HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-04-27, Page 1,
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The elm
floinr to gIcaii
OUP °Iwo, Watch
If you wish to do BO.
• Whorl your wittoli if run down -
ell the way, take it Apart .
° with a small mew driver,
put the wholewatoh in is oup
• .of benzine to sell the old
off, then with a brushNand
pointed - Wok, remove every •
• reticle of dirt.
After thie is done put the
•parte in alcohol to remove
the smell of benzine.
Then you go over each
• part Separately MOO mere
• with a dry soft brush and a
piece of billiard chalk.
• When all is poliehed, put .
•• it together, but in doing 00
• 01113 as a cartman• does hie
• cartwheels, that is, put oil
• on the axe' before the big
• wheels are put in place.
• If thidis done thoroughly
enough the watch ought togo.
I've done hundreas just
thisi way and generally charge' .,
one dollar for•the work.
And Optician
IOTES -A E. Wetheral; of Auburn,
•.called on. friends here last week.. Mrs
• -11t. Bingham left on Saturdayfar Mich-
igan, to see her father, who is very ilk
We hope he may soon -recover. Bea-
-Com had a wood bee on Thursday Of
, last week, School re opened on Mon
-dray with a _gond attendance of wee
folk. Miss .Bella Farquhar has bean
•visi mg inElederich.
thinmou,-BeV E. 13. Smith preached
• an excellent • sermon on Sunday even,
' ing trom Luke 8: 5-8. The annual ves-
tcy meeting of St. Peter's chureli, was
• held on Monday evening; the finances
were found to be in a very satisfactory
arida; the Affirming officers were ap-
pointed.for the ensuing .year: -clergy.
man's warden, J. H. Lowery; people's'
warden, Robt. Miller, jr.; lay delegate
to synod, Geo. Tyner; sidesmen, (leo.
'Tyner and David, Barr; a resolution
was passed tb pay the clergyman's sal.?
.ary quarterly if possible in the future,
The Sawiday schooF meeting en-
amor:Iced for Monday evening -wits not
held, as few were present. .
(Intended for WA week) ,
NOTES -The Women's Auxiliary met
at Mrs Bingharn's on Thursday after- 1
noon. G. W. Hill left for the West on '
Wednesday morning Week; we under-
stand he makes a stop -over to visit
friends in Duluth. - Miss Alvie Beacom
bee been visiting friends' in Clinton.
Mies Jennie Rutledge, of Clinton; has
been Visiting Miss Lizzie Johnston for
.4 few days. Miss Cluff, Seaforth," was
the guest of her aunt. Mrs Robt.
for a short time. Harry Beacom has
-engaged with Mrs Stoc mr,.con. 10, for
the summer.andidrs t.r. Sanders,
tindericb, were the guests of C. Beacom
on Thursday last. Mss Honking, Au-
burn, is engaged with Mrs W. Moir for
the Summer. 0. A. Tebbutt, dorninie,
spent his holidays at Nile and.other
points. John Bullard, of Winthrop.
moved into the store here on Monday;
we understand that Mrand Mrs Brown-
lee will remain here for some time,
• GoderIgh •TownshIp. • .
Faint 80/.1;4 -Thos. Crenyn,711 coo.,
has disposed of his farm to O. Grigg, of
, Colborne, for the sum of $3000. The
farm, we believe, contains about 70
acres and in a fair state of cultivation.
tkir Cronyn intends working hisfather's
EFwoRTR LEAGUE. - An unusually
large crowd. attendedLeague service
last Sunday evening at Cole'S church.
Next Sunday evening will be of special
interest to those who attend. • The
pleasing feature of the evening will be
• the song service which will be rendered
by the chnroh choloodon't fail to be in
attendance; the topic "What is God's
dues" is to be taken by P, Cole,
The sweetest woman in the world be-
comes a terror when the season comes
which tries the souls of all home -loving
men; when Soap and water„ brush and
pail and dire confusion reign, and to
theigod of cleanliness she dedicates her
brametis then min feels that marriage
may a direful failure be, apdanjus
secret Soul perhaps be wishes he were
Stanley. • \ -
Novis.--Miss Eliza J. Johnston is
visiting friends in this vicinity. Misses
M. E. and R. 0. Richardson, who have
been spending their Easter vacation
under the parental roof, have returned
to Wyoming. We are sorry to hear of
• to Illness of Mrs A. Duncan; we hope
soon to hear of her recovery. Mrs W.
Clarke, Sr.. is 'letting her daughter,
Mfa J. McKinley, Egmortdville.__Mr
R. G. Reid and daughter spent theie.
Easter holidays at home, Mr J. Deihl
is busy putting up a fence for S. Mc-
Kinley. Some of the farmers of this
vicinity have started their spring seed.
in. • Mies LiIy McCowan was Visiting
1, friends in Tuckersmith last week. Mr
James Stoddart, of Egnaondville, who
ie at present off work with a sprained
* ankle, is oldacquainta,nceiratm• the 2ndi. con. Me Geo. W. Holman,
'teacher at 13ayfleld, with his family,
void a short visit to acquaintances in
5: trolley last Saturday. Quite a num-
ber of lake fish have come up the
.streisine giving considerable amusment
to the boys. The weather, daring the
past Week, has been good and seeding
is DOW fairly under Way.
