HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-04, Page 6ROBERTS' ADVANCE NOW BEOINNIN6. His Front• to be Swept by Mounted Troops. fflAVY FIGUTING NOW' GOING .ON •• Bobo; Witb Strong •Force Opposing Gen. Hamilton. 'CANADIANg IN THE THICK OF IT, British Troops Have Been Fighting ,Since Friday Last-- Boers Putting tip a. • Great Ferhe-elritieh Sometimes On the Defensivee--Maieeing•All Right on the aOtit of Aprit..Leaaeltef Promised by 18th of May -Boers • . . • Massacre Native Women Who Tey to Escape From Mafelcing-aeroes • , . of SaneePost Whe are to Get • victoom Cross. " • " • . - e- • " • - ••• • " Londdne soutF 1*---7-rhe IV" °Inge biak 'ad:411431El, and tbiesi moved west three reeeired the fellowing despe,teh ' from roliss;-)where it met a. largo Boer coat- -• 6-eiteral Ro'bertc Mando,.,tWith nasim glans and, pom- "Bleetnioatcla;',14aY 1."-Glon:ril Tart 'Pam% which Shale& the BritLh s , ly, Oen. Dickson and. bis staff getting RaMtitrinly;teftrolietl. 1€6ter1aY in a: 4 VOO:c1, Stare,- of attention from the Aertlierly 'direction fromNelan 'Beers. •'With :a body of not:mated Infantry and: The ele.ers tutelar' been tilliawn west, ,1ntt„kporr1etes brliado ,of aliments, tire Peventh Infantry dtivicion, under Gen. Pole -Carew, :a,dIvaneedi; but their - ; • ins attving ta,kten the wrong: read, 4f4t gautaely he found -himself oTh tire aseanit cauttb net oemmerfce be- po.e-1 • atreng :force commanded fere 14.0. The cavalry aviation' Wtifi' by General Botha In perSea. ' recalled to :assist in Crease:Etat, and •.• "RehefOrOcalOnto 'reached t1113 fdmile at 0.15 the infantry had tuken-l'aarde dari.ng the day, anti I tilrected French .kraai. t.o.stasseugthen shim during the,night n Slondlay, April 23, Gen'. French , from -Thabs, Nein". This: he was able assnenied command) of the fierd force, to. o, as the number of Boera" lat-the „veneisting lof the division under Gen. ..ijelghbotheeil of Thalea, Nelru: had palato-Cure'w, and the cavalry ; .esirsielterablY deereased. , under 4C11m: Dickson. Oedema Were la- • addition to these trop li tm'l suieds,to march to reinforce Gen. Run- '3Ckis sheuld be reintereed during the die et .Da Wetsdorp, The British day ...by. Broadvvoed% Cavalry and marched to TweR4dpur-lc,'Whe're the °rut -' -Ornee*Earailtela's -infantry-brigade. pots ecoobanged) shate,.. with, the en- "1-1..aptilton Mentioned' that IPS cas- en'y .luteing pomplents.t • :snellties yesterday .Wiere'abcait thirtY• tia-Ttiesaay the British marched: -to ••;"Iltfaxwell's. brigade of the :.seventh* 3ushrea1uefontela, as strong :position Atvlstoa.yesterday oxxup1d Vlakeient. Totee,t:ng ..tite: Modeler- River, where Ars and Schanskraal. a row.of koplee.1 tbout thootand Beers h ?LI the Place without 'netting with opPositioa. But ar:tit ono Rrupp guu 'and Seine p0m- t11te mounted •Infantry Were: enplged oht*..., Gen. Prone:" ordere3 tha thirds, for Fome 11011r$V7 • • , ' 4,valry lasigade, under Gen, .Gordori, the forward, ridge, which Yet t Ote. • . e • • ‘• e- •...eLondoe, MAY- -0Peraelons • (era; rcal zing this, endeavored 'to , Which have ' been .proceeding cater At :the saute. time' reinfora."- zoilduy the.iieighbOrhood of Thab4 WZ-re ,111irryin4r up from both No:hp seem likely to develop in Tie Ncv:h5le, cavalry diviSion.was • ifertance,:but'Aoe little is known tOn- engaged until 10.45,..when the Boers arising theni to : enable a very dens :sv:..eo :erlven back.: The total l British • atatentent regarding : the situation: :ts-).-1- was 45101(31 and wounded. Boor Whether the Boer force at YfaUtneY, •r'sottors state that tire eaemy suf. Mentioned in Gen. Roberts' despatch; "'tared' heavIlSi• Is rear guard covaing the passage T:tat night Be Wetsilorp and,' the of :the' convoys northward, or a more *.'ellew:nr, Interning, Wepenter were important force, It. is Clearly aeon.: evaeantod by the ,.Thaers. move• . adorable strengths, and apparently: • t. se. -at; to: have cleared the toun- . THE ,DELEGATES. •• v••••••- ••••• SUPPLEMENT TO THE CLINTON NEW ERA. new 0:1 the pert of the autito Attest at Ottawa. In making arrengentente regartang their return to eithca Af- t -lea or Canada. /eight or Get Got. lea patch rerraliftiZALIZI;Tgrundere to- aye Mee.' 43.ya Aria SOM) ary oX Stl,t0 IkAtas of the South African publ&e. declared to a recent ebetor at Pretorie tamt not only wbuld every Englesinuen bo cleared out of the State. bat alaa every American, Ger- nuet or any man of other nationality who was not prepared to ehouleer a .leauster and fight for the coantrY. • 11.18h at tee Cape. Cape Town, May 1. -At a leg meet - Ina heel here to.nighe an Irish. as110-• eletlon was formed. • nose present 1311,:x7rfa Lapfleti;ra;4tactlift:e4(11utri the voice of the Irishmen In 'North Aire= was for "Queen and country." 