HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-04, Page 5e 130ER CONVOY.H Oefieral Hunter to March to the lief •of Mafeking. .. 7-T777 "Xe• elPeee--7,Feeeeeew SUITLEMENT TO THE CLINTON SEW ERAS mer'ely tib wee Order% and that the steff eine quite ignorant Of the Moe. Unity or tiro nom positions. Co oael Dreg:Oyer torei Wepener numbered 1.700, tile 10,3803 during the laces were 30 kiilee and wonliteel. It is reported that there wits an artillery regae,ement yeeterday ab Korea eidieg, Ina tiO details have Iii t reeelved. Doers in a Miserable liondition. Marie prii 0.-Firine was liea*:d in the, eirecticei 1.thabaneira for Re, seine rhours yesterilay. Maw, Boers Ve'" are . etreating !Vora Weelener and leaveeteciorp, preceeding by arose roads near the Basutoland berder. It le reported that they are in a miserable condition, disorganized end depreseel. Many are deserted and are hiding on the fernrs. The main body wee in email/ last niglat near Uwe River ealeis, They were unherneered by evagense using pack hortsree most:y tor arerpesce of tranispoet. It is he- ehat most or the Transva,atere have gone north. They to:d the am- 'tives that they had .been ttaRed away by President Kreger... WI14. START FROM KIMBERLEY. Two of the Canadian Mounted Rifles Reported Missing., - e The Pedal' ACCidelit to Private Bradley, of the Second Voutirigent-eA Good Deat et • Sicieuess-U..S. Senate .Rejects Beer Motion -British Subjects Ordered PrOM heTransvetall--Malleking's Trouleles-Boers Without Pore •. - aae.-eAterhtielied by Boers. . , • , • ' , ...-Londene, April '27. -The War Office supported hime, baying • pledged hine hal; planed the following 'from Lord self .to Europe that such action ' would not be taken, leresident Levu. Roberts, . dated Bleemeentein. Fridien. ger yielded to • their represeotationa ', April 27th: . and the borings wove Deed with con- , " Gen. French _reeethed -Thalia Nehn . erete, . ten ,merning• with caerelry. •• • , ., ., •• Re' met Gee:, Ian. Hammen and Getting, enore 1)1 Lena. . . . " Th oar ens brigad,e eller.% atilt hOldIng 'WO e, the Daily -Telegra,ple , tome • ' Cane Leedom Apiel ee. :eh- despitee • VG Gen. Sail:014) I ' ,.44,60 e eneele Wero Town, dated Friday, - Says expelled , . ere outlet of the town, wherettom • residents or eahannesburg, who li e ,Gen, 'French aiie Gen. Hainilton• were arrived there! 'state that • the 'Boaevrs . eeeeeeeleg le euee, eeepi ,oee, . are getting short of ammueltioneud •• lead for bullets. . Teey have coin- , utlotiefr soeLittleRocifleT4.badeieNilnu eivt.fft elella enateleereel the stocks of. private, OWn• ' tok.. . . . . . ; . . ers, and requisitions have been made ou lead pipe manureteturers. • • Addieional Caeiteltlea' thus far re-' . • , , . •, , ported in lianalltmete mounted intone' . • , • • • • . try': Vents. Beery and Hill, weuedecl, . . • PX) leYal. Australians. .. • .. both. cif Marshall's L•Hberese the formeree , oe rilie. April 27. --The German (.10V, . severely, • the letter slightly- . • ' eminent eas formally demanded -sat- .e.e patrol tionaBethulie oame across isfe.ction for et number of outrages 4 body of the Mierny. on • Smithfield , eitele. eeenuitted'at Melbourne upon Toad, April ZOO. Pte. King, oe thee. reeldents oupposed to beerienelly,.to -thee Preheat Alfree ,Guards, woe Wiled,. and were, • - - • , , , • . . ,,, • "tlea of tile Reyel.ecete' S'er vice.. Corps . e - . , . ,, ---h - • , . ' . . .. .....„:„. ,,,oe_oe,... , _, ........H...,.......13r1001,:.prwokets. D3teg. ,.... . cann4iiiiis- in Fleet. - • - I . , • . . . , London, April 27.-A despatch to ted , •were taken prisoners. : - ‘• . ' Deity New from Pretoria,. dated Men- " The 'Yeoincei Cavalry, 'wider Geri. 1 day, saes that 47 British prisoners. Brebazoit, after reconnoitring as far L. bare died in six weeks. Two hundred ORTVV,;eperter, eeterned. to' Dewetedorp of teem are eitic with fever.anddy.sen, . , theiemorninke : , . . , . tery .at leaterval: • ' , • • •Oee. -11conlitores force •Include.s part. ' • Tee deepietah adds that eirasmes de • cif the . Ounediati, ..iiiirenteci • Infantry„ . Klerk • Das been sentenced. to ., two 'Willie' Canada's first • contingent is HE . yettre'•imprisoninent at hard labor for Oen. Sinite-Dorrienel brigade, . . guiding • the British at, Petruenurg Ieenden, ,April 28. -The Daily' Chrome . and Bioendeneein. - . ' .. : , ,. . • Iola lates the' following from "Vaal: Benle . , ' • ' , ---,' •. ' - • 'dated W.eerie.sclay, April 250: aeatal Doe& mount le e'W' 011ite.•. ' "F"For two eager the B0e14 .iliV0 been • 'Elands•Inagte, Natal, April 26.--T1I-re fighter.; 'a series of rear -guard ections: Boere nave mounted' three guns,, pre- ' . Crossing the Modder here and .