HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-11, Page 4a May 11, l ( 0 New• Shirt � Waists • • There is cool - nes and economy in the laundrierd Shirt Waist. The trade in this popular garment increases as the weather gets warmer. We've anticipated your wishes in this matter and have hundreds of the newest and best styles here for your selection. Now is the time to buy. First comers get the best choice, you know. THESE' BRIGHT NEW WAISTS WILL INTEREST YOU. THE CLINTON NEW ERA Ittist*ff ii l dthe IVet wek J(iiZEAbt;ERY,--,�"•� „,1,,�The Prohibition AaestionRDuring hL Crealy his • FRIDAY, MaY 11, 1900 Tempt Note��rorthy •Savi The (•Ioderich Star is much exorcised .has men at work preparing and getting over the member for Westifuron and everything in shape for his Minton 11 gPrices and ' Prohibition, and charges him with skimming statics, which he now has ready at J. Miller's shop. Sirniliar eta - of to raise his connectionice within bethelf ` tions are at Brucefreld and Seafotth, af.prohibttron_ in , the latter place being where the` cream gewv docxft eta�ttlts Ese-O Cooper sr Co Pagel Question of S es -A a Grigg .•.., ..,1 ew waists-PNewcovebe 4 • Tempting price -W Coohper d Co.,, 4 New beauties -J. Twitr, ell .6 • Athletic butter -F Melville.. 6 -Good horse -A Sehrenk ............ 5 Situation wanted -NEN ERA 6 Feathers cleaned -A Hayward 6 Q Wanted—G E King 5 SM& °reeve an,e,buttern}ilk—a E. Vrealy .,6 Success—.5lojiimen & Co o Sherwin-Williams paint- W' L Ouimette 6 • Will it pay --W L Ouimette 5 Roomers—NEW ERA... 8 Calves for sale—H Richardson ' 8 Important—J & N Fair., ... 8 118pairs=xiagenli Bros 8 Ladies' Shirt Waiste, made of good quality Percale in. assort- d stripes and checks, detach- able self collar, all sizes, spe- c Oe oval value at iJ • • ,Shirt Waistof fine qualit.yAmer- • :k'ttn Pertele in 'titrtpeet • only, ,• colors of blue,y��ppiak, etc., self. collars and cutfs,rnade in new est styles, special at 60c & 75e Ladies' Shirt Weist, trade of white Muslin with linen collars and cuffs, a real bargain at.. COG Ladies' Shirt Waists, rnade• of Percale in blakk and white . stripes only.detachable col- ate lays all sizes at each u Special Ottawa Letter. • u A WEEN 1N THE HOUSE. I will endeavor to give what may briefly represent a week.e proceedings in the Home. One week may vary in its details from that of another, but to a large extent the routine transactions 1 are the save. There's a good deal of red tape in the proceedings. and a re- organization of the rules of the House would make a decided improvement. The House is supposed to be controlled by the Speaker, rind the daily "Order Paper," of which the following . is a common sample:-- HOUSE OF COMMONS: a Wednesday, May 2,1900. ROUTINE.PROOEED1Nes. Ladies Shirt Waists. made of ' fns 'quality Madras. c )th in assoted colors, also black and white stripes, tucked front. extra value at..., .. 1.0 U Shirt Waist of white Lawn,tuck- . • ed front, white linen collars and cuffs, well made in the • newest styles, special at.... � . � U • White Pique Shirt Waists in fancy designs,. made in latest • up-to.date styles, all sizes, spe e al at $1.150, $1,$0, $2.00 Shirt 'Waists made of. silk strip. • ed Dimity in colors of bhlue, pink, gold, etc., all made in the newest styles,-specialvalne - at ..... ......., $2.00 & •$6:215 - • Presenting Petitions. • Reading and Receiving Petitions. Presenting Reports by Standing Comrnittees. Motions. . INTRODUCTION or BILLS. • (Here follows 'a list of bills.) ' QUESTIONS TO BE .PUT gBY, MEMBERS. numbering f anywhere from 6'too .)blit affairs, - ORDERS OF THE DAY. GOVERNMENT ORDERS; NOTICES OE MOTION. PUBLIC BILLS AND Hosiery and Underwear Time now to think of changing .from the heavy to 'the lighter Spring weights. • Our stock- is• now Complete; and ready. for your approval. . Here are a few of .our many good values : Ladies' and Children's Black Cashmere Hose, .ribbed and • plain, all sizes,prices 25e to6:5c Hosiery Lades' Black Cotton Hose Ladies' Stamped fast black,. made ot''. Hose in ribbed and oldin,sizes I 21e per pair . Ladies' Black Cotton Idose,aerian: .. less feet, deuble heel and. toe; - warranted fast black!' best ' • 1 0d Hermsdort dye, special at I - ton Bose, guarapteed stain- 1. r less dye, Al value at per. pair 11. u.. c Ladies' Black Cotton Hese; fine ' • soft. fi ols13, war ranted fast dye, good quality and extra vala 1. Ka Ladies' Fine Ribbed Cottoo Hose • silk finish, real Maco, double . ' heel and toe, perfectly fast Meek, wel.1 worth 85a, spe- 2 50. Ladies' Fast Black Cott on Rose, seamlesa feet, spliced heel and ' toe; double sole, guaree teed a re reel -MECO, special valne.at.. L II . Ladies' Lisle Thread Ha.pe, hest .1 stainless dye, clotible.eoleklreol- Onildren's Black Cotton' Hose.. -' - . all fast black and AI value .. • • Ladies'. 