout 27 • strikers, A.bout a year • ego tOe local manufacturers adopted tae maon ant. now alai employ ass :„want. -their wages to be -on par'. with these watch they claim are paid in. Brant - fora, Harnilten and otheroplecca. Be- fore going out on etriko the loeat rea- ms inter vieived the, Conimittee of. the tnternational 'Union and received !Its sanction% -• eign attaches, inchaling Gen. Gourko, the Russian attache, were. present. „ ' putniou Tugs§ UP. _ Kruger on Joubert. • Iturgliers itod . Boers Quarrel, and President Kruger, in Ills speech. Latter are Giving, lIp Arms, opening the session, alluded feelingly Smaldeel, May 8.-4t Is reported to the vacancies. Referring to Gen. that the Fe:aortas are quitting &Ind Joubert, he said :• " Future genera- River, and it Is variously stated that tone will be .able to judge tbe work they ore retreating toward the Vaal of the cleceaSed, whose demeanor In- and are taking up their position, at spired the enemy with reopee t and Poshrand, south of Kroonetad. whoa° huraane and' brave conduct Large numbers of burghers have gave tame and importauee to ,• the come in and delivered their. Masers state among civilized nations." and horses to the British. They affirm. . Ile was profoundly struck, lie said, that there Is a bitter quarrel between by the proof of sincere friendsblp giv- the Free Staters and Transvaalers, en bY the people of the Free tate, which is IlltelY to end in the speedy who had fulfilled their obligations to surrenclea of th-e •former. . . the 'Transvaal under the treaty. . General French 'has arrived here. • They had realized that a united' • front was required, as an attack up- To -Welcome Boer -Delegates. on •the independence -of the Trans- Washington, May 9.-a.A. tacetina was. Nem' meant a threat .against the held last .xtight at • the house of Con - Free atate, He had implicit confl- gressman Sulzer to arrange- for the deucein the future of the Afrikan- reception of the Boer peace .ortveYs deianation. By deeds the Free State now on. their we*. to the United State; had shown a good example to _the frdni Holland. The meeting' included a. . •recon.naissance mad.o hy Gen. Rundle - lb, PeOple of the Transvaal which had, atunber of. Setuiors and of the the Boers' recent. posit ons at ' prom ved of great oral vnlue to those t ., learichu, resultedn e g % a 1 . : aouneed Impregnable and their eva- 'cuation is reported to have been due . atc; -tile receipt of an urgent message • ' from 'Preaident Steyn.• The Boers Eire': egad:to; bre...moving, no hp, ea . :their immediate- 'ffeettiffititlialse-not ' - - known. • Where is French? • The whereabouts of • the British cavalry under General French is still n mystery. while Gen. Kelly -Kenny's and Gen. Chermsidea diaisions are al- so unaccounted for, •. A despatch froni Cape Town, dated to -day. says.: "Lord Roberts', phenom- enal advance is not only uttedY: de- moralizing the Boers, but 15 striking • terror into the -rebel colonists. The relief of 'Mafeaing expected atany moment.' . • About Mafeking,s .Prospects. The Cape Town correspondent is slightly optimiStic as regards Mate.' • king. judging froin the, direct de. spatches the- British loices..soutlx of Ma,felting are still nearly two.. hun- dred milesfrom their objective. while the latest advice; from' Mafeking self, dated April 29th, show little amelioration fa the conditions there T1 .des Wiles gay • etatith the exception of a. little. rifle ;tia, at the outlying -trenches' every- thtng is quiet.. The slight epidemic of • typhoid is. abating, -as a, result ..of the medical .precautions...The enemy's artillery, with the, exCeptiott of two • . five -pounders, • has apparentlY been withdrawn. . ; •• • Boers- Flunked.. . " It was learned On -Apell 24th that the enemy intetuted to attack, and the 'entire garrison- stood to -its -arms. When day broke Col. Raden.