• hetle- ' e ',' - eneluel stnned to be 15epounderee whieee mine 'by General Alderson Oland the British positiom leeh:elute:I Canadia.114. theegee Sn . ' • • e NatIves. report that Many Of the re- ' Retailed ' eo koeje.s •southeest of tho crossing; ' eidents . of tee ''Biggersbere disteict One narrowly ,nilesed :beteg captured Neve reinforced the Boers- teethe hY General Iturelle,. w -ho was coming Elan& Laegte. ' • ' • • • • from that directio,n. But oil .sighting A signal fire was: peen. last night ein adviermetheytin•ned eastward and . The Bono were evidently commute - slipped 'awry: :between r 0 enema Alder-- eatirie with friends hi the Orange 8011..antLc4eneral nundio. • - Free •State. . They are burning the "A. eirileoner just captured' asserte :grass bn the hills to prevent; its being' that.PreSident.Steyn was present dure ..see. On fim by', the .British iiimil fire, bee Moneay's f.ghtIng at eltingfo.nteini Which Would, force' teem to abandon i• jea'15t (3f Peeawi had el"wedriii.1e their trenches.' • • • • . boned, .that hci was noteasily.: ree Robes ,In Free State. . • eeoeelefieeeeii;• •• : • : *Bloemfontein, Aeiell Ner...if,h. • The correspondent is informed that • theicles Gen. Grobler's commando and ,J,..ondoit, • April 28. -Gen. . itobertstho parties of Boars -still. in the south= 'Maintains ids Palley of .• reStricting eastern part of: the Free State . to •• 'llainuself and the correspondents withl. the, number of 6,000; there are 2,000 Thlin to, brief roinouncementis et what • special sekvice velunteers on what is •''. Inas actually' 'been. done. Beyond the • called a "peepers. commando." These "meetioa thee the Boers Med the ease- ,, Men are well mounted, and carry siap,r • ern outlet of Thaba Nehu, there is no tiles for eight daYs. When _their Map:. • Dedication of *here the thirehere are ' plies are exhausted .other special - located. ,The 'impression beip is that • service Men relieve them. These 2,000 men ..try tiperate between:. the British and the main Boer fierce. eanall foraging patties are constantly de- tached from tele force, and their ATO+ bility 15- sea time they operate In ' various direetione. ' •• g•• It la reported bete tent Gen. De Wea with nearly 750- wagons ate]a, heavy Boer' transport, hats arrived at Kroonstedt teem the south. He left a considerable forpe b.ehind• There is groat inteteee here in the • arrest of Christine Richter, a brother of Jan. Richter. The latter Was ar- rested On tlia charge of :sheeting sol- diers at Bunker's hook. Christian is charged with . n. similar offence, and also with' simoting an officer from a ferrielzeine on elm De 'Wetsdorp road, .10 miles from this place Christian Is a man of 65. 1110 IR tha wealtelest farmer intim district, anti le vented to many prominent fami- ne% Ile clew; not take part In poll - ties, " Return. tondon;, April 27. -The Sieantor Tel tall C1.1 tla arrivc11 art " th ampten this evening from eouth At- . Yard Kipling and hie ;limey.% they have efeccted.their exeape noith- Ward. - Tim news or the coittinual arrival of• troops at Kimberley is taken to Mean that preparatiens are being made -to advance to the xelief of Itate-: king from the sonth. • Tho feeling or despondency regarding 111afelcing again rising bore. It is now recog- niz.ez1 how Jong it must take Gen. Carrington. to reach that place front . the north. There is no indication that tee Boers in Natal are sleekening their grip.in the Biggarsberg Aistriot„ where it is estimated they Ininaber teem 5,000 to8,000, witlitieriple : • artll- Only 4 SMALL banger. Leaden, :April VS. --The Daery T-elee grapb, in a. epeal editione. d, depoints a cleepetce 'Tram Benetee Bueeeigb, dat- e lereetToratein, April 2.0;h, which SeYS 'eThe :troops tyre new art Thabo. lerchet, They .,finel'• plenty of prievisiona. and feirage.. There is. sniping &lily at tear- • etcling;" but destine...lea rt .rare. The actexte have only e smote laager near ere/Word, L'etchse norSe to -day captured hundrode or cattle. The nit -e geneers are •prog'ressing in thele work tiatding go permanent bridge acrosseth,e, Modde. r hiver av Glyn." . A General A.dvance. • • London, April '28. -The lhoemfon- tein • correaponeene fho Morning vost, ;Winetene thurchlil, telegraph- ang erhursdaY; says "Moot'. sartisfeetory progress has been, made ea the accumulation of d a eteeu,rIng the pave week. The prose teazle of a gcnoraa ateviumer aro more favorable." . The Bloemfontein' correspoltdent of the Daily Telegraph. under Tburaday's date, EiVril rThe Boers who retreated from De Weetegaerp kept well ahead of General Freirdllekeeeavalry. „Dittoes tlie enemy should make a amid at leroonstod Lord Roberts will rapidly cross the Vaal Revere' letters Still in the South. AliWel North. April 27, --It le re- portee that there are 800 Boers at lloinarienes lop, in the Smithfield dire triet, 160 at Smithfield, 400 with two guns and a, Maxim at Ga•s' kept aral 220 with two guns at Kloeter drift. (10.1611011 Meer. i,000 Foil Kits Weekly. London, April 27. -The army cloth - big factory at Milbank is tending to BOutit Africa 15,00,0 full kite