HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-04, Page 9?'
Twins' Peonanto Arrange
Nuptial* by Proxy.
Try as you may, you cannot
tsoape the weary, worn out,
dont-oare.to-work feeling. that
Askecompanies spring weather.
Brain is not as clear as it
cought to be ; there is languor
and listlessness instead of
4mergy and activity.
urdoelt Blood Bitters is
'whit people need this weather.
It sets the liver, bowels, and
kidneys acting, whereby all
poiscrs are eliminated from the
systeen ; cleans the tongue,
Improves the appetite, purifies
and enriches the. blood.
I land, Man., writes :
" I have used Burdock Blood
Bitters as a spring medicine for
three years now and don't think
there is its equal anywhere. When
3 feel drowsy and tired, and have
Ito desire to eat, I get a bottle of
.B. B. B.
I. think it purifies, the blood and
builds up the constitution better •
, than any Miter remedy." •
— —
1..dX Exemplified by tan officer on a
British Man-of-war.
• This is a story of the height of polite-
' mess. It is told by 4.ngus Evan Abbott,
. the author, and it is, I believe, absolute -
.13, true. 'Mr. Abbott is a 'Canadian by
Isiah and education, and on Stet coning
• to England he was as most Americans
:and Canadians are, eager to catch a
glimpse of the queen. But as her majes-
ty did aet live in his suburbs, ktr.
Utt's wish remained ungratified for some
• • time. However, ope-dayhe found himself
fin Portsmouth and learned that the roy-
:al yacht, with the queen and Princess
Beatrice aboard, was to cress from the
Isle of Wight to Portsmouth. • • '
• Hatitening flonsi to the landing place,
be discov.ered that there was not the
shot** of chance of eatching eight of
her maaetity on land, so- he went to the •
waterside, hired a small 'boat and rowed I
oat *into' the great ' harbor. Pushing out
from the. Inner 'port; wherein, rode a
mighty fleet of battleships and cruisers
ali aflutter with bunting in Minor of the
queen, the writer found himself, on the
1 broad Outer bay, alone except .for a dot-
ted line of Men-of-war's boats indicatibg
the route to be taken by the ;queen's
ytteht •
• - -Pulling.. in bis. oars and allowingthe
boat to float atwill, Mr. Abbott 'got his
• glasses foci4d ready for the queen's
yacht and pu in his time reading a book.
All at oue he- heard a voice soqiiding as
• though ie.ame from the clouds. It- was
• gentle, aristocratic of accent and apolo-.
getie ip diction. It said, "I beg sow par -
Kim, but would you- mind letting us
Glancing quickly up, Mr...Abbott bd..
kelt] tile bow of the mighty battleship
Miuotaur towering over his little rowboat
like a .precipice, and peering over the
brow of the cliff of iron wail the calm
face of a naval officer.. The ship was
swinging slowly into harbor and was but
41 few yards away, coming directly to-
ward the tiny rowboat. '
In the words of the novei, "To seize the
-oars and pull for his life was the work
-of an instant." When Mr. Abbott was
clear of the battleship, the nasal officer,
t not a ghost of a smile on his face, said,
• "Thank you very much," and, the ship
crept past. Mr.sAbbott clairasi that naval
officer to be the, politest manliving.-
, London Cor. Saturday Evening Post.
. •`.
There are few placewithin the limits
of semicivilization that boast of more in-
tereeting marriage customs than Bul-
garia. Every young peasant wishes to
marry as early aa possible, as be Is ot lit-
tle importance in the comraunity until he
has a wife. But be is not in danger of
forming. an alliance in opposition to his
Parents' wishes, as his earnings belong
to them until he is wedded, and his wife
must be bought and paid for according
to their station in life. The parents
usually give him the necessary sum as
soon as they can afford it, so that the
restriction is less galling than it seems,
A "wife purchase" varies from $200 to
$1,500, in proportion to the wealth of the
contracting families, for the marriage Is
strictly a family affair. In addition to
this sum a smaller amount is given to
the bride's mother for her personal use.
After the Pecuniary arrangements have
been made by the proxies the betrothal
• takes place on either -a Wednesday or.
*Thursday. It consists of the exchange
of written pledges regarding the sum to
be paid by ;the bridegrOona on the one
hand and the household furnishings to be
supplied by the bride on the other.
