HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-16, Page 5Ar>R11. 16Ttf t9o8-THE
VAfawn, brown, black, etc. All tate newest shapes and prices lowest.
Spring Suits
Our stock In Men's and Boys' New Spring Suits is now complete
Arid we are showlig a greater and better assortment. in all the latest
Shades and styles than we have ever shown before. ft will pay you to
see our $8, $0, $10 and $1`3.,-ru suits.
Men's Hats
A full assortment in hard and Soft Pelts, all shades in grey,
If Boots
Some special lines In box calf, viol kid, patolls, etc. We have a
4blucher, patent dull top, extra strong sole rind a beautiful shoe In
every respect. Ask to see these.
(Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. Gy
ril VA
1/11 E. BENDER, BLYTHttn
IT,r .ryrn . ,rgY,r Va , ,w gpr,rar .nPa .+rya, VaryraH.,r r,rV,r r, ,., . V
p� f;l;t.,fi?ir�rt:lr:•Ir4?;f�.Irc?it;ii'rzr..,.?1itt�;i?`r,.,r4.�r.,,t••.rttxt!$i�� Sl;:�d3�It'
DC,".0 >, rSiru.`, .:dnh�iuC. t.iL..C.rru.rC3C>ur.. , isi:.'.S.iC..rCS.S n+kin
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n+ +.al�dnru..i'..:�3 ufr`tlrlrfrriv.:•u.h.Cr r` S. orf: .u.:C.�:.,,, ',iG'.rv.�
A'r the churches on Easter Sunday
special music will be sung by the
different choirs.
Now is the tole to renew for your
paper. We club the cheapest with
city city dailies or weeklies. Look
ut our list.
THERE has been :a drop of 35 per
cent in plate glass. This is evi-
dently due to the fact that there has
been a falling off in the deulitnd for
engagement rings.
Alto you going west this slaying
Free copies of '.Settlers' Guide,"
"Western Cunnde;" "Tourist Sleep -
et''' and other booklets, Tickets and
full information es to rates, eta, at
.0. P. R. Town Office, J. McMur•
chie, Agent, Blyth.
MY neighbor's chickens sit upon the
And gaze at me with earnestness
Methinks they ask how long 'twill
be before
I !dent sweet peas behind the wood-
shed door,
Now that housecleaning is at hand
'I'Htr, STANDARD leas a great number
of old newspapers tied up in bund-
les which we will sell at Sc a bundle
or 3 for 1 0c, The papers are all
clean and just the thing to lay under
the carpets. Come early and avoid
the rush.
'fine undersigned is offering for
sole to wind tip the hate flawed)
Dick Estate, part of Park Lot No. 8,
situate on Queen street in the Vil.
lege of Blyth, The property 000-
810Is of 0 quarter of an 0000 of land,
011 wine11 there is a frame house
with a quantity of fruit trees. This
property must be sold. For full
particular's apply to Wm. Campbell,
feel estate agent, Blyth.
JAGitsoN-CRAIG.-A very inter-
esting event took place on Wodnes•
clan' afternoon, 8th Inst., when Miss
Margaret Jauictt Craig, daughter of
Rebel': Craig, of the 0th line of Mor-
ris, was joined it) wedlock to Albert
Henry Jackson, son of James Jack•
son, of the saute township. The
ceremony was performed by Rev,
J. L. Small, 13. A., of Illyth, the
bridal party standing ander an ar•
tistic arch, The bride was 11tteuded
by bliss Mabel Jackson. sister of the
groom, while the groom was sup
ported by Wm. G. Craig, brother of
the bride. The wedding march was
played by Miss Florence Jackson.
The bride was suitably eostmned in
t1 dress of cream lustre 10ilnlned
with white satin ribbon and lace,
The bridesnmid was `similarly art•
tired The ring beau's' was little
Miss Nott, a niece of the bride.
There were ninny guests and the
presents were numerous and useful.
After the ceremony the company
partook of a. sumptuous supper. 111',
and Mrs. Jackson will live on the
13111 0011, of Mullett. TUE STANDARD
extends best wishes,
'Mali, frame 110100 over the river,
on the west side, owned by ,Mrs.
Dodds, is being re -shingled.
THE Conservative convention for
North Huron will be held in Wing•
ham on April 23rd to select a candi-
date for the riding.
A1112 you interested in good print-
ing ? If you are, an order sent to
our job department will convince
you that we excel! in the "1201 pre-
servative." The certain tact In the
arrangement of the type, so marked
In our work, is a sign of art. Let
us fit you out with business -bringing
printing. Call at THE STANDARD
office and get out' figures.
Rosie circulation 1e :always good.