-Poivell , took up. a position . o the lookout, . and the heavy- rattle of -musketry and the boom of four gong oonvIffeecl es that an attack- was about to be made. , But ,it became apparent .that'the Boer officers could not persuade. their Men to advance. Through -gleans w,e saw the officers- vainly urging the infan- try forward. The 'etemy. :re-formed and retired. Our! men -fired a ',Sleet in the hope of inducing the *enemy to aome to .close quarters. "'The native dIstress has been alle- viated, many of .theni Dapping through. the Boer lines. The men of tile gar- rison forego their sugar ration for the benefit of the woineri and chil- dren. After the bombardment of 'Apia 24th, all was comparatively quiet." . --- Plot to Kilt Roberts.. • London, May 8. -The • Standard hears that information has been offie chilly received of a plot to aefaissinate- Lord Roberts. The latter was *tiara ed, and teletramS .are now . passing between the Cape, authorities, Lord Roberts and the home authorities on the subject. Yea , Near Mafeking Now. Lorenzo Marques, May 0.-A des- patch received here from Colonel Pin- mer's camp, bearing' date of April 26th, states that the .Boers • around • Mafeking have been gradually; rein- forced, and 'that 'theie *strength . is estimated, at 8,000. • se • . -- .Col. Plumer has eucceeded in com- municating .with Mafeking by meahs of carrier pigeons, and Is endeavoriog' (to communicatowity the seuthern re- lief -column. • Colonials Pressing Forward. Smaldeel, Orange Free State, May 't. -Gen. Heittonas advanced eannatiathe levee, as, well as Washingtonians, - It vino decided that. the Boer .doice gation. saould bo accorded 'reception 'Similarto- these: tendered Lafayette, Kossuth -and Parnell. A bigdempn.. stration is to be organized their been ''sechred for Stinsitty,' May 20th, and public addresses- of a non -partizan =taro_ will be delivered by 'Promin- men:-. • • • • . Appealing to,111eKtuley. The Iln gee, o;-:-.-Tir Netherlands 'Peace Seeiety has tolaress•eil an. eppeal to. President. McKinley, • begging lam . to fortaer the peaceful object Of .the -Boer mission; •to . investigate their ca se ; .to -bring • a bout 'arbitration, 41nd ein It stop to the .perttieiotts warOin Sane, .A.filefte ' HOUSEHOL 0 WO411I GEN, SCHALK-WILLEM 'BURGER. The Boer leader, who is Meeting , ler's froattal attack. 'guiding the efforts of a mall state to onaiiitain its independence. ale was • pleased. to .say that . the relationsof the. Transvaal with foreign states, %with . the exception- of Great Britain, were - good, • . . Beff-Prolea. Alter referring to 'tbe. peace pro- posals of the Presidents of 'both re- publics. and :Lord Salisbury's, 'sleet Kruger said: • .• "We peoved by legislation' and -our. dealing'swith Great, Britain • last year that it was our desire to ' pre- seeye peace; and now that War lots broken, out we will do everything to aestOre peltotO: . • After . alluding , to the deputation now on it mission to Europe and the United States, and tile presence of So many 'attaches, . 'toying the . in- terest of' the powers m :tile republies and •thoir methods of fighting, he Bald ho was .pleased teeee that the. sym- pathy of the world was on r their side in the war ; that ambulanees had been &sot,: and that their friends were .united in endeavoring to allayi tte the difstmess eatteed by Um struggle. Mines Pay Expenses. • Alter reference to alleged violations of the Red CrOffd denvention, and to the coosequent pretests 'of foreign powers.' President -Kreger corninued *-Knowing the difficult circum' atehooe, I am glad to say that Our finances will enable us to bear the great expenses' of the • war, and that the Mittes are flourishing.