17. . .AWards ter Bravery..., • Bloemfontein, May 1.-A general, or- der haa been pulalehea tewarding the Victoria, Cross to .nn officer, a nen- 0°mm:satins:I officer asel a gunner of Battery A,, of the Royal Horse Ar- t ller for gallantry etsplayed during tee .r. cant fghliale, lii.tur.o."a. post. • Tito names of the recipients of the Victoria Close are • suppoeed to be Ma:or Itornby, Sarga Parker and Gunner Lodge. London, May .2. -It le difficult to unravel the tangled frtories coming from the eteighborimed of Thaban- elm, but apparently the 14ritisit forces are engaged in a movement. Ataviog for- its oblerat thelvenuning in of the Beers still in that district; Whiie Genterais French and Rundle are litad- trig the Boers at Thabanchu, General Broadwood'a cavalry has been push. ea Houtnek (not Houtney) in ties hope of intereepting the Federal con. voys between Ladybread ands Win - burg. As _Gen. Botha, has -been rein, forced, there is every proapeet sharp fighting. The new•eeene of OP. Matte:is and the general Movements of t•he various eolumns are taken. to eidloatte that tierce Reberts le cielaloY- tag ble army preparatory. to begin- ning . his northern march, now sec1110 likely that it IS tli3 comniander• tothiere intrptlen to advanee slrnul- to Rimberl*.y, BleenVon- teln and y,,adysmith, with the' view of preeenting the Boers trim condein- ..trating their Tomes at any given point; • S -417,;(1.W • May Soon the ate despatch from 13:o.ne ontEin dated yeetergay, ohrooklea the. prevailing opin'on among: the townspz.OP.:0 there that the War Is not likely to last 'more than, !let weeks after' the larit- ish advance shall begin: el Ye ' • woe. tie lt,y- of the posidoa, The • , . • -- • • . • Expelling the. British. -is. despatch from rrctoria gives tho text of 1 rcalent Kruger'., proclama- tion expelling .Britisli suhicets from the Transvaal. It sal -4 .....At auniCr- pus' burghers insist op lite rantoval oi - k .1.4•••• -•en, army, he" Ailment* that 86,000 men EFFEa •nF OLEMATE are under arms today, and Hoye:• "But it newt be taken into account • . 'that every Boer is an army unto ' himself, and that every ono bi loeunted on a fleet horse. whieb can ratainhitreee It Aou the tgarbeereit Ir no ,eletrecsvivee 'coupe smelt to epreveet' nil the Boor from dashitre up. delivering • ft blow and esealeing la time to pre- ' •:;.aeniviea.getheci . einaemm,y; from doing much ' RIAU PALMATION, A ikk) :1,,, 4,_,' ,,Aft „,. -,,.. r 1.•rta , . k Als'ull's---- I; •).--- . .-„tr.,--...:.-.)..........v..., ' !-•-ritrt,Lt.s.t,%k . is ' i, ......,...., 1.% t ... ••••,...,.-:•-_, :-....,.........n.s., 111... ---- 1,--...... ---••••• •.; , •7•••••• • A. D. W WOLMARANS. These Itepre3entatives of the Attlee couragement tn Eulopc, and Ara holds poiltione that are exactly suited -to the Boar methods of -lighting. These positions are among preelletotts moue- _ • tainse which • are descrIbed as being °VOA rougher than those in the Coles. berg distrIce, • , • Tee Boers have .posted several from which they •Are pouring shell ' leta the British centre Tile damage ()Meted hitherto,. however, •seerne to have been coMparatively small, and ' the British guns are everted to have already driven them out Of emus of their. pOsitions, ' • A day or two. will probably elapse •• ..before anything very clefinits le learn- ed 'about this. engagamerra.• arid the epertitions itt Vlakfontele and Seharee Kraal. Gen. Roberta' 'troops ere about -six miles east of Karree •sittlIng, ate movement of the troops • to,that pleas Is .alternatively construed here as -Part of the deployinent of ' the Army preparatory to a • general salver -tea or . ' the *ginning of operations canting at •.the turret* of. Ge.n.