HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-04, Page 8May 4.1900 es TAP fT.TWTON NThW Ever have them? Then we can't - te11 you any- , thing about them. "You - know. how dark - everything looks - and how you are about ready to give up. Some- how, you can't throw off the terrible depression. Are things -really so blue? Isn't it your nerves, > after all? That's 'where the trouble is.. Your - nerves are being poisoned . from the impurities in your blood. A. SarsaPariLia purifies the- blood and gives power and stability- - to the nerves. It makes health and strength, activR ity and cheerfulness. ' ',1 This is what "Ayer's" r.,..1 will do for you. It's. the i oldest Sarsaparilla in the P i; land, the kind that was F , ., old before other •Sarsa= t' •j Pa*lll,�s were known. f. ",, This also accounts for t the haying, "One bottle or A.yer's is worth three - bottles of the • ordinary . j lend." L00 a bottle. All druggists. $g¢]its. r '• Write the Deetor. i, t1 It yon have any complaint whatever 1 and desire the best medical advice yofl San possiblyrecelve, write the doctor i freely. You will receive a prom t r . Ply, wltho rt coat. Address p 1 7. t D AYE' Lowell, Mass. Dn. J. C. �t, l- es The sv THE BEEHIVE. Contract the space in the hive to the size of, the colony. A good and fertile queen • keeps the. hive full of bees during the season. Do not offer to feed ,liquid. food to bees- In eerIn winter; it is alinost sure death to a colony. Bees abhor being molested at night, and no work can then be done with them with any satisfaction. • . --"—In every case where comb is to•be built furnish the bees with foundation, using full .sheets in the frames. • Clipping the wings of the queen pre- vents losing, first sw,arms_by absconding,. but does not always• prevent losing the queen. • Bees seem to seek naturally,'a span be- tween two combs, and the queen seldom goes to the outside comb of a. hive unless she•is eompelled to for want of room; so that a. nucleus of two or three combs is better than one. • Prepolis is the •gam or varnish that bees collect for varnishing ,over the inn': of • their hives; filling creeks niul erevic s, cementing loose Nieces of the live to- gether and for making • ti;i:c;;s fast and close generally. It collects in time in. • aid hives and combs. EN 7 PEN, PENCIL AND BRUSH. Now that John Ilnskin`IF is'dead n "Rus- kin union' has been formed in London for the purpose of studying his woks, Emperor William has .. commissioned William Pape, the artist, to paint the scene of Archbishop Simar rendering homage. The name of Samuel Smiles has been so long forgotten by the reading public. that many will probably be surprised to learn that the author of "Self Help" is still alive. He lives in London. Winston Spencer Churchill, the British war correspondent now in the Transvaal,. has published his first novel. It bears the title "Savrola" and depicts the political Intrigue and revolution in the imaginary. republic of Laurania. The clay model for the bust of the late Joseph Medill of Chicago has been badly damaged in some way in the studio of the aculptor, Richard H. Park of Chi- cago, and he, will have to reproduce it from memory. , u.- . THE CYNIC. Nearly every "No Credit" sign is a lie. . Sentiment harms more people than it helps. Men who have and reinarkable experi- ences tire usually remarkable liars, • Nine .people out of ten who inquire ;sympathetically "Can I do anything?" 'do not mean it. When. a Man floes anything notewor- • i 'tlte °he nearly always makes himself dis- agreeable In looking tor credit, There is some wonder that Spring -is Pictured with her arms full of flowers lntttead et carrying empty corn and to, mate' cans. Det any roan get far enough away from the scene of his crime, and he will be- lieve down in his heart that he is inno- cent.