HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-16, Page 3A FICKLE
The nett (ley )1rs. 1)h'n (hoyc to the aatinu he send huskily -
lawns to call upon Mrs. 1lud=mot. 'Holt. "f dale soy 1. tun. Mos1.n'0:nen are
lady was oat, but was expiated he 1.1.111111too 010 for their husbands:
immediately; in the meantime, would .1 spasut of pain crossed Doris' face.
\h•,. O131 sec the ycnfg ladies? They alar husband's remark was not made In
were both in the drawing -room. a sneering lour, bot she felt inn 'no-
1/oris decided to remain, and to renew stentthat itformed the staple of any
of dcquainta ce of Nellie and Ethel, eoupluint he would Irving against ler.
whorl) she had not seen since they were Kir was too', good for hint, he
ebildren. The girls "took" to her, raid in who had tiouglht herself so much honor•
a. fan' minutes were chatting to leer on c0 by his choice of her! .Mrs, TIotson
very friendly tern's. cane to the reset° in what would have
wish you would comp as often as been an extremely awkward moment.
111. 1 iy'n:' said (l(4' elder and more im- "?fust women'? All women. she said,
ulsivc one who the ice was broken. in iter 1011410 emphatic. tone, "Even Ben.
Doris x)11110)1 without: (pleasure, train would allow that. Now will you
"I10 goes about more than I do." slay luta dine with me? \]y husband
' why, vis, Ire's 01w00a ho'o1" 411id 1.1d11 not lie home. to dinner, and 11, will
with a tinge of contempt. a churlty„
1 shretrdiir- Doris made civil 1.61ttses, refhrting
1/oris g sot.' 1)1 younger nn 1hut, leu; for her appeartnnee, David and
us 14ter n )1d a sharp
grana° at her Ur-. Hudson (would have passe,( the
in 'oogh) sister; and a 1un•p pain shot evrn(ngg tete-a-t't0, with the titanium lit -
her ens' you 0. fleet The dell th girls playing opelrem'ed propr(ety.
pain of suspense and in0gl0c4 was over; 10 rt 11'110, -when she -rose to go, David
had no (twice (nit to go too.
.11', llodson was very snapp(sh and
silcot with her little girls when her visi-
tors were gone, dropping at once the
brilliant manner for the domestic one,
1411(0;) had 0n her case few Quints, :Nellie
air( Ethyl, who, while kicking a little
allnin61 her maternal regime of soppres-
sluu worshiped her loyally ars the queen
of the world, had the little fliekerings
of lmcl(ncss by which they hied to en-
tertain her promptly extinguished in a
lima ;falling manner; for in tit inoppo
CIL(1"I'9R. XV.
Dori. Glyn felt strougly tetuptcd, 0(1
feeling the sharp pang (111011 the two lit-
tle gals had innocently given her, to
leave the Lawns abruptly out hasten
hone, to prepare for meeting her hus-
hteed. A few moments' reflection, how-
ever, was enough for her to remember
that she really had n, ground for (1c -
mantling the explanation she wished
(torch absorbed in the afQurs 0t thl' city.
Non, of the pretty tty little aLtcutlons you
used to pay im• 0114 months ago --1\ It1
that is the first orange that you have
;a (lamed for (t in the careful way I.
ink, for weeks! You (11'e Nolo ,,ing irri-
r r pp
tall mud your irritability toll, (u j
gels 1 corn sir 1t myself, though she
(( 4eet c0"(phaius•'
Doris tried to interrupt, hoer but the
old I:1)!) pot tip her lit lo hand, and ((1111
„1'011 1111161 get right away from bust
ills', curd ovcryth•mg connected with) int.
These last 0''ird4, 11nwe11111y
made him (('ine1.
"1bu have hail 110 honeymoon; you
would carry out your ncw-ttwglcd (dens,
and do without it. But the old-fashino-
ed way is the hest .Ile entirely depend-
ent upon euro other's society for at little
oldie among strangers and you will get
used to each other and grow into 0lub
other', ways, as you have never vet had
a chane' of doing"
Yrs; but to be entirely dependent up.
011 (lob ether's society' when each 'had
failed todike 0t! ''I'Ite snggesti0nt was a'
knell in David's ears; for he knew by
0.s wife's. silence. that she acquiesced (n
the proposed arrangement, and in the
t(rcrmstauees he was not in a position'
lo refuse any proposal of hers.
"Where do you wont to go, Doris?" he
0sked, in a ('oke 1(Mill did not 00un0
promising for the. threatened lengthy
"\fell, even grandnuunma would not
propose an absolute wilderness, 1 should
think. What do you say to Paris?"
