HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-11, Page 3T + 6 ,iNTON NEW ERA
Does *lay
If your baby is delicate
and sickly and its food does-,
tont &teen
-- '- !c41tt'S
n'wtZt I.4-.. c= :w 14,11lt16 *1•, rye
'We have 'had abundant
roof that they will thrive
on this emulsion when other
food fails to nourish them.
It is ...the same with larger
children that are , delicate.
Scott's Elnulsioil seems to be
the element lacking in their
food. Do not fail to try it if
I your children do not thrive.
It is as useful for them in
summer as in winter.
Ask your doctor el (he's is not trate
SCOTT d BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto.
In Action the Animal Nature Taker
Full Possession of Man.
At home, in a progressive communi-
ty, a man may be a coal heaver or a
bank clerk; but, whatever his station,
the environment of civilizing influence
is strong upon him; and most of his
chances for the display .of . courage
come to the moral side of bis nature.,
But out in the open, with most of the
trammels cast off and the , enemy in
front, with the ripple of the colors
about himand, more than all, the feel-
ing that comes' from companionship in
a common danger with many of his.
fellows, it is the animal that gains su-
premacy. And man, being by nature a
brave and fearless animal—the most
fearless of all the animal species—sim-
ply..'•remains true to his birthright and
goes through the ordeal in the natural
Twice lucky is'the poet who
May call his awet theart Bose;
His sonnets epealt her eyes of blue,
His ballads sing herese.
A rhyme with Gladys no might pen,
Quito good enough to scan,
But what if your girl's cognomen
SVae plain Samanthy Ann?
Now, if 'twere Grace or Isabel
Or May, without a doubt,
The muse would weave a mystic spell!
And some way kelp him out,
But Pegasus will Meer in fright,
Dismounting too elan
Who dares an amorous verse indite
To plain Samanthy Ann.
There's.Poe's Lenore and Burns' Jean
For song were graceful themes,
They well might speak of "modest mien"
And weave their fancied dreams,
But my sweetheart! Ah, such a shame
To thus inflict ayan
On rhyming lover with a nantp '
Like plain Sanafntby Ann,
—Roy Farrell Greene in lietrott Free Press.
A Il,.ub'erourliallueivatfon. ' THE BISHOP AND DIPLOMAT.
l SAW a .shrewd and sticcessl'ul gen- :
tleman who, on my being iutrotluced, Illustration of a Diplomatic Attitude
said he was glad to have a talk with a Toward Religion,
nerve doctor, forhe thought there was In the "Life of Archbishop Benson"
softlething wrong. Then lie told his by lits sons occurs the entertaining
tale, which was that he was pestered and t:••tre•uely suggestive passage:
by gangs or, gypsies who appeared ev- • I sliali never forget a conversation
erywbere. Ile said that he lead just i,etween the ambassador of a foreign °.
come in from ebasiug them in his gar- power Uhl my father. The former was
den, for wherever he looked out he dinin,'. at Lambeth, a genial, Intelit-
saw them pulling -up his shrubs, gent yam, very. solicitous to be then
1 said: "But the shrubs are not re- t t :;iiiy in tench with the social life of
moved,- How do you account for i,e ".otiutry to which he had been ac -
this?" credited. After dinner the euibassa-
He said: "Well, it is hard to tell, but dor, in full diplomatic uniform, with a
1 still feel they do it, and when I wake ribbon and stars, sitting next to my
in the morning I see the same gypsies father, said politely:
using my toothbrush and my hair- . "Does your grace reside much In the
brushes. I jump up, only to find they country?"
have disappeared." IIe admitted the My father said that as archbishop he
absurdity of the whole thing, but yet was provided with tt country: house and
lie said he felt . it was true, and he that it4 was there as much as possible,
must act upon his belief. as he preferred the country to the
Wb;t mi ht 1d !
g rave prove a seri
one own.