—Atchison Globe, THREE CITIES. There are t00.d00 trees In the elty of Feria, including 15.000 willows, '17,000 chestnuts and 20,000 plane trees. The city of Akron, 0, Is entitled to the credit for instniling the first automobl[ e ?olics' patrol. • It Is of the lar est si z e r itavilig n senting capaeity of 20 persona :tad•was built at a cost of $2,200. Lee Angeles bas the reputation of being Ahmed tropical, but itis not a warm city anther in summer or winter. Tho tent- peratitre is aefdom above 78 at atey sea- eonr and that la about equal to 68 in New "Bork. May and ,Tune seem to be tilt oddest menthe in the year, I bads Very sora foot through having a i1si1 a run in it, and was unable treowalk.. I *lied applying Iiaygafd s 'yellow 011 and In a sheet time the soreness wits gone and I .4 Wee Hoon able to walk again, Acne Itetfel;zsN,i'eleo xeldlld 11lorih,thtt, A SKY FANCY. Oh, the moon's a mighty golf bail. Ey stroke of Titan hurled: From off• the far horizon's "tee" 'Tie driven round the worldl And Venus looi:s in wonder, And the war god redly blinks. As the big white ball goes sailing high Along the starry links, IL soars o'er cloudy bunkers. That seek Ito flight to stay, And in its path It .crosses swift The misty milky way. ' And when it has tuntpleted Its course across the sky On yonder hilltop of the west It ands its distant "lie," Where waits a giant player Who 'lofts" with steady, aim. And sowitlicut a pause goes oh The everlasting game. —Jeannie Betts flartswick in Life, R;t Hdolu Shots Ra The !!id Fashioned Flint ! Lock Musket is to the Present 1 Perfect Rapid• Firing 11,111e, i. So Compares other Kidh ney I?emedies With Dr Pitcher's: Backache Rid- ,`,! id- . < • 1 , ney Tablets 1 HIS FIRST LECTURE. The Way Aretains Ward Made It r. Brilliant Sneoeaa, "I told a story several years ago in my house, when I wits living in Philadel- phia," said Robert C. Ogden, the famous New York merchant, "about a traveler on a New I7uglaud railroad. When 1 ended it,- I added;- 'So Artemus Ward once said, "'Yes,' spoke up John Sears, a Phila- delphia journalist of wide fame and. broad -attainments. 'Yes,' he repeated, 'that is just what Artemus Ward did say.' "'How do you know? 1 asked. Now, I had known Ai.- Scare for many years, mention nee m e acid 1 and never heard hi Ward before. 'Tell us all about It.' ' " `l• - heard him say it, I was there,' said Mr. Sears. ;'In 1859 or 1860 Browne, who and made a great reputation by his humorous work in the west and in New Yorlee ander the name of Artemus Ward, worked for one of° the .metropolitan pa- pers. 1 was employed by another one, and -; we had two friends who were work- iag in other offices. 'We used to dine' to- • gether every night. We advised Ward to. that become a lecturer. We told him he could make much more money lecturing than writing. But Ward demurred. He was afraid to venture it. One day, how- ever. he went to a• lecture bureau -and gave his- name. He chose for the title of • his.lecture •"The Children In the Wood." That night he told us .all about it, With- in a few days he received an offer to lec- 'tune for the benefit' of the Mechanics' library in Brooklyn, and he told us of • that too. . "' "i'm afraid 1 shall fair utterly," he said. "1 know .1. can't face an audience." " "But' you'll have yourmanuscript," -some one said. , I know it he' replied, '"but I'll be, t r to manageeven that." too flus a ed t '• "'In that .case," 1 said, "you; can tell stories,. 'just . as you .tell them to us, and that will carryyou through all right."' " "Ile night of the lecture:we t1%ree men went- with, Ward' to Brooklyn, and it was. just as -he had feared. . He forgot'..his lines, and he was so frightened that he even forgot'his manuscript. He faced bis audience- with a -blank look of despair' that most of the people took to be assum- ed, But 1 knew it was real.'. Then. he stoned efi-with a story that had no more to do with' "The Children In the Wood" than with the tariff .question, and when he endedgit he observed, "That is what 1 should have told you if I'were .not lectur- ing upon 'The Children 'In the Wood.'" The old flint look often missed fire, and when it did disobarge would recoil with such effect the user would be kuooked over; and this will apply to the use of the ordin- ary kidney medicines. They are prepared without sufficient consideration for the otb-, er organs, and while relief is better obtain. ed for the kidneys the stomach or other or- gans'suffer. When Dr Pitcher worked out the formu- la for bis Backache Kidney Tablets, the action of each ingredient used • separately was carefully watched, and as one ingre- dient after another was added,the action in combination was a study