HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-04-20, Page 5ulffv�— ­ --- �. � -11 11; i... .- " � 7 4 , * � INTON NRUP' VU A , � , -r=­----­�:2!q! -; ­- I . I .. �� � 1. r1rim .1 --'-- .. . — ­ I 11111�� ... ,,,,` I ,- � - ­��Vq � . I .. .',��iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii " lg,ttrell 1, ,=Ikawor ti a 10 $68 fm. 1 � fQW to be drawn Into Ii,o - - - ­ - --- ­==tA I .. -11 - . - I . . � ­ ". 1 - . ol I 7 70 = 081,1f I it A - . erm, rl; t I inplicatioltRy I , ­-­-­- 11!!11!!." . � . -4 - of tile but' AAR fosteroj tit# oneloy to thew eowar* vil'i V =!�--�­;�=---`�v �- , I WVVER XNE , ,garrhion, had boon admitted into Is enter., WhOeVer to to, ' - - I � . . NPOURIble muot be triel. And haliged., "i ��' oil ' I . � Ule lwooltal, to may Aloill : Prio". m4kilix (Ilm"Itiong t' 1111wk- The so1wreant ,,, t(x) . 41114 and Others who lla(j1nfjlgQ;hte,ItVtjt,1� MUte It AIMUNt WIQLOIlt 100111falltelo, jW ,qllA)Wej Contemptible, to ((:i . t4QU of what ff* (100torN Called holillraw4re, that m,olemeatfi of tJ)G W1,110 . re,ttlikent It" It ­, ­ I . '111th fever, or Incip.tont 011torle.' Tito troopi, have oecurro(. , I r. . I ,� . Adulualong for onto 10 ,yore 4.77r,(). [Or ! . 4 , I L,Iat Week 90 roullos i ATTLE.,., �, - I I , to claint t SPIOk KOP 8 " , I I REPORTED RAISED. r ARNI NA-Re'RINQ roill.v"kil,l). from the �j V0110 fir(A I -­ � � . �­ - ­ ­­-­, ­, .,,---_-,. dykientory 1,857. . Tbo Ulok 9 9411. 4111 Into tile rest, . �­----!. . 44 �mfotktejtj corrospolideitt Of 11140110A). part or tile to�,M j ­ . . . tM19 progress or difjolIgs may � tile vall�f , Not one . I I I .. . . traci-,a from tile lollowl",T rIgIlrew. be I 'Tilegrapil, In. 14 dp�patcll IvAs firea at, -tile fort.1, anif . %mbor :15, a7l po,tionim, Da . Xo� WIM " . 111tted Fridli.y, dL,K-Vll)IAjg LDM Bob- 14014es -our 0011tibern post, ham Roberts Censures Flu �' ,amber 1, , ertg ZlIl(I the trbol)a It t Ild � t,e Ilia Good eety(AlA, allot for, thirty davu, nit"'! rren, B"IfOr and � 0 1405; December 15, $74; ,TAnuAry :I VrIday aQrvjeo mys. . iftt, I o . .,Boers -Said tholl, . I Id- _�h . 1 1*590. JAnua 1 .4 0, , ,n that time ON -010 2of) NJj0jjAj fell In. 9" , " .. I I I 10 HO vle� fleen'FoUed rY 15, -'4323; Febru But the trotpo are marching for. W tile town.. . . . . . ./ * . It 1.4477, Fobruary,10, 11,1,�629., Aerl w4rit, As well aQ to, morylcea.t, . . I � I O nicers, .� � I . ; rU4rY ,28. 1.01M Tiloror (]loll Of tita. Mr. r . . ,npetjoe), WilklaBolil (11 �, . . I I I " , � sousging I , tile Vanadium. " I . . . I ­­­­ , I . � . �, � . In tile Attack, .1 (MOO and W01IIIA14 In the four mantlut tile 111111tary.altuntlon Ip .: . I I . . -11--_- - ­­ 1-1-1,-.... . � 11 . I I . � ,� 000 Men Of tII4,t;ArrJqIoA and ,j()cjyjl. Post, S4�ra. , tile AtoritIlliK 13joeintont,pill, April U­Wpocial. to I . . I . . , . . --- I we 0,000 Boers oo"T11a (ibJ0ctIX0 Of the 0100)-$,09t. A. lWattie, of TOron. � . I I . : ------------- 14110, 101110 on the Jw wt average Alth Of DO Watsdorp is tO (170111porly of tile Quoenlfj own jil. \ , . . . I . . I I . 140 den,ths Will Probably bo ro. 011ther Col- DAIgety'O force, tile brit1go ff(,*) And pte. I corded A11104S P0104tA U44; ,remain,, at I)OVIOUP, Or the Lmlintry eontIl La I * I . I no tile Wtal mortality front .., Whatever Itso. onto . NO � , . tile 01,4146 Itivel of' QAT4118011 Artillery,, d1w, '"t" A SENSATIO 11 .t REPORT, � (At IQ ' ' ­ ,, I.IhVrlao,n Uoutroal . , 4.1 A-X I ,�, -,8'U dime-tao and Wounds to 780 Among JQct, Lord UoWrtv Jilts '4�ilay of Londott, April, 17, -.,til t,10 novrrar Of � I � I 1 4 ., I ric fever, Be,Ittle hit(, been Ill I Lord Robopt I � . , ,T PRETORIA SAYS DI FERENT "A)"it aPVar0lItfY 811146 March 29th. just before, JIG a In South A , I I I , 0 NurOPe4l's 0,10110. Tito number Of (.,jl0(*o,l lt,�, and It go, the e(jaipulent prf%Ont h4pponInj , frI04 "Aft W4rro H .volitlotlea: . , deaths J'VOM Ontario up ,to MA, lVa-43 otrio'keit 116 WAS tranalorreq to liam boon eel . I , I I I ­ .1 -F. . -- ,. . . . , %-Ohi, t And roorgat(hurttlou of tite, Iti-ItIalk A CoUlpally' as acting 11 nQOn#I4QV0d It- 11"Moolbio i I I . ­ ­ I I I was 093, Or MOVQ QlAn 1140, pot, cellt.x f0ilce . .ied by the pli"blientlon 'tomuke tile AvIdO 04,1114111, . .�., " I . , f VAUX PrOcilwl tialoterruptmi, nod goallt. L'OlOr-Aer- Of Importantpolfle If dempatphev in whIG,jk wa .9 moveniont � . . ; , ,� .. rook 48011ter7 117, Or 6 per t*lilt,l the' 410W 04141141911. 4,w, Ill lixtrely begin TJW following . I I P . srecOnimanded, At A06 actil. ,.V, 0 6 . I and from wounj�$ r>q, To t1lig khast, Olt ,tile initiative of L6 al()k "and , IV, 11011 Qonor�ilj 131 llep and,,, (jekja),�Lj�l ., it I .1 Qer'S r - 4are. No I I IY array of figuM I ,rd Itobort",1, ' 44YO Balled for 1710unded U608, 140 shnid, fbj-tjjwItlj,,.jlav0 ". � � 4 1111104 be added IS . I I ­�4 England, Ili lidattioll Whrrell miltually -recrimillate, 41 �. I . - ti� those inaoijollaq ,lu, - 41*11 - , - Bel leved 'to be orlicelsaill j9s men killed , . %m ohormside, ivitli apparorktily th . . I , . and c �1 ally P1"('rIb0d in Q10-veoret 11ketruo.' ' I . I ­ I I w 4, Action, my provioue 00 '11141"Id 11111 or W414, tho 00tiree ha - � I � . I 1. I ,,a despatches *f I Roberts oett.jure..4 b4th, ThA,� proposed to Adopt. Titere is 1)(Althig . . . � - � . . 1 17 officers atill.36oi men killed- In as, wbols tbIrd id ' - I I it:lviiq Qfifleml ltob6rt I 0i'lo", i,Q to Rholi w1wth4r.he di 4 . . . ' � jvj$joiQ, �to. the command �RX Oteamor DOuA lit full � I .. . . $units,., Sorties,' And Storming artlesA .0, Castle-, Uaroll 011ticloo their d so, de POC . I I . I . . Rareating No'"r- I * ' arid f4 offl6ors anij 88 menkliF Of NvIlloh dis' 040001110d; After tbe ro- --1th-4':-ftrgt.4 IV. lx,�MX-4t olievomousi, 14 kitique.!i, - But 1 t If' 9 -Illy, fAir tO Warrow,to point, 1. ... .1 I . I . . . thq " . oil by 001val, 04, otilk Ga't'Acre, 'bas, Movea Quebec . ("oto %A, C. A . � . I . . ,. I casul . R . 1, 14MI20n, .April M-Wingt9a Chil ob I of t4fitivard 60111 036014 -Die. and, �eae,hed 'Rally , eQrpj. rAE R. � , 00svIle, h8borcitary of st - BUIler appears througholij , . 11 borilbitkdment, , ,Xjle -- toll tion6fil but VIM tile 114rijuls Of LanIS. *tit ithat' I . . . pre .ate foj� WaV, �io have been Aware of ,What Was I ltp� L , 1. . . r - that tbo retreating burglier 104" dead Is, tberofore,. oqt lasa than Ue.diii*ro Buvglk� X a it. z, alontreal Cont 011104M. � (joverailiellva Polog. . - . . llt','�6010 Morning 1,011toe 0, who, , bur,o w1tjAj04% unly. av,04t Of paoy.,$ jjta.�,T " I I I � by tile way, ]I � _1,. J*'. D. L Andre y, lvjth 'the 11 correspoodent, ave 4 it ,or of' British 1106% NOV does 00 list evid )Yore,' IMIPort'Ance. ' 4 We, Dth co."lisant, Shoo , ��-, . . . . . iable , to. sort woraided in Assaults a4d Tile, purpoee a, theas � . - in compan-V Ya a-'ekl lit to indke �5PIOJJL , -C 1. I umli - far jv$ lin Iwourtins. , I ; ' In: 4 desPatoll � 'dated Djoiercrontalo, Pvloorters with them, are ill . Ve 11 R. C. A., Nveaf� 'Ja Jim, Regarding ­ the with r M 1%�l A-(bLftogjj'jjlk, 1j,' 0. 1; Pies' It' 010 0XIAtlel tit4wa` in � .am . 