HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-11, Page 2•• May 112 1900 ASAWS-V-StYdelioPitY-2Pf-1-404 Where do You Stand? This paragraph is Intended or these of our subsoribers who have not yet remitted ' their (subscription for 0119 Year,and for no others. In addition to publishing a first class lotailirper at the lowest possi- tils Price- 1.4111341.14141 sliDVAINCE we are KW ntrour tandem an up to - date war service as good as given by any daily paper, which costs no considerable extra. We are not asking any extra . price for this !extraeervice, but we do ask that subscribers show their appreciation by renewing their sub- soriptions as proniptly as possible. It is unreasonable Mid untatr to ask us to pay postage on paeans, and (deo run a oredithusiness. from year to year, e,nd we frankly aek our delinquent subscribers to see that ar- rearel are paid; and a yearn) advance. And the sooner this is done the better we willilke it. Crisp County Clippings Theie died at the family residence, Exeter North, on Tuesday last, Wm. Stevene,at the age of 62 yeare,2 months. and 15 days. 11. is.Lees who for a number of yeare has been night-watchtn in for Button & Fessant, 'Winghtun. has accepted a situation in Hamilton. Wednesday Of Mst week Joseph Hunter, of Detroit, formerly of Brits - Gehl, and Miss Eva Ruseell were united in marriage at Sheldon, Cardwell Co. Goods to the value of $500 were found to be missing when M, H. Mc- Indoo, Winghana,opened shop for busi- ness on Tuesday morning of last week. After a long and tedious suffering R Ellworthv; who resided just on the out- eit'rts Exeter,passed to his reward on Monday last, at the age of 65 years and 5 mouths. After an illness, commencing last June, an old and respected resident of Ethel in the parson pif J ihn Holten- ' beck, p %seed eve &sr It M mday, aged week 63 years. Rob's, Rath, merble dealer of Wing. ham, had the misfortune to break his left leg recently, while stepping off the platform at the tear of theCommercial hotel, Kincardine. Untie* *to FltIDAX, MAY 11, 1909. The Boer leaders pretend to religion bitt are only eimillar to lying like many Conservative papers in an auti-lai te article. • • le • The Mafeking garrhion are now eat- ing ,the ambulance oxen and Lady Sar- ah Wilson says they are keeping the desert -the mules -to the last.• ' • •° • • • • On Monday' evening of last week a number of citizens gathered at his re- sidence to Bey good-bye to G.T.R.agent D. W. Hayes, who left to assume it more lucre,tive position with the G.T.R, at Fergus. James Leidlaw, sr., died at the -home ofhis son James, West Wawanosh, on Sunday last week, at the age of 71, Deceased was a 'Selkirkshire Scatch- man who came to Canada when a young man. His wife predeceased winter if dependent wholly on what hitn by about three months. Heleaves 3 sons and 5 daughters, THE CLINTON NEW ERA CATCHING SMELTS, MY FIRE. tioW, the Little Flab Are Honked It starts; Through the Ice. A sinuous eyelash from the sun. The Smelts are all caught with hook A golden, leaf shaped, dancing thing, ' Bending fernlike in a magic breeze, and line, says the'i Bangor Commercial, Taking them otherwise, such as by\• -e, And grow, Seine, would he regarded by the fisher- And' Naps the virgin forest's strength . With writhing, biting arms, Men bere as a great wrong. The fish- And with its red jaws through the gloom Ing is all done in timts, the tents belie& Casts elfin Rhadowa round the room, about six feet long, five feet wide an ! And, waxing etill, high enough for a man to stand up In It is round the knotted wood them With soft but cruel sting, These tents are covered with cloth, Till, gorged with strength, it fades !away ,heated by a stove and lighted brutally Beneath a coverlet of gray. by a lantern. I have known the tem- And now, perature of my tent to vary, however, Like molten sunset from the Nvest. 60 degrees within ten minutes during a cold day. . • A hole about six feet lond and eight Inches wide is !Cut In the ice and the CANADA'S BEST Properties for Sale or to Let Professional andOtherearf s IS THE WORLD'S BEST. Desirable Town Property. For IT PAYS TO Sale. , The residence of the late A. McAlister, on Princess street, Clinton, will be eold on easy terms. ' For pertioulare apply to JAMES SCOTT, Executor. HOUSE FOR SALE • fcorner of JAMES SCOTT Amigter, sQuatar, &a., CLINTON. Onnice-Filiott Block, Tease Street, HONEY TO LOAN.A comfortable rame house on the TheCanadaBusinessCollege tle=Pgrojftzu W• BRYDONE. ';4):hdT=ia,ThhariTZ'Arr-, I BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY JITh.TIII4M, ONTARIO. etc.. also stable. Acid, to Nov. 9th -4t • MRS. J. TOWINSEND PTIBLIO, • ETC. : ads. This is Canada's gree.terst Year. This is Office -Beaver Block Has