HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-16, Page 1VOL, XXL 11.•••••••••••••••••• rt. lj Inn Mg Drug Moro Spring Talk The season of the year is here when everyone turns their attention to clean- ing up the wrecks of winter and getting In shape for the busy time. We are right on 1110 )111 with a fresh st«,11 of - Parmaddeclyde 0.51":1 Iliferk's1 limnolemun Copperas Chloride of Lime Moth Balls Carbelin Acid Scotch Snuff Don't forget that 0/0 0/0 sole agents for Blatehford's Calf Meal and Empire Poul- try Duster, CET OUR PIII0E1 Dr. W. J. MILNE Easter Term Opens April 21st Canada's Greatest Chain of nigh - Grade 131181.11M1 Colleges, located at Peterborough Winghatn Clinton Walkerton Orangeville Goderloh follows the custom of business concerns and takes no vacation, Stenographers, Book-keepers and Tele• graphers are In great demand In July, August, September and October, 'We train more young people than any other management in Ontario. There must be a reason ; write for It. MAIL COURSES WINNIAM BEIM MIN A. A.. IIIhner, M. 11., Ph. D., ' Vice Principal. Geo, Spotton, Principal. Exeter. 1.111 ther Reword, S011 of 31 s. \VIII, Howard, 10110 for the posit lett V1111 bas leoo working in 1 he engine room of one of the ocelot liners, hos teen pro- moted to the position of elder engineer. 'rho position is IL 1'013011:2120 0110 ((((2 ME, Harvard IS IM 110 congrattIlitted on Ids rapid telveneement. Exeter ratepayers carried two hy^ lews Ridley hy good majorities, The (1111, bydare was to grant a fret 811(i 10 the Gild) 'Evaporator Co„ and the Con. nor bp-lew to grant 0 free site end fix the 10001 ion for ten yeers to the C1011 - nor Machine (Io, The vote resulted ; — For the ()nib by -len', 082 ; ngainst, 52. For the Connor 1(3'10 W, I538 ; against, 40. Attether egod resident, of Exeter Patisud 31ond03' last. 1)' 11011 101111 flown tho ago of 70 years, 2 months runt 9 days. lie had always boon of delicate constitution but hail by temperance habits and great 011,00 Ili111012 101101102 IL good age, "Ruing the seven or eight years he had residtol 111 WWII 110 has been particularly frail, his trouble being of an internal nature, The congregation of the Carer Pres- byterian church WIN greatly surprised on Sunday last when the pastor, Bev, W. M. %ado, B. 1)., dm ing 1110 ser- vice announeed 1110 111101111011 of tender- ing his resignation, to take tiffeet in it few months. 11 (13110 with a feeling of regret diet 1110 congregation heard the decision of their beloved pastor, who so faithfully for 23 years administered to their spiritual wants, ttornfortod them in their hours of trial and rejoic• eiLwith them in their prosperity, DOES YOUR HEARTti FLUTTER ? You know heart fluttering means you're not FIS well as you shettid bo. It's an evidence of impaired nerve and muscular power, To obtain cure, try Perrozohe ; it hos 11 0130011(1 action on the heart as seen in the CFI se of Theo. Grover, or Colo Harbor, N. So 1010 soys : "If I exerted myself it would bri 1(3 palpitation. To carry eny heavy weight or go quickly upstairs com• pletely knocked me ont. When bad attacks came on 111ved in feat' of sud- den death. Perrozone gave 10,1' heart the very assistance 11 10/0111(2, and now II am qttite well," Por heart or nerves its hard to excel Perrozone, 5013 per box at ell dealers. 65 cents gets I S'I'ANDAAD to the first ofJanuary 1909 to mew suit. scribers in Canada. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1908. •11•••••••••1 11••••••• When Citairen Cough give them that old reliable remedy that never fai's to cure SOLE'S PREPARATION OF Friar's C:ough Balsam It stops conbs—breaks 1> coids—and heals indatnmes Roo in throat and bronchial tubes. Absolutely pore and safe for children. 25c a buttle, Ai druggists or f rout NATIONAL DRUG $ CHEMICAL Ott Latated LaNDON, ord. at Goo Some one has said put a good hat on a man's head and a good pair of shoes on his feet and it does not make any diff- erence about the balance of his dress, 13e that as it may a man's hat is the most conspicuous feature of his entire outfit. The spring styles are ready. We have the soft and stiff hats in several blocks. Hats for men of all ages. We fit faces as well as heads with hats, we're experts at it. 31.50, 32.00, 32.50 and 33.00 We think we're safe in saying that there's not another such a showing of correct hats in the vicinity, A Crushed Olossem. 'Phis pen 111114 14(01(3(81 beyond (0 (311111. A '01 "0' (11 (('(((3(18 11 simnir 105' ; Nlost. noble 'Muse ! Inspire Illy heme, And Motile ply thoughts 0/11 11 wortist I pray. 1010 is of (111(213 and It nigh I; 1111110 good old (1(1(11 01 chivalry, When good (bitten Bess held her royal sway, l'roin Lauds' End to Coventry. 