HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-04, Page 10M-�
May 4,< 190Q
Best. Ioleo Y'8,70::::::
. -
Girl wauted-A irood girl wanted to do
n.. • Carpets !y r8a c A handsome American folding bed
quartered out oak with i3titlsh plate stags
Beyond question the
best variety and choice in car-
pets you'll find anywhere near
here is in our, Carpet Room.
We show an assortment' that
no store in these. parts can
equal, our patterns are new
- and up-to-date and we are
d willing to have you match
values against any. you'll find
anywhere. Just now our an-
nual clearing out of remnants
at greatly reduced prices
makes it possible. for people
who have a small room to
cover to save some money.
We have sold a big lot the
past week but still have a good
assortment left. Here are a few lines we carry.
Tapestry Carpets
Get a good. Tapestry Car-
-pet and (not necessarily a high
priced one) 'and you'll_ not be
disappoin ted inthe wear. We
are showing some particularly
handsome designs this season,
Heavy Tapestry Carpet; gives very 2e
good wear, bit and mise pattern ..
(30: d Tapeetry Carpet, heavy pile,
ggo patterns,and o
goodn colorings will
stand hard wear and look well 50, 60c
Very handsome designs in Tapestry
Carpets, the newest spring color-
ing, firm, close pile downright gold.
value 75e and 80c
Brussels and
Handsome design and the
newest colorings in these ppo -
ular and durable carpets, they � r ey
are the kind to give almost
endless wear.
Heavy Brussels Carpet, thick and
firm pile, large and medium • pat-
terne and the latest coloringe,extra
value at 90c, $1, 1.25
Axminister Carpet, has the. appear-
ance of -velvet and does not cost as
mush, beautiful designs at $1.00 1;25
Wools and Unions
The wools and unions we .
sell are the best in Canada.
They are made from the best
selected yarns, thoroughly
scoured and colors are guaran-
teed not to run.
Heavy Union Carpet, pattern that
looks well and will stand hard wear 30c
floral pattern
Heavy Union Carpet, new patterns,
strong yarns, firmly woven, a car-
pet that gives excellent wear 37 •c
Very heavy Union .Carpet, newest
colorings- and patterns, specially
good value '
Heavy all wool Carpet, 2 ply, made.
from clean and strong yarns, .new
est 1900 designs 75c
The beat super 2 ply all wool Carpet,
handsome colors and patterns, the
best all wool carpet made inQangda ..90c
Hemp Carpets
By far the best ranges of
Hemp Carpets we've ever
shown is now in our . shelves,
good patterns and newest col-
oring*, qualities that give good
1`2ic,:15c, 17e, 20e, 25c.
Elegant Window:Draperies
Our spring stook of Window. Draperies of all kinds is
-one of the best we have ever shqwn. .Full of the latest dEap.
ery novelties and the most of it imported ' direct' from the
British manufacturer. There is style and value here that make
this the best place to buy Curtain materials of all kinds. Some
price hiuts
Strong Lace Curtains, good size and nip,c
.new pattern, taped edges ........
Good Lace Curtains, taped edges,
string net, good patterns, 2i or 3
yards long .. 50c
Lace Cnrta,as, strops, net, new .pat-
terns new cord edge, 38. inches
aide, 4;i yards long 70C
Lace curtains, good pattern, very
strong ne•, u.ie of the best medium
priced bedroom curtains we ever
told, strong edge, 3 yards long, °50 90c
inches wide
Art Muslims
Strong Art Muslin; fast colors, 80 in-
86 Inch fine Art Muslin, new pat-
terns and colorings, with or with-
out border.. .
1 Our Special at $1 —Lace Cur-
tains, handsome '.design, fine,
strong net, 34 yards long, 50 inches
wide, extra good :value
Lace . Curtains, . extra strong nes,.
heavy design, ' open mesh, very 1,50
strong and servioabie ,
Fine Lace Curtains, handsome -$oral
patterns, very fine net, new cord
edge,several designs to select from,
exceptionally good value 2,00
Very handsome designs in fine Not-
tingham Lace Curtains, beautiful
scroll and tioral patterns, new cord
edge....... 2.50, 3.50, 4.50 5.00
Damask, Curtains
Some very handsome pat-
terns in Damask and Tapestry
'Curtains, ins, shades of in s a es crimson
green, fawn and terra cotta
$3.25, .$1.501 $6.00
Vo t
mirror. A snap. Applas the New ERA
(atOIvo ammo.
