HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-04-27, Page 104 A Y t April 27, 1900 £.arpetsior 'Small Rooms SELLING OF REMNANTS AT PRICES MUCK LESS THAN REGULAR . , , People who haive a'smaU room to carpet can save a good deal of money by taking"advantage of our annual clear- ing out of Carpet Remnants. . • Every end of Tapestry and Brussels 20 yards or less THE 1.rINTON NEW ERA • elle • TAKEN DOWN,-- An old land mark 1 has gone front the north elide of Valles 0,1 e 4 % mi I. It was the run -wetly which wee in connection with. the saw mill, taken FUIDAX APRIL 27, 1900, away by Mr Doherty. We are told it _ was built there about 40 years ago and LOCAL IVOTICEs. '� eon/ is no more. The Messrs Fair have • had the lot, on which thousands of feet orthile--rAhandsomeAmericanfoldinabed of s,ewloge bad fotneril* lain, ploughed of quartered out oak with .13sitiah plate glass with the intention of seeding4t with officer. A asap. 4444Iat the Now F.RR pets. ao 003Pl . NOTES. --Ina letter to Jas. McCool, Of town, John Potter, of Pilot Mound, HA1LWAY ITEBle,--Two of the larg• report that tateseedi ars up there are est trains. that have ever passed over i1; he adds that the Grand,Trunk was sent out from "aria people do not • need to think Sarnia lately. They were compposed of that Manitoba is such a frigid Country 01 and 0$.Insded c,t�rs•respeolive' y, each as is generally the idea. Bohn Lovett carrying 20,000 tans of freight, W tn, is iwprovin his house by having it re - Sutherland, the brakeman who was sb ihingled.he regietrarlget alai of On- severely inured on the G. T. R. a few talio has issued a circular, .notifying. weeks ago dirt♦ recovered so far as to medical men that if they do not report • • • -• •-• births which they professionally at-. le will have the pleasure of hearing bee on Monday evening next at are- cital to be given in Ontario street church under the auspices of the choir, The veterinaries are somewhat in• the barberingbusiness. these days, clipping horses; tey have been vcry busy this week, shearing. Ih't Whitehead hi having a Stone foundation put under her residence on Victoria •Sty. The poicialhri s department has is- sued regulation providing that dur- ing the rub of suckers .this spring the fish may be speared in'any part of On- tario, with lanterns•. The Winghatn Times says that the Clinton delegation made an inspection of the granolithic sidewalks In that town last week, and were shown around by Mayor Clegg and Clerk Ferguson, who gave all the The collegiate board was not burden- ed very heavily on'Monday evening at its meeting ; the only business done was the passing of a single account. It Is sain the "biggest liar • was in town - the other day selling soap and some. were taken in by his glen tongue ; we regret to eay,however,wewet e inform- ed he was an ld en ttshtnan. Bicycles are still going ; A. T. Cooper sold, due - the past week,. a W elland Vale to Mr Bompard, ofil3olmesville, and wheels from the Canadian Cycle Co to Lester Sage and Percy Jobus. Tire carters of Toronto went on strike on , Monday ; the merchants "appeared to be anx- ious ?" to have shipments delivered fol- lowing the date. £he Brucefield spring horse show was held on Wednesday ; reports say it was very successful. Among the shipments this week were one car load of cattle by Uhas. Reid to Toronto and one of hogs to the carne place on Monday ; the price of pork is placed at $5.75. Tbefrernen were out out for practice on. Monday evening ; the engine wotked'we1'. J. H. Hill's delivery horse ran away on Saturday •.but only a shaft was broken, We are informed that J. Gardner has eecured. the contract of plastering Wm. Webb's new house from contractor S, Stevens that of Mo re ch" is dalsot W. o s ht tube built soon. The boys have start- ed lacrosse and it will n st be .long be- fore the base bail dab -wig be at prac- tice. Petty thieving has been going on lately in town and the NEW • ERA has not escaped,such things as 'stamps, s c: ••n Pencils, tet having been e taken on,Wednesdav evening.; generally a newspaper office is not a