HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-04-27, Page 7.i
,;-cy�,r+,.:.•-7�'SlTir'7y",:e'3aqpnigaimpFiliwpwrippr Far �,,n Hype ...fir
From. 150 to' -$0,00 pet 'pair
ErQm 10c to $1,00per yard
T Mc
All widths and pieces
r 4
Robt. Coats & Son
have during the past three years won for themselves the title of,
The Best That Is, and while it sticks in the orop of some of the
small dealers it deliglite the riders of thisbeautiful wheel. A
MoBurney"Beattie rider paver changes his. mount, •
We carry a Targe stock and would be pleased to Gall on yon or
forward a catalogue; . We have. a large "stock of seoond hand
wheelsat from $10 hp.
Woalso -havdletheSharpies' -Crea Separators -and -would
pleased to give you .ten day trial free.
Painting is part of it—just as much as soap-
ing and scrubbing. . There are spots that water
cannot remove, and discoloxations that scouring
will not take away. Use the paint "brush in. suc$ CAM.
HERLf//N ly /LL/IfMS . • ,
In small cans, is made to meet the thottt afid and
one demands fora little paint about the hoae& it
is readyto use.: Dries quickly vvitha good gloss.
Can be washed. - '
�, N
Iron and Hardware
Stoves and erinrtrare
� kznPowdera
For. 26o, yon can get one pound 'of Hovey's /Baking Powder made . with
pure cream of tartar and best English Bicarbonate of Soda, It is not any higher,
in prioe than many inferior baking . powders, and commends itself to every
house keeper who has tried it. Ask for one .of our free samples and 'give t a trial.,
We have Suetreceived a fresh supply of
Olive Oil and Cucumber Soap
the best of ite kind. Sold by us only at 3 cakes for 100
Dispensing Chemist, Clinton
O •0^0••0 %0',0,-0•'000•>040,"000
Across the Street
° 3 Doors
South of Town Hall
A. 3. Grigg
etuocessoz to acs. Biddlecgmbe
0 n
ok'$ Cotton Soot Compount
ed monthly b over
to 0adDe,Sty used reset
your drttsteist for Caters Moil Raaf Corr
Roane are daahngerous. Mixtures,
rie t,�No► p1, g3D o!
, Si 10 degrestronster, E3 per box, No.
ler bmpMailedg. The coreceipt of r Wi tato r °Ontt.
Clam tl. .Tri
• �'l?os.tanARsolcianri�rocam»lende$ i'itli
tesponeiblo ili`pgglsts in (Janads.
" Oar R 2 told in Carlton by Sydney Jaek+'
. Fgg8, >Cgge. hags
FA1tMI14 Good morning, Mr Pedlar, ain't
seen yousinco )act summer. What's wrong?
Psnr.Ait,-Aid yon get my card ? You see
we've joined the Commercial Traveller'sAs-
sooiation.. I will send you my advance pard
every week quotingyouprioss of butter and
eggs,so that when you go to town you will be
posted But to answer you squarely the price
of butter last fall was just a little too swift for
us and there's nicer goods to .handle so. we
insh,let ..aur rnhant
,Jm,e ave t
y ji e l
120 trade, 106 cash,
tf •G. E. XING, Wingham
By Keeping a
Fresh and
Seasonable Stock
We have Booth Celebrated
Oysters arrivtngfreeb deity. Also
Freth Orange andLtemons, Confec-
tionery and Cigars
Pitney Oakes •
And Wedding Cakes
Our $peoieltieg
Any kind of Fancy Cako slot on
Hand made when ordered.
Jas. COiaeherty,
eVeity hitter '
And Rest(nraluta
Telephone No. Is
Additional Local News, ..w-....•.... _..._ - .._
Dynamitelr's Work.BOW
attempt to Blow fly Welland
About seven o'clock Saturday night
two men attempted to blow upp lock 21
on the new VVe lard canal at Thorold.