"1 have nulh(og so Baty to 0t. (1 is
just as you please "
"Parris let it be then, and let us go
soon,". said Doris quietly, •
David's marine' was u11graciou ; 1)01
ib could scarcely lr mxlxlcted to be any.
thing else just now, 11(s affairs, while
tinder his n4yn control, having been mar -
David felt more than ever thy. metol of
the vivacious so1(1ty of the broker's
lied he been b3• himself in Paris, ho
might have found .vthindahn (ttrac-
twus: bot the duet of perpetual 'swot
l '1,IVioi 101811).0 him nal his 'Nilo. ,made
„ )
the boulevards drill 1 hL run n Lu,
"o both of them 1/oris' is' n 1101 d the e •
'able=, and rowdy 1'!C, 1110'! 1 r„ l''+aitili'C Needs Assistance Itl11)a1]
ii, coned
for the timing heves- he (4 : New Hle!alth•Giving Wood.
4)141lien et 0441(1x,;, tIvio led rev 1'ul
oft bel spiritless and luadul 10 the 111 In the sluing your Nxtr:u tired, ton-
- �r h n hnsb,l ul healthy and
u (silo uxiu to afford e meg up, fn tier spring to r1
strong you 11)001 have nen blood, just
as the trees most. terve new sap. Nature
elemamis it, and uaturo's laws are in-
exorable. Without new blood you will
feel weak and lartgui(1. You may have
twinges of rheumatism or the sharp,
slabbing pains of neuralgia; there may
be disfiguring pranks or eruptions of
the skin, a Aired feeling in Die morning,
and a variably appetite. 'These arc some
of the signs that the blood is out of
order, that the long trying Months of
indoor (tinter life have told 'port you.
A purgative medichtq such as too many
people take (n spring, can't help you.
Purgatives merely gallop through the
system, and further weaken you, Any
doctor w(11 tell you that this is true.
What, people nee0 in the spring is a tonic
medicine, and (n tell the world (.here is
no tone. can equal I),', Williams' Pink
Pills. (Every dose of this nmdieine helps
to make new, rich, rel blood -your
{;realest need in spring, This new, red
blood clears the slut drives out disease
and makes weak, casrly tu•cvl men, «•0 -
men and children bright, net(v0 mud
strong, 'Ply' this great blood -building
medicine 11118 spring, nntl see what new
life and energy it will give you.
"Oh, acres m(nd that!" cried Duna, You can got 1)r. 11'(II(noi fink Pills
or by !marl
NEW STRENGTH' I Effect of Foot (laces and Ball Pla",ing
FORa r �;� on Orieo'al Ooshmvc
r HE srLtH Iris cit )1 I Cool are vie amrsr;
In fehy nail evorei,s, of any 1:1.1,1.
a pleasure (41X(1 her society'ensued mo
capable of yielding him. Ile on MS tide.
cunscie)tdnasly tried to meet her half•
and his forced attention and Reek,
1114.;', monde. her !egret Ids old 1 u'Litan'n-
ity', So Dior passer! 11 horrible ('ortu(g111
of new constraint worse than rho 010,
(111(111 the one hail 1101 the unu11ge 0110
other 11110 1101 1Ile will to ttrnipt bi
10001, 1111(11 a 0tartliug piece of flews
from 1snglnnd released them from this
galling bondage,
11. 1106 the 0uuanntenunr4, in an lng-
lish paper, of \h', Ilolson's failure old
the Stock Exehallge,
Dm•id was at breakfast (14(111 his wife
when he read at paragraph einita11(ng the
tidings iu the 'Times of the. day befmr.
Doris sear him turn while, nod asked
timidly what (ons the matter,
"114•. Dodson has failed," he said, in a
tone (w c0n111 senrcely keep tranquil.
°Oh, I nm sorry!" she returned, 11i 11
low bice, lifter as momenta shy pause,
Then. ns her lm4hand ruse from has
cl(r, .she asked diffidently, "11111 it 81'
feet you?"
"Ye: and that, nnfor110ultel1 inchule'
you,' he admitted in at dull measured
(1011 animation, as seeing a hope Char hon "•e•methane dealer
this might perhaps help h, bring them nock paid (i 10 rents a ins; boxes
together, she gotiup and almost ran to for ff2.,i0, frmn The Ir, 1\uhanes )Tedi•
h(m. "What does that matter? Yoh did ohne C2, Rroda'ilk', Ont.
vclously ill-condncted, were being gently your beat, and money is stud) a Dither: o-*
but firmly taken out of his 'hands; and thin,, between husband and wife be- A Famous Board Walk,
David the godlike, in the position of a tweet' ~'out and me. 1t c'ur't be 'helped, The. famous bond walk at :Miami,"
naughty boy found out, fleas out of his nod, if we have lost enyth(ag, if (11 11110 illy 4s 10 be reconstructed in purl, and
elent'ut and sufficiently pitiable. Even last anything, if we have 10,1 e great hearted from 300 to 600 ft. nears the
he die net. feel the bitter pathos of the d0aal even. it will not troutde 011' tit all:' ocean than its present site. This shift -
situation as keenly as D01'is, w140 was "I can not, take the 11111110(' ((110 that, ing of position is due to the fact, that.