week - 1y. tip to etarelt 200,000 pairs of drowere had been sent, and flew 20,- '000 palter are going out weeklY in nelditiott to cant, quantitioe docke and woolen Jaeseye, The order.; aro in. etiing• and it is expected that the y will work at the present rate the ead of the Ivor. Kruger's 111111(1 Stayed. ,Loildell, April illie-Several corree. pondente confirm the reporte that • 0.1Oltainteebtirg Mine, were bored, .ebargeel, And ready to be blown 1111,but they fray that rommandent. General Botha went to l'retoria and related against the deatroeingnf Weer. Nato ;senor Klizeka rioa. Aenotig her pareseneere vete Bed- • • Col. Otter • Wouneed. • Moutreae April e7. -Th o Stak hat the following special cable from W. • Richmond fhnitb, its eel-re:pendent • with thee fleet Canadian contingent •eIsrael's Pcort, Oratige Free State, • April 27.-I regret to nave to State that Lieut. -Col. W. D. Otter, the • commandant of the Royal Canadian Regiment, was wouuded in the en- - augment yesterday, when :the Boers • wore driven out of their positions here. The tett woe a smart one while • It lasted, and Gen. Ian. Ilemiltotes division, including part of tho Cana- dian Mounted Rifles, aecompanied by the whole or the Royal Canadian accompliehed the task eot with eomplete gamete The Can:edema • again wonthe heartleat encomium% from the eciaimanding general for their plucky concluot under fire. Our eaetertiteee afriong the rank and file wore praetically 1111. Colonel Otter's wound Is not serious, and no evil ef- fects aro antiolpated. • (Signed) W. , Itleihriond 1.oruloi. e a. rn.-Tie6, oetty deepalch froni Lord Itoberte pubritined yeetetelay was the usual Het of deaths and sieletteei. The flood of nenepaper despatehee to -clay describing tin re- , cent operations, 'throws no light whatever mph the present poeit'on of affairs or upon tile groat, lineation • it to whoa the main advance Is to, , begbi. The Ataxia -aril's . announcement, that (low:ral Frenehei cavalry aro rc. • tuning to Thoomfoetein in eleer proof that there is no further hope of eatebe Ing tho retreating Boers, rend the Loudon leavers are boginning to dee. iniliatichee wattle practlealL fail. two of the elaberate preparationof !eat *week. • The D'Oemfoettin corteeeondutt of the, Poe spea,ke now of tim urgent need at preeent and always of more harem. There is VeryllttIo 116WA from other rpm rbeeee. The day Mall puleishes a etetement ° front Co:oral Long, wife waS blamed ; for tile hies' of the s teoleneo, that In advancing the no ao he did Per ireeilareee Doers Will Now, Concentrate. D'ocuifontlea..Apre 29,-Te.,3 ',cant opera liens heye tended to clear the mi. leery atu t00% aeu, pol;:-careve4 progreee through the cottutry bruushe home to tile Free etatere the fact that the policy of lealency has hem abateloned. Besides eelzIng the stoelts oe farmers weer, alter Immo given their submission, were toned fighting, lie cornmendeered all tee :tweet:et. forage, Ing receipts for the same, and tins will prevout the Doers esing -the resources of the cone, try. The leeers are now :evidently re- turiilng order to coaeentrate for opposing the British edvaiace. Now that Thebanelm, as well as the ap- 1)voae1Ioi is strongly held, Lady - brand, with the unfriendly Basutos lining the border, la rendered a pose tion of extreme daeiger for tee lepers. tee 'gravity of wilieh will be aecen• tuateeo-from the eminent tiro Brit - loll advance begins. It is understood that the Briejell w U eonitime to hold l'haberiehu ow- ing to its serategic importance, and especially with a view to checking future raids. coniniandos that heel recently been operating in the direction of Teabanelne are . melting away, the Boers quietly returning to their fermi', and many of teeth' taking the oath of allegiance. ,Ek- perimice leas elven, 'however, In many eciees, that thisis only a prc. tenee to enable the Boers to create disturbances on tee retie, of the Brit. lee, and vigorous methods will prob. ,ably, bo necessary et° force real. eire ,armaluent.• • ' Sonliee'S boob. for •Kruger. London, ; peivate let- ter hale.; been received. in London from Cede ether, the Italian officer in tire eroploy , or 'tie: Boer Govern,: , went, which gives a .gloomy acomme or the state of affairs in tile Teens- veala month age.The wetter sees; •Iiivery dee diminishes the burgh- ers' hope .ixt obteining an honorable Peaere, based on the -recognition of tire independenee of the Republic. President Kruger, by look and voice, sliows eimeelf tesheartened. kle is 'nearly alwaya in the field, where he ardeptly hopes to 'find a. soldier's death. Many European volunteers ha vp deserted various corninctudes, ,end the Reel, arinthe dank lose men whose pleeee cannot be supplied. Since the commencement of Febru- ary there..ba've not been a dozen vol. untezes froM the outside' World. Rob- erts has all the trump cards. in his hand, and nag subdue the