All four gates of the lock were more or
less damaged, and it is a wonder they a
were not entirely d
oyed,• consider.
ing •
the terrible ex l ston whichshook
the ground in the vicinity and shatter•
ed hundreds of windows in the town.
Thedynamiters were seen running
away in the direction of Niagara Falls.
Mayor Wilson, Chief of Police Clark,
with some citizens of Thorold, started
in pursuit, and captured the dynamit-
ers at Stamfard,,about half way be-
tween there and Niagara Falls about
6 o'clock at night,
Both Crates, although badly sprung.
only settled firmly on the bottom of
the lock and held their places, thus
preventi'tg the large body of water,
netti•ly a miie in length, trom bursting
through. Had this occurred great
damage would have been donenot only
,to l he c.. u,a but also to- the surround-
ing country. By the time the second
ext.losion occurred the two amen were
running rapidly down the road to Niag-
ara Falls. 'The explosions were dis-
t1 etly feltborb in S. fat haInes
Port Dalhousie,tye and eight miles die-
tent. The damage to the lock gates
was fully "repaired in. a few days, and
did not delay the opening of the canal
on Wednesday Had the plans of
the men been successful, great damage
would have been done not only to the
canal but to the surrounding property
together with probable loss of life,
The three men who made the at-
tempt were John Walsh (aged 28) of
.Washington, D. U.; Jahn Nolin-aged
•50) Philadelphia;, Karl Duhman (aged
30); and when arrested carried loaded
revolvers ready for instant use.,
After- the arrest the American police
at Niagara Falls, N. Y., located the
abode of Nolin and Walsh on the Dol-
phin house,
ol-phinhouse, Suspension Bridge,ggN. Y.,
and on searching their room -found ex-
ploding fuses concealed there. The
Canadian inspector of customs, Bamp-
fleld, and Americau Customs Inspector
Lewis had been shadowing themfor
the•past week as opium emugglers,and
came to the conclusion that they were
a gang of crooks. Provincial Detective
Murray along with others are on the
vase. ; Rumors are flying around airr to
'fire object . f -destroying the can al,some
placing it to opposition to the Conners.
syndicate, others.to the grain shovell-
era trouble in Buffalo, and, again, to
Boerssympathizers from across the
river. The majority of the people, ho iv -
ever, claim it 1s 1n connection with the
grain shovellers'trouble and a desire to
prevent the,grain that would otherwise
};U to Buffalo from corning through the
canal and down the SC. Lawrence
route. Special patrols have been plac-
ed on the canal and the Grand Trunk
have `a posse of men guarding ; their
tunnel near Merriton. The prisoners.
were brought, before the magistrates
at Niagara Falls for a hearing 'and at
the Crown'srequest the case was re--
manded for eight' days.
Corrected every Thursday afternoon.
Thursday, April 26, 1900.
Fall Wheat •0 65 a 0 66
Coate..,,, ,•026 a 027
Rye' .. 0 40 a 0 45
• Barley • 0 38 a 0 40
Peas 0 57 a 0 60
Floora 2 1 er bw 7 t 5 .0
Butter, loose 14.15,p'k'd 0 12 a '0 13
Egg' per doz 0 09 a 0 10
"Hay; , .:: 8 00--n•' 8-00'..
Sheepskins ,..0 60 a 0 80.
No.1. Green trim, hides .0 06 a 0 07
Potatoes,.. 0 25 a 0 25. -
Chickens, per pair ..:: 0.30. a "0 40
Danks,per pair. .. . • 0 25 a 0 40
Geese, per lb .: ..' 0 05 a 0 00
Turkeys, perlb 0.08 a 0.09'
Pork, live '....... .,5.15. a 5 15
k ' dre 2 a 2
Por seed 6 5 6 5
Dried. apples per lb.. 0 05 a : 0 05
Bran,, per ton 16 00 a 16 00 -
Shorts, per ton..•18 00 ,a 18 CO
Montreal Battle Market.