• 1rielf6esimith
Miss Dick is visiting the home Of her
slater; Mre W. U. landeaborugh. Miss
R. Landeebormigh visited her sister,
Mee McQueen, of Stanley, last Week.
ottLE coorEn a co.
Tao Omit Grocer
tidah for nutter Ewa *es
**a would retsina our ens.
tomer. &bat WI3 MS'S re,
moyed bora our old eiend,
Harter& Block, to the
oorner store, 146wle Block,
ooreer 01 Beitenbury and
Albert Streets. .
We wish air old enekrm.
ore and marry new Ones irr
keep this in mind.
Catnips. -The annual vestry meeting
of St. James' church (Middleton's) was
held in the S. S. room on Tuesday
evening, April 24th. __The following
officers were elected (lergyinan's
wardeo, 0, B. Middleton; People's war-
den, E. Wise; lav delegate, John Mid-
dleton; iiidesmen! G. Barnett, • J Cluif
and IMose. The vestry passed a reso-
lution to pay the clergyman's stipend
in the future, quarterly instead of half
yeatlyeas heretofore.
PASSED .AwAY.-Esther McLeod, re-
lict of the late John Bailey, passed
away at her late home on Sunday; Ap-
ril at the age of 75 years. The
funeral took place on Tuesday to the
Clinton cemetery. and was very large-
ly attended. Having been a resident
of this township for a long time, she
had a large- number of acquaintances,
.who will.remember her kindly manner
-4 friend who, in passing away, will
not be forgotten. The bereaved ones
have the sympathy of the community.
A LETTER Box Waartocn.A news-
paper: correspondent on the .9611 con.
met with a sad -loss recently. It ap-
pears that while he was absent with a
budget of news half his flock of .sbeep
and a beet steer were drowned While
crossing a deep creek, Which flows
through his place. ' Geo. Connell, whe
is a neighbor, was sent for, who assist-
edin drawing the deadaninials ashore.
We would suggest that a letter box be
placed at the bridge midway between.
G. Hanley's and A. Cantelon's for the
con venieo,ce of tlie two correspondents. '
Noxge...-Robt.- Cluff, Bayfleld line,'
parted.with his driver this week. R.
Peck. of Stanley, was around bidding
his friends good-bye this week; he left
for Boston on Wednesday, where be
is going to take a course in music. R.
Grigg is erecting asmall kitchen on his
new farm P.Vole is the proud posses -
Boy of -a, beautiful chesnut driver. • V.
Perdue's family have moved home
again. Miss Dickson, of Toronto, is
rusticating in this neigeborhood. W.
Perdue was in Toronto this week on
business. 0. Jervis had a plowing bee
on Monday. Lady Limberfoot,- the
trotter owned by T. C'ook,•9th con,has
been offered a big price for, but Was re.
fused. ' Ooinfirmetton will be held in
Middiet on's church on Wedn esday, Slay
2nd, when His Lordship the Bishop of
Moron will officiate. J. Thompson has
engaged with 0. Middleton, jr., for the
summer, Willis Bell, Bhtyfleld line,
shot. a wild goose last week; he fired at
a distance of some two hundred yards
and tell his feathered victim. Wheat
has put on a greener mantle these days
and has every appearance of a good
crop, J. Switzer intends having the
foundation for his new barn finished
this week. A large quantity of hogs
were shipped from the township on
Mora -day; the prices paid were about
65,75. The agent for the Mail and Em-
pire. Toronto, made a business trip
through this township recently.
. 'Bruce field. .
Rev, Mr Ramilton,,Leeburn, pr each-
edin the Presbyterian church on Sun-
day evening last.
Sit= Lisp. -Mr Marks of the post
office, who has been quite ill, is, we are
pleased to state, slowly recovering.
Mr Robison, who has been ill for some
time, is recovering. Mr Plistes is &ten
recovering. We are pleased to veleta
that Mrs McKay, sr., of Tuckersmith,
who has been ill, has recovered.
BEIEFEf.-Miss-. Mary Gibson spent
the Easter holidays withfriends in
London. Miss -Helen and Mr B. R.
Higgins event Easter holidays at the
home of Mr T. M. Higgins,B. A., bar-
Mrs Nevina who bas been spending the
past winter with her daughter in Da-
kota has returned to her home here.