One Wag of Getting Money Without loss followed .the persistent hallucina- "Now, does your grace go to church
Panning it oyt. tions, for before 1 insisted on his with- In the country?" 'with' an air of genial
"There are more ways of Making di'tiWvItig from all business, be had on Inquiry turnhrg round In his chair. '
money oil a Balm than panning it cue buliday gone to Ills office to look : "les, indeed!" said my father. "We
out," said an Alaska miner who had through his private safe with its very have a beautiful church ahnost in the
some luck with his pick and shovel valuable securities, - Before leaving he ; park, which„ the village people all go
"For instance, 1 knew a man of means thought he saw his son iq the adjoin- to."
in the Dawson district who bad a Ing office•and told him to put the things "Yes," said the embassador uiedita-
claim which had failed to be as profit- away and to lock the safe.. The son tively, "yes, 1 ahiays go to crunch my -
able as expected, and he didn't know was a hallucination, and it was only self in the-counity. 'it is a good thing
just what to do with It to 'get his by accident that the son discovered the to show sympathy with religious feel -
money back until he had devoted con- state of affairs before others arrived Ing; It Is the one thing which combats
siderable thought to it. And it was elm -next day.—London Lancet, socialistic Ideas. I think you are very
pie enough when he knew how it •se, your r•t we t, r,"
"He quietly went to: the gold com-
missioner and announced that he wish -
of the malls .reasons why Amer- • ale) .•
ed to pay his 10 per cent royalty on the icon manufacturers are so successfully .
product of his claim for 'a year, which competing in foreign markets is td -be
was 16,000. The commissioner ac- found in the following episode' which
•cepted•the $6,000 royalty and. gave him .occurred•recently: An American man -
the usual receipt stating on its face ufacturer of steam specialties was vis -
Why Americans .Win.
1 4'
• 'h... lie felt as if he
r were the two au-
itt T'unch. •
aid •''y father, "to
was u Ubristian.
• all that I said with a
ion, implying, 'We
what it was for, with the numberof rung an English firm which made sim- : 1. . word and understand
the claim, location. etc. liar goods. A certain article, which ' ' I tam sure that he thought
"Then • he 'waited patiently about,' both firms made was under discussion. tt.at 1 ells speaking diplomatically and
like Mary's little lamb 'and one day, in "What is your•price on this thing?" In purelyconventional language, and
fhe course of human events an Eng- asked the :American. that if we had known each other better
Hellman came along looking fora good "Well, in your money, about $19," 1 should have thrown off the mask and
thing for some people who bad money replied the Englishman. "What does avowed myself as free a thinker as
to spend. He asked Mr. Blank, among it cost you?" he."
others, what he bad to sell, and the Ill deliver at your door all you
smooth .gent told him he didn't know want at $7 apiece," said the American.
exactly, but 1111. nould. show Jana "veil, Lhis. •."How in�the world do you do it,L'I7rERARY. Ignateus.Donnelly, who:.
ila llustraie;'`answered the claime'thi thelhrisproyen that Bacon Blood
goods. They looked over several '
claims -that were practically unworked,. an art to the North American Re -
and then in a casual way Mr.. Blank.. and across the street. .•See that man view•for October, 18£38, from the pen of -
I ti i ? Hugh Black, :of . Kincardine, started erS
him on the investigation of the cipher'
on Shakespeare's tombstone.
Montana Sapphires,
There are In Mohtana sapphires of
beauty and value, but they have never
been as systemntically worked As have
been te sapphires of the orient. prue
they are light in color, but they have
more brilliancy than the Asian sup•
pbires and often exhibit dichot•Is:n, t,r
double color, under different liglit.t,
The supposition that a sapphire should
be dark blue Is possibly responsible for
the, siowness of their acceptance In the
market, but as a mutter of fact sap
phny ey
are green!resare, not yellowof , purpleecessit, white.blue; Hurthl
when they are red we call them rt:hies,
for the ruby and sapphire are ideu:ienl-
iy the carne, save for a fraction of 'a
per cent of coloring matter.—Brooklyn
Different Points of view.
