HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-04-27, Page 6•
Testimony of a tralued nurse who well
*urea of Aeute Catarrh. aser three
. 1:13stratr=aerentuiliht"'410ffrtra;
tielpatehl in the weleome ceremotece. I EgsENag OF BREIN1
Another Canadian Wad.
Bloemfontein, April 21.--IPPeelaia-
ago• •••••• ••••••••
teaming Voters.
For the coming aeason the new eel.
ow are more than usually lovely,
, with the, paetel shades tar mad away •
ahead. ley paatel shades: is
'Firs -;',181.; ;PATI Vlear.11"Lx* died (4 The Shortest and MoOwe Kot Concise itneenti tiliamTii odrellocittitiLpeeflei%
Frederiek Bamilten. Story Ever Written About
I of Empire damee. The Unto are No ,
Aeinexation Movement Growing. i Dodd's Kidney MIN, I anivereally light, however, ' that '
tem movement s growing. One lain- weak spota in figure or detects in
t 000 Nre 0 Remota of 'Montreal the
. Calm Town, .terril 2. -Tito ausnexae
MU ell COMO meet be eXereised In
their selection, um light geode Intik°
died find ten meetings wi It (U" . • dregorafiliing More apparent.
Miss le Eames, trainee nurse, resitting a
a-- Anther, Tells t 6 Whole• Tele In . ,
Roberts Trying, to Close in
„, ',about three months ego I ceught cold
leo, 4.7 Aylmer etreet, Montreal, wows? P°1350110 PreOents have Well held gad
reported to the Titillanee Committee. leleven Words -A Convlueing I l'hr taffeta wales and for whele
mum ea tr . 1 lery aneart. ere are two eery
twee ago 1 ead hem constantly using _Ili sigs the peatiece it /mow i_c_31„eets2__. maltreat April 1.0._it la vamoni
new deep once called gonna° and
venire powders and etber Worthless iraio
• Tribute to Dadd's Kideey gowns for dressy wear the 'strong
.•la my head, erldell developed Into acute It liaS been atieertained 'that Many eruslied atroleberryt tone will be ,
I ta h From that Wee up Ott * few ' iersous in nominaller pro -Beer Places Pills, NOtWIth,fitaadlOX. '
' VI t '
hoe lite none er them benefited. • WW1 are net, Published- alhetlimearneewila Tuft
of Catarrhoxone I decided to try It. an _ or being boyeotted. and per . eethordo" Utit.meeeeentanyiewhQtrea,t"tesicet. tsilpecea-e Mi.c*Iitt wee, eopular. Don't mistake thea
Chrome that pronnee to be exceed-
, am pleasee to say that I round re- old feor of being left with pro-Boee the Ott -Wag -Mtn* Of Parliatn.ent it for the gm:levee or erase" reel,.
tier twin tlie !Wet applicedon, nun neighbors and without Betio)). power te moved every cloy- that the meniber beer •gei dee to too
e• a , an ey are Intr..
a Jew days Al' Its use completely cured me, everywimre . completely ectobuimed
Urion the Enemy.
Canadian Infantry in Action -They
Enter Waterval.
regriggnstr nintrarltair coikistitetteit One of the grreatetia
never saw a reroeity more srede la ate feu ties in tile way o fie ement
What I am talkie; about when I my It he
the best remedy -1u the market for Catarrh." . • •
If You have catarrh, eon cannot (Mord (len. Alert's Proclamation.
'to'be 'indifferent VS Its progress. Treatment •Londell, April 25e,-41. eOrrenneiblent
cannot be eommenced too early. Your un- ot the Standard, with. 'Gem Brabant
satisfactory experience with other rem*. . at Zareng, telegraPhillg MOnday,
dies sbouid not Influence •you against CO I says: " Before leeviett Boonville on •
. • ' / tl I
action than Catarrhozone. t Ink knovr threugh011t tile country. •
The'illighland.re Reach Klip Kraid-Wepener Garrison Now in Heliograph . "Take settee, lahabitants fee Roue:.
_ s ue d the following proclamation:
1 f
• , s a guarantee( cure or Ville and all coneerned, elea ere
Communication With Gen..Brabant---- Generals' Rundle and Pole -Carew - °eaten/ter, A.STESICA, 111101VORITIS. allowed to remain in Menpat1011 Of
InTouch-Particulara of the Fightlogut Leeuw Kop and Pearde Kraal et is a specific for these dlseaseseand as year 110IneS° in peace and quietness,
a profession, t Q patronage 0 The etig - wa,ve fin mu., tomin,tn,t, in tutu
threaShajnotrntahr, free enc1"8ement et ere" wale 'ea- to-e7OL.l:i -Olee.--dre-0.0-0 'ie.' 0-110-1-i
of EMUS:, plea et 13100Mtante)0----fier41 Times at Mateking.
Complete outfit, cow:kiting of bete:Welly rules aa the officer whom I &Moine
Relict of marching. . feat and poseible capture, tbe Boer potialendi Lailesti2nv),e.eee):kilel:iefil:.rptgle tilfilget,kg - otr_contiontanaLl.teretenay find it necee-
London, April 24. -The _cope Town tho Orfinge Free neate are on a great gottleseot Intutlant.„ege. At Oruggisto, or eejeleti rules will not, however, oe
forme in the southeoatern part of tun
ige Itilitanrginall.cont_trint size Coor f,„ eppreettte,
that on. Carrington's force , is the On a long front extending from 'Ker. Kingston, Ont.
