HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-04-27, Page 5SUPPLEMENT TO THE CLINTON NEW .ERA. of the 44th Battellon to telard niM DYNAMITERSIrieetralie wee/ sub attempt, aft the OntarioanIt Jewel police would be in- anequate to cope with each a gang of • thuge. Capt. Vanderoluys called out hie mon a'nel a detachment a 26 leen AT in tali uniform end accoutre/nate, wELL ND aukl.e.r hie owe eoanaand, were pet ou glutted at tile Ail. EA013 Mall was •, served with tet reunite of • dtiry 4tr ?Uri ailantagrraedittln8'141) 4"11111 down the Deur aidee of the building with fixed bayonet*. Special* polioe Putieo are guarding the three beidnee and aue etteetpt .et' teCU wLL1 bAt promptly fruetrated. Speoiai Paltele heive, Wee Pleeedme the canal, and the Greed .Truk have aposes of Men guarding thole textual under the canal mar Merritton. • The prieoners will have a hearing before Police Maglee trate linen to -morrow morning at, 10 eoleek, when tbey undoubtedly will b,e, oommitted for trial. The greatest exeitement fe prevailing on halt sate of the frontier. Illundreds opea- p.le helve gathered oe, the atreete le teen to-aight. . MEN'S BOOMS SEARCEE,1). Nevem Falls, N. Y., April 21. - (Speciale-Sergt. Maloney went to the North End, and the proprietor of tint Dolphin admitted to him that he Mei had ite boarders for a. week three men of eaten% he knew little or noth- ing. Maloney went to the room aeon - plea by tee mon, end there foetid rubber bag filled with fuses, such es are used in dynamiting operations. That was the only thitig to be tound that would seem to connect* the 000I1 pants of the room with any possible lockee and Maloney returned to head-. use otreillitigh explosives. Tile room waif'. Tho proprietor of the Dolphiejaid, that the men came to his houstr7r. week ago and engaged a teem They said little tie anyone and told abso. lutoly ziothiug about themselve ,s ithere they came from or why they were in the Falls. They were well dressed. They Vent a.1 .1 of their nights, so far as known, In the hotel, but Made fre- quent trips abroad by day, several - times crossing the _river. Desperate 'Attenipt to - Blow Up a " Welland .Canal Lock. THREE MEN UNDER ARREST Members of a Gang of American Dynamiters. 'ATTEMPT TO BLOW UP LOCK 24 AT TIIOROLD ,;.. eniaolem and e-rce-Boeristu Among the Alotives Suggested, hut Gpposition to the. Connors Syndicate and. a Consequent -Desire to Cripple the Welland 'Canal the More Generally Accepted Theory—Stori'of the Arreat of the Men..—lases PotszetelAt Their Rooms at Niagara Fails, - N.VT-Soldiers Guard the Anil a gara Palls, Ont, in Which the Men are Confined—Alleged Propoig From ItItiFt6 to Rescne Them. • • • • 'Earl Balltuase eVaehington;.D. 0. ,•rphii• 1Walsi2, Washington, D. C, • Sohn Nolte, Phelieleilania, Pa.,' Aged 60. • • ' ' • , St, Ca.thartnee, April 22.-A most taring but; fortunatety, tiauceellafut etteuipt was madti abene 7 otlook letet . evening to 'Mow up the look gate of teat 414e, new canai, at Thorold, with aettemita tend thus delay the. ofentste of smelgation, which le set for Wednesday .next, 26th. On the at. Atria of 'the Nieettra,• St. Catharinee Teronto' Railway train at Thorold, atbout 0.gb p.m., two 'rnikin, were seen to Alight, each carrytng a small va- Th.ey walkeelea shor.t distance up the railway track, e.nd time made for the :canal 'bank, which they. toaowed until they =rimed at lock 24. They were eeett to go .belettal, a store- house at the lock, evidently to ar- range the Ames. They waked armed le for a',10w minutes, when• one of • the 4 Zilen•proCeod,ed to the lower settee and the other to the aineer gates. Noth- . lug was ithougbt of their maim at • the. time. :the men at the lower gatee, • quickly tied elle valise to, a rope, and •getting fire ett • the fusee lowered le * down about eightor tea feet, against% 'the wide of he lock gate. • Eta .tbetw walked quickly away, passing his com- panion on tite way to the road,and e.alling -to' hem "to hurry up anddrop Vrhich•lii3 cempaulon. did. At this time the first explosiou occurred, • atraushing the ironwork of the gate to Plecee, anel blowing a hole • in the' etteedWeekteld two Or three ---mlautee • eftereathe second ettarge of dynaMito. exploded, doing similar damage to the upper gate. Fortunately, both • gates, • although badly sprung, only .settled firmlyom the bottom of the lock and bold that places,. thus 'preventing the • targe body • of the water, newly' half a mile In, length, trom .Jocks 24 and 25 from bursttttg through. Efad this occurred great damage would have beau done not only to the canal, but aleo„ the surrounding country, w.hIch '.would have been flooded: By the • etinie the second .explosion occurred • .the. two Men • Were running rapidly •.dcywn the road towards Niagara Fells. The windows in all the neighborhood ' Were broken. The explosions were ' distinetitt • felt :both in S. Catharines • .and Pert Dalhousie, five and eight • miles instant. •• • • The damage to the look gates, .will not be ea great no at first feared, and will be fully repaired in a few days, and will not delay the opening • of the canal on Wednesday next. Bad the pleat' of the men been euceesstui . , great damage would have been (10/10 • not only to tho canal, but to the sur- rounding property, together with Probable loos of life. The 'Rolland di. .vielcin of tb.e