41 fro I . MoVar . . . IT", iloateL Public WJ1116,11iL Out. -1 . . M011114, Alloideff ob4cariely, to v4VIo4s .got* north, All tbe elevated country b Of Me UArghars 0ontigoes L affectod : - are halt becionte. of Willett 1 , 11 I �L I lea, 46 officers And 452 loan 411d _ . t. It,$ 8* " U. -(era � kop, tile. retention I I - 'Iola t)y iho British. ent ,05 Orjj.3eV,% to puzzl� tba it, 11 I I still controlling . I being Strongly ,y casual bombArdin . Ward, Q. 0, it nXid -Tankes Kennedy, eseential to tj , � I I 1 4, ., I 111PPIUM MQVbMojj0-. A-0 Bloei�rot(-* According to.�VIIAAWII Churoh0j, the and 10.07 mell.tf, . era ico. hem, some. 'Olt Q. O. it., or t) " - it"s 11) the field, caU608 UnA0.20- . Smith, Lord. It le relief of I L � ' Lady , � . . I I Wh I'a Toronto Company, ;r`0�')t, Tile Celjoura#, and tile pub.tc.loy #11. � - oberts says: , . ;,:1, , r ! tel Om A1101111OX0 - bielfave t hat. -they lk,t� BY steamer Orata:VA, March.filfit � I . ' � I .,�' I � 4t W�IIQA' "a $&Iva, It 14L il" desirable U*rAU* XIOAW Correspondent At . � A14fOU11*9 'Well April, A.p ' *9 'fatix pas based Oa - _ gj1,e,a to it, are . "grllt to be unable to � conon r. i I - I I . I I � to gpftjrj�, neL a4dg _ �*Aaral Rob� COW. J. am with 11tiller in thinking Tho . . 'of L C _ , 'an -ally 1UrV�1jPr0t:,d , . , . . peratluns Sival- * � )4 4 j � mV.jAJyL L01701lzO, Alarquezr. Aprl,t jo.r-Lieut. t)4.e,y ,rt,%,, ptallS ' , I to � that small bodies 111wilifouteta, tile Boor o A InAgapprabon Ith' " od 1�attl T4114OU to 9191illy that gonel "e' S - - I I -are pXQw,Jja.- withilij ,9 or 10 I I Rhodesian ocout, who low is 01%n frimadi b.t I � .:�� �, ,, --. in 1 -to L I cousixieratlons, ­1!4�Y UlArchdd a red UiSfOkIng. t4roug-ji, thei 1�06 Cxena�41 Rotbo;to? *,a toll. Q, , . IOX NVI Uslial-o , oolle,,al . (ja retire, 'the troops tO'Vetlre. I Ernal"11'1��i . I ­ . Of Iloe southeast are 410tatel by food .Smith-Emalk, a - think othis v- . (1100,90 Uener � e-verOlgatl 'visa dlacretlog, 11 A., '""elly; pte' A' S' Bateo'll' Sth It, (I'll ler'4114 WAvroll Voluiltfl, 'L f � Compastern compiany, Pia"T, _H'aut, tj . rijy I Order I ­ , . I : . I � or tile Wo. -Thl" Johan mouth onto . hat , I m of thase . 1 4,17 , I . . ­ nes- Into the moot,fert1W.p4rt of the -Free. lines, has returned to 0 r mto"Marllltia, 'have .Oleen clkeckod� , . "Onipany; ]?to, rate, .. I t4oreld Opinion that Thorneyeroft's agsu 1. , , NDX , O, It, To' . . burg POjIQe Actually � . ftt V 0 the A. MAjOCAU10 routO L . . , .. . ... enceredBloeltifo,14 Stdte. 'With empty wagons In a, ,];old, cam, . 01. planter1fi; . �I� 40va Batt" Ottawzk , r . I I ,� tiOn ,cir reopollsiblilt in . I I � . tein dite.evenjo The 1310etIlWoAkein ciorriespoad.ent, ot ComP411Y. o � 11 'rue etrjetti'm Y "And anthorirr - I "I I � . � I L _ g And 0 With despatches from Uafeking - . 04 XO,jor Thorney, wag. whoUr lqexc . 1) I I � I . I I . escaped before AU4 Per-hAP$, desperate attempt to 80JUS that all was. wall ilkere,Apri, the, TIM44, IttlegraphUg Firldia-y, allys, Lieut. me Amble. it .i thext, 14iintity WAS #14cove Donald a ' rclinat,4 wil r US t114 - I , I , red, ravlotti-al their L forces at , I I . I natural3y niglit the enGeff. fir(I V.ould nQt,jjtLvo ,, . , 1, 1. L , XroQngtad, Sth� , � ­ I I . I I I'R vorytitinig is 'going. Oatisfaetoril:y day I' I rrIved. liere' t�o. . ' L L L r � . . . 1. I ONVIng, tj�, It'lloL rom, Callada, nna; is I L exalto-jess 0ensilitloft. "Che*r"POU61tit, been formidall]e, Ali(, it Would It t' L ', I . O . � . ; , , , I I I : The Daily Mail a correspondent at 'alld'thib Bual Rive 13por force to . ,. . Meted With iLty for his 400111t][11011tAft command 114VO. taken mok.'a than 1. 11 I ''I L, � I U00RIAS sepils a.dellpatoh dated April an 4etive dentona ,on, Sun L ' ade �.-- , r I ,enomWe ei4fe,tprise a VIO Queboo 00111rftli�v, : 'The IV ';hours fop I r4tll- , _ trat� d4 , X,00(je(I at. 4iz'joieolii- ­ ­� " Is . hole at tila, top�or SP14DU Kop, despite Ilia tw I . L 4 In whiciX he 40,,ys Qla . y alooX 11",OSOUY �Iiaa axisen for a regiment 0 or t Iree . I , , L 11, , t "The,ritich 13 position " P �j � , 1 movem,644 � L . I I 1. . , t � of - hunger Is beginning ,Lto J, tile front. of, 041� rituokerl . U .. 11 , I In thO Y301104eaote�. dlv�s .. being ontfitted LWItIl. being A `00101jidl-49ff IG _ Thorrayorof t to co , , vivatown, St " R . loo, and' for uew clothing and aco - #1'0l`-1TM-WdlI­eX� : -Patet by masoe,u IL - . . ., L13o felt, . near Xareo, OUtp(Mt L skirm - llalanh,- .April 16.-, a-trategla re minuill. I : 1-� I ' "Phete LIS no A4*e falling L 'on- 6 - I 11 Qut�idnjentis. I 0; gel, wl. ,tit, Un�or'aan, I - - �L L., . of relief,, which suatj, It, Ilao, been, 4goert c4l It �f M Boer Prisoners I I was IWOOP trains ',have . I . --- I � Mrlalwe, Ift, Geliteral Bullet . �, coke 01, - Wax-rell. Coke - Appears - t ' . I I I . " f 1: " 0001110 further off'than over," � '010 I . I Allied that , .. .. III 0 tO-day , t t-O'Dead- )1iX64 Me wa!!Nva�v for a ahort 1. .. Died at 1316enks-ontelil. - �'. -ThO 'IlOwspaper%. which all shal,e have left Spion k 0 _ L �".L . � , And men '100nom . � move was - designed to cover ille L I , Co Q,e -r roj �18 On , * the Popular.b I rtob� . 01) rli3O-00 P''111,� . , d th6.haj't,*jn­oUrL,Mtjn adva4WO, , for tile Purpose of con&uItt . 1 � . a= Adds U4t. ,o: L a�a immense convoy 1". - 101 Lrtod, W itbe� god I 1611MI113faillbliltyp Ld . , , I 31 w1th I wal. of And the two' other$ de, a - ttaWa, Apr allef 14,/ Qahernl , VAir Rloda Colf 1'iZ provielont 'hat, wa's Ubdo 0 11 lo. - (spapiald'-TI)e . ' L , J. I ­- I who had*' On 0031111404 at the talta. at " I I I , i Mier's tdra I . . do Potr4tloa-,bn , � of � ,.not. qfiesticil -Ith L . * L: ' , I %ttor. I 'They treat Lof Av � woo, no. sualltn't, urltli April . 5th, When - . Wa'rao' TIP tO that hourog 4�, , XArOh '8Ut there ')?altlad as'a,r�4uilt I Aillitift Department, line loouea� dg 1 "is jjj)GL'jd0& , I � I Weft' has the following 'boalt relwoect . and they also: 114'V, 4 � ,, 10110wing )jujfetla� ,,No, 1 11 I I I I The. Daily, ' After thetv AttamPt to eseatle I I tile L ment,111 tz� Zcla:i Withdraw*, � � -1, I - . I W . , . $10, Fri. W 11101314011t ALS,balnj of it had 00t,'baon, enter. I :, I Gen,. "S'llyin bAye "Wie 610toeboonteta, are.41i of a, late W, S. BlIght, QueeoPS 0`wjiL P, L I . , Wyoturlled-66oki Ilia Opera- IVOM Reddb . L ­ �1� I rsbu�A, dated Friday; . 9040 to Deadw .11 . I I mIrAtIon far,t, ,. L te geavest, .11 � ood. Jisoalm torin (lOnAbaills and deplore. exceedingly ,3he tt,aj,4eCc,1'kYetP- Almost Immediately. af. w , t . I tiolia. 41i�III44'Col' .MUMLI�and reliewed General Clloriiiblde sa* the V, ­ '. . h4adquartarg b With Whie-b cited At BIOPUITOnt6lil, midul' t, 'Ile" painful, revelation.; . ". eva, I 111, . I �1. I I tho-hoaly, boot,b�m6ot, - dai, 11 -- 493�4'4celved thoq� !net- . L from enterle f, gh 115th . . departure,, Tit t I I I !. , , , I I � -It ' tranii, guard'of tba-Boerg tildlIppear solith . . . toat4'1 ' ' . . L Issued tile order, ,,I,,,,,,,')�r,n,,,e,y',',',�,,O,'L . ' . I 11 (I I - , - . _ . 1. ,dontis." -,. . I .. . ever." - - CAUSE r, OR NATIOXAL A'NXIt T'X.* superior authority , . I - 1, , * youn . .. X)elfigoa Day. , A.rbftrottloil. - * . .. , ­ , 1 4 � ' . to' . ' L . plrea,tha� . W'CQWMend4at Cronje, east in . fall Vetrent, Tbo-en my . —� , . L I --- I . fl11 � wilo, la, wl , 0 ­ 'be . a AP.