C. 1.• (411" a e9. 4U'Iddeir riisiecObY9mndulirtrblidttillto-1321°trraenal‘tPlreeilylolauti.14!1°7111:.
COrrespondent of thii Daily' Mail Imes scale. Tele army is b,eing eepleyed
' ' . ree siding to Wepener, a distance of - all due respect and kindness. But if,
oely one going te the rellet of ikfaxe' 70 miles. T. e .. $
A lighting, however, has
Idiot, and that no fOrCe of any kind. iron practically confined , to long-
transmita a rumor that Gen. Lucas screen any act of botallity towards
ques correspondent of the IitillY NeWs In inY absence, you commit, abet or
As, operating from the math. range artillei•yeand picket firing. vie
Meyer, the F.ocr cemmandees has been the troops cif elea•Queeil not oonsIstent
The Morning Post cOmmenting '..4eeeecting •to • iatest reports,
subieet to your proper behavior al.
e, puma, :up receives thou recognition otrthe Tat,
--:Annexation Movement Growing In Cape Colony-----13te.
meet, and neeerts that Jones, the with the honorable clistoms of war
upoe the difficulty, Lord Roberts is Boers rivet have ample room in which
onfaxees, I will in due time eertainlY
ex/eerie/meg, ,lesserts-ehe..wiedem- of to MOve northward, notwithstaneing loan who killed' Edgar in the notorious with regard tie the behavior of 'ire
Inflict on Yon and this tolin such a
penalty as • trill force you to regret
your •transgreafilon."
arratifeing. for a steady Hove of re- the seizure ce the Wagon., bridge
inforettateits. . apfleeeng. the Modder River at Kranz
.The report tbat a Beer commando kraal, II tney se elect. and join. force&
was it Frenkfort proned .to • be Wive those at•Brandford audlteroon-
"without foundation, but evidently, etadt, as theY appear to hold
there be a large tette, opposing ,r.ord - strongly all the eouatry from &In-
tact/wen. • , . . , 1 . na'a : poet to Basutelande including
The Bloemfontein correspondent oi• Thent Nehu and Lactybrand.
the Daily -Telegraph says : "The re-.' Tile Standard' correspondent at,
*tenon of the Beers. at Leong /Lop Bloemtonvem says that the only dem-
was contemptible, consideting the agodone 'IT the 13(mrs at the water-
etreugth of t.heir _Position. They es- works Is the "-removal of ,the' sliding
, caped In an easterly, direction.' the rates of the Paelliing engin& '
Guards gelling to get gene around A despatch trom Maseru, Basuto-.
theme, . . . .. e . laud; reports that the Boers on Taeli-•
The Tineerafont,ein, nerresefondent. of dun litornIng Made a severe attach
the -Times saya::"Tne • Britlehe tales 011 COI. Dalgety's northern poeition,
airy Were, checked.- ., Cole Alderson • faehlg• the .BokpOrt..hridge. They
-worked Piertiy* round tie - flea ' or Placed tour gene in position; and ve,
Lamer XV, but wag not eupperted." 'der their fire advanced with great
The MOWS cbecken the energy. lant -determination: They Were checked,
tear of nightfall - precluded the Pos- however, by the fire or the garrison.
They -then fecoilma and eXt.nde
eibility 'a'..matez . • -
across the flat country, -frem :where
1. L ,dio'n, A,pril, Z4. -The War Office then' maintained a long-range lire
s' s :en i the toliowingfront, Lerflt Rob. for itou,,rs. .. h du. ,, ;, t t.li .
.•The aespate a ( . ar i ery can
lea -r0: • .1 •
" Bielexatotteire APril 24. -Generals 4ne beard In the directionof D_ e Wetn-
Brabant and Bark yesterday ' turned dorp, but there is
eigt4 Itee jearttbeer
-the positido fteeu,pieth by gibe enemy, Britlell relief column it he
who. tread ,to prevent' their moving has advanced ferther. The notices
norths and ,gdt into , heliograph retort, that another „British force has
colannue•Mati-on- with Co. Dalgeeie been dettiebed from Bloemfontein. It'
• s......o, the pOs_ itioa of. the. Boers around
voinntanstont of tthe betieged garrl-
- 'sous at !Wel:letter, who reported all wernier Is -preearamee
egen. ,Drabanthas thrice wounded, Itnntile 'Holds the Doers.
• one missing. ,Three Wens wounded on London, April 25. e- Mr. WitiSton
thetprevams Atty. The Beeler Bee-, Churchill wires from teekketstroten,
vane had seven wounded., wider Monday% date as followe:
"At 1 coil. yesterday Brebane and "Combined operations on a great
ilart were eight mi es souvh di We- sca,le are now in progriw. and Gen.
Rundle's force Is still centaining the
• " The. eleventh d&visicin, tinder Gem 13oeregleettlina,beforet De 'Wetsdarpi"
• Pole -Carew and Den. Wench's tieo Mr. Spenwr Wilkinetne discussing
brigades of cavern,. reached TWeede - the military siturttion in . the Morn.