Montreal, April23.-,.There , were &boat
450 bead of butchers' cattle, 250 calves,
20 sheep and 30 spring lambs offered for
sale at. the Bast End Abattoir today.
There was . a good attendance of the
butchers and trade wag fair, .With prices
about the same as on last week's market,
excepting tbatpretty'good cattle were morn j
plentiful than usual and brought slightly
lower prices. Mr Geo. Nioholson brought
eight prime beeves at 50 per lb. 4eo per lb
for four more. Pretty good cattle sold from
no to.43,c per lb, Common stook at from
22o to 3to per lb, and the bulls at from. 3o
to 40 per lb.. There were no good calves on i
the market and prices ranged from $1.25
to :$4.50 each, Sheep were scare and sold
at from 40 to 5io per Ib, but really good'
yearlings that were not shorn would bring
lambs for $25. Macdnff Lamb bought five
good spring lambs for $25, Other sales
were made at from $3 to $4.50 each. Fat
hogs sold from '52o to 5ao per lb, for
etrai, ht lots' weighed off the care,
PEAS -Barley EAS -Barley and Oats for sato, ease
or time as suits. Drive right to the Ware
Rouse opp'csito Railway Station. Always plan-
• ty Corn on hand. W. C}. PERRIN
Mar 28-tf ' Clinton
.1.R-f.1�1 �• •N•N• ♦ ♦N•Ni
' _: At The
s_ Although the prioe in Mil -
.a. finery goods have gone up,
•+ I will continue to dispose
♦ my new stook at the regu-
Y lar prides, Wetah'for' bar-
es galne in Millinery.
2 Gall and see the dept
X ♦ti I
,r, styles and shapes. f
. AnneMISS ROSS. i.•
,rust seeoived a lot of new Belta,
Bnoklee, Pulley flelta,Banggle'Braoe=
Iota, etc, The latest goods in the
We make speciality of dfltting
See tool a and Eye Glasses,
Eyes etalpined free.
.U0>*It WAR 13. Y 131001tAPli.-nThe Doer I p'ULTON.�in M I a slop, oil Apri113' the wife
war in"South Africa will be reproduced ' r?f Ruglh ulton, of a eon.
in the town hall by Edison's improved 'wMe ofAGrey,o oApril la, the MoUl tean
biograph on Tuesday evening, May 1. RIOHMONP---In Morris, on April 11, the
Grand treeft. Prices 15c,• 25c and Sao. wife of Russell Richmond. of a daughter.
sensible change in _the styles of men's
hats this season. The favorite Derby
hat is symmetrical and pretty. The
crown is a full, round shapeand the
i is
brimnot the -accentuated'
ze and
roll that one has to become accustomed
to. This hat ie made in every shade --
golden brawn, tan, slate, mole color,
and a dainty new brown color, a little
lighter than the brown of last year.
It is a popular bat, both in England BEACOM..•In Clinton, on April 26th,Oedina
and United States. For an easy wear- Beacom, aged 57 years,
ing hat the Fedora will have its usual
number of friends,
»RUMMERS GALORE. -The teen of
the grip•have been rushing things -Isere
lately and competition among them
appears 10 be keen.. The hotels in town
have bad large register list particular-
ly on Tneedr;y and Wednesday. Jos.
Ratter,but y tells us the past two weeks.
have been record breakers for him and
he has had many week over the aver-
age sot li's deans rutnething remark-
able, 0 Wednesday night several
travels •rs had to he Fent to some other
hotels as b is hostelry was overcrowded.
Miller also r
C Me a informed us that his
house•was full on Wednesday night
and be had a splendid week with com-
mercial men, We also notice the Sig-
nal reported that the hotels in Under?
ich were taxed . for • accommodation
lastweek,with drummers.