Rings then are blessed by the priest
and exchanged by the couple, the fiancee
kisses the hands of the guests assembled
and retires with her young blends to a
tenet prepared in another room. The
youug -people then dance outside the
house and sing.
The fianee's presents are then produced
and their value estimated by the 'father
of the bride, These consist of tames,
headdrese and necklace of, coins, silver
belt, bracelets and other jewelry. The
father usually regards their value as in-
sufficient, probably to enhance his &ugh,
ter's wortb, in' her suitor's eyes, and the
loveradds coin by coin until an agree
merit is reached. The marriage does not
take place until six months after' the be-
During. the week preceding the day set
for the wedding the house for the young
couple is furnished by the bride's parents.
Then her home is cleaned and white-
washed and every hidden store brought
out for decoration, Cakes are made and
sent around as Invitation cards, request-
ing the recipients tie come to the wedding
on, Sunday, the invariable wedding day.
The articles composing the trousseau are tober of 1893, I decided, other treatments
Innis up for Inspection on cords stretched • having failed, to •try Dr. Williams' Pink •aotiou.s of business will fliyi ta friend trt
across the principal room on Friday by Dr Puiree'lf Discovery.
Pills. I told the doctor of this decision;
For Williams and Didn't Know M.
"John," said the wife, "who air you
. ter in the raee fer sheriff?"
"I'm fer Tompkins fust'an last."
• "No, John, you ain't fer Tompkins;
you're fer Williams."
"I fsaid Tompkins," replied John.
• "I know you did, John. But, all the
same, you're fer Williams!"
Then he made a grab for his hat and
was abontslo -make for the doot when
elle locked it and, standingagainst it,
• "Don't let us fuse over tine matter,
John. Be reasonable now an own up the*
you're fer Williatns."
He fumbled with his hat and kicked
_Abe fire.
-01" "Molly," he said, "et you ain't as
good as a rabid render I'll gliee it up!
'Course I'm ter Williams fust an lasti
turn him!"
After Doctors Failed.
. An enterprising reporter has bunted up
MOUT Periey Misner of Welland.
r Ur. Carrie W. Catt. He has done moth..
port, nocovered Health. t ins to deserve it.-Minseapolis Journal.
Sorrovvtul Johnson is the name of a
-- .
citizen. of a north Georgia county. That
ile Suffered from Hip Joint Disease and name will keep him from running any
.A.bscesses-His FriendsFeared He Would political rielte.-Atlanta Constitution.
Mme. Patti displayed $1,250,000 worth
From the Journal, St, CatharinessOnt. 0 ot dianionds at a reception the other
e evening. How many fond farewells that
A reporter of the St. Catharines Journal collection of carbon representedl-Min.
visiting Wellandporb not long ago, heard of neapolis Times.•
one of tl3ose remarkable cures that have Tit k 1 '
made Dr. Willie's's' Pink •Pille foinoue ae Berlin a ser s play, in the oplitiOn of Its
The case le that a 130h azudilience, w"toloi palpably glorifies"
Jife Bearers the world oyer. n ern. i I am slop,s ever fem.
ner, who had edema from hip joint dieease ork Prose.
11 1 e le ti
of Perley Miner 13011 Of Mr Mathias fills. xi g or Cit 011 wherever he 'goeit.-New
• and abscesses, and who has been under the Genera! Buller must not take to him -
care of four doctor° without beneficial re. mit too rauch credit for the relief of La.
suite. Me Mistier gave the partionlare of dysmith. Efe had Richard. Harding,Da-
the case as follow% -"In the spring of 189a 'vie with hire. when the tide of Britieli for -
my son, Parley, Who was then in his thir• tune turned. -Troy Record. ,
teenth year,began to oomplitinof an a 4114 Poor "Ruddy" Kipling, so ferociously'
in his hips, and later my attention was attaeked by Marie Coral% doubtless be -
directed to a particular shamble in hie gilt. Heves more firmly than ever that "the
As the trouble grade ally grew upon lans I law that mart my lady's ways is Won
took him to a physiotiu in. Dunville, who thrious to nae." -St. Louis Republic,
examined him and said that the trouble
Hero 13111 Anthony is to get a grenite
arm from a sc a ikness of the. nerves ot the
hip. The doctor treated Perley for make, monument af ter failing to find an oppor.