undoubted claim to this.distinotion in Can our banner year.both ato te IA01411440 and success of our pupils, S x ea le lutvebeennsade • HOUSE VDU SA&B. Up -stairs, Opposite Foster'i Photo Gallery Pulsates as with living breath upon us during,the past six 'We ks to supply The oonafortable and cosy cottage onJoseph , MINTON Till, dying midst the bones its greed has made, tootling Canadian and American Businesa Mil. Street, Clinton, recently occupied.by James I -A. R. Minn in Morningside. teachers in their eohcols next fall. Over 150 able terins. CHARLES SEAGER . Its heart is still and ashes mark the grave, leges with our graduates to 4111 position s as noClacherty,is offered for isle on very reason - o1. our publishers secured poaltiens with first- Joins MOCLA.CHERTY. What do you think of this reeorffla DOOR it Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and Cenveyarice . 'close buelnees houses since anipt. 1st, 1899. tent set lengthwise of this. Six lines . INK AS A WITNESS. to attend the best? Write for catalogue ts• "'T. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. °Mee -Opposite Colborne Hotel .„,. attached to a pole fastened to the Heanits, In One case Which Assumed either department. Plates of the tent hang Into the water the Atforneyii. D. McLachlan & o. • nearly 'eight inches apart. These lines In a °case in the supreme court It Was I Chatham, Ont. during fishing hours are always Itept'in alleged that interlineatiOne had been made in the.papere after they were filed, and the mere were submitted to expert Mrs Henry J. Davis of the 15th line of chemists teellecide whether the interlines. - tions had been made after the papers were ,61ed or af the time the paper was drawn: The process followed by the chemists was simple, though tedious. Ilypochloride of soda was the only chemical used by the expert, but the re- sult was the same as that arrived at by the other experts. 'Tests were made on eath line of the document. The soda bleached the ink, and, as the writing in some parts was done many years ago, the first drop of soda was placed on a line which was not in controversy. The writ- ing slowly faded, and it Was 51 seconds before it was bleached. A drop on another interlineation faded • the writing In 49 seconds, on another in 51 seconds, and the interlineations made when the papez. was first written faded •MATRON, AND MAID. in about ,50 seconds on an average. Sud- - •denly the ink. of one of the interlineations motion. The way the fishermen handle these lines; how they can bait the hooke and East Zorra was killed by falling from the slat smelts, when, as they say, they driving floor of the barn to the basement are "taking bolt," -18 certainly wonder- beneath, i" ful. ' I have known one man to catch Better Without a Stomaoh-Than with 100 pounds in less than one hour, This one that's get a constant "hurt" to hope°. means at least 1,000 fish, or about 17 a illy when yeti've eaten some of the beat • minute. One smelter has been known things that Providence hes provided to to catch 500 pounds during one tide's s,tiokle the palate." Dr. Von Stites Pine - fishing. . epple Tableta stimulate the digeetive or- gans'. Let one enjoy the kood thinge Some have made $25 to $30 a day and life andleave.ho bad effeets-carry 'them of others $200 in a few ireeka. But these with you itt your veat pooket- 60 in a box, big catches are only made by those ex- 35 cents. pert In fishing. The. chances are' that • a green hand would starve the first T 110.110 B.RE D BULL A young man, named Fred Elarris, who recentlycatne out from E.ngland, atid who him been working near Fuller- ton, was arrested near Dentleld for horse stealing. At an earl's, hour he en- tered the horse stable of Thos. Kestle, If the Doulahobors were nndesirable Stephen to wnship,and after harnessing settlers, as some would make the pee- and hitching up a horse, stole an -over. ple of Ontario believe, OalifcS111 •1.11.4 coat frorn Mr Kestle and drove off: Judge:Masson sentenced him to three Oregon would not be so busy in trying years in Kingston penitentiary. to induce them to pick up and leave The community of Ethel was s hock- I anada. ed on Saturday last week to hea,r of the sad and fatal accident that happened • , • • ' • at the sawmill of S. 8. Cole, by et hich The New York papers print special his only son, a lad of 6 yeers met his I cables which say that two letters one death. Earl had gone into the inill from King Agrippa to Christ and the and was near the door gotng opt decorated china to be exhibited at the n r was use on ie same n o paper • .were taken. The exact date of the writs when a board, 16 feet long, flew from Paris exposition ter the National League other from the Saviour to the King in fish he caught. The undersigned has a thorobred Durham bull on his lot 77, MaitlaIld cod., for service Terms $1.00 at time of serviee, with privilege of returnin•g. A. BEDARD. ' TO FARMERS. . The undersigned has on hie -rat -in-; let 11, non. 9, Hullett, a thorobred Hereford bull. register., ed, for service. Terms $1.25 payable in Janu- ary next.