• ilotha's present wittier). • .Opinion in ,eorne quartets clings to • tee hope that thetrieleti will even Yet be ,able to tot. off the Deere who are retreating !rent Wepener- and Dewete- dorpe . ;11 • , -.Definite Forward Move., rrbe Times' correspondent at Bloent- fonteitteeeferring to the fighting at Thaler lecke gape, that the whole fiOnt from the rallenly ettetwatel is to be eveeet by Mounted troops prepara- tory to .11. etifintteforward mov.e, for which the (*roe may now bo termed orgeeizete • The Ham etirrespondentaays that e German engineer, who was In charge Of the Waterworks, was captUred and . taken to reroonstatl. ilewas eubse- one's* releneed. 11r sant when ee wai Wt Xereenteral there Were 'Only a feW Boars.there, bat litany .fficelatnies nnl tuttivee Were heavily entreneleng the potation, Tho Deers had moved to PfaildfOrdr, Where they °elle:tett to be atteeked. The engineer Betel tile hitrSher0 Are confident that they eat" prolong the struggle nritil the British are abeteutele. Weary of the contest. Matt of the Doom retreating frOne Wepalet" and Dewetsdorp ate goieg • to 'Whibilege ete the large British force .at Thaba lechn fenders a retreat to jeggindford risky. Rewires aro 'current frat Drepaforti may be natunionee WItitalte a Ogren: r. • ▪ WeeIt's Vighthur. ItieettiTontelit, April 30, 11,30 Lino*. trolloNviligls A Multamdry of the. work dant lby the rfritish cavalry divielon Niue April The Fourth Cavalry Brigade ret.'611"- •ledflordere ell that cley to demenstrate teiverd:e letter& kraal end 1464W kip, • with *It& tebjett o trAtv:rq tih6 Doex westraere Ito •elleele the. atfanitev to oast ItesetW keg The horse. artiVery Pestde 1001. At 3.15 it deer- mt. ADAM FISCHER. Republics Have Failed To Get En - Now Coming To Visit Washington. try smith of Bloemfontein; • - Gen. Hamilton. seized Thaba Nehu On April 27th. Oa his march eastward e enct w:th light opposition at the v.tterwo-ke. wh:eh he captured. At /steel's poort he found a eery ttoag fo C3 in merlon an 1 at:ticket 'Aleut wth great auceeSEI. The Cana-. .1.an trOope ware engaged. • There 1 • wero about 20 casualties. The Beare tapeared to have left their contra to :ofen• 1 the flank of their position, but he Ittetieli it, and the burghers were soon driven out. Hunted Prom Hill to Hilt. • London, May. 2. -Winston Church- ill, telegraphing to the Morning Post from, Thaba lechu, Saturday, April 28th, and describing the °per+ atione there, sees; • "Yesterday art:moon, upon the withdrawal of th British demonstra- tions on both flanks of the enemy, the Boers pressed to. clews quarters, and leitehenetess Horse were unable to evacuate their poeltIon until nese ntglit The suspense caused • great atedety. , "To.dare operations Were intend. ed to drive out or to Intercept the Dome They occupied a wide horse- thoe of mountains, with Convex face towards tut Gen. Hamilton succeed- ed in Crushing the Boers on the right and opening a road for Gen. 1)lek- son's cavalry brigade, whieh dashed through and huntel the enemy from ridge to ridge, shelling them with home artillery. "At last We arrived at 11e rear horisealea, and the Beers, in pertleis of 200, could be semi within the en- cloeed space running about like rate 111 it trap. Dlekeen hoped to matron, bag, and he eignalled to Hamilton regarding the eituation. Hamilton g 01) every gol jklier he could 'find. "Suddenly, about half -past 4, the Boer army, nearly 4,000 strong, moved about the horse-shoe, and be. gan marching nerthearst. 1 had weer betore meet ouch an array of Boom , • "Their order woe so regular that, • at firat it wee believed they were (len. Gordonet cavalry brigade. Out • they quiekly opened with artillery. "At the same time, the Boers wit° _eaeaped earlier in the day from - our brutglnee trap returned in forte on Dieksonts telt and rear with two gums. In thee° eircemstancee, Dickson. re. !solved to retire, and ite oily just %frith. drew In tlineet 141014161.11. •• Canadians at getley.- . Leitemr. May 1., --The Canadians In. •.vallito,I borne front i':'outit Airiest, and now itt Netley Demitat, 4r.1 all well • with the ereepiloa of rim. F. R. • of tit i Qtt. tin'. Own ItItee,• Toronto. MR)ia eonfinei to 1114 bb4 with en. (tele fever. Al eentplate o tate trial. A Quebec) • Lady Maud From Mat Suffering, $he Owl Tried etany Medicines Witli- out Avail, Ilut leittmately round te Cure Through the Use of Dr. Wfl- ilarne' Fielr , Few boallyaftliations are more Or. rible than- disease of •the •hetet. To live constant dread and 'expecte, tion of death. sudden And with last farevvells unspoken, Is for most, pee pie more awful to, contemPlate than the moat serious lIngerieg iliness. The slightest excitement