° •The President coneluded witit a re. fereace to the Free State loan, and soggeeted that the ses•sion be not PrOionged. and 'that only , matters of levet-time be dealt with,' In et mete Leg peroration, he invoked the. bless. ing and help Of the Almighty. The proceedings terminated with unusually impressive • epeeolies and prayers. Fifty 'out of a total of six- ty legislators were Preeent, Femoral of •them talll suffering from Wounds. eaasee o I ' • ! 11- - London., May la-Altlietigh• the 'Brit - Leh' experienced eensiderable opposi- tion at the diffIcult drift of the Zama the latest acivices from Smai- • deal, Orange Free State, indicate tliat ,the Federals are net yet ready to The Importance of the. Liver. Its Functions and Influence Over Other Organs of the Body—Dr Chase's Treatment for the Liver; Nd organ in the human body has a greater influence on the general health than the liver. • , A torpid, 'sluggish liver leaves poi- Noiteus Morbid bilein the blood, wallah eupsets the action of the whole systeln. There 10 ;indigestion, filineerth far* mentation, flatulency and oppression In . the stomach. The tongue is coated, the bend aches and there is loos Of 'Sleep, de- peession of spirits, -and apells of die- zinesa fata weakness. The bowels are constipated • and load by Orris, and griping pains aro freque110. The skin tells of the polooned state of the blood, by pimples, blotches and liver ,spots. hi sympathy with the liver, the kidneys heeerne clogged and inactive, the .aritie highly. colored, and there are paine In 'the back Bad under the t &Walt* blade.. ittortulat ot breath, palpita. Um et **Mart and derarigem to a the asetartrital fettottotta lieve the system of these niorbid poi - tans. The liver must have atisietance. The proceas of reiteration will be haeteted lf the kidneyo aro alscm in- %igor$ttod and strengthened. Both these filtering ° systems are acted on directly and promptly by Dr, Chase's. ICidney-LIVer Pills. It IS through the litter and kidneys aldrie that the blood can be treed of all impurities and the morbid Mat- ter width collect's there when the liver is deranged. Many a suffering MAU, many 0 de- spontient woman, has been cured Of the above distressing aliments by the use .of Dr. Chage's Kidney -Liver rills, the only remedy that has a combined action on both liver and kidneys. The 'wledom of Dr. Chase in prepar. Ing this wonderful remedy has- been proven in mores of thousands of cases of eomplieated diseases of the liver and kidneys, which could he reached by no other remedy. Yell do not require faith to be cured by Dr. Chase's Xidney-IAver Pills. The first dose will nolo you. and POW bout at moat will pool. I aura the alert serge. *see of kidtier WS* itake--go Many Women Look Pre- maturely (Drli They re the • Fruitful Sonic.° of Headaches, NerrOui `. Disorders Pains iu the Back' and bolkis and the Feeling of .Constant Weaelliass That Millets' So Many 'IV onien Almost ..every 'woman meete. daily With innuinecable little worries in her :household .ef fairs. Perhaps they arc too shall to noblee., an. hour Elf,' terwarel; but • 'these constant little .worries lmva their effect uponthe nervous system. Indeed, it ' is these Ttttk3vorries*.tlmt make •so many.. women look prematurely:0d. :Their effect may also. be noticeable in other 'Ways, such as sick orneevatA: head- etelie, fickle apatite, pains in the back orloins, palpitation of the heart, and a fe;ding of conetant Wearinees. If yon are ex.Perienelag any of these symptoms .it is a' kiwi that the bleed and nerves 'need atteation, and for this purpose 1)r. Williams' -Pink pills for Pale 'Peeple .are woman's best friend. They are particularly adapt- ed as a regulator of .the oilmenta that afflict women, and through th3 blood and uerveseaot upon the whole system, bringing brightness to the eye -and a- gienrof healtiote the cheek's. Thous- ands of gr,ttetel women have teetiaLd to the benefit derived from .the tete of Dr. Williams* Pink Pillea, Among 'those who freely atekaowl; edge the benefit derived from this groat medloine Is Mrs. Jas. Hughes, of