sou') as aul(ous to get rid of the (ono- Doris." said he, gently, hot avoiding' het' the beach has been building up daring
ever concealed from cent old grandmother, whose shrewdness eyea, "i must. go bark to London this the post four' o five yea's. 141 the re.
frons hill. Nle had n sue .l1 ]l1 (4 uta cit thus, lg,ya Iia. at nal in o(( O1(••1 were 1111) dangerous; 1
int be fluid frequent, visits 141 y day, and roc w NOW, 1.he position of conx•Irnetimt, concrete piles lm 411, in din.
her the fact 1 1 1 1 111) nu )h s. 11004)111 (14)1044 nurse than'' 04 01(41 been in the afternoon to girt' tilP100 real)' (s, and when is lu he dune." meter aid 2ti to L2 1t. long 11(11 be used,
4', rho Lawns, and the j0al00s suspi0lols the spoiling 111 011 01.1)0(111;. So (1(d Int- her.
lid. 11e tool: his seat in the brougham When Deihl rcturued from escorting too ,slightest1.sstoible emphasis on the er two or four and capped with a 144111-
she had formed in a moment, based upon
a, few words and a loop passed between by his wile's side, mtrenched in the sal- 1'1 I I 1
"We must go back 1". ,she faltered, with 'These will be arranged in bents of eta. -
two thoughtless and ignorant young ! leu s11lco with 11'1(1011 ho meant to 1)11411 engaged in the drawing room packing "\'o, tto, not von, T shall trny0l in a
grill, nou10 not. fain ,t very substantia he torrents of righteous wrutlt, ,. he foray 1n cases specially made for the hurry rind may be ban1: to -morrow. Yen
purpose certain hits of valuable, china, 4)0n'L mind being left by- yomrscll' ,just
winch had been anon',OR(. wedding for 0 e(ny, wiil yon?"
heels looker( at him imploringly; she
ground for n direct. accusation. 00 she
decide(1, while still listening unintelli-
gently to the prattle of Nellie and Ethel,
that she would see .lb's. Ifodson; per -
baps the meeting would either allay her
jealousy or give- her stronger reasons for
it. 1)000 felt besides n sudden vivid in- breeding. '111116 the moment was rape
tere0t in the woman whom site believed 1, 1 Brood breeding 10 .snap 311 his wife's
,,sale he her rival in her husband's affec-
tion; she must ,judge for herself these
charms for 'width shin lied been nes-
lard never given 1010 a lecture" tel;
but David, conventionally minded in this
as in (them things, cherished a great hor-
ror 1t W011111110 to)gue, and t1 belief
that all wniueu nu•e at heart terma-
ga11t,, inure or loss restrained by good
ea:401w did not doubt. So he walled for
the deluge,
Nom, came. Deis sat beside h(111 its
leered,',dear( as ha, mail they were very' nam'
She had mit to wait long. When, at their hone, Thal she paid, in if voice
the end of another ton ut(uutes, a to(}d 1 alma') as kind as 11'0111, though there
ring tit 1,110 1/1,11 was followed ing lite; was a freak 411 it mom' caul 111e11 --
I100000'0 high-pitched height laugh Intl, "shall I go en to garnduuim1a's toil
hall Doris' heart began to beat ('iolent• ash: her if she will 14mne to 11 1111 1110e'
ly. The next moment it seemed to stand w•i111 u: this evening? She has not bent
still; for she hoard her husband's street will) us tor font' days, and she may per'
low voice in tomes as measured as usual, haps begin to th(n1: herself neglected."
but more cheerful than those he kept for "It is very thoughtful of you," snot
domestic use. David, with heartfelt relief at the pr rs-
\h's','Hodson apparently (10411(1(1 into Poet of a third person to break that
to, delving -room 11,(0.14 the acrc11)1bad ghastly ',door or still more. distressing
dialogue which was all that w05 possf-
a. 0hauco of telling her veli „0, their,
for, as the door opened 11nd she sailed in blee that evening between himself 0nd 1410
with David in her train, both their
facies soddenly changed, Of course, the
lady re0overed herself .immediately, and
rushed impulsively up to Doris with ont-
- siretelied l)0)1d$ and s(1111expressions as
fire ostially; 11801414(1' fol friends 1'0trirn-
,lug holm after long and dau erous toy -
acs. licitlucid, less experienced, re-
mainert a, light yellow -green 140100)10111101
the embarrassing interview. and kept es
11110.1( in the beekground as 110 could,
Roth knew that Doris' utexpeeterl 0011
(x110 more than a regrettable accident -
Loth would have guessed it from 1101'
She did not express 0ny surprise at
seting him husband a"d responded to
Airs, Ilodson's warm w1411'0me with per-
fect. though somewhat frigid. )ourte4y.