Tra,navaaI witeout giving • battle, "Quie ,need cney wait. Mready the precees of disintegration a the Beer tomes this get in, while the stores of amxnuiiEticn aro ditaintliihing$X a much greater Irate than new ehote and‘shell and certridges Can lee inamitactured. At Ochannesbure, as in ,Pretoria, 'the one ,overpoweeingdesire is fOl! peace: - Tee eoutitey is dead, and many • des - par of its ever eemitig to life again." Col. Ricci adds that thecoantraandant at echanneetharg has, isened a peo- clamatien, forbidding citizen* going aeer the nonce, from which it is as- sumed that there is some treat in the reports teat areangemen:s epee been ,xn,a.dci tor their destruction. A good :many . burghers apeear te be - lave that the. geed mines tonstLetk aort oe'hostage whieh God has erneed LII theer.hanes., and by menus of which england, whose one desinels to get god, can be eompeeed to coneede tea- sexiable terms or peace. Rundle is at Thabanchue .Thabanchui 'April 21. -:-Gen. Bundles division !has arrived here. The marelt ;rem • Dewetsdorp• wee *ueeventfue Generuls arel leatuleten are also there. The Boers aro re'horted ten .miee's, to the eastward. The mounted force, eatire in contact with them and had celight skirmielr. The resuet of the eunetien al Generals French and nut -idle is the elearneere of the eourarry of Boers at thin point.. • Infantry iniveneed within 2,000 yards, under good shelter. "During the alternoon the battle b4r41110 general, and extended over a frontage a 1.0 mile% Tee rifle, Mitelin . ate' ertillery firing was deafening. o'clock the Oneadiana ad- vanced in open order, brit, meeting with ter.ritle fire, they took elien ter in .11, donee,. When thee Simile eeptured the itopeee, Boere wero seen retiring north and met vieth wagon % and isubsequently, when the infantry load° a darer, the rat- of enany tired a few seete, arid eleared oft, "On eceupying Thabanehu wormed the atom and liotele all lootee by the Boers. Tee nativecomplain of hoeing their hersee and cattle stolen and of eruel treatment, The Faglisli residelits were stibjeeted to taurite and theatre" I learn Vint yesterday Boer rein- forcemente from Brendford came too late to eaglet their comrade% We found helleerePhie .raeeenee frOM President Steyn to Gen. Botha, say - Ing it was inadviseele to send more troope te _Fourteen ,etreains; as the Federal& were already too weak be. tween Bloemfontein and Kroonsted, and because there were 50,000 B141. Ls] at 131oentIontrain. The farmers around Item have all been forced to rejoin the enemy. The Doers' Strength, • tondpn, April .8(:). -The BIoemfentein ' correspondent of the Stow -bed, tele- graphing Sundayesays : eThe Boers eave taken every advaritaeteeof tee mountainous nature of theyeereatry, winch marks the line of theireeeeeet te Ladybrand. The task of detving theinels difficult, end • it is .0etibeeul whether they can. be reduced to eub- unission in re dietriet' so favorable to their tactics. •• et, e "I have visited a Britieh outpeete the one nearest Brancitord, The P.efAil show the deepest anxiety to learn -int Probable lino of our advance, aled they declare that they will not /the a abet from Brandford, ae tette wish to ext,ve the town from laombardmente - "The enemy am rentrenehee on the AtIlieesoietheeet of Drandferd, but they • 4••••••.1... • . Adjacent Country Cleiir. Thabalielin, April 28e -The adjacent country le now 'clear, the 'teem hav- ing retiree towards Ladybrand. Teere zero interestiag developments ahead. • Olivier IS Wotiiided Ay1wol North, 20. -It porbea Imth re at tiommentlitut Olivler W311 wounded at etrepener east Moe en.1-. New Zealandeele while ecouting, tought sbt Boerse killing three and wounding three. One New Zealaieler was wrangle:I. - The inhabitante of .11ouxville do not know to which Government thee be- long, aa there In no civil administra- tion there. • - Canadians in Action, London, Apra • e0. -A. special dee eintteli front Thabeneltu, &Mee Thurs- day, deseribing the etiglit at Isratiee Poort, which ire ebout eeven miles. ivet of Thabanehu, Nays: " Three hundree Itheers info strongly en- trenched on two koplen, The place of honor was giveut to the Canadians, who Advanced very cleverly tinder their eashiers commeneer, (loi. Otter, The Boers retiervell their fire until the Canadians had reitched the wire Mitalig*lements ; then thee Vaned With it terrific halt of bullet% , . "'Tim Cariatiettal, however, had takon gool cover...Attie Were nob greatly elamagel. They were ably eupported In the iteaattlt by the Gealtrienetowa Iforee. " Sari:Tasty° rushee broughb theni right up to the hoping, When Col. Otter was etruek twice, one bullet inflicting an ugly letb not eerigereug. WOund itt leo, neck, one the other tearing the badges front, hie shoulder, Due Ito still cheerer:I hie men on with the kopee w.ire retrial T11.1 Boer bonal. Tho Britizit losses' were 20in killee end tronneed." A