Ceeuk Yesterday afternooti witzbout lug Post says: •
having met serious cippOsitioa. • "Lord Robert& with a commend -
"Heliograph eaminunicatioa . has able eencealinent of his intentiou,
been established :with Meeral ilUndle. has begun the seeond aet, in his
ie: patrol a the • 'eh Dregoons, under eampaiget. He has suddenly ,deploren
Thant. Jenkins, ;which was • report.- . his army on the long front from
ed missing yesterday, has reteined Ogee siding to Wepener, a' distance
General F.reneles eamp, with the ex- ' ot about 70 panel. Without doubt
eeption of ;Corporal Taylor artd. Prt- Mr. -Winston Churchill% reterenceeto
vete Cook, ;who are fielieved, to be Gem Rundle means that this eom-
Wounded end or:at:Menai mender is endeavoring to amuse the
'"Gen. Ibtigadet foe.merly Boers tnitil Gen. Preneli shall be
Get. ehermsides's of the seventh inn- able to shut their retreat north:
in, yesterday ,moved eastward and Ward. ,The Boers bare no army on
seized, the hills cevering the wo.gon the aPot Ifirge enough to attack the
bredgeovite the breeder liver at Kranz British army So deployed."
. Important communirazion, • •
notch use* ,by the Boers during the ' it Is Is, Race New.
Iasi three weeks. Our only casualty London, April fle.-Tile reports that
Vutia Private Brum, New South Wliles the stege of Wepener hied been mac-
nnousted Rifles, .taken Personet-” _ tically raised were apparently preno
Ali offitie list of the. British losses ature. The Boer attack epee Col.
'at Weperier from April 9 to, April 18 palgety's northern position, as de-
• shows: Killed, three officees -and 18 - florlbed from Maseru, was probably
. thea ; ,,vounded, 14 critters and 86 men. „ti, final attempt, to rush the garro
. • - . son berore securing a safe retreat,
Canivalans and ilighlanders. and as Dalgety successfully re-
Londoe. April 24.- Lord Roberts pulsed the attack, little Another anX•
cabled the War Office from Bloemfon- iety In felt on this aecount ,
tele this afternoon as totititel; Lord Roberts Tuts now spread' a
'Mounted Infantry yesterday, under net with some 40,000 or more men
Geen./an Efamilton;oecupied thEwitter- and 1.10 guns covering the whole
Works at Sannati Post. As the enemy Western soul -circle around Wepener,
are holding the neighboring bills Ill while General Hamilton hati oeetipied
some strength, the ninth division, eon- the water works, practically- with.
Meting of Gen. Sleith-Dorrieies and out opposition. The Beiv'entit
Gen. lidacdonald's brigades, bave been under Oen. Tucker, aeststed by naval
despatched to support Harailton." guns, has -made • demonstration
from Itarree siding, tlie Boers shoW-
The Canadians Aetion. Ing some opposition. At the same
Blooinfont,ein. April 21, 9.20 pan. time a brigade reeved out from Glen
-The entrance of Gen. Smith-Dorrienefe to take up a position on a range of
brigade, including theeCanadiaxur, into idlls Gennaadendale, north of the
Waterval yesterday Wail made after Modder.
it long-range artillery resistance. The _Boers now, can only etieape,
Gen. Macdonald left Bloendonteitt witliont risking encotmter, north -
at night. and hies reached XIII, Kraal ward to radyhrand, and the chance of
The enemy in that vicinity withdrew a. suceessful onteome 'of' the plans of
In the direction of Waterval. Lord Roberta depends on whether the
.Later all Ate Beers retired loin Britlehetroope etin rattail erha.ba Ncliu
"'the tither hailtlierrteettLeeltte kopein- lenaereonybrantl,before-theretreating•
the direction of Timba. Nellie` where coMmandoes from , Dewetsdorp and
It is evident the enemy, who are in Wepener. .%
great force, are detetinined to bold Ali the correspondent3 report that
elte Ledybrand wheat country. the roads are In a terrible condition,
The weather Is perfect. The conn- which accounts for the elow progress
try around Watorval (18 miles eat& Of of the British coluinne, and if the, Leers
Eloenitontein) is deserted, but Boers are rte well informed of tho Britesh
tire Mining Omit the river. plane as they hitherto have b.en, they
are likely to again weave.
Boers Were Iteptilsed.
Johannesburg affair, was Mosel
ltilled in the fighting' elodder
Shelleil British Camp. .
' Vakkerstroom, Orange Free State,
April 20, 9 p. ur.-All day Sunday -and
again this morning the. Boers shelled
,the British hamPo WIthou.t, however,
doing any damage. There was no
further attack this afternoon or Genn -
Ing. The Boers appear to be busy en-
treat:biog. . •
Shell fire was heard Saturday' In tho
'direction -of -Wepener; - - -
The weather new Is Very fine, al-
though the nights are cold. '
Boers are Buil. of Fight.
•Par!, April 24-Capta1n Leon,. the
agent of tne Oreueot gun everks, who
was wounded. while fighting with the.
Boers, arrived at Marseilles. today.