But there was 0)) entire lack of po-
tene(ty- in every word she. uttered, e.
61 01(1('5q00 stillness shout her Manner,
which could be the result only of a sten
fight with emotions too strong to be al•
lowed the least. rent,
Von as looking very pale and ill,
Boo (llyn;' said the elder lady, boldly.
1'IOtl(e(I mot to find leu guest's cold d(g-
tit1' disconcerting. ''Plat is the worst
n'1 hose
• she t
eonthnmd with a
lively and coatemptnous nod. toward In -
('(d; "when they marry, they don't iw
the ((psi know' how to treat a wife, 1
am 111w0ys telling A(r, Dlyn"-'nntel10w•
hiss Glyn's expression seemed to ore -
chide the use of her husband's Christen
n0nte hefere her -"tat. be doesn't dy-
serre to have rt wife at all,"
"it is very good of ,you," said Doris,
"I Ont afr.tid you are ton indulgent
't 1' t'nued 'Air. Hodson aur
"What aro you doing?" he Tasked sone- dared not, 14141(010 to plead in nnul5:
what .sullenly away from her grandmother, with nu one
-Putting these little things out of to support her proposals, she felt timid;
(('111-1! of the servants' fingers while aro anal the result of ler first move Mood
are away." (uu1phte confidence (rad been 1014 appal.
"When do you propose to go, then?" 1(ugly' barren fur her to be bold again.
„Can't we le, ready by the day after (ro she packed his things herself, and
to -morrow?" raw him off with a horrible sense of
Dcvid spoke "it hundred tulles a4Gy"
from her,
what is to become of un' 1111,1•
11000 --your business? Affairs in (11e ('(13'
are 411 e. very critical ,lltte lust 0111,''
indeed tPo3' were in at state 010)14 crit
(cel for hon than he knew,
"Sou can leave the business safely in
he !mods of a non 111 whom you place.
such absolute c0nfidenee as you de in ---
your financial advisor, surely? And tat,
you' office you have 1(103' to ask to get
your 100(day win) you please, Isn't
the1. so, David?"
rico; lie muttered Ian unwilling assent, and
Ile lyes not indeed Without qu0lms of I turned tuwvrd 1110 door, His wife's heli
fear, as he stepped out of the brou)40110
leaped up, 1] this were shame at his
11 1 nolo conduct, thele was hope for them
au.1 told the coachman to drive to ills y01 Sbu flute A111405 the room, and
Jidgco0bc's, lest Doris should b1 risenv-
1' g] a pot him
stopped him nn the threshold with rt gen;
ingh t
forced concrete glider 24 nm. deep nod S -
I2 in, wide, The contract for the wort:
has been awarded to the iluynton Con-
crete Pile Co., and calls for 1400 it. of
wells 41 feet nide end `L400 ft of walk
21 ft, lvidc, N. \, Engineering and
Building Record,
1 , sit,
Their idea f et/torment is
room' deo un n nine'01 11ny 11)01i0;,!,;.• 0100," said 1(,lo114 t I) Domld,o-1, g 1
(onaltuduupl le, 1 is ', the dl 't1)'
o, ,rat .Americo» mid Eri0lish 1)h lesnle
ruoorhn- h r -;r -Ir, o dotal of
th. Saltie T)n t 1 01110 should go
Otto aural 11111 10Dllnd note] to shame-
less nakedness, mei this with int
hole of gain, only confirms there iu
the belief that 1(1 Americans aro mem.
But they ore imitative people, and
5.0)110. 341116 ago time influence noel e!;.
ample of 1140 }'Danger teachers
fete of the 1 rc110111ory' boys out for
• "That day, for tu-ROirut tit lou=t,
the deathblow ('05 struck to 1ht,
falresque dress, of the 0r(etrt, ''au
can't run a 100 yard dash with 1002,
baggy trousers and r, sill( gam1ber
that, flops mound your ankles, Even
if you took your skirts 11110 the flush
the effect (,s more startling than
speedy. So one by one the students
ordered 1(1r(lpenn tra11ser,0 from the
city tailors.
"At first they dere priorly cut nada+
viewed with suspicion, bill to -dal',
there are not three men in the eel:
legiato department w•l10 114001' the old
costume and molly of the stu01)1(1s
dress with taste and nil elegance that
their professor, cannot afford to error
Tale 'Penn's and basketball soon
woe their place in the student,,'
favor, and now ((1 have gymnastic
npp111401 0 and a regularly graduated
nthielic director, who has learned
p1)4111cnl eilture 0 11 0 bol nature
through n long c xp00,uue in the ,"
n10nun of 11101lca.