'short. peck with lace. and braid, extra Ladies' Jibbed,. White cotton Vests, sheet sieeVes, nicely trimmed around. neck with' lace and tape, extra 15, oc value at . Ladies' Vests made of fine quality cotton-, -open front shalt sleev_ea,_ • trimmed,. price each . 190' 25C • trimmed - .with. lace .and ;80e Ladies? tine craton Vests in cream • poly, short Sleeves, .open front, nicely *teed, trumped • with lace and braid around neck and n o do wp front., special kit each te u • Ladies' ex! ra fine white ibbed cot. ton Ve;rs„- short sleeves finished mound neck with line lace and silk Itape. casualty . sold, at 50c, A • 1 SomeInterestmattractions u For SATURDAY and MONDAY. 1 iWhen we advertise bargains you are sure of getting them. Many have found that out for themselves.. Those who have not had better come on Saturday when we will have some of the best bargains we ever offered. 8 o'clock will not be too soon to come for first choice : " ' i Ladies' Umbrellas at $1.00 • . Ladies' Urnbrellas, made of Gloria, best Paragon frame,' will not .......-.... cut, guaranteed best, bleck, regular value $1,25, Saturday or Table Linen at 50c , 1 piece only Table Linen, 72 inches Wide, very fine quality, will , . fo, bleach nicely, floral design, well worth 0., Saturday or Mon. ITrimmed Hats at 65c 3 dozen only Ladies' and IVlisses' Trimmed Leghornette Hats, con- sisting of Turbans, Roughriders, etc., trimined with fancy ' strew, ribbon and feathers, well worth $1, for Saturday or Ladies' Sailors at 15c Ladies' ;Uri trim tried Sailors, ittade of li ne quality straw, in whita and black, usually sold at 25c, to clear on Saturday or Monday ' let. Q Black Taffeta Gloves at 25e , Ladies Black l'affeta Gloves, warranted best bleek, fine quality, heavy stitching on back sizes 0,6i, 7, 7i, regulat 35c vallue,specia1,25e Potfl.PL9dies'lltsr.mf?dre.bs. cil 91a vy blue Broadcloth, made in the latest styles, coat lined throughout, sizes 84 and $(1, regular I price $8, to clear on Saturday or Monday ). 64.60 3 only Skirts tailor-made, in fawn shade. well lined throughout. ' hound with velveteen, regular pi ice $4.50, to clear at, $$.150 1 • Extra Special 38c rjashinere Hose for 25c No 041 en you get a, thence to buy 3,8c 110130 at 2,5c. Whenever we - i can pave yuir !Tindery below the maker's price you ean depend on us doihg so. Compere f !i is stocking with anything you can get elsevvhere at 88c and 40c. Nu need to tell yen how we got them, it's enough to know you ean buy them St 2,56 per pair., . 1 o 240 pairs of L'olies' Black Caglimere Hose, seamless feet spliced . heel and i c),,, euttranteed beat two threadaull fashioned, sizes g ft 8i, S, 0i, nattier 38o quality, for Saturday or Monday 2 -pair UUC ORDERS. PRIVATE BILL& recent in Parliament. it is is ail collected egrd converted amusing to see the Star pretend to be prohibition, it is a well known fact to a, tempering pair, then into a sepur- f that the other practisee anything but ator where it is pasteurized,frons there , that. The Star is more desiroue of the skintreed milk is pumped into a 1 making political capital than of helping large vat (up stairs), and this le return - prohibition. Whenever this question ed to the far mars or sold. Frum every 4. had -come pp in the House, the member 100 lbs. of Ilan 80 lbs. are returned and " for.West Huron has shown hiesincer• ittbye, cbreeionmg tioespteatildbfyor moot ding to qual. the Babcock test - in eriarpathi With the question, for ter. The milk Is collected in the morn- ing and weighed, and then pumped, in. • . We're ivaking new friends for this. store every day.. People who come for the first time inyariably come back again and again. The freedom of the place, our way of doing hinge, and the broad guarantees that cover every transaction are much to their liking. ity 13Y speaking In favor of it -but ii, has never been voted upon in the ers. Mr Crea,ly uses the En3pire and House, On the 23i'd of April last Mr Delarel separatore, the former being Holmes spoke in the House, the Star the one used at Olinton. 