- WAAhIngtoll, 'Apr -if " 11 �L I .� . I � I .1 war Notes, - . . T110 Standard ,0ays. it �Ns.eg can tile whole. pja ', WhIlch UP.Set , I . 00A010e of the L ,16.-Unite.d , . .. C - -4 I I . . I 11 Of OP0X4tIQ* and jen. .11 , I L . -ta , T'll'ooil. eltymall", 2noant. to Pont t , - In at�Qug - foreft aftiteS , 1 04114c, (,a High. I L Be for � , , I ko the town Qn. the 0 L .1 AlLulatOr Irwin ni,Uabon I 11 0tk.,1sajj,4 to�day , national. auNjet,r ill tho clear fact I I - ; I . 11 1. . I ' tarrIfto b'Ombard4me tigh . Wojke fourteen' Jnj ' ]a$ east of � Redders- ,re* orteO to-,th ent < '%a ' .Tile: teaMoVIng reports fro T;eU.- 'Co-r1twit eL.Qootrok Of the N4. dated unavailing the* shet1fleelf. Lal, 11 11b On -M burg. �. Th __p. . . MIDI , tar , th ready Mao, to , ,,, � '� L ­�' � � but;. Beelog that the L art, Arab, �7tb, " , Qam-f Beiza., 'Por-tuguese (Eliot -at, the Suprout t. L I 11 . , Or are falling back ]before th t the Portuguse timellt., had I this moralng's is suppm,d on tile Other, carry ft Into effec 11 . ­ , ' L ' . .1 . . . . I Govbr if State fc0tein publialied­ , I In, he is, to 00tara , -1�, '1* W)Ore'MaOaed aft ,pur advaivco,gttard.,� , . - 1. Aliat A'frfaa, - !it r tat army bidly lacke,d -precision, lore. ta � t te, tit , . I I ; , , . � . maVe all �A DAPerAr have done much to r a hand, It IS p ly right' - I. L' ' t . . er -all hoars' Artillery I ., I e0essary arrangements for. I estore con- Clio British kjjvjSW4, thg,tr Wlik au4 ,thought, And litt,olligeav directnges, of . a at.lThornoyeroff I , ­ ' . I tho - pa'Vinent ', of th;D, Li Judgment, ., , praGtfpa�,. he would, not i . GO . f1donce I'll L6u . " . . 1. . jak An 48$&Ult. . 11 'it a, )Forlorn )Rope� don, A-11 thalcorrempond- R,Jiddeola.. ,, .., . 1, , LL 1. . I I , I Xroonstad, Orange , I Free 'ents - agreed Unt, X,Ojd, . . L . . . Pubi atiou, (it tile cansure L manner � L I L � ., � , L � , L . . L . ... � 9,0 to purpose, -And It Assumes 'that. tile to have behaved in Ov veri gall'allit � 1, I , I L The, correspondent makes no L &Ibl. asmount!Lg toalmoet,$5,000.00W on . are . Roberts The D.uko of Took, 7110 ]as 11 , . �. I . - State; �.tbe­a*at�dd-of the Dolagoa, Bay apbl. knows WhAt' he 'a - ab6ilt', T110 Critics oused of .bein Obeen ac. lollo ied by- furthot. I -111 be Gen. Buillsi, ay. , , ... . 1: Woo- to Col. Badell;-Pow:all's rumored.. 'APrII -1,$, via Lorenzo Afarquez, -April bltratioui� ... . .1 . g re . � th"OuglIA11(t the d . � 11 � �, . I . 'L oickneos orid6%th4: .1 �. . I I I I I.. 1. I � � � of the afternoont, papers 0 , ,ji,i4ible, for a, -m- -changes In- a' mpgrtilimt 6:report,� 00 . I � . L . -The btirgh As stated L ' ., oellt; c1laaetior andarA I � , , � , A, deapa�toj L _ I . agerlY Spec- � - ',in 0. , , 'T - 001%king; 0 1 a L . - I— . I f.- to, the Times from ?Ate. . . era - 111140, Gen� ,, De ' U10e, on the polsibIlItlas of the -Boor ora�ng,e r.ree,, - t a nXi4sh in ,the further comment Olin' Wa)rr"n"S,Va`13!0rtS.6f the eaptijr ' � I , 'I'VOt And the: e a the 1101164 by the Vor. _ -, , a oil tile faet.'-that A*Ad:ev40u4tI0a ,,f .4 L . . ,� kjAjj..t1l4ted_ A4 ' . I - -oulinaildoes.commaudi, tittguese�1144APr XQr-,Forelgii mrairg;, 0013=14nds';at Wapener. being 0 t -off, �Tnte, lasr reitf . P�ltfterdis- ' I L' L - � I , . L . I - . U _ urned t* -the st6rn lesso . .. ,8ploft U � W011-e-Y"06h,be. realIzed-,upog. -th .,qUItej-pO6SIbje,.as.­tjj% foroe Qa�e r bet VW, t at 11.9 of the'early par -b Putlilg the cormattless Of sonle, of � .1 . 'L , I I I pril' 6th� cOnfirming ad br 0offloan 'and' Rilat nre At the , Bl6trillontIelti afte 4 1 . L : : earlier roijotte, aaya,�,*Af This Seems L ;. 43� 1 1. . 1, 11 P1 I I tar Colonel 'WeVener. T40Y Wptioup to press Nor e Lfrout voomfori T-ow-jj, I � � 4 . I . 1. I ok the iy4r JIAVar not Yet been Wulrmn'§ assertions I ,anct, I I . I ' . �� . 11.110e.rB rOP11100r' Commandant 80� the Britjoh. belonging to *ao, Bra. an4ttern and Eallilt6ril ralJrOad'bollds, teln'ta L advancing' by Mr, FT .6,tion G�o L L bing L, I .. � . I , Aak ,- � deser! ', . I a, measag6 Inviting, Colonel wbb ,ure4inaking 4 jal the Loranyo * Harquag railroad . L - of Dowe I %4jIiitjj' , th.V'� 1-61VAN. it Instance$ the -iecent. dili.. tbaL dalilge�rOUS ALt,, upleid. 'by ; :1 "'", I � . niali" sent I . . . bant's Autirso, Wa.v . tadorp, Gen. Chermaide, is .julne own $ woll,kniowiii 4aWrs 11) the Free St4t Warl"QA'd force, ,teJM . .� I I , , B'aC1GnL*PLOwa`jj.tj> eand .out -to rollect L I I .1 I I - will retanin in the,poeseaslon.,of ,P nearing th0,041aetlye) � with the third , �Tj fell Ante t%,6 hands, of Ish Arms, andAt a to the .Brit- .1 : , � I I . L, tile tc lant ,stand . 11 or' dMolon -by *a. -ri ivIhtle driving, troin.' hoW he 04W th4i- L f, � qad, And Woundedi but when the! tugal. .1 I .L I , t'lls Roe I I ,%Bark I cOPIlOctIOU with these force at j9pion Rop, ha;& givoll ­ � , I Y Of Itedlleraburg, and- -Weat r6wUrL I -�v6tfed b1pir .nj 1 Way be'. . L. . I . . . � ; I � L : L roa a, .- huraday, but was reettmed.L4.0' . " FrO)j)..SC.r,-t. ft , AJIWAJ lNorth by way of poll, ,in( . th '�. '.TJIO Boer. raids Ili the So * leas y�ll Wt A 'Wa,tran; - , "Un- - '; 11 11 ,I- � L . It $06ma to . I ",,j j L . " the Boor Com. ,Tile battle 1 eased tom l�ily , an, I . Gen. Waban ll� lie Frg.Ak , dta 1111111101 9, Xore Waltriii,knaw Of"bit..'13tvIlei�, theme.. . , . . amWait6es' appea-i-ed Pot L �-�w I - I I I I:; I ''� t'S f0co' Is. movim, from, >44 mlat,.� 4 - . . , .. . U0w*-r4t,TiobertS voiself. It Says, fotei tale.graollod 11.0 , ­ ' I ' I , , der deelinod t ' .T . Friday... _ 11.111 XV'jJja�'AAd The' E . � . I . I L A - ­ 0 allow tl:14�m to� be force - , 1 , 4 . pj. '. . Buol ­ , djL I U 11 I !" - I 1� taken,, it was,,. djjloo-�arad,, liawavor. The - Federal - troops 1b, I . obliiigh tUrikao1der A-Mlill- 'parb or tile r, res State, are thern, really,godd" hard- -� . � L ,,, I haVe,L captured ,5.00 114011, O.'Itq, April 16,-Ti,lo rot. , 'nIankop" wbilo AcXOQS the 'border Ing hi,414 -10, c0M=a4& on to L Y014 .tVill "�', :., ihat� BoerTeporta of the extent I . . X .. . lance 4orp4 ..Ilia orflelallyi fjo-h L �.'L' . ' � I of ;,British., � . ­��,qn,from the, Jowlng� lia,4 been rec'4lVoa from Sergi. 4. strongL force Of BaOutdi'are,clojelyL d, *6 Brie— cortiffer&ae 1110IMMAaWb, alkd"Aa�jja,v. JOS the.hUf. I ­ p "I. ­ ! .1 I , . '­­ I I I . I I , toriii rr6nA,j.b' juot ratutim 0 1 1 1 .1 blittloh,�6astl4ltles. had been, greatly LL r , ,L " 'Gebrge Sippi, , of � this 41ty.�, who. it, watching GVenta.. . In the Meanwhile li'een e, Natal f,rOfEtier,-116 hae I .1�1 . . . I Suggest Thorneyerof t. I .�, - . ;. - , , Gen. ,B._abati, , to uL IS COJIZ ec . ) [Ift . � � f, . . , L L , '' , Apparently not-fil - .; . � . . . Ing At $prin0onteln, -Lord:�fethjjeo,' . � . , ­ T I I I ., . 'entrat 1achi,rge`.Of,Dr. -Nee0lingi and 1119 laterferel Ili no Way,With tile pro -'L . I I I 1 exaggerated.$' ­�. , - I t'S oree"L accordifig, with 'the ,first Gana ' (well.- Ittilidla's divIslo, _ A PBX Az: muDDLE. ,. I I tile advices recaly6d,ileVe 11 I than conthigbut has*01104110-Me work whil;e Undiq rim ��'iit!On of the Commander-la�Chlef's I . � ", J . - Of ,congbqgerlde prAc L I _1 fighting , And, *ounded in tile an - pjans. yet... Gen. btjji,�I: 0 . " L h' ' -tl.nklaa­� L . . 