Et° is weak trout his veounds. lie re-
ports that the Boers' are full of Light,
aryl are .tiangaine et their emeeees. •
Leaden April 25.-tt is clear thirt Gen. Meyer Dead?
t.110 operatic:Mr alining to de- Lortdone April 25. -The Lorenzo Mar -
Bleeding Piles
For Years -in Agony wifit the terrible itching and bleedings-.
Two *Wes- of-Dr.--Clittso*s OintIllent make a permanent cure. -
Wheel aeked for a remedy far dys-
pepsia or kidney ilteease the druggiet
rauflect before several g.gin prepare -
gone, Met knowilig tvitIch to More -
Meted tO ;Mt. •
Not so when Milted .for a pile Cure.
Ile knows that Dr. Vhnso's Ointment
le the a:0 remedy which actually
ear* every form of piles. ft km had
'leaky iraltations, bat Its Weederfut
reeierd ot carte has neer been (Mph -
Mr. dame* A. Bowles. painter and
paperhanger. member of the Conn.
141 at letiebree Oat, states: Vorover
fifteen yeartl Was a tletlm of bleed.
l& protruding OW, and was tiO bed
at time* that watt forced to give
sp work. imitated untold *goo)"
hese the terrible netting and theY
woaid protrude, ettniing the greateet
'Is *be Of all rentedles wad •
could get no mliet. At lagt I WWI
ftdv:sed to try 11r. Chase's Ointatent..
Tim Mat application gave relief, and
„ after the third day the bleeding
r, stepped. Two boxes eured nut eine..
dollar* for a bat. I have rev:mineral-
pletely. I weed not begrudge. five
ed tit to all who gaffer AI I did.
i Dr. Clunte's Ointment has never
43'0 beeu knegn te frill to cure piles,
Whether Itching, bleeding Pro,
trttding. it has teetain Ingredient*
1Whieh Imitators have never been alge
, to disebeete Mel kande alone to -day
as the only liO2.1tIVer and guirantee4
(iir� for p ea.
It alio cum ettema. salt rheum and
all sorts of itching skin, tliseete, but
w� emphaebte It as a cure r littP
because it Is the only acttrtI c.nrs for
that tortnring and dreadfniir pre -
valeta disease. 110 cent, a bor. at all
dialers, or by mall. fro* FAIseatisoll.
Coo 'I'oroato.
•Chicege Doctor Returns.*
London. April 24.-A despatcli to
the Daily Mail from Lorenzo Mar-
quez, dated Monday, seys that Dr.
MacNamara, one of the phesicians
attached to the )3oer :imbalance from
Wong°, returned to Lorenzo Mar-
quez from Pre:torte on Sunday night
with the•banner of the corps. He said
he was thretrughly disgusted with
the whole proeeeding.
Among the Canadian Dead.
London, April 24.-A. 'statement is-
sued the War ()filet: shows that
among the men who have died from.
enteric fever at Bloemfeateln are Sgt.
A. Beattie nud Privates R. Harrison.
Adanue turphee and Blight, all
of whom hammed to the Canadian
• •
Will Try Colonies.
• •
London. Aiirli tile-Advlete -nave
been received frOm Cape Town to the
effect 'thee the' TraelavatI1 Geinin-
ment Intim& to try. 25 coldninl pris-
(Mors on the charge of treakott.
3infeking is Depressed. •
London, Apr:I 2 75.... --The latest tows
from Mafeking. is dated April Oth. It
records the deep depression Of the.
gareleoren splrite owing to the re-
ports that General Methuen has sot.
teltal nerevetee at Foarteel Streams..
A . general Impresalim existed doubtn
lug the 'temerity of the endeavor to
aseist the town.
Thee eigns of the siege continuing
until the end may be producing
strong reactionarn effects.
f•I tee bombardment Coalmod, though
the despatch &eel not indleate that
It was Mtn more severe or more dis-
astrous then formerly.
The breed eaten in the town, be-
ing mete entirely:Of .oets imd full of
husks.. Is causing much Bluest". There
are many et1833 of riervous prostra-
tion aed inalartal typhoid. •
Lade, Sarah Wilson, in .0. .despatch
to the' Daily eLail, from etafekIng,
(bleed Sunday, April Sth, says:
"Last Friday thirty-three -natives
iesued forth to recover some rattle
wiUeii Med been Meted by :the Boers.
They Vete betrayee by 'unfriendly
natives, to the Boers who eurrounth
ed them while they 'Are. sieePing, and
shot them all but one, giving- no
quarter. One 'escaped to tell, the
tale. •
"The natives Are now mad tor re-
venge, and. It will be very difficult
to control them.
"The bombardment continues Our
caeualttee to combatants up to the
end of tlareli aggregated 809 In kill-
ed -*ode wounded" • et.- - • •
. The Sunnyside Rebels,. .
Cape norm Apell 24, 10.45 a. in.
-Commenting on the trie of the
SunnysIde rebels yesterday, the Otis
Land, the Dutch organ, declares that
While they were centlemued they
Were unitedly tried. proteste
agahist ° the refusal of the •eourt to
allow a poetpenement or a elifinge of
vent*, and delieribee the condemned
Men as lambs led to the slaughter
and tilieep to the shearer&
Lord Roberts Inte prohibited the
eireniatIon of tbe Ono Land in dis-
triet3 where mattial law le in force.
