HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-04-06, Page 10April 6, 19(0 -TUB CLINTON NEW ERA irAprlI. Dress Goods ale An Easter '1\ Souvenir With Kid Gloves Our Kid Glove . stook is easily the •hest anywhere near here. There's not a. poor or an infers ior make in it, and •every pair that goes over our counter carries with it our guarantee. The new Gloves for' spring are here and every popular shade and style hi every wanted 'size awe represented in the stook, Eor Easter Week • The newest and most stylish of spring Dress Goods find a place in the magnificent stock we have , gathered te-* gether for this. spring's selling. 'The best plain and fancy weaves and up-to-date novelties. We are prepared to do better than 'eyer before for yon in dressgoods, are in a position to de something extra, and ba31413X. 043 .power,.and The,S.111 to do it,commence on To get people who have not beeo buying their Gloves here acquifinted with the steek„we with every. pair of Kid Gloved t THIN OR1AMItRIN-4. B. t• realy will have hla *homing 'net ion in operation bore about the end of the mouth. lIli hew rented for a terra of five ver s part of Jacob Millerte shop, which le being made ready for occupation for the let. of Mayr As Clinton is in centre,. po- sition of the dishy dietriet, it will be, gathered within a certain radius, seta 1 twitted bat and then sent to Seaforth to be medallist° butter, There le mon- ey In the dairy busimens and from prole, poets it will be, s busy season for Mt timely, a. ' 1.110 DAsItge,s-A. week from • to -day geed Veiday ; first holiday far over thtee moniero. Title itt good weather for esprit% ; soon be time for - hot bide for early vegetables. When rival milliners are in tigbtnig trim it is nip and tuck which comae out on tip. The boy who hange around the parlor and makes Aimee at his sietersti beau should be punished for contempt of wnt. au 111 wind that dont blew aotnefitely good ;jai). 4Initb build again and WI will bee good contract to be let. An inattrance company is considered safe When it has money to burn. • s • A Nannow Escarita--It might have resultee fatally to a number, of stere on Saturday at the ruins of the late Are.. When the men were work- ing clearing ttway the rubbiah, &c., the partial Partition which Was between Kirkby's and Beacoin'e etores fell and in doing so,coverecl up several young - eters, the men mareovvly escaping be- ing struck in its descent. Half a dozen - lads got out in time.but Jim Finch ands Kelso Wall were taken out after and happily only suffered's., few scratches. Thinking perhaps that all did not es- cape no time was lost is searelling. For fear of the chimneys falling which remained they Were removed. The ws fis is very flimsy and should a ve.nd come up it will untke short work of it. The youngsters should be . kept an ay from all those places.after a tiresespecuilly where there is so Mneh clanger. . • : NOTES. -A. Patterson and family moved to Toronto lately where they intend to ieside, T. Doweon removed from the Dowson hotel on Monday to . his farm in Stanley r Mr Graham, late of Brucelleld, took possession the same day. New wall paper is now in the thoughts of the housekeepers ; the style now is the stripe. We are pleas- ed to know that Mrs Alex. Armstrong is rapidly recovering. Road making will soon start and the young men ought to see that their nansee get put on the voters' list so as net tc deprive them of the enjoyable summer 'outing of statute labor, AN Forrester hke se- cured the agency of the Stearns - biCy- cle. Patriotic blittona and others in honor of our generale in South Africa are all the rage with the school child, reti. these days Mrs Straith gave vevy.plegiarit Attie party on Thursday evening of last week at her home on. King street.. The Wingbartss Times -says thatimarijak badly in need °home newd welling houses 1; wt ; -Ctitrs- • ton is becoming that wity also, more especially for some good stbree. 