tunity to make a living. He is not the
during which time a large abscess formed
first hero vtho hats -asked for bread and
ou his leg, and he was obliged to get about
receive:4 a stone. -St. Louis Post -Die.
on °studies. As he continued to decline, I
resolved to thy another dootor,who diagnoe patch. 1
ed the case as hip joint disease. He treat- Count Boni Gould Castellanee fine self
ea my son for six months, The1a slight. restraint in preparing to begin a libel suit
ly improved at iirst, but later was taken instead of destroying De Rodays at once,
worse again. He wouldetartle in his sieep as he seemed about to do. -was perhaps
and was continually ip distress as he could not unexpected by the Paritelans..- St,
neither sit nor recline' with ease, and was Louis Post -Dispatch. •
, •
week, faint and confused. During tine time
the abscess had broken and was diaoherg-
A. man talkee about owning his business,
jog in three places, but would not heal. A But, as a matter of foot, his business owns
third doctor advised a eurgioal operation,
him. His whole lifeie regulated by the
which he objected to, and a fourth medical
demands of the busine se. The time at
man then took the case in hand. This doe.
which he rises, his breakfast hoar, the
tor confined him to the bed, and besides
time given to mettle, are all determined by
giving medioine, he ordered a mechanical
business obligations, He rushes through
appliance to which was attached a 16 pound
lunch bemuse he "can't spare the time
weight, to be placed in position b',a pulley
from business" to eat leisurely He .won't
system et) as to constantly draw downwards
take a reet because he is needed at the store
on the limb. This treatment was conga.
or office. Hi is in foot an absolute slave to
aed six weeke, causing muoh pain, but no -
business. Thiel results which follow this
thing in the wey of benefit was noticed.
slavery are to be seen on every hand. Men
The abscess was dressed twice or thrice a
dyspeptic, irritable, ,nervone, with drawn
day for Months, and frequently, despite the
faces, hollow epees, sit at the desk or stand
aid of crutohea, it wag nemeses,' for me to
behind the counter until they collapse in a
carry him in my arena from the house to
fit of siokness, or are taken away. by heart
the vehicle when taking him out. In ttle- .
hoae wlio oannoteaoape th
Be a Perrnanent Invalid.
the feminine part of the community. On and he told me Dr. Whams' Pink Pills avrengnensh ' t
the following day two of the bride's weasta quite likely be of molt benefit. Aftion of the blood -making glands, inereasing
friends come to help her dress her heir, 'ter using four boxes' mild' seisilome itn- the vitality and physical vigor. Itmakes
plaiting it in minute braids, not to be un- provement. After this he continued the men strong and prevents those business
done until after the cereirtony. Then the use of the pills for seVei al monthswith conbreak downs which so often tertnit ate fat
village maids come with gifts of sweets stant improvement and new vigor, and at- al„IY, . . ..
and flowers, and all sit down on the floor ter taking about 18 boxes the abscess was
to # dinner et vegetablesnicely healed, the crutches Were dispeneed • Th •
On Sunday the bride Is seated in state with, and he was able to work and ()Auld The Duke of Argyle is dead. e Marquis
of Lorne, his eldest, son, suomeds him.
in all "her gorgeous apparel, and -with a walk for miles. I -attribute the good health
spangled red. yell. over her 'face, to be
• seen ot all the village folk. She wears all
the ornaments given by her fiance and, as
many more as she possesses The reit;
gious ceremony is that • of the -Greek
chinch and may take Place In the church.
- or in the home ot the bridegroora's fa-: Fietioe, as rbelieve my emiweald Mal be a eriee of 'that barbar'a Welioes• a 'better
thee. After its performance the party re- hopeless invalid but for this.medieine." • . range. •
turns to the home of the bride's parentS, Dr. William& Pink Pills cure by going to • .;
where the wedding feast is held. Singing the root of the disease. ' They rem* and A 'HARASSING COUGH.