Dromore, P. E. I., 41, Is tlY who. pose 'wastes the respect and oeteem of, all who know' her. Mrs. Ifughis speak, of her libtees and ettee as follows: "Until obtain- four ,years age I -had alsv*ays enjoyed .good heal -al and was looked upon as one who possessed a robust coustittitioa. Then I -began ,to grow was troublea with severe Iteadaches, and 'frequently Nylth vio- lent pains in the regien of 'My heart, from which I would only find ease through hot applianees. MY stomach also gave me much trouble, and did not appear to perform itscustoranifuryi funotionts. woe treated -by a ski doctor, but although under h'sen re for sieteral months, 1 grew gradually weaker and weaker, until finally I was not able to leavenay bed. Then I called in. Menthe' doctor. NVIIOSe treatment, although continued for tonne eight months, was equally fruit- lese. / was Fmarnely able to hold my head up, and was so nervous that 1 was crying half the time. My con- ditient can best be deseribeil as pitia- ble. At thits time a friend brought me a newapaper, 111 width Ives tho story of the cure of, aiwomun whose Nine was Lh Many rasp -seta similar to mine, through the use of Dr. Willauria Pink rine, x then deeided tbat I would give the pills a fair trial. When I begun the use of the pale I was in such a condition that the doc- tor told me 1 would always be tut Ltivalia. I Meal' fOur boxes of the pine bafore I totdced any brnr fit, and. then I could sea they were helping me. I need twelve boxes in all, covering ft treatment of nearly six *tooth& when wee as well an over I had beell in my lite, and r have, over since en - toyed the best, of health. I believe theite Would be fewer suffering wo. • men throughout the world If they would do as flid-give Dr. Williamso-. Pink Pinta a fair trial." A medicine that is not right isf worse than no medicine at all-mueh woree. Substitut(e ate not right ; more than that, they are generally 'dangerous. When you buy 1)r. Pills for Pale People be Hum that the full name Is on the Wrapper around every box. If your dealer does not keep them, they will be sent post paid at ,50 emits a box, . .nrAIX boxea for $2.50, by addresAng ttluebewDlnWt..Vitartur MetilAne Ilreek- . . .. The employers nay that the Men can - go mit and stay out,. that they •have 'wanted- to bossthe -business ;and 'aro always :'gettina intotrouble. in London, with %Oath -there is Most vompetition, the wages are one-half what they are here. The union label is net in denutud, and it adoption, the manufacturers clahn, has, ifeanea thing,•lessencal-the sale in this city. In ,Toronto and Hamilton bettee wagos. are paid. becausethe .people r• support -the aiiitanalitiael. -Thia '18:mat- ooterl:tands, ,and it looks' as if.,.the union men .were going to be left oat in the , - Port Mulgrave, J`une 5, 1807. ' C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Dear Slis,-MINARD'i LINIMENT Is my remedy for wide,. etc. It is the best linlincirr,b I have ever used. • AIRS. ,TOSIAH Millard's Liniment, Lumber en's Friend. • • Wen Minard's Liniment in : the house. Minard's Liniment is used by itillY. side ns, Agik for • Minard's and take no othea. No Division of Opinion in 14- gard to Dodd's Kidney Pills Whatever, Miss Anna illortgren, of Grand Metis, Voices the Universal Verdlet-Says She -Feels Obliged to Tell Her 'friends Of Dodd's Kidney Pills - She Herself Has Been solutely Cured. Grand Mitts, Clue., April 80.--lifiss Anna ivfongren, of the village Of Grand rc4iQVleethboen curedrii(f iirey tible ery a, ' stnig hy Do 'cl'e Kidney Villa Throughout thas country it is becoming more andraore comment to hear of cures this famous medicine la making. The people of erotic]) Canada are not a Maas who are etaken in by imitations or worth - leas preparatIone of any, kind. 