HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-16, Page 4PAGE FOJR--TIIE BLYTI-i STANDARD-A1'Irli, 16TH, 1908. JAS.McMURCHIE'gIrJ' L. IKERRt PUBLISHER, BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, THUIRSDAY, APR. 10, 1008 BGYTH, ON t'. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes aspeslalty. Advances made to tarmere on. their own notes, No additional security required, ATEREST 00 DEPOSITS at Current Rates Ve oiler every accommodation con- i' ,Iflstent with safe and conservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate et lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sate. Rents oolleuted, CONVEYANCING 0f all kinds promptly attended to, INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire end Idle Assurance eotnpanies, and respect• fully solicit your account, OFFICE HOUIRS: 10 A.M. to ti e.nl, People 'We Know 1fr, W. J. Dempsey orae to Bel - grave en Friday. AL's. W. J. P'yle visittd fn Wing. ham last week. Mr. A. Cusens, of Winghana, was in town last Friday. Mrs, W, Pinner, of Toronto, was the guest of Mrs. 1i, M. McKay last week, Miss Ruby Plum, of Brussels, is visiting her aunt, Mrs, N. 13. Gerry ill t0tt0. Mr, A. Ilisiop, M. P. P., was call- ing 00 friends in town on Monday of this week, Mr. A. E. Lloyd, of the first of Lloyd & Son, Winglin01, made a business call in Blyth on Saturday, Mr. Wm. Campbell made a busi- ness trip to Toronto for a few days, Master Curry accompanied hien back for a visit with his grand -parents. Mr. and hits, J. L, Kerr were in Brussels over Sunday as Mrs. Kerr's Business eards. (sister, Miss Margaret Brown, left for Winnipeg this week on an extended visit. Last Thursday Messrs. Thos, Coad John Wilford, Frank Metcalf and ,los. Carter attended the Conservative Executive electing of North Huron in 11'inghanh FWilli/ '00T, HAYS & BLAiII. Banisters, Soltettors, Notaries Public, CHURCH NOTES, Mei, Offices -Those formerly occupied by Metiers. ()Moron and Holt, Goderirh, 1v, Proudfoot, K.C. ; R, C. Hays, G. F. Blair, ta. E. LONG, L.D.S„ D.D,S, Dental Surgeon, Graduate of the Royal Qoilei a of I):mei Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University, CiHce Over .Tames Cutt's Store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 9 amt. to 6P.10. A. 11. MACDONALD. Barrister, Solloitor, Notary, Etc. Sue - Meier to G. F. Iilatr, Oiitce ewer Stan- dard Bank, Brussels, Solicitor for Metro. polltan Bank. W„1. M,D.C,M, Pbyaioion end Surgeon. M,D,C.M., Uui• varsity of Trinity College; Id,D„ 4006118 University; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cori over for the County of Iluron, Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale stables d 00 00 00 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. 4) 00 00 00 0 Flrst•etass Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Bent of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs, Veterinary office at livery stable. RING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTII, 3P. Is. SCQTP BRUSSELS, ONT. ' Auctioneer for Huron County Teruo reasonable, Sales arranged for at till ulli.e of Tits STANDARD, Blyth, Central: Mai 4 tratford, int. Is the lending business training school In Weste n Oata-lo, Aire give a tho•augh praotlo tl training on ('.inulurc'al (0'jets s Isaac Pitman's Short It and. writing and n coa,me clot and rallload o.eratinrr. Leh dvartnient is in the hands of experlenerd inatruerers. assist atulents to De i;'ons Our gradu- ates olwt yi succeed for our Coarses are the best. Get. our free catalogue and learn more about us. Y.0 may enter now, ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. r Rev. J, P. Falconer, B A., of To- reLte, cousin of the President of Toronto University, will conduct the services in Auburn 91id Smith's 11111 on Easter Sabbath. Both services in St, Andrew's en this coating Sabbntit will be suitable to Eatster. The pastor will conduct loth services The service of praise in the evening will be led by fifteen men. * Y: * 1l•, .small visited Auburn and Smith's 11511 on last Sabbath and ar- ranged to hold 1) meeting to 0011 0 minister on Monthly, May 4th. Ifeet.ing will be 150111 10 Smith's 11511 chur+,h and at 2,30 p. 01, ' k * St, Andr w's congregation were glad to see and hear 1)i'..NieLean again. 