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itself Dead Were Left on the Field Where
- They Fell.
. .
. . .
• Au Army of Non.Ccilnbataats Stopped There ----A Woman Cause's- Trouble
--Warren Speaks in . Defence of lite" Course at Benin Kop—Boers
Issue an Appeal to Afrikanders—Daigetty Lost a o Killed and too
Wopride4in the Fighting at Wepener—Will Boers Attach Again? •
London,. April 17. --The 'Wee Ofdice eni is eolving the queation of. feeding
hes received tee following despatch- , the hietiees., • i , .
Mei are now confident of holding oat
.- frora Lord Roberts, dated Bloeinfon- tevie menthe longer. 'elle men in the
tale, Tuneday, April 1.7th: e ertneheiare detemnined to play the
Our tore° at Wei:Mier Is stlil tinir. gam° t° the. end.i...._-.
. rounded, but 14 is repented than tho '
' •
' enmity are iattatitinAdvance Guard ng in a very hunt- , London, April lie -Three traneporte
• I.
heartee manner, and are mixieus nano landed lee .. nenra, Porteguese
, abaut ,elieir eontenunicanoas, hearing letist Africa,' 1,100 Auetralian bush-
• . . titan forces are approaching We- men, with horses, 1,200 mules, and a
front Vino directione-ono under • 0 i
• enerl large number of transport veldeles.
. .
- e -1 I Thee° will gotMarendellas, 24 miles
,i. ilttindle, vle Recideraberg, anti. another! from Sallsbtiryo. elarandellas will be .
mailer .Gen. lliabent, with. Gen. Hart'stile first baso camp. It has already
brigade In euppOrt, via Roukville. , hien prepared for occupation.,
"On time neoccupaelon
Two twee transports have irarnived
of Rouxy-41e,'hit-friffeiiibringing. railway Material.
Aptii 15ttn the few,. Boers there re- Twenty-two treneports, In .addttion
1,1red and Lien. Brabant -Made Some poen- to vessels bringing large shipliientm Qr.
.• portane arrests. • South Anieriettereattlee are expected-V101ent• stoems of 'Teen have some-- to aVrivs at Beira within a. month.
• what interfered with the .mareh DelVasIS 600 meal* north of Lorenzo.
• these column., v wille-elarouez. Under on old treaty. Porte -
soon be able to make. their presence gee lute' permitted British troops to
more decidedlY•fein • ' • . be.landed there and sent *cress Por.
- '•n. eettle repoete from Kenbandt,, tuguere East Africa to Rhodesia, the
. A.teril 1.4th,. -that SOO 'Transvaalers. oteuettrei north of the Transvaal,
...made a determined attack ' the Pre'' ..TwentSr-tvro
vious day on Dopftspoort, held la a talri from fifteen to, twenty thousited
tranaPortfl -would 'con;
party of Omen's Horse. Our losses troane . .
.. .
. were two killed and one wounded. Tho -', eee .•. t . ,. i
enemy's, losses_ must,..have. been heavy, .._ .e. Alesointely Lifeless:
an ambulanoelei -
an eitey applied- to us for eloctorS and Lender:to April 18.-A. dieripateb from
• • , ,
, —
. as Food -Supply.
- • '
London, April 18. --News from efafei
'king of date of April • 7. reports that
inthe garrison there Was then ,resign.
fur hint. Next morning, at eerie
inn het ,as hatt left itim, iderefelAgING, 1)1801)11'Eu
GATA R R beithel our fiIli riendly ant-
• through heart and holy- by the bun . •
Ai case of catarrh of TWeive Ware
$tanding Permanently ured
by Caterrhozone.
Min Lizzie Salford ot $O N. Afarket
street, Chicago, ne, whiten: ex have !men it
front catarrh for I« years.
end wee much bothered ertiroPieuee in the
Ladysmith. dated' Anill .17, desoribes
the condition Of affairs in .Natel.
absolutely lifeless. •
• eiernian'Adeice to Envoys.
Bernie April ...17. -The • National
• *ingitself to endure the siege as long Zeitung, *Volt freeneoter• prints of:
as the food lasts, -which was eepeet-
fleitifineinspiree articles, has au *di;
ed to be for two months more. Cieme toren todayadyising. th-e -Boar peace
•• mandant fenwman has been repleced delegates. not • ta come to Berlin.
`...by young Commandant Botha. Oen-- •It says that" German:Y. will maint.ain
iniderable Boer reinforcements had tho strictest; neutrallty, aiid.vitilt
• lately arrived, and something ofim. by tliS delegates Wined consequently
portanef:. was -.evidently prieceeding . haw) no r
eettlt while it state of war
. among the besiegers. • • continues. ' . -
There was a vigoroes bombardment
of the town at intervals witle guns of
- .gre-ater velocity than the Boers haee. Of: the Rebel Dutch.
Ple.ternuarlteburg, Aptil 16. Natal
used m
since the commencement of• the .
treats Mr; Winston .Chureeill'a inn ,
likenee-mature. opinions as to tho. leniency to
Colonel .Plunierie forcegly
was stron
be Mown to the .rebels with ridicule.
entrenched to the northwest.