. . .
and dancing follow until' time tot escort - hail& up the blend, end strengthen the •
Dr. ImW a Norway Pine Elyeap cured me
the bride to her new home -New York nerves thus driving disease from the system.
lif a harassing dough and. hoarseness. I
Tribune. . •. , If your dealer does not keep then:Obey will
be sent postpaid at 50 cents a box, or Mx knew of no better remedy fer healing and
Ile. Was: Very Itivimble. ' - hoses for $2 e0 'by addressing the Dr. Wil- esoott ing the lunge and, bronchial tubes.
whiohtny,son enjoys to day to the rise of i
Manitoba Liber0ishave entered a voted
Dr. 'WilliamsPink Plae. ,This medicine agaitlat the eleotion of the Provinoial
achieved such a marvellous success in my Treasurer.' . .
&We case as to ea the 'whole community The great chalk headland at Dover,
talking abont it. Tooneder no pen k xpr e 8 • known as Shakespeare Cliff, is to he level
sive enough to give Dr Williams' Pink Pills led in order to give the new rapid-fire beat -
The Detroit Free Press tells of a die- name' Medicine Oo. Brookville, Ont. Price 25o. •
appointed office seeker who at last obtain -
•At OronSound, Mr 0.- C. Pearce, on be -
ed a gift through a late won- humilityhalf of certain residents of Derby town-
When he arrived at Washington it was. CZAR AND SHAH. • 'lip, stopped the tuners' precession of the
Mrs Win L expired soddenly
A RussosBritisli clash In Persia .slisiuld in Bt. Mary's Church, on the ground that
ed and prominent citizen; bast after hang-
• with the idea that he was a dist'inguish - , • . lateowe, who .
Mg about and swallowing diseppoint• at least give us Some musical Leila the place of burial was not legally a
inents, he began to suspect that he was Rookh war map names with which to cemetery.
not so very important after all. . .
offset the Boer tough.° twisters. -St. •The big chimney pi 'the Hoepfner Rain-
' Then he *thought of -hoixte and the Louie Republic. • big...Conaway. at Hamilton, which was to
means of getting there and ht6ff1 It -is -quite possible tbarwe nes toshases have been comPleted this week, fell with •
' Colonel Blank, the ISassenger agent*: a.
certain railroad.
"1 say, colonel," he remarked • perstra
'lively, "I want to go home."
"Why don't you go?" ,
I "No money. z Can't you give me a
. •
The colonel stiffened.
"We give passes to nobody,* said he.
• The countenance* of the disappointed
candidate brightened witli a smile of hu-
mility. . ••
. "Well, colonel," he releaded, "then give
'me one. I'm toady." .
. The colonel admittedthe force of the
.• argument and gave the Pass.
A Hoofed Lake.
A. roofed lake is cortninly a nevelt'.
We read much of them in lietion. Lakes
are made to exist in enverns and subter-
ranean passages, *but ,sarely do we hear
of such in fact. However, such a thing as
a roofed. lake does esist, and this is not
subterranean. There is a lake at Cffidorsk,
In Siberia, nine miles wide and •17 miles
long. Time was when the rapid evapo-
ration of the water left great salt crys•
tals fioating on the surface which grad,
• ually came together mid formed into one
• gigantic cake. The water of the lake
still further evaporated, but the cake of
salt kept its own leyel, thus forming a
roof to the lake. Another lake on the
Mangishlak peninsula, In -the Caspian
sea, is similarly eoofed vvitsalt crystals
which are of such consistency as to per-
mit of mart and beast erossing over them
with safety..
The Point of the Sword. •
In the •use of the eiword In Cavalry
• fightleg the point is considered more ;
deadly, the cut 11104-0 disabling. The env-
alry fight at 'Serena, hi Estremadtira,
April 11, 1812, is an example. The fight
tasted but a few minutes, for the British,
charging, broke the French formation.
The latter had 12 melt killed and lost 128
prisoners, all. suffering frem sword cuts,
•While the English had nine men killed
and 47 -wounded. Ali the killed were
slain by the "point" and the wounded
practically in every ease had received
their injuries by the "cut." Napoleon
was a great believer in the point,. At the
battle of Vitagram he shouted to his
cuirassiers as they passed him at the trot,
"No sabering; give point! .give pointP
and kept plunging his sword into the air
to ethphasize his orders.
an interesting sequel to the peace reseript a terrific crash through, the bleaohing
:1 -of the emperor of Russialaial that the house and caused a loss of several thousand
eofiling conflict between RUSsiil and Eng- dollars..