which resulted in perfectly balanced medicine, Dr, Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets, the only prepar• atiottthat hasbeenable to establish itself by depending on local endorsement by people you know. Watch the columns of this pap. er and you'will see scores of statements like the following from igre E. Southoonbe, Rattenbury'St ,<Clinton, Ont., whosays "For some years I have sufferedfrom akid- ney trouble associated with a muscular and - particular kidney P r e artioula rheumatism. sm: v did a not sot at all well, My age, 72, 10 against me, I was told of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablete and got a battle at H, B. Combe's drug store and I am able to say that their effect on' the kidney was excel- lent. I have no idea c is complete recovery at my age, but am very well pleased with the relief given me by the tablets. They. are certainly easy and gentle in action." If you havethe slightest symptom of kidney' or bladder trouble you can test this great medicine free. Arrangements have been made whereby every reader of—phis paper can obtain`trial package of Dr, Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets f.bsolnt- ly free by enclosing two cent stamp for pos- tage to the Pitcher Tablet Co., Toronto, Ont. When giving address mention this paper. f you are convinced. Pitcheher's Tablets are what you want yon can obtain regular size for 60,oents per. bottle. 11 not attain- able at druggists, mailed free of pc:stage on reoeipt of price. • • NIWS NOTES. • ' Five hundred Drysdale old boys in Chicago will attend a -reunion in Ingersoll on l Mat 24th. ' . THIS IS THE.I AYOF W T The glycerine in Scott's Emulsion soothes the rough and irritable throat. The 'by- pophoaphites tone up the nervus. ' . And the cod-liver oil heals and strengthens the in- flamed bronchial tubes and air cells.siiel'"" It is rumored that a scheme is on' foot for the consolidation of the majority of the stove foundries in the Dominion at Ham- ilton. Messrs. Leary & Son of Hamilton have been awarded a Government contract to supply 250,000 pounds of meat to the Indian -Department. A Boon to Horsemen.English From that he went on in his own inimita- s s , bpavin ble fashion, story following story, until •Liniment removes all bard, soft or callous- he had his audience convulsed with ed Lumps. and Blemishes from horses, laughter, and the lecture: was a brilliant Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stiflee, Spraine and Sore and success. That was Artemus Ward's first Swollen Throat,Coughs,etc. The use of one appearance on the platform. Now. Mr. bottle may make you 550, • Warranted the Ogden, what do you know about it?' must wonderfnl Blemish Cure ever'tw known. "'I arranged that lecture," l replied. 'That is all: 1 was living in Brooklyh Me -Dan; -McGillivray, of.Vafcouver and was interested in the library. We has been awarded the contract for wanted a lecture. 1 went to the bureau. and, seeing the name of Artemus W' rd. [ . engaged him.' " — Saturday Elveniitg Post.,• .Gerson Searchlight on Hamlet. ' Tllis Shakespeare story comes Prom the Frankforter Zeitung: The gtttsstion has often been asked why Shakespeare re- moved hamlet, who was horn in Jutland, to the .eastle of 1 m islsurg. near •11c'isi 5. got': or [Elsinore, in hroltud, end how lie came to Hive such n• euriou0ly enact knowledge of the local conditions of the little scars -rt. • ,, 'these questions are answered Ly an old ' n docit x nt to':nclsha • '•"•c . n It time ..,, / rtls BAP archives cif Helsingor. • 'I'du' 11,euineet says that the burg:, ee:ter of the town Iiia n Wooden tt n t' rrrc 1: (I in lite year 1:-491:1 and IIlal 1111;' NO IrnO c;c•rtr"y:+cl by a troupe of English newt's.. This names of the latter are mentioned, and nmong them are found some who, ft is certain, were Members of Shako:Tea re's cora* pany. . From this it is concluded 'that this troupe or several members thereof had given representations in the year named in Ilelsiugor and tion Shakespeare had obtained front tlu'w tt• deseriptiun of the castle of funning;; and its neighborhood. Breaking Even. "Excuse me, Brother I4ngbnek," said an Arkansas matron who wits one of 'the high pirates at the church festival, ad dressing n determined looking