All the Natal
A: despatch . from. Salisbury, Reo„ ,jourrtaleprotest that no.
spirit or revenge aninta,tes Natal, but
• derala„ dated April 11, .8tates that
. • term, officers and 100 of the British experience of paat leniency •autl meg-
•nanintiey .proves that such_ a policy nth Africa Company's Motinted Po -
would encourage' , rebellion.. end een-•
Ilea have left SalisburY to Join Cede
, •datiger future peace. enence as well
onel Plumer. • .•
. as exppeeiency demands the eondign
• Hears in Good Condition. Punithinent of the rebels title time,
The Tines of Natal calls for it. epece
Plurner's Camp, April 6, via Lorenzo oil commissioa to be appientea from
Marquez, April 17.-A letter has been outside Bente e.neen, to ensure a inie
received here from Commandant 8 -nye trial of the rebels, and mentione are a
man with -reference to the British precedent' theeselectieleciemmission seta
wounded and prisoners at the Boer to tiel westendive It. nue denrinde
laagek after the .engitgement.of -March that all -the 'rebels' and their alders
Bist, from which et is learned that new. abettors snoidd he dilifroin.enstoed
Capt. Crewe died of . his wounds. for life,' and Cm rebele foetid in
Lieut. Milligan is not a prisonereand - armee rebellion and other More she
ions cases, punishedby imiirlsonment
With hard labor, with a fine propor-
tionate to -'the eulprit's means as
well as tohiagnift, thus making the'
ininishmeht fit the itelivithigir crime
without pauperizing the criminal. The,
fine should be at the discretion: of the
court, subject in the case of wealthy
criminals, to a maximum of 75 Der.
.emit. of the culprit's cdpit,al.
eIlocrs ateSt. Helena. ' •
. London, April 1.7.-e.A despatch from
St. .1Ielena, says the Boer prisoners
were landed on Sunday, and sent to a .
eamVon Deadwood plain. -They were
.dirty mid poorly clad, but were
• 1 l arently glad to get
ashore, Tlle.itrere pleased with the
healthy •situatIon of their quarters.
Half .tete 13nilqtTon turned .ont to
meet them. ' •
. A despatcIi to a news agency from
Cape eliewn states that it Russian
prince and a French count are among
the prisoners at Sei Helena.. .
throat ann severe headache. 1 used e treat
uumber oz Catarrh ;muff* sun Pontine.
but received no benefit from them. some
being worse than useleste Anent size of
Catarreozone belped me mord than any.
thing else I ever tried, end I wise to say
It Is the best remedy I ever Used. It bat
cured me, an& I OW recommence It at
every opportunity to my trtends."
Caterthozone, tile new medicated air
treatment, Ji a guaranteed cure for inmenee
vI tenregiVallt:dgriftlgagalliti.g.""°-
ed It cures you white you breathe and gen-
not WI to reach the seat et the Mouse;
it goes wherever air cau go, .and no matter
how deepen:nee the "Ohmage may be in the
lungs or bronchial tubes it alweei sue.
°nen:tinier' and eublie speakers wto the use ot itversally
nee catarrhozone for the ititematiou of ewe
throat and hacking couelue and it hate
saved theusands ot precious even. from con-
sumption. What It bus Acme for °there tt -
will do for you. Don't delay loner. Ca.
irrxill.ulte nth: a. gradnai teluse-ao painting.
so crueny reieutiess, teat. at
the end or year. we awaken to its horrors..
Catarrh -Consumption --Death. That is the
story. Ile advised..discard those wore:item
Deurs and powdem, they never did help
tineone, and never will. Use the latest an
most appnived treatment, eatarrhozone. ft
Is warranted to curs the most chronic
Complete outtlt, 14 weenie treatment. 41;
extra bottles ot inheiant 60e. At druggists.
or by naall. Twenty -nye cent trial lase tat
10e in eternity, from N. C. Pewee * Co.,
Kingston, Ont.
• •
Use Putniunei Corn Extractor for COWS
and wart*.
saYe "Finning the Boone buifY mak.
lets than perhape itiet 1 een lateniteti
Itt,r Ii1O. Do you know that a feeling .
ta guilt came over me iL 1 gaze3 4?;11, .Startling Decrease In the Nam.
11g:1 ITleggt:tilenOfni,Vg"Iki;:(11: thL bar of Deaths From Kidney
letter wont& never have been
written. Diseases.
• "Another trying moinent WAS whenR•••.
in the early hours eve were lying ale ,
moire within touch of the litter.011, linteresting Investigation at Perth-
itow ilea bell -fire inewal down every. lentraele of Hodern Seiencee-Disease
thing arc.unti us, -.but we helti eur• m
. e ing Wieed Otirt by Roadie gide
. ground, . and 'when due broke tile ney Pills -The Case of Owen
Boers twisted the white flag awl aur- Herne.
. renderen elle best tribute ever' given Iwo, apen 9.o -inner° ilea own a,
to Coniallan worth nnit Canadian remarkable falling.off in the ntonber
brayeryi Miele ever.y tette of tee ot of deaths in tide district, of late,
tenements is Mee in, our primer we ea noticeable lute title decrease be -
brave bees. Theo are indent tvorthy ing several intereeted persons to In-
ca our come that it had the result of eaus-
eau well afford to be proud
of it."