"But it Was foothill that did the
most, towns(' unification. The yahoo
of team work is a 11011' idea to 1)1101'
cru college men, 'l'i'e. old ideal 144(1
that of 'every' ratan for himself,' 1t
ha.; been so since the lime of •11(1•
blades mid Absalom, I£ it had not
heel, set the history of the world
might hove been different. It was
100lpnrati1cly easy to see 1110 •j).'
of 1r(nning 1) feet race or o 10nu1s
oaich. 1"ds to ping int un+her,trlotil
part h: a foot14ell grime, obeying a
capt1in nod vrn01:111g for the good, of
the side --that u';1S a different thing,
1 110'111 111 the light of ev001110010g
buridugs, not in the midst, but on the
Margin; trot so fey as mut to feel the
ii moth, not so near as to be lura, sa
• ^ j as to be destroyed, bike seeks ole. 11,0
HEALTH FOR CHILDREN, ;11104 like, like emus like. 1lldy tam
light is sweet' mid a pleasant thing it is
EASE FOR MOTHERS for tae eyes to 1a'Jnala the nn, (lir
Baby's Own Tablets will promptly and
God ami its con nnu s, but (1u mut,
y 1 1 y destru( Il i' a. (worming fir_ 11'Itet •
surely cul'e all the m(nur ailments of dues 11 oawsnme? 111' 1(10101 1014
loneliness and longing.
babies and young children, such as con- purge, 11!' (lone, the 0lutff is b 1111.,0'
„You 10(1! (eine hack'O111, (yon'( yon?" .ctipation, 0)41(1', indigestion; diarrhoea, with uul uenc(!ahle lire, the 11 hu 1L i�,ltut
ctdr°ated with 1(11 po,s(hl' s',ve114ID,•(yu1nt,• 1-001 lung l.roddes. ']'trey hroak inn, •l, sam•r, 1: is my 0w tut privilege.
and dorilOL •. as be arc 1(01 0 warm( ' up uu.ds, pu.vcut croup and cine( simple Iva,
J g to dr (n toe Oslo gf this fie, 11(
1110 ((gall -bred ha1d•proslnr im t -lee pal- d,u 6 0 11 1 vp l u toil Reify' of the barrier al. the statim.
And he said, "'cos," of course he would.
smiling at her 'much more brightly' than
he bad dome since 1111411' coming to fails,
But Doris wat0hcd him disappear (soul
her sight (vith fear at her heart.
It (('as past 00ve11 o'clock and quite
dark when by her husband's departure,
Doris founrl herself alone in Paris.
Foe 11'1(11rd at the barrier 11111 the whis-
tle and sl0andug of the (ng(ue annouac-
od that ale twain had left (ho station;
told then, turning rm.,slpw•ly and 1(11-
sently, she made neo way tack off, the
!ewer. '('he'1lablets (mutant no pe150000s' a i t I("1(1 first sh'zfie,;,
0114110 01' 11111001;, 110 is testified 1)3' It It ,11'40' me lied 1 (141t,w011 on, limy" 11-
Uovern1(elt aalyst. ND's. Ronald 1P, lar"o0 (las 1, 1 ;,111 ihiugs 4n their 1.11
Sen((c10, Palmer lapid',, 0nt says: "1 p0r rrlati„„s, oto matt delicate ud,jnsb
11101'' 1'1411141 11"1-'10's (51(11 'Ta14(4ts se sot' moms. I ('111 e h,1vy laden. What ma-
istactol'y in curing the ailments of child- ehiuery for unloading, wlneh(s, derr(ck,,
hood that 1. vvont(' not carr to be with lever:. ":111 Lands 10 lighten the ship,"
111(51in'try', 1'41',:0 which endangered ;140
ship is (hrown overboar0, useless rub-
bish is colinnad in the fire It n 0 sight
to see the idols throw•u into the tire.
►--- lion' arc the saints stripped, peeled,
Agreed for Once. seattered, brought love, tl1kn in the light
Chore is in Brooklyn a youg, recant- 00 their burning& what restoration. tend
ly mn.ri•i0d co0ple woe 1)11~0 11110 1101'. rc-arran uncut of the furniture of the
ing the usual half- 11111et(e and wholly soul Light gives cheer, conf(dence, re -
6 ] )
MIL then( in the home." Sold try medi-
eine dealers, or by mail at 25 oats a hoc
from the 1)r, Williams' Medicine Co.,
Ihoekvillc, O t
cowl(: for al onslaught l 'the bund' 1 ( i back- { 1
utuu m, ,x xn•ieitces incident to sane orals danger s its, reumyes huuh.itst,,
lilthcl, s 1, l l P
4n 1(10-presen�e of n Pelson. Whom "Dalid, Do'ld, dont rot) want to go ttua•e it which she Anil Davol lied. emne'. limited owns au d trill( iuex peri- for' "he that sttinlbleth stumbleth in the
I what h (toil r, t l ,
meantime sin (could halve, 1�trued (mie an
(1 "idea)11y. But Ile had to mot to him. Im o t; 0ilh ole(" maid, to uecam leu,' them to the 1110(10,
bah be mean and unlike I l I 1in lite delivery of lite nnakiting, aid lsn11ed mho the ch(Id and companion, and
self (0(1 this o 1 I 1)a'(d was not hard, though• in ods I in miler tint ])oris m(gh( not he. alone Fmrday found them ilii apractically0the consuming,fiie ((14116 «11011(01 a pert.