Several More ineetinge ot the Atrl-
Winder Ilona have adopted resolutions
la favor of holding an Immediate con-
gress of the Bond.
a slam o•ar eaked.
11.1.000 Alleged Rebels.
Cope Ton% April 21. -The author'.
ties have already listed the futnic.,s of
12.000 alleged mods in Cape Colony
iutd Nato ----- •
A consagnment of thomands of
boots, WhIrts, dothes. and packages or
tobaeeo will he • 4 lespatehed from
here t-o-morivrtv to the netted Statcs
Cansat at Pretoria, Ur. Adeltert
Hay, for diftribution among the
British aelliete liehI air prisoners by
the, Doer&
habiteallte _eonsidered to be own-cora-
Welland Bounty Ittan'8 later-
_ agni . Experlepe,_
that CAA fele? Whim el as toe eV plait to omit Madame .14 Mode Ptak -
moat ooriehielY earrlee Intent ntaigon WU tome are the proper thing.'
Piebote. In the game' way the letter Green will be a strong spring
of Mee, Kettnetly will not bay° the shade, hu.k in either the elear. lig,ht
len3 •mettnV neOnNIe of nravit-7•1 Pastel tiart called Dotaille, or a pure
atireet, Clay ce Montreal. On quite pose°, Tao ,Tery Meg t desire -
MS. O. VialledY vesicles na S• enterahl shade. Yellowleb greens are'
Ivor own inittatiee Obi) wrote the 101- eie an newest greene, however, are '
lowing lObtor °°...tnernineg tho ;IY,e11- , very liglat, and are known as flour:
kuown eitmeelee. •weettl 'skim** Pula, ' pastel and frefeme.
Ta,UlatrY, 800 1900- The comtee season, golden brown
»Odes lifediellte Coo Limited :
el...41 he Otte in the background, and
Gentiletten•-flacrl used Dodd's
41444)7 *1 icT tt.44 '4 great tetaeldeeecaile'd ndarlylande; wT11. be.geIcLefl
11060069: : at all. This aliade will be useil ro a cer-
MS. C. ramanx.
:flotretiazicb. upenntbituitedypo Sotea:2:reaioontitotreit wet,novionaf tacinor..,07t}esnotheinnasmil:•rcivn o. ef na
He Had Suffered for Years From
Kidney . Trouble -Many; Medicines
Were Tried, e- But Palled
Willihme Pink Pitts Saved Mit,
Mr. %ogees, Upper, of Allealmate, is a
gentleman we'd. known in Welland
county. Mrtipper was proprietor of •
the viiingo hotel tar over thirty years,
and no 'Weer laadterd .ever catered
to.a traieleor's wanes. MIs-. Uppions ac-
qoaintence also extends over Ontario
as a sequel to his eronein,eace in
,Oran.ge, mad lidaseeic circles. His pre -
44144 VOCCLUOILis farinillS and In this
calling he has beea very suceessful.
Upper has been, a aufferer tor
years fxoni kidney trouble, aad, be-
gan to think that good health bad
altogether passed hint ; butthe
time came when, he found a complete,
cueeandis again strong, happy and
vigorous. Pie regagel to liar. Upper's
elokness and cure he saes: "In De-
cember 4 1897 B was prostrated with
a severe form. of kidebey trouble.
Previous to this / was sughtle af-
flicted in the same way, but at this
thm&mattets-dame.io a climax is 'the
result ol exposure and over-exertioa.
To say that I sieffere.d does not ex-
press ; the pains in, me hack Wero
terxible. I Bradlee/1Y grate worse, and
was cerapeleed .to, keep my bed, and
for meaties I existed as ;hough he
hideouts' dream'. X • had cousidershie
neasea and loathing for food, was
greatly reduced" irt flesh. The pain
daily grew more intolerable, X got
littee sleep; was legt weak and ex-
hausted, and de.spaired, of getting
well. Different remediesivere tried
without benefit. rinal:y was per-
suadetl to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
and procured six boxes. This was
about March 1st, 1898.-1 took -the
faithfully and at the end of two
months I belt well. again and able to
attend. teeny work. The eel:owing ett-
tumn I' experienced a slight recur -
:once of the trouble, ant again used
a few boxes of the pills an:d now con-
sider my cure complete, as a year
has since panted and, have floe ex-
perienced a pain or eche. rine how
able, to follow farming pursuits with
perfect case8 lify wife also speaks as
warmly. Diver of Dr. Williams'
Ptak Pills as .1 do, having used them/
for headache* dizziness and loss of
appetite, the pill& always giving com-
fort and rslief, Since my itiness I have
'learnei that t. good, remedy is none
the less good 'because its cost was so
much less than 1 expected."
Hasn't. Rend U.S. Illstory.
portetses ee other sufferers lies in thlat is almost white that tviU ba
the expt."00o great „come Jou& ueed for gowns of ligatweight,
That all• tbio comforting as.glatsy
fitimisco that could he exPressed by a The national and navy blues -the
colume of detail. woman% standby -will be relegated
Webster Davis ask "How long
would the people of our Republic stand
It. it foreigners from, 0.ny country in
the world were to.come here. and, at -
ter getting rick in our gold mince,
Would uhdertake to contrul our Gov-
ernment et whleh the Rotetrater
_ Democrat eels: ',13rother Davis doea
7 not nem to lei very 'well up in Am--
ereean history." -Buffalo News.