Mr and Mrs Moore visited friends last
week in Teeswater. Miss Edith Sow-
ers, who Spent the Easter holidays at
her home at the manse here, returned.
to her duties last Saturday, • Seeding',
house cleaning etc., are now the order
of the day. The spring show was held
here on Wednesday; the Weather be-
ing lane quite a number took in this
world's fair at the Metropolis of Sur -
NOTEk.-11. Livermore is blaming his
first kiln of lime this week. Our teach.,
er, Mr ti„, Lennox, is on the sick list,
and Miss Scott is ffIling his place, until
he rece.yers. Seyeral Of the youngnaen
from, 8. 8. No 5 went over to GOderich
township on lueeday of last week and
eut a considerable quantity of wood for
Mr J. H. Lowery ; this was very kind
of them and Was much appreciated by
Mr Lowery., You may now see "wee
tote" On the roads five days in the
week. Mrs McCool, er., and Mite Mc-
Cool have Moybd their effecte etc,, t3
Mateo and will reside there,
attended for lest -week.)
So1/00t, Thavoirr.---At the recent ex-
amination held in 8, 8, No. r, Hullett,
the following were emeteetfult...-Jr. 3 to
Sr. 3 -James Snell. Effie Jaekson, Bert
lloggart; Se. 2 to Jr. 3 -Annabel Snell,
William Snell, Willie flogged; Sr, 2 to
Sr, 2 -Mabel life0ool, Elsie Brown,
Prank Ilibbert, Bettie Nott; P1. 2 to
jr, 2-- -Ger e Vorlde ,ri Mi dred Snell,
John Wallace, Ella Webb, Esele Mair,
John Radford; Pt. 1 to Pt, 2 -Armand
McCool, Entreat Nrodden.-8, LoWaftm,
The Npvv or the .NeigtiPorhoo
SuPPIled bY the New Era's wideRawake and reliable cOrrespOndent1 .
flolonesville •
TIM FACTORY.- Owing ix, the back-, Tarnvise•TheBBITyttbhstennis club was
ward weather operations in the cheese reorganized on 'SaturdaY evening, and
factor) will not cornmence on the ist 'officers appointed. It Watt decided to
of May as expected ha on the follow- give a concert and minstrel perform..
frig Monday, May 7th, all drawer* are ance during the second week in•May.
Iexpected to be on hand with their first Hotim-D. T. Smith, Morris. and Al -
will please govern thernselveir accord-
LuanuE.-The annual election of the
officers of the E. L. of O. E, held on
Monday night resulted in thefollowing
staff for the ensuing year:-Elon,Pree.,
Rev. J. Greene; Pres„ S, T. Walter;
let vice, W. Trewartha; 2nd vice, D. A.
RohuCt112rd vice, 0. Walter; 4th "floe.
A. Yeo; Sec.-Treas.., B. Pickard; organ-
ist, Tebbutt; assreant, B. Gteene.
NOTES. -Mr Yerorne Bedard, teacher
in Drysdale,' spent his Easter vacation
at home and returned on Sunday ac-
companied by his brother Alex. Miss
Tebbutt is having the interior of her
house renovated and will make consid-
erable improvement; T. Viralker, Olin -
ten., ite doing the work. E. Lewis and
F. Elford are under the weather'. W.
Stanley is puttiug up the page fence.
C. GI avelle has a nice .piece of it up. F.
Holloway, Toronto, is travelling the
township on behalf of the Mail aud
Empire. • ,..
CHUROIL-The, annual vestry meet •
ing of St. John's church Was, held on
• Wednesday -evening, April 181h. The
following men hold office for the in-
coming year: - clergyman's warden,
Sam. SturdYa people's warden, Gay
Hicks; lay delegate. James Connolly;
sidemen, Wm. Bowden and Wm
Johneton, sr. The vest ry passed a res-
.olution, to pay the clergyman's stipend
quarterly for thefutu re. A preparator
service will be helditi the lecture room
of the Methodist church on Friday
morning at 10.30 a.m. 'Quarterly ser-
vices on Sunday. List-Suuday there
- was a good turnout to the roll call and
a very nice and profitable meeting was
held. ,
Loadesnoro. •• ton high school, was a visitor at the
parental home in Morris; 'On Monday
. PETTY THIEVING. -WO are inform- evening the Thimble -Club' gave its
ed by W. L. Ouimette that for some farewell party at the residence of Dr.
time he has been annoyed by ,petty and Mrs Carder; guests were present
thieving and shot) lifting, fruit, eggs, from Goderich, Clinton, and other
garden seeds and other small packages
being stolen. He 'quietly employed places. . •
watchers with the result that he now
has enough evidence to convict five St..joseple S.
boys whose ages vary from 8 • to 17 NOTES. -School re.openedonMoen
years. The next offender; no matter day. Mr . Bedard, teacher o f s
S. S. No 1, has resumed his occupation
after spending his Easter vacation at
the old homestead in Holmesville.
Mr Nelson Contin is at present away'
to Montreal and is not expected back
before May. A license has been ac-
corded here, for the rnaintainance
of a hotel, with the saving clause
that it be held in the Mammoth block'
which is not yet completely finished,
Many in the vicinityhave begun • seed.
ing. Suckers are being caught in
abundant quantities in alnaost all the
little creeks along the lake, ,•
1- aye been attending Detroit School of
Medicine for the past term, arrived at
their respective hOmes this week to
spend the summer vacation. Mr Mc-
Dowell was unfortunate enough to be
Stricken with smallpox, which broke.
out in the college, - but has fully recov-
ered from the attack,
Cannon. -The annual vestry rneet-
ing in connection with Trinity church
tvas held on Monday evening 101h inst.