Mr. Growells—What! You want n
new bonnet? Why, l think the one
you have is very becoming. ..
Mrs. (.rowelli--Yes. and so do the
neighbors. They think it is becoming
very ancient and decrepit., -Chicago
English Lasa as to Fits.
A mackipfosh that did not fit was the
subject of a legal decision to the. West-
minster county .court. The .Regent street
shopkeeper who made the garment said
that the purchaser (who sued for the re-
turn of three guineas paid) did net give
hits time to make another that would fit.
The judge said a person was entitled to
a "fit" when n garnient was sent home,
and any permission to alter or make a
fresh article was mere good nature and
not law. The case should not have been
defended. He gave the disappointed cus-
tomer his three guineas, with costs.—Bir-
mingham Post.
No man con succeed in life unless he
bas ambition, and no man can succeed in
life if he has nothing else. --Somerville
Journal. •
The manufacture of quinine was begun
in Philadelphia by John Farr in 1820,
the year of its discovery.
American. "Logic out oP that window wrote Shakespeare's works, states that•
showed the Englishman his receipt Pan ng a s gn "
for royalty on claim so and so, 'And, 'les,
you. kno w; he said, with a' wink 'that "He's on a ladder, isn't he'?"
a- man Isn't paying royalty on. any' "Yes."
more than he can possibly help.' See that . other man sitting on the WHEN HOPES GONE.
way. 'The Englishman was right on to :sidewalk bolding .the foot •.;of :the lad Life's not Worth the Living, South Am ri-
What can be the deduction?. .There
is only one. It is that battle gallantry
and battle brutality, springing as they
both do from the same source, . must
necessarily be allied. You cannot slip
the leash of a bloodhound and stop him
half way to his scent. If any proof
were needed to make the fact of in-
herent bravery and=the ;other thing—
certain it
hing-certain-it is to be found in the marvel-
ous change; in face, manner and .even
speech that comes over nearly every
man when he is engaged in battle.
It may l urged that.the excitement
of being under fire would be sufficient
reasonVer this callousness, but such an
explanation will not account for* the
entire subversion of a man's whole life
training. The real reason is that at
such times it is the animal nature that
takes full and complete possession of -
the human body.—Chicago Times -Her-
ald. .
that little grime, of • course, and he, .der?
Sin First Earnings.
A few years ago a large party, bead-
ed by the Duke of Norfolk, went on a
tour through the continent. The duke
busied himself very much on the jour-
ney in a kind hearted way about the
welfare of every one in .the party. At
every station he •used to get out and go
round to see if he could do anything
for any one. One old woman, who did
not know him, when she arrived at last
in Rome, tired and hot, found great
difficulty In getting a porter. So she
seized on the duke.
"Now, my good. man," she said, `"I've
noticed you at all these stations. loafing
about. j, Just make• yourself useful for
once in your life. Take- -my . bag' and
find me a cab."
The duke mildly did as he was bid
and was rewarded with a sixpence.
"Thank you, madam,” be said. "I shall
prize this; indeed! ,It is the flrot t 1n I
have ever earned.in my life." I'
There le a general opinion that the
stockholders auppert the opera, and
that the general public may consider
itself highly privileged to be admitted
at all to the sacred precincts. As a
matter of fact, if. the opera depended
for Its existence upon the'support of
the stockholders, the doors of the
Metropolitan Opera House would never
be open. The bottom would drop out
of the whole enterprise. The parquet'
and the galleries are the manager's.
chief reliance: Opera is not a social;.
function; it In a public fnstitutlen, and?
Without the p'ublic's` sup'port would col-
lapse lf: e a house of cards.—Alnslee'a
, RUslndged.•
The Lady—Now.' don't you buy drink
With that nickel.
The Wanderer—No, indeed, mum,
thank ye, mum. This will just about
pay forme new manicure set, Indian-
epolis?Preis. '
When a man wants to break away,
the first symptom is his declaration to
the girl that he Is afraid he cannot
make. her as happy as She deserves.—
eLtehison Globe.