Sine papers are strong
on street
circulation -bought, glanced at and
thrown away by casual 101100rs.
Other's- Tue. STANDARD sot -go
into the homes and stay there.
Stands to reason, doesn't it, that
with another, father and ail the 01111.
dren busy with the home paper,
there mast be something corning to
Ole ]advertiser ?
Tit Fl death occurred in Ifowick on
Saturday, April 4th, of Mrs, Robert
Linton, 111e. Linton had attained
the great age of 8G years and 7
months and bad been tin invalid for
12 great many years, 80 that d02.1111
was not unlo01(00 for by her many
friends and relatives. A tinnily of
sons and daughters survive, 111'
Linton Passed Many' some yeti's
ago. Interment was n2lde in the
Wroxeter cemetery on Monday af•
teru0un, service being conducted by
Rev. L. Perrin. firs. Llntnll was nn
aunt of ribs, W. A. Cole, Mrs, Putts
and A. 'Tummy o' town,
A Fon-men 11000N 130Y, -Los(
Th118day W. 0011003, of Guelph,
and 12 foxier resident of Morris
'Pwp, -and \Vinghanl, successfully
defended the world's championship
fur 10 hour roller skating. Ile is n
grandson of Mrs, flood, of town, anti
Miss flood and MTS. Wm. Jaeksoo
are leis emits. The press gives the
following account :-1V. Conery, a
local boy, who 12 short time 2150 tat
Londot) won the wor10'8 champion-
ship for :1 10•hour roller sitatiog
grind, defended the title at Guelph
Thursday in a race with W. K.
Gates, of Australia, The race
started at 9,30 in the morning Ind
ended at 7.30 in the evening. By
spurts made et different tinges Dur-
ing the morning, Gates got a lend
which he increased to 3 miles before
1 o'clock. Inthe afternoon Conery
held him dnwit and by spurs of
short duration lowered the lend
The feature of the event wens Con -
cry's lowering of one 111110 of Gates'
lent in one hilt' hour about six
o'clock, Conery won the event by
a1 lend of two haps. The distance
01:111e01 by Conery was 119 .1.10
miles, and by (fates 1 t9 7-10 miles.
Conery Beat his last record by about
14 pities,
TRE roads are bad in places and
worse in others.
'litre klft.hcn of George King's
h0ltslhas been tee -shingled.
SPf11N0 Morning walks will now
bo popular and invigorating.
Till: Executive of Centre Huron
Liberals meets in town to -day to
arrange for convention and election
of officers,
Tine STANDARD 10 now subscribers
in Canada from nuts till ,1'autot ryy
1st, 1909, for the suet of 05 emits.
Suhsa'Ibe now,
A (01120T hmprovetnent is noticed
at the residence of Dr, Long, 12 nam•
bet of trees which were too close to-
gether hove been cut down.
13ur MNL.aoast t '114A, --Mothers'
favorite, Money in every package,
Price 30c, 40c and 50c per pound1,
lead packages. Sold by J. II, 131oor,
Tito fifty-third annual meeting of
tits Grand lodge, A., 11'. & A M., of
Canada will bo held at Niagara
]falls, Ont., Ori the 15111 of July.
'Che local lodge will be represented.
'i'1112012 are a number of houses to
rent now. Though we hear that
several weddings lure to conte off 211
the near future, so that by the time
summer is here there may be a
scarcity again.
'Puy Conservatives of North IItu•on
will hold their convention to nouli•
nate a. candidate for the Ontario
noose in Wingloun 011 Thursday,
April 231.11, and also to elect officers
10r the riding, A fall delegeti011
will attend from Isere.
liens ennuot state Jr this is true,
hat one of our exchanges remarks :
One m, says I W0 ',1 'V` to be
G man \ Witt Cal 11 1, t
120 by drinkinh' sots' milk. The
milkmelt must be ou0 friends after
al1. That is the kind of 122(110 they
try to give ns right along.
Et.ts'rru Sunday, April 19th, is
being looked forward to by the male
section of the different conerega•
tions with fear tool thudding.
Some of the hats which the cleat
girls are buying arc large enough
to block the view of a whole row 01
seats in the rear. They are no
doubt beautiful, stunning, bewitch-
ing, CA Orating, ere., but they will
also be a blamed nuisance some.