brings sufferke and danger. to such people. . For several years Mrs. Gravel, wife of P. IL A. Gravel. foreinan In Barry's cigar rectory, St. John's suburb, QUe- bee, was such a sufferer, but thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills she la again In the enjoyment of good healte. firs. Gravel sayer' - "My general health win' bed for :several yeara, my aPPetitte was poor and I was easily tired, but it war" the frequent sharp pains and violent palpitation of my bettre which caused me the greatest alarm. I tried man.v -infidicitIeS, and was treated by sever- al doetora, but in vain. Finally I bo. came so poorly that was net able ' to 04 anY household work, and Vas, . frequently confined. to bed. At the stiggestion of one of mY friends f• eeekled xo try Dr. WillieMs• Pink eels. After. taking a few: boxes began to gain oe* atrengtli and vigor. The ' my heart wore less frequent and less severe,. aead in ever way _ health waa Impreviag. I ion tuned using the Nile until • heemairtaen eight boxes, wbee,-1"-hed completely - recovered my:health.' I. have gained .in flesh; My appetite isegoorl, and • I ! am able to clo alt my household work without 'feeling the awful fatigue r haankful to Dr. Williema' Pink Pills, s. or they have'truly released me from remelt suffering, and I hope that others may be induced to try this wonderful medicine:* • D I before aubjeat to.X am very -bite and as the' Govermeente isdestrethe of toMplying with the.- wahes of the burghers .and others f/tNotable to the wePutl c 'ail British-. - 0/_!.1. Lteghiltig in the, diatt:lit and •-tOwtt _ of 1 retorts, 'arid tlie 11r tvrotersrffinxii gol I flails -mos t•Iettve theestv It thirty-six :hours from •neon, .Aprils • f!0"4 -h., Exceetion will be made in. tit* : cape of thoae obtaining specials per - mite," . • '7 'Oen. Iltintittoti's Losses. • • Lora Roberts forwards a yet .of the, • 'ziarmalties of Gu. Otn, Hamilton's ferce, April 80th, as followe :Jellied • •eelelotowere earker and . ane private.i' Wounded -four • off ieerS .five .mert; Mitt.sirtgtwa officers and tea men.. • • • s •- ' Prom: big A,•tIespatch front Marking, deacrib- _ Ing the Boers' attack of April 11th: Says: "Timboxilbardment of the Crcusotes Was the hottest of: the leg. meet* 'elzells entered tits. lios- • fatal n'ed wtemeres leag r. Under over, - of the "artillerY a .largo force Leone mrtrtied by troxija (the younger), in - eluding tbo: German. .force, arte-meed close ,to. Fort AbilItne.* -• • • • c.iNApte.xs. iN tr. • . _ 13oers Were Driven Freon tho Hilts al' • • Houtnek.... 111 aban ha, May $.-20 Ilam- 11ton's divilea was eagagal ye ter- day,and to -day I.n forkiag p...s age northward. it IfoutilOk the Boer front he'd a Ike of hil.$ conimInding the aides of' the 'nek. The Canadians and Gardens Attacked the Mit to lett, And tile ShrOpahl.rea and 'Mar- sh ming 1iosr cupported by a battery, also made an attack on the enemy, who eventually fled, leaving many wour.ded, and the passage Was clot red. Boere on the meuntein are now she ling the outlying camp, mscusiel; -toting removal to a serer New!. ' The Boers have three game on the He to tee enabwarti of thi3 place, out. side the rig e of the Briti,b arti,icry. The Beer shelling is Pot doingany damage. The enemy rtsain their pc. altio:31,, and the netub. are Pot at tempting te, dislodge them. (an. Hamilton., by ,reaelang Bout. nek After a full day's fighting, se- cured the Thabamoliu.Bloalnfontoin "Tat garrison tale tow until the Boer force watt at elose range, when they fired a volley, killing five, wounding many, and the attack was repulsedTiie bombardment thmt comsat The Deere, under a Hod Cross flag. were permitted later to recover their dead. THIS IS SAO. Reitz and Kruger Will Quit South Africa if British Win. (New Mark, attay 2. -Writing from Pretoria ander d'ate ei7 March 23rd, the tWorldfte specials correspondent, Reward O. IllIlegast says Shut hula dream Of the majority of Boers ane cattirig ebritit for a suitable coumay - tor which they can go if they find) 11. (lseirable. State 8ecretary Reitz said: "le ;the English take, these republics and Dales, the triton Jeek over therm I will take my family to America." %tarty et the older Deere will trek to Gernenn West Atrka the thous - arida will emigrate, to( other coun- tries; 1: - The, friend& ef President Krieger say that it the Trantwaai lams her Mee- - peneence