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The Clinton
:RO T HO MMES, PPuublisher.
Zn oVely home little breaks are
warring daily: May be
Rings, Fines,
• Brooches. ;4t
Watches or Clocks,
Whatever • "c
?t -is we're anxious it shall lc
come our way.
We repair snob things in 'a 'eau's- ��cc
factory manner. ic.
charges e are moderate oderat -
.services s prompt.
nt a her
h t • large or email it receives
annul attention it requires.
We are Leaders in our. line.
• Jeweler
• . ExpertWatcJIRopairer
And. ..___ _
- St.'. Joseph's.
Noise =•Miss M. Bedard went to
zStratford-ori Tuesday, to help. her bro-
ther J.ui;n, who has a. large shoe store
in that place. Miss A. Denomme has
been. engaged to work near Staffs for a
•shoetperiiod. 11. Talbert, A.'Shans, J.
.Bedard and J. Jelinas have.each pur-
-chased.a new wheel fromMr Snell,of
Dashwood; ._
wood, each eachangea his old one
an purchasing th e new one.
DAILY, MAIL. -As the department
• -saw fit to allow a daily mail to. this
tlace,: consequently Drysdale,- a place
arrin almost as much comms
traffic, be an to clamor for a•dail mail
g y t
•also. This has now' been granted to
the latter place also, and'the people
look upon this as a long -felt `want sun'"
plied. So far the courses of the mail
'terriers ' hayiynotbeets altered, but now
it is being proposed to combine both
Fouts ., to one, and thereby save some
ABOUT OUR CITY; -'Nelson Vantin,
Who . is at present in Montreal, has pent
-BO-Copies of the paper "Le Presse" to
friends to distribute amonir the people.
In the edition: was•the plan of St. Jos-
eph's city, with ally its streets and city
lots; and containing, . a letter from the
•Gendron firm,, of Toronto, to the effect
that the said firm. intended to start
business in St.. Joseph's immediately.
However, it is expected that during
the coming summer vast numbers will
•settle here.
Smoot, Rore:nuBelow is' the
standing of the pupils of Sep. S. S. No.
1, Hay, based on regularity of attend-
ance, punctuality. and general profi-
-for the month of April: -Sr., IV
-Arthur •Jelinas, Delphine'Bedard,
Jos. Laporte; Jr. IV -Sara R. De-
uomme, Emma Denr mase, Mary De-
nomme; Sr. III-�EIi •Jelinas, Louis
Bris6on, Josephine Masse; Jr. III -Ella
Lafranier, Emilia LaPorte, Paul Can -
tin; II class -Emma Durand, Polly
Plante, Mary Papineau; Pt. II Sr. -
Evelyn Canon, Flora Laporte, Leo Be-
dard; Pt. II Jr. -Isaac Duchat me, Pet-
et' Papinean, Alex Denomme; Pt. I (c)'.
Theophile Bedard, Edith Jelinas, Paul
N. Oantin; (b)T. Denomrne, M. Rau, E.
Denomme; (aM. lfucharme, M. Corri-
veau, A. Aubin.-J. BEDARD. teacher.
FIRE. -The residence of Win. Kirk,
oda farm in the township of tTabnrne,
adjoining Kirkton, was destroyed. by
Bre on Monday morning. By the
prompt assistance of neighbors most
of the' contents were saved. and a fav-
orable wind prevented the flames front -
devouring the barns: and outbuildings
on the premises. We understand thatt
he house and. , gentente were,. insured.- S
to some extent.
Goderich Township.,
Notice to Voluuteers.--Reoraita wanted for
Bo. 7 Co., Gtoderioh township, tsrd Battalion„
. All who enroll before May 24, will receive 75o
a day to go to camp about Jnne 15, at London.
After that Iwill not . guarantee more than 60o
to 70o. height lift, 6in, np,chest at in. and np,
ago is to 45 years, J. W.SRAW, Capt.
OI'ERATION,-Wm. Eyeret, Porte
Hill, underwent treatment at the Oli
, ton hospital. About seven months
• he had his arm fractured above. the e
bow and for some reason never unite
and there was formed a sort of fal
joint. • The doctors cutoff the ends
the bones and wired them togethe.
He is getting on as well as could be e
pecte&for the time.
NOTES. -•Miss Annie Woon is ho
from W oodstock, and is gr eatly i;m pro
ed in health. Jas. Livermore has a
rived in town from Toronto, where
has ;been engaged in the asylum..
Misses Emma and Saline Marshall a
C•LINTON,.ONTArno, MAY 4, 1900:
d Blyth.net
The News of the Nei b.borrhoo
Supplied by the NOW Era's wide*awake and reliable correspondents
Hohnesville -
S. S. AYliliversary,
The Sunday school ' anniversary in
connecteon with the Rattenbury street
> church was a lot illiant succese in every
aoint-of view. The services -on Sun-
•* day were exceptionally well attended ;
ag CIIu1LCR No'rl's-s, Quarter!y� meeting FORRgsTERS.-- Court Selwood will
r. services will be held in the Methodist hold its regular meeting Monday, May
x, church next Sunday, mr.rning. On 7th, instead of Friday night as usual.
