HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-04-20, Page 7{t spring, 19 THE CLINTON NEW ERA wwwwwwvw Qur stock, in all our lines, is now complete, and weguarantee our prices as low as the 'lowest Give us a call. No trouble to show goods and quote prices. Xarlazid Bros.? SHwrN':- Experts iu Hot Mr and Hot Water Beating and Plumbing. CLINTON Vest Huron Farmers Church Chimes, Institute. A few of the many good suggestions On Good Friday, Rev E. 13, Smith g nyeached the teethingotning eervice at St. brought out by speakers andothers Phomas' church, Seaforth. at the institute held in Londesboro. SALVATION ARMY.-Ad1'ukank Orch- ard, A. P. Ketchen,, Brucefleld, spoke first and the Salvation army' District Offi• on breeding .cattle. He saki that + though tIfA snhject was almost thread - (F will visit Ulintbn this evening bate we were Duly (F d ) d ill conducteclat inthe A B CJ of the rt ay an w can uc a sp art; though locality make some differ• public is. invited, ence in the handling of stock there were p f three essentials necessary to any local.* The Executive committee of the icy -good cattle, a.bundatsee of food and County E, L. & S. S. Aesociation met meeting in the barracks, to which the good Judgment. We must have the kind here on Friday last. There wets Pres. t n Rev J. S o er of 1 • quality ent Dr b wl W n ham a ed a . , e qk rt ns r Wing ham, cattle the um w Y h r comes first, not quantity as was the Henderson of Hensall, J. P. Ross of case years ago, Canadians have not Exeter, and Messrs J, Taylor, A, T. kept up with the Yankees in quality; Cooper, Myers and Holmes. Splendid we have allowed our beststockers to go programa were arranged for the cam - oyer there,hence the better prices they ing convention, which is to be held in • can get, In feeding, be careful of the Seaforth during the latter part of Jane, 1001b thet date t t being decided e r 01.IN'LOtV MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday; April 19, 1900. Fall Wheat 0 05 a 0 06 Oats..•. 0.26 a 027 Bye 0 40 a ' 0 45 Barley 0 38 a 0 40 Peas ,.. 0 57 a 0 00 Fleur per owt,..,.,... 1 75 a 200 E Butter, loose 14.15,p'k'd C 12 a Q 13 J4gge per doz' 0 00 a 0 10 1 Sheepskins No. 1 Green trim. hides 0 00 'a 0 07 Potatoes, 0 25 a 0 25 Ohiekene, per pair 0 30 4 0 310 25 0 40 o a Duoks,per pair' IP per ib 0 05 a 0 06 Turkey'', peril) 0 08 a 0 09 Pork, live 5 15 a '5 1a" Pork, dressed 6 25 a 6 25 Dried apples per Ib, 0 05 a 0 05 Bran per ton 16 00 a 16 00 Shorts, per ton a calf, •Feed the youngsters; a can exact u e no ye on, ' 18 00 18 CO be put in the year-old as cheap as 300 Th li me light stereoptican enter- on the 3 or'4 year-old. Farmers should tain'nent under the auspices of the 111, . finish his own cattle. In order to keep B, of Willis church on Thursday even - Montreal Battle Market• stockers from losing for a short time ing, Apt it 2fi, .Will be given in the town after they are shut ups what they have hall; admission, adults 15e., children Montreal, April 16,= About 40• head of put on during the summer,it is a good under 12 yt" rs,.10c, The objects of the- butchers' cattle, 48 *uuil! calvee, 1 sheep plan to house them wet or cold nights entertainment are most worthy, being and a spring lau,p were offered for sale at ' in the full and get them used to dry the Pats lube Fund. and India Famine the East End Abattoir today. A number teed. Must be fed on cheap rough Peed, Fund. A well -till. d hall is anticipated, of butcher's were on hand but they were Corn fills the bill fairly well if not cut as a largo uumberof tickets are already looking for sma.i' *tuff, and only a few too green. Silage ehonld be made from sold. • boughtcattle. Mr 1llartrl bought three corn as mature as-x;ssible. If land not ST, PAUL's.