• veitigate as to the eauee. This in -
(Nem to Bloemfontein.
• .
vestigation has revealed the feet that
nape Town:April neneenie. novenas the falling -off has been entirely* M.
Kiel DI
. Title disetosur7. led to further in-
- ventiga,tion, to discover wily the
A Canadien's Marti Punisintrent:•-•
number a eleatee from Kidney Dis.
• London, April 17.-A. letter from eance ehoidii decrease, while those
u ea mama n about
left for Bloemfontein today. . seases.
- &emcee Burieigh, dated at Bloeno from alter s • t
fontein, and published to -day's Tele. the game finure, especially as it was
1 I ht
•A Canecilan soldieri. he says, was
. fif tees' days' hard Leber for appro. ea" J.4 '1 mi° :mu"
Tine diecoverY •Startleil 'the loveable
priating one Boer chicken, white thou -
beaten somewhat.. For the decrease
sa,nds who bad committed the same
Kidney Pills. .3 Was eound that a.
Kretlibe .eitne a ease of reu. tem s n
lineiwn' that nine out of every tett
deathe are cause) by Kidney Dis;
court-martialled anti sentenced to
was traced, in every case, to Doddei
offence eiscapeel scot free. There was
eonsiderable indignation in t re ('11 few Years 40, before this medicine
dian eamp over Vie effete.
• No Developments. • •
Practically no. dovelopmente bane
beau reported so for in .to -day's South
African. cables. A despatch from War-
= renew, dated Tuesday, April 17•01,
Is believed to be among those' tbe
-Boers buried. Tbe British casualties
were 2 officers end 6 men killed, a
offieers and 86 men •wounded, and .1
officer and 11 men made prisoners.
• The Boor artillery anout Mafeking
• es wall horsed. Their pompoms are
imouate.d on light foar-wheeeed car -
triages, each drawn by four smart
horses, int ;marked contrast with those
• Ponner fought wech art Crocodile
pools. The ,Bocire, too, are weel mount-
. red and well dressed, and have Gt
in patrols. The grain ane other erops
io the ,distriet STO exceleent, so tem
Transvaalers are ,nod likely tte saffee
!ram eealreirty el food for a long finis.
Piumer's nettle eoree is now strong -
le entrenched !northwest el efaleking.
The country 'hereabouts is much
. easter traversed than that the Rho-
, desinns are operating in. The total
casnaleees Saturday were, 78, but
many ere 1 convalescing. Men rine
homes are etoproving in health as the
winter roppeoaches. •
Netteves-teporeethat tem inhabitan,ts
of Marfolefing are very hungry. Should
e a flying colnIma be despatched to their
relief it ;wen find the country well
graisse.d and /watered as it proceeds
• northward. , •
The body of Ceeetain Crewe has been
handed over to Colonel Baden-Powell
end buried In Ilafeking ce,motery.
The Boers hire belinglarkedered, up- bry
all sorts !of storlie.s from Pretoria,
tuatong them !reports that Russia and
Vrarnes have deciar,ed, -war against
Oreitte Brittnin. , •
A Snores:Witt Scout.
Mefeking, .April 7. --The suceetes of
Lieut. emitheEman, the Ilhodesittli
Wont, who, with the exception of
Iteuter's correepondent it eyelien is
the only white mut who 1111S entered
Mafeking since the siege began, Is
likely to prove of great 'mind to Col.
Pluoter. to whom 110 has returned veith
despatches, should l'inmer decide to
raise the siege of efafeleing in earnest
A Scottish crofter has introduced n • neeneanece (30„greSS.
Inethe4 of maktplg nourishing porridge.
with oat bean, 'Which Is a greati boon, Mee Town, AWL' 17. - The One
India's Contribution.
• Lindon, April 11.-A. staterneet made
by Lord George Hamilton gives the
contribution made by India to the war
in South Africa to March" not 8,e15
ellieers and 'men' (Britielt), 5,71,7 OA.
tIVO non-combatants, such he bospi.
tal attendants, streteher.bearere, and
grooms; 6,100 horses, 1,510 tunics and
ponies, 50 field gene and 15 Maxine
11/LVILI and -machine gene.
. • Medal Fortheentleg. . • •
*London, April 17. -It is underatood
that in any caae. of it .soldler dying in
Pouth Africa in" tbe course of the pre.
sent campaign, who, if he had sur-
vived, would have been entitled- to a
Medal, the Wan Office will see .that
such medal is forwarded to the sof.
nierei next of kin. This procedure
will apply to colonial troops and vol.
nnteere ari well as to Men in. .'tho
zogular army. „ ' . . .
. If theKidneys and Liver are kept in perfect'
order by using Dr. Chase's
Blaring nature's cleaning time for
theInman nyatem, and tho kidneye
arid liver .aro welted overtime in..the
effort to remove the morbid waste
Matter from tile blood.
lopg as the kidneYa and liVer are
netien and vlgoions there need bono
tear of sprhig humors, pimples, boils
foul ertiptieeet for the txdsono ivied!
cause 4hese will then be efteritually
reinoVed t rom the body.