Sunday 13th the anniversary of the It.is regnested that all the members be
• Sunday School andLeague will be held, present, •
horn when sermons will bepreached by Rev. CRQRg1t.--One o •
J Holmes of Brussels. both morning quarterly meetings held for years was
and evening;
p; collections
s the that • day on Sunday, when a. large number par-
_ i be up in a Sunday ticipated in the Lord's Supper. At the
re social!' was in a Methodist church board meeting on Honda ight
w h �
• g r held ! et eq________
some >rom toronir'. ., W. Wtse
auction sale on Friday last was an u
usually successeul one, cows selling. a
from $45 to $50. each, and other stoc.
in like proportion; the attendance wa
good. Ed. Wise sold a draft mare to
Seaforth buyer for $150 which is co
eidered a good price.
A. PIoWEER, One'of the oldest, no
s when a ocdj program was renders vie w ut 1n represen five. to the
n- $ g district meeting. •
d as p
after which the , gentlemen • procured
t their ladies and spent an enjoyable N'Tns.- Miss McCartney"made' a
k time together in partaking of their re- .e ort visit at Nile Sunday. Mrs W.
s ast*''a large ctowd was present and Mulholland has
1 g, a a Dominic
a . the proceeds amounted toboute10••,>iot Swheel. W. Coland wife wheeled out
11-. being - very large on account of the dis- from Clinton. Saturday evening: and
agreeable evening. spent Sunday with the•iatter'snarents.
elle and
G.Proctor oc
r to each y
r genet
NOTES' Mr Ates. c&e lar def 'oe
M 1
t n
the actual "oldest resident" of th
township, lives in quiet retirement o
the Huron Road, four miles from God
ericb; in the person of Alexander Tay.
lor, came to Goderich township withis parents, in the 1829, and settled o
the farm now occupied by' Mr Monk,
at what is known as Taylor's Corner
the place taking its: _ name from h
father ; consequently he has been bee
a resident for over 70 years; He is o
of the most highly respected resident
• enjoying the conffdenee and respect
all. He is yet fairly hale and hearty
able to walk about, though Bufferin
_from the_, ordinary. ills common, to age
possessing all his mutat facultiee, an
the wish of his many friends ie that
may be spared for years yet,
a handsome new top buggy.. E. Levis.
still continues On the sick diet
and n Friday last for the North-west he , n A
will be absent for ' a few • months_ on Rumba" is not improving as rapidly as '
business. Mr Samuel Gracey and wife,
his many friends would like Miss E
on Sunday. Mr,N, H. Young return -visiting mthe
is of Wingham, were' visitors' in town Mollwain who has
been ' •
n.'steel;village, returned to. Nile on Tuesday'.
at stay int last after a few weeks Mr "Brooks movedhis ho seg
stay the state of Louisanna. yr Ir -u old effects
,,to Stapleton, where he has been work- :
hi win and: wife, of in visited his ing for the past few weeks; Geo. Wall, -
e father, Mr Jae, Irwin in town on Sun- of Aylmer, takes his- place on, this sec- i
on day,' Mrss Elva Adams,ofeondesboro, tion. Mr Fred Jervis has not'seen
s. as the guest .of Mase Anni raison, wrte enough of the'world yet,:the sailing
of on Sunday. Mr Alex.Dep on, who over an ocean is tame'beside the ex -
has been in the .employ of . Mr Jae. parlance, he has had on some of the
'• Stothers for the past year as baker, rivers, the "Nile" being his reference.
g 'purpose going to Toronto next .week, g p
•where he wil _ o more._into the_ art .o
. REPORTThefolloyving is the report,.
d confectionery;8 Alex has the cod wish- of the pu ile of S. S:.No. 3 . Goderi
he es of all his'rends in this .•lace. Mr township, forApril, based on good'de-
Duncan McKellar and family left on portmenr,punctuality and general pro-'
Wednesday for Hickson, where he is doiency;-Sr. IV -Harvey Mulholland,
engaged.in the produce business ; Mr Edward Badour, Saida.Cantelon, Fred _
t McKllar has been,a resident' of Blyth.Amess,Mabel Pickard;f illfe Colclou�•h,
: for thereat five . years being cheese= Rose Dem aey, Teresa. Crooks- Jr. IV-
maker in: he cheese facto north of Blanch. Te�butt HenryBadour,
NoTas.-Mrs Thos. McKay sen
Monday visiting.friend in Clinton
Mr and Mrs Robt. Bell and two. son
of-. Saskatchewan,are visiting at th
home. of. Mr and Mrs Audrew Bell.