gentleman who was gastrouontiztug al one of the ta- hies, "but are you—eh! going to stop eat- ing' pretty soon? You have yaps, fifth bowl Of oyster, stet;' tlggyt anti— hl" es "The ease, replied Brothel! §Ggbacki with bis mouth full, nsianill like this! Sister Itooket You tnade me pay In ad- vance, I forked over a $5 bill, find you sweetly told me 'that as It Was for the benefit of the chic ch it' was against the rules to give any change back. So, now, sister, -I'm goin to keep right on eatin till one of three things happens—till the rules are amended for mybenefit or 1 get my money's worth or bust. That's the kind o1' man I'am, Sister hooks."—Life. Knoiva What He's About. "I believe Higginside strokes the vilest cigars on earth. When he drops in at my Once, 1 always give him n good eigar to steep him from lighting one of his •awn.". "Drops in every day, doesu't be?" ' "Generally."' "I thought so, 1 know Illearinside. Ile Is a fellow of a gond deal nP thrirt and in - gen uity."—ChIca goTribune. Wit and Humor. "What's the difference between wit and hinint'?" "If a man says humorous tiling:+ nloitt you, it makes you laugh; it" lis' says wisty things about you, it make's You hind."-- Chieago Record. • In ''ranee and. Italy it le believed that the maiden who billies •r w noes a dl, of her 1 i blood under a rest biteh will be rewarded' with rase tfnte,r ebeeks. A Meer n sew ,.r the things that will leen ' 41'r Weise a 1i'cuo.^ Neassi, .. YE A.11 011' T0P,TUItB Helped in r►Wee, and Permanently Cured. Peraletent use of Dr. Agnaw's Ointment will eradicate almost every hind of ekia disease. , No matter how long standing. rot distreeeing, it allays irritation with one ape -Beat. It's ton. It s h f p the ai:ekeat Dare known or, eczema and. exit rheum, and will ante blind` bleeding or itching piles in, from 0 to 6 nights, Seld by Warta Ac(10, building the ore dock at Michipicoten, Clergue'e Algoma Central. Railway. It will cost about $200,000. Stop the Pain but Destroy the Stomach- This is sadly too often the case. So many nauseous nostrums purporting to cure, be- cause they are so loaded with injurious drugs and narcotics, in the end do the pat- ient immensely more harm than good and in many cases so destroy the digestive or- Sans'that a cure is impossible, , Dr... Von tan's.Pineapple Tablets are a purely vege• table pepsin preparation, as . harmless as milk. One after eating preventsany die - order of the digestiye organs. 60 in a box, 315 cents. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick's Governments are about making au at- tempt to se•ore for themselves the five million dollars which toe Halifax awaid in 1877 condemrned the United. States Government to pay Canada as a setcff to illegal fishing done by Ameri- cans in our waters A CARD. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty-five cent bottle of Dr. Wills' Englieh Pills, if, after using three-fourths of contentsof bottle, they do not relieve Constipation and -Head aohe. We also warrant that four bottles w;11 permanently cure•the most obtltinate case of Constipation. Satisfaotion-or no pay when Wills English Pille are used. J. H, Combe, Chemiet & Druggist, Olin - ton ; J. E. Hovey,Dispensing Chemiet, ClintonWatts & Co., Drugs and Medi. eines, (Minton ; Sydney Jackson, nruggiet; Minton. - THE CENSOR. A South Carolina man left all his mon- ey to a girl who had rejected him. What a touching mark of gratitude!—Denver Post. - Who says the year 1900 isn't a jubilee year? It is now announced that Easter bonnets this spring will be cheaper than ever before. The British authorities are throwing some pretty large and elegant bouquets at the troops from Canada and the other colonies. Foxy Britons! One of the London weeklies calls the United States "Dollaropolis," and the term is rather pat too. But a $2,000,- 000,000 eountry doesn't mind being called names by her envious sisters.