'They are a couservatiVe people, and ' the reputation of it 'medicine hate to be ehoeoughly • established before they'. ple 'their ffatil to it. It IS therefore :t most convineing alga that Dodd's Kidney Fills are' a sterling remedy when. French Canadians throughout Quoin° spealt of it in, the highest tonne- of praise, and that • moreover, from a knowledge based on their Own experienee. • Decal's Kidney Pills are now proved' to bo infallible ltt. the cure of Kid- ney Diseases of absolutely • every s.ature. 131 iglit'a Disease, that terror of physicians • Diabetes, whiell used to be called ncurable ; Rheumatism, the affection which renders the lives Jr. so many . otherwise strong anci robust. men. _and .women of quebee Miserable, and which is the accom- paniment of old age nine times out of tee throughout the Lower ProvinceS; Heart Disense, not .gen.erailY known at be the result of Kidney. Disease, iil whiali le so nevertheless ; DlopsY, 1'ni;uiry and Bladder Complatats, WO" an Verticn.ess and blood disorders 3.1 all kinds yield freely and promptly to. Dodd's Kidney ,Pills.! Miss Nana .Mongron, well knewit in Gratn1 Meths, writes as follows' con- cerning her. cure : '2 I was suffering from a great pain in my side, which aused ingele tuid tineasiness. had taken three boxes of Dorlda.KidneY Pills and I felt a -wonderful relief: I continued .7•0e take- - th110,eandon0w---1-e11e-pee- cure1• tionstrierittgatoonly Mae end hottest . to let the foots beatnotvn, feel caillaea to tell my friends of the virtues of Dockl'a Kidney pills and, to eliank that medicine for the great Oenefit I bove received." • • 'Nest Patent On Matches. . 'Before 1838, , when •woctilen. Matches' with phosphorite Were Made' in .. VI-. mut, peoale -were dependent upon flint and steel to secure a light." The first patent for a phosphorus matchih. the • United States was taken out -in e1836 by A. Phillips, Of Springfield,,Maise. For, Many ;years people .refused • to, use theta, but by 1845 'the Ing ,ami. clumsy old -Wader boxes were geneaally dlecarcledand are preserved likc. snuffboxes; as ,curicalties. • ' in Or ' Cotton Mills in 'Egypt. Up to tho present etime Egypt lute only been engaged' in exporting; its rair cotton. but. it tome now that trials will be made in the land of the Nile to manufacture cotton gooas from Egyptian cottou. For this pur, pose the Egyptian Cotton Mills, a jeint ,c•ompaey,. capitalized at $800,- 000, will soon ,start the construct'on ef apinning and weeving male at Bit. Mk, near Cairo., The woke am- pro- posed to have n.eapacity of $750.- 000 kilograms of yarn and 4,950,000 tieetree of cotton piece goods. If your child is pale. peevish and does not thrive, a dose of Miller's Worm VoWders occasionally will pure. Mutton ilnd: Potatoes, Alationa 'aet a time of oriels f orelgneaf f airs, earl the Argonaut, the Princess Mary Adelaide, Duchess of Teck, was seat- ed at dinner next M,r. Disraeli. She was anxious to, un.derstand the ap- parent inaction of the government, and asked him soddenly : "Whac are we waiting for 9" Ite took up the menu, glanced tt.t it,and gravely re- plied ; • "Mutton and potatoes, ma'am." . IYillleras Grip Powders tura WHEN palm/. 18 GRADUATED-. NO 19; 1900, Male Should, GiveoSonte Thought to Sparinglitothers. Ill many of our colleges the OX - P01180 of commencement has ceased to be a dread .and 11 bugbear, distress. lug to poor students, because cus- tom now ordains teat every girl shall be graduated In her. clap and gown. A. simple uniform of tiOute sort, inexpenelve, yet enaracteristiert simple knot -of ribbon, Or badge, or Selected flower, would abundantly meet every requireinent of the pre- paratory echool, tout would be in de- cldedly better taste than a, toilette' Onvolvitia eorstliness and display. All , that Is necessary to bring at out it de- sirable ellange in. the matter le to make Simplicity the fashion for our beautiful Dalsys to induce them to emulate • their n0,030 -flower, starSag the aunamer Heide In its