1. Wiseman has been appointed a per- manent sub-colleetor of custinne The •railways will issue cheap tiekete for the Easter holidays good . going any day from the 12th to the lfith and re• turning on the 17th ; single fare teethe round trip. Painter e and paper hang-, ersAre booking orderafor s.pring, work, A telephone has been it." the new store of T. Beacom & Son ; this makes 80 low in use in town. S. S. Cooper has the contract of 'erectiria the between - urday, April 7th, and Tuesday; April Sattirda)/,' This is the best mod Most "PR 11 7th 11VaileirgteteilleticVeergn1913:--gr4.14. sive we could buy, end if 'placed tin IL • glove or handkerchief case willimpart filltt centime all month ' its delicate and delightful odor to the ent'''" and retain its strength A Sale of Spring DRESS GOODS -that will be special and m• oney saving in the truest and .best sense et the words. We were able to make the prices tempting- and have done it. Thete's, net a ficticious value or an inflated price in this whole list from beginning to end. The price s quote(.I. "regular" stand for downright good. values, ai good as you are likely to get anywhere; our "April Sale" prices mean- the saving .of enough on the material to go a long way towards paying for the lining and making, . • We are after increased Dress Goods 'business this og... • mon*, and have got the goods and prices that ought to bring it. ri The Sate Starts Saturday, April 7th. The Sale •Lasts initil-Monday, April 30th, unless the goods sell out before. , ... Black Dress Goods For April Sale J.,. 4.2' inch all wool serge, lewd worsted • ' .' . , nosesesin. flat °atoll dust, suitable 86 Mph all -wool figured Frenchdress - - - - - 'foe rioetimies or„skirts, would . be 00 goode, extra fine quality, , ekiyt Ahh good value at 50s. far April Salo • • 00, C - attere, regular 750, for April 20 Yards only, Ane quality silk and, • wool mixtures, black with very All wool fancy blaok dress goods, emall'white epet, handsome second neat Brasil pattern, re l 50 clad Amporuir shim& regular:g.ono.d.s,„.,,, t,$1...80. . for. 7,6e for'Aprii iss..te, „ „ , .... . . .... 4 4 4 4.4 4 onn . . • IOC. and 75c Black 'Good* 52d. • - 3..-pna sima_wspi soliel, rich, &stet iinish,ahe celebrated Priestly make _ _ ___ _ _ _ _.,,........— -- - " ' " • . .. regular 71,1° 40 Inch fancy black goode, Skirting pattern, hard worsted finish, will' not • • catch thedust, regular, 75o, . 44 Inch fancy wool black dress goods, neat, small pattern, no end to the • * " . wear regular 75o. _, ,..,. ,.. . ..., .- MI at -one price. Air' ApriTSale 4-1411111. - • , - • .. - • - -• Fancy bleoli *arose goods, 4130 end 8$ Ina fancy figured black geode. 0*o aim qualitY; Pattern Suibable good. ekirt pattern, regular 35o, for for skirts regulae 750- for 'April •,,5 ' . April Sale ... , .. -.. . ........ 25e • Sale ", ° . - 0 C ' , • . Ss • ' ' , • 1 Dreg end only, fine all woof dress FinePriestley dress Pod", every . • rs goods, extra qtiality, regalar-a6,00, for a great length of time. For Easter Week only,a. handsome pssikage of Perfume with every pair of Kid Oloyees.old. •- The Gloves We 'Sell... Each line at its price repro- ( scuts the high - e• st quality and, style t Jet Can -be got for the m.oney. All areperfect fitting 'Vine quality Kid Gloves, two or three thane fasteners, plain Ov newest fancy stitching, in all new and poptilar--sha es, and black, fully guaranteed, sizes 52 to 74„ .. .. . Extra fine real Kid Gloves, two large donae fasteners, the new. • est stitching on backs, the best , . wehave, gives excellent - wear, 11,11 shades andblack, And, all siZetL, .. • . . stens Fine- quality thidre'ssed Kid Gloves, pique. sewn, two large pearl or black dome fasteners, new fancy stitching onback, a very handsome Glove, blacks, in sizes 0 to 7, taneand fawns, 5./ to 01.• • •• •• • • •••r• • ...;• .4 &VW Extra fine quality Itid, Gloves,the best line we carrv,all the lead- • .--inglabseles and black, narrow fancy „ fasteners: - . .. .1,50. a sPeelaL. — 50 Pairs fine • • -qualityRid Glovesat few stand- ard dollar quatities, but nearly all our. standard dollar-and-a- quarterGloyee,nearly all laced, faWns tans and fancy colors while they last. . • . • .4 iSC . . "-- : si skirt patterns, regular $5, for 0, w, , • ter April Sale 3 45 . .cipia E Ns *knead pure wool; handecoe goods, April -Sale - ........... 