'There was 0 large attend- ance morning and evening, and the sermons oar both eecasiens were 11)11011 appreciated. It is hod that for roan) years Dr. McLean may he able to visit Blyth and renew old acquainta tees. Catarrh Now Curable But Never by Medicines Swallowed, Snuffs, Sprays or Douches Catarrh is not It blood disease and that is why it cannot Ise cured by may medicttie take,, into tlie'stomlach. Cu• Larch is a germ trouble contracted from the gei'm•laden air you breathe inward, 'I'hesa germs fasten tlionise] ves in the 119500 and air cells of the breathing organs, multiply by miilions, canoe sneering, coughing, raising of nn00051 , diecharse from the nose, didienity in breathing, hoarseness. drones mid stoppage of the nose, a;ciclinm in (he throat and other symptoms that ern only he reached by the dry air princi- pal of Hyomej, It modii'ntits the air you Intent he with he en,•uiva nrnprrh los of the r1 1st• ban Encalvptus forests where catarrh 8 nninnnan, The reason von got relief in a Minnie or two (uin Hronei is because it do strove (Torr catarrhal neem in the air you breathe., end its dry panel rating atom will roach the net torea 5 es of the Ili' passages, killing milIlono of germs a minute, 'Their destruetioa means freedom for oppros0rd lospira- tr,ry organs. J, M. Hamilton sells llymei under a gnarnntee of satisfan. 1ion or Money heel:, Price, $1,00, Osier: more the special rates are in force 1''01' the West. Many from ;trotted here will take at trip this year to the land of wheat. f�,eJZtd2� /' Psychine Missionaries A friend of Dr. Slocum Remedies writes: "Send a bottle of Psychine to Mrs. W.., They have a daughter in decline, and I believe it would help her. I have mentioned your remedies to the fancily, and also cited some of the miraculous cures accom- plished inside the last 15 yeurs, of which I have knowledge." T. 13. IRWIN, Little Britain, Ont, Run down conditions from lung, stem - twit or other constitutional trouble cur - cd by Psychine. At all druggists, 500 and 51.00, or Dr, T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto Empire Poultry Duster THE SPIRIT OF THE PRESS, ti EXTERMINATES Lice on Poultry, Horses, Cattle and Hogs, Ticks on Sheep, and Fleas on Dogs. Large package 25e. Per sale at Dr. W. J. Milne's White City Drug Store McMILLAN & CO. WANTED Any quantity of Eggs and Butter at the highest cash prices. Barley and Oats for sale. M'CMII LAN & CO. East Wawanosh Council, The council met en April 7th pur- suant to ad,jourtiment, members all present. Minutes of last tweeting (vele read and adopted, The engineer's report on the pro- posed Urasl,y drain was read by the clerk to the several parties interest- ed. ']'hero being no objection;; to the report the clerk was instructed to prepare the necessary by-law in connection with the sante, 'Ine engineer's report on the pro- posed llallslian drain (the eatiulnttd cost befog 12581) was IIISO ed and an opportunity given the several parties to add to or withdraw from th petition, The council, however, on the advice of their solicitor, re- fused to adopt the report, it beJ0g conteeded that the, petitioner had Railed to secure 9 majority of the owners 5n the area described as pre. seated In the petition, A debenture for 750 5n fewer 114 ,1, '1'. Holmes, Whitechurch, 1' r re- pairs to road grader in 1907 was eldered to he pawl. There being no irir iter httsieess the 101111il then adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, May 2(1111, at 10 o'clock a. In, as 0 court of t'0 vision and appeal, and fo" the transaction of other township business. Alex, Porterfield, Clerk, MARKET REPORT.-- Wheat. 85-85 ; Barley 50.50 ; Oats 42-4:11 ; 05.. 8 83-83;;Shuts.4-'21; Butter 22-21 ; Eggs 11-15 ; Fleur 12.75 -43.