The church wardens presented their
report, and . asked for two weeks to
comple e the fluanciai part, which was
-granted. T. W. Scott and Frank
calf were re-elected wardens for the
ensuing year. Sohn Mctaill and Jabez
Walker were appointed sidesmen, and
Mr Scott lay representative to the Sy-,
nod. H. T. Rance and A. H. Plummer
were re.appointed auditors. The yes- h
try adjourned to meet again on the
30tia inst., to receive the auditors' re•. port and to complete the business tor
the post church year. • Rev C. L. Mills,
who has been rector of the church for
the oast Year and a half, tendered his
resignatiou, • •
NOTES. -Malcolm Somers, who has
been working at Holstein for soine
time past, returned home on Saturday,
Myles Kelly, ' who has , been visiting At
the parental home • here for the past
Ova weeks, left on Wednesday for Chi-
cago. Mrs Curtis spent -Sunday with
Wingliam friends. Miss Emma Mason.
is visiting .with Win.ghana friends.
Miss Kelly. Lucknovi, visited her sister
Mrs Thos. Bowler.. Mr and Mrs C. L.
Shoemacher were the guests of friends
at Kippen. Mies Lily Scandrett, Bel -
grave, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs
Shane, over Sunday. Harry Fitzsim-
ons, Galt, visited Blyth friends last
week. * John A. Taylor; M. A., of Dut-
who he may be, will be handed ever to
the offieers of the law to be summarily
dealt with. This is a deplorable state
of affairs but if parents bave so little
• regard for the moral welfare of their.
children that they allow them to run
• the streets and loaf around t he village
until nine or ten o'clock at nivht they
need not be at all surprised if those
children find their way to the reforma-
tory- or central prison,
• VoTire. -The Toront0 Glc be of Fri-
day, April 20th., contains tne follow-
irro iteno-vairnong contributions to
the Globe Patriotic Fund-Londesboro
Ont -Proceeds of Patriotic Concert,
02.81 • Canadian Order of Foresters,
0.00 ; 'total $57.81 per W. L. Chtionette.
Seeretary of Patriotic ccminittee."
Wm. Wall oce, eldest son of IL, Wallace,
has gone to LOUisiana to be fireman
for the Kelly Bros., torrnerly Mullett.
'On Saturday morning last Mrs Thos.
L. Adonis started for hee home in We-
ta,skiwin, Alberta, where her husband
is engaged in ranching; we wish her
a safe journey. Leonard Whitely is
home from the MedicalSchool, Toronto.
Ephraim Gret, returned to Michigan
this week. The square timber at the
station is likely to be loaded and ship-
ped this week. As the prospects for a
school improve, the population of the
village increases. The banana season
has opened very early here. R. Adams
having received a stock this week.
Rev Mr Couplarad planted a number of
evergreens in the parsonage grounds
NOTES, -Many flower gardens are
beginning to bear blossoms. There is
now a son and heir at the manse, for
thie time 'tis a boy; congratulations to
Mr andllint Mall. Fall wheat is look-
ing unuttually well. Seeding operations
are general. The mill is nearly through
with the season's - cutr Marnesit-hueL
ness has been added to the shoe shop.
The fruit Beaton should be unusually
large, as the buds have been kept back
by extended cold weather..
NOTES. -Mr Thos. B. Hall who -hada
severeattack of pneunionia is around
again and his friends will pleased to
know thathe is able for his spring
wat k. Mr John Sanders, who has been
on the sick list for the past' week and
we are all sorry to say that so far he is
not improving,
NoTas.--Mrs R. E. Brown has been
visiting friends in Mount Forest during
the pat week. John Ferguson, con.
1211, has sold his famn to Joseph Hack-
ett, an adjoining neighbor. Mrs Joey,
who has been living with her sonen.
laW, A. Ross, Lucknow, has Moved
•back to her farm on con. 13, West We-
THE FaWronx,-The directors of the
Aslafleld Cheese Factory are making
arrangements for a good:season's work
Mr O'Llonner has been re-engaged, and
the milk routes let at a costof 6448. 11.
J. Finigan has secured the whey at a
reasonable thrice (60.00 for every ton of
cheese;) Mr Finigan intends going into
the pig business as strong as ever. We
wish him success as he is a good buyer.
The License Board.