STOCK NOTES.z-Cooper Bros., thi
week sold some 20 fine sheep to a Wis
cousin rancher; some '•of the ewe
brought' as much as $100 a pair. W
notice by the 'prize list of the'Sout
Huron. spring fair that the vicinity
Kippen was well• represented, and ca
ried off considerable of the spoil; Alex
Monteith got 1St and 2nd for Herefor David Workman has purchase
from Cooper Bros. a very fine carriage
colt rising two years; this animal. won
lstlast fall at Exeter, Zurich,' Staffa
and Bayfield; Dave .will show the peo-
ple the kind of.drivers to deal in before
long it was sired by "Melbourne."
Sinclair Bros,, of Kippen road, got 2nd
prize for their vearlin bull "Prince of
Fortune" at South Huron spring fair;
R. B. McLean won 1st in the same
giass•for his year-old,. which he recent.
ly bought from P. Curtin;; this is•a very
fine animal. and was bred by Jas. Snell,
of Hulled. In the horse ring Smillie
Bros., of i.be London' road, secured 1st
prize for their Inip Clyde stallion
"Prince of Hurford;" and J. Chambers
got 2nd for his 2 year old carriage
'What Care I." Were all : districts as
well represented in South Huron as
this one, the show would have been no
small affair: James; Crawford lost a
valuable horse on Saturday; he noticed
it unwell and unhitched. it from the
plow, and the animal died in twc hours;
it seemed to have something similar to
blind staggers.
s, t a ,
rryyence Trewart ha Royyy
e rendswish iPickard: • '
toe village ;hie many friends him, ,Birdie '
prosperity in his -newnew home. Mr J, . Willson, Edith ' Mulholland, Edward.
Mitchell, of Lucknow, has taken a sit. Williams; Sr. III, Myrtle Layie,Gordon
8 nation with• Frank Metcalf,'' Mr Ed. Amese, Olive Sturdy, Howard Wit -
a ,Moser spent Sunday with his intimate liams, Mabel Munnings; Jr.III,Evalena
e friend on the Base line." McCartney May Proctor, Stanley
h • Amese, Wilfred Colclougb, : Permilla
of 1 Halstead, George Colclougg h, Florence
Lavie .
Brace eld ,Dais Williams... Herber i
r... 11 .� t Hal-
5r yy
II -.Oscar Tebbutt, •James Tl;om�ppson• lett, • ar Z bbutt, Albert
rd . on'Monday-for her home in ltsoose•aw. Pickard,Edgy Willsnn,John Dempsey,
Arthur Sturdy; Jr. II -Prances >?'
d: Mr Jamieson has received'wordfrom u yr -, rances otter,
FATAL ACCIDENT,- Word bas been
received here of a most distressing and
fatal accident which' hefel Earle, the
only son of S. S. Cole, of Ethel,,bu
formerly of thie place. He, in company
with two other boys, was playing in
his father's saw mill, and was passing
out of the door when a piece of board
flew and hit him on the' back of the
head, ren'lering him unconscious. The
accident happened an Saturday after.
noon, and he lingered until 5 o'clock in.
the evening, when death ended his suf-
ferings. Much sympathy is felt here
for his parents and friends. He was a
bright and lovable boy of nine years.
The remains were laid to rest in Ethel
cemetery on Monday last.
Edinburgh, Dakota; where his son John Clarice Badour; Howard' Trewartha,
has been station master for ;a number
LuluMulhol]and, Mmole,Sturdy, Edith
of years, that fire has nearly swept the
Lavis, Ida 1'iuller;'Sr.pt, I1 -May Mc•:
place. the station house beicg burned; •Uarfn�e� y,Ellen Beaccm,Murfel Willson,
the books of the coma and some Leila Ford,Walbert Haistead,Etta-Col-
P nv clou h P 1 H' 11 J t II H ace
valuable express parcels were saved by - Tlh t I John Sturdy, Gl acme
Wm: McIntosh,' formerly. of our village; ,r00;11.' P F
Mr Jamieson'sdveelling was not burned. N. W. '1'REWARTHA, teacher.
B. A. Higgins, Varna, has rented Mr St...Relents
Marks' storehouse for Noxon imple- DEATas.--De i c
meats. Robt Ross leaves on. Saturday - en s. certain!
Wit cattlefor the Old Country, r specter ot persons. On Satur
t h h v M the remains of the : late Thos,
Colin Kennedy, of Seaforth, paid our were laid to rest in Bethel. ce
He was the youngest son of Thos. Tay-
lor, sr„' and bad reached his • majority.
Uoneumption was the cause of death,:
The parents have the sympathy of the
community in their bereavement. -Jas.
Laidlaw died on 'Sabbath last, having
,reached a ripe old age. A short time
ago Mrs Laidlaw was called home and
her husband' has not long survived her.
Much sympathy is extended to the fam-
ily in their double bereavement.:
B1UEr+s.-S.Pritchard, Goderich,paid
a flying visit to his uncle, W.McCrostie,
this week. Mrs McDonald and family,'.
of Belmore, are visitin 'friends in this.
vicinity ire present MrsgJas. Wether -
head and family, of• Medicine Hat, N.