D1E12 AT LAIIDER.-At Lauder, Man.,
on April 6.h., the spirit of John Albert
Burgess passed away to the gi eat be -
pond, Mr Burgess was the oldest son
of Mrs Wm. Cornish, formerly of Mor-
rie, but now of .Mitchell, and was a
brother of Ft G. Burgess, of town. De.
ceased was w s b oro in . Morrie, and for a
number of years lived in GFrahamville.
He was united in Marriage to Miss
Ellen Purvis, Morris,' 15 years ago, and
went to the west in the year 1889,
where be prospered on his comfortable
Sarin homestead. e tend. 1'3e was it man of
robust constitution, and had known
very lits le illness until about 4 months -
ago,, when he was stricken with ty-
phoid fever,
y-phoid.fever, and a complication of dis-
eases which set in caused 'death.. De-
ceased was a. comparatively young
man, being only 36 year sand 5.montbs
old. He leaves a widow and seven
children,:. -ti is -re other", -and -three -broth-
ers, to mourn hie death. '
YULE-EDIG110FFECt-At the xesidence'of
the bride'a parents, Blake, en A.ri118, by Rev
8. Acheson. Mr Wm. Yule, of 1pnllarton, to
Miss Hate Edighoi7er, of Slake.
RUDIBev. F. J Oaten.n 1 April Wra Ruddy to
Miele Minnie Irwin.
HYDE -MAY -In •Greenfell, N.W.T. on
April 10th,. 1). Hyde to Miss May; formerly of
Sporting. Notes.
The Seaforth . Beaver lacrosse team
will play in the intermediate serjes this
year, and not in the senior.
The firemen in Luckuow•and Wing -
ham purpose celebrating the Queen's
bicthday la good style, Exeter ,will
also hold a celebration.
Clinton is to have a full quota of
clubs this summer as is seen by the
number of different' ggameswhich will
be played here. The lacrosseites organ-
ized and have entered the C, L. A, in .
the junior class • the baseball club or-
ganized on Friday and an amateur
league.' is to be formed •.the tennis
players again formed a club on Tues-
day evening ; the bowlers are in front, -
again and have'a strong' club and will
likely.be using their new quarters' be-
fore the season is over ; and in all pro-
bability the
robabilitythe erstwhile cricketeers will.
soon be seen with wickets , and bats:
We are a sporty town: .
The baseball club organized on Fri:
day evening last and although there
were _only a few ,of the el.tthusiaste.pre-
sent they formed a club as Ibis popular.
game will boom here, owing to the
probability that an amateur league
will be formed•consistin.ir of Clinton,
Cioderieh, Wingham, Brussels and
Kincardine.Leastways.it is intended
that these towns enter this league.
The election of officials for the year
are :-Hon. prep„ W. Doherty ; pree.,
Dr, .Sha vi .
l) . � w cel res. es. Moore W nor
p ,
manager . and treas., W. Harland
secretary, W. ,Ross ; committee, W.
McRae, T.'Wheatlev and W. McCon-
Those representing the towns which
are to form a league, were here Tues-
day. Delegates • were present from
Wingham. Goderich and Clinton, none
having come from .Kincardine nor
Brussels. Those here wore:-F.?Angus.
and A. Anderson from Wingham, Ed.
Tilt from Goderich, and Drs. Shaw and
A ewand W. Harland from Clinton.
amateur league from the three
places was decided upon, and the fol-
lowing (~filcers were chosen: -Pres., F.
Angus, Wingham; vice, D. 13. Grant,
Goderich; sec.-treas., W. P. Spaulding,.
Clinton. The schedule of games ar-
ranged was as follows, the games to be
played on Fridays: •
Wingham Clinton Goderich
At Goderich July :15 June 15
_Aug. 17 July 20
At Clinton June 8 June 29
July 27' Aug. 10 -
At Wingham July 6 June 22.
r Aug. 24 Aug. 1
Avery good attendance of those who
play lawn tennis met at the Council
chamber on Tuesday evening, and re -
Organized for the season. There will.
be a large number of enthusiastsof
the game this near. The officers elected
were: -President, M. McTaggart;. vice,
Miss M. McMurray; Sec.-treas., S. Jack-
son; assistant, Miss M. Bell,: Aa a lum-
ber of the neighboring towns purpose
oreamzing clubs,
there will likkelY
league fortned, which ..will-.1nske thea.
game much more interestin g.