The Pnbiia and Opera.
Milbtlenle,itbetirnetioPillerare. q epeoiflo
aithayui;Or.tkldirrgpatiam,•eoiatiow, lumbago
ent'IgdgkAlgiwi ca 'S'heyeliminate the acids
and pdisoiteLfroitir the system, ease the pain
and purl! 'hit 411 a • 13ut just -tilers the old man fell on his ped down to a traction of what for- of the streets in Theroid and the roads
lctge Tniderat, Pleaded, t ntotty before knees, etclatming: merly was the case, and the internal travelled over by the dynamiters from
df attempted
at• Flamiltcn to the char"Thank de Lewd, t fount my own revenue reeelpts became less than the the time of their •arrival In Thorold Un.
of attempted personation at the poll agile 4..white folks at 1as'1 Thank de Lawd, 1 ex enses. The government nppreelat- til their capture.
°' the as se of ence by-law mi March jail,
foun' 'em—I done foun' 'eml"•—"Atlanta p
He was sentenced to one month in jail ed your high Munificence because un -Tho alleged Welland Canal dynemitors,
Constitution. dor the law of .the land your income Nolan and Walsh visited Table Rock, in
RAVEi'OU THOUGHT OF IT? 1s charged against the tobacco tax 'of Queen Viotona hark, last ;Friday, 20th
For four thousand years or more the : • ' this district, and it was supposed that inst.,'and were photographed in Seybaok's
world g orned, snffored, and &anted a.boat The Canadians of Chicago have in , photo atudio, hey ordered the photo-,
itsthere was no podi.tiVA retie& g . • you had concludt d to give up your graphs to be mailed to the following
no oer� Sired Admiral Dewey to visit Port wealth in order to 'carry •out your addressee: --John Walsh, 34 Castle Green
no certarntve pthe Wo ldrh until Dr Scott Stanley in July, views upon reform." street, Dublin, Ireland; Sohn Mills, 181
Eatnaotl gaud' to world his groat Corn et, Dublin, Ireland.
Eati'tloter, if there is suffering now ,it --id• a- -r . ..:. ._ _ _ _ . _ _ , .
The following weep:, so the story Jameson street,
result of carelessness, for the remedy is at
can Nervine Restores IIope and Perfect
the claim in a. general.. way and ended '"Now, in America we have ladders
Four years ago Annie Patterson
by buying 1t for $180,000:" -Washing need.a man to hold em. So, you see, In vale, N. B„ hada eery, severe. attack of La
ton Star. Grippe which left her with a` very acute
'.sized up the $6,000 receipt, looked over. • "Yes"" •
that stand up by themselves—dont of Sack -
this .Instance we divide your cost of la- form of stomach trouble. She had about
The/fyuke and the Dean.
The late. Prebendary Rogers. used. to "I see," remarked the Englishman.— South American Nervine was recommend-
ed to her. Sha prooured it, and in a very
short time experienced wonderful relief.
After taking six bottles she was absolutely
bor exactly by two." given up hope of a permanent cure when.
tell how Lord Rosebery joined him in
petitioning the Duke of Wellington to
open Apsley. House on Sunday after -
Electrical Review. .
To Have Good Teeth. cured._ She says : "I believe it to be the
none, so that:the public might see the .'All persons, old and young, should- - pictures. . The duke . and Mr. Rogersmoth effective remedy medy' for stomach trouble
B have their teeth examined once every in the market."
met In the park and began .to speak six months by a competent dentist.
about the memorial. Decay will be present and. tartar. form- NEWS NOTES.