MoVINti$.—J. McHardy will occupy
Mrs Townsend's house on Huron St.,
R. Fitzsirnione moving to that of P. H.
Powell, the latter going to live on3. 0.
Elliott's farm in Goderich township.
The Misses Mains will move to the
house occupied by J. Wilkie, dentist,
on Rattenbury street.
TUR MARKETS. --There is no change
in the market price for produce, and
the quantity keeps up to the regular
trade. (lantelon Bros. again shipped
the usual amount east. Butter is quoted
at froth llc to 12c, and eggs at 9c to 10c;
potatoes frons 20c to 25c. Early vege-
tables are more profuse than last week,
the gardeners having a plentiful supply.
T.Uottle has handed in his roll as early
as usual, and we have taken a hurried
glance at it. We learn that there is
an increase in real estate and also in
the total assessment. The population
has decreased slightly. There were 20
births during the year. There are 70•
cattle, 151 horses and 132 dogs in the
THE BIOGRAPH.—Edison's bioaraph
gave an entertainment to a crowded
house on Tuesday night, with pictures
humorous, South African scenes, and
notable people and events. Those who
were there said that some of the pic-
tures were good,. but many'were very
dim, and the phonograph bad a cold.
Nevertheless it afforded great amuse-
rilent for the children.
for t should be •Made to be as generous
as other towns and send releif to the,
sufferers from fhelate Ottawa -Hull fire.
The council should not be behind others
but vote a sum to be forwarded by the
Clerk The express companies ' have.
kindly expressed their willingness to,
send' clothing or other 'material gratis
so if any article is left at the Naw ERA
we will see that it will be sent direct..
result of the exon -is. in the faculty of
theology at Victoria University, Tor-
onte are -eat; and from t he • names
mentioned are two who are well. known
to our readers. A. E. M: Thomson,. of
Tuckeremitlr, has succeeded,. jp apolo-
getics .antl'ethics, "new testament exe-
gesis, and 'historical theology; H. E.
Kellington, of .Nile, in apalogetice and
ethics, theology, old testament exege-
sis, historical theology and practical
bers of the Clinton lodge of I. 0. 0. F.
will •celebrate its Slat anniversary by
attetiding divine worship at theRatten-
bury.St.:Methoc ist church on Sunday
evening, vi hen •the paster will preach
an appropriate sermon to the brethren.
_the Woodmen of the World of town
'swill attend in a body on next Sunday
the morning service at the Baptist
church, and Rey.Mr Murduck will give
a.suitable. discourse. Visiting•ibrethren
made welcome. ,
is nearing.completion.and will be..reed v
in a few Weeks, so we learn. H. B.
Chant is superintending the machinery.
and .fittings and will see that every
thing is put into first class shape, The
firm will .run the mill in connection
with the organ factory. At present
the yard is full of logs—small and large
—ready for the mill and will be cut in-
to lumber. It will not be long before
the hum of the sawmill will be heard
and limber piles will occupy all the
space around.
IMPROVEMENTS.—John Bell, Albert
street, has added improvements to his
residence, A. Couch is enlarging his
house, and also making changes. 3, J.
Fisher has repainted, Mrs W. Taylor's
house on Rattenbury street. The r-
sidence of A, Couch, on Huron street,
is haviny improvements made in hay-
ing several bedrooms, a bath roam and
a bay window added by J. Dayment
and his men ; J. Gardner is doing the
plastering and lathing. and J. Rider is.
doing the brick work. Jas. Shepperd'
is building anew residence on Mary
street. George A. Rorke -has let the
contract for a new residence to S. S.
10c , I THE ADJOIIRNEr) GASES.—The three
licenses applied for at the annual meet-
ing, and which were held over to be
decided upon at an adjourned meeting
held at the Inspector's office, were dealt
with by the cosnmissionere on the 28th
ult. The house of N, G. Hogg, S,nith's
Hill, was granted a license. Petitions
against the granting of such to E. Sy-
monds, Saltford, and John Hamilton,
Belfast, were presented, claiming that
licenses are notrequired at these places;
the commissioners, therefore, only
granted a three months' extension, so
as to allow the .proprietors time to dis-
ispose of: stock, &c. After the three
months are up the West Riding will
have two licenses less. Last yearthere
were 30 hotel, 2 shop and 2 brewery 11-
cenees-.--in all 34; this year time will
be only 211 hotel and 2 shop licensee—a
total of 80.