Grand Trunk BailwaY runs in a deep cut alongside of the eitnal, only the banks :separating theare with the station immediatelY - beiow.:Thle. with a number of houses,, would no • doubt- breve been a wept away, Dad the country for miles around been flooded, as the level above it is about a mile long with alto ' teen feet of water in it.. ' ' Titn'ORTECT. " ' The dietrlet round. about Is great• itt excited at the daring attempt, nott, all Utiles of smote are flying around es to the objept of destroy. ••lug the canal, some placing it to op. • position to • the Connors syndicate,: %others to thee grain sliovellerse trou- ble fl Buffelo, and, again, to Boer sympathizers from across the river. The majority of people, however, elaim it in in 'connection with the grain shatellers' trouble and a det , sire to prevent the grain that would °Wale's() go to •Buffalo front com- Ing through the Canal and down the .. St. Ltoorenra route. Mi •Is Mero eon- jecture, but may be brought out at tho trial of the Men. • . -..PARTICIILAUS OF TIlle•AILUEST. Niag. era Ont April (G N. _ • WV' tor -1)013patail.)—The Ontario po- llee Waite notified a.b 715 by telegraph of the mowing up of lock 24 on the OM canal at Thorold title evening. DeteetiVe Maine with his aidea Vane- alattety called on 'tube and covered the weolleefrontier to apprehend the mon from the Meagre deter/pH/in Olen of theta do they were seen tlying from the seette of their work. An the neVire Weed on out to orotionn in the rein to assist the COunte mai/Wanes began to are We from the toWns11ip3 and vicinity of the eXplotion on borgebeek ann in riga Mayor Wilson and COratable Clark, Of rrliorold, arrived al -eat 0 'Meek and repOrted they had peeled tvvo men on the Thorold road In Stamford, who compared faterabIY With the &fleet's- ' then, Beton** Maine, With Oftleer Welsh end ectiletable Clark, of Thor- old,started out tottratc13 StainfordeInd When teething the weeb end. of Bridge etre* Wheee the firet tOneeesion 'al it, they Have the two uteri comint down the read about 0.80 O'elOok. Con- cealing therrisaVes Mita the men rettele ed them the offietra pettneed upen them in the dark, Arreeting than betlit and found riteh matt bad a ed revolver in ids outside pneket ttly for netiOn. They both tallied with the deeeriirtion given by Thernid. filo Mod bad' been around town for the past Week and had been *under poiloe threttellance for the past tsvo or' three days el supposed crooks. They gave their Mines at the) police ei*tion as 3eInti Walsb. Washington, C., aged 28, Smooth WIN small. sited, and John Nolin, Philadelldda, Pa., 50 years, dark brown moustache, tall, stout man, weighing 215 pound. Beth men wore dark stiff "mtg.:Walsh Itad $85 in els pockets and Nolin $11. Tho. pollee, being aware that these two men bad been seen lit the com- pany ofa short -sat, smooth -faced man with ,whora•they had crossed and recrossed tie •steel arch bridge two or three times a day during the past three or four days and whom they . appeared , to . meet at the same Oren point, Bet WI At once and hauled in the third man, Who, however, positively refused to give his !tame' or to identify hive/elf when he arrived at the police sta- tion. The third man arrived at the Rod' Hotel • on the evening of April the 12th, bad supper, engeged room No. 4 and after supper paid bis bill and left the hotel arid did not return Anti" the evening • of April 16th, velien he arrived for supper and has occupied the room ever since, going out tveo or three times every , day, principally to the American aide of tlae. river. He drank pretty freely - and made himself generally a genial fellow, spending bis money freely. He apparently had considerable Mesh about him. Be registered at the Des- na on both occasions as Kati Den- man, Washington, D. C. • Detective Mains feels confident he has the eight man, and that they aro part of an organized gang. Dulltnen 110 consid- erra the leader. Fie was well dressed in a dark stet with. a while soft felt hat. The other two men are dressed . In dark sults, not so carefully taken rate of. The :awe will . be. detained, . Walsh and NOM charged with blow- ' ing up the lock at the canal With , dynamite. They w111 tia-ve a hearing' Monday, • . • After thee n,rreet Of the three euen this evening by the Ontariopolka the Aniericaw pollee at Niagara Falls, EXTRA POLICE 'SWORN. IN. Niegarn, Fails, N. Ye April 22.- 14 Is pretty well established' that Fontanel= or Boer. sympathizers, as at first rumored, bad nothing what- ever to do with the bad attempt to destroy tb.e looka of the Welland Canal at Thorold last night ' The theory advaaced•rethat it was a bold and preconeert,ed plan on the part of - the •Buffalo s000pers, as a revenge for , tbe•establishIng of grain elevators at Port Colborne and • Montreal by the Connell' syndleate. It is a .ivsulti of the great :strike et •the Buffalo ecoopt ers lest year, wizen , Conners fought them to a JIMA. Tho Buffalo. - police advance this solution of the situ. ation. It was rumored this afternoon that a. large Party of the - Buffalo sociopers bad left Buffalo for Niagara Falls, presumably to liberate the three . men • under • arrest charged with the- crime...Greet excitement prevailed in the.. Town of Niagara Fano, Ont., and the volunteers beimeging• to the 44th - Battalion . were instructed.