land is not far distant. ---Chicago Record. '
Both Russia and England halve always A ,THOUSAND TONGUES .
frankly admitted that an Anglo-Itussian
war of supremacy in India is bound to .._ Could not express the rapture -of Annie
come at some tune. It is reasonable to "' Springer, ofPhiladelphia, Pa., when Dr.
suppose that It shall be precipitated by King's New Discovery oared her of a hack-
• . .
the government which sees a• 50(1(1011 ad- in cough that for many years made life a
vantage too great to be ignored. -St. begrden. She says: "After all other rem°
Louis Republic. . . dies had failed, it soon removed . the pain iii
amity of my chest and I can now sleep soundly,
' The. crelen:* solicitude for the
the shab is clue to the mobilization of a something I 0441 seemly remember doing
Russian army do (ho Afghan co:intim' before. I feel like sounding its praise
and the ponfessed intention to occupy throughout theuniverse." Dr, King's New
Herat at an early day. Having explored. Discovery is guaranteed to mire all troubles
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 60o and
all the routes to tritish India, the czar $1.00. Trial bottles free at all drug storee .
Secretary Long has undertakan to have
Little Liver Pills
Must Sear Signature of
See iiaoeSimile Wrapper Wow.
tiain ind as °ear
IP WM Mania*.
• Confound it, said the patient, "yet!
• have pulled a aourol tooth and left MI
one that adhed," • '
"Never mind, mada ,m," said the dentist,
'there will be no extra charge under ill
elreunistaneee; although it eOund tooth is
harder to Pull."-Iloston Transcript.
In the category Of Fcistry,4
"SSeIng I am associated Witii the
mews'," said the office eat, as it tumbled
Into the editor's wastebasket, At titought
1 would drop into poetry."se-Phlitttlelphia
TTLE nut 0114013*dt,
P1 LFOR SALLOW SKIN., rot biota ana Children.
oninvondi wha too
I *ray Itegetableve0 Haile ' list
:„..,,terwourri„ .. • strums 1440, Witt
4 "PPS
• 4,11URIS 610K IiKADAOHL oi
gsiostionts That Made the Moro Fs.
ther Take a Der OM
the chief of division to the clerk .when 4110100. Is
"Going to take the day oar Gh?" said
the latter reported at the 'office at
o'clock and put in a slip for a das:Lt !Wise. Ti
"Nothing the wetter, I hope? NO sick- ht
"No," replied the clerk drearily. lean -
nese at home, is there?"
ing heavily on the chief s desk. No
sickness or anything like that. But I'YO
got to put in a day of research. It's this
way: That 10-yeto.-ald boy . of mine
sprung a lot of 'ein on me wheh he was.
going over his lessons aftsv dinuer last 1
night that stumped me and put me ti 11-
Porarily out of business. Tilt* was one of '
thern :
" 'Three-eighths ole pole stands in the I
mad, one-fifth in the water, and the re. !
inainder of the pole, .41 feet, is above the
water, What is the total length of the
pole ?'
"Bounds dead easy, diiesu't it?" Went
on the. elerk. "Well, it just stood me on •
my betas that'a whet it did. reate, _
tell years tago. and. .I've • tried en mostly, 1.
and prayerfully to forget nit the digging
I bad to do to squeeze through • that. -
Then he asked mishsw old Georg'', Wash-
ington was when ho he died, how old the.
Polack Kosciusko. was when he , offered
, his sword to the Revolutionary command-
ers, the date of the battle of Bunker 11111,
the nature a. the Sliesouri comprennise
And 10 or 15 tatle onats like that.. I
had to extinguish him by telling him that
I was 'reading iny 'paper, but I promised
him that l'd git e him all the answers to-
niorrott, Sueday, in time for him to be
right on them nt mime] on Monday.
Now, that kid thinks I'm 'It.' He thinks
• I know it ails: Ire brags to all the other ,
kids in the neighborhood that his dad can
give their dads- cards and4kpades aud big
• eassine„and, beat them to death when it
comes to Brains with an.upper ease B.
"Well, I want: to, have •Iiitn. go right on
'thinking that. I wouldn't lose that yqung
:One's exalted opinion:. of me far a house „
and lot, • It 'ed be a solar pleitis 'finish
Kay 4, 1900
, 1SA,NKS.