exquisite white and gold, anti to act, the land over, in concert, the girls themselves ta,king the tentative. For a mere afta•lr'efeeliow there is not a eensible Daisy anairrhere who would willingly cause her father anoe lety, or oblige Mat to work harder et longer than. now.. Ana some of oui Daisy's, If they would open their eyes, would see that their mothers are los- ing bloom and beauty, are growing very tired, and are strainieg too harcl Jan to procure fripperies for • which nobody really cares. The reform which is needed should be instituted by the schoolgirls in their own class meetings, with the sanction of their, class presidents, under the approving eyes of the seliool alumnae, who have gonefar enough on to see that there are better things at which to aim than extravagance,e which benefits nobody, impresses few, entails debt or 'sleepless 'eights on affectionate parents. --Margaret E. Sangster, in Harper's Bazar. That otomach trouble will cease if You will take Miller's Conn -totted Iron Pills. One after each meal. • ." / asked the young woman in front of me to reinove her hat -so tliat I ' could see the etage.". "'bid tshe do It?" • • " No ;• Oho- said .if she held her hat in her lap she couldita see the stage liersell."-Collisias 'Weekly. , Kinard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. Cow-Milited at thes-Doesio- - Deafness Canna be Cured 'by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased. portion of tho ear. There is only one wav to cureDeafness, and that. is by consti- tutional 'reine'dies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed cendition of the mucenalining of the Eustachian Tube. • When this tube gots inflam- ed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is tho result, and unless the hifiamination can be taken out and this tube reatored to its net - mal condition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever ; nine cases out of ten ate caused by _catarrh, ivbieb is nothing. Ian .an inflamed. condition 011he mucous surface& We vill give Cne• Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (mimed by. oatarrh) that can not be cured by Hall s Catarrh:Cure. Sendfog circulars, free. F. .1. CHFINBY 8c. Co.,.Toledo, 0, .6-So1d by Druggists, Me. . • • Aall's Family Pills are the best, , • Sour'. • • Irene -That Mies Welloe looks like a squeezed lemon. . • , ' Clatiesa-ahe isn't, though. .. She's jast a drted' lemon. 'Pele elfeeks rapidly . become riasy when Miller's Compound • Lem pins ere taken. 00 doses 25 cents. • Weakness of Secialisin. Vixen It is &tl 1 . that municipal ownership is a failure it only .meana' that it fails under had man.agement.- Oroa, a little city in Sweden, owns and Operates 0 nursery,whicli is said lee Yield a• revenue of $100,000 to the ' munioipality-a suin sufficient to pay all itfi expenses .itichicilrfg free schools awl 'it free system of telephone .eorit- municaticat. • • • ' • But *tvitile a system may succeed in Orea, it might mot' in Toronto,' for in the matter of municipal Otrnership a S'()13 great deal .depettds upon Inflate tenaper. It la to 1:e (Melted if Toronto waist Wu and operate a nursery with anY profit. Anybody who Walked past the oleo° would find fault ,with the way -the ehrubs were set out, or. witit the handlieg of the ground, ,or with the watering. They w.ortld guar - rel with the gardeners, repert them to the park cootthissioner, and write, letters to the ,herrepapere. People wroald want to ,pull up the trees every spring to see if they were &owing. at the end of the first. eteaa it 18 pretty safe to nay that an agitation. would 'be started to abolish the. nursery because -it was not paying, and to change it .into a natioleipal tinshop or hennery Or settle , other attractivt% new' line of endeavor, -To- ronto Star. • Comber, May 7,-A.mer Loy the• Boy Crushed to Beath. 