Green Vegetables:
on hand every Wednesday' nd,Saturday
when obtainabie.
Just now is the, time of year that
seeds are in great demand ; we are equal to
the needs and wants of otnr onetomers as
we have a well assorted stook of both field
and garden seeds. Before buying Dail and
get onr beet garden seeds.
is whttt'e needed at the time of the
year and in order to do so, one must have
a good broom and bere's the place you oan
get them. They are good stout brooms,
built solely for business. After we get all
the "Business" we can into them we attend
to their good loath but as most brooms, in
their leisure moments reprove behind the
door or Meow seoluded spot,that doesn't
count so molt, what we *ant you to know
le that we have the beet brooms on the
market at the lowestrice,
Ilave you tried our $1.80' flour 7
It le giving the best of satirfaoirion.
r. Melville, -
, George )lwaoilow r• a GROCER
BAILEY -In Goderich township, on April
23, Bother McLeod, relict of the late John
Bailey, aged 76 years.
BURGESS -At Lauder, Man. on April 6,
John A.. Burgess. eldest son of Ctrs Wm. Cor
nish,:brother F. G. Burgess, Clinton, aged 86
MCGEOOR-.-In E mondville, on April 14,
Mary McGenoh aged88years,
RUNICIMAN-In Winghum, on April 17.
Agnes liunlelrnan. gal 68 tears 4menthe.
ROR•ERTSON -1n if a m i ton, at the hospital,
on We inesday, the 2lth', Geo. E. Robertson„
son-in-law of R, Coate aged 43.
'new ;.1 t11J41'tisittmento.
Good seoond band Oxfordwheel for sale in
good shape, run about two months .last fall.
tf Iog's back lime kiln, Mullett.'
The undersigred has • a thorobred Durham
bull on his lot 77, Maitland oou., for service
Terms 31,00 at time of service, with privilege
of returning,
`aACIFIC rs.Y.
;;Through tiokete:ieaued to all points
in the state, Manitoba, the North
_-W-est-andBritish Columnbia.-Trav--
ellerei to any'point will commit their
iritereste by consulting above."
Grand ,
MAY 10
.•..:.. 1 '.
th, �,900
Miss Flora Melvor :era'g
Scottish Supiono Vocalist.:
Miss Laura Ileheson
Miss Ella Risher•.
Miss Editheoinbe•
Ytantet - 1
Plan open to subsoribers at Jackson's
Store, Friday, May 4th.
"Miss Flora �loIyor'flraig can keep her
audience ' bysweet' u ' ell•boundher. ee voice
and posses es tie atttibute.somewhat rare
in singers of.olear enunciation. Her par-
tioularly harpy dhoice of favorite ballads
pleased the audlenoe immensely, and she
April 27,1.900
1011101101104% witivibesetes
lYicEinnou it Co.
Wei'/ B'oi/ fit
is Half f so/d
Upon these four words depends mercantile success or failure more
than upon all the rest of the dry goods laws combined. The buainesd is buy-
uying and Gelling, and if the goods are well bought the, selling is an cagy mat-
ter, During the spring and summer of 1900 we expect the easiest selling we
ever experienced it: our business career, because we bought our goods Hebb.
Everyone now knows about the great advance in the price of Silk, Wool,
Cotton, Linen, Suite, Shout, eto. Many months ago we anticipated higher
prices, and as far back as July and August c 1 et year ` we paced large
orders for 1900andnowwearesellinggoods oldr'
d at 1 which o ht b are• from
15 to 20 per pent lower* than market value today. Don't pay advanced prices,,
come here where you Kaye a large assortment to select from, and ascheap
as you ever bought them. •
New Prints, 34 inches wide, worth 10o for 5o.