very good place for a thief but we would like hie card left netttiine. A: Estey, who has been conducting the River House for some. time past for J 0, Mil. lei will go into business for himself ; hewill take charge of the hotel at Btuevetle as soon as a.tranfer of license is granted. Several gentlemen have been here thisweek looking over hotel property with a view of leasing one of them. J. Scruton, • manager for T. R. F. Case, will stare next week to kill his own beefs for hiscustomersand has rented the slaughter house -of Chas. Wilson; formerly Mr Scruton was sup- plied from Seaforth. The 33rd Batt. Concert is to be given in Clinton, on Thursday, May 10.- Dr. G. E. Holmes. L. D. S,.' successor. to Dr. T. C.'Bruce.. dentist, of Clinton, : will 'be at the Queen's hotel, Bayfield, until further notice. Mrs (Rev) 'Parke entertained the choir of St. Paul's church on last Friday evening. ' A letter from a citi- and every end of Wool or Union of 12 yards or less has been +- tend, thedpenalties of the law well be omissions to register, and the circular will have an effect in correcting the evil, The artist who wants to immoi- talize himself in some new scenic pro- duction can go down to the J3ayfeld river and sketch "the man behind the Ashing ole;" Kipling's'°the man with the hoe' is not in it with "the man be- hind the plow." The minister of pub- lic works, O. Johnston, did a good act in having the grader shaping up and cleaning the main streets during the past week. Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co, played: to a full house an. Thursday evebing last .week; they. gave a Food entertainment, the feat- ures being the '•cullud" cake walk and the fine male quartette in their south- ern songs. The Morden Chronicle says there, arrived there the other day 10 pedigreed bulls from western Ontario for distribution at Indian Head, Regina and Moosejaw. The garden rake -and lawn mower will soon be in use again, as the grass is getting green again., House cleaning is the order of the day, and storm doors and windows are being replaeed:by screens. Society gather logs ate declared off for a time. Thos. Walker has .papered the'vestry of Wil- lis il-lis church. Iu recognition of his brav- ery' at Fair's pond, where the sad acci- dent occurred last week, Guy Miller was presented with $10 by A, Moore, father of the lad whose. life Guy saved. Sing a song of . house-cleaning pocket. full of nails; four and twent y dustpans, s4rtibbing-broads and. pai.le.. Our .pd - pate wire tells us to look, out for a number. of. weddings' in Clinton this year ; we learn of half a dozen but. three of those'. are' to be' in the' leafy. month of June and the ladies who.vire contemplating entering that state and looking forward to .the. •happy event, as they are very protninent in the mer- ld at 65c to otear oak sad per yard ��,+ ' � centile.line,will be missed in .. (Anton. The. next general holiday is. the 24th:.of Mar ; the schools willobserve `Empire day which comes on a : 233rd. Clin- tonwill grow this year a least in side- walks ; ide=walks; they are to be up-to•date and. will be made of cement. Che 'roads and streets are fast becoming in. fine shape for cycling ; the bikists are'be• information possible on their construe-, tion and cost. Route.bills.:promptly printed at the: NEw ERA .s tl%ce; cuts of. drivers, draught and general put•poee horses are to be bad. Mrs,R McLean- ' an opens up her new store ou Saturday, April 28tb, with a stock of ladies' • wear and house furnishings; a cordial invi- tation is extended to'all to visit her. coming•, numerous. g. O. Arnold, manager for Miss Tessin McCallum, Toronto, . the noted reciter, was m town last is making arrangements for an entertainment to be given in town ;we understand the Clinton peo- *rioked out of our stock and re -marked at a price that has been made low enough to clear them out quickly. 