W. T., is visiting at G. Wetherhead'e.
Mies Murray, of London,. is visiting on
the 9th con. Mr and Mrs: H. Woods re-
cently visited friends in Wingham,-
'd. Clark, of Lochalsh, spent. Sabbath
NoTEs.-At it special meeting of the
town council Monday evening the earn
of $200 was voted towards the fund for
the relief• of the sufferers from the fire
at Hull and Ottawa; we believe that
the ratepayers generally will be grati-
fied at this action of the council. The
33rd Batt. is to be congratulated on
securing Dr. Carlyle's great war play
just written,for its benefit per ormance
to be given, at the • Opera�House on
Tuesday evening next, lay 8th,
WEDDINGS. -Another of Goderich's
fair young daughters has been carried
away, in the person of Miss Alberta
Evans, third daughter of Mr and Mrs
Geo. Evans, and the happy man is A.
H. Charles Dalley, of Toronto; ou ac-
ac -
count of
npoor he
the alt
of the bride's
father the wedding was very . quiet.
The ceremony took place in Knox
church' at 6. n. m., Rev T. A. Anderson
officiating, ---On Wednesday evening,
'April 25th, the nuptials 'of Angus Mc-
Kay, Goderich, and Miss. Bella McLeod
were celebrated at the residence of the
bride's father in Amberley, Rev Mr
McLeod,` Ripley, performing the cere.
Reid has made up his roll for 1900, and
from it we get arsine interesting static-:
tics.. The total valet of:real property
is given at. $1,149,805; total value of
-personal • proeerty,'$53,025;-total taxable;
income, $24,950; total value of real and
personal property and taxable income,
$1,227,780. Real property shows an in-
crease of $9,365 over 1899, personal•pro
party -a decrease of $600, and taxable
incgme an increase of $100, leaving a
pet increase.' of .$8,865 .in the total asu
sesament.. Non rr'sident real estate is
assessed at $0.555.. The .po'pulatinn of
the ton is 4,0554, an increase of 27 over
last year. The numberof births during
the year was 48, and deaths 33, com-
pared with 53 and 39, respectively, last
year. Dogs number 183, cattle. 169,
hrirses215, and there are 30 steam boilers
Dr. Agilely. dentist, will be at the River
Rouse; Bsyiie!d every Wednesday afternoon .
beginning on May 16th. Any''message left
with the proprietor�will receive prompt atten.
Miss Martin wishes :to 'announce that she
has a large display of .millinery on hand and
invites the ladies' to call early and. secure a•
ohoioe before. all. are Picked over, Orders for
dressmaking or millinery promptly attended
to, A call is invited.
Tag HOTELS. -The hotel'licenses for
:this year have undergone considerable
y no. re- .granted a early license instead' of the
da last River Rotel : which •i t o be.o l
aylor a t only for six
meter y.
months. The Elliott House is for the
change. .The Queens Hotel bas been
villave a flying visit last week. Mrs
Rey. Sewers was in. London ` on ,Wed-
nesday. Mies Grace Elder, of Stratford,
was the guest of •Mrs Wrn. Murdock
last week. The • Miseidn Band of the
Presbyterian church will be' reopened
after the winter on Saturday, May 5,
at 230; all .young folks and children
are cordially invited to attend. Seed-
ing operatians are nearly completed in
Stanley; Tuckersmith is not. quite so
far ahead. Mr Will . Baskerville, of
Strathroyand now of Seaforth. was in
our village this week. Rev. E. H. Saw-
ers is this week attending the meeting
of the Synod at London. On Sabbath
the Book of Praise and organ will be
used in Divine service, in the 'Presby-•
terian church: here. •'Miss Anne and
Mr Arthur Elliott, of Bayfield•werethe
t guests of Miss Higgins on Saturday.
Mr John Rose, of Mildmay paid our
village a flying visit thisweek; his many
friends were pleased' to see him look, so -last under the parental roof. Mr and
well. Mr Peter Campbell who was
at. Mrs D. McDonald, of Wingham, called
tending the Dental College in Chicago a s. JL 's Satu fat last. Mr and .were
NOTES. -Tho men folk are beginning
to look more sociable' now, the reason
being that house-cleaning is pretty
well over, and they are now allowed
their usual , place ' at the table, instead
of eating off the corner . of the side.
board.Will McCully, left, for, Owen
emnd-last 'weeke'evi erelre intends to
no into the laundry business, Mr' Dunn,
head agent and overseer for the Inger-
sole Evans Piano Co.,•has placed a beau-
tiful Victoria piano 1n the home of W.