119 . - WAS to_ I L a ' A'Atie tof� th Is, por - eXp6ated L -4-i bo,llgh�t , � I I I J 6 'doing I a Natal., Against the n4t.1*0_ atieVildally as a'forlal`4 h0be, ,91001 . 9490mant.' 'force 10 trying to gbi I Tocipat4a, ­ChOASSIS"t . ps As grea'ly that ,),.a We vould , h4vo, have &lot L t, on l't hea . . .1 . � -1 P, - , 1, , ig at 11aardeberg.-- , ­ - . . . and- it ja� b�'ia ' . . cAutions would have, esilaxy. (.0 L ' . �� I rO,Qtts that.the .B6�4 In. the FUnds- ObllloialldOoe Are' holding, t . ,I -%,a RP00019t0d p4rt,IeujAr4,y na; tbe,ji',.dia-j .tAkeri to render tjjo�o.uojjapp� inel- �, '' L, ,he ' *'De Aar . ad . ­ . bd011 .order all Ii,Uv,egtjga,fjOo..j,f I I Roapitali lfaroh 15. , aivi,s thatf OP11. Hlloter'R. burgill OQ�, I � L . Ion. 'Will. Strengthen 'the 11 0, . :' '.'Laajto distriet'lin, retired is Iil.r6 a,9PWj&Ij'�. L 11selful the *dofenae to � hAjU 4w1:1 I ,: I .1 . . va, Vollt,Va� between -i jjl0amfoo � At $$on 'the- thus teln and .' '41 'leave for Nn:nu �Irltlsli detita 'UnpoRsible a will . :` 1 . , � B)ggiustiprk . to 'Weponer;. : P,reV(Mtln , g , reinforce, w Poort to-knor. left i.o rtee at I . , : ... I .011* Account of t1heir it"bil4(ly, t, L , just as We Wero joll, I I . ­ . ,� . . � range, there -to I . L * . ta,kev il� 1, b . . . L . 1 I fe011ng;,Me And, lit, fox. dtIty f , at r I . 1.0 Apeilk firlml ,I,,- Antlelpatl I d, elitten4h �� IL . li . I L ap,aWit tQ thla. DW' "a. do- meats from rOw- Am I a , 'n ,K reaum . . , Lafi4ll "he , �. . .1 L ly T the former � . 1511WIll, � I I L ng 'that tile first iiindL thb'jdaQ,d me,ints jal,dn; Place - Veaehw Again. - I I � . . I . . . L eftraph from I Ing the Staged. aritiBli rorco.:, 'Blioe, rj Join ; tile regiment at .1. I Pos'stble Plans. , 1. BPIL-toh '(rom; Lor,6n I 611cce$Oeff Fe obtained bk� tile war th L vOUnded. ro � I 'r ,%' : ' ;, - I * 3�ad-VoMlth, dated.31onday., to.-tvlke at� L' A 4k � zo ,Marquez aad.N L . 11 . ' f00t th4t the burgheis are agatir at I , I a. soon ap*�tjjqLl,oad 1,4 . . I i I " - -- 0, whole ,ly,,mbe '. .0.� " , , , .. . . , -L . _ thing leas brough. I � L . .1 �� . : , -- , L . mfontelu'L A . Aaya Lilat Mr. 4104ol Dav�bt, would be. followed by Bome 100,1111di"Itrave ��s­ . , . . I I opeir." .. I . Aoij ,,, r . L I I "I., . .4 . � , I I . Fitly �Roers— ,� I , . ... .*: 11 . . . . . �.. . The Weakening of 6eneral 1341joplij -Menkiller­of -fllfa- Brit an ax- thn,11 ,A loolith of inaction 11 . mailids � under �-Ogulafr mil-ano c m. .. I � r L I - , . Saved - Kruger. -. . . 17 . ,; I � L . 'force by tile Wit I , r 11 ft' P . . .1 I .1 I -DO'Wilr6p, and the. Tillies, corindspood- [ , I . Y\�� ,., .I. I . . . � .. I .1 hdrawn"O' tile 111:1.1 . Mons, W G, L I Ish -House of Cbm- Tito , ap,r adds that it. iearEi tile ' "'ad !-he hid,'O lirbuld Uye . I � � : I I ­ ant at, Lorenzo Ata,rqUa% . '4470 '-that-' .' � London, Apr' � RoersVii � . . a, was starilied, had - , ra hajdF I L, .- . � � the Blggarsb� ' L it 7.­;Q4em . Fren 1": I' ad of jVjj.r , , ,, .1611 and TrIah: r gone .'a'An Sul"e.rBut no a -beeli . I rg range Is fltlildefead- r trying to' .Intercept Ij . . . .. .. Brigade, 116* under -to South Africa, 't ' 411'e .106tal c3erects In the � L ­ . ­ . .. 01 I ­ Gen. �ffujjtel,, .19 I . b act as - whole AYR' were, ma'de' Coker. appe.Ajj3. t . . r I., I L I . t1je nift,lo 'body ' ' . L I of r, * r the xior�- tem of Brl�tiqjf military tralain .. x4figementO , 11 I ! . kt JQOWO-1106r, !has book- ,-t�RA:,Vn � jUL 0. have, beat), I � �­, , I I I . , . , 'r . .t . r . . g! I ,.ordered, aZ;.Y I., . W0t V � I . ��, ,6L . I . .- . L g In Germlazy � bee, Aid. ha i L - � � . I 0 611a Succeeded I ' ' .' " L, I , . . . I 0 rquer , r )LPA.1, 16, N'at&I ling. decided that tile f6rcing r 11"zog, *W . Will sail fr , om The Daily* Those, roll *It , . I . London, April -31----mThIi- Times .)I General 00mmandin led passia,ge ifor Europe, Olt Ova '.. oil v., Wjbo"Boexa; With a fair I as fact that the Attributed'. to .tjlo respondent qf �arrtjlrlor�, ., r . 4UO 6 � 431 'Boers In their retreat at, Poplar the folloWhIg sileclil .t -6 -day: - � . I at aia he r, . . . , rOve, Was foiled' by a, law I-Illemein. I,Gtsonzo, 'Ma " oh n 11SOtUrl, alad It . 11.01� , r ,­ . I r r " . London wAlto confidlintly 1or at- . I we c0#60PbUdant describes Scarce . ly all _ Of tiler troops .. 10 lm�racticable, . and 6116i X�t New� sais. it I of Clio L , I '1� r incat inimedle; A DAJ1Y Ne LIrzo .I would bb GO Were igAjY?&otr 4 . I � I I to atuiouncement, of ta- bOW. .this ca- . 7-itifOr-WiLti6n in refer- that he Will merely attempt to ,,,at ' 'r rq �z early. in ..U,,jy.' , difficult to ejaggerala the effeattile 1410t . . , 'r . r v6rnb)0 uq*a, DIstiva,V 6XIstg, a abou, ' r 1� Jencer, to Military Matters IS olit' . �- .. ... . --- . that lilia gulls were com- .. . �. ��, I . : , jjaw� :. ,,Aboat � d M r t' , * . - . 1,119, UP, . , - I '000 � : . I . 'M I Ptlbllcat1011 Of tile (le0patolies will and- geaer�hy,thdm. � ­ I I � r ain- thill tile &Utus'quo ,until .Lord B Ell, was a WaIg of.61'� r . 1. I qyOrras t6 Ali r yards from. ''tile Able -from. the' republics, Thoso -who ertal in 1to . . I I .( . - I.. �, : .1 I ,y rapid continuoue, ad�, Squaire -Aep , aso, advan , p life 'r I r WQX . , . vanoo.L, owar a Jo at In . 11 L � b' � lollOwilrg, As It ooes, Immediately upon or , ,z ­ .�� .� ". ' t And a ,Vjckers-jVr4xjM , � frolkir tile front .Sta�ta%tjkat there I . . I L MOSt unfa4vOr4i'lify, XYU 'th 3.1 ch iltLvt MQV� litirghers.- coming back roitd�.thtovgh Laing's Xek, . I , I �., t reo�o L Drelf9zlialn,'a , co Ila op B . 'ANt, 11av I upon the Opinion of the count�y -atio'n I r r . '� 4 I?r0to*Ia, chiefly On , � . . . . 18, * URD ' 44'al 'And' -'SyRtfim ' Chat at'ie4 - ;; :` 4 , I r 1, .1 "0011M.' ,)f -�QIO lack ,or boreft, - niany ."On our advan . opeo� I .. S - B�ayotkdr ill, ro�a � 11 . � . I tile- reCall.'Of " Gen. Gatacre. It. thinks 10 Wd-mitted it et ftfe ce, It - .1. � I I I Town - ­ , . -.— , 'L . it Will ('reate - hat all Of ThoTnoyarof"Lra . �� " r I , I I .WeraL thrDWIJ." ..,We, llo;Weyer I a. the- eakii exp'eotittion . ­. . ..., . . � . AillettalneSe. UJI(I anXietyi a*lkd It L. de � " � , ,. . ters, from . the Cap4 ally 'j �sire, among the .130 . ling of. COMMatfid. a'. I . L' .-� I . ot -WhI01 tue) 04 the 1014 -voyages. Let. I � fire . Ga. A'gieat. many a growing and almost .unanimous If hillt regardfik&� � teL I'loile Cane, L' . it widespread fee �etf' Avitli the -greateSZ L ,�r , tells . I . � hat tile ..'r.,A,tar, ,,,,, and ' 1;411a,ntrY' ' throughout ,'Ch., 1. . . . era to returithonie good new,& about 3,jaroking,,there, �Q Sto#­Pf'r (I r,. � ' . . L, 'thro:N days� 4. , Suffered no IOSS, - and 04� farms. 101 'Wom , as that tile �,espatches jr ' '...(Jh;,' r6z'14 SILved Ahe ,BiIjuhtloh. But, fi,r�,:. 11 I .. I 'r I . . . - trtic ;kg*,� that' L tile . . 14L no ftl.'rther information at,, hand In - . I 1: U. AddreSsed viar a; I � 6' .14 ope;1l' ournoy'bYL attend tor their naglect, I., , . raft Is made ad In' an attemot. to slialic Wollid. r � � I I .1 . " 'e�,. those They . . 11 r . d4Y, -in I � I .1 I �61 ­­ . . - welooloc . 