—New York Mail and Express. The captain of the Yale football team hart warned all aspirants to attend to their regular work if they expect to do well in athletics. If this sort of thing goes on, a place on one of the teams will mean as much as• the possession of a de- gree. Americans may not now be called "dote tors" In Prussia without a special permit front the Prussian government. If Teu- tons visiting this country were prohibited from styling "counts," the re taliation would be a fearful and far- reaching one. . ,. That Brooklyn financier who agreed to pay interest at the rate of 520 per cent a year admits that he had the names of 17,000 depositors on his books when hi put up the shutters. Centuries' corse and go, • but human credulity malntain a steady arerage.=•St. Loris Globe -Demo' Oat. Children Cry or ASTO IAm NAVAL NOTES, ,, Half a million dollars will be spent on the Olympia. While there Is no work ahead for it, it is felt that it has earned a new dress.—Boston Transcript. The ICearsarge has gone into .commis- -Mon four years and one month after the contract was signed, and this was com- paratively quick work.—St. Louis Globe - Democrat. The intention of the navy department to employ the Topeka, the Dixie and the Buffalo In the training service aud• to commission a flotilla of torpedo craft for summer maneuvers Is indicative of a wise change in the theories hitherto gov- erniug this important duty.—New York Herald.' JAPAN'S GOLD. • Japan proposes to operate her new gold mines on the home rule plan, --Ridgewood (N. J.) News, Japan bas discovered gold mines,but no foreigner will be allowed to, work thein. No uitlander business for japan. —Philadelphia Public Ledger. Japan proposes to avoid trouble by pro- hibiting fgreigners from working her gold mines. If she has to fight, it will not be oter an ultlander problem.—Minneapolis Times. -WHAT A TALE IT TELLS If mirror thatof o a wsa wretched r or yours ho y , sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on the akin, it's liver trouble, but Dr. King's New Lite Pills reg- ultstes the liver, purify the bloo'l, give clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only 250 at all drug stores. The slaves who left their masters in the Soudan ate in no case compelled by the inspectors or by the courts to re- turn.4 The extreme penalty, $50 awl costs s' jail,under the by-law thein or six nloli o- y was imposed on the five young men who took part in the .disturbances a,t. the Jewish Synagogue at Ottawa on Sunday, April5th. JUDGED BY THE PAST. Weare willing to be lodged by our past services to the people as druggists. We always devote our best energies to those who oali on tis to have their wants supplied. • Our stook of. Toilet Preparations is ever new a.nd varied, and low prices maintain our perm:nitts. The spring medicine surpassing all others is Paine's Celery Compound. It is the g P reat blood purifier end strengthggiver. it banishes rheumatism neural ia'd s e eta , liver and kidney .troubles. Come to use and buy a bottle and test thevirtues of Maine's Celery Compound. H. B. Combe Druggist, Clinton, Ont THE ROYAL BOX. Emperor William of Germany has ask- ed his reichstag to have his salary In- creased 51,000,000 a year. His present yearly income is $8,401,238. The Grand Duke of Luxemburg will be 83 in July, yet he is as keen and active a sportsman as any • to be found in his little country. He hasa standing army of 325 men. When the Prince of Wales alludes to his mother, his royal highness always uses the words, "My mother, the queen." The Duke of York he invariably refers to as "My son, the Duke of York." • Queen Victoria'has five maids to assist at her toilet—namely, three dressers and two wardrobe women, The senior, who has been many years with her majesty, is especially charged with the task of conveying orders to different tradesmen: The shah -of Persia, on his way to the Paris exposition, will visit The Hague, an event'tcruchicirthe young queen looks forward with no little apprehension, hav- ing heard much of the varied experiences of 'other sovereigns on the occasion of the visits of the late shah. KANSAS CITY. The wife of the Kansas City hetet ratan •will spend the summer in Paris and the Riviera after the Democratic convention is over. Minneapolis Journal. ' People who don't like the terms• unit ac- commodations of the Kansas Ciiyry hotels during' the convention season sun stop at the packing houses.—Milwaukee Sentinel. The main purpose of securing this con- vention is to advertise Kansas City. We must house the crowds . well and feed them well. .And, most important of all, we must not rob them.