News WANTIen.-[t is our aim to
glye all the local news possible, and
to that end we are always pleased to
receive anything in the way et' news
items interesting to the eon)nlunity
generally from our sabscribers 11110
readers, Perhaps this week '1'R1
STANDARD has little news from your
seethe) ; you know of some goon
items now doubt. I'e
la s we Pha Vl
no corespondent near you ; in that
case YOU CAN HELP US (besides
make the paper more interesting to
yourself and friends) by bringing
such items to the atlicc, If we now
have n correspondent near you, he
or she, cannot always Know 2111 that
transpires so you can still IIPLP US
Give us your mune and we will seed
you 1111 the stationery required, and
your efforts will prove a mutual
benefit. -'frac STANDARD,
THEY Wp)Rrl CAuaR'r',-The fol-
lowing appeared in the Guelph Her.
ald and the person who reported it
must have been chasing traulpS i)
his sleep t -The teen who looted the
private baulk u1'James 51011urchic at
Blyth on 'Wednesday night have
been ea)plht by the police 11111 are
n )w locked up in the jail at Myth.
Immediately atm' the burglary 1010
become known the police started la
to scour the surrounding country
for the culprits. The police in 2111
towns near time scene of the :affair
were also notified to be on the look-
out for tory suspicious character. It
was thought that the hank robbers
had started south in the hope 01 be-
ing 01(10 to cross the border before
they were caught and early yester-
day moraiug Chief 11111101111 received
information to be on the lookout for
two nen but they never reached
here. The evening before the bur-
glary 0103 cornmited at couple of
tramps were seen in the locality and
it was thought butt they were the
men wanted. D0i'i1lg the following
afternoon the police itt Blyth ge.t
word that two 10011 toisw011ng the
description of the men wanted had
been seen in the country itbeut ttvi
miles !Tian the town. The police
left, town and drove out into the
township of Morris where they found
their men. The two men had spent.
the night in a barn. The men were
taken to Blyth and locked up as the
culprits. They are both big men
and are total strangers in the neigh-
borhood of Myth, They had beet
noticed aroun0 the village for 0
couple of days previous to the btu'.
glary and had attracted attention by
their good clothes, The amount of
the Ioss'is yet unknown,
Permanent Results >0-000 ere o4oco`evevoorC•'avoroak
e< been suffering for over
I had u F two
months with an obstinate cough, as had
also Illy little girl. 11e tried several
remedies cnn1mon to any drug store
without obtaining any apparent relief,
in fact we wore growing worse, i got a
bottle of Ooltnfoote Expectorant from
my druggist and inside of two days the
cough was stopped, and the results to
permanent and rapid that we decided
to keep it in our home continually.
0011 Rt' P.AL1'N.
1'', A. 31, Station, Ottawa,
Poltsfooto Expectorant is recognized
the world aver ns the best 11(8'0 )1 111
ever used by the medic sl profession for
Coughs, (,olds ('roup, 0souohitis and
Tightness 00 the Chest Children like
it, To iutrodueo it into every ionic we
will send a free sample to every person
sendin5 their name and address to Dr.
1 A. Nlocum, Limited, Toronto, Sold
by all up-to-date druggists at 21e,
Send for Free Sample Today,
Illenlennou'rs orchards and fruit
plantations generally appear to have
come throwgh the winter 121 first•
class condition, 011(1 so far as abrin•
dant crop is promised.
Movr0TO TOWN. -011 Saturday of
last week Mrs, George ,McGowan
and Miss 3fCGOwan moved to town
and luiv0 taken up their ;mine in
the frlunc house owned by A, Statim
holt, near the 0, T. R, stetiou.
S'r.axnAbn welcomes them to town.
'flits wind storm last Saturday
must have been the, last of the gale
the people in the, West had on Fri-
day. At Winnipeg between eight
and nine a. m, the gale reached the
n1nxin)nnl of its fort', when 11 vele•
city of 00 tniles an horn' was reach.
iN list week's issue ofthe 011-
. 1s, to lc 1 It
wielh Record we noticed the follow-
ing item from Newbridge 101)14 re•
fern to 0nr former citizens :-11r,
and Mrs. McNally were in I!ordwiell
on Wednesday ordering goods, Miss
Lena Don:lgil,y having charge of the
Store in their absence,
ANNUAL. Mra.r(N(.,-The annual
meeting of Blyth Libeled -Conserva-
tive Associntion will be held in In-
dustty Ball t0 -night at 8 p. m., for
the election of officers for the 0)r -
rent ye:10 and appointing of debt -
gates to attend the convention to he
held in \Vingham on April 231.0,
All supporters of the Hon, J. P.
Whitney and his party are cordially
invited to attend.
PR25te:R WHITNEY states that if
the general election docs not take
place bef01'e the 15th of June, then
it will stand over till September.