Grey 'Cotton, yard wide, Worth 5o for 3,}o.
Bleached Cotton, 37 inches wide, worth 8o for 50.
Ladies' Shirt Waists, at 50,,, 75o, $1, 51.25• $1.50 and $2.
Ladies' Tests, summer weight, 5o,10o,.15o and 25o.
.Ladies' fast blank Cotton Hose, 4 pair for 25e.
Ladies' heavy ribbed (lose, worth 17o, 2 pair for 25o.
Bora' heavy ribbed Conon Hotel, 2 pair for 25o.
Ladies' fine Cashmere Hose, worth 25o for 180.
Men's Union Sooke, 15o, 2 pair -for 250,
Ladies' Crash Dress Skirts, 50o. 75o, Si, $1.25, $1,50 and $2,
McKinnon Br Co., Blythr
Your Gan Save Money.
By doing your own se'r'iniv, buy one' of onr famou i New NVillian's Mach,
ines, built to last a lifetime and sold on easy terms. We don't peddle these machines
but we will deliver one at your hones on trial. - -
Large stook of Piauoe, Organs and Sewing Mae hires constantly on
hand. at our rarnit'ur tore.
eS .
.1. El. i 1E1EI.LL:W, Blyti
The steady inorease in our trade is good proof of the foot that our goods.'are rlgh y
our prices lower than those of otherdealersin the trade. •
We manufacture -furniture on a large Foals and tau afford to sell cheap. If yoa'buy
from ns, we save for'you the profit, which, in,other oases, has to be Added: Inger
the retail dealer,.. ;1 i
This week we have passed into stook some of onr ew'deatgne. Space'will not perm
as to quote prides, but come and see for yourself what 'nape we, have to offer.
Remember -we are determined thatonr prices; shall be the lowest in the trade,..
In this department our stook is complete, and we have undoubtedly the best 'inners
outfit in the county. Our prices are as; low as the lowest.l
BRO:A►.DFOOT, BOX & CO. J. W. Ch=alley
P. S,—Night and. Sunday galls attended to by calling .at J. W. •Cr idley's, (Faners
Direotor) residence
ew Hats
Boys', Youths' slid Men's•
~ .
Ready, Made Clothing
So many people have been•enquiring at
cur store for rShdy. made clothing, we........,
thought ft would be advisable to put in a.
stock. We have.jnst reo. ived a complete
Cali and SCC our Ile1V line;of men's. youth's and boy'' clothing
• that will fit the' _ boys' froth, Ave years old . .
S lriv� `Iiafs foster Ties to a hundred, They were made by. Deily,.p ' m t Watson and Bond, the noted' ready: made
r - makers of .Canada. They',ltse. the, beet
are beauties. .goods and best trimmings to be had at the
_ price and are noted for the cut and style of
garments.. You'll `be'snited if vitt '''.9..,,,,,
• buyhere. r
Ordered clothing tin
ooh asci
• •
was perhaps at her beet in . the pathetic
'Anriie Laurie," during the rendition of
which one could have heard a in drop; so e>t
wraps was •the attention." -Saturday
Night. rehten
]3uy PIANO ' Your HomC,
At the ellinton 1linsic' Store
Which fel also Clinton headquarters for
the noted
Call and' see es for a bargain in a high
grade, durable and easy running wheel.
Wall Paper in large variety, ceiling and border io match 5
to 20c a roll.
ReadyMixed I'aint all the desirable
S, colors; 350 to 500
' quart. .
Alabaatin .
e, several a .very nice shades
Window Shades, with spring rollers, plain, dado or fringed,
Art Mttslii,s; 5c to 15c.ay ard.
Lace Curtains, white or cream, new patterns, 50c to $3 a pair.
Tapestry Table drovers, $1, $ 1.50, $2, $3 and $4 each.
Table Linens, 25c to .80c a yard.
Dinner, Sets, semi -porcelain, beautiful goods at $6:50' to $12
per set of 97 pieces.