-The annual vestry meet- ,prime beeves at 56 per lb. pluel$1 per head adapted to corn, grow roots, becau'e ing of St. Paul's church was held in the over. Several pretty good cattle were sold turnips contain 90% water is no reason school room on Tuesday night when at from 4o to 4tc Icer ib, There were no they are poolfeed, as grass, the best .the several reports were presented and common or inferior cattle on the market. cattle food contain 88% water, Have were very "satisfactory. The treasurer The calves were all small vests' and sold the best type of cattle Be, regular in J. E. Hovey showed finances to equal trom$t.50to $3.50eaoh. The spring lambs �Kiuon Co. ow For April 24, WO • I-Iouse eleaning' We have made great reparations for house cleaning and house fur- nishing this n i t eseason. At tr i time K,h ie of the year n e are taken u and t e when carpets k n awned and ourtaina'tairen down and washed, it is often found they are not fit to be used again, and the thrifty housekeeper begins to consider where oho can set the best goods in the newest, styles at the lowest prioee, said her thoughts naturally _turn to our mammoth establishment where she knows the best assortment of Carpete, Linoleums, Oil Clothe. Curtains, Art Meeting, eto., are to be found, and it goesnwithoubfsaying the prices are always -the lowest. All carpets over 25e per yard will be eat and Matched Free of charge. Hemp Carpets, yard wide, at 121jo, 150,20o and 25o. Union Carpets, yard wide, at 25x, 30o, 350 and 50o, Wool Carpets, new patterns, at 75o, 90a and $1. Tapesty .Oarpets, noir colorings, at 35e, 50o and 65a. Brussels Carpets, new patterns and colors, 75o and O. Japaneese Mattings, fine qualities, at 20o and 25o. Lace Curtains, 2 yards long;; at l9a and 25o. Lace Curtaine,3 yards long, at 50o and 750. Lace Curtains, 3} yards lone, 54 inches wide,look etioh edges, new floral designs, worth $1.25 for $1. Lace Curtains, 3i yards long, 54 to 60 inches wide $1,50, $2 and $2.50 Art Musline, new patterns, at 5o, 8o, 10o, 12o and 15o. Floor Oil Cloth, 1, 11, 1,} and 2 yards wide, 25o per square yard. l3merson's . . Bicycle a Music House West St., Goderieh The oldeet and largest bicycle dealer in Huron. Oer • present stook' consists of nearly fifty wheels, comprieing •• 30 1900 MoBurney Beattie's at $50 and $55 4' 1899 " 11.I 40 ,1 I899 Columbia Chainless , .......... 55___.-� 1 1899 E. & D 35 • 6 Model '22'27 and 28 Clevelands 25 each 2 Perfects $15 and 20 1 New Barnes 20 ' t 1 Elba. 20 1 Zedette 30 1 Cleveland Combfitation Tandem. 40 11 yon wish to investit is to your interest 'to see this stook, or drop a pard and our selesman will call on you, EMERSON'S BICYLE & MUSIC HOUSE, Goderieh oilman �� . �� .ies We are selling Buggies for three of.the best Carriage Company's. in Canada. GREY AND SONS, CHATHAM. BRANTFORD CARRIAGE -CO. ` CANADA CARRIAGE CO., BROCKVILLE. and the Well known: BAIN . WAGGON; We are sellingtwine made by the very best makers at reasonable prices..' Also agent for the Alexander and Mallotte Cream Seperater, and Massey Harris .Bicycles... Samples can be seen at the shop, Isaac Street. hayis Geo. General. Iiiiplement Dealer, Clinton. feeding, be gentle and kind; a cross former years --The annual report of were sold for $3, but the sheep remained word means so niiie i nioiiey lost, rector afterwards given was very a n• unsold. The last dale of fat hogs reported N, Kernigham spoke on cultivation eouraging. The following were elect - of the soil.. He said we trust hags a ed t.: office; -Rector, was matte at 6}o per lb, weighed off the car. a warden, E. Hil- . rotation of some kind; always used a ton; people'swarden, R. Worthington; skimmer plow. In sowing oats put auditors, G. J. Stewart and U: B, Hale; BORN:-@ only one bushel one peck per acre, representative to the synod, Jas. Shep- LOBB.