15 -year-old son of Andrew Loyeto boarded a moving freight train here yesterday . at noon • rind in jumping off again fell between the cora, the wheels passing over the centre of his body. Death Woe instantanceus. The trainmen evidently did nob no- tice the accident, and tin) body lay there until discovered by some child- ren returning home from Sunday school. An Inquest will be held. Alillerte Compound Iron rills, fifty doses 25 coats, 1 Boston, May 0. - llon. William Crowninshteld Eteileott, acerotaryof War tattler President .Clevelanda Oen Adminintration, died at his home here this afternoon Of pneumonia at the lige of 73. Mr. rialLeott's daughter, the•evife of Hon. ,Toseph ChaMberiniii, tim vugligh Secretary of Wats for the Colonies, was notified ,by cable of the death. Endicott Dead. Liniment RelieVea Neuralgia, Slot Wits- Consistent, "Aren't yott ashamed to go to a. veatenhe ball when you're In mourn- ing ?" "I'm bat 1 shall go as the Queen f Night." Minard'eetinftnent Cures Daudruff.(, - • - X &nesse, died at111 T POL—SON 'S THE GREAT 446,, PAIN KING an" • 8tii NT *HEW' ADAPTED FOR FAMILY USE FOR THE IMMEDIATE RELIEF OF NEURALGIA TooTHAcliE • RHEUM ATIS M.' 11810 EXTERNALLY, BEftVILINB cure* VOOthaelle, Rheumatism. Cbt 'baba, Rites ef Instate Cools, Spasms. Neurelaia, ms eThrost; Frost Rhea Comae, &a. UM INTERNALLY, It mos Cold*, Hmaditobe, Cholera Olerrhota, Dyspepsia, Dyrintery; InfittenA, Stomach h:orders, ate. POSPASSO SY 11.0.POLSON a co., KINO8TON0tIKL AT ALL RAUCCISTS, WI 254 AND AIX MIN iNTEluslitri Olt EXTS:O.NA.t. Mrs. Morey, of Coney Island, New York, peddles milk, but she doesn't keep a laorse and wagon. Instead of that she dries her cow, around to the houses or her Oustoruers, and, while they wait, Mrs. -Morey says "go Bose' to the sleek-looking,cow, and proceeds to milk the, desired quantity, In this way each customer is assured toot the soak received is fresh and free frOnl adulteration. This custom of leading the- etnv -from door to door was; in common practice in tills coun- try many, niany years ago, and in parts of Europe the, milch cows or goats are still inade to serve in the place of the modern milk wagon. 'No worm medicine acts so Wetly as Miller's Worm Powders; no pllysie re- , , TIM Proverb Did. Not Apply,. The .little girl stood on the street corner sobbing as if khr heart Would break. On the stone flagging were the bits of a broken p),tcher. "There, there, little girl," said the benevolent man, "don't cry, don't cry, little girl; 'never cryover spilt „milk.' r' "But it isn't milk," - - sobl3ed the girl; o Iteer.a „ 11 tiat children repine physic none acts so nice as Miller's Worm Pow - dors; very pleasant to take, • Centel a a ' "Did a's:to say they made fun Of ins Speech ?a said the statesman with the unwavering self-esteem, "Yes, rill sorry to annoy you, but" - "Oh, it doesn't annoy me. You know you -can't be sure- anything is a real work of arb. until somebody bur - leagues Cr satirites it.", --Washington Star. Minardae. Liftinaerfa for sale. every., where. • • 4..trong ones In speaking about Scott's Emulsion for chil.dren, you - should not forget that it con. _ ,tains lime and soda, just what the child must have to . form strong bones and good ' teeth; It's this formi,ng time you want to look after. Growing bodies must have an easily digested fat. Just think how much of it there Is in milk, as cream. . Scoirs Emulsion Is even more easily digested than gem, It's surprising how Ail- = dren thrive when given it. Don't keep the children living on !the edge of sickness all the time. • Make them strong and rugged, • plump and hearty. Scott's Emu!. ' slon of Cod•liver Oil and the Hypo. - phosphites of Lime and Soda will do this for them. - At all druggists sot, and p.00. scow & DowNE, Chemists. Toronto, A Curbing the 'Mosquitoes% • . Winchester, Vte• has passed & la,w which is designed 'to, break up • the mosquito peatotheree