300 gallons of to the contrary notwithstanding, and milk is pasteurized in an hour,and Sea - forth is Where it will be made into but- ter. The payinente for orr3arreare made on the 10th and 25th of each month. is reported in Hansard inlpart as fol. to go a step further than I did last year, and Mr Crealy says there is a good outlook 4 • a..' ',. ' ' . ' ' : • " • " ( intend to support the motion of the hon. mem. for a splendid patronage and it is his straight prohibition. The attitude which /took, Year round, The first niiik deliyered 1'079 ber for Colohester„ (Mr MeClure,) in favor of intention to keen the station going the 'Waite vote in pass g a prohib_itory liquor layv. 500 los. Milk or cream triey be purcha,s- Ye. later itomPurst be r nognisged 'ire& acosunogr lieve it, is an industry which the farm- i ''':.:.:Ili. si " in the form of law. rdo not think thereto ers should patronize; there is money to minimize the evils that arise from the liquor be made from good milch cows. • individual la this House who will attempt to traffic. I think these will be 'conceded byracl• aLlst most every member in the House; but whether we are able to put into operation and to enfo there hae been a slow but steady Iggillt.ur/surrTimiecNipro igttis4ma ei;toirty rise in the Price of horses in the Unita& O no, States, but the average value, as given tory liquor law were adopted, the people would rise; to the emergency and would endeavor to by the Department a Agriculture for enforce it. * * * * The question JO one that 1899 was only a'fraction more than is rising in public opinion; there is a certain half' the event e price for 1880, just ten sire to do so or not,.We cannot as a legislature .Y.'-' ' -..1,,..t . AC decrease in numbers amount of force behind it ; and whether we de- ‘,..„,. afford to ignore this important question. * * since i ea nas been 425,000 per year. .* * 1 believe that if such a law were intro- The most silable horse has been the duced into this country, there worad be such a strong force of public opinion behind it that it Ian/ draught of a good type. At the would become as successful 8.5 any law of that C. go market a good.gelding,weigh- ldnd couldbe, * * * * But I have re hesita- ing a ton, sold for export to England tion in saying, so far as my individur I vote and influence are concerned, that I am in favor of for S325, and a carload of fifteen good ng, as an individual, o do all I Can to assist in its enforcement." 1 We do not expect the Star to do the member for West Huron Justice in this or any other matter, because the Star would sooner be dishonest than honest if it suited its purpose better. Additional Local News. SHIPIdENTS,-Among the shipments This look§ like a Wimple program this week are 3 cars of cattle to Toron- that could be run through atir easy as to on Thursday by S. Smith, and one rolline off a log, but let us see what car load of bogs by Chas. Wallis to the same place on Tuesday, happens. is Private MembereDay-the only day in the week on which purely private bills may be introduced and discussed. Members May. have some hobby cr pet subject on which they want to air themselves, nr hear heir own elo. Ilse chair, and the few members who have not gone home for Sunday are in their seats; the Speaker reads the prayer, and then says "Let the doors. be opened," and those who have been waiting to get into the galleries, rush' in. Instead Of "Private Bills" being last, on the program, it becomes first today, and,matters of that nature are •considered until 6 o'clock, when the House rises, and resumes its sittings at ' TUESDAY. DE -mai -or Dn. MoDorratax.L. Word was receivi.d oo Wednesday. by friends that Rev. A.. D. McDonald, for merly of .Olinton, had died in Detroit. His first charge was in Caaton and afterwards he occupied the Presbyterian pulpit, in Elora atid latterly in Seefortir, • He leaves behiod him a wife and family. The remains will be interred in Clinton • Brtreos.