Maier% Worm .Powdera for. settee
skih ;obi or yotow '- -
Genera Bounced by the Kaiser.,
'BerlinApril . 22.--4Wheir Bawer&
William arrived at Altorm. the other
day to melee& the Prise of Walea reo
turni,og front Copenhagen to London,
he sv-3.0 struck with the lack of suite
white arrangement on the part of
Lient.-Generat von Sehleinitx, cern-
1 . 1 hi
tee ie woe beowe„, Dews Kidney to obscurity, and any one w s ng te teeth.
klucl-Bretv Mum& ' Diabetes. three lovely French ehad.es, known .......0.4,,...40..„.....,1,...,i0.1
14110 are claimed to cure any form of he comma rl faut WIll cheese a faint man deurgists; s ,a-nafizzo.
Kidney Diamilie that preys On man- blue called Banquesea or cne -of ehe scorr & l3OwNE, elfenalon, Toronto, a
ISSUE NO 17. 190
.:::::heeapv.leaonornkn.elytitmTlihiplitksi.7:4Pagt..;.. cs,41
least the first year of life. But 1
The Best FOLiti i
for infanis 1
thin milk, skimmed milk, will
not nourish. Wsihe milk that *
I is rich in cream, or fat, that I
Icause fat is positively neces. I
sary for the growing hotly. I
1 sews moot(
contains the best fat, in the '
form of Cod -Liver Oil, for all
delicate children.
They thrive greatly par its us.
Soon they weigh more, eat more,
play better and look better. WS 1114
the right addition to their regular
food. The hypophosphites °film
and soda in it are neassary to tha I
• growth rd formation of bone and I
Bbeuma em, Dropsy, Reart Disease as Watteau-, Martel° and Rembrandt.
Women% Weakneefer Bladder and eke. Title gives the °Mot of a dainty,
nary complaints and mood eetordera, eloteletke "blue able:is itirOUgh
It is ueed With equallY "great sue- grayieh whito mist. In. the new 1'
in all. Wh,neever was the eauee rag stiles and saline these shades are
desoribably lovely.
°XL dleYre. ICenned:VPille theot8rentsTiemlit wtaYst°ther B°4saandieft ;111Possibly ite place. of 'the wistful --
as experlenCed by everybody, .portance an a spring ttlis xuay be
• grven to gray, the lig:atm' the better.
Archibald Forbes. iterie, argent, neekel and ple.tine are
Archibald Forbes, who died on the tour foremost Elite.
March 29111, wan lo the day of ble• _.
activities the most famous of war I 10,000 FREE SAtlifILE2,
correspondents. All th.e adventurous ' .
exploits that a war correspondent Guaranteed Cure for Catarrh, Brea-
Oan•perroria, h.i did, and reaped the ch
MU, Astipina, Throat Irritation,
fruits or them. He was born la 11388,
Colder, &O.
A 'Wonilerrist "Clock.
An artisan in Lyons, Preece, has
constructed a clock with a little plate
regin and two deilervietyeundertho
inel, says the Jewellers,Circular and
Weekly. On the stroke of every hoar
the figure of a -soldier comes out of one
doorway, stands for a moment( be-
tween the two doors, gives a
ealate, ane then firee a. miniature
pistol. At. -tho hour og 1 there is one
repos -t; a.t, tlietetour. of
six reports,
etc. It Is an, Ingenious aud Interesting
elevice, •
served with the Royal Drngoons axid Dolet let that Catarrh or Broiled. Fire and ewerd are.but teow engines
War with he German army- as cor. cone* chaotic. The beet, simplest foie babbler„ --Steele. , •
studied at'the University of Aberdeen.
Went ttliteifh the, Btranco.prusaien tit; run on. Root it out befote it be. of destreetion in. comparison trith the -
respondent ' the usidori News, lee quickest remedy f?r these complaints -
'saw the rel Of the Comainne in Is ocatarrhoeolie.' It mete nothing
Paris, savr ndla, in the fondue times to teat, for we Wilt need Yell/ freep a
01 3.874, iaw varloter doniestie ware. 25 Mae outfiti auffieleat in malty
in Spain, went to India. with prince eaftel to cure, and one thousand tes
of Wales in1.875-8, and spent the tug, tnn°11141&-Enekv•et-i° cents ,or bpxt
fone,ivieg. yea= Iiiiparddrig earn.. ir.g, postage., etc., Poison Ct..00J,8 Ring^
PetIrgrishwar.iliServRe attoCyprus ht
'weeedletale Eeite°. 1311t.
ri1878, and wlth ttmentaehisd; fbItieltdinevothrke: I • 4011vispuTeisiketimoyn0=,irit:as a zew type
intcceeding years he lectured at home, writer t" inquired etee aegteee
wrote ereveral books. For years peat iji':ggvigr,roarrir4." W.hoa,i9tthi ithime:ditaaong
t41 in this country, and in Australia, and • e
Me health has Wee impaired. rug wire 4iYtix jit.„ er ever
triSt4tritine°f GIA.C"HarPerral If"fi 1.. sie1ga-I. a I 11LICelerbeettiefellyIrre°ettenla. ti.I.Q1Draeomtillets eetle.gedirretilleg' iSf:leltae
was an American woman. the daugh. ir 1nia • •
1 rolled up this sleeves, nai its an in-
Yonge and Gerrard streets, Toronto. Certain-
ly the leading Business Training Scheel in
Canads. Twelve regalar teachers. Fifteen
rooms in actual use for ekes and Ftndy halls.