Doris; and he was not surprised Mien
�. weakness he often had to shield himself when he left her. But she had rejected this, omnis. soder, when dinner 1101e e.unr Irnws out toy lovg„purifles;my desire,
behind 11 dull reserve. w'lt(0) made 114414 010vell by la strong but 1(ndd hope, that fire y"tilg wife burst into tear;. :old to grow, oh, to (i)1) dIPO Iahi')e oP
appear so. :1L his wife's appealing cry during the last quarto' of an hour to- "014, this is humble!" she wept. 'Bot t' the soul ltnde1 the cruel tlic. Meow( -Ala--
an e. a. - he st:o''i 01! 114 1111)0; int there, was (1(r eih04' some immise of 0(footimt toward -
when dimmer was over and lie was ll 1 I a thing (n the house. fit for e dog to ter builder, what view'ipojyytn, what ale.
over, flood of devoted affection rushing up the young 011) 111 was tearing 0418111 cot, 1 ,in gong home to 00100 l0 rations, what symmetry ,and brant~.
preps him an orange for the old lady. from her bean, to impel Ler to enrirale move David. and give her the )1pper(nn-
14 17 gcomLr, d0,r•ed her throat and. 11 "lf you don't mind, ilea,", tic. bus- "Bulld]ug up yotus(hcs.".Thu materials,
f], 6 him with ho)lI arms and win tum Cu her ilr sir, longed for of opeuin g her heart bard exelnimed as tic visibly brightened the implements, the design, the glory
folded her pretty fragile little hands one then and forever. 'Tim(dla•, !tppenhttg1y, to him and tour(! out tlm sweet lot. ,g! ii. ! The beauty and the benefit ae''
th t pouting .1ud twrined for its int, "1'll go unit l 4 .4 }
frig words 1vWsh were 041)110 to 001110 y10"-llar10r's Magazine, om'S, Bluth intlrpenetrntihn of buruiu
straight from her very soul on the lod-t o -a boli( rays of light.
David quaked, and the knife and the ail ltilyd ((((rely to rout tlu'ough the 14nl,otn•ngltncui, and so pit pen tor, w;1)' 'lake at woman's heart, her loves, ono
ornngo remained for n moment ',til le- veld, Llautl; blue. eyes lou 1(1141? he, felt for 11 hippy matingon his 1(1(1 1 to �� ���� ���� �� ��� ���
for ern his. floors. ' Tnlro i.AXATIVID '3ftO110 Quinine Tabiete. husband, her child, her conk and Plaints,
n a- of sunt, enmt(nu stronger than his•ow'n Paris. 1 and worldly store, each In them 11;.11
"1 "ye '""e'116""
10 4ay t) y u„D through the crust of h(, daily -- • '''0 >D
r •ou )t rs a uattu
g r • fled and when returned doubly hu own, .
L t o•
intoion lar ht fl t) t In tl
d steak, tomato I h f t'
nolo' to
w of od i ti w rrapper 11.1 ye: , ,1
of both of you 1cry nearly, 4 hope. you u heat the biotin," i head. au::,a 1)i ' - 1
ibis unto' g0utcmm�,
who had trralud
`a ' r to be •rigev (s
away, with uu•'' \Von'', you 1)•y Hey 11asb±mrd had 'wooled 1\lut 1)L, -r, ih'' u11rc. Lust :9arta d1wOeel:c u,is a bile a nt;ht," the alien luxl'the tut ,-
the ladies, retooled together to no Uhp
elder 111 least ars cheerful and affection-
ate usual 'lie had omit frigid 11011'-
(n the other as 1(er custom was when oho
had a 311111 g important to say.
sh" crept up to ina, 1111(1, w(tl4 modest,
1101010 gnomes, looked Mt() 11(s fare
00dstn r1titnd money It ft tarts to caro.
0R0V17'S sig,,oture. is 0a 14001, 110x, :S0' tut (loll 141(' thein .,. into the.tire pati-
yid, t' I 1 I shall be glad if you will f" break uLlut Hurd had groan Lr, 110 such mr
,a rued c at, tl c 1 tlmum,coutrn c ntr 1)L She had sat beside hon on N.