-In Godoriohtownehip,onApril 14th, either ganged or used the spring tooth pherd. The adjourned vestry meeting • the wife of Wm,Lobb, of a son. cultivator after. harvest. Man ured will be held on Monday evening, April MARSAALL•-In Clinton, on April 12th, the _man¢leground in fall: either root or 30thl wife of Wm. Marshall, ofa daughter. • porn,a'round manured in winter as. WILLIS CHURcB: The Easter Mon,CUMIN(('-tot(Iraven Ravine.farm, Assa•. - manure. • was. made; sowed peas after day meeting •ot the Y.- P S, O. E. was °OnIIBpril7th, Mr and Mrs Henry Curring, a roots and on the yea laud seeded down . a very good one. The topic, "How • • • with wheat. - -. • - ' the New Testement. grew," was Il.ibly DOWZER-In Clinton; on Apri115, the, wife Mr Ketchen also spoke on' hogs and deal(' with by Miss Lizzie McTavish, of M. Dowzer, of a daughter, d f d behalf ALONEY-In Ma%ilio MrOutmette say afew wordson M The 27 books of, the New Testement of the creamery. were mentioned in the order of their In tl• avenii g.the Rev. Mr. Copeland probable time of composition,reference gave a spicy little talk. He consider- was ''iso made to author, circumstan- ed it an honorable thing to be called on ces of production, etc., as also to. the to speak ata' meeting of the farmers. gradual completion of the New . Testa - The time had gone by when the farmers meat Canon in 420 A. D. Mr Alfred should be,,called a clodhopper. As a Burchill, who some'7 or 8 years age, rule the hest men we have come. from 'was one of our leaders in Y. P. S and the Pup.. When the farrngre.li<re pros, Sabbath School work, addressed the perorts'wei111fare better. • meeting. --,He referred to the .good- .. 'Mr.Onimette was also glad to speak work• done by Y. P. S. C. .E. where -he to the farmers, The good suggestions 'is now teaching and emphasized the brought out at• such meetings werethought that these societies are doing • of great benefit to him. It as said that the best work that give prominence td the man that makes two blades of Bible study in their meetings. - egrow a Where only one grew be- WILLIE CHURCH S. S. ENTERTAIN, fore, , was a public benefactor so also MENT.-•-•Unfavorable weather et •me• is the man who makes two pounds of what. interfered with the success • in ocef from the Same •food, that produced Dint of numbers in attendance at -the one pound before. Th.e'tnan with the "bobby," the one idea ni'an perhaps is illis S. S. entertainment which was not a crank, but an advanced likes. held, at the church on Tuesday evening A, P•: Ketchen gave an exdellent,ad• the 17th last.. In other respects the - subject being. "Climbing was, very Successful, Excellent dress, the Life's Ladder", Here we meet in a -refreshments were served to the delec- commonlevel and. wish a common mo• tation -of the young people VIM did tire. Some of the rungs of this ladder ample justice to the .spread. At eight. .of Life were-purpose,persistent, push, 'o clock's pleasing and interesting pro- ''tient, pluck, principle, • purity.. gram of music: and recitations was pTwas painful to- see a man drifting. presented. • A pleasing feature of the • Every- man fitted for something, -should evening was a spurt address by .-Mr A. cut out our aim and -get there. Lo not, Burchill who was formerly a. resident 'to drift of Clinton and• an efficient worker in let slight backsets cause you. f business to another. Do not Willis church' but who now lives: from one . Do You Deal With Us Not . If Not Why• We are here to supply your wants to a certain . extent. We parry in stock a great variety of goods and sell them on a very close margin of profit. We give 16oz to the pound and 36 inches to the yard and do not take more, We have a•supply of field seeds, viz. -Timothy, Red, Alsike and Lucern Clover, Orchard Grass, Flax, Rape, Millett, 6 Rowed Russian Barley, Banner and Ne Zealand Oats. White Beans and no end of garden seeds. We have Spades, Shovels Forks, etc., Wire both plain and barbed, Nails, Glass, eto. 