hei will spend the last years of this life in Midland, or Germany. • r WilI amsss Pink PilI s ate bY lr,g -to:the root ofr the disease. They tenew and build up the blood, and stresigtben' the nerves, . thus driving disease from the system. Avoid inn -s- tations- by insisting :that. every . box Yon Purchase is :enclesed• In a wrap- per bearing the full trade Mork, Dr. Williams' pink Pets .for Pak People. I1. your dealer -does not keep them . they will be: sent postpeal at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2,50, by ad- dressing the Dr. Williatas' Medicine Company, Brockville, •Ont. • • "- . • ••••• • Boaro: Was •'.4- Torontouton. • The man whew:, emiy. was found a few daysago in a decomposed state , in Buffalo Creak, lieffela has been identified as Charles Bearer, of To - tont...). He was a resident Of thee.•aety,,, forkeoeveleilayeark. The enTee perma- nentemployment he•le known to have. had was the position:of norter at the Clarendon hIotel, King • street west; Toronto. He had eo 'relatives In the atty. . • . e•- • • • ' A 'Chatham man says*: "1 treated for four years with physicians for pities :in my' babe and stomaeh trete •ble 'without .reIief MIllera Compound The Great Lakes' Influence on Weather Conditions in Southern Ontario, Variable Nature of Climate in Lake Region the Cause of KidneyDisease -Mrs. It. Fitzsteamone,er Nelson, lielton Co., (awed by Doddee , Kidney Pills. ' (Elurlingten, Aprit ea. -The County tarigrallite91)1,0:tt 110,21° iberstd fluiLtfaukte f Pet% for Dedd's Kidney Plats to the Up- per Provenee. It hate ite share of Kid- ney Memo like every other district in the north ltaf of this, continents ere vintage, town, �r cite lo the north- ern zones ilea ever camped. Climate efezietis;eiebrieanogra, leleatreseearoafe,leldtberairey Dais -re vetrloun causee. • In Qatari& . letchte•y Disease in Ito Maine forme Is the most econatoo al- iment, AEA •the oemmones5 cause, of lainey Disease its this Province is the variable nature of the elielAte‘ Thesil two facts, •peabably Eatolaira the ease of Mee. R. ruzstionurms, of this place, Helton County .1yeeng under the try- ing weather oonettione governeil by the .Great • Lakes, Mrs. Fitezsinem.one tale of bar °name:ace with Redd's) Mewl Pelee • • • Some time .eec. $ got a very bad Um" I •was /Madly able to walk,tnd peen In my sista. It was, thee baat 110thling that/ took seemed to 0. me any geed, Ael It seamed to be frothing wort& I •thought I would tirY Your 0,04 •before 3 bee used Me box Ti began to feel betelar. Ry this Cam 11 had Used two beams the pain, all left ms, and teat bottler sthatri x have few ovate a your. ' tell all lay f riende i>rt1316g" me D."4-$14'61 WlIng37 11118 luisi e dohefor Not' All Tette ' "flan you tell mWe Ito A /tattles was?" steked the old natal of the proprietor • of the book,stexs. • "01t course I can," was the rePlY.. "110 vats the citam,pion. lea,r of the World at one time. Del anyone ,cail you Ananiats '0' - "Yes, sir. Tee, called MO Ananias; - and dpramy buttons if I didn't, t.hink he was giving Me a ,bushel of praise. Next man, calla me AnAniae won't know what how* fell on blin."-Wash- ington Poet. • Howes This? - We offer -One Hundred Dollars Reward for - any case of Catarrh" that cannot be oared by Ball's Catarrh Cure. • • , F. &CHENEY & CO., Prom, Toledo, O. - We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in: all business trans- - actions and linat_cially able to carry out any obligationsmade 1W -their ' - Wgsr&Tauar,Wholesale ruirgista,_Voledo,0, WAisortro, XixIgaw & Manvor, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. , , • hall e Catarrn. cure 1. taken internally, act Ing wreetly upon tho blood and mucous/au.- - of the system. Price 75o per bottle. Sold - by all DruggMts. Testimoniafr ls ee. • , Ronny Pills are the best. Iron Pilis cured me." • . To Soften fiends Quickly. • First wash them' -thoroughly in tepid water till every vestige of dirt" Is re, Then before drying them glycer allied in equal proportions. Then dry thoroughly with. a soft towel, and pawder with almond or oatmeal. liebeard's Liniment for. sale every- . Vivian Clerlso Drowned. ' New Haven, Conn., April W. Carcloniale, a Foottialt dancer, and Via Ian Clarice, one of the "Cleric° iters," musical sketch artists, were drowned ey the upsetting of a canoe on Lake Weithey yesterday morning': Ethel Cleriso, who was alto in the cam*, was, saved by a Yale student vvho was revving in the vicinity. Almost H ninon. (47::e 1 n tearfully e,xcialtned his wife, meeting hint at the door. "That parrot you brought bome, the day 1" What's the matter with him ?" asked Mr.. Ferguson. I don't .know. Re won't tell me. When J ask him what the treable is ' be •just swears dreadfully :" To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Broom Quinine Tabieti. All druggists rtit'und tb.e money if it falls to mire. 26o. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. , • He Spoke • ,d.dvlsedly. Ingo wayred eaway In - the ammunition Returned irlglettee-4.1id• Pet-X.Waft wagon , Listener -Don't you mean the am- bulance ,wagon. . • tetuened Fightee-Nce sir; I was so full of bullets thee pat me in the ammunition wagon. voog for Missloparies. • The _Oxydonor, patented by Dr. Sauche, formerly of Montreal, appears to be a most serviceable Instrument, especially for those living in outlying districts. amain g the blood to absorb oxygen froM the alt it burns disease out of the system en- tirely and cures -without medicine or pain. 'eiZg"'la41 maces use of nature &roatittieitiiinoiremtrkahl: tharid hivesuotgreabsuccese iaanlassot4gase and bo so geitoralty uscd in f.mlllcs. Evon Physiciansaro beginning to rely more on .oxygen than ever before It Is to disease What liquid air is to power. • Gets His Dieners Anyhow. First Veteran Actor -Well, how • goes it? Good er1gagenrsnt 1 suppoee -good pay? • Second Veteran Actor -Well, old friends you know bow these things , are. Salary, properio speallIng, • don't get, but I eat the whole of an enormous beefsteak in tee second act. • • • Mittiard'S Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Contrary Evidence. ,• "flowerer we may disagree, the • ntayeaty of us Americana are genii. ,lnely patriotic," • "Oh, T• don't lolow. I notice eita,t most of "ust turn to the South! African war reeve before we think of ,the Philippines."--learperei Bazar, , A/Meets Grip Powders cure., • • ,re gentreal Attrhor Board has dad cabled to aceept tate plans of the Con. nem syndicote for imptereing the bar - bee on the ground thtett they do not comply with the agreetnenla • A dose 'of Miller's Worm „Powders occasionally will keep the ebildren healthy. • • Play -two Years Without it Dank. ,Some animate can live many years • Without water. A. paroquet lived 52 Years in the London zoo without tak, nig a drop of water. A number of reptiles live and prosper where there la no water, Miller's Worm Povolors Cure !Geer - In children. • 'She Was Aecepted. •• "You are featly anxiouts to -go to Smith Africa, to nurse the leek and Wounded? But, nie dear young lady, have you any experience Itt. nurslog, the ale% and wounded 2" ' "Rather I Pour of me brother:splay football, and My father took uP CYO - ling -at 76 1"-Caesell'e,• • litinardes Liniment Cureg Burns,. ete. .66.0. a • swatfl • Beers 36,000 Strong. New erotic, May 2.-eitoware IIII:egas, writing to the Worle from; Poetesaj, save: ,'In the Doer army it is cus- tomary *5 grant -a burgher a fort- night's leave of absenuv after he has been in laager two or three months. A low tethivate pieces the number of 211A1 'off comilon,ln,' as it is caned, at about tour thousaipil at OM Tlica there are the • Ribiserenelline Boers, those who retriain bebind in (temp, nail Will not go into it light unless they feet in the mood for tio. Ing no. lk'forn tht reserne nt. Riniber' ley, LAO/meth and leta,rdeberg it Was 111111tti to find at leest one-third of the 113011 belonging ti thlo eloAN lua *Inca then the per eentage han been matzoh lase." Befermiag VS Wu deg of tbi) BOP Commerebti Mau Melt at Tieg. Xingitton; Ont., April !lb. -At Gan. anoque last night William Gardantor„ eentmercial traveller of Napfutec, fell from a train andhad one leg SoVered and Wa0 otherwise badly' injured. Its •was taken to the Kingston General lioepttal. rt is thought he will ro. cOireft. 11101...•••4 ERVILINE ere linrivallad aa a, Household Remedy V.,••••.