A Cffit7Rcg W'anDING.--,A pretty
evept occurred at St, Joseph's R. 0.
church on Monday, at 10 a. in., When
Itev Father West celebrated the wed-
ding ceremony of Miss Maggie, youna-
eet daughter of Daniel Shanahan, to J.
P., son of Chas. McIntosh, of Huilrstt.
The bride, supported by her niece,Miss
McGuire, and the. groom, withie
brother Wm, as groomsman, entered
the church to the sweet strains of the
church organ, played by Mise Ada
3onee, of town. Both ladies looked
charming in their wedding attire. At -
ter the ceremonythe attests partook of
a dinner at the ome of the bride, and
the happy couple left that afternoon
for their future home on the 5th con.
of Hallett whore Mr McIntosh has an
excellent farm acroee from that of his
parents. We join in many well wishes
for their future happtnrtee.
BADLY BtTitNT.--Oharles Wilson's
young son, of hardly three years of
age, was severely burned the other day
by running into the retrains of a bon -
the on Rattenbury street, near his res-
idence.The youngster was out on the
street kicking around the leaves and
ashes. Running into the partially
dead fire, and "happening to stand
awhile, his feet bean to burn. Be.
coming frantic, the little fellow fell
backwards on the hot coals, and just
at this moment Mrs Hilton, who was
leaving the rectory gate, ran and picked
hiss up and took him into the house,
where she dressed hie severe and pain-,
''' � -* .ww ett■tt�
ful wounds. Mrs Hilton has been a
onal uldttoecliv she happenedaong,ashe fortunate
Handsome Curtain Muslins, new col.
orings and patterns, or . fine white
with coin orfancyepote,123e,20,; 25c•
New Blouses
Elegant spring .designs in fancy cotton
blouses .were opened out last week. Of. many
of the beat we Ilave but one or two of 'a size,
and people who like best choice will buy early
Very stylish blouses in percales, cambrics
and lawns
75e, *1,00, $L50
Y •. .
There's always something' now to be seen'in our show-
room. There's:vnever a week vases but new goods are opened
out and the stock is always,brigbt, fresh and attractive. You'll
Ind this 'meek
a eadyatrlmmed Hats, $2.50
We Will `bt read Saturday with a big lot of our famous
line of ready-trtmnled hats at $2.50. They are marvels if
millinery, elegance, style and value, and are not equalled on
the trade.
Men were at. the moinentengaged elee-
where. The ebild'e bower extremities
were severely horned, its shoes burned
•o a crisp, but we are glad to know
that no serious results are anticipated.
NOTES. --James N. Foster, youngest
son of John Poster, of town, sailed on
he S, S, Lake Huron front St. John,
N, B., on e3.prH 25th,. for England; he
. goes as'igen' for Underwood & Under -
wend, Tornntn, dealers in gtereogticon
wiews, W. Coats is expecting to re-
cleve a consignment of rose bushes
from Ireland; be isa specialist in roses,
and has over a thousand different var-
let ies
arletles in his garden, The town of Edin•
Ninth, North Dakota, near which are
- located a number of IUuronians, was
completely destroyed by ;are on the
20th of April. Will Rose, Goderich,
eon -in-law of George Cottle, bas some
notion of moving to Vancouver, The
butchering business bought by R. Eitz-
elmone Brom F. H. Powell, will be con-
ducted by I-Iarry,Fitzsimons; he will
take possession of it on Saturday next.
Sligh.taccidents have happened to, two
ladies of town lately; the other day
Mrs J. 0. Stevenson suffered a sprained
wrist, and Mra (`rich a sprained ankle.
The firemen were out testingthe en-
gine and boss on Monday night; - it
works excellently. Quite "a number
of our sports went out fishing Tuesday;
some reports say they were very suc-
cessful, bat others are contradictory.
0, Cooper 34 Co. have a nice display of
Scotch motto stone crockery which
they 'imported ,?erect from Scotland
through a Hamilton firm; this is the
third lot that this grocery has received
since Christmas, end it is eagerly taken
up by those loyal to Auld Scotia. The
main streets wore watered on Saturday
'by the hose, wixiela was much appre.
ciated by the cit izensand business men;
T. Miller started on Tuesday with the
watering cart. . Prom May 15th to
Sept. 15th, every evening except Satur-
day, and previous to holidays, the gro-
ceries wil4 close at 7 p. m ; those who
signed theagreernetit are 0. Cooper &
0o„ J. W. Hill, F. Melville, H. Wiltse,
J. W. Irwin, N. Robson and Oantelon
Bros. The C, (l, I+, band was appre-
ciated by the citizens on last Thursday
evening, for the excellent selections
rendered. In many towns the poll -tax
collector is on his ;sounds; some of these
officials a s saythe Psalmist mist was right
when he said "all taco ala liars," when
-it comes to collecting this yearly tax.