. Cook. Henry Squires, Winchelsea,
ailed on friends here this week. Mr
Morrow, agent for the Newcombe
piano, was _calling on friends here on
Tuesday. r Parish, Morrie, has tak-
n possession of the farm he recently
purchased here.
iJaURon.-Rev Wm. Stout acted
with promptness.on Sunday last, in.
aid of the recent sufferers” by the fire B
in Hull and Ottawa, .and; without any
liteyioue announcement asked for a c
beral collection for that at object, to
Winch a willing and generous response
OOttawas a by' earlymailthe were morn e
ing. A contribution was also an-
nounced to be taken up in both the '
churches of the parish, on Sunday next,
In behalf of the famine•atricken people
of India. These .congregations had
Previoualy given generously to the
atriotic Fund.. ' o
rsa c
have etarted t
week, after a
wing to a b
utting a.larg
NOTE S. --Mr
f workmen h
work for Mr
Rev. Mr Clemens,
Listowel, re
we are pleased
e is goingto
all wheat to
his section of country s year, ins
--Howson & Oebaldeston
he .caw mill again this
lay off for over a week
reakage. They are busy
e quantity for Mr Hill.
Cleo. Hebei andhie staff
a__yye finished the stone-
work new residence,
ane, who has been away
Evangelical conference
turneon Monday and
an being informed that
stay another year. The
cke very
er Eh promising
We *Mild remind our one.
Centers that we have re.
moved from oar old rtend,
Harland Blook, to the
eorner store, Searle Block,
corner of Battenbnry and
Albert Streeie.
We Sidi our old austere..
erre end many new ones to
keep Ail in mind,
A. Ferguson has been elected President
of Bethel League for. the enticing year.
• Stanley. ..
NOTES.-WDI. Murdock left on Mon-
day with cattle for the Old 'Country.
Peter Campbell, who has been attend-
ing the Dental College,. Chicago, • dur-
ing the last session, arrived home on
Saturday lath; he is looking well after
hie winter's' hard work. John Kinetin,
of Brooklyn, Wieconsin, shipped it
Argo number of Shropshire sheep from
Brucefleld station on Monday last;
e were purchased chiefly from Me.
Faslane, Fraser, Reid, Cooper and
gird. The dry weather for the past
en days has enabled the farmers to
get in the spring grain • seed in fairly
cod condition.
Atli` iilfiah Grader
bonze 28 t'laeh for Butter and Eggs g
bear, the same as previously..:'
txleTTING READY. --Preparatory to
the opening of: the season• the. people of
Bayfieldlare .getting • their best hustle
on. Every available house and cotttige
is being made ready to receive summer
visitors. Ali the cottages on the shore
are already engaged for:the summer,
and many new cottages are. now under
NOTES. -On Saturday last a number
of men and a couple of.teams from
here were at Seaforth loading square
timber; Mr Webb's saw mill flnished,
up the season's. work ; on Saturday.
Mr Thos. Sampsonresumed his work
on the G. T. R, on Tuesday. Rev. Mr
Henderson, of Auburn will:fill the pul-
ppit of Knox church'on Sunday next.
Mr R. Bruce and family of Cheboyagan,
Mich„ are here on a visit. Messrs
Latham and Bell are ;buying cattle. to
put on grass, Mies Annie Mason pur-
chased a wheel this week. Mr Joseph
Walker and family are here on a visit
from Brantford. Mr W. Whitely has
received a car load of •shingles from
British Oolumbia. Mc A. Woodman
and W. Whitely are making no im-
provement in health,. Several peopie
are improving the appearance of their
houses. Mr Melville rejoices in the
possession of a fine, youngtrotter-it
will, no doubt, be a record breaker.
is home for his holidays. Murdock, w,
visiting Mr and Mrs J. D. Murdock and
Miss Gordon here last week. An open
Summerhill. meeting in connection with the Harris
NOTES --Mrs J. Johnston is visiting Mission Band will be held in Calvin
in Stapleton. Mr and Mrs Bullard church on Wednesday,May 9.,h, which
spent Sunday in Winthrop as did Mr promises to be quite entertaining judg-
and Mrs Brownlee in Seaforth. Mr and ing from the program to be given. The
Mrs John Colborn spent Sunday with Presbyterians of this place sent about
$51 towards the lndianFamine Fund. -
Service was held •111 the Epiecopalean
church on Sabbath last
Wawanosh friends. D. Prior and his
men are hustling up the . brickwork of
Mr Lindsay's new house,
Of all the pretty places
Yon ma sear for with a will,
von would scarcely find n livlier
Than "pretty Summerhill,"
With, pleasant streetsM14 grassy; slopes, • •.•
The Maitland's banks beside,
',1'0 oto some pleasant holidays
Yon had better here abide,
CHuRcH,-Itev,E. B. Smith pr
a very strong/ and practical ser
Sunday evening last from Luke
"Sou, remember." We undo
that Rev: Mr Smith' has taken
of a parish et Carberry, Man.
time. We hope the change wa
the desired effectin giving him i
of good health. A meeting of th
berg and adherents of the
School will be held in the 'chi
night (Friday) at eight o'clock t
teachers forSabbath
mon on
tor a
y have
e mem.
o core and
work during the summer. The.
meetingof the Women's Atndlia
held at efts N. Lovett's on Thu
2 p.m: •Morley rial1, Mei
Hiving Irene Italie 'May
o elect
r�qr was
Talley at
n -
to an.