'We are making a epeeist' sale of ready made Clothing and Tweeds, very cheap We have Wall Paper, Brushes, Broome, Soap, Carpets, eto. for spring. Our Millinery always pleasestheeye and is not hard on the purse. Our terms are cash or produce for whioh we always pay the highest price Consult your own interests and yon will giye us a fair trial. Emporium, Londesboro April 171h, 1899 0 w s. R. ADAMS II.OVOyS Powder Baking For 25o, you can get one pound of Hovey's Baking Powder made with pure cream 61 tartar and best English Bicatbonate Of Soda.- It is not any higher. in price than Many inferior baking powders, and comtnends itself to every house keeper who has tried it. Ask for one of our free samples and give it a trial. We have just received a fresh supply of Olive Oil and Cucumber Soap' the best of its kind. Sold by us only at 8 -cakes for 10o J. E. HOVEY' Dispensing .Chemist, Clinton Ci• -0••-0 0 Q Removed Across the Street 3 Doors South of Town Hall A. 3. Grigg 44nceeasor to Jae, Biddlecombe CLINTON' Northern ;Ontario. Prizes were presented by the Rev. Mr Stewart l for the.: successful recitation ofthe shorter •catechism. The following is a het of the prize winners with the names of the prizes. -Class I, lst 20- W. McCool, Window in Thrums; G. ..Osborne, Samant ha atfia' atoga; Agnes Irwin, New Testament., Class 1•I, i- t- 50,questions-W. Manning, Graphic stories of industries; Mai gory McIvor, 1 Twist dawn and days; Douglas Stew- art, Graphic stories of invention; Clara Lindsay, My Grandmother's Album. Class I1I, 1st -75 questions' -Ella Lind- say, A bitter debt; 'Lucy Cornish, Mrs Keith•33amilton,, Class IV, whole cat- echism -Ida, Lindsay , Hymn book; Walter- Siewart,with tchener'sarmy. Class V, 1st 20 questi s wit h proofs - No candidates. Class I; From 20'h to 50th question with pre. f5-JeanCar- line, Scott's poems; Maud Dormer, Longfellow's poems; AnnabelMcEwen, Tennyson's poems. RATTENBURY ST. CHURCH. -The W. M. S. of Rattenbury: street held their usual Easter service on the evening of Good FI-ida). The program was es-. pecrally good. A thank offering of over $15 was laid upon the plate. This, with the life membership certificate presented to Mrs Paster. (Oor. Sec.,) by the W. M. S. and Ladies' Aid, made the sum of nearly $42 to be sent to the branch . treasurer.-Annivereery ser- vices of this church will he held on Sunday,, April 29,• when Rev J. S. Hen- derson, Hensel!, will preach morning and evening. Mr Henderson', is the able and exceedingly popular pastor of the Presbyterian church; and . is re; irarded as one of the tnoat clever preachers in this Synod. The anniver sary strvices will becontinued on Mon- day evening. -A. Congregational meet- ing was held cn Wednesday evening, at which there Was a good representa- tion of members and adh z en Is present to attend to a very important matter, The meetingwas called for the consid- eration of the purchase of the "burnt lots" on Victoria St., as a site for the new church which has been contem- plated for some time. The vote. of -thew nreserlt"wee takers, -the result being 101 for, v;'hile only 7 were against. The place contains several Tuts owned by different parties, and the price to be paid for all is placed at tbe reason- able sum of $575, We consider t his is one of.the best sites in town for this wealthy and flourishing congregation, and hope' they may decide to build a more suitable and modern house of worship than the present one, at a near dale. We congratulate the church on the wise step taken, and hope it may prosper abundantly. -Mr Howson, pastor, may be expected to preach next