tleAreiteli to 'the Mall from Thabancte describing the Hanle eno gagoment, saps; "Tito British fertile tory shelled the koples all day from three poeltionn. The Boer positione wero extremely well cleave Ingof a long range of very preelpi- tome Itilis, with' narrow poteee be. tween„ commanding a vast extent. of (tort ntey. • "The mounted infantry, male witio turning irioveingent, while the feet • Woo' are tar better ;off thin thiati to the mete, and theme that aro now fighting will be tar better off when they are living uudar a truly retitle lima form of Governmentwhiehe they do not have now." .01,0•1=qicran 'YeSirlmy Come did very well , at Paardeberg," says a Woken Can. dIn ".A.riother men We a bullet through , tJi e broth, and they ishave off 'the . brain ag Ib preerudee. Ito wilerecover all right. Ile can sexily ta0V0 one Side of his lace but be laughed gleefully with that' Bide when I mentioned Hector Macdonald -Ito being a itigle tender. Anther Highlander was wounded at Mitgerefontein,' healee up, and had Just come baok, wounded again at Paartleberg. The coincidence geented to amuse eine ")e.3, :sir, the bullets le all over you, if you lance begin to mind thein in action yore might as well not be here at all. thirdly hold myself, I feel so pleased abevt'irrtlitetvbor .ileallne, sir. I eau. eenti poor fellow, was 6711)g -his gelato nerve Jtad, been Ploughed liP by a bullet apa ho had neuralgia day, and night. Nature will in :time gacouhno. • date iteelf. „ h,Lancashire Fueiliere, sir,' says, an either. 'We lost 470' men out of 0001 only five offieere ont of -tweitty left, tine a captain in command. Yes, the loSt More thug nee ' band outside strekee up' 'Sol- dier:, of the Churn," and those wit° can move hobble oat of the tenth- and the Others brighten and sit up in bed-poot soldiere, of the Queen 1" • Doer 'envoys. Got no Comfort. Berlin. A.pril 20.-T1te Dresden Neu- • vete Naeltrichten loam from the very boat- Beare.) thet at the confer. once eehl between. members el 'the Beer mission and Beetle 13eaufort. the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, the latter del las best te 'convince tee aneveal delegateof the hopelege nese of their mission. At the Preseing request of the mis. Blom Dr. de Beaufort put himself in •Communication with the Cabinets ot Berlin, Vienna, it. Peterebtirg and antl naturally receivecl from, all of teem the answer that any' in. tervention was imposeible. A.11- the pewees, without exeeption, aeltireel the Boors to Melte overture of peace to ngland. Even if their ineeperelenee eltoula be Siorifice.:1 the COnChlsiell of peace would at least put du end to melees bloodehed, coming to America. •. Tee Hague, April lige-The members Of the Boer Peace Mission will sail froxu Itotteelam foe tbe Mated States mixt Thursday evening by the Hol- land. Ainerieen Line teloodep Maas - dam. Die Loyde and Dr. etheithe will not' accompauy the &legatee. The deJeb es Will visit Amsterdam to- morrow. PT..* Roberts BefusedBuller's Resignation London, April 00. --The Central Now 'mien:mos an interview with efeelore General Sir Henry Rhodes Green, tee, famous Angle -Indian it strategist and figittee, weree pr nu edie- tiodurthe the war have been Sin- nWarlY correct, tereeene belief Is' thret General Roberts, alter leaving a. lateens kat*. to oppose tee main Boer •arine at Kroonstaci will strike for Tan Reenenes pass and oYerWheina the Romer who are now in ,Natel, and Witie General Buller's alley invade' the Transvaal by way. of Laing's Nek, Thar statement MO leit attracted Loneen, May 41,.... -Themo ie no official news. from the Orange Free State, and no unofficial news of tater date than Sunday, -when Gen. lereneh was reporeted .to heeding Theba elechu and xeconneler.ing the hies to the eeet .of that place: The Belem, accord- ing to. ene report, are in great strength en the neigheorliotod, bee, arceoriding .to, another,' they are neer eve sarieiy northatere, ,`,,eaving rtaly a rear guard, without teen:sip:et, in the • - The, Dailey eorireepeudent at Thalba etchir reports' filo the. Beitith home ea'peurred -a Been convoy.; but he • gems no detailai It dis. reported fella Crape Town that General alienter, whase. dlivisien was fee / 11 • 11 Ott Jijel 1,1 tlI 1111 ttiti ttttittit "". 