Mr W
inE� on
as the
Thomas Me.
years she
has been an acute sufferer from cancer,Varna
though able to perform her household
dutles, She weal an amiable and high NOTPS --B. A Inge
ly beloved woman, and leaves, besides A. gg is having t
her husband, four daughters and three some improvements made on hes pro. t
sons to mourn a mother'e loy One party. Mrs Dnncan, who has been ort e
thio sick list, ill slowly improbing, The
of her daughters is the wits oft Rost. teacher`s convention' matin the Var. .0
Hogg, of this townehlp. She was a nit ublio school on tSaturda
zealous member of !Seaforth ?really"Clpatinc;t.-•,Next Sunda ors n at a'.
terian' church, (and sister of Mrs W, 10.30, Quarterly service w ll be held in tl
Snell, of ilullett. the Methodiet dhurch. TheLeague t1
___ t,r..sr.�-.. ..---
_ met on Monday evening and elected a'.
Sciloor. REPORTS --The following is
the standing of-the�:pupils•of' a.- S: Nos,
1, West Wawanosh' based on•the eeam-
inations given during the month and
regularity of attendance;Sr.division.-
Glass V -Pearl Taylor, Maggie Ryan
and MaggieMathews,RuthGiryin;Class
IV -Mamie Girvin, Lucy Saunderson,
Roy Girvin, Leslie Fisher, Lucy Elliott;
Olass,I I -Arthur Elliott, Iierbie Stot-
Ella Ryan and Janie Wilson and
Ross. Ta lor,
Hall. Josie Yo
NOTES. -The ladies of St. Thomas
ejnareI3 hare. taken it.....npon.themselves,
to furniah the greater part=of the funds
necessary to paint and renovate the
church; the ladies of the Methodist
church have also provided funds to'
stipplementthe present church revenue.
Stewart Bros. take formal possession
of the Ogilvie mill on Tuesday; each of
he three brothers take control of one
of the departments of the mill work.
The plans for the grand stand at the
ace track are completed, and tenders
ar its erection are beingg .asked for.
The Agricultural Soefetyis also asking
or tenders for • erecting a new hall on
he same grounds
III -Hattie R.yaro Gladye Pentland
and Lizzie Nivine, 'Myrtle Ryan and .0
Daisy Bien and Ada Campbell. Bertie
Kirk and Ada Elliott, Robbie Fisher "
and Willie Campbell, Cecil Ryan, Liza
Divielon-Sr. II -Nellie Ryan, Everett
Elliott, Ruth Echlin, Geor Henna
33rd Battalion Concerts
Don't miss The inilitaz conceit.
Oth. Plan 'of hall rie J'atkemi twee
The Toronto Saturday Night gays :
'Mrs McIver Craig was the vocalist of/
exceedint hell, called upon Pentland, Pear Hutchins Melvin Cor. t
Grieve of this toWnship, Unkeld; Part- Kerr Stella b
trounce t cleat of the wl e of
he evening rind madil a decided eon -
nest of her hearers. Two of her num.
ers Were Scotch, in which she is tiepin
tally enecetisful, ',Clain ye by Athole"
being the most Artistically rendered
The Berlin News.Record, epealting of
he prOMitee tO Make her mark. among :
bete in the very first rank in AM& in
he Dominion. Ider execution ts virile
nd clever.
The Guelph Herald, earl r --"The etar
f the evening, however, wealth's Ella
. Fisher, what* charming appearance
went to her room, Deeetteed Maly/Ain* Len Dunkeld, Len lidlwain,
eldest daughter Of the late Hazel MO, Cepha Echlin, John Hall,
Mithael, and Wa3 born in the Viola Young,- SARA A, lifoKEider,
of Hullett. For the lort five
their officere for the ensuing year ; the
Gunn's hospital for reeurring attiteke let vies prem,, Miss Dennison ; 2nd 'lee
of appendicitis, Iraq made a good re- Nes., Mrs MeOltrilot ; Ord vice pixie., b
ste her finale elle simply .brought down
he house."
home in a, few days. She has been in l'rine secretary, Li, . air ; tresteurer,
the hospital for about two weeks Diehl
ekrng hint to OM hie inflames to atop the
South kirks.
the discourses given by Rev. G. W.
Brown, B.A„ B.D:, of Exeter, • Aho is
, specially- suited for Sunday school
i work, were very bright and instruc-
tive, More than mere mention should
be made of this anniversary, particu-
larly the musical part, as a beautiful
cantata, entitled "The Galilean," given
under direction of C. U. Tanney. At
the morning service on Sunday it. was a
sermon for the children, who occupied
the centre pews, and a choir of.over
thirty, comprised of the.Sucday school ,
scholars, rendered some- pretty selec-
tions; in this was a duet excellently
given by the Misses Wilken. That
part of the church which may be called
the chancel was banked •with flowers
of all kinds, and presented a beautiful
scene, in fact everything harmonized
in keeping with the anniversary. The
afternoon was devoted entirely to a
song service, which was well given by.
all, taking part. Besides the, usual de-
vo '
exercises 'aaddressee,
e s d t
followi g selections were given : Teri
tatio Gerty Chant; quartet,' Ely
Pot , Mary Hol
tie a es erL Chant
= y .m ,G y an an
The best advertising 'medium
in this section.