-The 33i d Batt. conceit was given in the town hell on Thursday efening, after which an informal dance took place. A number of G.T.R ials were here the other day to see a,borit improvements connected with the cattle pens. A. T. Cooper sold a number of wheels the past week : Miss Bar bara Cook,1Welland17`ale; G. Kemp Cleveland; John Miller, Gresent; Wes- ley Newcombe, Oleveland; D. Sours, • The House meets . at the usual hour CoMING BA.O1C.-.114rs Thos. East and of 3 o'clock, and one expects that a Enmity, of Norfolk, Virginia, formerly good deal of business may be gone of town, are expected here sonie time through, but some gentleman gets up, , next week. They have been living in when "the orders of the,day" are called, Virginia for a number of years, where and says: Mr ,Speaker I desire to 1VIr East had charge of a, brickiard, un - Make a few remarks, and; to place my- til his death lagt wtfiter. Alta est will self in order, I will conclude my re- make hie residence in town' in' future. Marks with a motion." He strikes out She is a daughter of Mrs Moffatt, Vic: with a. discussion, not affecting Perna.. toria street,and sister cf Mrs q.Pickett ment hi the slightest, 'and closes with eptlittrae.G .jelinston. , a motion.: to. adjoarm thew somebody - else speaks, and the day -Is as good as Tas FIRE TEST. -On Tuesday, 3. gone. We will coosider Tuesdey lost, Rowe, Inspectors for the -Underwriters Association was•the cause for the -fire cerned.' for I have seen a good many. alarni on Tuesday.. The fireman made 0. short, time although coOsiderable so far as business transacted is con - a quick response and had water going • WEDNESDAY. ime was lost making a coupling. He wart well pleased with the actieity of t e rigade, thought, the town has lentil amtil 1 o'clock, or thereabouts a good company at. firemen, and was The House meets as usual at 8 o'clock, satisfied with all the fire appliacntee and starts through the Ordar.Pap . with the exception that 250 feet more The questions asked by members, wh ose was or ere o e pate ase . get -up and say "Mr Speaker, 1 desire FArrt's FAMILY noun,- On page 8 to ask the question which atands in will befound an adyertisemeut which ie my name," are answered by the Minis. verY imPortant to housekeepers. J. dg ter to whose department the question and N. Fair are booming flour and are appliee, or in case the Minister is not selling their celebrated family flour wishes delay, the Speaker says "stand' parcel at §1.70 per cwt. All goods may end passes on to the next.. It frequent. be had direct fromahe mill orfroip the ly haPriens that the questions, etc.,- , grocers who handle this superior flour, . are not disposed of untal 6 o'clock, and and money will be refunded if not the evening is then given up to debate. found satisfadtory. Fair's break - Several speakers may. hold the floor on fast food makes a cooling morning either side of the House until such meal, especialty for the warm weather, hour as the leader decides to adjoern. They ask a trial, of this flour and be , It may; be one o'clock in the morning convinced of the superior quality, THURSDAY I the et w bowling green and next week wig start to remove the sod from the may be a repetition of WedrieF,' /3. or o'd lawn to kaY oh the north half of any other day. A good deal 1, f 1 ir.i. k Oe new grounde.. At first the inten: nese may be got throurre. er neer> at tion was to Seed it, but from practical all, just as the whim till , s, , he Oppo. experie'nce it was thought best to sod Bitten. „If th'e esti= I PA I re melee con. half and seed half, and tthus make it sideration, the • Sneaker leavos the ready for use in a few menthe. It is chair, and every• i . :n of proposed ex.. said that the -east eide of the lawn will penditure la e• ,.,,te: ed by itself, sonie. be used for a roil ground. Harland 1 or quielca i, .devrl, according to its and the place is putting on an appear. 1 . 