Sunday, taking as his sub- ject at 11 a. m., "A song of the morn• ing;" at 7 p. m., "(tow he became mas- ter of the situation," These seryices will prove interesting and helpful. The puhl'e are cordially invited. --Monday evening next is the annual meeting of the League, when officers for the year will be elected; all aro requested to be present, as this is an important matter.' ' Nle tASTER LN.CUI{BIONS complain about circumstances, make yourself greater than circumstances. Do not confuse pluck with luck, there is no such a thing as luck. e in Wingham. When In Wlughnrn call and see our new spring goods. - We-oarrythe largest- stook -in town. Quality and style equal to any in the city. From certain actions of the largest egg dealers in New 'York and Montreal, do not be surprised to sec eggs. as good all summer as butter has been all winter. - Feed those hone. Eggs still 19o. tf G. E. KING, Wingham, SEED: GRAIN FOR SALE. SEED PEAS -Barley and Oats for sale. Cash or time as suits. Drove right to the . Ware Rouse opposite Railway Station, Always plen- ty Corn on hand. W. G. PERRIN Mar 23-tf Clinton • .:":”«••iN•N••••*.• •N•N••N1N.N•N•••••4N•«.i1a M•N•«' •_• At The Leader Le = to • •_• Although the price in Mil-- s; linery goods have gone up, •• .=• I will continue to dispose ._. my new stook at the regu- lar prices. Watch for bar- gaine in Millinery. Call and see the new ._. ._. ;_, styles and shapes. - .=i .r. ._. MISS ROSS. 'sc •.•N:N:.-..--• • •N•N•-:'.• •N• • • • • • • • • • • a..0N•. AWANIAAAAANYVVVYVVVVSAAA We� Lead By Keeping a Fresh and Seasona,bleStock We have Booth CelebratC Oysters arriving fresh daily. Also Fresh Orange and Lemons, Confec- tionery and Cigars RAKERS' AND ' HOMEMADE BREAD IM'ncy Cakes Pastry And Wedding Cakes Oar. Specialties Any kind of Fancy bake not on hand made when ordered. Jas. McOlacherty, Novelty i ak©ry And Y:testaurant, Telephone 140. 1. Just seceived a lot of new Belts,' BucklesPolley Belts, Bangle Brace. ANNAINAMANYNAAMMAAMA RUMBALL'S ••• WATCH' AND JEWELRY STORE , lets, etc, The latest goods in the market. We make spec salty . of fitting 13peotaoles and Eye Glasses. . Eyes examined free,• • W. JACKSON, MIEN T CLLNTON :;,Through tickots`iesued to all pointe y• in the state, Manitoba, the North < ae ar West and British Columbia. Tray ellers to anypoint will cousult their interests by consulting above. *'kirir**Vr1k****ih'l) ****** ***** •< 4. p, on April e, the wife of Patrick Maloney, of twin boys. - CONEBY-In.Wingham' on April 9, the wife of John Conery, of a daughter. • HAYS -In Seaforth, on April 10, the wife el R, S. Hays, of a sun. . MARRIED. BRYCE-CAMPBELL-At the residence of the bride's parents, Turnberry, on April 11, by Bev. Wm. Lowe, Miss Margaret Bryce to An- drew Campbell, of Curless. RRICE-aUTOHISON-At the residence of the bride's parents, on April 12 by Rev. Rus- sel, Dr. I. Price, of Alymer, to Miss Bertha E. Hutchison, of Seaforth.. VINT-WILSON-At the Manse, Blyth, on `Aprille, by Rev, A. McLean, Robert Vint, of Morris. to Miss Mary -Jane Wilson, of East Wawanosh. • CAMPBELL -DALE -At the residence of the bride's fath er Tuckersmith, on April 10, by Rev, A. (Giffin„flames H. 'Campbell, of Win.: throp, to Harriet, oldest daughter of Mr Geo. Dale. . . DIED - • - • BOOTH .