Besides' pitrifying the blood• cleans.
ing the eystem and preventing the Hie
peculiar to spring. Dr. Chase's iiiii-
ney.Liver Pills will tete tho pains
Out of ,the back and sidee and tiler.
Land, the leading Dutchnewspaper
here, again urges the 'calling of a
coegrese of the Afriliander Bond to
consider the situation. The paper
compares the trials and sentences of
rebels at Naauwpoort to the action
at 'Slaagter's nek. At the (ormer
place the rebels .were tried by tile
military authorities, while at the
latter teiwn the civil courts pessed
on the. eases. The Ons Land urges
that an inentediate appeal be taken,
to the Supreme Court in trie Naauw•-•
poort cases. The Ons Land also ridi-
cules Lord Roberts' deepatch to Pre-
sident Kruger complaining (if •the
treatment of colonial presenters '
Waterval. '
All these things have 'the effect of
constantly stirring up disaffection
among the leutele. '
• .
Col.-Albrechies .Views... •
London, April 17. -The Thitee this
moreingepublisheit tnefollowing from
Blcienafontele corresporident : • -
"Col,' Albrecht, the cierma.n eoffieer,
who hafi beenresponsible for fie -leech
of the Transvaal. strategy, • iviten
taken prisoner, expressed • hInteelt at'
a, luncheon partyvery openly on the
situatlen,.. andgave the following im-
preselone *bleb he nod formed of the
13ritiste arms. npeaking • the • en.
agiteigdereint. Encilin (Gras\ptt ):e
'You didOe
, con. at' nothing. V • d
two Wane .ruining ot eight. angtee,s to
each. other. :You olt Send one brigade
to make a lreptal attack, ' Sodt two
'brigades lo attack the flank. We saw
all t11113. We, left „Peet sufficient men,
contain your -feint, .antis for„t be restwe
gailopou across to the kopjeii, at right
asig:es to the•front. Your ateatk teen
neeitene* a frontal attack. et was eel
Very sitmane. Youx.infrenery
It wiel arevenee, where PO 0110, elere in
the world entel *advance. It is better
t neem,an infanery. But year
erevalry WO gen even 15(3•S a bash
went 11 enee.sticking up behineb it, end.
we see, ;there is the cavalry. 'Ann they
alivrayie.go 1ogne. ore -night. .to -their
bivomen. Thai Is no gaix.), we can. see.
Twice old a give up two of otir.gune
ler Ineennete end hide them in. a Mingle
Dot .your Lievalry go home,. They
.are no (good,. Your ariaDery 18eplene
tied. They tome t.u. in the, open, they
do 'nee union but they • do. give nee te
splenied target „with their limbers.'
They •have ediseipline, they do not.
mine.• Your Mounted infaittry is noth-
ing. They are, good infantry, bun why
pue gored. Infantry oa. horses.? They
are lost, they see not/nine, thee are.
aib.,the .terne. leolditag. -oit their hats.
Creole le ae seedier.. When we did SOO
the_ ningliehe end do nothing in 'rent
of, ita, ,,but that 'the camp ded grew
Sad &OW, 1 del say to • •Croniiiii
\Vhii will, your Oa they. will
tturo your flank r •Ife answered,
•"rbo hawkish cannot Leine . the eon.
way -I will stay." Then we did see
the cavalry morneg into, the Free
StateThen, I did few : "Crooke tber
tura your flank. . will you
do V* Ile angivered, 'The English in.
fantry cannot leave, the station -I
will stay.' Then we did (10s the in-
fantry no more. They were gene. We
did not know. Then I did eay . to
Cronin "They wlil turn Your flank,
w.hat will yon do ?" Ile geld, "I will
• Thea NVO Went. 1 did see that
with ale the ViIgOiu&l the -EngIi.ili
would elan us. I mid, "Cronje, you..
must go quickly." 'lle said, el 'cannot
go more quickly tvitli my ,wagons."
I said, "You muit leave yo.lr wagente.".
Then Cronje raakfin nnewer that .he
%vitt not leene his wagon'. /te is no
rotator,- The Etoer Is lb°, good. W has
no dieelpline. It 1 net. :right if they
are placed on a kopee with their eenti-
nuteldent. There they ale. net If
you say to halt. a 6°e -inland°, "New,
you come here,"ethey.ivIll all begone..