'RIMY' mace which bespeake a good season's sport. It, is large enough for the club to hold bowling toUrnaments. Oa the .' trots , corn the other days only, in the west side it is intended that a, club • or if ate in the session lb may be 4, g Wait 'TUE BOWLERS -The men are I times the I • • teing bitterly opposed Bros. put up a ne wire fence last vreek tellaher of members there are in the house will be erected, which is a neces. Ilouse-inanY ring to their homes sary adiunct for the club. A good the week -in the House -it may hap- J. Rangfor& for the interest and care and it being t e last working day oi eal of credit ehould be given President pen that the debate is advanced a stile he is taking in looking afterievery de - or some actual business is transacte tail, to have. the place look presentable ' and at the same time, when doing any- thing, to haye it done well to glee sat - but Friday night tbe proceedings are very tame and lack inter est. 1 The foregoing is eimply en outline. It conveys no idea of I he heated feel- ' ings that. may arise Pn the slightest provocation, when 'you might be par- doned for thinkit g that Ulle member intended to 'vet the other across the face. It shows bow bus:tress may, he transacted or hindered. What has impressed me more than anything else is the deliberate attempt made almost daily to °bat! uct proceedinge. It is the province of an Opposition to do this. We have wasted day after day in this House. nok attending to the bireiness laid down in the Order Paper, but discussing matters whieh,.in some cases, may have a momentary interest, but which, in the majority of cases are reaorted to for the purpoae of mak! ing capital, and are an abuse of the syetem of parliamentary pro- cedure and practice, SO prominen t has this bedtime, that the House realises some change must be made, if the busi- ness of the country is toile transacted in a reasonable time, Towards ths end of the session the Home sits in the morning, as Well as the afternoon, loub Ordinarily the mornings are used in attending comnaitves, looking after respondence, ete. Sir Wilfrid leads the House most. of the time, but should he desire to be absent, any other Minis- ter may lead it. Olydes averaged 11246. The demand for this class is steadily adyancing.and t•he prices are now on a paying basis. Can- adian farmers have a 'good class • of stock from vrliich to breed high-priced animals, and they should take advant- age of the market and the big prices that are noW being paid for geed draught animals. Prices of breeding Shorthorns ate .steadily 'advancing. This is especially true of extra good specimens of favorite lines of breedipg. Manitoba is reported ps selling from the herd of the ex•Premier, Hon. Thos. Greenway, three imported Shorthorns for .$1,000 each to come to Ontario., Sales for export to the United States have been made recently of breeding animals for prices,' well 'above the five hundred dollar mark: The importa- tions from Britain ai e reported greater than for.many years. , THE B.HAXESPEAREAN CLUB. - Strange as it appears little is known of the man Shakespeare,while as a drama- tist and poet he is the most widely known and read and revered in the .whole realm of English literatnre. Rome was the first whose researches elicited anything like a satisfaceory memoir of the great bardjwhile' others worked to the same end without ac- . consplishing mirth. He was born April 23rd, 1564, at Stratfordsupon•Avois and was scarcely eighteen when he fell in love with Miss Ann Hathaway, about eight- years his senior,and whose niatri- menial life was not enviable; his fain. ily.consisted of eight children. His death occurred on. the anniversary of his birth in 1616, having -completed ex- actly,. 52 years and his wife 'survived him just 7 years,. Very fe w in town knew we had such a club amongst us, who are composed of younglladies of the literary frame of mind. On Friday evening fast they closed their winter's. stndy by the discussion of the lash act of "Twelfth Night." During the term two pleys have been completed, but on that night an adjournment was made nntil-early-autumnrwhen-they Intend to proceed further to study the im- mortal dramas of a butcher boy with. assistince from education sur- passed all the efforts of ancient and. modern genius and culture, ' THE LOCAL Umota.