"Among all : these signatures," said Ing which nothing but a thorough ex
the duke, "1 find only. one respectable amination will :reveal. • Professional Four bank robbers broke jail et ;. jitter:,
name, and that 113 your oven." service rendered. In time means high brooks, Que., and got away,
Mr. Rogers replied that Dean Stan= class work, less.pain and great econo- The village of Brookville, a few miles
ley had signed. my. A tooth filled when decay is slight west of Milton, was about wiped _ out .. by
"Ob,! said.. the duke,.:' SL don't -call him-: will not' be sensitive;• the operation -not -fire. "
respentable." ' long and the filling lasting, because the Hon. David Mills was seized : with a
"Well, but. there is;Lord Rosebery." operator has more and better structure fainting fit at his office in Ottawa but
• "I don't think much of him." answer-. to work on, He . is enabled to make is reported much i-etter
'ed the. duke; "'but, as you assure c:e it the walls of- the cavity thicker and 1 had a very sore toot through havinga
is all right, 1' will see what can be stronger and with slight danger of ex -
done." posing the nerve, the dread and fear of
It was finally agreed that visitors all when having teeth filled: Have
should be admitted on ;condition that your teeth attended to in time.. Do not
they wiped their feet on the mats and procrastinate. Give the dentist good
did not sit down on the sofas. -West tooth structure to work upon, and he
minster Gazette.
May °11,r 1900
, 11,111111111,11111111111111111t111111e1111111IIIIllilllllle; II,IIIIIInIIUunun ,
9 001)ROPs
,tr•r�rrlP�rrq� ��.,«anf,V•,)1117"•'a
mor m urnnnr� air 1!111,11/, , w r non rrnrr. rmnm
simitating tlieFoodandRegula-
ling the,3iulnachs.indBowels of
' ••r g.,iY, kosiss•satiot '�
Promotes Diges tion,Cheerful-
'ness andRest.Contains neither
NO luni,Morphine nor Mineral,
11tes eoIO11J1rSAIMLP/TGTItJ?
Bumpkin Sud-
.4L'.Senna r •
iloatsW Sd4-
t ,dee Sart +
m [irrdo ,f•de..
, AperfectRelnedy for constipa-
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
• Worins,Convulsions.Feverish-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature or.
/, I •c'•,1,.* v.
At(r. cnoiilh* old
35D.oscs -3 j€zrrs:
°•e -pea
Castorla is put up in ono -size bottles only. It
is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to sell
yon anything else on' the plea or promise that it
is "just as good'!' and "will answer every jts im-
pose. Atst-$ee that you get 0 -A -13 -T -0 -E -I -A.
The face
'The B1w
Removes. all polsono and impurities from
the system.
Gives strength. and vitality in place of
weakness and languor.
The most wonderful blood purifier,
restorative and strengthener known to
science. t _ _.__
Mr. Geo. Heriot, Baillieboro, Ont., says:
""Two years ago I was very poorly in the
spring, had no appetite, felt /weak •'and
nervous, not able to work much and was
tired all the time. •
"I saw Burdock Blood Bitters. highly
recommended, so got a.bottle
" 1 started taking it, aed inside of two
13:meths I was as well as ever I was in my life.
" I cheerfully recommend B. B. B. as a
splendid blood purifier and spring medi-
I have on hand a quantity of • the
Bovee and six, weeks 'varieties for seed,
nail run in it, and was unable go walk. 1 They are two weeks earlier than .the Early
started applying Haygard's Yellow Oil and Bose, good producers, are, dry and mealy
in a short time the soreness was gone and I when young. Mr. Isaac .Jackson last
was soon able to walk again.' season raised 15 bushels from .halt it bushel
DAVIn BiCLELLAN,PeleeIsland North,Ont. sown. and J. E. Biaokall' raised a patent
The Dominion Company's elevator at
pail.from three bills,
'Virden was destroyed lay .fire, with 15,000 Wnl. 1)UNCAN, . Clinton.
bushels of /brat.
will render you excellent service. One
person' in a hundred has good teeth;
Piecing Bank Notes. 99 persons in 100 could have good teeth;
I am told it the treasury department •with the proper attention.—H.' G.. Vor-
that It is not possible for a person to hies, D. D. S., in Woman's Home Com -
defraud the governinent by what they panion. •
call "plecing"that is, by clipping off
small slices of ,several bank notes and They Were aitre.