The fixing of the date depends ori•
dimly on the preparation of the vot-
ers' lists for the unorganized dis.
tricts. If the lists can be ready in
time the elections will taste place
in the second week in June, but if
they are net ready the election will
not be hold until the fall, Perlia -
ment prorogued on Tuesday after-
110022 BALL, -Last friday evening
another baseball tneetlitg was called
and proved successful, A general
discussion was held about entering
into the Lakeside League, comprise
lug of Kitten [aline,'1'eesweter, Whig -
h11111 and !Myth, and With this in
view W. Watson and A. Robinson A. TAYLOR
were 5ppoietcd to go to 1Vinghain
rot Bordering, Wall and Ceiling sold at
the same price.
Bordering sold by the roll, not by the yard.
all Paper 1ook
Wall Papers at 5c.
Showing neat patterns of floral, block and fatiey'designs,
double or single borders.
0 Wall Papers at 6c and 70.
70, Wall Papers at Sc and 90.
Lovely gilt, silver and glimmer papers of floral set figures,
fancy stripes, blocks and conventional designs, double or
�O�`` single borders.
Wall Papers at 15e, 20c and 25c.
•� Tapestry, embossed gilts, orients's, varnished, ingrains,
silver papers, the beat coo have yet shown,
Beautiful glimmer and gilt papers in a big assortment of
colorings and patterns, double or single borders.
Wall Papers at 10c, 121/2c and 15c.
Heavy embossed gilt papers, also silver tinted and heavy
plain and fancy ingrains, popular for libraries, doting
rooms, halls parlors, etc.
0 0
0 0
� � t a IIICee W
o ran to
r ern O'
0 lest 5c.ntcl oo t
1 e R �,
0 0
0 .
�d � 1
0 O`
�p� Panama Dress Goods, black and col -
p ored at 50c and 75c per yard. gyp•
y , Hnv'o you seen our stock of navy's, browns and greens ?
0 0)
0 nnn� r(►Tn►I IC 0. nADflINCQ �,
0 0
Q{Qp00010� 0rO�>OUO'J�O�O;QO',O�{)r0`O±OrOrQ.U�
Linoleums in 2, 3 and 4 yards wide.
commend. They
are extra heavy, uniform in quality and stand hard Wena', floral and
blook patterns.
Lace Curtains
220 pairs front 250 to $(1.00 per pint'.
469 3F31_..-5T7C I�
Try "LIPTON'S" packed only In tine, the flavor is kept In.
"SALADA" in lead packages,
"JA 1'AN" the best 2.5o Teton the market.
Loose Teas, black and green, mixed to suit tho taste.
Potatoes wanted. Highest prices Amid. 7
Corner BLYTH
Store "
on Good Friday mid attend the tun
natal tlleet1115 and enter the team.
The following dicers were appoint
ed at this meeting. :-
President, J. Mc1lttrchie.
Manager, R'. Watson.
SEL'. -Tress., 3. L, Kerr.
The appointing of a captain and
comtnittee was left over till the next
meeting to he held on Monday twee.
lug, April 20212, when a full attend-
ance is requested. If the team is
entered in the leegno Myth Ind vi.
emits will be able to see iirstclass
games played here this 50115011,
A SucclesS--karst hriday eve.'i(g.
the Woman's Missionau'y Society of
the Methodist church held a very
successful social in the basement of
the church. A barge crowd was
presoetAnd a very pleasant evening
w118 `302(1 by alt. The pastor, 1tev,
S Aud0r5011, occupied the chair and
the i'„Ilowing interesting program
was annotu100d by i ifn
I(eliIlog by 111'9, 5, II. (ihlroy ;
]meat, bliss Miller and Albert W!!.
ford ; selcetion Iry the orchestra,
composed of S. lt. Gidlei, violin,
h'. Everett, (lane, Mr. Road1101150,
omelet, Hies 1'cat'I Uidloy, 2100on-
pa11t5t ; 1111 texere1Se by misstep
band ; Indies' 011151') ('((1, 1lisses
Floods, Bentley, 1'. Gidley and Mrs,
1, Brow„ ; month organ selection,
George Wambold ; reading, Mrs. C.
H. Beese ; selection by orchestra ;
instrumental selection, Miss Ken-
nedy ; male quartette, Messrs, Rev,
Anderson, 'Wambold, I"loody and
Miley : tench. The proceeds
;Amounted to over $25,
Every order left at ctittlt'lttV" office,
whether large or small, is turned out in first-class
style. We have the plant, we have the workmen,
and we have the experience, and these three very
important factors enable us to keep pace with the
(�1)t Pititllltt b is one of the most progressive
newspapers in Huron County and we would like to
have your name on our subscription list if it is not
already there.
'rho Standard. --- 817th