The itiolsous Omit
• Ineorporated bv Aot of,Parliament 188e
CAPITAL 112,000,000
REST FUND • 0,050,000
r id $
You seem all ohoked up and 'teed ap
with tbe ooki.-iind it hard to breathe.
0ough that rasps and tears you -but little
pbtorgo got up.
Now's thetime to take IhMood'i Norway
Pine Syr.up before things get too aerioue.
• 'There te no remedy equal to ift for making
the breathing easy, loosening the phlegm
and removing all 'the alarming symptoms
of a severe cold,
"I caught a Revere cold 'which settled on
my chest, making ft feel rem and tight.
Seeing Dr. •Wood'e Norway Pine Syrup
asivertized Iprooured *bottle , which greatly
relieved me, It loesened.the Phlegm. healed
the lungs, and mon had me perfectly wen."
Nam Mara, Balsa, Oar.
t ok my cliril liPl`ViCe examination over
for me to have him direct the blighting
Faze of suspicion at me. So I'm going up
" to the library, yank out a bundle o' books
of reference, get the answers te that list
of questioffs, and tonight I'll spring 'ent
on the kid in an offhand sort of way, as if
I knew 'mit all the tinfe, but just didn't
have time to give 'em to hint. I couldn't
stand it to have that kid get on to me;
not just yet anyhow. He'll have time to
do that when he grows up." --Washington
• make litmtive Brodie Quitene Table's.. All
draggists refit ad tho mone'y if it fails to cure
&As E. W. G .'s s-ir It ure cm etch box.
has decided to mark his baggage "via
Persia." -Philadelphia Times.
•Laxii-Liyet 'ills work while you sleep
without a gripe or paincu ring Biliousnese,
Constipation, Dyspepsia apd Sick Headache
and make you feel better in the morning.
At Frankfort, Ky,' indictments were re-
tuned by the GrandJury against John
W. Davis and Green Golden, as memories
to the murder of Governor Goebel.
Milburn's Rheumatic Pills are a specific
remedy for rhenmetietea, sciatica, lumbago
and neuralgia, They eliminate the acids
and poieons from the system, ease ihe pain
and cure diastase,
"I have been using Dr, Fowler'e Extract
Of Wild Strawberry for the past six vent
and cies eider it a grand remedy for diarr
hoeft, and it is especially good for children
cutting teeth. ,
Mae Hanni 0. TIIKDE, Port Elgin, Ont.
Marie Tetapest denlea the report that
site intends to Sin•g •in the musie halls' in
• London.iohari e
• Prohblai., 's having a pliy,
based on Peg Vitolungton, written- for
Maude Adams. s
This thing grows. -Fay Templeton Wm -
ice/ Four\ re, and Fougere mimics Pay
Ermpleto 's mimicry other.
Wilson Barrett's "Sign of the Cross"
has been translated into Polish and has
Made quite a success in WarriaW.
Min. Campbell is to revive tome ot the
Maeterlinck plays in London and ',re-
duce others never seen there before.
Robert Loraine, Julie 0004 former
husband, who was to have acted with
Ada Rehan in lOngland, has gone to
South Africa,
Marie Wainwright has engaged Payton
Gibba to play Napoleon to het Josephine
In Iter vaudeville sketch, "Napoleon
iVersue josephine."
Wilson Barrett has added Robert
Ilichens in his dramatizatioh of his
novel, "The. Londoners," and will act In
the play in all probability.
Henrik Ibsen's "When the Dead
Awake" has been acted in three German
cities With success, although without giv-
ing the impression that it Was likely to
enjoy lading popularity on the Maga-
It twins that the new theater in $t.
Mathes lane, London, will not be owned
by Charlet) r Munn after all, though
that energetic American impresario will
hold the lease of it and will establish
by Seymour iticks and Malin* iktrlas.
a bronze tablet cast at the Wastington
navy yard and ereoted in Santiago de Cuba
in commemoration of the services of the
late Frederick W. Ramsdem, vvho while
British Coneul at Santiago staring the.
Spanish-American war rendered valuable
• services to the T.Inited States, and who died
at hie post of duty.
, there his London comiNdy troupe headed
Deadly Kidney Disease Had Him in its
Clutch - South American Kidney Cure
Snapped the Obeid and Made Him Whole
A young man, a son of one of Camas's
wealthiest citizens, two years ago centred -
ea kidney disease by taking a cold plunge
in the lake when the -body was oierhsated.