.The Pelnanatadiniere ,for Weep Huron
met at the Inspector's office on the MIA
inet, to consider the applications for
the license year of 1900.1. Last year
there were 34 granted -30 hotels,. 2
shops and 2 breweries. For the coming
MARRIA.GB.--On Tuesday evening, year thereare30hoteland2shoplicenses
April 17th., Wm. Ruddy and Minnie applied for, those of breweries be-
Irtvih were united in marriage by Rev ing now dealt with by the department
F. J. Oaten, at the residence of Geo. B. at Toronto. The applicatitmo Of N. G.
Irwin, East Wawanosh. The gueets Begg, Carlovv; J. Hamilton, Belfast,
were nurnercluS a,nd the presents beauti- and E' . Symonds, Saltford, were held
ful, Torrents of rain fell to symbolize over to be considered at the adjourned
showers of blessing upon the happy meetingto be held in Clinton on the
couple. The bride Woe° a charniltig 28th. That of Pike of the Waverley
snit of slate colored cloth, with a cor. Mouse, Clinton, Wits not grantedowing
Sage Of pink satin covered with cream to idaufflcient population. All licenses
lace. She was unattended: Many are are to4be paid -into the Motion% bank,
the good wishes which attend them in Clinton, on or before May let. Two
their new home. r -
a Ow ii.....i....••••..1.16....Wourowaso
tranefere take place in Clinton, beim
that of the Queen's from T. Bell to 0.
Milne, and the Mii0011 House from T.
Doman to U. Graham. Thole recoil --
DIED IN Tonowro.-Cluts, Dedrick. ing licensee are
eon, one of the most familiar figures in Clinton -j. O. Clarendon; 3. -
Toronto newspaperdom, died at the Rattenbury, Rattenbory House; J. J.
general hospital on Monday, April McCaughey, Cororaerciah Reuben Gra.
23rd. Decetreed was about 50 Year0 of ham, aeon Mouse; 0. Milne, Qiieen
age, and was well known throtigh his Goderich-jonathan Thontaa
eccentric personal appearance. Ded. George Buxton, William Craig,
rickson was born in Warn, and Cattle Ben. Sault% Edward Swartz and Wm.
to Canada while a yOUng man, He Babb.
was a reporter on the old Toronto Blyth --John Marron, Henry Same
Daily Telegraph, and after a few years' , and Oho& Shoemaker.
service became exchange editor, and Winglaarn-Alfred ROC, John H.
then a sub -editor. . He went from there Dolmage, John E. Swartz, Mary' Dinto
to London, where he had been offered ley and Patrick Ournings.
&position on the Free Press; then he "oilfield -Dv McCormick and 'lire
drifted over • to Goderich, and final% babel Mallough, Dungannon; . Alert.
became a member of the Toronto Ma 'Young and James McDonald, Kintall;
staff, After • a short time in the their. Rich. Holong, Port Albert.
trice! World, ite agent for Peehter. the Colborne -Wm, Glazier, Dunlop,
well known actor, he returned to Jour. Hullett-eThos. Lorideaboro; A.
trallem and became telegraph editor of Etobitero orl Auburn.
the Mail, until two years ago, Since Eaet Wawatrosh-Thos. Armstrong,
then he has been a contributor to many Whitechurch,
journal& Deceased WWI taken to the The shop licenees granted were L.
General Hoepital four Weeks 40, suf. I Kennedy, Clinton, and Walter Mune,
fering from eryelpeirw, ) Goderich.
1 The best advertholua medium
in this section.
Additional Local -News
Arz In/MONUMENT,. A great im-
provement and prie of, much cOnVen-
• ience to the firm will be made by S. S.
Oocper to the office in Hodgens 'Bros.'
Idry goads store. They will have a
double decked office and a new cash car-
. vier system called the Lem4on, -oh a
single wire, instead ot tile Whiting.
• Immense Fire. 'ring Es= MRS Jon.lG.-Mrs Jo_p.
• ling, beloved Wife Of Wuz. v
S., died at her home in ()mimeo, Mtch..
I on April 171h. She was -the second
Hull and East Side of Ottawa • daughter of the late Amos Puke, fur.
Destroyed—Eddy's Mills inerly ot Belleville, and was a sister of
Mrs a, Tiplady, of town, Shepo sed
• away aft:er a lingering illness, andsher
•many friends here will learn with re-
• gret of her death. The remains were
• interred in Oveosso cemetery.
Gone—Cannot be
STOCK Scan.-4Iex. Monteitli, Tuck -
(Special to NEW ERA.) ersmith, who has been very successful
By special despatch from Ottawa zno as a breeder of thorobred Hereford
Thursday, as we go Lo ,press, we leattn cattle, recently sold a yearling bull to
that an i mmenee fire is raging in the g P. Curtin for $125; Mr Curtin said this
etzintein7Epdordtyio,einmoifllOs,tatnadwath. e plutlio,fcoont: was one of the best of the many bulls
age has been done. The fire cannot e
destroyed completely. Immentie day -
heifer of the Sadie breed to L. Fern -
he has purchased this year. fie hoe
Monteith also.sold a four Months old
taiiva known as the station end has been been shipped to the Northwest. Mr
checked and the wind is at a hurricane, ham, Constance, for $80. Mr Monteith
lthteisesityr.eaodiwnigngfotrointhiliesspinaratinadmaernotaandd. has, a very nice herd of thorobred
journed, until Toesdear. '
. they are more easily fed and mature
ellaerrlieefro.rds, and thinks them. preferable
to the Durhams for beefing cattle, as
. Additional Local News. - .