-In High View, Ask., on April 14111, at the residence of her son J;'I. Booth, Sarah Oassidy, relict of the late Francis Booth', aged 71 years, 6 months and' 13 days. • EAST. -In Clinton, on 'Wednesday, April 18th; John Wesley, son of William and Mary East, aged 13 years and•6 month DOLMA GE -In MoKillop. on April 8, the in- tent, daughter of Mr Chas. Dolmage, aged `11 days, TERVIT-In East Wawanosh, on April 12. Mary Linklater, wife of Geo. Tervit, aged 08 years, 2 months and24 days. • • CULLITQN-In Goderioh, on April 7, Mrs Jas•'Culliton, aged 71 years. . . NEVIN-In Stanley, on April l3,atthe home of his son•in-law, Alexander Nevin. Tickets will be famed at Cook's Cotton Boot Componll, * Single FareIs successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, offeetual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cettes Root t oal-iri. ppoound. Taken° other. as ail Mixtures, pills and � April 12th to 16th. Good to return „. Imitations are dangerous. Prlee, No. 1, $i er y all to April 17th oonolasivo, box' No. 9,10 degrees stronger, SO per box. No. Moan 2. mailed Coreceipt mpituy pried two Ontl. ) ye asci all information and ttokete Y t 'sNo0. i mid 2 hold and reconrnrended' 17 all i yi", apply to y. responsible Dru0g10t6 la Qanada, t r,• • , )r slog,' and 2 seta in Clinton bySydney Jaelc• V. lis isht» ANS, ,,, 'sen Druggist ltallwav & t+toamshin Agent, Clinton s 1k*nk**lk***** ,7`i. Going YYYYYYYY li•W, ,vvcrttsemento. - F0-SAd413 One plow, gang plow, log4ing chain, cattle. chains, spades, shove's, etc , will .be sold for cash or credit. A GINN, 'Apr1120 • Situation Wanted. A situation wanted SW salesman or mana- ger of store,'bootstand shoes, or ready made clothing a specially Rest of reference given. Apply to Box A, NEW ERA office, April 20-tf ' *Kinnon & Co., Myth ' 'ou, Can Save Blaney. - By doing your own sewing, buy one of our famon a N, w Wi liams Mash' ill es, built to last a lifetime and sold on easy terms. We dou't lead e these machines but we will deliver one at your house on trial. • Large stook of Piauoe,Orgaus and Sewing Machines constantly' on hand at our Furniture Store.,., .T..i: E3.EL.I.E"�P, Blyth • . FOR St1LE. A•goo3 butcher business, in the town of, Clinton, is offs- od for sae as the . owner in • tends going farming.,' Apply to the Nxw ERA office for particulars Apri. 20-1 f TO FARMERS: The undersigned has on his farm, lot 11 con. 9, Hullott, athorobred;Fierefordbull, register- ed, for servioe. Terms $1.25 payable in Janu- ary next. E.L. FARNHAM. April 19-0 w Constance. LOST.. A black,' thorobred collie dog, with white breast, white stripe on his face and white tip on the end of his tail answers by the name of Kerney. The finderor any information of his whereabouts will be rewarded by answer- ing the same. J, LAYMENT, April 20-1 Clinton. • LIOUSE TO RENT.. A -large frame house on Mary street, con- taining 16 toeing. hard and soft water, garden and ornamental trees, The house will he re- painted and re -papered and ready for occupa- tion by the 1st of May. Rent reasonable. Apply to D. B. KENNEDY, April 20-2 Mary Street. lir. Phillips Late of Toronto and Hot Springs, Ark., has rooms at the Waverly Hotel, whero he can be Consulted free) M'al'i ehronio diseases -AU' diseases of the air passages treated by in- halation of medicated vapor, Eczema and all skin diseases successfuly treated. Nervous debility and rheumatism promptly oured in a very short time Things to Rememher Our spring sale of boots and shoos cheaper than over, Mon'e Plow Boots $ 80o up lifon'e Dongola (loots 1 25 up Women's Dongola 13oote '1 00 up Spooled values in Boys', n,iesos' and. Children's Boots and Shoes, A Cell Solicited. J. TWITCHELL Vietorla Mock. FURNITURE BROADFOOT ...BOX & CO. ti Tbe'steady increase in our trade is good proof of the fact that our -goods 'are righ ., - 'our prices lower than those of other dealers in the trade. We manifacturo furniture on a large scale and can afford to sell cheap. If you?tbuy -. from us, we save for yon the profit, which, in other oases, has to be added inafoe - theretaildeaier. :. .,lr nal 14•'. This week we have passed into stook some of our new -designs, Space 'will not perm(' 1:18 to geote prices, but come and see for yourself what snaps we; have to offer., Remember -we are determined that our prices shall