• E. 14, FA.RNBAM. - April 19-n w Constance, Mrs. Minnie Maddern Fiske has joined faded in 15 seeonds, and the conclusion the antivivisection seciety in New York. was at once reached that it was fresher The widow Of Benjamin Wood and ink than the others, as the Ink had not her .sister and daughter have assumed • had time to thoroughly permeate -the fiber entire control of the New York Daily • of the paper. • • News and will hereafter edit and pub- &Veral interlineations were found to lish it. fade in from 13 to 16 seconds, and these Woletiff liair -secured were marked as having been made at a Mrs. Frances an absolute divorce from Senator 'Ed- more recent date. ward 0. Wolcott on the ground of deser- •• After all •interlineetions • a been no h tion. No evidence was introduced for marked. the next step was to ascertain as nearly as possible at what date the in Mrs. defense. terlineations were made, and for this pur- Mrs. A. L. Vrooman Wood of Minne- apolis has been appointed judge of the pose many mfinuscriPii in which almilar the saw on which it was being ripped of Mineral wPainteTe' by selection of „,!,_ was in 'of hdTne",ft , .. weal itnown, and reply -letters referred to by 'Eusebuis and struck the little fellow a terrific Mrs. W ni d y onsmissioner b""a with the date Poor wrintingeac(4, the in the fourth century --have been . die- blow at the back of the head. He fell- General Peck. script in controversy. The time necessary e mann covered after being lost for 1803 yearn. unconscious to the floor ; a physician Miss Eva Hooper of London is now on o fade the ink gradually decreased from Some one wants to know if the letters Lacs] atitl,ehsapnd but nothing could avail her way to Australia, where she is to or- t o2 and 50 seconds as the soda eras drop - ark of life fied. ' ganise the kindergarten work in the, pub - had a, watertgoark or were they made ped on the manbscripts of more recerft lie schools of Victoria and to give -kinder- years. in New York? The East Huron lieenses granted garten training. • Miss Hooper recently When the fading toek place in 20 see- - A lye A Youth : : • • • are :-Belinore-dOhn Lattionby; Lake. spent about a year in this country study - ands. manuscripts but a month apart in vg let - Joseph J. Emel; Fordwich-AOry ing the schools. t• writin were used d - The motive for the blowing up the Gorrie - George 13rown and Redierl Wh' W • Ta•ntworth Boar tor Service. Subscriber keeps for service at his premises, Ord con. of Tuckersmith, the thorotbred regis- • tered Tainworth Roar, Clinton King, bred by •• George & Sons, Crampton, Ont., Terms, m. at • time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. APPLETON ELLIOAT, Tucker - smith ,• Feb te 6 MONEY TO LOAN. PRIVATE FUNDS. At lowtates on Arst-class mortgages,' . . G. D. McTaggart, March 80-tf Clinton. Ont. Apply to g , an the fading in 14 , resolution and a course in Business Mts. Humphry Ward suggests the es- and.Shorthapd at the . .. ate; rcixeter-JobhGoften and A . - - . and 1,5 seconds was thus fixed in a eer- .. Welland canal has not been disclosed VValkeriBluevale-Grant . tablishment in every' town or tireat Lint- tain month. The exemining chemists • . ts,.----"---,a- . . ' ed to house if ain of an oi'ganization to study C.111:131-iciii- r yet Whether -was the k_ f th suitable tenant is secured; Belgrave- dogma and Christiepshistesar-saii the aid knew mining oi' the pill' rs in the contro- J'alm ficandrett ; Jamestown -oThaplas. .tr - Boers or longshoremen, of Buffalo, ' .ropesr Tv. Aotezwed •veysy: .and the- report was made that cer- MeZ Wan- bile- -WillV4r14ole's"ivOrt h.__ of 7bOOlis' i'is-ilarnack's "'History of. "T ., tam interlineations were -probably made jealotiq of t he St. Lewreinees-Sentes. s' lefilharles Seehaver ; Ethel -M. Henry ; • Ystiss.5t5ieal, it has not been Cratib.rook- Jacob Long ; -Brussels- the ocean i In the meantime it is the C. Zane's, Stretton Bros., and Jobe learsisse--, ../. duty ef i he Goverfi merit to ferret out Ament ; Walton -Mr 0. Sage; Lead - all the conspit eters as well as thope in bury -Thee. Somes ; Diablin-Jciseph Webber ; the last named is the only - custody and deal with them -to -the -full- -neve applicant-. __extent of the law. • -John Kiylie,of BrodirlyerWisconsin;-• I ' , • • n " •• . selected and loaded on .Monday last,one • -Speaker Evan tur el, of theOntarinLegs • • car load of the finest Shropshire: sheep . thet e.ver left