Mi to their farina.' They are no min
. titers. They have not tile discipline.' "
• • • '
• Father OiLearyia Eseape. e •
Ottawa, One., April 17. --Another
letter from Father O'Leary, one of the
chaplainwith tin' Canadian contin-
gent, has •been received by his bro-
ther, Mr. namee 'O'Leary, of the Post -
officio Department. le is dated Bloem-
fontein, Mareit 15th, and ewe: ".We
have juin completed our terrible
ntarelt of 303 miles, one that willnank
.eanong the greatese achievements' In
military litetory. Our average for the
111At tiVO days. waif 20 miles a clay, the
most of which wits through a raVolged
011 1'deserted country, where even
WattIr witS at ir premium. IV SAY tshi.tli
both men and animate dropped by the
wayekle givee bat a faint Wen; of the
awful ordeal we pagfati through. You
must naturallyfeet anxione to know
how I PtIPFWA Illtutigh 117. Wen, I only
fen out terice, nevi that for a • few
houre, thuseloing my average like the
youngest of the men mid with no
, greater fatigue
"/ have not been sick; physically a
single fietO, but reek et hen ft ofteti;
alas, 1(14) 4111011! Never, never, will I for-
get the terrible Work we Ie./Neel:iota)
through from the day we ebargel the
enemy at Panneleberg Mail WO drove
hint from Me Ian ger on that' memor-
able Monday night, or rather Tuenlay
eiornhig. One particular incident of
thn Palirdellerg battle may interest
you. in &ninny's battle, W11011 the
enemy's fire won meet furioun WO 1111(1
to take intelter oa the open ail best
we poule until A nit in the firing
wonle allow nit tit midi fore -Vara. Be -
bine an anthill / lay prone, sharing
the tiny SIISI-tOP with one of the Black
.1W:itch. tending that there wen not
room for two, I teetibled on -making a
flash for a little mound Home 50 -yards
&invert,. Air I raltieti tnyeelf on mY
, ham% find knee" piepartitery to ti
eiteeth, 1 reme er -10M ceiling out,
"MY p2d, Alt% Ito (etre Gol speed
yen Just Mien a volley wan direct.
ed fit 118, tO0 Int* for nit), 'nit MAO,
°uglily mare reienbago, litights rile.
Were Biliousness, Constipation and
derangemente of the Kidneys and
The blood tan Only be cleansed by
• the aetivalcs et the 'kidneys and liver.
. TImt is the only =Alas whieh nature.
has provided. To purify the Wood you
meet work in harmony with nature
ed ' assiet' these iirgans in their gigan•
tie task of continualls filtering the
blood. Br. Chase's ladney-Liver IsAle
net directly on tie) kidneys and liver,
and: are the most effective blood purl.
tiers ever ulincovered. One pill a tiefte.
1.15 ciente it box at all Wier& or Rd-
manson, Bates & Co., Toronto.
leg nevrt trenebes, wei exploded a few
lycldtte shells,followihg these ti
with the Maxim- . The enemy's tzinbli
lame was afterwards obeerved
the spot."
From. Wepener there is. noted 1•
later than Lord Roberta' meseage
Yesterclaye•-ande-presuraablf neither
was introduced, tee recoveries from
Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Lunabago,
Rheumatism, Sciatica, lieuralgia,Par-
elYsie, Gravel, Stone in the Bladder,
Urinary, and Bladder Diseases, Blood
Impurities, Diseases of Women, alld
Heart Diemen was very rare. • But
elece Dodder Kidney Pills have come
int,o general use these diseases never
prove fatal, when the pills aroused.
In proof of this claim, Owen Byrne,
of Perth, states that' he was cow.
pletely cured of Kidney Disease, by
D,Wd'e Kidney Pills. lie suffered for
a lcuag period, and no other rentedy did
side has method auy partecular advan. him any .good. His sufferings were
teen at any point in the theatee of very distressing, and he was in a
war since the Met official clesPenclies Wear hoPelese Stater whiell he be -
were received.
gan to nee Dodd's Kidney Pills. Wiley
cured him in a few, weeks. 'This is
• Warren- Recalled. only one of leundreds of cures in this
London, April 18. -It • Is said county.
thei a -- .• •
peremptory order for the return of
Lieut. General Sir Charles Warren, the feeds Water to Appease Hunger.
commander of the fifth division of the Sotto, water! IS no* prescribe:1*as a
'Smith. Africa,. Field Force, eras cabled palliative foe: hit/Igor, especially for e
to • South Africa. eels .inorningee- • the dim-orb:nal hunger Precluntedi-by dLs-
DAlliGE'rrt vs LOSES. , the solar. plexus. By the 'use of water :
charged With et -titanic aced gas ther
Twenty' Killed, . One Hundred: prim:311es o tho Baler plexus destrin-o.
Wieended-elloers nest liestylly. uted through the raucous Membrane -
eitiety Million Years s the Estimate
Made by Prof. Joly.
timo ..41) Lord Relvlu pub.
lished an iniew *mete the age of the
tertli. From tho Phyeistie point Of
view. as expressed by Lomi Kelvin,
20.000,000 years would' be the mini -
Paint Staid 10,e00,000 the raaximum
'age. Even the longest of these wan
matee is far too ehort ler the evo-
lutionist to account for all Um bio.
logic changes whielt are exhibited ill
the progress of 11t as we know it.
Thei problent of the eartlee age has
now been !attacked by a mineralo-
gist in the person of Proieesor •doly,
an Irishman •He arrives at Ids POW
tendons be. considering the primal
kr 0, t.10 earth to have con.
slated of m4neral:3 which were oe the
same composition as those existing
an the present time, and that the
prithative rain and rivers contain -
• 10 sodIun, but it elartala amount
ef chlorine is supposed to have been
present in the atmosphere as Nellie-
aold, There by assuming aro.
P ion of •the lend to lueve prhceeded
untformly from the earliest geologie
cal at tbe. Present time, the unto -tint
of any substanee tilseliargod in it
known time by, ell the rivere would
give eel amount of that substanee.
reMoved from the land in that
length of time. In the previa in-
ert/tame sedium Wae taken as the
basis It Is eupposed to be removed
Uwe the rooks as .contruan salt.