. .
SWELL OUTFITS. - The liveries' of
DIED IN CLINTON, - On Thursday, town are well equipped with 'stylish
April 26th, Cedina Beacom died at her outfite. 'Heave Davis, while down to
home here, aged 57 years. The funeral London on Saturday buying. a ,gray
wfit be held, on Saturday at one o'clock driver to have a matched tearn,brought
for the Bayfield cemetery.
WARNING. -The public are hereby
• home with him a new buggy made by
the ThompsoaCarriage Co. and also a
new set of harness. Jas. Ille4)001, who
warned against trespassing on the pros-
e' ty belonging to R. az J.• Ransfor. . is agent for McKie carriages, of Platte -
This is especially in reference to any vilte,has added to his livery two hand -
this property. All sunk: trespassers
00 some buggies, one garnet and the other
ofa varnish finish'. Both liveries have
contemplating fishing or shooting
will be prosecuted. • a stable fun of ekcellenc,.alrivers and
,bandsome and n -to -date turnoute.
CARD OF TECA.NKS.- We desire ter ex- The Public can rely on being suited
tend to the peopleot Clinton and vicin. these days.
it y our most' heart -felt thanks for the -
kindness and sympathy shown to us in BURGLAR -.-This town , is not de-
tour time.of bereavementand lose which prived of the borglas as was fully real -
we have sustained: - • Wm. Rasa ized by 'S. Twitched when entering
MARY EAST. his store on Wednesday morning. The
ald.smith entrance made during the. night was
hoe purchased the Lyons house on through the cellar window, then by a
make a pleasant home. Alex. Moore cellar door which led to the stairs at
the landing of winch was another door
Ii9Ale St': tit the figure of 6850; • it vvill
hair bought a dwelling house on Well-
ington St., from Angus Cole, the con-
sideration being $725. John Ridout
iningent, has leased the Bailey farrn on
con, 18. to David Churchill, for a term
okthree years.
IT re Irtrreopsn.-The city press is of
the opinion that the habit of loafing in
doorways and on the street corners is
becoming prevalent among the boys
and,young men: At times this seems
to be a habit in Clinton, • but no limit
would be found were this all. There
is always a certain class who use offen-
sive language, not only among thein -
selves, brat make remark's very un-
pleasant to passers by. This bad, habit
snouldhss stopped. ' • .•
HYMENEAL. -Miss May, formerly in
the offibe of the Salt Association, but
now of Greenfell, N. W. T, was mar-
ried on the 10th inst. Flex many ac-
quaintances here with whom she was
very popular, will be pleased to hear of
the happy event and join in congratu- Mollie Combe, pianist, of Clinton. The
lotions, From the Greenfell Sun of iirst entertainment will be. given in
April 121h, we take the following dem Wingharn on Monday evening, May
in reference to theinteresting incident : 7th, and following in Brussels on May
"Our popular tonsorial artist, D.Hyde, Stb, Seaforth on May Otb, °Briton on
and Miss May were united In the bonds May 10th, and Goderich on May llth,
of holy matrimony on Tuesday nig.ht and, the proceeds. after expenses are
The "boys" had set apart the evening paid, teal be devoted to a fondto, better
ofIVVednesday for the event andvarious the camp equipment of the privates,
musical instruments bad been menu- and other matters iti connection with
factored for a chivari. But the happy the 33rd Battalion. This is a worthy
couple proved to be a shaver and object. and when the concert is given
shaveree in themselves and the boys in town the citizens should patronize
it liberally. -
were sadly left."
opening into the back shop. Here
Was where a hole f3x3 inches was. made
by the use of a augur to allow the
hand to free a bolt, The • tools were
taken from a chest at T. McKenzie's •
mill and consisted of a brace. and bit,
chisel and screw driver being left be-
hind after having effected an entrance,
The only articles missed, so far by Mr
Twitchell, were twO pairs of shoes and
this may not be all but they did not
secure any cash. They were very im-
polite for the doors were left wide op-
en after their visitation.
rangements have been completed for
the holding ot a series of first-class
„concerts co be given in Clinton, Goder-
ich, Wingham. Brussels and Seaforth.
The talent has been selected and is
good, consisting of Mrs Mayor %relit.
soprano,. of Toronto; Mite.; Laura Ach-
eson, violinist, Miss Ella .11isher,
elocutionist, of Goderich, and Miss
PRAM= Puncoutezn.-We under.
stand that Dr, G. E, Holmes, L. D, S.. SALE OF MONUNENTS.-The work -
of London, has purchased the rtental men at the Clintora Marble Works have
practice of Dr. T. a Bruce and that he been bust lately preparing the monu-
will be in full possession in about a ments and headstones to be erected in
month, He is a specialist in crown and various cemeteries, in loving remain -
bridge Work and a graduate ef the brance of departed friend. In the
Royal College of Dental Surgecins of yard are to be seen some very valuable
Ontario, Toronto. also 1st class honor and handsonae looking stones. The
graduate of department of dentistry of ornamenting, scroll work and lettering
Toronto University. Since graduat. are all well done. Lately a number of
ing in March '09 he has been associated sales have been made: -Red ' granite
with Dr. Geo, J. Gibb of Blenheim (a monument to be erected in memory of
silver medallist of the It. C, D. S.) and the late Thomas Carter, and red Swedes
has had experience in two prominent for the late Chas. Online and Wm,
dental.practices in London. A son ReV. Farquhar, in Clinton cemetery; an es.