0 EL LIT WIT?. GENERAL ORoNJO BEICOttill BE LEFT POE ST. .13ELENA. •Though naturally silent and embittered:he' his defetete General"Cronje tenweil a little in the genial' cone pany of ' the British' officers. The defeated Generel is here Nhowai ellabtting witti,,claVtain Watermeyer, the . • officer in .weiose elutes° .ite was -The Graphic. • • . • . • e • • 1 ere not likely to make any, serious etand until we reach Nroonstailt." The Bloemfontein correspondent of the eforniiig Post, telegrapeing Satur- day, says: "From a Boer °feeler in the commissariat, I have obtained wino interesting detail% The recall had ih December 00,000 niee. lu March they nee barely 1:6500r Lavine* lost 8,000 in killea or Wounded ae.d 0,500 in captured. The others aro not accounted for, but have probably re- turned to their farms. ' "Tier official who gave me t1ie. in- formation predicts that the approach of veinier will produee further whole" - sale shrinkage. He says the Boers are short of wagons, wheat and smokeless powder, but that they- have plentv ol' other stores( rine of rifle =mural ma. They are not likely, however, to make a serious resistance, as they possele no poeitions ties side of Pretoria that are not capable of being turned by the British army.' Moreover, the Vaal River often no proteetion, betause It Is fordable every dozen miles or EO. The 'official. tlenke o deterniined advance by the Britten would Jetta the Buttes to dedroy- the Johannesburg Melee. Their cleverest general, ee eneo, 114 De - Leroy, although. Botha is a man or great ability, Non& of the Boer com- manders, In his opinion, can be com- pared with the tate tea. eoubert." . .......... . * litasutos Stopped Boers: , Pretoria, April 27. -The representa- tive of Renter's Telegram C'ompany at Brandford is Wormed. that Beers at° J'ammer's Drift tried to got Mai - munition. through Basutoland, but that the Basutos stopped the wagons and informee Gen. Detvot that a strcsig contingent of Beentos is now guareing the lino to prevent en- trance or exit from Basutoland. ' Native reports Nom ableinnesburg say tee Government inelicetore. there, aee convineed that dynamite wesehe cause of the recent explosion., and that the tlyncienitards' train has been tracoe to 4 Vacant house la tee 'vicin- ity of the first explosion. They have tberefore stopped all trains through Bologna /lay, in order to prevent the eseitiee of the Huspects. Among tee pereone arrested Ls William Ilegbia, eon of tho head of the Begble Com- pany, in *Whose eithe baii hes been refused. The ilfteir nine affect the question of tie7 ? British remaining in the State. ' 1 . oimr.........., 1110 War 'Will Ilring Unity. Now York, Apell IIG,-Tho pleasant epriepo Aveather had the °Mot of bringing large aindeneal to the vari- Oliii churehee where the work of the Ecumenical' Conferente, now lit eessien lit title city, wee diseuese I toelay. , Bishop Ieartzell, the missionary blieurop to A.friert of the etethofliat elpiecopel Clinreh in thli eountrY, prerteheil tie" enorriing at Si.. Paul's efethodist Episcopal Church. /te Ar- rive:1 here Seturatte evenleg„Itert re, turnci from a tour through Weet foul South Africa. Speaking of the South Afriean wa,r, Ito bail: "Donee bo alatenee about the war, re is f linfIlY 0110 Of the X(41.1011'0! Flit thO hietory of the eontinnt e. The oere. as a pea. Pie, etre not fled lig the Britielh Only ft "mall frin , at tete north IS ti!SArktIteNt Prone% ilehrethor WV.* pride in Itio loyailt,y0o the Queen. Ont Of thet war tviti coke mate. I 2i4 it cieirly, a unity bleed int grounde ot mutual reopeett The Boers In Carte s, nearly the amount of attention...it ee- •l eervee. It certainly has the Merit of • novelty and probability. Teat there is 1 eretto amount eif teeth' in it . is Ietrenethenect by the feet that Oen- , eral Green 1..3 a. doge personal friend of 1, I led Marseal Lord n•olacl.ie and Ad- jezenteeeneral Sir Evelyn Weed. • Aeettant-tinneral Wood, by the way, etated yesterday that as Soon as he learned of the pulinamtion of General I.ord• Bonert& etrieturee on the con- duct oe the Ladysmith relief opera- tions, General Buller tendered his re- signation to General Roberta, we° re- • fused to accept it, • ---.- ' - Boers to Wieter in leailat. Ladyinnttll, .Aptil.• 2V,--T1e 'Boers are .making preparatiOnS for spenoing the winter in. Natal. They nee visiting all the Enters within tee oecneled ephere, demancline, the . payment of the but tax and inforniing 'thorn theY name not . pay to the Nertel Govern. - Mont iii future, Int to them. • • ., : • Tho leoers aro eringing their stock front tere 4'401'h -chit into Natal for the wintergraziag, anti 'have hitine atel to the Kaffir:: that they require geese for their animals, awl thee the nattveS inust w0rk for titem or move eouth of Sunday's Rivet. 1 .. The enemy are busy .ort new pose tioes north .01 Feends Langte. It has tleen ascertained by meatus of irange-fluders that they are hot tbss s than fifteeit thousand yards distant 'front the station and thecollierieth, and teerefore 'beyond the rotten .of our guns. , • I Bleeinfoeten, Neh At TApril ti7.-Ocneral halia, u. . • smieleneeelen dectleied Thalia, Nehu on Thureday. alie Etoere retiree to Ladybrand after lighting a rear- guard eetion throughout *Wedneadayea . retreat. 