Splendid eardpreenk. Mediu/Jog TYPe• •
writing Machines. Enter any time. No -mai
tious. SVritefor-calendor.
17; H. SBA.W.
• Piles Cured.
No knife natl. No greasy relve Greer:Want
toapply.buten internal conettintionalremedy.
Instant relief; soon efteets a remanent cure.
A full size 50 cent psekarre seat to anY address
on revipt of 25c and thti advertisement.
Toronto, Ont.
! credible stiort time pounded eut. this: -------------------
fter tieing the anairamating Back-
• •.act,.12nioaZt Wurnhit6er ratartlithieregiyemrt0-11 tiledbriTebnee\ereVe'11, ItYtkrs"D
4111°liburg°9 us.
, wee euted. 8.85 baci ease of Gx1p.by tionnmethle ipraraonouree it.tuto beclakeveturraoreet
BildstARD'S LINTIPIRNT.. • a or 1
sydoey, it • a uisr-t.t'j:Ireev-ad, tultbie"L A VALUABLE ItEdIPE
516wa,AR6D'ItsureduN,'Tvalla3sNer, Ycr:ce by pagt• rearoirimizarozArz'io.,- • searing-3re or if: For Coutrhs Colds and Lung giseases
• po dinhor.-Johtt GIblos."
arjekB"T 13rfel:MMET!'t et! te"There eou ore„ - - • Takea half teacup
quickly event away, :fel/ Firoc-sced Tea witrt
armouth. -
"Thanks,' said abe agent, and most dose of EBY'S
/ was cured of SciatRheumatism
• ,
Burnie NI 143. IMMO S. BUTLER. atinereee Liniment :gores Barns, etc. fraitrrecartaterterfs a day; H never tafii to give
I • A STRONG SCHOOL. 1 " iantyf4.eteetkLatAiti lhNggisontt • .or Ikon'
, slige.onLententlagi,er%lemip alz?ytizirtitit ' gm i mai Es i . mi. Ns inommiii
Who the Old Duck Wale • FOSALE
ines, combine ttcrtve strrgthell tenTe
(George K. Sheperds of Piris, one 'irneerite'l'rehrtgallt;:aarfeelfatett a, the te341- '
• • . Immo to the Ceti ess o ege R
of the. Canadian soldiers in South Ai- The Spring term coutTnnes front April end imPrevea 100-anrn farm* In the
he got trom tele of the, British sol- inJuly, but metabers are admitt into any Lambton, Cheap, under mortgage
diers with whom he is familiar, The There arena vacations. easy rinsi " Y ° down,. Dr
soldter said -.that ono day last summer
he and :several others were cleaning
harness on Sundae morning, when "an Scat
ett Hie Wife 1.7P. .
oldrduck" entered the stablee andelike A Major EfOok of tbe East India -
One of the chaps gave the old. fel- titled by the will • of a relative to tin. .11, books, "The Library of South
Company serviee In. London was ea.- , , GENTS wANT,EDFGEGGR TwGza ,
all eivilhuns, began asking questions.
low talks about extra parades and the anualitY of 2100 a Years, mall hIe dour bole/rola one); aed• "Du -4M Ii• Heedir;
wife was buried. To fulfil -the terms . gheManandlliselisdona the books are Wen
tough time they ladt end 'the others
shinned be and onggerated. for all of this important doeumeat after
they were worth, an& filled "the old dea,th he causal her 'bedy to be ein- ' '
old matter- the prices are low and. theta
1 =filen and up-to-date and are we' a rehash of
duck up to the brim." They nudged balmact neale3 up ta. a glass case and • * *
aim In the ribs Lend. bitted tbet h3 buy placed in the upper ehamber or las extra liberal; agents can make mor.eyitthey
them the drinks. Soon after they were house, where it remained rot tiiirty. ' take heel at once and eeti our books,. Prole
atartled to hear officers' call, and then years, but no person. Wan ever per- pettue free. It pea mean badness, other R.
benefit. William
what waa their aatonistiment to find laYs
mitted to enter that room where it , ntannmeatattethttaawaners.
Brine, NethodistBook Boam. Toronto.
muster for parade. When. they fell ia
that Sir Evelyn. Wood and the old
duck were one and the swme person. .
. nennie-"31r. Venn writes very
touching poetry, ,ilon't you think? Ben ;
1lowes ends ? , - -I should say so. "1 got this from him .
' yesterday: "Dear Bea. -Lend, me tete
gny nue et Catarrh, that cannot he cured by
Wearer -One Hundred Dollars Reward for Yours. Ream" .
Miller's Worm Powdere for restless- %amok atm sieeeear, nliabia. so trei,
NM'S Catarrh Vure. ,
We. tho undersigne0. have nown F. J. Ice Casinos. tIttfillenelote LANNI ILA,*
ornoto or Mat. Soul =ow
rico., tells la a letter a Story. which into theSummertertn, willecrn early TOwnsillp of Plytapton. County Of
department at any Mae throeghout theyear. te roa
seeured. Apply at once,
Louden Loan 0o.„
London, Ont.