The data for the etticulatiorm aro
as follows 1 The rivers .01 the world
contain 24,106, tons of sodimil per
cubic mile, and •their diseharge into
the oceanis at the rate of .6,425
milen per annum. Therefere•
the mass of eodiera in the ocean db
vided by the .riaass annually brought
down by the rivers gives., the length
of time" in. which the Mats in the
man, accumulated.. The result is
89;505,000 years, or about -00,000,-
000 yeare ehe age of Our earth.
• Positively tbe Last Chance, _
-Poison es Co., Kingston, Ont., will
after the insertion of this notice
:withdraw the very liberal offers
they have been making ' send 14
25 cent trial size, • FREE,. of their
ma,rvellous guaranteed Catarrh and
Bronchais remedy, "Catarrhozoue."
If you are a sufferer from 1111Y forth
of Catarrh,. Brom:hate Asithma,
Throat Irritation, write at once ; it
is positively tne last time this offer
et411- be mane; Enclese 10., cents to
ease. Tbe seat of hunger is found in
-Of the stemaoh aria 'Influenced in •mine
testliltite3Pgsesidu'ea,.atsu41:111)11'rtelle17ein3:7emri,"(-Tita:Cle-t.te?).billietelHelit 2i)
b1)(11!(14-, of the 'pitmen Which is' the foundetion
a way that • the abtimemal irritatiton,-;
for the resenetio hunger often , pre- _
killea and 100 'wounded... The Boer sent In &abates and ,ceettan -forms
losses are reported to .have been very op indigestion MAY .be greatly mit-
110017 After the ingire eatitek .on igaten, if 4.0C..wkony appeased..
Aprli 12111, the : demi Were left on : .
the fleliii.whore they still lie tniburied. Bat .
tle Days of the Ween,
There is a conflict of opinion among -noted- tilat.of thirtnior great
the lem"ilei's. Smile '1";°•-t t'°• "tack lian'n'tlee twelve Wereefought on Sune •
again, *elle otitein refurie to . do, ea dane.six On Thursday, five on Wedges -
Desultory canteen 'erten and "stiiienn" dee.. two on Friday, while Monday, •
continue. • . .. ' TuesdaY and .Saturday .claim three
The Calodon is rising, Whit* alarms apiece,
Waterloo, Inkerman and the fall
Among the- Stuiday battles
Brioveerrs:. -fiwnit,to. marieontonbvelmeitit goiter,
were9if of :Delhi, Gravelotte and Omdurman
the stream were to bedtime flooded.. haPpened on Thursday; Tel-el-Kebir,
Five Boeti .gens 'et*believed' to 11 .O
-,--- the 'battle of Aa. lmand Balaklava
•dleabled. ' • .. • • . - cattle op Wednesday, Trafalgar was ,
won on Tuesday, Sebastopol on rrip
Hoers Appeal to ./ifrikandere.
. .
day, and the' battles. of Marengo and
Cape. Tow)). April 17. -The Boer Abu Kiete were ,fought on Saturday.
Governments are -cleculfaing the fel- -
jawing manifesto to the. Afrikanders
throughout , Cape; Colette. ; We' feel
that our fate and: the fate Of tit&
tvlio:e•of Afrikanderdom Is at stake
and we enipeat te you to seeniti - encl
fight eih
sitouldee oulder with es.-
You ,cannot, ava may not, allow tire
tile:Int = to. extinguish. ;forever year
finest traits of -character am 0 11011011.
With you .011our side the 'Issue 01111-
110V doubtfni. We must . compeer..
floe grant- that love for your come
try and .your libertyencl. the noble
virtues of rrte,n truly free may induce
yon to join. us. in- ties hoer of 011C
supreme struggle. ,
• '
Tells the Story of His Doings on
. • Splint Kop. • •
liondoireA,pril 18. -Gen:. Warren sets
forththe fact,tha.:: Sfploii itop opera,
lions bad not entered into his original
plane, as his instructions were to ce-
cupe a• plain north of it. On cense:-
tattoo with the commander in -chief,
-nen. 21st, however, wham the, guts: -
teen of retiring from. or . attacking
Spina kop wets discusse,d, Warren, ex-
pressed his ,preference fere aitaeking.
This wag incepted by Gent 1,Voodgate.
Thew ealm,e the order of the 000210411r
der-ineobief , to put Thorneyeroft's
command on. the stinarait. In the moan-
tbite, Weems had sent Gen. Coke Ile
to reinforce him with orders to as -
stone command., lliteffectual effort
were entatie to heliograph Thicienese
1 ceoft, and nek whether lee had assume
ed commend. Toivaa•de .su'neet, he was
finally enanied.to get orders through
1103(1 concluded the position could be
held the next day, if guns could be
provided, and shelter obtained. Both
those coniiitiona were able to be tut -
:filled, when "he the, Whence Of Coke,
whom X- had ordered to 'come wad re-
port_ in person on the altuation,., ehe
, evacuation , took place, Midler orders
given on his own responsibly:fifty by
Thoenreyoroft: This, occurred ilk the
face of erigorous protests of Coke's
brigade major anid others."