'Phe knight„ prinite among knight's in the land, Wes noble by, birth, and deserved in fame, A son of Norfolk and Ludy 411111' Gray, The Earl of Leistor, by Toone. Lord of it thousand manors, The chief—Kenilworth and Cumnor Hall, Standing highest in the noble Queen's favor, Beloved and conrted by ell. The lady-- a maiden 0( 1301(110 birth, 55>01 11 smiling. face and ft laughing heart. The only chna of a 130 101(1 fond The good old noble Sir liogh Rob, stud. 1 odulged by this father in her slight- est whim, 'Worshipped and adored by the ser- vants ((11, The lady Amy passed her childhood away, AIM pnrt of her 301101 at Lidcote 11011, As (thence would have it, these LWO WeVe to Tile Enid, while hunt(n13 in the 1)ev- 011 fartmt, The beautiful Amy. espied, and at once Became enamoured with her guile- less charms, '11he maiden ItalLawed by the effect prodtted, And half Iter bashfulness to cover, Greeted him with lotcoming grace, Tho' secretly yielding to this noble loyer. Clandestine meetings were arranged in the wood, 'Pho effair developed in a wonderful wa3', Until, to make a long story short, they eloped. For the pour, old father, a sorrowful thy. Tho marriage rites were duly perform- ed, With Om best of intentions by Gm handsome Earl, But flowers die gradually or are nipped in the bud, The former was so with this lovely girl. The ceremony over. the Countess found 'not Clunnor Hall was her future resort. There she was installed, not unlike ip caged bird, 'While the Earl of Leister returned to eourt, Yes, an impt•isoned bird 1 Altho' fur- nished With every ltuon wealth could buy, 'With rugs, robes, pearls, cushions, Imugings And jewels that. only the Orient 130012 81113131y. . • Just 'received a big consignment of ;cuts' Fine Shoes, Call in and see them. S. POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE 1 13I_, VT—I ryj jp11 A dtv .1143, No, 35. .•••••=slopmealooMir jiOiR rig Have your Easter outfit complete, we are showing New Easter Gloves I Now Skirts Spring Coats Good 1 Insiery New Easter Collars and Belts Stylish Shoes y/1 Elegant Blouses in Silk, Organdie and Muslin Umbrellas and 7-S Length Weather Coats ...,,,..,—..t.,—..--..—t—at.--.... 1...... I1 Some of the Smartest Suits and Dress- es for Easter will be from this st ore New [tress floods are a 0 ri v i lig daily. Cottle mid see them. New Ribbons and Corsets White Lingerie and Moreen UnderskirtS Silks 1400 1(130(14 patellar, This season our showing is elegant, large and reasonably priced. New Carpets Curtains and Linoleums New Muslins Wash Goods and Delaines Also many special lines that are bargains in every department. Come and see us. C. M. CHAMBERS & CO Cash for •• 1 Farm Produce" BLYTH speed Thy once beloved bride to see; But to she live, or he she dead, 1(6(11', stern Earl, is the same to 1100. "Not so the visage I received \V hen happy in my father's hall ; No faithless hoshand then 11)0grieved, No chilling fears did mo eppal. "I rose up with the cheerfn 11(10111, No larlt more blithe, no flower more gaY ; And like the bird that haunts the thorn, So merrily sung the livelong day. " 'Mong rival beauties I was one. Atnong the fields wild flowers are fair ; Some country swain might nut have 00011, And 111013(311( 1143' beauty passing rare. "But Leistor (or (11(1 1 Wrong), Or 'tis not beauty lures thy vows ; Rather embition's gilded crown Melte thee forget thy humble spouse. "Then Leister, why, again 1 plead, (Tho injured surely muy repined -- Why didst thou wed as country nutid, When some fair princess might be thine ? "Why didst thou praise my humble charms, And 011 ! than leave them to decay ? M'Ity didst thou win (00 10 thy 11011W, Then leave to mourn the livelong day 3 "Nty spirits flag—l1)' hopes decay -- Still Gat death -bell dread smites enr, And many it boding seems to say, 'Countess,prepare, thy end 1(1 near I' " Thus sore and sad the lady grieved, In Cluttiner Hall, so lone anti (Inter ; And malty a heartfelt sigh shit heaved, And let fall trimly a bitter tear. 0, sadder than the saddest heart -- And hers was Imo: 118 the driven 81(00/, And deeper then the keenest dart, 13308 000100/ had Amy to undergo. And ere the dawn (lay 013(1(1011(1, 111 Cnin nor IIMI, 80 1(11(0 and drear, Pull ruany a piercing scream was heard, And many a cry of mortal fear. A lid ill the; manor, now no more, Is cheerful feast and sprightly ball; For 13001 0(1(00 (1(01 1100(1(3' hour (boll, spirits haunted Unmoor Hall, Full many a traveller oft 1101 