'Carpet Remnants, if allowed to accumulate, soon lock upmoney, and we are ahead in the end to sell them" quickly; I een at a big .sacrifice, There are just 44 ends in this.lot, and as you will see by the list below, some are -the best qualities we carry. They will be ready SATURDAY, the ' 28th, and the sooner you come after that the better choice• you will have.. The ends will be sold by the piece only; at these 'prices we cannot sell cut lengths off them. ••• If you bring the size of your room we will be able to tell. you exactly how any of i• them will fit.' Here's a list of the ends and the prices we will sell theme. at : . 1-6 Yards' Tapestry •Stair Carpet, good quality, 221 •. Remnantinohee wide, medium da,k colors, sold at, SOu a yard, to clear out end, per yard no end, Remnant No. 2-81 Yards •Tapestry, Carpet,dark colore,good pattern, 3$C close pile, sold at 60o tier yard, to clear out end, per yard Remnant No. •3--101 Yards Tapestry Carpet,the beat quality we'buy • handsome designs, medium to light adore, sold at 87io per tend, .S5C to clear out end, per yard , Remnant No. 4-31 Yards Tapestry Carpet, medium colors, regular $C • 690 gnality,to clear out end, Per yard . . " Remnant. No. 5-10 Yards T,tpestry,Carpet, dark fawn. ground; our 65o quality, to clear but end, per yard. , . - 400 Remnant No. 6-8 Yards Tapestry Carpet, neat small pattern, �,. suitable for hail, quiet colorings, sold at 75o, to area; out end, yd . 51 C Remnant No. 7--14} 'Yards Tapestry . Carpet, medium dark oolore, good pattern. told , + • Remnant No.: 8-1.41Yarde: Tapostry Carpet, .light ground, :floral 4C' .. pattern, quality that will stand bard wear, sold at 750, to clear Remnant No. 9-12i Yards Tapestry Carpet, light ground, good pat. tern, wase re. good.value M our price 75o, to olear out end %DC ends Tapestry Car eti .I0 and 9 arde Remannt No. 1d --Two Carpet, light ground, scroll and floral pattern Bold at 470to clear out g ends Trig Poetic LIORAny.--The committee is to be cntnplitnented on the manner it keeps the reading mat• ter up to date and the additions which are being made. A consignment of 175 volumes of new books have been received and will be placed in circula- tion as soon as possible. A number of the most recent and popular books are included in this lnt, among others: To Have and to Hold, Red Pottage, The Light of Southey, Mary Paget and Parson Kelly. Now A DEttTAL SURGEON.- We con- gratulate our old friend. W. Holloway, son of Thos. Holloway, of town, on his success, having been admitted to the degree of licentiate of dental surgery, Will has been for a few years past en• gaged is Harriston, but havipg obtain• ed the D. S. will now hang op his sign for himself.. Rumor say be may start in Clinton. Allow us to. extend our congratulations, Will, with• the • wish. that you may prosper in this. profes- sion. Here is another time. one of our own boys have come to the front in "the professional line. HOUSE CLEANING. --1t has started. The good housewife ties :a cloth over .her head, rollg,�ap her sleeves and Le - gins the annual cleaningfrom cellar to garret, she goes about ceaning, scrub - in until at: last hint;, wiping anal toilings the whole house presents an apppeal ance of freshness and brightness. Now while the women are attending:to"..,the_! interior why not the' men look after the outside, There is painting, raking and a•general gleaning up to be done, Nothing adds more to the appearance of the town than freebie painted houses and neatly kept lawns and ,,yyards. Strangers in town. notice these things. library exacted; t ere are undoubtedly some THE LATE WESLEY EAST. --The fun- eral of. Wesley East 011 Friday uf•last <, • the sah .I week was 1a�►gely attended,- ars of Rettenbury St, Sunday school • tieing present. Among the • floral tri• butes laid on thegrave were an anchor from the Collegiate and a pillar from the Junior Leegne of the church. The pall~ bearers were those who'attended the same•Sabbath school -J. Doherty, Fred Chant, P. 