( 0 1N1[. JonNS'roN, Livery and 'flue man, certainly believ05 5n bring up. to -date, lie has had the old bus remodelled and painted, and is new being used tit Meet all tales. SPRING FISHING NIIASnsnt OF ROD AND MIN. -With the 1(d vent of April tine majority of sportsmen turn their thoughts to fishing, end 'Rod and Gun & Motor Sports in Canada," published by W. J. Ta1.1n1', Wood. stock, Ont,h a publish( d a Spring Fishing number for the month, Throe tare stories of 55111ng 111 Ont. alio, Nova Scolia, New Brunswick, Alberta and British Celutub)a, while an 1u't1011' descriptive of Kaliki-the new '1 wood -is of deep interest vSt ye fishermen. A tine survey of the whole question of International Con - 0.551 of International waters by C, I4, Wilson is worth careful perusal, rot bodying as it does a biog. and careful study o(' the whole question front both slues. A paper 01) Guides 8(1 1 th'•ir Patrons, written 1Yu11 a guide's point of view by 11 veteran guide ought to brad to a e.(allt'eveI'O\' 1(5 exciting as 515551 of digs versus still buuto.ts. R's•Il' hunting, moose hunt• ing, deer 11nh 11ng and deer preset vation are but 0 few of the mans good things in the li mner while How one Settler Helps the Derr. should prove as widespread in its interest se the former paper I)y the sante settler on I1nw one tenter treats the Deer. Indeed the maul excellencies of the. leimber are ap- parent from the apeicing paper to the closing page, —Subscrihe for 'Tutu STANDARD, .Clinton New Era, -The 1Vingham Advance nominates A. IL Musgrove as the Conservative candidate for North Huron. It is quite certain he will be the candidate, and the New Era admits that Ile is unobjectionable but has (nomination now is only part 05'a, cut-and-dried plan made months ago, lir. Musgrove then had the Government's assurance that the Riding would tie made safe for him, which has been done, Brussels Post, -It is reported that the cooling Conservative Nominating Convention for North Huron will not ha vo to complain of hack of earn di(hues now that the gerrymander holstered up their vote, The names we have heard mentioned are ex- 1Varden Bowman, of Morris ; Bar - roster Dudley Holmes and A. II. Musgrove, of 5Vingbatu ; John Wil- ford, of Illy()) ; 11. Lockhart, of East Wawanesh ; and Wm. McQuillan, of West \1'awanrsli, Only one gets the plum of course but that is no reason wily others have to the option of reaching for it if they so desire, The first three gentlemen named have a practical experience in poll. Geld aunpaigns for the Legislature although not accorded support enough to secure a seat, 11'ingliant Advance. -The Redis• tributlou has caused "mingled feel. legs" in Centre Huron. Bro. Herr, of Brussels, le angry, an(d denounces hits "crooked business," while Thus, IlelilIlau, of Htlllctt, who was an aspirant, is reported to be well seta. fled with it. Mr. Pruudfuot,of Gode- rich, another matinee, has uttered 110 serious objection to it. Air. Kier is likely to be the choice of the Lib- erals, as he was nominated for tl e Nast, mai is well known over a greater part of the riding. TI e Liberal lna,i u•ity 111 the last election in the East was 142 ; it should now be at least 400. Why om friend (1 the Brussels I'ost should be angry at elle Government for iner'eusing has prospective tunjerity and Making it a pcsttivcly safe thing, seems very atraage. It is rumored, however, that the Hallett mon may divide the Convention between tMessrs. Kerr and Proadfoot. II' the writer end ant voice 5n the matter, he would say that Mr. Kerr has the strongest claims for the nomination, Ile ens g*iven his party l'ttithful service and from his position as n newspaper than, that service las been continuous and valuable ; hence it ought to be Appreciated and rewarded. 1 h Cradle. Tarr-- At 498 Spading avenue, Tor- onto, 00 April Gth, 1908, to Dr. and Mrs. Nelson Tait, a son. OUR NATIONAL DANGER Time to Cry a Halt Before Com- plete Wreck Results There al thousands, hot(1 men and w0111'r1, who 110 not take time t0 eat properly. They rush tlu•ougl, life, and ase result we have an age of indigos Gen, nervousness, irrihibility, ,sleep les, nights and morose disposition. Our natural danger er is stomach weak. nese, deo to the suer nous life o,blets. tlenglhen the well - of the st imeell 011,(1 stimulate aeru'et.lor of the digestive uhes. They mak ethe stomach confenable and cure iudiges tion, sick head/mhos, , 1 ituti, yellow shin Iola coated aang te aa few n i the Maley distressing results of Ind( gestioe that Mi-o-ne Hever fails tocure, .1. 