- to ba in - readiness to•ritsist .any attempt to.re- lease • the pritoaers. Chief Young, of • the.Ontario frontier.'paice, sWorr; In 50 deputy Pollee, who are guarding the leit against would-be rescuers; be oleo has ,a number of pickets at the Cana- dian end of the bridges to prevent any mob .entering Canada. The 'telephone exchange, wlilch eu tomarny closes at 6 pe in, on Sundays, la giving anall- night service to -night,- Up to rad - night there had been Me signs of vio- lence, but the gutted was strengthened at •11 p. me andare prepared to give anYtleeperedenfi .4.Weren. reeePtiollo. " DENTAL BY SHOVELLERF.4. • Buffalo,. N. Y., April 22. --The .most aareful 'enquiry to -night .has failed to discover anythtteg • to indicate a moireinent. of Buffalo grain.shovellers to relemie the •Weiland- Canal dYna• miters now in jail 'just' "tercet: the N. re late this evening loeatiel tette oane,elan border,. • seeds eV Nolen .anil 'Walsh on 4110 Am - The grairesbovelleas leen along tha. erlean dile to be at., eat DolpliIn - water front to -night seemed surprieed liouse, Suspension Midge, N. Ye and .at te story when it wee tojd to. on searebieg their. room found ex- them h3, newspaper . reporter's. So, reeding Imam colicealed bthere. et een further learned that Cana - has . far as could be observed' there was - Wan Inepecotightxt-i t - n°th°e0ie°9tt tmle; oustoms. BauP- ti0000tporolernont‘ Mice and A/eerie-an Cuetoms Inspector Lewle bad n 'shelig 'thrli .President Meelabou, of the men for thbeee ' Giallo branded. the sten, timuggiers, and both ell leers came .to as rldeleuram. ' past itovvnthe ee et week • ftS opluin the conclusion thae they we're 0 - WORK OF DOER • itYMPATIliZERS; gang of crooks. • . • 'Ottawa, April 28 -There is abun- A GA.NG 0F DYNAMITEBS, . dant evidence in the posseselon of tbe Niagara, Fells, Apzi 22.-(G. Natert Government pointing to the existence press despatch)-Witiorat allbubt the, of a. movement In the United States Ontario pollee here have made a yen' ; to iniliet injury upon Canada on ac - important arrest in the three men count of her participation in the charged with blowing up the gates Afrieen. 'wee.. A great 'military of lock' 24 of ehe wetland Canal. authority some months ago gave your Thorold last evertittg. Chief Young and correspondent alliint that there would ;Detective Mains have been worklug be troableatille spring, and personally assiduously all day totday, and, with he obieettel to vo many 12 -pounder the Amer -kith police and Buffaie de- ! guns being sent oitt of the country to teetives, bave probably unearthed a the Cape. The attempt at injury has gang of • dynamitere operating from been Made, but hardly at the 'mot the Dolphin Inoue() at Suspension where it was idokod for. ("rest. vige Bridge. 11. Ye the Basil Hotel' here lance has been exhibited at different and Buffalo': N. Y. The leaner points by the authorities, both pollee le m1E/coed to be the man regleteeed and militar;y, bat With ne boundavy as Denman at the Basil. The three • line of 4,000 miles to wateh it was uot niert, no doubt ton tho purpoas of talc...easy' to foresee wbore the enemy Ing observations for their . dastardly would strike. work, drove out to Chippewa, along . I'vvo months ago there wao trouble the Welland' River, to the canal at at Eseolmalt, Bt C. Suspicious charao- Port Robinson, on Wednesday last and tore wete Been around •tha fort11104- again on• Fritlity to Therold, and jet tions, and the Royal Artillery guards Pentane may have had a hand in It. IIINCAUTIONS kitTAWA. Hero in Ottawa tho pence authori• tie* have also been oa the alert. A speetal night guard has for Lee menthe boon detached to wateh tile big vault of the Finance Depart. Meat, where millions of treasures aro kept, Within the past week or two hupernuraorary Dominion pollee in plain elothei have nightly patrolled the Parliament grounde. Niagara Valle, April 148. -The pre - once of the red mate doing guard duty at the jail contaiaing tee tbreo dynanilters, Prevented an attempt at moue by an American mob last night There was a gaup; of :sixty hard -Wale ing thugs left Buffalo during the at. ternomt on the trolley line for the Palle, and they were eloseelY shad- owed by the Atherieitil special Po- lice at Marilee. Fella N. V. Several onetsserlete of the gang were shadow- ed to aide of the river, where they were known to take obeerva. tione of tbe jail, and seeing the red - uniformed men of the Queen patrol, ling on all Wee with riflea,on .their ehoulders, and fixed bayonets, the thugs' Considered it unsafe, to at. tempt a twang and returned to But - free In groups of foutedeandefives. Tito millitary guard was kept on the jail until 8 oteloele this morning. when it waft withal-awn,and a strong cor don of *wine duty pollee were be steeled, As the time ch•ew near 'tor the men • to 114,0 a hearing at 10 otaiock, the . couet-room ,was Packed esetfl htnnj drede who could not gain, admission crowded around the market egitare. No such a oroted has been seen around the Town. Hail since the famous Birch - all bearing in February, 1800. inAortintigg vrtheree Virited,813"3StaPtreeeseentovterlinist meet secret service men and °us. toms and police department officers. Detective Murray, of Toronto, with Crown Attorney Cowper,. of Welland, arrived tads mottling, and probibitecl any one 'visiting the theeet prisoners. It was