1 The Canadian% mimed out in skir- miebing order, wore Gen. Smitioleor• tient vanguard, and had to do most of tho work. The Shronshires and a battalion of tee Gordon Highlanders E were also with Gen, einitleDorrien. ' Christian Richter's f artnhouso has been burned. ' A nviate flag was fly - leg over it, but this was regarded aa a doaoy, as enemy arnica Iloere , . were Seed in the vicinity. Mee lath. . tor le not c,harged with shooting at ' Ilritielt ookliere whilethe white flag 1 • Wile flyltee over ids house, but he le un. der arreat. . . A London Times spode1 states that Intafoking was ngatn beinbarded on the Iltit April, but without dellig ate 'treatable damage, The Boers wore repulsed in an ottempt to risk it position by a 1111Mber of ('apo 'Soya. I London, April :1 R.- Doyleavito Conan Doyle on Tontine. event cut tie a volunteer doctor, pays a glowing tribate In the Daily Nowa to the British Moldier, and at the same dine VAIN of some remarkable Ir'G'ithetlitaitlin. y is a great men," writes the novelist. "I went to WW1:urie-ea. terday tin(' saw him In various Stagr,S ofmath:I:teen and torture, told / tako my hail off to him. Heroic lie is in his enoetentatiotie patience and pereletent menee of humor. Ono poor folleW, :shot through both optic nerve* .--SOIW3 IlOpri ' of SaVing tho left eye -was place.' and quiet. "'Tim bullet that went throng)! mo, Mr, hit Gene.rel Knox afterwerde K71 another, proudly, , , laretee ateporte.4 to arreving at - Kineneelev, stairt tram that place' en command. ofa' strong co:umn to rieliove Maeeking. The operation, ji is said, . will preblable• bre seconded (Gienexorl Methuen, but General Hunter lira ha in chief eenteoll, reeseetch frone Kimberley states that elm Beers yesterday (Monday) occupied' in etreing force the town of Winetiortorivn whioh is areout 35 melee from 'Gel:tame Methuen's heedfauartere at ;Boise oe. irhe 'Yeomanry in tho Reshot dis- trict one grateene for the sip:elide) sierviee of the Aeareieleasa field hospitel elareng the recent openatione. Slight outpost action, tele piece daily Leyond Nam= • siding, where the head of the British ineasion Is African hens 81-,kries3 has brokeu out in General Buller's axeny. It proves eopectally fatal among freshly arrived anthills. The Bloem- foritein " correspondents point out teat the claficienelee In the veterinary cePertment cause thousande of Iowan. • A eespetch from nabs. Mem says hard fighting took pleco east of there Sunday. De Wet tried t,o turn the British right with the aid of artil- lery, but was beaten off. Crellje WA'S Cheered. Jamestown, St, Helena, April 80.- Gonera,1 Croat:, and hs wife, ,acc,ont. pearled by tee Generales Privalte Sec- retary, were permitted to attend re. Hem& earl -lee yesterday at Dead- wood -camp, aft -or Which ' thoy bad their 'trot. Me: around the country, an expertenee which seemed to give nut p eacnire. The famous Boer ,commarider was received with °beer% • Clear of Bettye. Ladysmith, April 80. --The country north of Sunday* River seems cone paratively clear or Boer% Goeerat Louis Botha ha n returned te Pretoria, to resume the supreme emannand Of the' Trensvaal forme. 01•10.3...prro Sennee Rejeeted It. Wailtington, April 30. -By ra vote or 20 to 29, tho Senate today refused to n011aider feneltor Pottle:rimer Mee ititione of sympathy with the Mere Count releitine Captures", Cape Town, April 80.-4. Frerteb, of. ricer. Comte Ducalue, who le described as tho suoceeien... of Col. Vilielede *wen% Juts erriveil here o presentee Ho wag captured. In a ekirmieli la the ' 'Kimberley district. , Free Staters May teed, Bloenifentein, April 80. - Reports from naive runners state that the Boors do not litteret to defend Ilrencl- fordebut Ivan oppose us from the line of bine north Pi it, using tile Vet River to protect teen, • front. The next atand thereafter Will be made at Kroonisted ante upon tile vane • River.• • Tee Boers in Narree district (lettere that a8. soon as the British afford them adequate protection from the bullYing. Transvaalers, Free Statere will lay down thele arms, as thee are seek of the war, .1••••,...00A Davits Retureing. Pretoria, April 28, via Lorenzo Mar. quez, April 80. -Michael Devitt, an ' ex -member of the Britien I-Touse of Commons, wito came to the Trans- vaal ostensibly as a newspaper cote . respondent„ will leave to -night on his • return to Ruropc. Ile hes contributed £10 for the relief of the :sufferers 14, the explosion in Begble's engineering ere Works et Johannesburg. •, A, savage murder by :stabbing wais committed here Thursday night, , • Supplies Pouring in. • London. May le -A despatch to the Times: from Lorenzo Marquee says teat the Transvaal and the • Orange Free State continue to tiny enormous supplies of . provielone Practically -all the goods brought by German and French steamers aro • landed into •cors, and Promptly taken by rail to the Transvaal. • • Stratheonafi Embark. Montreal, April 80. -The fifte re. crults for the Stratheona, Horee ar- rived here -this evening and embark ed on the , steanaselp 'Vancouver, .whiclo sails to -morrow inornilig for ' - England. , Boers Sniping at Weirton. Warrenton e April 20. -The Boers - have reoccupied the poeitionout of which they were shelled on Tuesdae. • They have been ,persistently sniping Women and ,ceildren draieleg ration ••• after dark. ' ' • • '.With the:Second 'Contingent.. • Van'Wyks -Vide 606 Colony, -April , 4, via Loecion, April 80. -The first " death in the socone Canadian eontle.