0•011 1 End fanoy blaok goods all wee' ,,, w . , . _ 7413/C itiROT Hi ER%ciarroN . Al Inch fano skirt material, home- regular 50o, for April Sale %spun effect, black only,3 skirt antis „ , regalar 04, for April Sale ...,,, ., x.su • 44 'rich All Wool fancy Priestly dress • "'"-ss • • 1 End 86 ' Essesy black goode, . • mall figure on plain ground, will • make very stylish suits or skirts goede, pattern suitable for skirts, and ewe excellent wear,. regular w, regulp gOoitor April Salo 4 ;GU 76o, for April Sale... .. . ... Due 444140:444444444+:444+84444+) 44444•14+00444,4•X44444;•4.414044 4 Specials lit Skirt Ends . ,•, . two 0131Y Pkirt en21 line qu3litY) Four skirt lengths,_ fano: black bolo blank dress goods very si e renoh dress got -ids, handsome pat- handsome-patteresszegulae-$5,-for ,„_„7 terns'all pure wool, iegular$3.50, • April Sale kaiU .forAprilSale . ; Alt woo• l, wool, black orepon! will , make nubby skirts and. give =diem , Two skiri ends, "fancy stripe bleak wear, two lengths to eell, regular„ an _ • dress goods, regular . $3,60, for - $3.75, for April Sale ....,4.00 April Sale • 2.40 4.4444-aenarIearaeeIe:senIe:+.404»:•+:40 44404•04:44..:44..:e:e:e:»InIeasee4+444.44 •Black figured lustre, neat pattern, Black figured lustre, heavy weight euitable for skirt or whole dreseee, A a for skirts, regular 85o, for April regular 50o;lor April selling......” *e sale .. 55c 62 Inch black cape oloth, regular wo1End black °repel% good quality, • 75o, for April Sole UPOU splendid for !Aids, regular 75o,•w w Offle 44./nob, ladies' cloth, bright fifor April Sale• ..... nish: Priestley realm, suitable for Suits „,w 44 Inch all wool Bengaline, one of or capes, regreer 90o, April Sale, 0 4 e the most popular spring drew, fahrios,,special for -April Sale .... 4CPC 44 Intel all wool plain black ,dress. goods, rich satin finieh, will -make 40 built all wool black Henrietta, silk ' • :a handsome Bulk regnlar 60o; for• linieh, Priestley make,regular 60o, • April Sale • .. Wit for April Sale. r1of • Colored Dress Goods For April Sale MOM * axorzam388c700::asscz)¢:90Nmcnestm 0.-"secapccAssemamescoccssscp goula *pinto. A•pf‘trIff ittritr iimtr mit! mtrItti new sateroillfor the Doherty Orgttla Factory ; it it ill he built in the yard south of the Doherty residence and the building will be put up at once. The millinery stores are displaying their creations of art this week ; the open- ings were held Wednesday and Thurs. day and will continue for the rest of the week. The boys are at 'marble playing ; it la now knuckle down tight. the h"ainviellitaarlwyaret°rfiletrgil'sitne't°mIerhanerde diecusa the Held, the lime and testiee I die not_yery far from the NEw ERA office. The town on Saturciesslastwas lively wisb our harming friends , not. withstanding the bad state of the roarle, D. Canteen sold to Jae, Doher- ty his One black ininorca cock which was a prize winner at Cleveland and at the provincial poultry show atToreinto; atinigoeoeoparviroetawdaasmapsaitorlg. 09Noodwi e nstheoiir all the snow banks are one. It does not look art if there Is going i0 he any celebrant* in 'Clinton -this year ,; if our citizens intend todemonstrate arrange- writeshould be under way. Assessor T. Cottle is nearly 'through on his rounds. The next regular nieeting of the kluron Medical associat ion will be held in the town hall here, on Wednes- day, April 18th, at 180 p. m.; questions in connection with the inedlsos 111 be the program. Mes H. B. Obant en- tertained a number °Minds en Thurs- day evening. The collegiate boys are organizing their football team for the coming season; that school has had strong teams in the field for collegiate honors and we hope that they will 'al- ways' keep up their reputation . as 'kickers." The agents in town were receiving consign roerit. of itn elements thie week. The Easter holidays for the schools last for a week and many of the teachers and pupils will spend the vacation at their horces, Mrs J. Ire- land and family have moved to Sea= forth whete she bias relatives, as Kennedy has leased