the Deputy Attorney-elm:torero - imperative instructions, aednot even the prisoners' 'elicitors tvere allowed to visit the -prisoners, mut% Jess to converse with them, and was SO prohibited until the Deputy A.ttore, neyteleneral would instruct them. • A. P. Crew. na$ letem retained by Karl Denman and F. C. SterfurneY foe Walsh and Nolan. Both theee.bar. rioters, who made several attempts eointereaglet,(•their • °Banta were stopped indoing so by the authori- ties. It was. 11,80 when the three mell IIee mwaegriestrbatteougAlitlexl.titici,ogcaouurts.atrion. (the bench, associated with himbe kg led the. way, Gray, iollOwi him IThiof g n ngcame Karl Denman, the supposed leader of the gang, wearing his white fedora, covering a. hard -looking Mug of face, which seemed to twitch with nervousness when he gazed upon the multitude of fee& as he entered. Following him cable Walsh and Nolan, wbo dropped their haunt on entering the 'room. Following the trio came Detective Mains and Officer. Welch, -who inakis the arrests. Pollee Magistrate Logan read the following 'cliarge tothe three men: • "The information of W. B. Maine, of the town of Niagara Falls, lat the Cooney of Welland, taken up officially before me, the tenclersigned, Alexander Logan, Etsquire, Pollee Magistrate in and . for ,the town of Niagara rano, • en the weed eau:ay of Welland, this 28rti, day of April, A. D„ 1900, who - 7tiaitp,ieN.ilt ili,uelteralantfuojrnterdlsiraddielilves 'John Nolin ,of Plietadelphiaeaantlgillt Walsh, of .Waslungton, dud, on the 21st day of Aipril,1900, at the town' of Thorold, int -thee County- of Weiland; - unlawfully end *wilfully causo by an .exploaive substance, an extelesion of a rut tere likely to eudaeger life or to °tenet) serious injury to property by exploeing dynamite in a• certain lock an the Welland canal, known as . 'lock No. . 24, and teat the said .tohn Nolin, • John Walsh, at the time atid place aforeeald, unlawfellY and wilfully, by the Me of an ex - Plosive subatance, palled dynamite, eaueed an explosion at 'look No, 24, on the Welland Canal, with the 111 - tont thereby to Injure life, or to eause injury to property, and that the said Karl Dulimait, J'ohn. Walsh and John - None, 'oa the day and at the place aforesaid, unlawfully and wilfully, without legal justification. or excuse,. anti without cauee or right, did DY _ use of explosives, damage it look of the canal known as -the Wellaud Canal, Mei that the Raid Karl Dull - man, oa divers times before tile said offencerr were committed by the said Walsh and Main, ditl• unlawfully and lViiItilIy mpve, proeuro and eh!, coun- sel, hire and command the said John Walsh and ./ohn, Volln. the said in- tonate to do'and commit, contrary to the power of the etatute 111 sueli eases made and provided, taken. end "sworn before me the„eaay and year, and at tho P ape iibOVO nientloned. gn I, exander Logan, P. M., W. In.. Mains. The, Magistrate said: "Gentlemen, you hate heard the charges made, and it Is the wish of the. Crown to enlarge tile ease for one week. The remand is grantedavithout hearing. There Is no pleading." 'Karl DulImanesaid: "Air an Amer- ican citizen, I demand that the evi- dence against me be produced." Solicitor lieButhey,' on behalf of Walsh and Nolin, peoteeted against being ranee(' the privilege of consult- ing. with his clients, and also demand- ed- ansinimeniate hearing tor his el1e. ente, which watt refused. Mr. Crow also mule a similar de- mand, depleting the action on the part of the Crown as an outrage, and wishel the evidence agaitart hie client Karl Dullmann, to be,produced, which was refuted by the Crown. County Crown Attorney Cowper re- ferred botlt solicitors to the Attorney - General for privilegra to 'consult with their clients. Pollee Magistrate, Logan rentatiderl all three prisoner's for eight .days. Thee will be token 40 tho eottnty jail at !Welland- on the W'abzush trait at 43.25 tilifit ilfternoon for safety, it, II MON 8 13 Vit i A La HEAVY ROM AT WEPENER. Co 4. Dalgptty Holds Out Against Fierce Attack. dangerously 111 in South Africa, which MAI 40su404 hy the Weir Offlos to -da), ilichulea the following rano- Maus14. Agaseis. T. Worth Finch, A. Matheeon, and XJ. erin. • To Try the Rebels. tondoe, AprIl lill.-Tbet Law Jammed says a apecial yourt will be coroetitut*, ed for the trial of rebel"( in tIouth Africa, of which the Lord Chief ans• Ma, Baron Bushell. of KilloWen, will be a member • fidanyelde Rebels fienteaced. London, April I.4. -The Tine* ham the following imolai to -day: Cape Titerte April 28,1-Th1rty-six the rebels .captured by Col. Pilcher at Sunnystele were eonvicted today. The ringleaders were sentenced to five years" imprisonment, end the °there to three years, except Unmet antler ago who reeelved sentenceet RUNDLE'S AND BRABANT'S MEN eaoti,s1/6a.ndBuirwte01:,e groont-thasr.gTular caletu• i • they coule not get a fair trial at • Cane Town and then asked' a post- pouement, In •order to obtain • the evi• dem* of witnesses now with there - H. ii,i)publiiribrifeorr,Ceewithria.na. gilYrealite aptpiterro. ance of indignation. The prieonere 'were sullen, andrefesed to- plead or cross-examine. Cape Town 'Is .excited over the 11(1910eflieloYtellietseY ctestoiceiasWelet; iwuaewiltainh marked contrast with Vie loyalty. of Australians; atul Caned ans. tato bad - gone thousands of milee to fight tne battles ot the Empire. There evil' Fighting Their. VVay Steadily No Word of Roberts' Advance Yet—Busy Clearing tils Lines—Ten Thou - send Attacked Buller In Natal---Canadlans at Springfield -4 -Boers NOw Said to tiave 8o,000 Men in the Field --Report That General DeWet Has Been Killed—Warren to be Governor of Pree State— More Canadians Dangerously 111--5ome Boer Jokes. .. • ...._ London, April 28.