Toilet Sets, decorated 10 pieces, $2.25 to $4.50.
W. L. OUIMETTE Londesbo o
Truest economy to gel the best y..
35c to 75c each.
•ml, G' o iri,�� Idle
�lrl� � .'Ii�,i 1 Il irhJ i -
The following stallions will make
their stands for the improvement of
stook this season: a ollows,--
Jim Corbett.�tr,, .8711, will stand at Hotel
Clarendon stab est for the season Of 1600.
O. JOHNSON Clinton, prop.
Texas Jack, Trial 2.14:, Rate Recdrd 2191,
will stand during tho-. eeasou . ost. Monday.
Tuesday Friday and Saturday at A. Innes'
stable, Con. 2, Stanley, (near Clinton); on
Wednesday night at Jas. Norton's Hibbertboundary. INNES & HORTON',
Clinton, Ont.
Xing Caseate, Seel. Vol, ICI, English Cart
Horde Stud Soak, Monday, April 110, will
leave his own stable, Carlow, snit proceed by
6th eon. to AlbertGoldtharp'e fornoon; thence
to Colborne Hotel, elederieh, from 3.30 to 4.60
p ni., then to Ieaao • Salkeld'e, let ton.,. for
night. Tuesday, prooeedtoJobnl'orter's 4th
con. for noon: diene by wayof Porter's Hill
to Win. Sterlinte, 0th con. for night, Wed-
nesday, motoed to Albion Hotel, Ba field, for
noon; then to Geo. Armetrong�'e, GoshonLine,
. Stanle , for night. Thursday, proceed to
,Toho 1tathwel),e' Babylon con., for noon; then
b, Varna to Josephlrzard'e, Godericll town.
shin felt night. Friday, proeeed to Oommer-
ship, Clinton for noon; thence by the
loth eon. to Chris �taebitt s from 6 80 to 4.30 p
m. then to W. H. Bell's. Base Line, for night.
Saturday. proceed to Manchester ,Hotel, for
Abets; thence to las own stable, 'where he will
remain until Monday morning. This route
Will be continued during the season, health
and wheitherberreitting.
0,1+. Zfile(tt'SON Carlow, prop.
A cheaply made Cream Separator is dear
at any price, because faulty in construe -
tion, liable to break and difiiottlt to oper-
This is a cut of the Nio. 1 Sharples, the
first product of the largest andbestOream
Separator manufactured in the. world.
The capacity of this machine is 825 pounds
an hour price 890.
The Sharpies W. H. S, hand separator
base capaoityof 800 pounds an hour and
the price is75.
The material entering into these
chines are the beat obtainable VAur
is done by skilled workman mine sub?ro.
tine to the most rigid inspection. With
out fear of substantial contradiction we
can say that for ease in operating, clear
(Animist gand durability there is no'other
hand power Cream. Separator Made by
anyone anywhere that is equal to the
We place these machines with dairy-
men on their merits. If you think of
bnyinee Cream Separator let us know
and we will loan you a machine to be re-
turned after a weeks trial if net aatiafac-.
tory in everyreepect. We think that it
is possible for an agent• for one machine
to outtalk another who has a better ma..
chine but a superior mftehine will de-
mendtrate its superlority in an banal.
Thousands of the S'harplee inaehlns e
are in use and an Unsatisfied user we,bio
sieve cannot be fend. -We cars furnish
hundreds of testimonials from people who
.have bemusing them for it period Of outs
to six years during which time they have.
ooet not one cent for repairer,
Yon run no risk in trying it Sharples,
every machine to guaranteed to give per~
feet satisfaetton.
We ship these separators to any plaea
In Ontario with Tun inetrnetiona for set*
ting up and operating. Thor are so slur•
pie in constructing and direotlontt is
complote that no person has any diltlenitr in handling them,
We want an agent in every County in Ontario
Vit Le OUIME'.4 .Jlr E, Londesboro