J. CHANEY da CO.,Pror., Toledo, O. !WAS arid peevishness. • .
,samaxeri. aese •
Cheney' for the Iast• 10 years. and bellevehini Mo.triniOny *is & commercial product •
•perfeetty honorable in all business trans-
aCtions and financially able to carry out any newatlaye. Unsuitable Igoe&
obligations made by their firm may- be
teturned by applying to the divorce .
WastIZTriusx,WholesaleDtnggis Toledo,O. court. .
Weroixo, Korsatt ez Menne, Aides:lee
d' landment Relieves Neuralgia.
Hobe Ofitarrb. Cure is taken internally. Act. There, le no tetucatIon like adver-
lug direerWm the blool end tailbone snr. 1311y.....Diaraeli.
faces ot the s Price tio per bottle. Sold
by all D Teettmeadals free. I:tiller% Grip Powders Cure.
Hers Family Pills are the best. •
Druggist&Toleda0. - :Aar 4
Pointed Paragraphs.
The charaetere of illegible Writer"
arealott3re bad.
Son* men Seem 10 think a. vete-
Man's mistikm is hubenissien.
When a. nian's fries& roast him
he Is usually done to a turn.
All's fair In love and war. but they
out re.tes In a. railway war. "
macider at Altonet. An v egotist is it. man w1ho Imagines
After his return toBerlin the Ezn- .be is in good company when 4iiene.
pato. lewd, . order* giving Geneial _
yea Sehleialts six months' leave ot ab-
sence. The general has ten.icred his re- To Cure a Cora la Oae Day
eigutetion and left the army. Take istattre Bream Quinine Tablets. An
etraildatitelued the momeritittalle to cute.
That fulness after meals promptly lie' `IL W. /32"6.8141trAture 1! 00, lolch bt** I
relieved by . taking olio of Miler's IThe dbapronte betv,i‘ex' our and
Compound iron Pilia Atter each meal. "sick" was Illuetrated the other day 1
TheAshantt I/Otani:en. by a Somerville man: "When, ifonnd t
o11APraa. Mdletretleoremtrare kiVTerilt gaodtiteir
A"1l1-11fft15 ilsent
nuneementa mdethtraptid-mthedoctor's
rete I t ,bn inset. I!I.
Ireadied Comma* No details are
given, bot the MtaatiOn Is readdered 1 there fano age at which It, 11 10 kau. „
very mutt more hOpeful, although portant to keep up the general, healtitil
1 there Is great tideettatrity as to .the *a trout .12 to 20. The beet reumidsl
or ainnundtIon tor the hirminis Is be- Wile t ,
outcome of the uprising. .4.." tputntity for thia le Millernt eketetioutld keit
ing torwarded to Cape Coast castle
White Ilanqueted at Portsmouth. '
Wet to the front. "Yes," she answered. "Sasaki that
Minard'a Liniment tor sale ever 9- living In the atone house with You, -
It / harry him he won't object to
where even if rot' are real cross."
Portsmotitle Eng., Airn 24.-teget, The Woman Who Talked. COVE eat t Teke Oaragound,
lledworth tetrabton an tne naval bit- "Arbuthnot," mho geld, arise W., 1 !roe. Pills for a few days aad *heart.
'h,. teetlineflY Ofx:exite0d ettItIntkno''
- Wide of Ifer litallsten rme
first,elarui- had started On thr eiwedding, jeurteTy. the ralialta, . .
eer Powerful, aftyr a moral through erm so glad yon Wear pi, beard."
the 00,', were banquetted as" t, t''Why ?" he aiked.
; At .
frown 11811 this treeing. I "Oh:" ehe reviled, "It •feels a', a« is the glory ot a ratut.-Thoteas
The ayor's gamete 'minded Lieut. emstsetame, to have ones cheek prate- it Kong*.
Gen. t!ir George 'Slate. the defender od against *day or twee growth of ,' &refute cora , Milers* Ciao.
of Ladysmith, and the Earls of Bur- atub-" . pound Iron rills.
and Northbrook. Then she *tamed 'suddenly and be -
troops and either*. At be banquet ra
WM g, 'grin . n ape, front 080,.. odd thik lams titre Whet
ated With Rags emwded with , elm wiessiowe
the giallerlee Wen Ivitfi Wire Wilkie* Worst Potteers make the Mak* fa* lot"
.130, ba* web a tors* elle-
Mire's Great Neste Restorer. Ne
eats or neetonseeet atter firs*
us. Send to 931 Arch street,
delpida, Pajor treatise end tree tit trial
roe ode by J. Hang NM !intro Dame etre* ;
Montreal. Qva*
An Absolutely safe
Savings Bank.
use 01 $10, LitetrittiCA &IOU,
,i0solutely Pure
Their tise Savealtou flora
Than 5 Per Cent.
ME It 11411.1111thib MEMO&
soon unman min mum Nom mitt to
and ehtbrren. The choral omelettes par. 461drea healthy. Idabosat Coss mositeratt .iiimielho) 1,1 ,41 , If 111111