-Firellting le Pri,' gaged, and they behaved splendidly. ending south and east of Wepenet, rrheY loeated the Boers on the heights %ear() Derett,gprp 9.11,d. seized the met while the benzleardment of the Brit- on -tat renewea vigor. Gala. Bundle's • in the morning until: In. the afte,r- Ish garde:on at thee place coatinuee teti)oelatetelittleetrehrielly %%eV oa,etioV its way Wien, !hen they were reinforced by in - column le graduallY Pressing ettet against a stubborn real:stance by feeetrY led 'three batteriee of arta- ree atm Jaritish infantry hold the the Boom, witc, -had strong posetIons. hill to -night (Friday), t last eVenitig ott :the Niagara Centree. Ivor°. censequon.tly dotbled. This, duty train at 6 p. m. for Therein, vitt!'" two became so fatiguing to the email eanves telescope valise% which e,onet Wetlyof regulars there that aseistance tainen --111* dynamite eartridgeseand _nod to be gleen them, and this,fte- fuse; attached. The police have 0001140 for the eremite/fin 'the Beetlit Ima0e:8 who nazi identify thetwo teen malt fortifications to -da y of 160 Walsh and Nolin ne the Men who low- men who were originally enlisted for •ered the two venom 'in Iodic 24 and the Halifax garrison reghnea, lighted the feelee. The following le or Cardin Investigation len& to the .detalleel and corrected description of • belief Vett the IleadUlthrtere. of thie the prisoners aggressive Boer movement were in No. 1 -Sohn Walsh, 27 yenta of age. Chicago, and It is said that confldell- 5 feet 0 inehee, smooth, medium florid elei Information, . showing the exist- fitee, weight 170 ponzeis, brown hair, onto of a conspiracy was some time Ive,arEl dark brown suit of clothes, seek 'ago' commenleated to the United ;coat, laundried white Ohirt, turnaloWn- States GovernMent. 'collar* black alik four-in-hand tie, Should this to the e1l9e, the Thor - brown stiff hat he dailies to be. a bar- old outrage may 4001181.0 an Import- ,' tender from Witahington, D. C, ant international charaeter, ail the No. 2 -John Nolin, 5 feat 2 inehee, United intatet Goverethent wetted, 'un - 140 pounds, 85 yettra of age brown dor the comity of nation.% be hat' re - halt, eately mouetaehe seeond finger et sponsiblo for permitting ,eortain per. the right hand beats t;videnee of being ties 'within Its tdrritory to work out crushed at the hp,, wears cheap suit the detain: of a plot againet it friend - Of blue serge, 'sack coat, black stiff hat; ly State, sedre he Is it machinist from rhiladel. BON. A. G. • BLAIR NOT/F/ED, phie, Ottawa, 'April 22.1-etion. A. G. Biter No, e-slietuees to give any aecount thee morning received ham enema, of himself, bat regiettered at the Bosli ttotel 40 Kari Denman, Washington, tend tit ThOm eon of the Weiland es, stout build, P.15 Canal, adviee of the attempt to D. O.; 5 feet 0 inch blow up lock No. 24. Mr. Thompeon pounds, eiticiotli, hill face, brown hair, reported that he would We've divers Otte grey, Wearit a. letel-eolored some cheek suit, sack Coat, white fedora hat., at work eXamining the bottom ot white Mere ale turn -down Collar anti the lock, ited later infOraned Mr. Meek tte. ' titer that the damage is trifling, It •The general finpreesloa le that the 14 not believed by the ottiolale of Pritentese arc.not Boer eympathliere, the Department of BallWays and ..„,,, Canala that it will be floc:tee/try to hut etily three of a ru of ,onami.c.,.., petteene the enceinte of the canoe :°P6rathig. Pr43bilb 44 111"114g8 (11 Willa was set ler the 250 Irak "'A eapitaliete er labor to Orioles the ettele land catialovith a view to diverting detailed repert of the deluge . is now on its way from SUperintendent Mentreal to Buffalo, Several of the het telegram et .te,del. etr. Them, ite traffic of the uPPer 'lake° from. Thompson to the department. In gang are still at large, met another son doce not say anything let to the attempt will ProbehlY he 11100e ("0 motive') of the perpetratote of the and Mgt...0th% AttliWieneekt strong mit. Aumaka ii.,;vgairmartal furthor injure the eareil. Chief Young deed. guard of doputleo on, t JIB last night end toteay ;where the peieenere were zoitircItituoi,malrlolt9t21.1.-;ColinietfarIltspuccrittntie. locket,' , TAIIK 1311:".XIM JAIL. Met eommiseloried by the A.t. inai Investigation Department. was hiornutitioit retetVed, this after. threeptieneree perm,atoomt. to pro. notet that 1;r0behly an atteingt would eeed to the 'frontier and termite into 'ha stage -he' a erowtt et 200 tnea from the matter. and tv111 leave for Wag. Bittfaao to forcibly liberaeo Coo prime- are PAM this Moening, NfurrtlY er SOM° HMO to -night, Mary Staler has no definite theory of. Ids own wit two other Masataitatts, made a in regard te the attempt to blow up dans ad for a dotaehnienk of No. leo. the cm), but think,. probably the 2ffirlikohe itolt, Mr. Fielding Will ito to Windsor to the,ruiterat Ottawa,. /I•pril 28.-(Steelal).