\('1(1'1 41 .b` s, r 1 )e. (!I' It loll . , ,.
give Pa ' }pin dant, boil not tc courage ci the'narr'ow seat of the little coupe, s1) • Abraham took his son and t e. 11'1 m',1'
on wLuh1 Dep, has the,111141 spoked Inure 11nr,0"!, (ls 0)4! 1tnu11, r ' t i ( hunt that she wduder0d h, did Frain a Recent Novel.
11,04, felt no passionate f tor e s rte m•ew tip his '1
up'sed, they canto 1101111 1l, ( u
l�t not h:a tl (f het hent o tool Ll s 1 hold mor normo', to 1aet
t l'
g m'
way as badly 115 011011 a pretty gentle.
rr)!! u(t 101010er that 1
a)1) a;ng tan her, lin a irrfimt1). calm and well lord
40001! upon myself 111 nlentru11n( 't 1
m'cll could du, ter rc0eeel110 for int
It was an alarming pmnmLlc Or list bust, upth scarcely ,nay preposition,
l0 1 n a r0 pl ire In ,t Quuptle emu est n less„ ben * a p arenttl , exellud hr Ito
though the do oit'(ed manlier of it was n and contour t b Pl > ton hba toat•4c In t1'o for ~arta{ tr, read, recognize, define, determine, we
5 6 d Mos iu yJt(1•h indignai,to P tender f 'lin true exhilaration of she cast the lie tart, 'n his teeth he but: at habil' of the old laysur on'rr b, he 114 • vie knu11.
"A03 Ching you have to say' will, til lesiva-eve 10140/11 for matt who, after all, ' 1 l •1
rumsc, I((1 1111 nal' 111 1,11110140 hr. rut -0r hu',btuul Loo companion bound
A 11101'14) (1114141111•,and 11114'lr•r t
"1 ,ort' stiffly,anions himself 111 "a. b 1 11(01)1)1 his ehalmate 141111,1 oyit(,. au
t 1 wove(• one's g
all mints, and coldly wLui" errs or ago ' .bout it might be shill- a tt illusions 0
the tremor that, shook her limbs Ile
'otic her most full and ,n i (u L r ditto: -
lions to take care of herself, with noire
more feeling
"n(mation. than usual in the soft (c use.
giv- 11(1 even flashed fire,. ,(( talc has hare.
gudta• cuuseienke. remain(~, o tcel Fut it was not « sywputht4u: cheer(°i Her 101 rota p;s ren1; lie route he.cebit- everlasting bmnnrg'. In this light ore
with at f . c f y
llcr face fell; he ground his teeth, 'other, because of sacrificial fink, Coat(,'
i tag; 11;111 tit
{ b tie 7
er hoe w 1 ,
11e :rod
sacrifice t
Sha ttev ala as lee hk tae mp [ire. � to the
mount of S el a
)311 ;want came ah to her throat; his blow hold 10 permanence and power• because,
arers dark. j the transaction is dour in the light of
g 6
• shi( )4le,} with mm100)3' pity and Sar' spirits n ire 1010 011 1. leuyin11 wucwad a turap to td,', 1 u(,v',. 110(0 the. fire melts the visions of the.
L tShe ha(1Jrred as isOli a aortal wound, hu
gm, 'Deal, ns otter, I misty' iMa 01 ltcaut, vapors tisilrs,
An Icy baud cldeped tit: its Heart; then he l the earib me diSSilatt1d and the fro.
PI01uly s9ta au•ova for bmallh; its `r.ves I b)neficinnt LuruinTs, make tlru air de -
use t e to Der lar r' IIIc DOL n 0(
I 1 D 1 1 nppeli.inre at gnutitu;l( was 111(•14; anal
on 1,11 D 1)•t got into the cud u' n"nut fenlna
putting ltd nit" tins u)tnloubk p 1 i 1vn still bond to nrahc tot 1 b
' post aun ' - ' •
ider. 141 , clue s that the second ho"ey 100014 loot been a(
, of 1 c1):* divtntcd t.0 by nu out4 itinlc w:(4 of caur,o n e
w e t tint, roe 1 �, lyra of This attt
1 t v "H 11011 fbuto n train" •t lave hme thinking, and Dods t I r emotional enough to strikeinto lar moire di,a: u'nus failure than the
1 0)111 ,1 t, r enc cr o
non hays too relit of his awn w'ay. Ton :.g u:., 1v(th amt (1401 run bof t wait 11 Loden( flame whatever love lie still had thist,
should blown (rill of )'our ocn, and let oh11) a th,1011 114 char r, (011) ns fill. 1 wife it' wily said gently`-- 1 l It 4111 tie 1 (1! :" a as the drivel
11101 know 01. A'em aur x01(1011," she w1ld• ort trlll4f sou, )s everybod} see;, is Nmol',. imo h a(tatid, 1i 1046 not ural
tat. to nine to 1)a•(d. I lug 106:( she (141 1 of o hitt she was a Oh roil, ore boyar w nt as char 1 post si a u; ala had doted ,414! lily 111th
1)l1141thusbyfinr1intothecomyer• y),,r.tta,:nulyonerenotthe_;mw ado ;'1111e1'1n11i t tau stir." and then barrel ),1 en a 11' Im: h:tr"
ufte14 11l1)11n� (1.14 1t 110mud4) fol the 101 ryeunt t.o br . ), ih, ,u,1) 110)11.