Specialiste could 'diagnose but could not
cure the malady, and when half the globe
had been travelled in hope of health and a
cure he returned to hie home apparently
with but a short time to live, but the print.
ed testimony rif the cure of a sohool boy
attracted him to South Amerioan Kidney
Cure, He proortred it and persisted in its
use, and although it was a stubborn case,
to•slay he is well and healthy. ',Sold by
Watts tie Co.
"AB Dunlop Time in two"
The wheel fitted with
Dunlop Tires gives
trouble to the dealer after
its sale. •
That is one reason why
dealers favor Dunlop -tired
wheels. They know' that
Dunlop Tires are the out-
s ward sign of inward worth
in the building of a bicyCle.
tons mar toolco
xlicoantoe Tire ed., Wawa,
Hostrcal, Votaiece, tt. Ate,
Or Wood",
Norway' Pine
, . lVforsox menemetw, the en
WOLYKR0TAN Titers" Gen. Manager
issued, Ster fog and Amerioon exchange
• Notes diseoured, Oolleottons rdade, Drafts
bought and Stark. Interest allowed code.
te0131;ii. BAVItiOta$ANK- Interest allowed Git
Mims of ill and up. Money advanced to
farmers on their own note, with one or
more endorsers. No mortgage required
H. 0. BRE*/ lelt. Manager. Clinton
11), Mel liegGARt
• A. general satinliing Business
Drafts °sued. Tntereet; llovved on
• , , deposits.
-- •
Advances made to ferment on their own
notes at low rates of interest.
A. general Banking . Badness transacted
Interest allowed on deposits.
Sale Notes bought
J. P. TISBALL, Manager. .
Subscriber le prepared to promptly all all or.
dere for Wood or Coal, which will be sold at
lowest rates. °Moe on Isaac Street, at LAVIS
fer largehottse ;salary .865, monthly and ex-
renses,with increase ; pOsltion permanent; .SYSTE fIENOViti011
WANTED—Hoteest man or wonsau to. travel
OF ' •
• AGENTS Weak andImpure
D BrADIt ma-GeARRE""THaOrNs CaOicAr-VtiorellaTIDI ' Female Caw -plaints Etc
• .461he best life of Her Maiesty I have seen, .
trite: Lori! ribouVcitiiien Victoria." 'Liver & Kidney Diseases;
trii4PFualat, or %True:4foot to:.'
Al Results. . AGENTS WANTED. • '
• nieLEoly,
.13/04erit4 Ont.
This man knows what he did and
bow be did it. Stich endorsements as
- the following are are's suffiblent proof •
•of US merits, 0". maws. Bunn., rob. a2migs.
• Dear stret-Piesse send
the Horse. our Pew book so
• bottles, EngIisfl print. I have
s• apnadvlinsecureenit wirouthr wtweilmbottnazrzleecuorg_ eauttomuENKSendaliP71.1
Price, Si; sli for '03 a liniment for
family use it had no eget.. Ask your druggist .
Treatise on the Horse," book freeoe address
• "Klondike Gold Fields," a a; le, cheap, valet.
able book, selling like a whirlwmd. Beautiful
prospectns twenty-tive centle. Books on time,
.19 AN CLIP.
-- •
Hottest man or woman 13-;, travel for largo
house .• salary -Si monthly and expenses. St 1.11
increase; pa -Liot permanent ; ineleste self-
addroised stammed t r v -lope MANAGER, 330
Caxton blrla„ •Doe 29-13
A Cr E•7, N VS 1v A r .„
No exegete ine no,a3.taar3t. Perniament
ti tn. Libor.t I tot I114. P.ty weekly. h'tock
complete wi h fast Sellitiq specialties, I lel tiding.
smst Mow. Com, Potatoes, Sze. OUITIT
FRES.. Secure t, rritpov MM. write •
'DROWN. Ha is. 0'.
Nurso-y.sica, Brow e 8 Suraeries P.0,, Ont.
110 for II) Cents
This book Containa 0110 hundred atti
ton of the beat butuoroure recitations,
embracing the Ner,rot Yankee, Irish ant
Dutch dialects, both prose end verse,
ele Welt as humorous coMpositIons or
°Tees klnd and diameter. gent, pest,
10, with our illoatrated catalogue of
ks and nOvelties for only ten cents.'