—Kansas City Journal. Another reason for holding the Demo- cratic national convention in Kansas City was to give the delegates and visitors a ,chance to see the only town in the uni- verse where the people go down stairs to take the ears on an elevated street rail- way,"" MBS. GEO. TRMLL, L Well Don Ltdy of0Thornhill, lin., Got Almost Instant Relief From Heart Trouble by the .Use of Milburn's Heart and Terve Pills, It is simply wonderful the number of western women who are coming forward to tell of the curettes powers of Milburn's Henri and Nerve Pills, This time ii ie Mrs. Geo. TraiIl, a highly respeoted lady of Thornhill, Man., who gives in, the following words the history of bar case: " I obtained' from btr. J. A. Hobbs, drug- gist of Morden, Man., a box of Milburn'. Heart and . Nerve Pills, as I Was very bad with heart trouble -et the time, "I need the one box and got almost instant relief. I then bought another box, but only bad to use a few of the pilin, as I have never been troubled with palpitation since using them, "1 am very thankful that I got the pills', and if this will be of any use to °there leutfering as I did you may publish it in the papers.' AGENTS WAN'TELI. Air "Story of South Africa," by John Clark Mclean, Is L, D., Edward S. Ellie, M. A. J. A: Cooper Managing Editor of the "Canadian Magazines' Toronto, and ,i. H. Aiken, of London, Ont. who has returned thisweek from 12 ental travelling in South Africa for ha. Wye are the only tlanadien 1'ubriehera who bare had a hraneh in South Africa for nineteen yearn, givingus animraenso advent' Oe in roouring lshoographe and material. r authorship, letterpress and engraving l areiauperior,and Ganaaien mitt ngents bet- ter illustrated than In any rival work. So auro are we of $hir'th t we willm&11 free for eomnouTpospetus to anyone reesem- ing a rival »ro,'pectns. Clreulare and terms free. ADDIS World l'nbliahing Gompatty, cinarph. Ontario..' MATRON AND MAID, Lady Estella and Lady Dorothea Hope make a pastime of the management of their Shetland pony farm. Lady henry Somerset said recently that she gained her first impulse toward philanthropic work from reading John .Stuart Mill's works duriug her girlhood: Lady Roberts and Lady Wantage are the only two English peeresses who have the distinction of possessing the. Royal Red Cross for service on the field of bat- tle, Mrs. Timothy L. Woodruff, wife of Neil+ York's lieutenant governor, recently presented to Gallagher of the Albany po- lice force 550 as a reward for finding her diamond pendant. Miss Ethilda B. Meakin, one of the suc- cessful candidates for the degree of 1V1:11. at the Loudon university in 1898, is fill- ing the post of medical. officer to. the Grove hospital, Lower Tooting, England. It hap just been made nubile that the sum of 5Q,000 francs, the interest of -which is to be used by the University of ' Paris for the aid• of poor students, was the gift of the late Baroness von Hirsch. - Miss Hattie Bumgarten of New Mil- . ford, Conn., has a novel plan for reform- ing saloons. The scheme is to have the best citizens frequent the .salonns, not to drink, but to form a sdcial surrounding of a high order. Miss Edith Rhodes, one of the sisters of Cecil Rhodes, has better and larger diamonds, it said,thanmost of theroy- alty. o - alty. These were given to her by • her brotherand taken from the famous Wes Belton mine at Kimberley. • The widowed Duchess of Westminster purposes to follow the turf under the name of "Mr. Norman," She will have many fine race horses from her husband's stud and will race under his colors. The lastfacing woman 0f s0 high a degree was the dowager Duchess of 'Montrose. Mrs, Carrie Chapman Catt has an- nounced ecthat it is uonne 7 he • firm conviction i i m on ' that before the end of the twentieth cen- tury the United States will. edify the world by electing a woman as president. Lady Louisa "Mitdelina' Tighe died on March 2. She was a daughter of the Duke of Richmond and was born in 1803. She danced at the famous ball at Brus- sels the night before the' battle of Water- loo, and girded on the 'Duke of Welling- • ton's sword when he started for the field of battle. • When Mrs. Joubert was in Amsterdam a few years ago, a friend took great pleasure