S $1 per year in advance.
( $1,0u when not yo paid.
18 nrade easier when you use one of
our, tongs, unbleached ebeep wool
epongee, you can't wear 'em out.
Other necessaries are Ammonia,
Sulphur, Sulphur Candle°, Copperas,
Carpet and cloth Powder, Carbolic
Aoid. ,
Chjorida, Lime
Is a perfect disiufeotant and deodor-
izing .agent. Unsurpassed for• wash-
ing and bleaching ,pnrposee, purify-
ing vaults, closets, cesspool endue,
cellars,eto„ and to prevent�spreading
of contagion. a lb package 50, 1 lb
These are a few things you want'
if there is" anything else we biive it
also. +, ,
P sScription
e Phone 2 Drug Store
C. Andrews; ' duet, Misses Goodwin'
solo, "Where is Heaven," Mrs. A. T
Cooper; solo, "Guide My Bark," Mrs
Murch; all were well, rendered.. It was
on Monday evening that the principal
part of the anniversary took stage, the
feature being the cantata, in, which
were sixty-five voices the sol
parts being taken by Mrs A.T. Cooper,
Misses Goodwin, D. 'Wilkens, Mr and
Mrs Murch and E. Seale; the duets by
Misses Lizzie Reid and_ V. Heywood
and Misses Ida and Della Wilkens`;
quartet by -Mrs . A. T. Cooper, Mr
°bowels, G. McRae and Mr Murch
Recitations were given by Elsie Bruce
he came to Peterboi o to reside.. --Since
• cornine here he has made many fast
friends;' bis quiet, unobtrusive and
generous nature endeared him to all
with whom he came in contact, either
professionally er socially. Staff and
contractors alike speak ofhint.in the
• same affectionate manner. Mr Robert-
son was born at Brockville about 44
years age. He • was a skilful, :careful •
engineer, and while zealous of the is
tercets .•he-.. was . serving, was Just and •
considerate to all contractors.: • etr • Robertson's death' will be sad news for :.
the numerous friends he made in the.. •
: many pp arts of Canada where he has
ed., He. leaves . a wife- and
child, to whim is extended our deepest
d• sympathy. ' ,..p.
and O. Andrews„ the latter being
very humorous description.. of the
church; a pantomine, which looks
really pretty, was well done by Mary
Holmes, Getty Chant, :Ruby Brice;
Elsie Bruce and Pearl Shannon* in
white Grecian costumes; a: well reri-
dered.solowas given by , Luella • Tau-
nes; and 'The Maple Leaf by the
choir. The entire program was con
ducted .by Mr, C. 0. Tanney, who de-
serves; credit`- for the success; it was
appreciated' by the•large audience pre-
sent. A pleasant surprise was afford-
ed Mise Eleatha Boater, : who . wasppre-
sented by -Superintendent W. N. Man-
ning, on behalf of the 'Sr S., witb 'a
golden chain as an appreciationof her
seryicesrendered, which she so kindly
offered at any time required. Th
proceeds were gratifying indeed, $67
having been taken in on Sunday,, and
with . $23 : received on Monday night,
make the handsome sura nf $90 to
go towards the : Sunday school. The
chair was: ably filled by the • popular
superintendent, W. N. Manning, who
has been very laborious of late in pre
paring and attending to matters in
connection with the event. Every
person who took part filled his place
admirably. It was an- anniversary to
be proud of, the program was . good
and finances. over that asked for. Sec
rotary L. Doherty presented. his report
for the S. S. on Monday evening, and
shows an increase for the past year .
the 30 teachers are members of the
. church; there are 350 on the roll; aver
, age attendance. 199; 62 are in the prim
ary class, 118.in the intermediate, 130
in. the adult,and 40 in the home depart-
ment; 19 have united with. the church,
making 203 who 'are•members; 160 are
pledged' abstainers; in the literary de
pertinent there are 550 volumes in the
library, 105 copies of Onward,. 66. Pleas
ant. Hours, 65 Happy Days, • 65 Sun-
beams, 23 S. S. Banners. The . moneys
contributed for school • purposes a
mounted to $179.94, divided up es fol
lows':' $720 for Missions; $61,50• tor
cot. in sick children's hospital; $5 for
provincial association; $2' for S. S. ex
tension fund. '
SCHOOL MATTERS.- It is the intention
:.of Principal Lough andthe.te
__pp g achene to
•observe Empire Day in right style, and.
- a program is being arranged for an. en-
tertainment to be given in the rink, if
• :_ suitabl . Owing to this day canting
= before the Queen's birthday, 'which is a
holiday, the entertainment may be de --
red until Friday, June' est, sous to
'allow the b=iciness' men and others to'
at tend. 'Particulars will be given later
on. -=Public school leaving examination
time table, 1900: Tuesday July 3-9 to
11.30, ' English' 'composition;. 1.30-4,•
geography. Wednesday; Cie July -9- The 1130, arithmetic and mensuration; 1,30..