thirs neighborhood. l'he of the savings bank. at Hinsdale, N. lis demesnes out of. las 01(1 wheel. Ha mg° 'islature, will leave Montreal for Europe car Wits composed of 47 rams. 61 e Wes, by the supreme court.. She is Miss Cora uses an old tricycle for producing the et - exhibition. The order-in-coimcil ap.. seas One pointing Mr Evantural as representa- the.susa of .900/: Pah/ of ewes alone sold. for This ear. nes to Lan-, omrnended for appeintment by. the Meet, ing succeeded her father. ,She was rec- , • of . solid rubber tire holds the pendoluins . ntivvy is said to hnve made a clock al- . I The bell strikes the hours, and,a length ' most all 'out of Parts of an old machine.. ' • i 'le- teerd V• el0°:werei tion cis treasurer ef the institution, hay - A. Wellman, who has occupied the posi- feet of wind, hail and railway trains. A •e perm imelitkiinn then inl•alln9Sehoo on May 12th to represent at th tive at the French capital for this pro- cdaorn,econh where it gwi some et n e I hOgid.Y About The Dechesse d'Orleans, who is new which is a .bicycle fork. At OM* small anotherporators of the bank. • - 180 head are leavingsas,..4....ssebottnels-maiting a ere* in the Mediterranean on vince has to be iatified. by. the Domin- - place a man has turned a disearded wheel. ion gcvernment, and his name will be - •at this onegshilament. This is_the second her fine yacht Matoussia, is a very clever into a kind. of [Sump; and the ths?s do duty added to the list of Canadian COlmillis-• Shipment of .Shrops from Hurian-Sthre draftswoman, and •a daily amusement of, for the pipe hose. Another bee maile a sioners at Paris. - • spring, the fitst having .gone to our hers is the designing and execution of treadle sewing machine out of his Wheel. • • • • Canadian Northwest. .• . • '• dainty little menu cards for the day's - A. grocer has turned pnrt of a .eyele hito Dogma an e urea. s e w in the !specified month. The attortieys in ple In the Time of Christ." the case were • amazed, as the month Mrs. Alexander Capperton, who died in named was •that in which they • believed Kirkhill, Scotland, the other days was the more recent writing had been done: - one of the few links connecting the pres- ent with the time of Sir Walter Scott. She entered his service When 16 and was vises ror Indianapolis Press.• areyetes. . and wheshall piece limits is career Catalogue free. With him when he died • and receive/1,B . . There are many -uses to • which an old . J. W. WESTER_VELT,, 1-'rincipql lock of his hair from Mrs. Lockhart. •. cycle can be put. It is said that a thee - A woman has been appointed assignee ter manager has made rather an excellent Mr Rowley. of the Eddy Company,is The South Huron licensee are: - reported to h ive requested the Minis- . Stephen-G-eo.Grafton and W.MoffeAt. Centralia, A.Hill and R. MeInnie,Cred- ter of Customs to take power to sus- . iton,13. Cunningham, Khdia, P. Hall, Era °jte1C1Mek' 8 aleW•tni3;1:131,11Pnket, pend the duty mi paper used for print- ing newspapers, his fear being that Grand Bend, C. L. Moser, Dashwood; there may be a shortage in Canada on Hay -Chas. Greila and L. Foster, Zit. - account of the destruction of the Eddy ' Isc.. h, Geo. Mettler, Blake, Cyril Vila, St. Joseph, when the statutes are complied paper mills. The idea is very good. with; Stanley -H. Schaffer, Kippen. J. though it may not commend itself to McKay, Brucefield, P. H. Mut other papermakers. What about gerticiTuakeeor.sttirtlaongT, R n Kipp_ene road; Tjes: matches? There is probably as much : borne -Jos, Stephens, Woodhatn; Ex- claimer of haying a match famine .and . eter-T. W. Hawkshaw, W.T.Aeheson. this scarcity would be felt in every Wtn..Anderson,Morley & Cunningham I left over for future consideration, shops household. I -Farmer Broe., El .J. Knight; Hensall- • • • •A. A. Goetz and Geo. Scott; Mayfield- , Mrs E. Elliott, Mrs Jas. Polka. J. C. During the Armenian massaeree - Milker six rnon therSeaforth-T.S tephens some years ago in •Armenia and Tur- I J. Weir, Ellis & Kane, J. Kling, Geo,E. key Property in the two places belong- : Henderson, shops - H. R. Jackson & . Son, E. Dawson. Ing to United States missionaries was i • . We ritonly destroyed. Ever since the • Id iited States have been pressing . the Periodicals. el thus of the missionaries for compen- --- eation, but hitherto without , aVail. Every lady in Ontario would do well to be a regular reader of McCall's mag - Lately the United States began to atine, a monthly paper,which is devot- threaten fierce if the matter were not ed to fashion notes, hodseholdraffmaeinrs: speedily dealt With, and, the Turkish aarntlingrInatere= 1'8E7:fele. P'thte usegt- government has at at laet promised to aging, contains beautiful colored plates were