'tllat, ­ . . . . .1 . , -clijibting an(( ctl8hearto ,� . I � .wrrange- ; tulls. W-11000 . i any devi*)- connection with , . , . )II01.1te fol-' fA"Oding and Watering At,; I Ift. ce or OS06,06-Beem. ment which WoWd - jt]iht,jry- 6­0eflan bele4guerea , . I I '%Ing In no. or- Pfaxatibu§i for ,tha, ssconIt" .- �4. 13. 'to WdMe.U. r'' .4illia * 'I' , . ji r ' . dkkyls . de, - , , , i 11 7.0fe L I . . So, . I ., Ily c agree. . . . I . ... . 1. r . th6ir,-leaders.,without tile risk j)[ LL at . -b4­jAI-gra�atr � '--r ,:. ' . 's a . -- ! , � ' . I . .� ." uad0qo&t0j and that the-. unfortu- r dor�, . . Of r. Mont. This I& e(Itt. Ca- .jtQ�Y-lL�WJ1If41­. ltalr�: mitat, . . . . ­ -, . - * jet-, .01 , ,_r fell(le, should ave been organized, dur. . , . .: I ilfit*--A�lmals break dowil, rb:p1d)y lif "But hvre an.. e raltff, r I .: . .- . , . I . I --;. . . . , . -: -­ - ­ -­ . Reforritlig, to GellciaC_ Bill Ing the ,day Nrd commenced at night. . � I I . . . ... xcitItAS aga, lmjookad� Severe pnoWjI' *Ill), r, ' . I ­- I . I . . .. r . .: I �. . � .L sura. of Oct L i . eral lVarren, fli6 I fall; AS:rithfa W----_- I - . - .. � - , I , Spite tho �04.4i , * . 'VsaleAg j,ljgj.jyjI-4.ga. . , . tlijllkg it fnit'st, make, It moot,-.411[ji- P,Yclloft ,Cie I I r A .. r- a -116W Tho" Wealg as'nol: On-, I think " � ­ - . , I 46rjS0qoe,noe,-of tilese. hardsfilli,cf, Do. f0i chitAgo, - ocourXiscif 4'exialk, once , r4118vaalers all(] I it Tel I' NQ*s Thor d" ­ - I ee State 'Rromo, ' A . ... I . . . I .. relsect qylae djsire� � L ';ng 'thalt exte,asioq, on 1110 Ill - 1. A: onrious , , , 1. - General Warren, to Lixeielse � I . � � : :,:�fja 'W -g.v or its buyers abroad inoro 'realiZl 11 11, I n I �.. . . rea�tnre - -Ihr* 7 , cult, fol u6n. � . I pril 141- pqudoptCanro taj;,N�WHOA&lthund . �i � , '40thilig is knoWn III rerat6o,00 a jIll's * ... I'-., . . � ar� Offic�o goes much. ji-IfIlcult��.. ,right was .th6,,r4ghl thing Ltio affect .the 'fact.that tile, Youngar"olen ilre. Ile � L � L b .. . I . authority lit the future, and Its re. r �k' , �. ro.lik Corrollord,tion , , . � 1. - I �'� r r tit: SUPPIAng the allOrmolls jnumb6r of' 84%� orderis .t&, thoj,t end, ,and ridtog much - more anrl6us 'for pe or .tile report :13tpea In,ill if "'06081V . Lord 'Itobe,rf A. ' . I . �, . I I .�aao, atany poWlIbOd ab .4th -Uta IS . . , .f _Tjjr� gards Gen. JtOboitb' criticism of (idn' I. lmys -. .1 . r I . -. " � "­ � I price than tile bid M6 road flint , (101111t L Volk . '. I . " dejye�U by President -Who are de. acits'-FlAllyr full general, and . :, �- : -r - � hors6a,,reqq1-rad. " � .. L . J11,11140tt to mak4 his dispa ' I fluolow, tile - t I i, - . I I I Ov r L aftio6i Bud. It, F ellal Buller, w:h6 Is si --zt*' b 'jVU1,1�0.11 L ' I L�: ,. . - - . I Kvoryb.ody 0onfilient. , , dianly � disa ered 0A. 'a L Gerinall X1111ster of For . . . Va�-tab.d, by 14rvest-: Ls , 0 be z6gr�n,tl;A�d tha- I ; -'.:- I 1. BlOeMr6jotela, Orange I . � .. Kruger's spiolp-, ' .. : .*, . .. .. r WjIO'haj lield..tIlb IjigheSt poNt, In tjj(j 'did IIot'jjkjtASeJfL . ,., ­. - Boer Lth tural appeals and, Ilia. wnjillng i0t . . L . -Va : ." � I JILM a fgarty rid96 - before olgil. AfruIjW,'jja�j vial A tile Trans- Igatioll, . . . . Visit Spi-Ofu kop, Ill tjl,,. , I I I - Free St&tie, giloo . of -'"nt fifty I . I - , ters, * . r . I AY111Y, Save One, It Says it IS W �vy att'ng knowlIng as 110 - I . L ,­ V6 Off. .thaL I lie . 4 L ... . n1tettoon or e� 1 , ­ C 'und, ,deplorable, event. that 110 did - I r , I ­ &pA.11 je . 3.!!Br i '4 the lon'te"14L losses Which Would be 'StOr�-14'jlor credited. title p ,ranby,�r graVoL . -1 - I I ,p.m.-.T4i6u:t,-C�7,1.' Aud-ley , ga,116ral a,W 0 qnA'yr Afro . 0 As to ta'Al" lroac6 eovoYar -ni'itt'1411. T I, , ho, not a* L � �:. . I I I r taff, .but rorc�d -th entailed by Spbolleglon.r . ." . . L ortuguese . (F rom' tfte,UaU, Que') - r 'hat ithe, $ta.% of- Affairs *,is Ver L . . , .. r - D. bleialdundjAeut. the.Bar 40 re- . I I .1 . I UJIllater, how . - Should be stIgmatized III & Public d,, critical, na2ri �hht the, E6$ff of tj V . r r � r tirdZent or ,the .,Whole ri r . --� I L I I .lie Ij L .1 t0lv, 'Of UJC, SaciQud title G'I�ardil 4ad barring 09 r L - .. I ,,A Vick. I'lt, elt L , evaVe has gone to that The re44trA,g pubjid ,have evidenco* spately fOr'disCilmlilAtion. to assert lit& . �r � ght wi , , , Y- An intOrview Is publjijle I . UO11 WOUld lnvq�iva, the fail Post- , , "' * r �.. I , the Dttko 0(11 r a ,, 64qualdfiroix oir . 13tier . d Cheelced. d here ()tit berore t1jeco L .almost every day authority &CO'ne of tile most critical . 0, Of thd � . I , . -1 ­ I � - ieuteilaat with tWO-jWa*i;n,5 L with XO!Iiklle� Abram Fischer, one of � of the beat 0 f0dilge4tiontly 'tras Oil— - . I 1. . I I . ' oxborougli,a I . IrGusah LOn&a, April 17.-In.L its I . the TranSV4al com Lag POWQj'jj Of' Jjr, L JI'l 1. mumentaL 0.1. opierati�oqie.'jf . or � . I . � LWtheROYallab,risre 01a,rdi, aro'jar­the Is I -ith W. SOMe niountedl jg_ the whole campaign; it llge,d to a, to 0 * r , ' " I , , ntxy..,A axim, r a lea,der to -"y t . , * adit orI,Tj , MjWOftr�_jta4gAt_. Awns, Illak Pill". It it$ soulet(mci iSi ok O'a hja,he:kd­ �(i 0, in r .. the .Who. .4 ,,,I,. r says, ill I oke " to, 1. I . . 4t.h0t;pLtaj,-,whe,re they a-T;emak- dixon 6f .Rem, '� 'a 1104es. sayff .. � . ­ .. , 6ove, ad, a equa- he I us . . . ington it Wold'a SA*M Ell, 1090d to hAye declared that.,ths, South ad whother eouel lorif that.Goneral But. quartorig, and the command. lit ,�Pl,* � -. r Ing favorilfbio, Progress towarats jecoV. broke Is guide at Afriml JWpubilao were willing to wit, theee ClAres rare perman, Ar � . ,b 8 -a Posted I ter Is a, maa of strong charactevand k0f, thus 'devolved on T.h ... 11"r.". r0iltIld -ill Our Xight� act -d un- ills Boor -raid upon the a r MAICID AnY a(wrifice . and In' - "known t c L I orneyoroft.,- 617Y. Oft'Pt. ,Oegfnit4ldrl?e4l� of the See- re L _ ;QlAtille , reply to thid wo wdiild great ability,' but It 1�6ks- Ila- if Ili jk� 6 iO ,ke, VIA - r After ahuij�..f from the ko 6 had , r a por- In Pider to prp.. dtty that a C11-40 Which L recently 0 Wag undat thra . L" . Ond, Ut� ,Gu�rdsI.rla At the New go,utb 40911wtedr to Seize, �, , _vj 6 w I tl6n. of, ithe rrea,'StAto, .has 01ow Spent Serve their liberty , . g emorgoncy lie had flitted, t6 M , I r Its Uro,spttal. o"Lord, Osboi.like M . � They did not and flidepentione,04 ualoo to tile attEltittoo of �jjii .�Iall IT1011 tile fleetl for personal super_ rail up011 foo.j. . Waii S.2 ts force. The " 13,vor Commandos p,rob.j . 111412 . - I'mPre'salon t -hat Othe' 009i and devolv. I , Battotry " at fir,st , W1811019 declared, to add Wdloates that this reSnite fa:Ljo�j.ill I . RUIp as senjoi otritier.... , L :1'. 1 - . Wre Beaut;lerzk, 0, lioutenant ju.the target of for vision, . . It . _ 't r . regarded. it abll had a Pleasant time, and n3j, to their territory,' but merely * 9 . Omis�S!Ozls, OT lixIsTakes Of th" jkll,ft� , . . . I ­ 1101 LwAcers (thd,Du'ke rot Cambrid,gals neath cookenk y .or MWBOartag be- d6tviltodly indde .things L Ver tain It and th 11 ' to rO' Clio 'we Of tills medicine are its 1,wto . The Morning p, r. r . ,1 , . Y Unplea. . . VID Peacefully at . oat Says: md,Y be-Trlif/fal in tile hey - I f"pl, o and'. that, findin ,home. .Ing lie they are banoticlid, Some ".The' publi6ation .Ofr ' InsoyVes, yet t L - . . ' Own) ' A'ad. tur, 11Wd4raoli are- aLt, the wb at ..a -n - ,r Lg Salit for all Who, showa&.0 � the des ma.y'oieroisa influe,qce on . 