-The temains of the late Dee Haley will be forwarded • to 'Windoor, Nova Scotia, thet afternoons by the C. P. 11. The fietealled MeMber leaves three daugh- ters, the eideob of whom Is •Mre.. E. M. Bill, wife of 'the dudge of Probate of the Dietricit of Sherburn, N. S. The neettml daughter is ttiss Pearl IleleY. The youngest Miss May 18 et pre - Pent In Whoa lit Perla Mrs Bill and 'Miss Pearl littler wore with 'their 'father throughout his limb illness to the eacl end. A warm personal friend of Dr. Italeyti, Ittort. Ur. Fieleing, was fi conetant Attendant* at ida bed - Nide, ben g umennittent ut etten. thine es .elally entire; the prat week when t to end seemed to eerY near. Ile %yin Accompany the body to WW1 - Goa Dr. Ilitley Waft it, Liberia in politica, but among his moeb intim:de trieittle wore members letting on tbe opposite eide of the Berate for he wee a kindly and broadeniteled gentle - Bina. , The militia authoritieS Wore -ativiS- 1 ed t•oelay that an officer and uleteen of the 44t1t Battalion were ordered to tweet the Military authoritien lit the Niagara, ilistriet on /toccata of the dynamite eeplegoil at the Wel- land Canal, r isGoeub.swatposmn et, Birabnaont, acIvtinelas ngitp, His Before the Fighting.. ' advance guard is In teeth with the .* Morlegs Poort, (),' re Se April 19, 8 Beers about .fitteon miles south ••of p.m. -The •eIghtli army division, cone- tirepetier, after taking a week tomended by' Oen. Sir Henry Randle, is cover tete tarty miles from • eteuxe now east of Iteddersienrgt The pomp owas _ ed by the otofrreentatil,nvisi000dniinsgbeathuetiftezollway tsituated. to bas ;nee prevail For five deers past •the rain %ell- In A deepateh from • Maserie . Basuto-- making the roads almost impassable Ilene dese,ribes theelasatoreas order,. . tor:the cavalry, and netillery._ The ly. The natives ender arms to pre- fantry also had great difficulty - In vent an invasion of the country by getting through the quagmires .into the Boers, aro commended by three whieb • part of the country was con- % tish commissioners vented. To -day, however, the weather he Stand:Imre correspondent at conditions have much improved, and Bloemfontein, in a despatch .dated the drowned Ian& axe' gettlitgaiti of last Friday, saysit is still•utioegtale. •the water. • c how •nauch longer • General Roberts There was a Beer commando in this. will remise at Bloemfontein. • He neighborhocidwhen the' British ferret- drawe attention to. the impossibility el.They at once divided into 'two' of eet advance lty• the mata body of- partfee, but they are still in the vicin- tee tinny until ite flanks ikre-elehroll; ,ityit is hoped that tbe British will He adde that there Is .still pr.easing be ablate get in tottele with them to - need for horses. •morrow:. A few shaft were exchanged The rumor that General -Warren is to -day with straggling Boers, bat . about to become Goveenor of the there were no•castialties. . .* . Orange Free State is interesting-. in The, mull -Airy. /censer ham shortened view of tile newa cone,erning the pre- the timit At the number f ,wordseach sent Manner of managing the come • correspandent may send from here. It try, which .was arranged by General wilt therefore ,he neceseary to: semi wPreastYoutansaido. Oreawingunitotarthetofactextaher ftfl'Ptel*legsrarphim6t:riesa'btioY nnls .66 ee'shaergr. thttere°t.heier oath of submission unlese tile BrltlOIl not such a • ptess of • business, the tur'nished pro 041(11 eo •those • title wire here being crowded with service Ing it, •a Free. State Mounted. Police meseageete hes been formed, and the el:metry el- e • ----- • • . (eat Behind:Their Langer. • vided Into sections, ,eaelt of which. will be aduentetered by a commis - slower. President .Steen has issued a pro- ceemtion urging 41*burghersto main- tain their struggle against the Brit - 6h the report of the Boer Peace COmmIssioriers arrittT from Europe. fte says that this wilt be only a, short time and then foreign ihtervention will be certain. Tite British curves. pendent': interpret this proclamation as a sign that the Free State Beers are elackening In theft enthusiasm for war, and need spurring on, but they admIt that there le no other sign of this, as they figbt -with as great vigor as everefihey even say that the Boers who attacked General Methuen's con- voy fought with a Arta that Welter - to had not been seen on the -Western border,- •• Ttlea Daily Telegraph Pleats a de- spatch dated. Boseiof, eOrange Free - State, Sunday • evening, 'which statee that n,'Iloar •eomtnando in. that im- tratilatea•neighborhood, and that it is looting everything that eta be car- ried at. • - The 'despatch adds that tile weather is perfect, and that the British troops and horses arein. tine condi, tion. A copy of a proclamation recent- ly issuedby President Steya lute been i reeelved a B8hof, Iadeclaree that the Free State Breve wit° fail to take up arms will have their property confiss cated, and they themselves will • be allot vehen they are eapturetl. vrho proclainitation • has created conster- nation among tbe burgnera. . eteserae • Rundle Betty iiinga,-"ed. Walkerstrooni, near De Wetralorie Saturday, Apra 21.