Regular meeting of the town council
willhe held on Monday, evening next.
The shareholders of the Gun Club of
town met last night (Thursday) at the
Clarendon 'hotel to consider the leasing
of its grounds to the Agricultural So-
ciety; if so, this property with other
alongside will make an excellent exhib-
ition ground and speed track. Our nitro
rode were ready for. Wednesday, the
opening day•of the iI-hrtg season;• we
may now expect ea- hear some great
fish stories, hut S. Davis tells us that
he always waits a month before he ex-
pects to hear a strange fish= yarn or
even tells one. Rumor went around on
Saturdayy morning that the Organ Fac-
tory was on the; Mr Doherty says he
cannot. understand how the report got
around excepta mistake was made by
some one taking the train whistle
forthat of the rectory. A.Forrester is
agent for the' Stearns bicycle; he dis-
posed of two wheels this week, one to
W. McDonald, of Porter's Hill and the
other to•VVill. Rattenbury,nf town. W.
U. Searle, who is an authority on small
fruit and its care, informs us that this
is the time of the year to book atter the.
currant bushes; ,hellebore should be us-
ed when the eggs are on the leaves, J.
McLeod, representing VV, L. Ouimette,
of Londesboro, was in town on Satur-
day passing two Sharpies Cream Sep°
orators through the c'ttetoma;hejreporte
a brisk demand for elhar plies Separator,
this being the third consif;urnent pates
ed this season. Chas. (look informs us
that he expects the wonderful Drags
lily, in which the public are greatly In-
terested, to be out in bloom early next
week. Oommencing May 1st the 5 -min-
ute time allowed for outside phoning
has been reduced to 3 minutes; if oyer
this length of time extra will be charg-
ed. A party of young people spent an
enjoyable time on Tuesday eyening, at
M. McEwen's, 2nd con., Stanley, The
bowlers played their first game on
-Tuesday afternoon on the old lawn;the
new geeen is being prepared rapidly
under the direction of the vice-presid-
ent J.Johnston. TbeseeSundays we are
enjoyingwhatlare styled"door stepSun•
days' ; what a treat it is to enjoy them
after our long weary cold weather. A
number of cyclists wet emit on Sunday;
Bayfield was the objective point . for
many. In last Saint day's Mail and
Empire we notice Miss Mountcastle'e
poem "A.Cal1 to Arms" was published
by Flaneur; complimentary remarks
were attached to it. We learn that
there is a likelihood of Dr. T C. Bruce
locating at Sault Ste, Marie, Ont.; he
gives up possession of bis office
on June 1st. An auction sale of the of
fects of the estate of the late. A. MCAT•
lister wilt be held at the residence,
PrincessSt.,on.Saturday, atone o'clock;
D.Dickinson, auctioneer, will wield the
hammer. H,C.Brewer, of the Moron's'
bank, bought aCleveland wheel from
A. T. Cooper for' his suns. Upon re-
quest of the employees the organ fac-
tory will shutdown at one o'clock each
Saturday during May, June, July and
Augnst; this is pleasant news to the
workmen, as it will afford .them half a
holiday each week. Rumor Was cur-
rent on Wednesday that word was re-
ceived by telegram from South Africa
regarding our brave A.B. Webb;' it was
said he was fatally injured, but on en.
gutty we learn that no such word was
received at either offices. The W. K.,
M.D. club were entertained by Miss M.
Bell on Thursday evening•of last week.
Those wishing to play tennis this season
are requested to hand in their names to
President M. D. McTaggart. or Secretary
S. Jackson; it is expected there will be
a large number of members .this year.
The implement agents are thick in the
country these days, so the farmers tell
us. C. Wallis. shipped a car load of
hogs to Toronto on Monday, and S.
SnSith three of cattle'on "Wednesday:.