fitting •them together to resemble a A punctilious southern lady was mar -
complete note. Such offenses* have vied to a• happy go.lucky Carolinian
been committed, and the guilty persons with a notorious disregard for all mat -
have been sept to the penitentiary, but ters of dress. He was going,off on a
the treasury never redeems the bills, trip, and his wife packed In his Batelle'
and the loss falls upon the persons who six shirts, exacting a .promise that he
send them In for redemption. There would wear a fresh one everyday. He
are several ways of committing' trande returned home in due course, and the
of this nature, and ' they are done so good housewife proceeded to unpack
,oklllfuily as to escape detectlep %wept, tlle,ba , Lo, not one of the ahfrts was
s:, there! • •e
by ei$erts. There a now a $500 note + "-
on exhibition at the treasury which "What's he matter, John?" she ask -
Is made up of 16 slices of other notes ed in greati))erturbation. "Where are
so skillfully fitted together as to es- all the,shfr.ts_1...gaol , you?" • -
cape the notice of a number of banks John protested that be bad followed
and many people who :handled ft. --Chi- orders and put on a clean one every
cago Record. day,• but what happened to them he
did not know. He retired down stairs
to think out the problem. Ten minutes
Mttde to Feel at !roma. later an exalted face was thrust .into
One of the old time southern negroes the room, and a happy' voice rang out:
went to Boston to make his fortune. "I've itTed hml my dear; I've found
After a week of walking up and down rye The /holo six_ shirts are saIn-
ho found himself penniless and no I've gote 'em all on Kansas City In -
work In sight. • Then he went from dependent.
house to house. "Ef you please, sub," she I1evoked the . Rule'.
be began when his ring at thefront Some time ago the czarina, rt very
door Was answered, "can't you give a philanthropic 'and religious woman,
po' cull» d man work ter do or somepin . made up her mind that the lav fah use
ter eat?" of tobacco in Russia ware doing harm.
And the polite answer Invariably was. She thereupon prohibited the use of
"No, mister; very sorry,. but- have noth the weed, and especially of cigarettes,
ing for you." . in the court.• -
Every one who answered his ring ad• A few days passed, and her imperial
dressed him as "Mr.," but shut their majesty needed some money. It • did
doors and hearts against him. not comeeven after she had sent a
Finally he rang the bell at a brown confidential servant to the treasury.
stone front. 4 gentleman appeared, At last, in •place of money, came a
and the old. man began: white bearded old man from that in -
"Boss, I• is starvin. Can't you gimme atitution, with pleasant voice and at -
some vittles?" tractive.. address.
"You darned, black, kinky headed "There must be a mistake, your im-
rasealld "exelalmed the gentleman. perhal majesty. Two Weeks ago you
-"Saw dare, you Ong the bell at my prohibited the Use of tobaeco M. the
front door? (Go ,round the back yard ' court, and so great is your influence
way to the kitchen, and the cook'li. give and so deep the love for you among the
you semething, you black"" .. people that the sales of the weed drop -
The business section of Gatineau Licensed .Anationeer.
Point was. swept by fife, the lose
amounting to $30 000
Kingsville and Leamington people will
petition the Dominion Government to atop
the export of natural gas from FAME
county, as, the supply is fast • becoming
exhausted, t+
"Will wonders ever retest?" inquire the
friends of Mrs S. Please,;of Lawrence, Kan.
They knew abe had been unable to leave
her bed in seven year& on account ofkidney
and liver trouble, nervous prostration and
general debility; but, ""Three bottles of
EleQtrio Bitters enabled me to walk," she
writes, "and in three menthe I felt like a
new person." Women suffering from
Headache, Backache, bervoneness, Sleep-
lessnoss, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy
Spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try
it, Batiefaotion is guaranteed.} ;Only 50o
at ail drug stores. iii- _e.