-Eigbtiug was con- tinued to -day, mainly with Abe artil. lery. The Yeomanry and mounted in- fantry peeled forward on tno right mink, ain't •were eibteetee te shelling and a heavy rifle fire. Thae Royal /vit- Vines eepturel Freb State flag. The I3oers are wen entrenched end hole their ground tenattiously. The British . ettaualties have ben terabant Fighting Too. Maseru, 'Basutoland, April 22. -Gen, lbetbant's advanced guard 'reached Bushman's Kop last evening. The Boers hold a strong position there, with two Souls. The engagement open- ed at suarieer, with heavy rifle fire. At 8.80 it. m. cannonading began, and continued for several hours. Gen, Brabant' s ' forces aro oil the plain, and have fairly open country all the way tol Wepener.'Elands Laagte, April 22.-1 coin - Four Boer gang were hard et 'work mantle of 10,000 Boers came through all Saturday on CoI. Delgety's pool- Wessele nek Friday morning., They time The Britis1i guns replied atilt- crossed Sunday's bridge ane advane- tervals. Col. Dalgety heliographs: eil to the crest of a ridge, but fell back when they new the mounted infantry, who opened fire, Later, the Boers shelled Mande Langte calory. The ;Mello fell close to the mine, but clic1 no damage. The work at the mine was stopped, but It Watt resumed next day. The British gun( opened fire. The naval brigade on tie right tent few eltelle In the direction of the Mee guns, which Were posted on a long ridge, 4,000 yartie to tbe right of the bridge. They were &Moult to locate, lett the Boers 'Were even retreating over the hill toward 'Wes. eels nee. deverni of the eheIle eattght theme:me meet heve done Home dam- age, • Litter in the day tile Beene show- Makkerstroom,' 0. F. S., April 21, .10 Am. -There le no thange in the posi- tion . here to -day. Desultory firing. it, being kept up - by the artiliery. Gen e311 BrAbason.,has made .sitccessful 'reconnaissance, sustaining few eas- u'arties. He caused. some exciternen.t among the Boers by getting in" the rear of :their latiger, • • A Ileelsive Battle. Louden, April 23.- Lt is. quite pro- bable' that ;by . this, time General Sir iHenry Rundle ,hae fought deciaive battle withette Beers He entrenched Itimeelf Saturday to await the arrival of Gen. .Carapbal with. the lgth brie. gade, .Thitt ewe:inlander arrived.. Sat- urday• eveneng, and news may, there- fore, be eapeoted a any monient. • It is stall impassible ta escertela the poeiteen of taffaire cle Bleetatorttein or •to learn when the long -expected' 44 -- 'vanes northward, will begin. The des- patches conflict regaeding the state of the. preparation's. Preserft Indica. 'Hone, however, pant to still further delay. •• The 'Boers are said to half eneircle Bloentioneein 'to elle eastward in a crescent formation. There have been several outpost affitirs ta thee vide.- ity. • • The eleventh division, under' General l'ole-Carew, •and •.tho Fourth Cavalry Brigade are operating towertl Sannes post. . ; • . leceerat DeWitt Reported Slain. London, April 28.-A despatch to the ,Dally News from Livonia liter - (Mee nays. It le reported. there that Gen. De Wet, the Boer commander, has been killed. The despatch adde that the meinbere a the Irish Ant - balance Corps with the Braeseltave deckled to fight against the British. Similar dedeldn has been reached by all the ambulance .corps from Contin- ental Europe. . 80,000 Roars In the Field. ,the14.n. 41Toinmes; '4,,13.1.frileete.)-1)11Vdrilf_tee.rilq to. say that intermation reepon." able sources le to. the effeet that the Deere, who at one time. had 105e 000 ma in the* field, including the colonial vebele still muster 80,000. Pifty thousand armed burghers.. are In the Ortutge rree State, 10,000 in the 131ggereberg district, and 1.11,• 060 at Fourteen Streams and Kleeka eerie -.-_-.: • 10,000 Boers at Elands 1beagte. • ".3.11 well. lerzere fired 80CI .slielle yesterdey without doing, much clam. age." The Boer') are divided Into three di- vhians, two •being in positions -to repel the relief eolutnn, the distant roar of vvhostt artillery is audible. The 13asutos are posted on the herder .tor defensive purpowee. They at:petite having In orderly fashion, but aro 'dewing the most lotions° lotereee in the outcome of the developments in the next 24 hours. A Alatertt, Barettoland, (1(111)134011nays: "The BrItlelt eastatitlee at Wepener up to April 10 Were WWII. ecI and 110 wetnated, President Steele of the (Vestige Free State, WM .81ted ordere to the burghers '10 hold tight tite• grain district/I armttui ed activity In the trenches on the ener,•Ladybrame and Fleksburg. • " The investment of Weperzer coll. ' lildtPe:(4,4 li. titnita fo front of retoi lltatittenti.ataostree.. meet to force the gareteat to 'amen- wee only tinues. The Boers are doing thole tit - 4,,800 yards' (1113111334 trout iinquish their Werke. Title bosition der before the Arril,A1 of relief. Viring niand3 Litngte. WWI heard In the direction of De ..144.2.00, , Wetoderp today, And Retitle Or 'the itefenee of Old London. - Deere besieging Wepener etarted for London. April ‘I" -The War Mee the former pine% Illtri deeided to etrougthen the" de. 11,11M-4 of the Titania( at littelttety, toighting on lei•Idtty, There Arno a, smert engagement llfakkenctroent,. O. F. la, -titre_t n:- feeteieivill contmenee rvithout delfts the Isle of Grain. the eonetritction of a, new fort on torday between Ma lirithat troop,' nail the poem 'rho British inVerisa .5600* Canadian soldiers Dangerously ill. sn"1"1" 6314 C°1" f-Uvrell'a m6""t44(1 In" London tpril 111.