Ini.conclusion, Gen, Warren 'said :
"It Is a matter for the Commander -
In -Chief to decide whether there will
be any • investigation intee the queie
ton of the unauthorime . evacuation
. of Strion Xop."
. .
• CtiliSit AT 13()RDER.
An • Army of NoneCombattints. int
Norval's Pont.
London, April 18. -The Bloeintentein.
eorrespOndent of time D'ally Tele-
- greple en a despatch dated Tnesan,y,
Hayti: "It ie hoped than the boleter-
one weather now prevailing may do
tl air:lone: and afford us an o Dor-
Welty .of capturing a number of
raiding bands, as only tt few drift
' are nameable.
"One of the odditieli of the situation
is tee enormous number of eivillante
both men itlia women, who are now
stopped at Norval'e Pont. The mile
tary authoritice nave properly mi-
nuted to alloW. theta to proceed up the
ing the moving army, which very
greet, and because time ate object
of incalculable importanee.
'Many of the.so people tire swat.
Meg upon the banks of the Grange
River and looking tiCV0134 longingly.
Some of them profeesfr to have bud -
ten; here, .while others. my they are
.going Roe relation:3; but itiatlY 111,6
attraeteil by 'sheer eurioeity.
"M are of ter- :instant oceilrrence.
One yestertirly ineisted mien
travellieg tia" her. hueb.1 mei at ,eni.
((intent. The military offieers null
railway offielala tried tre 'coax her
tnit of the train. Rho would nob budge
and the offie.ers retired dieeemditeti.
11111111.4 her earriege was detached
front the. train 11 MI filitlut(4, and the
latest report Is that the letly is rtill
sitting fitehte white othere are
rewertlrel by teei,tory, thentailvem
ready to eremite the mime role," ••
line, because of tire difficulty of feiu •
C. C. ItICItARDZ & Co. . • -.
Mark,- Sirs, -For some eien,re I have
had °illy partial use of my arm,
caused by a sudden etrain. I have
used every remedy' without effect, un-
til twee sample bottle of 1uI1NARD'S
LINIMENT,- The benefit I received •
from ft caused me to continue its use,
and nowl I am happy to say my arm
is completely restored.
Mamie, Ont., R. W. IIARRIPiON.
pay postage, boxing, ete.
Pine Trees as Disinfectants.
Pine trees are asserted to be it sure
trafegua,rd aghiniat ma.ny of the preva-
lent epidemic clisemies. It lean been
(mind In America that .witerever
bealtimy districts ha.ve been planted
With pine plantations the low ;ever
has left them, and when cholera, was
raging, those districts .witich were
largely planted with ,conifers were
perfectly free from the epidemic. They
ate, If poesible, xitore valuable agents
egainet fever And lung conaplaints
than even. the 'eucalyptus, and have
the great advantage of growing ad-
mirably, in our climate. • •
_ To Cure it Cold in One Day
Take Laxative-Bromo Quinine. Tablets. All
druggists refund the money 11 11 fails to cure.
M. B. W. Grove'ssignature is on each box.
MinardneLiniment •relleves -neural.
gia. ,• '
dis.honeet man is always a cow-
ard. He dare not take his chances
iv.itie -hie fellow -man, in an even and
fair competitiore
. 'Miller's Worm Powders cure all aili
inente of children like magic.
would be night in the soul always
Were it not for the sun of hope.
• •
.• •
ibstst.:= Coltts,"
: IsolOnikattis, 0.t.341464c,150.104,1
In boxes enly-Neyetiaele eulk. .
-11,1,411 6111114 ! •
• • Soldiers. ore Stilts: Mrs, Wineleiv's Soothing Syrup should al- .
W1476 be used for Children Teething. It soothes use. Send to March street. Phi -
ISSIn les 1900.
Scrofula end
People tainted with -scrof-
ula very often develop con.
_ sumption. Anemia, running.
of the ear, scaly eruptions,' Imperfect digestion, and
- enlargement and breaking,
dwn of the glands of thl.
_ neck, are some of the more
prominent of scrofula symp.
toms—ars forerunners of con.
sumption. These conditio15
, can be arrested, consumption
prevented and health re-
stored by the. early use of
Scott Emulsion
Yeur doctor will tell you so.
Moll drussisisTio. end Pee,
BoWNE. Chemists. Toronto,
• .
:The most wonderful effects produeed,by
In curing Siok Headache, BiliOnsness, Coated
the head ot all medicine. •
75 Pills in it box 25,cents at all Dtaiiglats.-or
mailed by M. P. BBY, Port Elgin, Ont.
••:•.: .
Improved 100.aere farm, in the
Township or Plymptee, • county of •
•Lambton, Cheap, under mortgage.
On easy terme, only $300 down,. or
seeured. Apply at ouce, ,•
Iionden Lotte .Co.,
London, Ont.,
Guitranteed. They aro built to ride. Drop
us a postal. Or Works, Tilsonburg, Opt.
11.: books, • "The Library of South Afrioft
.(four books in one); and "Dwight Moody,
The Nan and Hi -Mission"; the .booki are .