destroyed. rebuild all the mission premises that trations. A cop may be bad by, ad - of fashion, he IV .matly other Mos, dreitiaing The Me all Magnetite, 14,214p • • • w 14t1),Ek. Nosy York, t* use.. She never fails to produce these cards, svhether at home or on the .sea. A new aspirant for legal honors is Mrs. Catherine V. Waite, a western woman, 71 years old, who will soon go to Denver and establish a law office there, with her husband as a partner. Mrs. Waite is the owner of large tracte of land, many horses and a block of real estate in Chi- cago. Her husband was at one timo judge in Idaho. • Lady Dundonald, whose husband, the earl, has been distinguishing himself with Buller in Natal, got into a quarrel with the town authorities of Abergele, Wales, recently over land needed to widen a road passing through the chief attraction of the place, an avenue of old sycamores on her land. On the town council's threatening to acquire the land needed by condemnatiot the countess had all the old trees cut down. ' • THE DOMINIE. It is. announced in Boston that Bishop Lawrence of Massachusetts is'to give a new dormitory to Harvard. Bishop Charles Edward Cheney of •960 pearls which were to be used in orna- Christ Reformed Episcopal Chtitch•• 61 menting great Cont' on the sleeves of a coffee grinding machine, and n bell 'ringer. being rather . feeble in the OPOI, has an oldcycle whieh be has raised and fixed in one position, final Sor n pulley arrangement he can alien gently pedaling ring the bell vigorously. ny folks.tin their old wheels for flower stauds. anal there is a mnn who is mad:Me wine n Cent listing by turtling old laieyeles into conveyances on which washer women can take home the weekly road.--Lendon Globe. .,. •aster erm From Aprii 17th merees into the summer termirom july 3rd in the Central BusinessCollege • Toronto A strong, reliable school, with splendid equipment, including sixty first class typewriting machines. There are no vacations, and membsrs are admitted at any time. Write for particulars. W. H. SHAW. Principal le••••••••••••••+• -••••••••••••444+6. 1 The Crusades and Embroftlery. the detriand for embroidery. as besides .... Buy pi AN0 The crusades . had a malted effect on sour the decoration of their clam Its Mid pouch • - es the king:4 and their folio twers wanted -gorgeously worked hangings for their tents and heraldic' blazons for their ban- ners. The' last Were difficult of execii- tion, and new stitehes were ,luvented, and • applique work was introduced nbout this tinle. The Spaniards inc said to have learned the lise of ;spangles ahd other metal and head ()momenta as applied to stuffs from the Saracens. Later precious 'Manes and pearls were used, and in 1414 Charles of. Orleans spent about £40 for AND ORGAN At the elinton Music Store Which is a180 Clinton headquarters for the noted McBurney Beattie anniversary of his pastorate. . song begriming withs"Aladatn, I am all 0CS Chicago recently celebrated the fortieth which were embroidered the verses' of a ..'" The Rev, Dr. Edward P. Goodwin, for joyous.' The musical accompaniment of 33 years' pastor of the First, Congrega- the words'wee also erabroidered.-Speete- donut church of Chicago, has resigned on tots ; s s ., , • ' Call and see ns for it bargain in it high snide, durable rind batty running wheel. account ' of. advancing, age and, ill health. Werth fleeing. • ' DT. Goodwin is the dean of ,the clergy of A' rIeweastle laborer reeently resolved . Chicago for emitinpeue aervlce,with one ''' church to treat himself 10 h night at the theefer, 0. 14 OARE . it i. Till' Rev. Henry. J. Cal110, the pastor or nZ n r p , orchestra, he happened to see the double The Pike of Argyil is dead. He . Among the illustrated articles in the %ea, the greatelit literary arid scientific 31av 51, ogaznIrniZartif .417 116,It'l°°Ii was born a sieve. • He Is a Hampton • the Afriean Zion church, of Syracpse, bus viol set up againet n music stand. Having never, Oen. northing of the authority among the nobility of Scot- irgezolurtlk ift,444:g. rthrinci alai wats7;i3, graduate, has studied.law,ance. declined ki„A 4org# kFIL tep.tio hie a In oi! ov AnRive a nomination for, mepsher of the Vir- , 4f4f, orehestre rep and .itorni tranAxeti wifh land. In poilltien he wsls 'a Liberal up Theodore ti.;.ps....Yinne's "Gutenberg to the time when :,. the, secession took it ,,c,,I, spim 14-Abop to! ,,T 9, gina legigiature and since his enttapee 10 the miniStr his' shatteed thii Pa at attutie,mpot.