'Johnston, W. Steven - • 3.0e No• 11.8 yards Braseele.Carpet, medium .s?ze pattern, son, S. Andrews : and,. J Jenkins, and Remnant i, re c ndt •ted carpet. Sold at $1,to clear endbete . � the burial services we o tt .by fawn ground, a handsome Remnant No., 12-17* yards Brussels Carpet, fawn ground, scrod • and floral pattern, a carpet that will look arid wear well. . Sold 63c at $1, to clear tut end Remnant No: 13 -17* yards Brussels Carpet, fawn ground, floral pattern of quiet.00tore. Sold at 90o, to clear out end,, 60C Remnant No. 14-191 yards Brussels Carpet, fawn ground, Sorel patterns, dark colors.. Bold at 90o, to clear out end 55e Remnant No. 15-5 • yards Tapestry.Carpet, tight, colors, medium ° pattern, one of the best qualities of tapestry carpets we 'buy, „C '. sold at 80,;, :to Olean oat end Remnant No. 16-9 yardsTepestry Carpet, medium colors, floral pattern. Sold at 600, to clean out end 3�ic Remnant No. 17-18,I yards Tapestry : Carpet, dark ground and pat- tern, floral deeigns. Sold at 60o, to clean ont end.. .. Remnant No. 18-201 yards best Tapeetry. Carpet, light ground, • floral pattern, will give no end i f wear. Sold at 90e. to clear 50c ont end .... Remnant No. 19-111 yards Brussels Carpet, . light ground, hand- some floral pattern. Regular. $1 00, to clear out' end .......... 60C Remnant No. 20 -11f 'Yarde beet Brussels ' Carpel,' light ground, $0C floral pattern, the best Brussels we keep, sold at $1.25, to clear.. Remnant No. 211 -29 Yards Tapestry Gmrpet, ligbt ground, small pattern, regular 80e quality, to dear out end 456 Remnant No. 22-4 Yarde Tapestry Carpet, medium whir, regular „0C 75o quality, to olear out end, ... • • Remnant No. 23-8 lards Tapestry Carpet, dark fawn and brown, good pattern, told at 75o, to clear oat end 50C Remnant No. 2s&--8 Yards Aaminieter Carpet, fawn ground, hand- 13 and- aome floral design, sold' at 111.15, to clear out end i'5C Remnant No. 25-129 yards Tapestry Carpet, light ground, hand- .. some pattern, extra good quality, sold at 800, to clear out end OUC Remnant No. 26,-89 Yards heavy all wool Carpet, good pattern and quality, sold at 920, to clear out end- . 60C - Remnant No 27-61 yards our beat all wool Carpet, one of odr. best C' Gelling patterns and our' 90o quality, to clear out end ..... ,': - Remnant No. 28--41 Yarde all wool Carpet,fawn ground,iarge flofral pattern, sold at 760, to Clear out. end Remnant No. 29-39 Year all wool Carpet, dark colors, sold at 80o, to clear out end . ...........................:•........,lupi Remnant No. 3O-81 Yards all wool Carpet, light ,groand, good pat- terns, sold at $1, to clear in Remnant No. 3I -18g Yards extra 'heavy all wool Cbrpet,good pat- At, tern, sold at $1 to olear out end :.. . . . ............ . . . . ,Rerr�llltltit So, 32-51 Yards alt wool Carpet, heavy weight. dark AA cora, soTd at t+lil6, to blear �ittt end' .` . , . r , . t r.'.i � .•r•i r- ..w.. v- . V V �'t.. Remnant No. 33-119 Yards all wool Catpt't, best super 2 ply, sold at 90o, to clear at end • Remnant No.34.101 Yards all wool Carpet, Berk 4o10rinae regular 80o quality, to clear out end.,. Rennant No.35-69 Yarde all wool Carpet,' heavy .weight, scroll pattern, fawn coloring, sold at 90e, to clear out end 60e Remnant No. 36-4 Yeas all wool Carpet, heavy .weight, fawn ground, blue flower, sold at 900, to clear out end 68c .. 65c StOC the,.pastor, Rev W. G. Howson,. and Rev :. Millyard, of Exeter, a former pastor. • TRE Lo4ALMARnETs.: Larger crowd thau usual, in town ou Saturday and it appeared lively Increased:deliveries and lower prices are'reported, eggs: having dropped a cent. .CanteelonBros made a shipment since In'et consign- ment of. About 5,000 dozen' •.and over 2,500lba of butter for the Eastern -mar- kets. Dairy prints and rolls are quot- ed at 11 to:12c ; eggs are in .Dirge imp - ply at 9 bo No ; potatoes are in demand, and prices range f► om 20c to ' 252 ;. no apples are to be got;, maple syrup'is selling at $1 pergailon ; there is a de- mand for table vegetables, carrots; I cables, parsnips and fish are on the market. "BUTCHER "J3UQINESS SOLD. -F. H, Powell has disposed of hie butchering business andawi1I go un the farm of.J. O. Elliott, Bayfield road, R. Fitzsimons is the new proprietor,. at least, he is an old butcher of town but will be in a new place. The business will be con- ducted under the management of H. Fitzsimons whi mill' take possession Monday,May 7th. R. Fitzsimons, who has been engaged in buying hogs since. he gave up butchering a year agge will still continue buying and shipping hors. The citizens tnaydepend on the reliability: of the new pproprietor. We are sorry to see Mr Powell leave us but as he intends to live in the vicinity of Clinton we hope he may make many coins on the farm. A vacancy in.the. fire brigade will thus be caused by his retirement, No OELEBRATION.