-A• Net of soldiers fantr Ware the pritteipal troops Oa- , . be a strong feeling of Dutch re. sentment, especially as these rebel are punished when .thousando Of col- onial sympathizers with' the Boer cause have be.en under arms and not one has been Celled to account. There - will also be a settee of relief among ley:diets over this. batted .effort to render treason odious. air Alfred Milner bas 'probably adopted the safest course fn conciliating' the Dutch -Ministry during the last Six mantle'. But now that 200,000 men are enrolled under the British! flag, tbe distinetion between loy- alty and disloyalty le ono that may properly be " emphasized. The couduet • of those Free Staters vele joined tire Boer rattlers after accepting Lord • Roberto' generous terms, and. . pre- tending. to ,give up their army. ' has •tended to discredit leniency. ita ate • other form of- weaknees. Mrs, Blow, were at S.outeam n last • • . • • izosnital Ship .Maine.' A small party of Amerleatz ladies, in - eluding Mts. Adair, Mrs. Ronaldo and night to meet the hospital oh p which .was due with 160 sick , and wounded '301(1100' in the wards. Me . Itta.ine has rendered met effective • aerviee, and Lady Randolph Churchill mettle' all the 'tribute( witieli • . ghee.' has received. - • ; t • • Canadian Sick and Woueded. The Evening ,Telegrefe had the foie -lewing • epeeist ye•sterday .Londont Aeell 20.-Steroe members, of the Royal • Canadian Reel:meta win! were invalided to Netley Itaspital have retureed to•Atriew, azed will nejodn the regiment at Bleanfounteelii. • The Cenaillans confined in 'Wool- • wieh, who veeee reported, trs about to return to Canada, are nee going. The authorities. are awaiting instructions from Ottawa. -S'otme wbehave, been. ale • lowell seven tleyte f u•rlougli complaitt. that the fund& supplied are lasuffiele eat even td-r-earomicaI expenses. The men say ithat the treatment in the hospital was sple,adici. • ' , . :, War B4110011E4 for Boers. St: Petersburg, Aprii 23. -The, po- pers announce • the deletiettilefetollie -- South Aerioa or a bade of nordnalite to argatize a military balloon service foe the Tranavaal. They took, the ma cesettry balloon; and, accessories witb . them, , . • Punctured by Shells. • - e • 'Beer camp, iThaba • •Nchu, °mango • rringeeconttaitnen'eaSaniddae4ainAdPnilligh2t2.-atr mereburg drift. The English treriehes have been so•felt of rain that the men have , been obliged every new .ead • then to clamber to the banks, only 'to he shot down. The Boers wallet sal 'drenched on Saturdiy that/ they • were unaltlii Ito. deep, sa they started a debate on; the subjece. a the good • to beederived foam virtue and cour- age. The diseuesiort Lasted miost of t•he night, eheles et intervals interrupt- ing the epeakets. tRobertson's Iowee mell is reported to have . been captured April 21eile and it is said thee.: the Cape lofted Mlles have 'lost during the s 120 out a 500 men. The Brirtiah pr' oilers elefy the •burghere, to capture Colonel. Dalgety'a ramp, aolea hi the British are not manierced. ettrprising number of relatives • are fighting on eppe•site sides; •at Wep. elver. •Wity Roberts is field Mick. London, April 23. -The Standard • publisize,s a long despatch from Bloeme: fontein, dated Friday, explaining tho numeroue difficulties 4which, delay the advance an Pretoria. The correspond- ent says': - 'The criOrinotts transport difficulties are enhanced by tie- rainy weather and by the neceesity of providing for the neede of the teeny for weeks, per- haps months, in ease of interre.p. ton of the long- ,of estatnextioar tions, together with the unsettled state of the country' in our rear. arid 0 ithettntietelfa- tnettes OT theetniemye - le obvious that, Until our flanke are clearea . and no longer menaced, no forward movement Is potable, 'without Incurring the graVost risks. "The most pressing need Is a fur* Oar supply of horses. General Mogi. ten has availed himeelf ot the eer- scour the Free' State In all directions, I vicee of the Aratralian Bushmen to buying horses froin farinera who - have surrendered and driving ani - nails found upon unoccupied bang. Fiera, raiding Is dangerous, Work, but the Bushmen are Moro than fle match for the Deere." ----e May Illow 'Up the Mines. The littgue, April 23. -In an Inter. view to -day in regard to the report that the Transvaal Government i0. trade toblow up the mined johan- nesburg, Weseele, one ot tee 130er •peace delegates, yield: "It he inif100. ONO to say to what eespera.te Meta+ sures We may be chive% Arrangep- *newts have been made by which for- eign sharehoidere will not Huffer •wheiattv..T, loss on itecount of the gold taken from the mines tor era In the Mr. -Weeaele Added: " The Boom, if defeated, aro not likely to trek from the Transvaal. They love their home', end woad remain, but they woad never be pieced tinder the Brit-. • ng t won lave to ititt soltilere permanently In every house to tin that. The war , dots not mat the individual Beer a Plinny.4the Gevernment pitys all the costa The Individual is snaking money irons war eteltritete. The mono* has hitherto all remained le the emintry, but, hereafter opportunity will bo given to German tradera. The Beet; would never deal with a British trader. They would rather pay other) more for the gilt)ilit they wanted." fru Geri. fer Charlee Warren has Wen appointed Adrninistretor lbeehuans- land. Ite yraterday for Cap* • sti