„ ThisPitstene tilling rapidity. ant11,,ani, aspiiiintleupps tapping hhil on place over the Home Rule qqestion, t'ers°43,ti ifitm 441'. i' v: pcoast Ili it eldnley, cola 04.844 gr, spj: If lige 44 IV I ;Ow, n 14.0 1 i ft.1 . , F .i , , .A,., hIgek b a oii of the, Ranee that time he has been a, 1.4heral of Mr lidabie!fteerks.nn..,... riPetreh , P9) qt.n,e r, ,, them wou d soon be all oeurtinell Unionist. He wet thelending Siohle- . wiipt recently ponseerited sit yunhath.,,- . in.lcr 7, ° %;A:, sinti7;,,,„ be eniii'inleri ess s 41' tiwIlherbilnratirgliiilltillituicirilk tg. Tilie41^,, ge:T" 4314$44•4;11./Tis s4411141 ' ,e1444,i1411;eve tafee pass;to his eldest son, the Mar- g • . Sterff,Lee„ Oftlne$F4. /I gei Mitg 7/64k :din, thIcklfr. n9eiler • hiii ollitilein,11. s. liged aseeittisisSal I want Shill In Scotland, and thetitle and us- tar. Town, by J. Cleveland Cady. i -4 i -R q"" .0F11,*(0,1_r 94i '1 lig ill- leak n Om (*toile *bee/Otto It te put 114 of T4PenlI4 IIPP41141/W. of the Que:n kntioniwiinat,64hbe*'agi"ratidenailotif :t6liarlirtkiEsieterinti's lite411,6141:141:relitlf 41*714-1:.911:"4111h1;'.u.seL 16'414: L.' an* &Jointer gtoxernor.peneralof (Jan- 'Mountain , gerigpv, the,,beaqtypf her ver°147 "alit.1$149, an itn,f4o,r,*17,4. Aqt! , . II, potiult... . .,, el7aortrIecsot;-sulintr.istigifh, a:no:y.031e thing to ad*. The Princess Louise will take rivers and forests and the charm of her eummer climate are all *ell illustrated THE MAN WITH :THE GAVEL di the title of Duchess of Argyll. and detieribed 111 the"Tourist Nutirtreru , . • , . • - { • ' 0' t ` . , : n ; Doctor-140'11(We Fon would :like to ' 0 • 6 ShIRYY "itiOt issued by the, Canadian Ho* would' Hot IT P: /Stift of have me cell in other pity:del:tile in coll- o, O. James, deputy minister of Ag- egaiine.' There are reproduatitine Of atiiiin db vyr sti mc,e).orc44dentio• oidi. saltation/ , , scenes in British Colombia in thetallia• Pettents-No. I don't kiiiity that a cone riculture fot, Ontatio,ehovvri very clear. oue , , s a , 0 e r itn datel-sWitehlterfati Neill !. ' 4' ' 80009 f I nde f'thelG 'ir gi ' lig ' - -- * ' * 9flentIon of diseascs would be auy bettee $' The dike' tif'Aii .p0 hreahleiii Of :the 'Unit- li,the ,./alue of agricultural and dairy. Archipeler ',of Muskcika, Niagara, the sd estat -.1 es 8 one d area gn ;:i , t - t di ItY dim- ' to. die of.-Detrolt Journal. For sale, 4 loth neat the Flax Mill, 2 lots on Erie St.,2 lots on Milton St , also it brick cottage* with frame kitehen,hai d water, good orchard, on applying to JOHN RID JUT, Clinton . to JOHRHENRY, Rosendale, Maniteba. FOR SALE: $ A large double brick home. built by the late W. H. Manning, on Albert street. The house is in an exceller t state of 'repair and is suitable for the accemmedation of Om families. For particuiars apply to J. P. TISDA.LE. Clinton, Ont. March 9-tf • HOUSE TO RENT. •On Huron street, a twostory dwelling, cop - taming 6 axioms, cellar, and hard an soft water, good fruit bearing orchard and • quar- ter acre of land. Reasonable. terms. Apply to MRS AGNEW, HuronStreet. • Apri113-4t HOUSE for SALE or to RENT. On VIetora et., near Organ Factory. $ 300 will boy a roomy, comfortable house with good lot -the property recently occupied by Frank Upshall. Apply at once to - W. BRYDONE, •.,a, Barrieter Sm. Clinton. Honse and Lot tor Sale. The large and commodious house pleasantly 'situated on Huron Street, occupied by thc un - terms. There is eyeryaccomodatie dersigned is offered for sale on very reasonable • orchard, dm. •Sept 21, 1899. ihwith stable, • W. BOVERS, • Clinton. • HOUSE TO BENT. A large frame house on Mary street, con- taining 10 rooms, hard and eat water,•garden and ornamental trees.. The house will be re- painted and re -papered and ready for occupa- tion by the lat of May. Rent •reasonable. Apply to D. B. KENNEDY, Apra 20-2 . Mary Street. • STORE FOR SALE: -- The premises occupied by R. 3. Cluff, and consisting of a first class brick store, on Albert Street, Clanton, is offered for sale on easy ' term s •• Also Cottage on Albert Street, with two lots, stable, and all conviencee. Particulars on appication to Mrs W. Robertson, Minton • or Mrs C, W. McGregor,Constanoe. lug interests of the province by the fol- Sit. Lawre 4, th.e ottawit the St 3"' I* r ver and the cliffs and sand.anneir of • . a -ft portinca. To cnreelde 'otter the A efileint ' - A 5 -year-old boy fell ' out of a third nit te' itself - o It of gr' tat 'Os' Penid- contains a bright Nora Seetiell" story Prin°6 Edward hi"d* This ""Mbee ;Illityeand lionora. weilneinnatf Enquirer.. 81":7 OA"' in l'erie, and hill II" 1,4* lowing t Per capita, the fisheries yielil. by Prof, O. G.D. Roberts, special.Soni h Tint Matt selected for the seeeitt WOO /Ifiat.,11,13,/ Ms falling °13 A tn" wearing' `0 ed a4, mines. $5, foreats CEO, agriculture 4112'0. Thus it shintql that the latter la !African illustrations,"IIeinrich Heineo,_pri a national ticket should be the equal '164, "s•"' .ectsiderably the most itntiort ant. The by W. A, E. Kerr, "Twenty Years Oh Of tht,man_.at tht: head, 11. under ext world's entire gold production of $280,, t3Inl 'iitsrrir Pathb" by rrederie 'Villiers, a 140rellgIrtfiroeteunmostraneq°64:1 ;‘,„1,1,,titlftly.... 