The o lapse of a temporary foot bridge
at the Paris Exposition recently caused
the death of six persona and seriously in-
jured about 40 others. The structure had
been previously condemned as unsafe.
Governor Roosevelt, of New York,
has signed the Mather bridge bill•,which
will permit the Mather 'Power Bridge
company to erect and maintain a pow*
erbridge over the Niagara River
D yid Dube was found guilty at Que-
bec of the murder df Tilos. A. Mooney'
at Beauport- Mrs Mooney was called
as a witness, but retused to answer any.
questions, hind was committed to jail
for contempt.
No Discovery in medioinehas ever creat-
ed on) quarter' of the excitement that has
been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption. , Ito Reveres/ teats have
been on hopeless victims of Consumpton,
Pneumonia, Idemorrhage, Pleurisyand
Bronchitis, tboneende of whom it has re
- stored to perfect health, For Coughs,
Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarse-
ness and Whooping Cough.11ti5 thegniblicate
surest sure in the world, It is sola by all
druggists, who guarantee Batiefaotion or re-
fund money. Large bottled 506 and 11.00.
Trial betties free.
Surveyors, under •instructions froni
Detective Mnrrst h the pre arida plan
hand. Tr Patnam's Corn Extractor, It .
is dnK0, painless!, and prompt. ileware of
eO e, (Kingston, C� i'olaan . do Clo,, propria CASTOR IA.
Children Cry for
gest, the rule was . relaxed, and the
Czarina's sudden poverty vanished its
if by magic.
Children Cry for
••N•N: aN•N: :":44N•N•N:N:.•N•N 4.4."*.**
it At The
• Leader
Although.tbe pride in i11i1.
linery goods have gone np,
.t. I will continue to dispose
•t• My new stook at the regu•
_� lar prices. Watch for bar-
._. gains in Millinery.
Call and seethe new s;
its: • styles and shapes. .t.
7t n
._. Apprentice MISS ROSS,..
., �•
Just Received a lot of new Belts,
Baoklee, Pulley Beite,BRngie Brace•
icte, etc. The latest goods in the.
We make . specialty of fitting
Spectacles and Eye Glasses.
Eyes examined free.
Meat Market
Having pnrol•seed the bntobering
business of 10. it Powell I am pre-
pared to furnish the people of Olin -
ton with all kinds . of Fresh and
Cured Meats. Sausage, bologna,
lard. butter and egi always kept on
Orders delivered promptly to all
parts of the town.
It Fitzsimons 4 Son.
Telephone 70.
N.B.—Persons having hogs for
shipment will comer a favor by
leaving word at the shop.
CASTORIA. **•kos4+•444+"
pp44 le ,n
URTAINSFrom 15c to $6.00 per pair
From 1Oc to $ 1.00 per yard- —
All widths sand a•q��Nieces
Robt. Coats & Son
Are You. Looking.
For a place to buy the best grade of groceries cheap
Maple Syrup, Buckwheat Flour, and a dozen kinds of
choice Breakfast Food, Corn Meal, Oatmeal, Flour, Fancy
Decorated Dinner, Tea , and Toilet Sets, Fancy Glass and
China Berry Sets and Table Sets Cheap.
Before you purchase give its a call.
Clinton, February 16th, 1900,
Exeter Flour
All kinds of Small Field Seedsas Timothy, Red and
Turnip, Clovers. Headquarters for Mongold, Carro
Seeds. Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods.
Our specialty is Teas, Try Sar 15o Tea. Other:varieties equally,ae cheap.
Highest market prioe paid ht cash for eggs.
3- 'VV 4 IIII LI
We are selling Buggies for three of the:best Carriage
Companies in Canada.
and the well known
We are selling twine made by the very best inakera at
reasonable prices.
Also agent for the Alexander and Mallotte Cream
Separator, and Massey Harris Bicycles. Samples can be seen
at the shop, Isaac Street.
Geo. LaViSs
General Implement Dealer, Clinton