in' showing her 'the fine .collec- tion of pewter' in the big- Rijks museum., Her only comment •was, "Good to make ,, oughtbe a judge, for She bullets of. to g a , in the early wars with the natives she often 'was one of the women who made .bullets for the use of the =Boer army. Men do not like to go to doctors. Nine times out of ten they wait until they are laid flat on their backs before they will consulta'pbysician. There is some reason in this, for when a business man feels out of sorts and goes to a physician, he is often given violent drugs that make him, for a time, unfit for business and really sick. There is a way of avoiding both extremes --that of neglecting the health and that of taking violent drugs that rack the entire system—it is always to keep on hand a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical .Dis- covery. If.a man will resort to this great medicine whenever he feels that he is out of sorts and threatened with illness, he may keep in good health. It is the great appetite sharpener,blood-m n akar and flesh. builder. It fills the arteries with the c, red, tissue -building blood of health. It does not make flabby fat like cod liver oil, but the solid, muscular and nerve tissues of health. It does not make corpulent pea.'" Pe corpulent. 1 more co ulent. "I want to intorm you. ore cure effected by Dr. Pierce's medicines,'swptes Mrs. Nelson Smith of Mount Vernon, Jeftbrson Co„ ale. "About Six 'years•ago- ha nding•with•bronchitis and consumption. In the spring of 1896 my con- dition became very serious. I had consumption and I toughed day and night; could not lie down at all. Our family doctor said I could not get well. The neighbors came in to see me die, and a lady friend recommended Dr. Pierce's medi- cines do stronglyr•that we immediately sent out and bought six bottles of his ' Golden Medical Discovery' and *Favorite Prescription: After using these medicines, found • I was receiving benefit and continued. I weighed rse when I commenced taking medicines, now vreigh 170. I sleep well, have a splendid appetite, feel well, and believe I am entirely cured. I am thankful to God and to Dr. Pierce for .those wonderful nredicWee. i want to add that I am awounder to my neighbors anrt friefids.'' Chinese opposition to the open door policy is growing and endangering for- eign capital and the lives of foreigners. D. L. MACPHERSON INSURANCE. Fire, Life, - Accident, . Plate:Glass., Online, - - Mecsu.r Blocs, Crimson JACOB TAYLOR . Clinton. " Ont. general District Agent for the Confederation Life Insurance Co tor Stratford and Godericb, inclusive. All in ormation relating to insurance gladly given Money to loan at reasonable rates. omce In Palace Block JOHN W. YRO HOLMESVILLEI, Agent tor lie llfiategssrint Final "AestrnANMI Co. of Manchester, England, whose funds and seourityare rated at 114,600,000. Aldo the MO- KILLOP MUT:rAL INsnDANCE Co, All classes of farm risks and town property taken& lowest rates. 1+irat-ol&ss Loan Conspatiies also represented. Money to be had from 4i per CNA. up, according to nature of security— Daily mail to Holmeeville -•- postal card will fetch allyl. I�odou & lank Life htabliahed lit Canada, 1063. Invested 13''unds, - ill8,u32,238 LIBERAL STRONG — P1tOG11,'ESSIVBf All the popular forms of ln,turanee issued. Policies unconditionel,w•orld wide and uonfor- feitable, Money leaned. Poltoiee purahated. Aai7coMANX*t pd lley Iloiderd., 687: li'ul1 information furntehed:bt no HALE, CHAS Agent, Clinton. June2 -tori' Characteristics 1 r "is"It 'IL 1 -1+J p Slater Shoe Catalogue Send your sante and address on a postal, or call and get the new 44 ie catalogue "Characteristics." Gives the latest shapes and styles in " Slater Sloes," illustrates them in all their varieties, tells of the,leathers in .their make- up, full of wholesome advice on shoes and feet. By its means you can order shoes by mail and get the exact sive, width, shape, color and leather you want, Slater Shoes " are made in 52 sha"pes, 6 widths, sizes and half sizes, .reliable leathers and fabhionable colors. , Every pair Goodyear :welted, bearing the trade mark, name and prige of makers stamped on the sole in a slate frame, Jackson Bros„ Sole Agents for Clinton, Fol' torpid, Liver, A Poor- Digestion, Flatulence, a