-The attendance at the quarterly meeting of the Loeal Union, held in `Willis church on Mon- day evening, was good, and repeesen- tative of the different societies in the Union. After the usual opening exer- cises the belk of the time was taken riotic nature. The first of these "Our Country's Peril," was given by'3.'11ous. ton, principal of the Collegiate; it was exceedingly interesting and timely.. The speaker first referred to the nega- tive side of the question,. then to the positive side. There is a danger .of press the war spirit. We share with Britain in this war in Africa, but where ie the place for boasting -a great empire pitched against two small re- publics. Then again our country's peril lies in apathy, evinced by lack of practical sympathy towards the needy, for instance, the starving. multitudes of India -and towneds Missions also. Our country's peril lies also in "irrel- iginn," Proofs of the correctness of this statement may be seen in the sIhn attendance of young people at this meeting, in our Sabbath sclaoole4ar• ticularly of the larger scholars') and also in the Want of respect for the Sab- bath. The second topic; "Our Coun try's Hope," was taken by Rev Mr Howson, of Rattenbur3r street church. Some of the leading tl3o9ghts were: - All true patriots will desire the fullest development of this country -that our mines should be worked, our,prairie lands reclaimed, the, whole land dotted „with schools and churches, a family al- tar in every home, and Christ in every heart. Then the speaker referred to the means by which and the conditions under which this Might be fulfilled; some of those mentioned were favor- able climate, free education, churches many and free to all, wise legislation, preservation of the Sabhath2 the en- thusiasm of -the young, the Wisdom . f ideation. • the aged, and a cleat vision of the Al. THG GUN CLUB. -A Meeting of the mighty. During tile time allotted for shareholders of the club (limited) was discussion, A. T. Cooper and Rev Mr held in the Claiendon Hotel on Thurs. Wade made remarks practical and to day eyening of laet week to consider the point, Mr Barnwell then wound the leasing of the grounds to the Agri. up tne series of addressee by referring cultural Society, for the purpose of to a number of things in Which Cana - turning it into a, speeding track; there- diens glory -our country's strengtb, by the fall show could have a feature the Ohristiaa character Of it; people, at the annual exhibitions. This would as also their strang and healthy phy- If something of this sort is not intro- our. country's natural resources of ducal here, these fall shows will gradu. mine, forest, sea, etc., comparative ally decline. The attendance at the preservation of the Sabbath day, edu- meeting wag rather slim, about 20 cational advantages mission work, shares being represented. Dr. Shaw, and institutions suchsas hospitals asy- W. J. Paisley and Rattenbury were him% etc. The discussion of the dd. present, representing the Agricultural ferent tapice could net be characterited Society. Considerable discussion took ' as lengthy. animated, seul.stirring, place, and finally a motion WAS made etc. A. duet entitled "Come, Sing to and carried that the gronnds be rented Me of JesueLove," was rendered by to the Agricultural Society for a term Mrs Hoover aud Mies Robb a eh much of 00 years at an &antra rental of $1.0. expression and sweetness, The °ill - At the Council meeting on the follow- cers elected for the incoming year a,te: ing Monday evening the Mayor and President, RevMr Murduck;Viee Pres., 'Mesa% CoMbe and McHenzie were ap. O. Sec.-Treas., J. Wilson. ointed a conautittee to•eonfer with The Meeting eland with the singing the Agricultural Society to oonsider of the National Anthem, and benedic- some seherne for new grounds, so as to - tion by Rev A. Stewart. have a speeding track in connection with the annual fall show. When onititCASTS von mAv.--1.'0 interpret things put on a mattire form it is likely our foreaurts torreetly says Hicks, the that tbe Gun Cub will have more to weather man, for May, it ift necessary say in the matter, and in all probabili- to observe tlittka Venus disturbance is isfattotily. central on the Oth.and that its peculiar orturbing influence is force through., ty the arrangement will formulate sat. • • • Wall Pape 1000, Rolls ,Wall Paper, • with Platolz borders and ceilings, suitable for • kitchen and bedroom, regular 5o and 60, on gale Saturday at 500 Rolls, with match ceilings and 9 inch border, pretty floral designs, in a variety of colors, euit4ble for any room or ball, regular price 8o per ' roll, on sale Saturday at 800 Rails Gilt Wall Paper, complete