••••••••+.0 ilda111011011011Y 4111,01g0114 AbablittelIPSure• to Pregent and Quickly • ' Relieve and ours COWS, HrOsi ch AIN Neuralgia, Coughef Tonsilitis, Sciatica, Croup, Quiney, Lumbago, SOW Neck, Swelling, • Tootharthe. Marmots, Diphtheria I Rheumatism, ileadaehe, Sold by all Dealers In Medicine. Nathanielen'terly, blacksMith, tenploymi by IN. dewier at Prts. eott, while rnfog 1 at hiss Work drop. ped denti battle h anvil. Miller's; Warns leelvekort are the • host laxative • loins for thildren lie Moe as saga trauma DRAWING ROOM.. -- Roles end, Resulationo Necessar y to let Observed. Numeroue queettone are often eelcal . When a re SC -room la to be heA u I n 88 by women ailXitata to attend a royal • dra.wIng-roem ea • to the rules and regula.tione necemary to be oleserved drewIng. W041,4n, 120.1 seeing taut latimatIonld of the stet% toboutd at once write to •a ing hint of her Intention to be pre- sent, ancl if reue is going to Make A the lord chamberlain u. note, InBsterne vm pti 0 ISSUE NO N. 1900. 41.0011141111M4 preeentatien oho ahould alt tee same Unto !Marra him of the feet, and the name( of the wows."' IMO is to pre- sent. t ". 1t No unmarrled.woman, whatever Iter ago or rank may be, eon make a pre. fsentationtMile is a PrIvilege accord- ed to the married they etkA At a drawing -room present only one woniaa in Addition to their °WA dangle ters or daughters -In -lam. The troatan who makes elle presentation mustet. tend tbe sante clrawing-room as does the person abo represents. A mar- ried WOMall can make A pr0004tAL19n ab tire same drawing -moan WO Which she herself has been Preseateili but wirer* ehe does ea the person she pre - septa masa enter the presence awn- ber after, a,ne not before her, • A women. 'who merely atteetls a drawing-room:v.-that is, who has been alresoly presented -simply cour- tesies to .Her Raesety 40 the pestles, but thoee who aro presented kiwi the Queen's hand while courtesying They tadQueinr?, but place rlaeatI'e hands inr hand beneath the Queen's hand, which She extenda to them to AIM. When tate Princess of Wales holds the drew.. alnreg-rprooemseefotrealiedro Maadeaktiyaa.thheorsehawahdo, but courteaY, as do those•wifo are Him. ply atared, and both, after they have made their obeisance to the princeee Who topreeents her, courtesy as they leave the. presenee chamber of the roYa1 family on passing them in the _order in welch they stanct-bhicago The weak, flutthring heart becomes strong. and regular when Miller's Compound Iron Pills are, used. The Mining Indrtsiry of erree00. Of all tbe industries in Greece min- ing takes the foreraost place, mai doubtless will assume targer pro- portions the future The coulatrY Is rich In all kinds of minerals, fetch as lead, manganese, brown coal, an- timony,. and especially emery. Bich deposits of fine marble 'also occur in many districts. In 1898 the value of all the minerals expelled • from Greece was about .,one-fourth of the total exports of thelleingelome Mineird's Liniment Cures Dandruff. • Could Not Hold Title. . , At a ithurcli meatus in ono of the suburbs of Chicago, hold .for the par - pose of taking measures for increas- ing the intereate of members and drawing others:lute tbe fold, the In - 4 (Miry was • mado whether a certain = lawyer of the congregation, wheee financial affairs were •somewbat In- volved, had. "get -religion." To which another lawyer present re, sp.onderl, "No, I think not, unless ita In Me wile's name." 11 People tainted with scrof. ilia very often develop con- sumption. Anemia, running • _ of the ear, scaly eruptions, Imperfect digestion, and enlargement and breaking down of the glands of the - Ineck, are some of the more prominent of scrofula symp- toms -are forerunners of cow - sumption. These conditions can be arrested, consum prevented and health le. Istored by the early use of X knew MINARA'S LeNIMENT, will euro Diehtherie. • • : •• • *. ••• JOHN D. )301IMILLIER. • French: Village. I know IiIINAXIVS/ LLNAARNM will • euro Croup, • . • • . •• .• 3. F: CUNNINGHAM ••(‚ape Island. •' '4 know •MINARD'a LINIMENT. IR the • beet reinedy on earth, }T,OARPA /). SNOW. NorwaY.,11P. , •• 3. j . She Was Accepted. Scoff's Emulsion Your doctor will tell you so. • Atalldroggists SW. and Ace. scam& BowNA Chemists, Toronto, • The. new Cunard Line stasiner Iver. . elle, arrived et New 'York to -clay, from Liyerpool, and Queenstowa. • on her maiden trip, vvitli ,182 -cabin anti 1,785 steerage passengers. Rio &vernal 1.6.8 knote, • • If , • Mihlerie Componie Iron Pills only 25 mate ler 50 doses. . • CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGU • -Velma and Gerrard streets, Toronto. Certain- ly the leading Business Training School in Canada* Twelve regular teachers. Fifteen rooms iapetuo,1 use for class and study hells. Splendid nquipment,_ including SIXTY Type- writing Machines. Enter any thne. No yam - WWI. Write for calepdsr. • ___ W, H. SHAW. • A SX YOUR GROCER. POR. THE NEW • Coffee, • Manufactured by the Coffee Co., Leamington,' Ont.; free eample sent on ap. plication; f3uPer1or 10 all others. 