'Adaftaal L ithaking , goo(d . . n1due alac- , . . Patches L - . tpe QoUk., r . : . progiass, . eat, Live fire' they couldt dir, rIty in, acicaptittig 'the jjrool,amatkils r . years 1196 AIrs, Robert Wohat6r, inust.jIMYO a Maltively dew;ralizinu Of r 6Ventai (and I believe Rmllex ,,via I � . and & Ch's Again On thC Tr4UIlp, wile Me -well kaolivtl In Gratillyvilass. 'effect on'the army In'Natal, unless, jaskwe'a In waWitlrkiag: 'Them �Vtks &�� r L . r 1. Capt, U14iZ of thell0ith H4. is 1011111iddratin ding 'Freq of' Loxcl ,RoW-tjg. *But their raid as a AfI1411, April U. -The Door Peace' ad th roligh a '�, ' r ", , ­ I . " :.$4p' as ord�ar to, thdbl, to alkel-I the wholl'a has 'boon. a fallux.a. trim fora, CMmIsslonotog . !I $ " Tooth, � a- ridge, t,ha ory serlouti iflifew III , great changes are Ma4e fil'thof tom- 1"Ot f-,rg I till � ..Y'rbp . I . 'tfit, ,Dr, Z11104 barttary litaberAd 40 bor reitire. rid,nall OIL their . Invasion. is spent Started for, th Ijague which 0 or an 2m 0 and L.aySt,e I . � ' r I at IS itteadia'', 011 'these patients, and staff Ilia , and" our this aft*rUO01l,. Dr.. Loyd% `0 her tondl I)Q. . loll a 040.5 n I It .9 r UMXt CollittiOn $'cry [,early bor- mands., The cilliffilieiS, it naceagary, wh ,oted ,i, u or , . . a luklkily escaped with. i3ordon is nowheire bro.kall, T � Inve lommt p tile dip. dered tier blouil a , faic-raillk oil the , I r WII6 'tire suffisrLdf; ft'dit leversi It is A r ,,,,, ,he I . I , Agellt. alLk ae. . p, . ought .to bave; been MA46 wit, I (,alone , t I I #,borted thalt thers were 4,000 Boa,ra a 'Of the -Tiftava PdaroAl t* traVe alioo�t tul-necir 'W "Tlici attempt to rolloye Ladysmith . 6�t h3jury, ejoapt. loutj , a_ Ir .JA hot, JJA made. no Impressiont upon Our, r r I , Public velitliation. -of uilatake& , There . I Im0el-f clashod dowili ahead Of the bat- RIV,er J'InIa'L "The, poetS of th Orange coolpanyllig thow Ala fa aO , Brlisabjs, kfttor. ,�Jld Was very weitic', flat' ap� Is no aced to trfiAnpat; tho" WAF1 well cleirlsedt and - I agrbe ',With I At DeWofadorp, and 4,000 At StrifthfieW �tery and 00mat a railway Letter 10r : t I L L - hlugsjo . L . � L las,t.wt4k. -it Is' silooi,rep�,t4r&- that gdvame wag a ad the. evror, butt 011.0 are, held in- striongth from' f1kht river OM Galt- 'Racdoualit. . Petite fickle,'and alto ouffei-ed ftom tile world, The -positions of theafficera Dollar. In �tIlInking- It ad , hitre L , r '. r' I I After ther, 'Wepeller fight th6 Boers t I t0&ed for aa hollrand to B"Oftfoataill, an(D it is Lin the pow. Tito following l4otter Ila& beett L-6. severe. -heaductiew. Airs, WobSterr had cengurod- have been- tendered uilten- Succeeded. ,gilt, to . . wenty millut 641voIl by Ure.L.AfAte That, It failed, mar rill . I I . litoved- to, ,UouxvJUr.,o.I . eff; 'We sufferid: netarl Ob"tS At ftjV Mome'at J-0 ,lood, of D11ci benefit OfL 0*Qalj0nt* M0(tIcaf­tt(t� AbIL*,. Gen. Bullerlit resignation or re'. some mftsnre )Inv b n. to tj ... .. . . oldl 0* of 'LOT -q R � 6 ee (Jae 10 . , .. , I Uaity wtoAher is- iiraviilin fifty eafta"Ries. , a More impOnty r he gap by , IlivOrgofdon, from . Go Cadboll, neo; but 'alipare,utly vivitho , I . . L , 9 ' .11 . nern � lit avail, cull I$ a Matter of c6firse.11 difficulties of tile , r � . here, an't than, alf, L, the , 010S6 t ,vhir,h Jha, B -Mrs UAcdolin,ld.. W 1 "' A' aal Stietned' steadljyL . jr,-Owing L ground and tile I � Elnwr bod is - coaafideut, though irt' 13 It , ., a Billy. W401 1having, ma,dia their .entry tiy--the 80,Ig L 11011 the, Gen �y . Government commanding -p -,k Y .,�'.s I � , la a = w M We Wbre ji,614, A,nkt got off ,ill.. The 'L feted I era] was ,�s The paper blames the j enemy, And Oslti011s ll�ld by tile . . "I . . V, t,th& Boers, aze busy i L his fty is,aot tilt, oft being ,a t Till) least e.Vertlotj �Would rot* lack of consideration and - I I . ,� I oblitinstv'st. . I � c"the gulls find. stores. , . . prOnW9446 on itho W41" this Military 110 ooltntY titter 'his fatIgoo 1. heri .&till flually [Slier * 'Lftntl aliggesta that it ,, 00oeVO$- , probably 41130, to errors I - . . .r . P I I � . , - , 1`4 at tile CaMila, with Mr. a L , , I I I , . I I I I - I 1, 1� , i - - I 1, - ( 11 , . � , � C C I .1 : �, I I I I Th remain e W0414 )A do Wood Sol, I bo, I I - 'I I - , . I I - I I I I ,I 11 , I -1� .1 11 I 1, , - - (I *1 - .1" 'I . I I . a � ad ttativa'.04111acitY on the Part,* Of I . -1 , , io r 'VII13 for lt.VL shielding Of Judgment and ant Of ad fill . I I , ,�— nd all'a r for A faw nigilta , " Ura. Mod W Confined, to. bo(j. w An � Loiidon, April 17,—The campaign Iti . laJ0UY'ezeoqted.,.,, , f be PaU foro , . II] have to Xaclood , . na Her ittle. The 'Daily Telegraph, while admit_ ran.. 13t,t War, . , liselt ­behl'of I GetL. ilobe.et I A mos,t gilflatA Vallt of th Boa return from tile Soudan, 119 Eltay a time unable to do hei holleewol-k A. , S 1, Stand, , jagat bril, Will 601111,0,-tt� a0e, Wj d - : I . . Whatever . faults- Wa . , , III, it "WO had the efiagi.rint of 1. Pelardolierg D ' I- tIng that the daspatehe,s .tro unplea- Mar have committed, tit. ITM . South Afrl,oa is atil -t a halt gxv far. from the drapilted rJag t . .. ., Ilitad sitiggestali. tile,,ugo of jUr. A�,l I r . � Watching , . rift, Uodder niver, r d1st4bb ra� Ivar Xotes. r Alra, 3faclood failure - aia'attly jokportant raoVellikent is tion. tireoleno of he . � . I" Uatoll 8, 19001-N4 �1 Ilams" Pluk vills, aW palrehased a ianrt reading, and -saying. that Manyr WUS6 alga be attributed to thd dis. - I � . _ tc�r , boxes, r ,�11'8. lVallp'te I I . I . . Aelited; The Ard'.11, .Offift has issued iliff Boor convoy, Not, till -WI& at& now) I ll*Pe, On the fair way 1, had not 4111 doubti,thro,advisabillbY of their 111101110100 of the cifilast, In .. . . noQA6j cau6s,riling -the 41-tu IRIXt day did. Thbre Is 40 AWAro ,alt t,6 the, flictual to.bri, blleal taking tile. p1jim long. beroramild suprookii . ���­z­­'�.�­W,Penar, .Correapon atfod a" Kruger, had We hear that Praglftfit, ing this WaV to a'plicleam'itill 18.r publication at the preeent.moment command t6 assert his , �p _aAd_.Jhe_ daltrtg� te.. 6t3be Of affairs A,t 8lGaMfon,Lajh,,, h 1'OWId heriSelt groWlog Atr And see' that What .he thjuthorlty I . P0 __ AQ�"tcaont­at` 4110, -bat-: 41ier . u,t suo Wit ill& relief of Ximbt, and 011ger, 11(fr fievertheleft commands: Gen. Robert; . L, . �1� - imnie,E-E-.,j3ttr.l'oigk'.'In-'A'�&'�blifbh- .f., � light b%t re . i -Zadysjnj+tjr+-­ -'# r. . I ­ ­ , -the fighting there, 0 . sigalfidatit ;nd . Vloy llf".a4inclle#��L"!;f�t�l�L�,kc,Ctly�_�lt� -. -7 rve, and not wag done, And also to the on . . I- tein Says . broughb thd war to a ,ttcktejUen,* nl;,iv era gra1it`jjdUajU�dI-j tbf-.- - rAnte, 'tt111br;e"dVi'(TU" *0 might OVOU llav,O cap- the Telegraph, ,M�`keg tile Crocije, one of "'O'dell--at , iiiliio-i�&!, -heiv .blood li�ppejkrecl 't "-b� lieeltatl"", h, ­­­ il . ,fta. ill aflieti . ther, --.'all j. _ t4qjqkjt� , 10r8PP14king wIthoat rose I . A despatch from, Bloentfon .him and , .it it) reported OUdd011 end bd . th tile* be'st Bber generaig. coursing - through . )let*. j,oliks, 0 1� bl&­and- noodlegq a wal'. , . .1 . t for the 111-st4r.