- goat occurred teoday...Privatelbadlie,4 of Ottawa, hadriddenhis horse to the titer in order that the animalntight drink. The horsesuddenly ehreW him, rine he sank into a deep teethe Bead- •• • ley could mit swLun. Private Walters, of Ottawa, and .a dozen °there jumped - Into the water ter rescuehim, atid one. of the lumber, Pte. Fires, a Weet,Aerse traliam ehrought him to the' surface. • Lieut. Atherisc,n threw, n, rope to the pair, who were then pulled ashore; • Bradley was uneonecious, ' but .atter prolonged effort Dr. Stewart and . Hospital Sergeant Whitton succeeded in restoring, animation. The Mud had,.. however, so injured his banes that • pneumonia, ,set In, -en4 he dled the 'same night. The body was buried here with military honors. • • Fearful rales, almost' „thipesisable. roads and • a threatened .shortage of Previsions and forage axe character- ising the =arab., These heeds:hips are beginning to -tell. We left nineteen men in hospital et Carnarvon, and • another ' hospital has 'beer estab- lished' bete. Pte. Hopkins., of D rat. , bery, accidentallydischarged: els re- volver, the bullet taking effect in his • knee. The wound Is .not serious. Col. rferclimer has taken a staff nointment at Cape Town; and Major Rowe is now commanding :the Can- adian 'Rifles. Itien_and , . Lorenzo Marquez, ,April 29. -• The liner klereog arrived to -day with two hundred and fifty passengers for the ' Transvaal, including forty Red Cress • men end Mr. Philip, director of the dynamite coMpany. The vessel has' .a demo of three thousand tone. The ship's manifest shows• extraordine ary amount of machinery. The Herzog needs watekixig. • • ' • Meyer's Reply to Itoberta. • London, efey 1.-Generne Lucas Meyer, replying to General Roberta' complaint • that some or the BrItish prisoners at Pretoria are lodged in the town jail, says that only those are so treated who hale) tried or who ere Suspected of trying. to swept). He re- torts, moreover, that Boer prisonere are confined in the towa jen at Dietermaritzlitirg with natives, . To Canadians Illissinre • • • London, April ,80.-A deseetolfto the War Office from Mufeking, In Etritish Basutoland, hOrtheegib Of ener.• reports Mud two Canedlan members of the Mounted Rifles are missing,. They are: • Sergt. It, IL Ryan, 13" .Squadron, weo was on the reserve Of offieers need belonged to Kentville, N. S. „, • Pte, hhos. E. leaden, of "II" Squad- ron, who had been br "B" Squadron . of tho Itoyett Canadian Dragoons, SIIE WAS PEE ANI) LAN611.11)., Too Nervous to Sleep, and Daily Grew Weaker and Weaker. By .Using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food She Gained in Weight*, the Color Returned to Her Cheeks and She Gradually Became Strong and Well. roir people eseapo the depressing, debilitating (Meets of *ring, when the bleed is thin and watery atul the Whole system exhausted by the' artifielal life of Whiter.. TO young lady whose cage Is deoeribed bolone had noVer boon strong sine° passing the critical period known au the dawn of woman. Wod. SAO WAS taways °Vermin() by tired, languid foelinge and lacked the color, strength and elatitieley of movement whielt Is natural 'to a girl of eeventeen. tier mother tolls in the following letter how lfer daughter Wall pletely cured by the use of Dr. Clittse'S NerVe Food, the great restorative. tfra 11. McLaughlin, 05 Perna. meat oftreet, Toronto, statee, "MY elaughter WM pale, weak, languid and very' nervotue her appetite+, wait poor and changeable, ahe• eould soartely drag herself about the hones and her fierVell Wert cone pletely unit -troll tr, she 'could not rierlii tor roots *mg brX a WO at a time witatot starting 141101. err' ilgl,ArsigArtg-* vlar and woaket X *enrn atti704 earl got it 'box of Chases Nom% Food. She • ueed tees frontons for Rom Week*, and from the first we noticed it de. aided improvement. Her appetite ise. canto better, she gained in 'weight tho eolor returned to her face, and eho gradually heleamo /AMIN and well.. cannet Ome* too mueli in tome of thie Wereletful treatment mince It has More Otteit nbiteable; to my &rash, Tn mace of thonsomis of pale, weak, laerrOtle girls and woolen Dr. Olutee's Nettie Food has tiemonetrat., ed Its unperalleled renteiretivie pow - era. leer men wive are worn but by overwork or the ravage* of Memos this troth-MaeequoilyZioient. It is a eloodebelleler aiterlte vitallter of meet untiqtal torts, watch by streestbeatbg .and Inv Ling the whoa* As it sprbill' restorative It lo anL9. moulted by anyrenal,' known mnso a. 50,oento a box a ail _diatom Qt' 1'*ot1 MMN02‘, .1