the Queen's hotel at Baytlelcl, which he will have cbarge of and conduct; he will likely, live there only for the summer monthe,lint the hotel Neill contomally run. W. D. Fair has importations ot French crepe Npaper and side (combs; which he gets ina from Prance; A very cleVer car- toon in Wednesday'e • Globe, taken from the London Daily Mane it mire; smiles" on necoutit ot Her Majesty's visit to the Enterald Isle, If ) on hear a far-fetched pun any of these days, yeti can put thein down as a Krugerutm sents the map of Ireland "wreathe in The piper forthe new A. a F. in he Jackson block Oduron street)wasfur- nished by W. D. Fair, that order 'can now boast of having as pretty a hall as any in town; B. Kaizer and ' Kennedy were the artiat.3 who hung the paper to perfection. Mrs Samuel Oriel], of town; wishes to ' thank her many friends for the kindness shown her by the manycells extended through- out the winter during her sickness; her' thanks. are tendered not only to those of Ontario Street Methodist church but to all who were so thsughtful in this manner, 'X' Gardner las secured the contract of plastering the new house a, Lindsay-ie-etTeting-Qn-hVrAibe base line; it is to be a w s or r ck veneer. Jos. liattenbury sold a trio of blue Andalusians to a gentleman in Belleville this week; he secured a good price for the Alf Barge, Victoria etreet, is laid up withpneumcnia; from present indications it , will be several. weeks before he will be able to get around, W. D. Patellae furnished the Auburn school house with automatic noiseless, ball-bearing. adjustable desk, which are made in Pi eston; they are beauties and . the ',trustees are well bout TWall:Paper It yen ere going to hang an thie opting we to lasted 794111 "00141 we weet. you tose it, end if yea lett what suite you at an honest price we of course want you. to buy it. These dealree are not prompted by a Wash moth's elan for we believe the advantage to be bad ie a nuttuid omit* ne it it the favor of your petronageato you it ler. Olutzlea to make asetectionfromattexoeptionellywellessortedtitockwithgreet variety in color and design and at prices aglow lie the quell - ties Wehonestly believe there ere AV VIA ti,dia: • ss • ince °beeper and: none °beeper Alit will prove a precious • and profitable expenditure. We assert' this confidently beoauee we have. abated' the queetien how good a stook we 00111d buy end we bOUSht it. We studied bow low Price it ootild. be Bold and we do it. We leek for people who want ' the best pedal at honest reasonable prices and we find many. If we have not found you it is easy for you to find us ever ready to serve you hot:wetly end tnyour advantage. The W.I. FAIR 00,mato], "Often the Cheapest—Atutays the Rest,"____ NYAM MONWWWWW0 AT Ti Call Solkited. We sell • everything in Modern •" Footwear • Our Stock Isequalled by few & excelled by none *mask -values in Ladles' • • Finettoats and Oxfords. We. shall , be pleased :to show you our stock and. give you our prices. It -• might be money In your •• We buy andsell' for Cash • Our Spring stock of Boots and. Shoesia-11Q*00.111pleites • .It is use- less to; specify. haVe .all the Very.latest styles and: our prices are The immense demand one' Shoesisthe evidence that :our ef- forts: to supply reliable and up7to- date footwear -has:. caught the at-, tention of shrewd buyers • • • Gentlemen, tey a pair the Celebrated • .American Floisheim Shoes. on • cannot get better value. Doubtfu you oan do as well. We guerentee every pair to give entire zatisfaotien See our .BoYs'and alrls'School Bouts • , W. * Taylor 8E' 'Son. . . Cash and One Prize • - Eggs- taken as ()milt - ' -Insurance office at the store • pleapral with their investments. • • AP.SIL 6 1900„ •• - AN • • annual meeting of the Clinton Howl- BoWianei 0)1,03. - Remember the ing Club to he held this. evening (Fri- ' • - '441 ll" ' • • I I: 1 IS1 l'g'.728'g'z'q849cD o'clock. Election of °filberts and other day), in t he cermet]. chamber, nt 'Ss - es• 4 WE SIMPATatzg, - Death causes c12,243ciL ,328secossiaz.Ka,escp sorrow at any time, and it visited the se - home of Mr and Mrs W. P. Spaulding on Saturday, when they lost their little baby girl. The community ded ply feels • for the parents in this affliction, • Aeon:imbues-On Friday last Richard Coulter accidentally fell abcut 20 feet front a scaffold, while at .work on S. S. Cooper's new residenee on Welliugton St. It was very fortunate that be did not receive any more than a bad shak- ing up which, however, prevents him from attending his work for the pres-, ent, On Tuesday morning Mrs George Potts fell, thereby sustaining an injury. toiler shoulder, but which was not ser- o nd sh w II b b r If 1 i few days. - • WALL PAPEit8.