11, Hamilton sells Ali -erne in 10 cent boxes. and g11111110 10P 10 refund Le money ii it does not give complete .atilt act ion, Clinton, 'l'he Sovereign batik has commenced prncoodInes against the Clinton Thresher Co for 520,000, lv, A4', Par an, Iv, ,Incl:w;n, NV, Green surd D. A Forrester, of Clinton, alp added 00 Iia -nit a.s defendants, 1110 hook cleimintr let they guaranas ri lheodvaucr8, Ors, 0 (, Middleton, jr,. wife of a ph unineer. Onclericll township former, was badly hurt in a t umeweye accident here last Wednesday. The horse dash - '1 neuinst a neo, thebn9gy was turn d urs4le down and domolisIed, one Niro. Mid Beton tin own over 80 feet to tin cement sidewalk. She was tokel to the hospital, where it was found she Wag Kealy cut on the face and end, end slight hopes are entertained of het recove1'y. An advertisement in THE STANDARD Centlemenm The ladies will all have new hats for Easter, What about the poor old man,? 11', di solves a new hat tor, we think, 'fake a look at your old sae, Does it look shabby 1 Anyway, your new spring suit won't lock right if you don't have a new hat, We have all the new spring styles In Black Still' Hats and Black, Fawn and Drown Soft Felts, The Price is Only $2.00 for the Best English Makes We aro agents for Barrington & Co., Langley & Co. and Jae, L, Roberts & Co,, of London, England, and Granville & Co., of Now fork, Long Gloves for the Ladies Just received a second shipment of Long Gloves in S11k, Lace and Lisle. White, Creatn and Black Milanese Silk Gicves-chow lergth, cxtta ]:cavy quality, double tips, only $1.00 per pair. Blank Lisle Gloves -just what you have been looking fcr, in elbow lengll•, at 50e per pair. A Special in Long Lace Gloves Elbow length In white and cream only A Bargain at 25c Per pair, J. A. ANDERSON rum arts %wooly L,4 Mut-boor giyorto hunt, ']'here is tallc of forming a league with teams from BIyth, Wingllntn and Lugkmow, so there will be good baseball here this slue. mer, -*- The Brussels !owlet's held their annual meeting Friday night, which was very enthusiastic, The follow- ing otllicee's were elected : lion, president, T. Farrow ; president, R. Lentherdnle ; vice.president, A. Strachan ; secretary -treasurer, 151. I,. Leathet•dale ; matmagiog com- mittee, J. llabkir1, 11, Downing, D, C. Res.). -]- The Brussels ' Foot 13a11 Club, champions o1' the 155, F. A, 1151(1 Ont- ario !rave re-ergnoized with the fol• lowing officers ;-1 len, President, J. F. Rcatvhntd ; President, 1v, L. Leatho'dale ; Vice -President, J. II, Caimeron'; Secretary, L. S. Danford ; W, F, A. meeting will bo held in Tressnrer, F. II, Gilroy ; Manager, Jas. Iialhuntvno ; Captain, Gurdon Stratford 00 Good Friday. McDonald, Managing Committee, -4_ Oliver Querim, Alex, Anderson and The Lakeside Basehatl League Fitts, Brown, Ground Committee, meeting will be held In Winglbun S. Scott, A. Solidi and IV, Griffith, on Good Friday. Delegate to the 1'17, F. A., Jas. Iinl- -r- lantyuc. It was decided to put a The, Gudeich Baseball Club was team ie the Western Foot Ball Inter. organized far the season of 1'908, mediate series 'and defend the wltctt the follewbig ofiieers were 13110(1)131101195(1p tun's of 1907, elected :-Hou, pees., E, N. Lewis, e - M. 1'. ; patrons, NY. Prondfoot, M. G. Cameron, J. I,. Killoran, and F, JACKSON -CRAIG -I,1 Morris tit the Davis ; pees„ David Munroe ;see.• !ride's 110111e on April 811,, by teas„ Preston Strang ; executive Iiev, J. 0. Small, 1l. A„ Mar- coni., Harry Edwn1ds, George Me- {Laret ,Lunt Craig, to 3llnrt Vicar, Harry Iiutsou and J. 1'. But - BEAUTIFY Jackson, both el' Morris. BEAUTIFY YOUR HOMES We have studied your every nn•d in the way of tenet frg )cur bomo rt this Aare, You get mule!) Ing lee ohs with exeeptluuady low prioet, Picture Moulding A Now Rug at 3c, 4c, 50 and ac per toot, will ft -prove the appearnnro of yanr par- Coml Combination Plate Rail arid Picture 101. We have theta from; 4 to 524 cath, M.nlding, with grooves for plates, :31 Our Varnish and Plano Polish will orches wide, lou per foot, make, old furniture shine liLe now. J. H. CHELLEW, LYTH Wire mw We are now offering to the purchasing public— COIL SPRIN IRE at $3.00 per hundred • or $2.90 for cash. ar Those having intentions of building fences this spritg should see our stock before going elsewhere, McPHERSO BROS. Hardware and Tinware BLYTH