4900,000 le only twilit to the returriareal. atetrnst(IllglidaY.v;Vibryna.T8eahnearildieWett, . ,. 1, i • Sravin "An , Exchange A Roon to Horsemen 8"g11611 ized fivrn fat m produce in Ontario vtenerril Erect Grant tells one interv eves , , ,_ , , . . . . "An itietorical Naval 1.3attle" by Dr.G. i Arthie Stoekwell and the What short or in the Philippines that he le not a 'eau- Aieruen..remoyellird nerd, sort or ea ions. 41One. OttriedaYe minee. tetutn &boa artieles and departments. This is it didate for it vice presidential nomination eu sannimg MI letnigglien from horses, $30,000,(190atu.nally. Oar cows return excellent number for our patriotic cal. and li doing nothing to secure it, but that 33,„„L°016 iNiiniiii00,11thet,r8613lipsenta,liiellogre1191 very near as much in value as the out- "" to 'end abroatl to show the people ite eheuld like such a nomination, "Iniit as '''' • kit Swilllert Throst,botuthe,eto. The use of one put of Canadian mineral* of all kinds a beautiful country Canadistnalnhabit, I mull* Lidor*tutturcily would.' .....L' * bOtt18 miry 'flake you $50, Warranted the of the United States and Eurepe what ! okai other men most Wend lel Blemish Ottre Mr know to• ementher , CLINTON. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR • SALE • That desirable ,Briak Businese Stand 9n Al- bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is offered for sale, including rear lot and stable. The locatioo ig one of the beet in Clinton. The property is free from incumbranoe and title in- disputable. Price reationable and terms to stilt purchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY, Lon- don Road or address Clinton P. 0 For Sale Or to Rent. The choice brick house on the corner of Ful. ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate of the late Richard Heywood, is offered either for sale Or to root. It contains room for ordi- nary family, is practically a new house, with all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre of land. If the propel ty is not sold or reuted, part of it will be reeted. Apply to W. COATS Executor C nton. , Farm for Sale or to Rent. 200 store farm for sale or to rent; being Lots 29 and 30, Sth concession of Hullett township; 125 acres under cultivation, the rest bush and pasture land; watered by 8.well supplied river; school house No. 5 situated on the farm; good • large bank barns, stables, sheds ana other buildings, also a story house; also good or- chard; has all • conveniences, Terms , easy. Apply on the farm to . , ALBERT C. VCDDEN, or by letter to Londesboro P. 0.. Ont. dm GOOD FARM FOR SALE. -- A desirable farm for sale being lot No. 85, llth coneesaion, of tho township of Goderioh, one, mile south of liolmesville, known as the Colo farm, 80 acres, fall ploughing of 40 acres all well done, 10 acres of fall wheat, 15 sores meadow, balance in pasture,orchard of choice bearing fruit trees, all the front of said farm is a bea ntifulrow of maple trees, a log house, stone dairy, bank barn, offeredi for sale on verY advantage terms. T, C. PICKARD, Holmesville, P.O. HOME FOR SALF. On Rattenbury St., Mapoeite Mrs Combo's, a lfr story frame house, containingwoodshed and summer kitohen and 7 rooms, viz: parlor, dining room, kitchen, 1 bedroom downstairs andthree upstairs ; hard and oat water, I acre corner lot, with evergreen, rose and, other -hedges. Goomborries, raspberries, currants, apple and plum trees, good vegetable garden, etc. A most desirable propertyand Will be sold well within its value. .Apply on the premises or at the organ factory. Apl 20-tf• W. G.,DOHERTY. A Bargain in Land. • Here'sChance: ' For Gale cheap and on erisy terme-Part of Lot 4, Bayfield Conceasion, Goderioh townqhip; 45 scree. AP,Me ' W. COTT, Sept 7-3m •Brumfield. Splendid Farm to Rent or for sale • Subeoriber offers either te *mist for sal" his four 01 250 *ores, Rind cip the , /Rues road, Taoketamith, half a in • 1•••••etrhigAz if Clinton. It is ail cliteeti , Witt( Indicting', hank been eaters with windmill, implement house 10ilgiAell, stl foundation, ittoneteig hones Mt20;irith h tense _ahoy,. insktuswehtfuttkithrosOltrow Imo* ee• riv, MONO tht tiff•Pieotet 'lite, ttszr 141 Ocilf*ISS7&Zari • 6 deft' 4104:ALPI $ arete, • c. r ,4414,040„*M5S., OtiOggiilY15tflitql4W. • tre.xtotommeraisa Wats), Thle .stab lelinhantr -ap ‘rittion, and an d granite work oregano in the Mos fFe epeeialty. Friee as atiefaratoty playa, tery an</Mile. r06116/3,10•Iyi Orb of gay tettetelshres t Z. II. HOOVER. Clinton . niribi mile of beats and elutes „ °heavy then ever. Men' it Plow Bestir •$ 80a up Meted tiongola Boots.. 