be the lowest in the trade. UNDERTAKING. In this department our stock is complete, and we have undoubtedly the best•funera • outfit in the county. Our prices are as low as the lowest,j • BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. J• W Cheidley P. -S. -Night and Sunday calla attended to by calling at J. W. "Cbialey's, (Funera - Director): residence Twa I Boys', Youths' and Men's vv Hats Call • aid see our new Sprung Hats, Easter Ties are beauties. Ready Made Clothing • Po many people have been enquiring at our store, for ready mode clothing that we d thought it would be advisable to put in a• stock. We have just rewired a. complete, line of men's, youth's and boys'., clothing that will fit the boys' from five years old 1 to a hundred. They were made by Laity, Watson and Bond, the noted ready made makers of Canada. Th_y use the bestr goods andbeat trimmings to be.had 'at the :LL... =-•P-prieerand are noted for the out and style of 1 their garments. You'll .be suited if you. J. MORRISII bay here. Ordered clothing a specialty. • A. J. HOLLOWAY Ready to Wear Clothing We place in stock this week repeat orders in Shorey's Clothing' The early spring shipment has met a ready: sale and this second shipment consists of very desirablelines in child's, youth's and men's suits, styles are right, colors are right, pat- terns are right and the workmanship is guaranteed. ' It will be to your interest to see these goods before buying your spring suit. The little boys suits are very nobby and attractive. MEN'S HUTS --Of course you'll want a new hat: for Easter, our Pearl Gray's all $1.25 to $2.0'0 each are favorites. BOOTS AND SHOES•—Our best seller in a medium fine boot is 'a Box Calf it( laoed or elastic side, at $2.25, they look well, wear well and fit; well. COLLAHS AND TIES—in large variety,. L. __O-VIAMr.rrg,s Londesboro Truest .economy to get the best rd1l--•,� Achoaplymade Cream Separator isdear. at any price, because faulty in 0onstruo- hill tion, liable to break and difficult to oper- ato. This is a out of the No. 1 Sharples, the VI first product of the largest andbestCream �h, Separator manufactured in the world. The capacity of this machin is 325 pounds. an hour price $90. The Sharpies W. II. S, hand separator haste capacity of 300 pounds an hour -and the price is 76. The material entering into these ma- chines aro t be best obtainable The work is done by Wiled workman and is cltbiee- tive to the most rigid inspection. Wir h- etet fear of substantial contradiction we can say that for ease in operating, clear skimming and durability t here is no other hand power Croton Separator made by anyone anywiore that is equal to the Sharples. Nw k iirlkw.• We place those machines with Wry -- Men on their merits. If you think of buying% Cream Separator let us know and we will loan you a machine to be re- turned after a weeks trial if not tatisfacl tory in every respeot. We think that i5 is possible for an agent for ono machine to out talk another who has a bettor nate, trial:y chino but a ouperior machine will de monolrato its superiority in an aotuat Theuaands of the :Sharpies maohfnert aro in use and an unsatisfied usor we ul"be- Novo cannot bo found. Wo can furnish I""'ill, i hundreds of testimonials from poopleWho \ i (lave boon -using them fora period of one u j. i ti to eix years during which time they have cost not ono woofer repairs. You run no risk in trying a bliarples, every mob the le guaranteed to give per- fect sati:rfactiou. We ship these soperators to any plata ting up and operating. The in Ontario with fall instrnOtionl for allt- aro so aim• plc in oonntruotiug and diiiroetione Ile contploto that 210 person hail any difloulty In Maudling thorn, Wo want an accent in (Wiry County in Ontario . W. L. OUIMETTE, Londesboro J •