late law _ requires] that . each. property Owner shall poor kereeense oil over' every 'pool. sink or drain' on his Oren-110es from' time'to time, and tbe police foree la empowered to see thatthe oral- ,snance, is enforced. , • ' To CutO a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Broth° Quinine Tablet& druggists refund the money if it fails to -euro. ....26e—B—W.:Brove!ss1gnat11reli9n 0ach box.. _ , _ Mixed .Tribute. On. a tiaatbstone- In- an old . New Eng.. Janachurchyard there is an. epitaph which never falls- to bring aarea° to the face of the reader, To the memory of Ann. Sophia and by their grateful widower', James B. Rollins. They made home pleasant." Chatham (oat.) matt says: was run down.. aael my nervone eas- tern was apparentlY' broken, Making life miserable, MOWS compound Trott Plas cured me," • Rescverees of SOuth America.LomPetent authorities assert that South America las greater undevel- oped resources than any other section of the world. Any crop grOwn else - whore can be duplicated there, and the country' abounds in mines of 'coal, silver and geld, most of -vvIlleh Itave been °tar slightly developed. Tommy -Grandpa, are kluge and queene always good? Grandpa -Not always, my by; not when therms are aces out against- theme- -, • .„ . • " Have Scribbler, the author, and his wife -made it epee!! " Oh,' yes. -She now reads ,what he writes, nd he eats what she cooks." • CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Yong&and Gerrard streets, Toronto. • &Wahl. ly the leading Business Training School in Canada. Twelve regular teachers Fifteen • Wpronmailla agliniu=rn ceinaLagP glStig4 writing Maehines. Enter aVfy timo. No vaeft-. tions. Write for calendar. - W. H. SHAW. . . . .SK YOTIR GROCER FOR THE NEW .21- Coffee manufactured by the Coffee Co.. Leamington, Onto free Sample sent on ap- plication; Superior to all others. 02 To Rent... Hetel Stand. at Fonthisilf• • large building;:first-olass stable; tastiiitiderat e Appiy4OHN MebOY, Aamilton ;. or ' . L. T. GARNER; Weiland, Ont. NOTICE . TO HORSE OWNERS. ' It la a well-known fact that Horses troubled • with Heaves, if placed on Prairie pastUre, are . soon cured of the heaves.. - PRAIRIE WEED Heave Powder Is composed of the Prairie 'Weed " which has been found. so effectual in curing Heaves," combined with other valuable remedial Agents and will prove an effectual remedy for Reaves and Coughs in Horses and Cattle, 26 cents per package at all Druggists, or mat' • ed by M. F. EBY1 Chemist, Port Elgin, Ont.. • A GENTS WANTED FOR OUR TWO NEW .t1." books, "The I...ibrary of South •AfrIca, (fourbooks in onc); and "Esvight I.,. Moody. The Man and Ens Mission"; the, books aro well written and up-to-date, and ttire'not a rebash old matter; the prices are low, and the toms • extra liberal; agents eau make money if Milt 'take hold at once and sell our books. Pros- pectus free. If you mean business, other ar rangements forthecanvassers'beneflt. William Briggs, Methodist Book Boom, Toronto, 'keel Lauda ROOM 2.e.aorgit..le,."11a,;,11.12 forcatalosu% fitECTRHAPOR CO.,. ' - . HAMILTON. ONTAR4. Prrs Eameertlior nTskIrIVneSS EStidDrill use, Send to 931 Arch street, Phira°- delphia„ Pd., for treatise and free $2 trial bottle For sale by .J. A. Harte, 1780 Notro Dame street Montreal, Quo. • Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al. ways• be used for Children Teething. It soothes thechild, softens the AliMPI. cures wind colic and is the host-reMedrfor Diartlicet4 -Twenty • • five cOntri bottle. ALtI., REFINERS MAKE SUGAR, St. Lawrence Sugar Refinery, - Make THE SUGAR. Their Granulated is :110():FerCent,. Ptire, .R B. EDDY'S PARLOR .MATORES Produce a QUICK, Mt every dam They haws had a reputation for nearly hail a century. rer'ilate by all filrateelltool Deniers. MANUFACTURED BY EDDY 00,, LIMITED, Hull, Canada. .ir .111111131111P 00110000.10601010006-' " •