'"" "" ,g�, 140) ulueh w (1rt,,et olt illna ever, ••.111 h ,'sod 1i».
EI UC t s t a d s• @' 9 m) ('Tu Ur cars•* m
� L'� �` �� Ub ���� � ,'�yd� � he hFt her Lo hu alt re for lowers,
{ w n d n L!tu the .{ u l 1 led.)
�.•• T}nlul 1bd orf di1 111" ruler \it', cit
44D he rfnt;G:0f 'co: r f' � fnr..8' 4'Sa7fE 011 t�iln, -1(r. llydsuw a( 11)1, r,hunsd be noel- co•, c of "Rain" (n Moving Pictures.
11 pale clad"t•(2 iu LrkagYcal. 1e:1 I(ling; m 111dchh perh tp `ha me and
<olaol .n t 1 1 1
ft I:lakes them plkyarlp, rosy, active, happy.
l � li4 l''SttC.v
I>; co;a2aino f'oc1 I Le e,r ®it, I-€� l�ao�s sp
annad G1lyceriwiDD. to e„make fat, blood and !Sone,
a and so put together that it is easily digested
by little folie. •
ALL DRUGGISTS; 60c. AND $1.00.
14 n'It et his new 01.11414 nit
ttifI the In ort shore Ile contunte.d. him elf
OS • with writing Tett, s to loth- to t,1x fn1
( - s'1 et (o,
t .lilt it f 1
n pmdy b" w0,as rpt t
io aha letter' a (Mil (r(0 a lel ling that
ho was leavi0 for Pais without ,t
('lana 4f wishinhu' gum(lige-) tt nu
afttct(pn01' 110 t b) an) me ins, bat Die
m Nellie!! the (41„eu(ons M s. Ii11)0 1
001110 read betlleen t1(e linos that her
1 hold upon hint was not relaxed
\fusing pictne films r practically'
srpulod lung before their life of useful-
ness, 010(11d end luaus() of tle. "rain"
p 7 45 \ 4 h l-
yh(,h a h s ouT Uu cleat rc t 1
p t
alae 111rlm"Iie Thi, itt3urt emne!: from
the continuous winding 1111,1 lo-w(nding
of the (1101 thloogll�the nuthum at the
rat( of ) foot it'second founmg statue
cloy(Duty. 'The c�c'tr•icity (toga)(', all
the particles of dust, ilia Int floating
in the atmosphere to the films, and in
011 the contrary, alte the. fu'=s few jpolling tlhe film ujp tight the,e particles
days 0111110 delayed mock huncy.mooI, sulatch, hence the `rain?'
sliE, gym b1i110 as capon• (peat 14i4(ls to the 114,1)1(1 glow of the
211(1,1 d t 14 1 •l• mr a^0ny I
00 t
hl•ve+1 ]igLfful oisits 1100011000111en
rron' uns. 110,111 001.
011 the ruga
O11 lot tonic r t t e lace:' •'
She "eat. bolo the room; be fell in a heap , the
Plainly, ol(er ill this, Ltfe ,'moil never be \\hat our (tern, (1111) s111t1 k°r1)Nola ell ,•
I:ho 04)11)0 050(0 ka• either of el10ar.-J. W. 041•, 141' (11),11 a Hood aa' ho15' yw 111.1
in Success.
WI the desires (nine in, rising only 10
be 1301111110, 00 11,11 like :i child at
honx the soul re) els (u een1(nu,al mots
of ia'uilWui), 1,(11 ore fh 1., on -
((d ice. hi.ello0 nes. 010, to heel
i110 , 1 est of to( i• 1irt 04 end i4, nu,.
perutuurtt ).f aluhn,g hal of of 11 non-
pktc 1,11110
11. T. 11 tl ,•r,
She Knew.
.1 01.0• s hn11'! - NOW,
)Iary, co 3.41 t suet 11 your' la-
n 1,,,flhe) :^'1117 sue- the
1,_10,0 011,21.au) t no ...1,a1 ,leant 0107.00,.
,and the landlord )1)1 5,10, how mach
would he hays , pay thein?
Answer --1 dont think he would have
o pot them anithing.
"Why not
"F,c a tse l think' we would muco;'-
T1r •lune( herald.