J. W. Holmes, fornerly of Clinton, and peranza for the late Mrs :Chas. Macul-
ated an old ton n boy he is well known tosh, Eluilett, in the R. C. cemetery;
and vie believe Dr. Holmes will do a grey granite for parents of Alex. Rob -
large practice and give satisfaction. ertson, Carlow, in Colborne cemetery;
- red swede for Mrs- W. 0. Robertscn,
,T.1114 130ViTattet hOW-ung- 'Auburn; in...130,1Proeetnefer.y4an.esper
Wong the entlemen of town is no t maze for Mrs George Beadle, in Ball's
cemetery; an esperanza for the parents
of Agnes Pattisrson, in Ball* a large
gray sarcophagus for the husband of
Mre Jae. McFarlane, in Baird's; red
granite for the son of Thos. Shobbrook,
Mullett, in Blythored granite for hus-
band of Mrs Elizabeth Townsend, in
Turner's. red swede to John Bell, Lon-
don road, in Baird's.
a success th s year it is not the fault of
the enthusiasts of this game. If the
new lawn on Dame street is not proper-
ly prepared it is not their fault either,
for we might say they have constantly
been watching with eager eyes the
draining, rolling, 86c., only wiehing it
Was near ready to play. They halve
been most ageiduoue of late in
looking after. Mond rre beleive will be
in readiness lontrbefore the season runs
out. .The Old court. on Itattenbitry
street is a yery good one but very email
but the new purchase will 'afford ac.
tommodation for eight rinks at once
Waldo the surroundings are ao Mien
more pleasant, and a. Splendid oppor-
tunit will be afforded to onlookera.
willIt not be long before we hear the
resonant voicee 01 the &Wen calling
OLDJ"nOttO strong,""lote of bias!' "good
rifTlin ROMS LIMII.-thos. Mason
has got hold of rionzie good home fief&
1 t in heavy"d hts for _
ehipment, Last week be bought 6 :Spauldim B. J. Gibbing% WEE. Band
and Prank Pair Were the champions
number of fine ge1.110ga, •among,th,‘,..em
being two.year.old,. *Wile 1420 luu't therefore entitled to the pretty and
When they ended up, They were
from A. Itilnielon4 Wing arm a two,. natty :medal& After adelicious lunar.
year-old from W. 'Myrick, kit, Augus. eon prepared by Hot Itattenbury had
tine and heavy tour-year.old from been attended to President Dr, Shaw
We Roach, Itovvick; also a roadster. made the presentirtIon of the medals to
gelding from W. Moon, Blyth. Sok
McCool has got 4 fine carriage. driver remarks hz reply. Vice piemmident W.
from Gundry Bros., Goderich; this Is a . Brydone on behalf of the club, present.,
Mare Whiith O. Sohneton broke and a two ohouti tomes. gators who was
sold to the Moro" Gundry, and 'rem 'greatly taken by eurprise, one was an
Ale has returned to town. Darl° . arm chair for hirrieelf and the other an
Danis 'have wonted .6 gray mare to
Trne.Cultx,Err's dopes& - To cele-
brate and wind up the succestful sea-
tiOn which the curlers enjoyed during.
the Winter a supper was held at the
Rattenbury Meuse on kW Friday even-
ing. No other dub has had. such an in-
teresting time. When the rinks hap-
pened to play outside teams they were
always keen Competitors and Worthy
opponents. But the inOrit interest was
that taken in the local matched of
picked rinks who contested for medals
presented by the dub. For thie there
Were ftv'e Clubs) and the rink Of W. P.
easy rocker for Mrs Carter. Being so
match the mare they recently bought obhginiv in looking after the wants of
In Stratford; on Saturday Harve went the enders during the winter the,
down to London and bought her from thought It Was nothing but rikht to
John W41°10.101 who tuntta "ale stable recognize the particular attention he
there. W. W. iritrilM has bough_it mild them, After the donations had
Ploroneo a, a naed mare from Mr ° •beerifturde several hours of sociability
to tuns Walton, Texas
Leary, es and Horton of Brussel& ; he will breed her was indulged in by all.
5 v. per rev ht advance.
$1.50 wit= net sopaid,
Is made meter when you uee one of
our tough, unbleached sheep wool
sponges, , you can't wear 'ern out.