--A number of the. Citizens' Committee met at the town hall on Monday evening,. to consider the advisability of celebrating the Queen's birthday. Many in town were in favor of demonstrating, as is the usual custom in Clinton, while othere- were of the opinion that the time to -arrange is too short,- and something very attractive would need to form partof the day's proceedings to ensure success and have the accounts wind up on the right side of the ledger. These who met therefore came to the con• cit rte;& to 'Ringo' the celebtettiois this year and have something out of the ordinary on Labor Day, which comes on Monday, Sept. »3rd. We think this was a wise plan, and hope that when the time arrives the citizens will go in with a will forst big demonstration on Labor Day. 5i5C IxormitsT 1311t1l.-Just as the curtain Remnant No. 37-69 Yards all wool Carpet, fawn shades, heavy • Vent up at the start of Stetson's Uncle weight, sold at 90c, to clear otit end 60e 'r'om'p Cabin, which was holding forth Remnant NO, 38-8/ Yards Union Carpet, brown and fawn colors, in the town hall on Thursday avenin sold at 60o, to clear;., t end • dye of last week, the fire alarm sounded, •I'll emnant No. 89-4/ 'Xi 'de heavy Unibn Carpet, red oolorings sold Immediately the proved rase to et out when some our; veryetensibly" caned out •I. , at 50o, to clear out en .. » 35c ,"alt down." Had this rational order not been instantly obeyed by those present, the majority of whom were children, there likely would have been . toe a panic, and •some• one serioual hurt. in rushing down the stairs. it wag very • thoughtful on some one's part, The scene of the fire was the window of Nevircbmbe's . dry goods store, and 30e i but for -the prompt and heroic actions of Wesley, Newcombe senora conse- quences would have resulted. He had juin finished dressing the window with fine and -valuable laces, curtains, gloyes »�_� &c., and was about to step out, when n an instant the nc osure wad n Best a iiie in. arpet dames. It is supposed the origin wag caused by a short circuit in the electric He worked hard, and with the lie eland question the best variety, and, C&ioleo in Oar. light. 1p�of others managed to quench the eta you'll find anywhere near hero's in our (�i et Room. ravagin ilamee, but not uotil all the. display ad been destroyed. '(Owing to wW e have an ass'Oxt101ent that no store ni 'these parts pretends the heat on the plate glass windows, and 'Wil aro and water being freely used, the three to carry, our patterns sire new. and- up-to-date,anee were clselredconsiderably. The 'willing to match values against any you'll 'fiin(1 anywhere. doses�ag quickly brought into place by . i the firemen but was riot needed, and ..r..rw... fortunately to, for the engine bad be. (40111 t disabled. The +stock vas insured In the, Merchants, (J. Taylor, agent,) raid in the Melon, (It, Manning, agent, and $100 was allowed for damaged sus. fatitleci,i fpyr�paying two-thirds and the latter compariyorae-third of the loan. Harland Bros. are Tin ting in new plate Fla or windows for II tt, tate OWnez of the buildifrg. R+einnant Iilo. 40 �-5$ Yarde heavy all wool Carpet, °tilers of red,sold utro Remnant No. 4V--79 Yards •Union Carpett, light ground, dark floral pattern, Gold at 5Od, to cleat out end Remnant No 42-61 "Yards heevyy all wool Carpet, colors meetly . red, told et90e,todear ont end. ..... »,.,.:.».».............. A0e lade*uittant.No. 43-3.Yarde `Union Carnet, oolota of red, *old at 500, • to clear oat end ..:.. Remnant No, 113-79 Yards heavy Union. Carpet!, light egonnd,farvn meogrowi�; color*, Bold et Eve, to cte r Ant ,end . r, ,:. r . r p ,» ;y .. 