132. • .6f1/1 fitiElliiiiITISIVt; BE GURED1 Iron can't tellwithout trying • .....EBY'S DIIISY 01 v 6 The Now Chemeed compound, wonderfully effective in mins Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Pain 'nth° Back and Sides, Ltnnbago, Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Frost Bit.es_, Tooth- ache. Bruises,. Kidney and. Bladder 'Diseases. Sold by all druggists at el cents, or from M. P. EBY,, -Chemist. Port Elgin, Ont mounigaseammemommoinorinum FORSAL • Unproved 1.00-cusrefarm, in the Township.. of ,Plympton. County of • Lambton, . Cheap, under mortgage. • On easy terms, only $800 down, or secured. Apply. ae oncer • ; Landon Loan Coe 1 1 Lcindon,• Ont., • ere% - , ,t GENTS WANTED FOR OUR TWO NEW •,21. books, "The. Library Of South, Afrhai (four boOkii• In one); and "Dwight L. Milady; ' The Man and.His Mission"; the books are well -written andeartereateeana arts not it reheah'Of old Matter; tho prices are low, andtheterme • extra liberal; Wilk can maker McniTlf they •take hold at once and sell our books. Pres- peetns free. If . you mean 13usiness, other ar rangements forthecanyassergbeneflt. William BrIgge,IdethodistBook Room, Toronto. ' ^ • "You are reallYeaturtena---te-ge-to- . South' Africa, to nurse the sick and wounded? But, my dear young lady, - have you any experience pl nuraIng the sick -and wounded?" • "Rather I Four of my -brothers play football, and my father took Up eye - ling at 76 l" -Cassells. • A chemist Rays: "On e of the many tonic p1115 0 the mar. ket, I find Miller's Com nd-Iron Pills to posses*: the greatest streegth-giving • propertlea. They' are undoubtedly the best weeklies to baild up the system." , • • flow Are . Your Corns.? • Do They Sting? Are They Palled? , Do They Make You Limp? A Painletia and Radiatil Ours for °calla _ of Eyery DeMeriptiOn. PUTNAITS PAINLESS CORNAND WART EXTRACTOR.' A sure, gees, and Reliable Remedy That is Guaranteed to Iternoge Coral% With. out Pala or Diteinkifort in a rew Days. The PrhleiL40 linen which Pataatnle Painiesa Cern Extractor acts le on- new. It tloes not sellk deeP Into the flesh, thereby produeing bore. nem but acts diret)tly upon the ex. throat covering of the eerie eeparatea It front the imam layer, remover the direct pressure front the Dart" and at Once °Sleek A permanent curs With. out pain or tilseomfort. Let those who are guttering from corn& yot neepteeal of treatment, try The .bue.tneris ,seettem Of Gatineau Paine was. swept by fetrec the lee° emanating to 430)0004 • 110 tor CataloCue. ciente-I/Avon LAUNCH 60., Lamoltei NM 0 0 seaworthy, reflable, no fire, YITSPERMANENTLY CURED BY DR. Xline'a Great Nerve Restorer. Na • lite or nervousness after first day' ' use. Send .to 931 Arch, street, Phila. delphia. Pa., for treatise and free $2 trial bottle Forma) by J. A.. Bute, 1780 Netro Dame street! Montreal, one. Mrs , Winslow's Efoothing Syrup should al- ways be used for Children Teething, It soothes and is the beremedy for Diarrhteit. • Twentr- ,thaveecohelindts, sobfotettnas the gums, cures wind collo OXY1)0NOW1 • (Trade Mark Registered Nov. 21, 18993 Are you slek? Has Medicine raped to euro rout Oxygen ... Will cure. send for our DA of testimonials* von may know some of tho oared. NO FAMILY OAN ALFORD TO BN WITHOUT AN OXYDONOR. It is nature's came no Medi eine. ho eleotrleltY, cures while/you:deep. AGENTS' WANT0n OXYDON COV•0 efiwle Mark Registered liov.$4,1898.) ‘40 Iting street west, Toronto . • '• Lawrence 6ranulated. The Best Made. 100 Per By- "Putnam's.' and by the complete. noon of the cure they will be ready to tivommend it to ()therm. Beware, of 441401'004 Poisonous acid mubet1titte4, Add Vike only Put. namt. It never fails to cure. Sold everywhere, or by mail for 2130 from N, C. Potion 1,4 ;N. Klagston, Ont. Proved to be now :Cent -LPure ublie Analysts. E. 13. IPDY'S PARLOR •MATCHES Produce a QUICK., SURE DLIGHT"avery time. 'They have had a reputation for neatly half a century. roe Salo by alt virst•itlass Dadilierm. MANUIrACTURED BY THE E. Bit EDDY MI • LIMITED, null. Oiulada. .. 4 4 • • .?",=•••