ulence, Constipation, Biliousness and Sick Head -Ache. RISTOL'S PILLS J 1 1 They are -Safe, Mild, Quick -acting, yl_ Painless do not weaken, And -always give, satisfaction. , They are the most reliable Household 'Medicine known, and. can be taken at any season by -Adults or Children.' ALL THE LEADING DRUGGISTS SELL BDISTD S PIL LSI t� SERIPEHRitls • 0 Buggies IWwgons . First•class from $65 0r$80. i $46- + FREDR,UIVIBALL, Do You Deal With ' Us If Not Why " Not t y We are hereto supply your wants to a pertain extent. We carry in stook a great variety of geode and sell them on a very close margin of profit. We give 16 oz to the pound and 36 inches to the yard and do not takeimore, We have a supply of field seeds, viz.—Timothy, Red, Aleike and Lucerne Clover, Orchard Grass; Flax, Rape, Millett, 6 Rowed Russian Barley, Banner and New Zealand Oats. White Beans and no end of garden seeds. We have Spades, Shovels,, Forks, etc., Wire both plain and barbed, Wade, Glass, etc. Vii. • _ We are making a special sale of ready made Clothing and Tweeds, veryl cheap. We have Wall Paper, Brushes, Brooms, Soap, Carpets, etc, for springs edt si,., Q sEJ , Our Millinery always pleases the eye and is not hard on thepurse.l " 1 Our terms arecash or produce for which we always pay the higheatrpriees. Consult your own interests and youawill giye us a fair trial. Em poria m Lo esboro P la_ nd . R 1M S April 17th, 1899 Clinton Sash,DonriBlind'Faotory S. S. COOPER • - PROPRIETOR, General Builder and Contractor. • This factory is the largest in the county, andhas the very latest improved ma-• ohinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive . and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimates forand build all olase es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prides' All work is aupervis • ed in a meohanioal way and • satiefaotion guaranteed. We mill all kinds of in- terior and exterior material. Lumber Lath, Shingles ° Lime, iSash, Doors, Blinds, Ete Agent for the Celebrated al,i•RAYIRILL SCHOOL DESK, manufacture& at Waterloo. Call and get prioes and: estimates before planing your orders' -'-oa/'— / •--,L-`^�= '`-f-,'/' .rte . Tam a farther located near ,tan'• 131-001t, cl;. of the most tnaiarlotw dhdricts in this State, and was bother 'd with maid: is for years, at timet. ao l could hot work, and Was 01wa;', vc'"v consiip•tted as Well. t''''%r e 1 had malaria so had 1n t'.: 5, , in , ,,-..:1'n r! p ed in plowing, r� f „ r„�.b azl'ei`•°. Intuit I could do nothing but .,.., til+,., ...., taken about a of pills beside,, �. dozer; r.ti c:” er remedies but never oboained• any permanent benefit. L .."..::, 1'1 ,e.,,•!� t:rtt'y, i h:ad a mnost serious. • attack of chills and then commie':^t•d to 1.':' Y'�:p;.ns Tabules,upon it, P �k1and's advice, and the first..: ox m "e i ,i a:1 r=kilt and l have never ,,,.. ,.' le, .r morning n night �1 ,. ,',u :, t.. gni .arid 6eett without them since. . t.. c_ os � f , ib t,.t. 1 o n . -.t it: >*,:d 1 a threein• old sometimes when 1 t�-1 1r.W.,, .hs.. I:.:u,..:,' c:..... take as day. They have kept illy st.ii:l;lcb eti'°ot, try bowels regular and I have not had the least touch of in u 1 . nor sp!ltting •headache since" that using them. 1 1:n,.'..' othat t siosi better and wake up•• • more refreshed than i'orrne:r y.1 iter, t .':arsW tso'.',' inany complaints Ripans Tabules will help, but t do I they will cure any one in the xondition'I was and 1 would not t,4• t•.':•t'sot;t thern at- any prlcd I honestly consider them the cheapest- , is R.•:':,,i;le iri the world, ant• the sure: also the most beneficial ii,� i tu:4; rno::t chiwenient to tak _ lain en years f.1 'e' and :a.1vo "v;-.:iketi :tan,' alllife __ee��' ♦+tirent�ty�sev o my, this, tame as most farmers, both c.irly and Lit. a. "f ,"1 .........aa of wdl t'i and 1 have never enjoyed such good i"•� t�t;'t lis; 1 h:at'+ Sit1Cf last fall; bt fact, ray net hbors have all rern.til8:.: isi'J I,il,trt�vc.t1 ivilti�tl0n And h#rrs x d 44 ohn what areyou doing 't; look so healthy?" ) sasald, Say, �P , n: l ' eL �tr*Aaastp•Ndbleaeas,btn:wl:aet11xh•Vi t"'".t1u . tipt'd•,a,•, Y. .tanUaM a or fn+krtd t"irtri,r„, rnr"�.•;..a.endrtstu:elen cm l«AeA ew11LyA►,0c ".,,,, ;Ware*. lo': IC1ato lar tl.+ed t0 tklVaa M/ r.