Other aecessitries are Ammonia,
Sulphur, Sulphur Oandles,Copperae,
Carpet and Qloth Powder, Cerhoho
Is a perfeet disinfectant and deodor-
• izing agent. Unsurpassed for wash-
ing and bleaching purposes, purify-
ing vaults, closets, oesspoole, drains,
oellars,eto., and to prevent spreading
or contagion. package 5o, 1 lb
• These are a few thinge you Want'
if there is anything elee heveit
1 .
.Phone 2 Drug Store
t*Ir*AA A**
• Wis., the'Daily Northwestern, of the
7th inst, we take the notice of the
wedding nuptails of Miss Dutton, sister
of Mrs Jas., Shepherd, of town. and
notice of which was, reported in the
NEw ERA a few weeks ago: -At noon
Thursday, at the residence of Mr and
Mrs J. M. Hurn, 445 Jackson Street,
occurred the wedding of Mr John Wm.
Robson, of Stoughton, Wis.. and Miss
Alice Maud Dutton, formerly of Roch-
ester, N. Y., sister of lire Hurn. The
event was a quiet home wedding. Only
relatives were present. The marriage
ceremony wasperfarmed by Rev, E.
W. F. ReQua, pastor ofbihe Algoma
M. E. church, who is a friend of the
family of the beide. The bride was
tastely gowned in a travelling costume
of light brown. Both the bride and
groom were unattended. Following
the ceremony a choice repast was serv-
ed in the dining room, which, was de-
corated with flowers. The mantel and
fireplacein the parlorwere banked with
potted plants, and the bride and groom •
stood beforethis:hank ehigreen while
e erernony was being. performed.
MrandMreRobson will reside in Stoug-
hton, Wis., the homeof the groom.
Mr Robson is a leadma merchant of .
Stoughton. He is a widower and his
Iwo children, Miss Robson and Miss
Annie ...Hobson ;Wended the wedding
' today. The bride about two -years ago .
clerked in the book and stationery.
btore of 3. Buin fir anurnber o
moot he. The hride received a, mon ber
of valuable wedehg. presents from
friends mid relatives in Rochester, N.
'Y,, and in this city .
E. Robertson, son-in-law .of R. Coats,
passed away on Wednesday, at the
Hamilton hospital after an illness of
about a month. He had been taken ,
ill at his home in Peterboro and went
to Hamilton for treatment about a
week previous to his demise. Hopea
had been entertained of his recovery
until Monday evening when his rela-
tives here learnt by telegram that he
would' not rectain and was then only the -
matter of a few days. What makes
this sad event so . much more to bear
for the widow, in the fact that her son
is laid .up with a. broken leg having, been
run over by a sleigh, and went to Ham-
ilton also when the deceased had gone
Mr Robertson was an employee of the
Goverment having been engaged for
a long time on tbe Trent -Valley Canal.
In birth hewas.o. Montrealer and after
leaving school took an engineering
course in McGill university. In the
early part of his career he was engaged
as an engineer on the Welland -Canal,
nexton the O.' P. R. serveys in the
North West, then on the St.Lawrence
Canal. In engineering skill he was
proficientca men of energy, sound bus-
iness methods and splendid enterprise.
By his---ettccess in the line he followed
his leave a blank hard to fill.
Socifilly-he had an , array of friends.
Since 1898 he has had charge of a sec-
tion of the Trent Valley Canal when
this illness forced him to seek treat.
men t but despite everything that could
be done no human power could avert ,
the stroke of death, Mr Robertson
some years aga married Miss Hattie
Coats, daughter of R. Coats, Who with
one son survive him. The heartfelt
sympathy goes out to the widow and
her son who have lost &loving father
and husband and to tbamany relatives
in this sad bereavement, Mrs Archi-
bald and W. Coats left fOr.the =city -on --
tritratiat'llnd*D. Macpherson on
Friday to attend the funeral
The Question
Of the Hour
Where oan I get the best
Intense at the least poesible coat
Wh Irma the
• • oCia Foresters e rIsW.d Order
1st -It is purely panadifin.
and -Paid promote. 120 &Nab
esiteestrient, age lin:di1a-4K
3rd -gives $500., 01,000, $1,600
' or 62,000 insuranee.
41h-Efae a tenor surplits on
hand for etch $1000 risk
than any other seolety Of
its kind in Canada,.
61h-Oter $2,000,000 paid to
• reembere • and their de-
pendents sittob orgenizir.
601 --No Order allele it In taloa.
only of manegement, lore .1
• oast of insuranoa to mon.
• beta, promptnesis in pay.
' merit of olidine,
71h-Inveeted hi Government
.1.15eds $100,000, Surplus
• Ponds $831,261,66, teem.
• bership over 86,000, death
rite only 4.48- per fi1,000
in the 21s1 yea
For fin information regarding the
COSI of jeltiing Court Maple LW,
No la, epply to
A. 4, arriereettlit 4.1*.ertatiptirdat.%
Wtit Jelles, 115.
Visher,C.10. Thos. Alle.lsulltilr.C.