4, English 'grammar. Thursday,July ,
5th -9-11,30, hi tory (British and:Can-
is wanted by many of our citizens, and
what's needed to make the agricul-
tural exhibitions in the fail a emcees.
The fall shows, and even those of coun- • s
▪ death for want •of something attrac-
tive, and by observation it is noticed
. that a few horse races is the drawing
card. Many of the neighboring towns
ate holdingrace meets instead- of the
usual celebration days, end. they will
- be well attended. It is the hopes of -
our lead sperta in favor of securing a
speed track in 'connection w(eh the
agricultural society. At first it was
• the present agricultural grounds, and
to turn both into one, thus making a. .
field of nearly 20 acres, which was in-
tended to he converted into a (reek.
". .The buildings on the grounds dould be
used OA heeetnfore for the exhibition.
Engineer Rogers. of Mitchell, was up
on Frida.y last to look over the place
and to give the promoters an idea of
tee cost of putting it in shape. At a.
, careful coniideration it was decided
' tnat the undertaking woUld cost rather'
much al there is a large ;piney in the
Pair field which would have to be
levelled up, and woind require an out-
; lay of money in the beginning. This
! site has been abandoned, but, another
schenoe is launched whereby the gun
club held a meetings of its sharehriders
at the Hotel Clarendon on Tbursday
night, to consider the leasing of its,
grounds to the agricultural society for
this purpose. If this can be arranged
upon, the present building used for ex-
hibition displays could ,be easily ree,
The nusiness men and others are of the
- opinion that this is a good echeme to
not only' keep the fall show alive and.
ahead of the others, but will be a draw- sae
ing card. In a few days more will 'be
learnt of the project.
Addihonal Local News.
Stratford :Evening Herald IR booMing
its daily edition, a feature of which is a
budget of correspondence -from Olin ten,
Gedeeich, Mitchell, Seelarys and other
neighboring places. Geo. Westman,
travelling agent, was here on Tuesday
soliciting patronage. •The book stores ,
in town are handling this paper and
will deliver it in town at 25.cents per '
moneh. The Herald is progressing.
Sunday.morning last, in the course of
his anniversary sermon to the children
Rev Mr Brown', of Exeter, was asking
the children questions. To one, hoW-
ever, he gob an answer that' was un -
looked for. He aske& "Who is the
greatest ruler on earth ?", the expected
answer being "the Queen," bubo. bright
youth of about six summers, who is
evidently being broughtup In the right
Way, amused. his hearers by replying
SOLD OUT.-ThOs. Wigginton, who
hart for seine time been doing expere
work in connection . with the erection
of wind mills for the Geoid, Shapley
080.0roef Brantford, hag teed his outfit to
ha ti Stewart, whiz) will Undertake
the same work, Mr Wigginton remaine
a representatiVe of the Brantford corn -
ilk 'business to the otlier ree
dealers of town. Helievieg tleat three
are plenty for the town, and wishing
to devote his time to the farm, he de.
pcirdieede to dispOse of it tab e reasonable
TUE /Writ G. IC RonEstre0E. -The
following Obituary notice was taken
from the Peterboro Daily Eitapitien
of Wednesday, April 2fith, aad has re -
&ranee to the lat,e Geo. E. Robertson,
teon-inelaw 11. Coates) who died at
Hamilton hoapital on the 28th ult., and
of which mention Wee made in our last
vision of the Trent canal, died tee Ham.
ilton thie morning, Mr itobertsori has
beet eonneeted with the engineering
esbapublle works in the" join°fin6illoenlafrogr.
the past 25 years, About three years
ago he was treamferred from Cardinal,
where he was employed on the St,
Lawrence Canal.% to the Sinworellal.
sara Lake pivision of the Trent Valley
Canal, Ms headquarters were at Kirk.
field until about Christmas hitt, when
The Question
Of the Hour
Where 0110 I get the best
Insurance st the least poesible cost
Why front the
Canadian order'
Ot Foresters .
Reasons: —
1st -it is purely (Uneaten.
20d.*Paid preinium, no death
• or 92,000 ineuranoe.
4thi-gie hirer :surplus on
hand for etch 111000 riak
than any other moiety of
he kind in Canada.
• stii_:ever $2,000,000 paid to
burawro ttul. their de-
pendents shwa oriilt'lizi*
6th -NO Order eXoblet it in e0On-
orny of mantigement, lairs
coat of inearanet mem.
hem promptness in pay-
ment of claims. L.4."4:t
7th.Trivested in Government
Vends $837,281.88, MOM*
herehip over 88,000, death
rete only 4,48 per /1,000
in the 2itt year
?or full information regarding the
cost of jolting Conti Kole Leaf,
No le, apply to
A. J. Brimillt, etteekoppariteite,