6,8C, *... •#t lir tpelea>zaatend:i.».,:�...+.,. } e;hange:. .Thoug To Taction Still thinking about putting Wall Paper on your room. Come to us and we will show goods and prices that positive- ly cure these acute attacks of hesitation, The W. D. FAIR CO, Clinton. "Often the Cheapest—Always the Best.' 4141041104110110041100 ... 11111011110004/0•0111 ring Goods '..Taylor &Son's A Ball- Solielted. ,We earl everything, in Modern Footwear . • ' ' •Our Stock is equalled by fetor & excelled by none. Special values in ' Ladies' Finefoots and OXfords We shall be ' pleased to show you our stink and' slice you, our prices. It might be money in your_ pocket • Our Spring stock of Boots and, Shoes is now complete, .It is use- less . to specify. We e t 1 ha,ye very . latest styles and our ices �styles our .prices are' right Theimmense emand f r our d o. Shoes. is the' evidence that our ef- forts to supply reliable and up-to- date footwear has ":caught` the. at- tention of shrewd buyers Gentlemen, try a pair 'of the Celebrated AmericanFloesheim Shoes. You cannot get better value. Doubtful if you can : do as : well. We guarantee every pair to give entire satisfaction zen in town' re • communication on We buy and sell -for Gash, See our Boys'and eirlss'Sckool Boots • streets' has been crowded oat this week. • The mission band of Willis- church' Kaye a stereopticon entertainment in� " the town. hall last night (Thursday.) W. Taylor Son The locale. O. F. court sent a letter of condolence to Dr. Willim d of Allen- Cash and. One Price . ' Eggs taken r3' Caeh ford, whose wife recently ed v y insurance office at the store .stiddenly,fzom pneumonia. �� De,t,nenta!T More Children's Straw Sailors A big purchase last fall "for spot cash enables - us to offer Children's Sailors at 20c a pair. You can have thein in fancy straws, plain white or plain blue. These are the biggest snaps we have offered for some time, and they are easily worth 35c. Children's Vestee Suits » a its in .Vestee Snits .. . K :�e...::lael�gh� , �a _ chilaret � .. sixes -23 to 6, at. a price-••-? They are made -"from good solid tweed, large sailor collar, with three rows of braid, pants lined and a piece for repairs, They are extra good value at $3, but as long as they last the price is only $2.25 Our Bo s'School Pants 50e, 60e, and 75c Made by ourselves, and not equalled [in Canada •for the money. " Sold by the hundredsand gives the greatest satisfaction. Made in a variety of patterns. No lineof goods ever offered, has been such a suc- cess. Odd Coats and Vests of the . same mdatterial can be had. 50o Shirts The best value in the trade V'hi tteUltlattndried Shirts, 00e Ninth Sateen Shirts .... 00e Men's Working Shirts .... Me Regatta Shirts 50e Our assortment is the largest to be seen anywhere .4•6-5-4414 When s woman burrs King Quality Shoes she saves $2. They cost $3 and have the • appearance of . $s—that is: how she saves $2.. These shoes are' irre- proachable in material, style, fit and finish. -- • ' All trimmings are of silk, and they are the best shoes foe the priceron this earth. Alitbewordsin the English lan- guage could not tell the lact5 plainer than ' that. ��t,1,i 1 lid/� R memg��ifADE0c.w „1r. MARK nr<:iion t7 Pointe /oire& Shoes • Goodyear Welt Slater° Method'.. Unlike most bicycle shoes of other makes, the Slater Bicycle Shoe looks as well as a walking shoe as it feels.:, wh,... working the pedalo. -� It is made of Seal Brown and Black Kidduek whiioh resists water and ,dust, and is . proof , against perspiration rot i ting. It is unlined, fox coolness and lightness. ' The sole s of chrome tanned elk hide,tough and rubbery to grip pedals and resist cutting. Has a bicycle heel. The shank and quarter are stiff, with areinforcing strap up the back' to prevent back seam from tipping, while the forward part of the shoe is pli- able as a moccasin. Made from anti -stretch quarter, rein forced. Certainly the best bicycle shoe at any money in Canada:. Primo, $3 per Pair CliCSOINTI ]&OS., BTUrINEN'CAL Clint on