J,ohnston et McFarlane'
7iltontieSt.i, WOrento.Can•
. HE VALUE or.
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending
sketch and destription of atty invention will
promptly 'receive our opinion free concerning -
the patentability of same. "How to Obtain a
Patent" sent upon tequest. Petelite secured
through tie advertised for sale at eau- expense.
Patents taken out through us receive special
notiee• withoutcharge, 111 Tat PATENT Itscoan,
an illustrated and widely circulated journal,
consulted by Manufacturers aed investor&
seed for sample copy FREIE. Addreso,
(Patent Attofneys,)
gains 13ullidlagt, WASHINGTON. O. tig
1.56 f,9,?,,Vititiefd Preet4109
vitae7 printed and bound In ono Vellum. A
grand Collection of Modal tune, sentimental, path•
ale, comic; veritable treasury atm world's pop.
let and beautiful songs, Price, 10 Mts. fiditPaidc
i011N1001100011011411/1,11Tonifittet..TorOntOt Oen.
Foragenuine money -making position; no
books, insurance, or fake scheme ; every house
a customer. Particulars free. Write to -day
THE F. EJIKABN CO., 132 Victoria street, To- .
ronto, Canada.• Feb 23-13
'We buy direct frorn the niatinfaoturere in Staffordshire, England,. and thus buy
at.firetsoost. We secure goods of finest quality,,and 'therefore know that in prices and
value our goo Is are unsurpaseeid: Buyers must ravel money on these' goods, oompared
vvith articles not so feverably purchased. •
. Exquisite Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets
DINNER AND TEA SETS, 97 'Pieces, from $5 up.
- TOILET SEN, complete, $2 and Upwards.
Von can examine these goods without being compelled to buy, but you will want
to buy ofter you examine. .
We have the best 25c Tea in town, we have tea at other prices, brit no matter
what priced tea you Want, we can give you extra value. Agent tor Ram L Appleton
Monsoon and Bine Ribbon paeket Teas.
• • •
• For Twenty-seven Years
..1.,.cli - .-•(-- . '..,-.•
,77-- +.."'
TO EVERY ONE vibe can find in the t)uwey Puzzla i Fa( o-rnarX
teem andreturn to us -we give on exquI,310 Tiflany style PlmulatiVe
. . • .. Opel or Ruby Mick Pin 8000, 810 cend 12 Ten lo
e-. rork,.. sr Im.
B-IRTHDAv . Nipaz pto erlabable Perfume sell for us it yeti 01111. Mon rot! 1. 11,31, rp,.0..
and We 5400 700 Free choke of a IiravilY laatra ei r.,11 Pr 1,140. ',lib •
Idols and Key. •cir Solid ilidd Sholl•Pelidier ltirtiolay Itqfg Simply
nterprst purr]. and we mend prise withoht money or prim. Write to thy Vo. m , n1 -r-1. aq we ray the 4017 114
nstige on ail Parfuras scat into Canada. making It. delivery absolutely free, mot luccird 00008 aro ruturraiblek
:lektalel U1111100, W
Vet tamed 045., Detroit. Mita.
. .
TOILET goods
Dainty Gifts for both Ladies
and Men- for Young -or old
• H. B. COM BE,
Give Perfumes if you'd .please the fai
sex. The choicest kinds are here. All the
famous makee-all the desirable odors -
and many hinds put up in speoially attract -
'dye Christmas paokages.
Our assortment of Fine Hair Brushed,
Militiry Brushes, fifirrore, Whisks, in
etsmy and handsome woods is the most
complete in the town. And the moatinter•
esting part to yon is that prices are far be.
low what you ve been acatietowed to pay
for similar articles elsewhere.
Chemist & Druggist
• Painting is part of it. -just as much aS soap-
ing and scrubbing. There are spots that water
cannot remove, and &colorations that scouring
will not take away. Use the paint' brush ht tniklA can.. A
fu email tittle, is Made to meet tail diamond sal
ono demands fora mac paintabout the woo,
is ready to use. Dzios quick4 with& ,
Cati be WaShed. ;
. • 4. •
Iron and hardware
Staves and Vinware
1 Is