. -written and Pp -to -date, and are not-a...rehash .
old matter; the. prices are low, arat the torma
extra liberal; agents can make money it they..
take hold at ouee and sell Sur books. -Pros- -
pectus free. If you mean businets, other ar
rangements fortheeanvissers'beneflt.
Briggs, Methodiet Book BOom, Toronto. •
21. British War," by "H9pkins" and
"Halstead," in "Iwo volumes,' is a unique
idea; wise agents throwing away all other
pros. when they see ours; large_ book, ela-
borately ilinstrated, elegaupy in
genuine. English. "gold leaf ' agents enjoy-
ing immense success with our pros.; Bt.. dard
work," very cheap, big commissions , outfit
free freight paidi largo income to metiers
write quick. .T. L. Nichols Company, Rich
Mend west, Toronto.
'kcal Lamle /200.00 Lereorotrh
ble no fit
tor Calaiodur. fileCillO•VAPM1 LAUNCH CO..
Minds Greet Nerve Itestorer.
the Parte Messeeger, the French army:. and le tho best remedy for Diarrhcea. reroute. For nee by A. Harte, 1780 Notre Dame street
delphin„ Peat for treatise and free at trial bottle .
fits or nervousness after first date
Improbable ea it 'may seem, sayei the child, 'softens the gums, aurae wind collo
stilt -walking. The result appears to
has lately been making
with the VtaW Ot testing, the value of
be Huth as to render their adoption
by tho Freheh army for epeelal pur-
poses highly probable. They are found
to be Herviceable not only In placing
telegraph wires in very rough comae •
ascertaining where a river can be '
eafely forde,d by troops. The stilt man., '
try, but also as „a mane of quickly
li)nYeaeurAhe depth of the water with
great ettse and precision. He ego fee) , ,
0 d of his lengthened lege, ean " 19W 'thft .1(
experiments live centsabottle.
Montreal, Quo.
itbaodutthfeory'thaore.eh.allow•places and thus I el,
THOMAS CRAWFORD, M.P.P., President. ALD. JOHN DUNN, Vice -President,
alovvits This 7 REV, W. GAL131tArTle, B. O. DA.VIES. .7, S. DEACON,
Wo ofrer-One Hundred Dollars Rovvard for'
any ease of Catarrh that cannot be oured by
Hairs catarrh cure.
me., Toledo, a
We. the undereigned, have MIMI F. e. AT PAR, Carrying interest at the RATS of .FIVS4"ER CENT. per
Cheney torhonorathe I15an yearalls, and believe him ann9
em payable half yearly, on /lit October and xst April, at the Imperil i
perfectly ble in business trans.
actions and linanciallyable to carry out any Bank, Yonge Street Branch, Toronto, for periods of frOn1 one to ten years.
obligations made bfr their %rm.
WALDING KINNAN 8G MeroviN, *vvhigesaie Full particulars from
e Hairs Catarrh Cure is ten' bite -inane, aete HEAP OFFICE; . .
Ing directly upon the btu and mucous sur,
faces of the system. Price 76c per bottle. Sold Temple, Building Toronto,
bean Druggiste Testimadals free. I
. Hairs Family Pills are the best.
ititIofie0 RATED 1891,
11SSEIS (111ER $750,000,00.
Witn&Tattrsx,W weenie ruggiets Toiedo,O. Part of issue of Sroo,opo offe.red rat April still for sale,
DrugestaiToledo,th....- , •
A 150 -Ton Eleetrie Crane.
The eimperia1 dock at Bremerhaven,
Germany, has an elootrio orttrei 01 150
tons' capaeity, which is designee for
me in installing bonen, ordnanee and I
other heavy appliances required in
fitting out iwar *Wessels. et may be re- '
!membered that an electric crane of
equal power is in stw.eesteful operation '
at Newport News.
The best cure for tezeme, Is Miller's •
Compound Iron Pills, .30 times 25
Cents. -
.Eaucational OpPortunities.
German women will hereafter en)°, •
an educational opportunity thathas
until now been withheld from them. 1
It hail 'been decided by the nnivereitY
at Heidelberg to admit wonten to the •
lekttlres of the university, and perMit
them to entet the examinations on an ,
equality. with Men. , • w
Miller's Compound Iron Pille, only 20
cents for 5G doges. . • •
A Risk to Take.
"Would yOu undertake to select 40 , •
eminent literary. Americans for an i•
es wanted ' 10be mob. I
academy of immortals ?"
"Not • unit
bed by the other :40,000.".u•Chleagd
Record. • ;
Minard'e Liniment for sale every.,
ttt said that the Juice of halt a
lemon In it Cup of strong black coffee, . •
'Without sugar, will often completely I
cure the niost stubborn sick bead- .
ache, mul Itt every case will give
skierable relief.
• So women Is exitiettte.d who 1. not
equal to ths successful Kantifostint
at A Ihrmily.••••13nrasp.
Linhaset ogres barns, etc.
• ,
. .0.
Man. Director.
An Absolutely Safe
*Savings Bank.,
The use of St Lawrence Sugars.
Absolutely Pure "
Their Use Saves You More
Than 5 Per Cent.
)Y OiT61-
111, 1 1111 1 1 1 111.1