' We have been requested' to announce_
that both express companies will carry,
gratis,clotht.ra or other materiai•to be
sent to the sufferers from. the' Ottawa -
Hull disaster; this is an act which
should he greatly appreciated by all,as.
anything whatever -.wilt be cheerfuliy
received. ' A. T. Cooper disposed of a
number of wheels the past week; Peter
Hay got a Crescent; Percy Johnston,
Lester Sage, Norman Webb and Bert
Sage, Canada Cycle Co. wheels. There
is a general cleaning up of 'yirds and
gardens going on in town; this is what
should be attended to as it gives the
• town a much better appearance. We
learn that Miss -Cole, (niece of J. Ridout,
of town,) is seriously ill at Carberry,
N. W. T., where she had gone just a
'few weeks ago; it is doubtful of her re -
co very,thetrouble being inflmmation of
the lungs. J, and S. ()roll are busy-
usythese days attending to work in- plast-
ering and other repairs; they report
that this is a busier season than last.
A. Innes while breaking in a young
horse the other day 'received a kick on
the chest, at first,it was thought to be
yery serious but he is around again as
usual. There has .been frost during
,several days this week.
Still thinking about putting
Wall Paper on your room.
Come to us and we will show
goods and prices that positive-
ly cure these acute attacks of
The W. D. FAIR CO, Clinton,
"Often the Cheapest—Always .the Best."
eW Siring Goods
h1f.•Taylor &Son's
R Calle Solicited. `Ke sell
everything in Modern..
Our Stock - its equalled by
few. & etrcelled by none
Specjal values in Ladies',
RineBoots and Oxfords
We shall be pleased to
show you our stock and
give you our, prices. It
might be in ye
pocket .
Our Spring stook of Boots and
Shoes is now complete. It is use-
less to specify. _We have all the
very jatest styles . and our prices
are right, -
The immense demand for our
Shoes -is theevidencethat our ef-
forts to
f-forts'-to supply reliable and up-to-
date footwear has caught the ` at-
tention of shrewd buyers
Gentlemen, try a pair of. the. Celebrated
American Floesheim Shoes.. Yon cannot get
better value. Doubtful if you oan do as well.
We guarantee every pair to give entire satisfaction
We buy. and 'sell for °Gash. See our"Boys'and Girls'Schooi Boots
W. Taylor & son
Cash and One Price Eggs tali as Cash
Insurance office at the store
CKSON :egos,
Straw Sailors
A big purchase last fall for spot cash :enables
us to' offer Children's Sailors at 20c 'a pair. You
can have them ]n fancy straws, plain white or plain
blue. These are the biggest snaps we have offered
for some time, and they are easily worth 35e.
Children's Vestee . Suits
We bought 50 Children's .Vestee Suits in
sizes 23 to 26, at a price— They are made from
good, solid tweed, large sailor collar, with three rows
of braid, pants lined and a piece for repairs. They
are extra, good value at $3, but as long as they last
the price is only $2.25
Our Boys' School Pants
50c, 60c, and 75c
Made by ourselves, and not equalled in Canada for
the money.Sold by the hundreds and gives the
greatest satisfaction. Made in a variety of patterns.
No line of goods ever offered has been such a sue -
Gess. Odd Coats and Vests of the same material
can be had.
50c shirts
The best value in the trade
Whiternlaundrled Shirts, 5Oc
Black Sateen Shirts ....Sec
Men's Working Shirts .... 50e
Regatta Shirts...:. _ .... 50e
Our assortment is the largest to be seen anywhere
stands for all that is finest in
women's shoes. It means grace,
style, comfort and economy, all
for $3. It might easily be $5.
These are the sort of .shoes that
please fastidious dressers.
We are sure they would please you
if you will allow cls ��‘�,1 l ► l
to introduce you. ' '
King Quality's the E>Ksv
.name--$3. ee---$3• EM& QUAUI
Bicycle Shoes
Goodyear Welt
Slater Method .
Unlike most bicycle shoes of other makes,the eater
Bicycle Shoe looks as well as a walking shoe as ifeels who
working the pedals.
It is made of Seal Brown and Black Kidduek, which
resists water and dust, and is proof against perspiration rot-
ting. It is unlined, for coolness and lightness. The sole is of
chrome tanned elk hide,tough h and rubbery to grip pedals and
resist cutting. Has a bicycle keel. The shank and quarter
are stiff, with a reinforcing strap up the back to' prevent back
seam from,ripping, while the forward part of the shoe is pli-
able as a moccasin. Made from anti•streteh quarter, rein
forced. Certainly the best bicycle shoe at any money in
Price, $3 pr Pair