11 , And passive wept he Cottotess1 fon, A, wand( ((.13 011(13(31(1 ti.ey esnied '1'lle Moulted towers of Commit. (fall, Blyt It, April '0(-1. —E.M. At first ((10 111(01 0)1(110 freqoently, Tho' trystiond W1,10 1( 1)011y0 at night, Then her constant plea 0//10 01011' 11(1(0(1 To 101 1111120 pll 111 I 13 11 112 111100/11 113' 115 01111 rue I ((311 1. But over as she ploaded, answer deloyed, Such knowledge would imperil his plaee (10 )100(1, llo had risen too high now to fell -- Be W08 1011>01)1)' ecknowledged ns Q.10011 Bess' escort, The sweet ignorant Amy, not knowing, the lest, 0(01310(11133110)' their in- terests i/V Waiting mile, What ((((11(014 31 >1 (10(0' whether pub. 1>0 01' private, As 10(1(3 110 she basked in her lord's 80/0/1 1,10110 But how to carry on this double 11101*- riage schenan ? Maundy 1 No. The, 110 010(11011, Yet, how to get rid of his 1 eauttful Countess, For of the two, she must be sacri- ficed. 00 110 mourned. As the Earl arose in favor at e.out•t, His visits to Amy numbered less and less, Par he was regarded so highly that at any thne, Ho might sne for the hand of Queen Bess. The dews of summer night did fall, 'Pho rnoon, sweet (000111 01 the sky, Silver'd the walls of 011 111 1101' Hall, And 1(151(3(1(1 0)411 111)11 stood thereby, Now nought was heard beneeth the sli ies. sounds of busy life were still, Save an unhappy lady's sighs, That issued from that lonely pile, ' "Leister," she cried, "Is this thy love, That thou 50 oft hastsworn to tne, To leave 0/6 >1) this lovely grove. Immured in shameful privity ? "No more thou contest with lover's every home as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Good (01 1110 young, the oid, the sick and the well ones, the benefits of 1)r. Hamilton's Pills are manifold. Sold everywhere in 250 boxes, Hansa. Bishop Williams, 01 London, hold it confirmation service in St. Paul's church last AN ednesday, Pred Manus has purehased back the barber business Mild/ a few months (1130 he sold to Jatneo Logan. A. Whiteside has been appointed by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario o the position or Provincial Constable at salary of 9900 a yen r. The Odd Fellows Lodge of Hensel> will march in a body to Carmel church 011 81111211y, Mrty i9rd, 111 p, tn., when anniversary 501( 11005 will be held, SLUE PILLS NO LONGER USED, \\Then the stonnuth needs n'eettsing, (11)' bowels Mc, °tutted activity, the liver Additional pen ('r, don't use met•eural pills, try Dr, 110)011) on's. Vegetable in composition, extremely mild, yet sure 10 (1)11411 out all impurities and wastes, no iteinetly.is so well adapted for family use. Positively a mum for biliousness and xielt headache, 1011011- ing in eons, itintion and bowel odnible, exin ption(ll) eorel for indigestion, no motlicine is '.0 universally tit I (le)> in Cure for Weak Lungs "I have used your Psychfne fur about six months, and havc found it an ex- I cellent remedy for pneumonia and weak lungs." Ronald Johnson, 13owweli, Ont, April 15, 1907. 'Psychine is one of the best medi- cines on the market, and for all throat and lung troubles is unexeelled."--.A word from a man who has tested it. Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and all throat, lung and stomach troubles yield 3(( Psychlne. At all drug- gists, 50r. a101 $1.00, or Dr. '1'. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. •••• ••••••••••• •••••••••• • • • Tell it to the • • • STANDARD • • ••••• •••••• 114400 •••••••• • While the Public is Invited to make use of this column for the expression of personal VieWt4 on public matters and public men, personalities are debarred and in all eases the suitability of the com- munication for puldlleation Is a matter to be deckled by the Editor. Without ditrerenees of opinion there. would, of course, be no correspondence, and for the opinion of our correspondents and their differences with our own T(m' STA N 1/./1 111) 1111181 dibelalui responsibility, •••••*0 : ••••• m ••• ••••••••••• e: •• • • : SPRING TERM • • • • from April tith merges into our • • summer term from July lith. En- • v ter now and he ready for a good • • • • situation In the early autumn. • New ratalogue free, write for It, 9. • ' • Central Business College : • • Tonga and (lerrard its., Toronto, et 0 W. II. show, Principal. • ss, • o. • 0 •••••••• •4•00•4• •44404•44 Every Treasurer of Church, Lodge or Association Funds should at once open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT for these Trust Funds. We specially invite this class of Accounts and pay highest current interest. T. W. SCOTT — AG -ENT BLYTH