combinatione ot wall, borders and ceiling, for drawing' rooms, dining .rooms and halls,regular price 25o and 400 per angle roll, op gale Satur- day at 10e and l.Be All Wall Paper Trimmed Free. Children's Carriages, Go -Carts Doll Cabs, Express Wagons Carts and Wheelbarrows We are agents for the Celebrated "Dann" qo..eart, which is so popular throughoar Am- . erica. Our third shipment of Baby Carriages just to hand, *ith especially • good. upbolstering and Reclining Backs. Prices : BICYCLES On Saturday we • will offer a special' bargain on eix:$50 wheels. Therie are sample wheels that we have not sufficient. room to show, aind with which we will give a full guar-. price slightly advanced on reasonable pay. -Clinton,. Ont. .vslie‘ivef.sikvs.4%.,,A)4.1•4% To the Ladies of Clinton an- Surrounnding Country The undersigned begs to informsthe ladies of Clinton that she has opened up a Wady - to -wear Garments Store in the Biddle- emnbe Block, and trusts that by honest dealing you will alWays find prices reason- able and m keeping with, the tithes. Also that our goods are exactly as represented. We have in stock several lines of material suitable for fancy. work, viz : Berlin wools, silks, arrasine, madonna ,cottons, etc.,:which will be sold at a great reduction to clear. Come ana look through Our store and get farailiar With IliddlecoMbe's Old Stand. CLINTON W111)11%101014 lieS",14%$74, nut the month. Hence ylblent and eud. den flighte and depressions of tempev ature will alternate with each other, i close proximity and rapid succession, producing very intense storm condi- tions. Thunder storms, local deluges of rain and hail, with tornadic reeults in many localities, , all folloWed quickly by change to very cool, with frosts over much of the country mirth, ward,- are the main characteristics of disturbing causes during the month. A Very warm wave from the 4th to the 7th, all stordi Merida throughout this - period, and lasting over the reactionary stoi in days, the 10th and 11th• should he calmly and carefully scanned. The Storm diagram shows that the combin. ed influenees of "Vulcan,"Mercury and Venus, with moon at full, will be felt during the 14th to 1Sth, A falling barometer and a very warm wave will move from the west progressively dur- ing this period, culminating it many active and dangerous storms on the to warmer will appear from 211st to 24th, the barometer will, fall, and many elec. Weal storms are probable about the passage of the moon over the celestial eoaator on the 22nd. These disturb. with the pertubatione of the Vulcan period, 25th to 29th, The great planet jupiter is in opposition with the sun and earth on May 27th, the central day of the Vulcau period, and within less than twenty four hours of the total eclipse of th.e sun on the 2Sth. About Saturday, the 2.13th, to 'Auesday, the 20th, watch your barometer, and suffer no storm clouds to come without exer- "Using due vigilance. Seismic. and earthquake phenomena Will be felt in many quarters of the earth, Ivithin period of five days, taking the -27th aa the central day Wateh the world's telegraphic reports and see. We Will have the opportunity of a lifetime to study this question during the next three months. All the planets, except, Mars and Neptune. will be near the same tionaltude of the heavens with earth, until the end of July. to - EASTER EXCURSIONS Tioketo will be homed at Single Pare April 12th to 16th. Good to return 41 re up to April 17th conclusive. ror ali information and tickets Z. ro; ripply to . 4C re P4 R. HODGENS not easy to get therefore it shotild net 130 spent foolishly. Before yon decide to spend a dollar let us correspond with you. Out catalegile tells •yOu, about our sixperior advan- number of reeent students have a000ptad stood situations. Students tri attend/owe this year from Canada, 'United States and Newham& W. J. Elitott.Prineinal. The &mg Stigt671 Pent*. Sold and recOmmended by sit druggist" in flinuide. 0,nly packades guarante sty cure eh forms o Sexual Weakness, e oda of abase 61.634"16' M'at4-1 worrY, EXe.esiave use of To. bailee, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on reeelpt of Wee, one .1itekage SI, six, 15. Ono wilt PUG* SIX Wig cure. Pamphlets free to any address, The Wood Company, Windeor, Oni. nor Jackson, Untwist.