-I ,i- . ab , a rainstOTM, Which tt Wan quite, tolic h& akirj.mljjo�j� . and tier t.4 are en"Aw'.�1 *- . ,I I I- nnn.n.IlIj, witlibbtfoil 01-1 I . The Daily Z I derlb, Bonnet But, lar statemetirb, spootlents doeff i . . The repr6sentat AmUD& I:r­V1,ftgr Hoers 1611le a nrltJ Ituxlety to fisdAp � I the Basutoland I posalblof And will I X.,itdybratid. Tho ing paralw1l, to the watalling cagerly croacliment on B it, Is Mated that . Allardiv -will not Orday ,wfJ,I 8 -1 norveS again, became stpo.pg i IV � ." L -K .0w tMOVIOU of our right, WIngf Which 10, '00111olflilm throughout yeat the Anniversary Of -AfAlubat.and we and 40. 1911weptibillties. . 1. I r cer.tt , ya UY a,subordlake ok1f.. I' " -d to deallogL With &n eneltir Of Such delay Lord 'Ore all -very naturally quite job,. bi,',.r -After U611M,r . tile ' . I . I . " mobil. Roberta' moveratnts yo.r Tv , IljfiS for u 80AX133THING L11,CV, co,-48TERNAq,XOX� ­ The despate . ItY 60 thd %era was on. Much too short two ftys. , � � Lr.. . , `�"' P ""tilt 1�- A radfliftj find rW . . 1411t. V011 would bo' good Onottgh if 0")Ie of Months She fait AM UMJ� A$ . f4T h COdoludes - " a Sir C-A; N9 ' Isr At r . 'Ile gratifying 'fe . . ' 2 Illch' hacl no justiff YOU 00illd'provIdo Anything for r 0*11TO 'of t Ifte . . at � IM0101008"I rontain tit 16tieriji, lootylo comma d I= Tilt,, Dally Chronicle -says , - .1. I racelvied - . ijle� eVOr Shb had dono in lic-p life, and ,1 despatches is the I . I t1on in any, c4- ter from, his �6011, Lieut.-Col.r Vello-W 801djoll.r I am . a Wilk] dor -tier flotimwork without - 'Tile public will ?end, the despatches Ior -of tho 4amirdble bellay.. - � . _ efforg ork, Vic Par4 of the. UpW; infor�ftiolgr' &JIM that ry gratatill for Some walotaoats, do, ,wltlt something like consternation, troops throughout thcp nt i3f the Standard o"Only 'to break through j . ) � r Ilia axpeot� V6 Ure they Would be feeling the f4tigilik' .thate� had former. I tion", I . indeed, repeats cleft. W40, on the CID UV contra 6& t'a jea"va Efle it"'Oltit'l in, It few ,iJ6 Had tile publication. come at the end '000rlt . . . . day eonsIgt;G,to,`tk4rY, thro - - ' ^ ' from the jda,fe of yo th6 t*ld weather Is COM1119 on rap, ly IuLu-W 1101' 111`0 sa IDWrable. 'Title, . of the war, -it Woul bavot been bad I join , Idly, altIT they h&V& nothing IvaVil aSr y rallied ,D Ming to re Aar � already ladlcatGd, 1111,I)penedso ' --.----------, * . . that 00, siege has 4'ila'i� G than, kbakfj. whith is by no loo',ine years ago, U,IUlr in N ip !'� that r tj�o Actually ontrianking Our n him I t- s 1110 � enough, but we ares Ill in the middle 1) (T$ Umn )L I4tjRU­4Xk.­ . cantrao t. . the period tj I 14,'. Doers. are . right between �J) jXn,l 1(), Q A -Vi6tOVIW,deAPXtch, dated 8 114 � of An Arduous undeitakIng. Tlio rave- . I , a, I Warm. ThUt shirts, gook9i and to. 1148 01apsed IVA-s. lVeb4ter , has all, 1� agat I . a- ill.$ And ,S,IYB , I'P.riesid ii'd"" bUC106 are tile thijigg � ol,bgt needed, .OY&I the best of flealth, ,*ft latfoll of disorganized military Pouft- U111 Olik3flit legralywa 001-respon. 4 n nX I P. M I eat Xruger lrftps ia-e , . 0 , at, etilt I " 0 mays It and USk4P6,jVtth. Their edgh, mak , 'We4headar evening tile h, - 000, nothh is - hi= and, which would. be most welcome, that irsher feels at, nhy time a litCle 'gals Would be simply appallItim'If Gen.. - %P111nder. I . 11141V41ky co, I1,10 , Wi to . . ,lit thectol & olikil- divi"161i calmPled on Prellontelmort, L Lth tho C'Overnale Your huoband will, be prond to hear ,'III dowtl ,alto takes A lesvt dciec,a a Itoborrto had not changed tile whojo r . I . ,or oorra. planomyto."ItlotUand ap tile era I the 114811-AMOTIC fit. Tbe that Oil the- Oth, 7th and ath jr0bru. i )r. Millaids, 1111k Vills und Is sooll face Orr the Oampaign. Foreign critics . ApArt 1$. A 001103111. rpar Of thI -korig Are an ambu. I pliclonix, Arl _J, 00tis Gar. 1119 line 'at rottremen�,. WbIch , -tv 14, 6, car sre treatod as guests of ary, a wlll� be JuAtified in treatio- 14 cIA7 and, anotil" . Vag of the StandArd 481 ti Ud agailt Oft thor 18tif 11'ebra. ;tit MOM, an.1 iStio tillylka Lher& is na .pion I 0r.UGXleaIl of tile narne, , . -Olt declare Vint th# Marked for,milee by tild jotgam of a the o"hi at, ., . ar�ry tile Highland brigade laaad ftledleille ts) cullial View. 'Njr. %V(.,b. - UOP ag tile culminating pvooj"�r *that Or Fjor" Itch! up a 'Aro-game in Irom " . " tit attack. In Mir ikurrivil retr,,jAt­h,Ag# of flour, triloal", - SUIPs speaking of r 1111.7 ,,,f,,, r . 8t*"l`m lja)06U, In 1011114on, a ' ;1 bratt, atl<l Odd# and Illicit Witit j(*r6sV,e,,0,t. ;, th0m so famous in tormo , .111,e$ I 0111,11 � inining o , none of the, qualittee, WIA10,11 Mad(' Want of a )lead whiclit 1,9 the grayest r Ple 41,410et of our Military eyst aamp`:25 mll*0 out Of Benson, Y(fter. Y Uley ilro hugging Ondol'of all, sort0f . . 11 11 . 0.tId that I it r .r cAmpaIA,np, 5uva Or. NVIIIIamal Pink I Ills 414 11pr Tito Timpri, wntrary to a majot-lir order its oloNely an --- . . London) April 14,-00111 Roberts, r in vor.v -proild 111dod or a, thoithand doljars� %vorth Ot good, 'I of tjo A I I I daS' morning and kIlJo4 aeott W0:%tjj. , , . or 11011. not fx�ftll At tAporg' thlok8lbi "rOV, it PrOlnineut mining man, N1,1to ' what" tile (M hopeful despatch, all being In coMmand �f stl6h a Well lot t zVoitand armythat thoeensurea r robably passonst ' "Adfittis T)eidre. , d tile report4of 'Ll" f"10"(19 %010 knoW tier Ico dit:0111 tilct n, liew)" 110. t1lought Ivan attoMptilig tO, prty.' vorrespondents At tile front, eha4ftr. tl* brigade mattrored dt.cpjsl� It, alto bef"'An tile pfll$ atid Saw Vont their esca 34011tos are toareh- Bloewrontoill, April 1d,-(8PQCIaI)- age tile paptsrs, this Mar, Want relliforeements from b� ­ tilt" ertei�it upon bs,W, Bay tillf an,lod ,Were Imblish pe. I It along the, frontier, 11111are ]a a VO ling to take Dhing. 11,liere, arc, it natnUc.t. ,( Otfic,rij 01! ,eXaA'gPrfttlOfl. lb play'R A trIblit0fo, 11'eathersby Was, a,ttr&c, 1. ror tile slightest an, tile Canadjant'r atrong feellogn'toongr ,a 100etul view of,tile (41tuattoll 44M.21 orflea" 4TId 1,7o() nion-olif a , (loll. itabertal judicial follinvtfality to'd to tile, troops, hare to favor of in = Africa, tluln left for atity. With. kind t rpgardhl lit this vivilift s"'DO4 by tile unfamiliar no A14014fid fierrltory� home action llv #.,I.,%- h,..m s Any Mar jaxy6i'v . 'Y Who 11"O'nsed tilu -1 Ur- I.. tho In- - Igo , And 1110erW - . . grAph addq that Rouzvllle Is cleat of' Boorit, A ma;forl�Y -of them haxe, un. I doubtedlY r0tir0d Mrtal', 6%C014,66 body of about 4M who are atill rqwr" to W inarelling In it*) Alrection Or . I lotholle, , . 4 1 r I . . ,�, I '"'* w. . Tt 4100 )lot ADivar that, ,(;oil, rtob- r ert,ff )loll conmidore.1 aft effort to ro- lle,vo R)O,V)r Delit0tY front Ileadquar- tprg tictawarY, aftid It aiepwa that Gen-. -%141Chernial-1010 W640m,11t to Iltuldets. .. . 