1 %; up Women's Dongola lloota 1 00 up Spaoisl values in toys', Nilsen& and Ohildren's Note and Shoed. A Oall solicited, 3. MITCHELL Picitriii Meek, Getiesich M. Gs CAMERON (Formerly of Cirderon Holt & (Jameron) BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, Offfee-liamilton St oppoeite Colborne House • GODERIO/a. ONT ,1- TO BREEDERS The phenomenal well bred standard horde, Tarentum 21705, will stand at W. W. Farran's barn near Station at Clinton, *wary MondaY for tklialance of the ItCegOn. TA Ttilt 21705 has in his breeding the greatest sires living or dead, als0 12 of the greatest producing dams living, no has -1st, unquestionable breeding: Ind, extreme (Speed; flird, the PeWer to trafiennit it. TRAMS:TO ineure, 1115. For extended pedigree see large tatalog. Addrees 11. 011ARLESWORT11, Mole:Leaf fitstek Farm, June liett Einnondville, Ont. cOARROW & DARROW BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Office -Corner neiniiton St. and the aquae • Goderleb, Out. i:GABRoW. Q. C. CHAS. GARROW, ILE 3. PROUDFOOT & HAYS. BARRUITEns, SOLICITORS, NOTARIErICUBLIO PRooTons IN TEE MARITIME COURT, &O. Office: North at,, next door toSignal Ofike Private Funds to lend at lowest rates of interest. W. PRaWDFOOT. R. C. HAYS JOHN RIDOUT. CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETO. Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Money to lend on Mortgage and -Note security, Ofilae-HURON STREET. CLINTON DR. AGNEW' • DENTIST, CLINTON Crown and Bridge Work. AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY OF ••EACH MONTH • Ofece Hours -9 to 5. • .T. C. BRUCE.' SURGEON DENTIST, Couts'Bloelk, Albert Street, Clinton Special attention given to preser- vation of Niatinal teeth • Aliso Crown and Bridge 11Vork DR. C. W. THOMPSON , Phisioian, Surgeon, Iiiage Office'and Residence•- liattenbnry Street. . DR. WM. GHIIVI RAA • • !Licentiate of the Royal Coffee° of Physicians •London, England. Office and Residence- • PEBBLE'S BLOCK, Up Stair, • Succassor to Dr. Turnbull. TAR. WM. 0(71,11,1, L. 11. 0. P. and L. R. C. EL .1../ Edinburgh. °aloe -Ontario area Clinton Night calls at front door of residence on Rotten bury St., opposite Presbyterian church. DR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Amotteheur, etc., Ohm and residence On- tario St., opposite English church, formerly cao oupied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont. A! R. STANBURY, GRADUATE OF THE Medical Department of Victoria Culver - BUY. Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals apt Dispensaries, New York, Coroner of the County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. W. J. R. FOWLER, Gold and SilverMedalist, first-class honor graduate of the Ontarto Veterinary College. TRICATS DISEASES OF ALL ANIMALS; Night and day calls answered at offioe-Dr Worthington's old sIand,opp. Comraerole.lHote BLACIKALL VETERINARY SURGEON ea • HonoraryGraduate of theOlatarioVeterina College. Treats alldieetwes of domesticated 10 male on the most modern and soientillo.prine pies Officie-fmatediately south of the New Ifzii i011110e. Iteoldetice - Albert Sta 01111105. 011 night orday atteodedto promptly AlleARRIAGE ALL Maurer of sad Reeidenoe. VIES SCOTT, SR. ahem, Library Room Clinton. TAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO, . ISSUER OFJCARRIAGE LICENSER, No' witneesea required "Ll W. FARN301113, MEMBER,Or. ARM OP • P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Unclean, Ont.-Ofilee et Cleo Steitartar eiroatkr BMW). Clintob- , . Auta4Ts -rt. buninees is Oak. or rears past have better ea faster stains Agiti °Marrow eits tcr$110 Weekly. A evrietidenevesar "eitiaell Viet* ., F1,11tOf Mr adstotle,," "My.tatiaor'14 Ibl At.o "pxo- lire bowl ii “"Gfiliggijo VII 6.4 d P.% "' WO - ti 1, y!), r ale i i d _ u ;nit 0•••,dii . :11,4•1 lode t Met; Oottitirtrie to rasseessrs, Re44111447402A10•.• limited. Tennitki ,u 4: .4 FOR SALE . .-.... A gooa secondhand wzon for aide. "Oat /Ix 'grain cradle. Cheap, obi elleh or • it work for one mummer sited pioiew Apply tote Ai Ginn, Queen ! ,, ter NO 110.4 Omaha licKILLOPAIUTUAL FplE, INStitailM FARM g tattelt77,. PROPStivry .7.1,11I Ftjaists. Blt,Mvieer444.1nrVII EioPer 0..1 Th Shannon, 18.071 Mali /Seater 413. 0.4 thoff.11 BoYeatialahltor. Pf LIONS% imateras n(WC013)6112r1Ingli;)1141'61:11114164.476:jrtitlief"rirailiA420 iiitroit°713 Itobert lantith, Unlock; Uoht„ forth ; Jam% ChM,. EgMeladVM0 W Yon, 1101MeeVille ; joint, croverneek arid &Ma morrison. kUditin'a. Parties &skew, M effect /Mutant* or Watt'. act other bedtime will be promptly attended to on Application to Any et 1.a abtlye gamer* addrsieed to their respeettre °Moss. inlikaamaa.)814111.111...aaailin:s,