41- is � Mainly aftnI4 at g(mr(ling I tR ralfway- front tile strong, pmr . toree 0114 Is 11011trYllig tO tile Routh- %Vt!fjt, It III Ofttfld th(tt Whell (jell. � (,-.Ilermiddo Arrlire(t At ItOderAberg lie $,I,ky thA D*ft 111ft""ring to Min I 14)AItileftst, 611d montmoreft0y'A aroUtff pikirmisbed at, 101119 M110 with Itoers in tils., Iwighbotlmd pf thft town Nin. jl�jy. A ropVt firm, hashaftis Afterto A cat Gov. -molo lorth xor several (>It- Very mikoevely, 11, . met g AU Ioe(1jt-1;iP, unit Sor W MI W Lit VOYA111,; 00VUrANY. � I OrlInIoUt 100king to tile cieetion of correspolide daye PaRt. The &111i. 111 r as ti to ,jK,Ilg,, and llhd jimt, elk. I fits Are only, allawpd . . U&II 04a It!nXii. &Ila re.4111tg 1%ve 14� ."�� . rix, the 91billijIng housa wlion 0110 a montintAnt to tile Memory ottiloge &end bi, - to —,,', . � 0 '� OPPIMIAT., DRSP"CIIII.I.S. of tho 11"IcAlld fired on film With jt� ter despatelleo, but Home bA,. r , Ways Lveeft beneficial. . , -- P10tol. Tito ball entored abovo the, from the Dominion who. have falle A 00soleablo lk" - ly. . , Tlwre are tiloll,baills 'of 'WOUlan fjord, 110fitriliq ('10ninkelifig on rlgllt eyo, rki'ling )11111 llistftntly. at(,4% In battl& , 0 Alice tile restriction b vague, pre- tfIroughollb tit" tollittry wh(j Siliffe r Allationg ', expressed in t to Ano, 'Ut L .r as ltepbrt of Geh. 11tilltv'r. tile tile f4r0-deft10r, and ogivo,ral, jjaIjg6r%;. Me. W. ff. nilgilt, I . t gan. Oil ., th0 L Auly Saralt wtiteft: torito rtir fwm Atli sides.. Ifull. ate, Billy. , ()It ArAwd, tile , midnight; enterlo loomfoittel", writes - r . CAt-63flat, tile Uo5rs are gpol Pet to heiWa(.1104, b"art p"I TA)hdon, April 17.m­lll to JV.Air offlt* M0G,IvP8 immediately and Company. awl at Of tile To §0110 tO1109. Ond correspondent at X4tiv0 relX) 118 -4WUY# Mrs, 11744X,der did, Wlktj lira 1) .. taninlenew fit -Ing (gi, favor, 11'rederick natilliton, 0 Boers are Jun' Onoparty, of between tlot) 1XIII, 4000 Itilt"'LIE'D to-jilght ptiblialwa in tile'aamette, a (te. . I "Th an'l dim"1114w, Who drag aloag fro- r tit* oseaping . — 41m. They are llsvtinwgllet6roll'tvtole%vattAlt With. tlkro.,5 go Illently lbeling that JUG, is a. btlrdom Apatelt froin Lord Itoberta, tinted blilldita b0foro th('Y could g4bt olft Of . tie, left a fortnight ago, rnno.. 0110 of tile robb, ,% . Uortalfty,7t, yjadysnilthj� , luMI'll, to Which they are lveleoinie, 411d returned yesterday. . TO all such mi, lvoul(A may give Dr. Vebruary 10, submittingUenoral Pill- 'ta WILF, woolid. - Undon, AT)rll 16 -Tho jut day,# lit tin you will presently Ray you I AN before, 11 -dol tile Allelter trench , brial, TerV (10ftmithes defterlb! , ng,thb Sploft ftl 8`6 that life a0compliee, wag Obligel tDAYAMIth are a , WifflAnk"t' I'Ink 1'1118 a - faIr ,I rlh(jf;e Us make Vf0b, r(KI blood, I ed ' ' BOOI-11 fired 'Iteavy mallaer rifle, �01- Areft""t 1611 tile, verveo, bring tfle glow Olftml)'Ot M063 and WrIbed by I% Akan. Mlvea," 0 r, oil tile east -two t111103 awa. I x0rif And otlint owrations train -Tanu- to AllpPort 111111 AN VIOY 4ragg then). '114M tOrriMpoll(Tollt, WjIO glVog ('Volo, I ObberN -&qfara that tile Sit Y, tile ,V 111Y 11' to ZanitarY 24. LortlUdWrto 001ybs Into it 0"Ou llit ley" thtf) Our treacheq 111t,br -dark. if fv,afth to pate tin Inour1w their florgig, TIIL% Ineft from I OffIN&I 00tireft thew (IgItr1mv outtrely satisfactory. Wha, n malloW, thevkst, deals, MWOr0Y withifle". Warren ItIld tile saloo-1 follow ,,On Novowbor 2nd, *jjen the jlk,Vext� be the value 0 an I Make tile terebl() antl dpk;p0ncjen% Mlno'Othera. li.*von (�nn. fililler .does t , ed tjjeja� 4 short dig- . - qoft of r)72 reA40'a I to f all thill, tller6 18'evoky wdrtar6. I i.. - nem blit dlecovored tile �' AwolesRom.q I Mont began, Iva llad�ij, gatri. tevet Ilk" T'lla Ia 4 (109DIe4hie feature of their ffel thAf, life IN Oneft MINI Worth livo not; fseaw�. Lord, Itobertiv (tomplainfl 0 attompting , When the alege WAX rAle#d, jllo,gal,rl� ),Till, UrItIjIlIxt day or two. 1113 , to, capture, th�'w with. during tho tie tile ,. T116 Outline are, solij olAly ill that tlw plan of oporatiOna In not, out ItOM40 anti they "tur"A-d for e'(Deet Important news 1hey Are afraid to, allOot lit 11 orticerw 4*3 11.1,02,1 luen. On Marell Ist, r reports indicti,tB that (10thn4r) for fear of their, 111,11lig b0X00s tho Wrapper bearing tile full elparly ileeerlbod lit the dealliatelipa. , 1111011ilts. Tito ImIntlitg am, well 4r,,H%41 . $$On WAS 24NUM-011 to 403 offict,rg. ittlill tile lk*rft, who are "tilt' I plaoO 1,141IR dimeovored, and thpir Him "AftiO "I)P� Willialliks" Pink 1111hy for Aftp,r sketching (jon. 111111grIff Inton- 04761 Men, 1pavIng 10 Of J'af,� 1,(% M% arml ,-t,- nbl*i for(!e in tile go 11 eamider. VOt"I'llftl. At nigilt, tylp ,()pjj�,.ft Alay b,,� hall fft)nX ,411 Vona, AR t0jIIft)lIjjIt%tPjl 1t;o1,4Jrf,1hAIoI(, and har-0 001n - I ,y dt) 21of at- - ,a- 0 phalleelor lkqe4lillij,". 1, il 16�'; nken. to I* UT01111ted 91ork. by death ('1111vtoril parttl of "tit all(' BOtith' taek our jwt .1k,alers,or by Mall at, Mat it bot or Warren, who, f!oannan(jod tho wholo .11� Iftn'J'sirkIt Q N, bUt Rit(R)t Ut the'Will- _ , �---11-­----^­ - I 14, IV,Non Upit. uIll ' State, are 16 Oral190 Free t,k,%VX of irlvo,te fkollw% Who 4% INIXON for *211.140, liry addre"l.nig foreo, 'T'ofd lt(jlWrt6,j)()flIt(f out, tlutt ,� 0ne 111rays for 4 80)). I" ontoertut 1w,011111IS anx1olls tqn). re woll)(1yr th's p.r. AVIllfaills, A10411,10ft Vo" 11rook. I (30n.1va . tim townTMra wem in limpito,l I f)qg Ver,111109 their ]Ili(, of retreat, and it .1 And elkil(fren '6-nd nini'volithatillitA Itril I ,Vlllo# OLnk . trt"I A"PRIA , 0 hiftVAM10110- 1,611doll, Aftrif I.T.-T116 Ilorlin 00r. 0114,1,61* ,tknd -nlell,"Of W,haft* 7og ;were , In - Ataw'd that is<) . nier Of them AtIng lor 111"phig. I 11d. after <tonotiltation. with, life Or. , re#ljondit t An,folng fro), 11 ( ,11t Of tile ,,qt4ndarAI #ll.ys '1w Y( 1. IL �#adr " . They lj�%,v,e also r(, L �- - ­­— . ftsr, that tho flanking Inoveluellb IN Iftforrohd that tjo�Maljj ckjy�v I , Zt f , .e0toinput, 'ei f urning: nort4jvrard, 4 , I fjrl1lX Tit 114, -t Of . 'Ontor ontorle, 84.1 train d r) are al- e il Y, an(I I l 0 fifty t4litionni ior-11 rtIquim,tj (wilorell by (0ill. 311111pe wile Imlyrat.0 0 toll. mon8l) from w0tinds. I)tlrj a 'k I the olkw,t t1wir 9)4-pi)nn(1(%r Into tile tv.ntrn r ,,,,,,, , - L tho ("Sat'$r Vl@lt to IfOOMW I,f t4jI IWX.y tj I tit " qjUJ tit,* ,ip Of tile ellpffly till, Of for i4itrathogift,j% 114)1;00 Will I* ro, 'for _ is ffow, Novemb* 2 IV) Ilan failliql, Ninon 1,;Or(l ,I , Wwn Aftor ditrk. Tho movirinla- erult4l in 1114tiolit (ttiIjummm, the Ot AdvAltIm .tff to no (9thagell thetkiall tor 1% *At. MCAU I'tuoKanit jojlf�j; � toborts 1144,1.0. tion of tm,t gn mvftltaw tim valy- :that Stwh Ittripilf"AtAmm firo P'"malty � �� _ � I I n is A (iiiiiVa'06 OVA011 Northwvint TorriWift &nd Us,nitatm, torb 41141 rffit4fIntion T)f �Von XOP, 'efteefly'a flurins bmy jMk. " ­ � , r L ..� I � I I I r I ,4jo%L . . � 11 � . I . �111 1. , I ­ . , 11 " , 1, I . .* 1 4 1� , � I � , I 11 1� j . ��*, Lw� � .a j? " , I . 'L , . *4.1� 1, ".".., . I . , i� � ,,, : - 1, I i. I . , I - , . , ��­ ��11 W4 4' '� .---'L-- -- . i� . I . I,- 0 � j . I . . I* I . , . * � 'I . . ­ I Z11. 41.1�1 I ,.I ��L ', _ . .0 j , — -- , ji­­ L-��-'­­�.I-i­ LA# � WNWIMS-A—l", ; 111;t,41111&�!, �'4" , Z . � � � . yee - - - I � - , I_ " ­ 1 4 � "I ..... 4..eA14U'1iL,t 14' , - " i `I,; -.J" il. 1 --.;. � , 1"� -119"" I - .