-Both of the wall peper dealers have had for weeks past 'ail their large stocks arranged and samples on exhibition, preparatory to the lush of sspring trade, which will 40 Inch aMet dress goods, suitable I Peel brown. henriette, 44 inohes wide commence in a few weeks. Many or - for waist or ohildrererr wear, reg -„w,• rich fireah, regular 50o, for April dere have been booked already, bet, • alar 40o, for April Sale %to Sale L, e. Brown Iadit& cloth, all pure wool, Koh shade of brown, regular $1, for April Sale..... 610;1•44 45 Inch all wool coating eerge, good weight, regular'75o, for April Sale 40 Inch all wool serge; hard wonted finish, will not oatoh the (last, navy only, regular 500, April Sale All wool camel heir oletbswill make a handsome suit, good shade of brown, regular 65o, for April Sale 4243 42” Inch brown warp an fanoy woven 0 bre en dress goods, good shades, nil/ otPU regular 50o, for April Sale.. ...... 04C tb„ ,80 Inch wool sone], rich,glosey finish ' tama•brown and green only,regular 600„ „w • • for April Sale . . N.^• Fine quality ladies' oloth, in new • eut iinde • blue, regular $1, for April Side .. ?Mc Fine quality,French cashmere serge, • 40 inch, navy only, regular 76o, w, 42C • for April Sale ... . . '_046e Vine dress serge„52 inohes wide, navy Only; rfgrilar $1. Brown oloth, 54 inohes wide, satin flntsh, regalar ti 'levy cloth, 52 inohes wide, regular 111.25. For April Stde allone Pelee POC • Fancy dress goods, combination:Of 46 Inch fawn serge, good weight, „0., black and, bluett, black and new - epeoiel for April SOU .... Xl3e blue, bleier and green, regular 600i 4 e 6 reney drag ende, no two alike,• ti for Sale eg- ligered dress geode, suitable nlae$5.25, for Ape' Sale 0.60 for obildreire wear, regular 35o ' Fano tweed helm goode, for nits or „,„, and 40o, for April Sale 2�C skirt, regnlar 50o, for April Sale ifig )0' A Black Silk Special For April:Dress Goods Sale Black Peau de Sole Silk, heavy weight,rieh and glossy, will not wear shiny nor cut, a reg- 98c ular $1,25 quality, speeial for April Sale.... -4 ..t 4vAopppovpita**.ile~4.41 our local dea eis tell us house-cleaning has not vet etarted, and when it is on hundreds of rolls nf all kinds of designs and models will be sold to beautify the homes. They, are far prettier than in former years, and are lower in price, considering the qualities. They have hundreds of satnples to pick from in all kinds of shades and colors. The dealees are ready to show their array. Tins LoeAs, MAnicees-There seemed to be a good market in town on Satur- day; there were quite a number of people in town. The OD1Z, produce, moving is butter and eggs, which ere becoming plentiful and, inclined'to go lower, the former going at 14o to 13c. while the latter's market price is from 10e to lie. The usual shiposeht for the east was made by Cantelon Brost. this week. According to the reports of the produce companies there is little de- mand for butter in IslYerpool, except Australasian; Danish firkins were quoted at 22c to 23c, and Canadian and States. creamery butter in boxes at, 190 to 20e. Potatoes are going at 25c per bushel, Poultry is en the market, with no fixed price. • The price of pork seems continually en the rise; at the last shipment 115.00 was paid by the • buyers. FIRE Fxstestees•All those concerned in loeseaat the late fire are fully satis. • fled with the cleitea allowed them. X. Smith watt allowed his full insurance by lifr Scott, the adjuster who repre- sented the three companies the build- ing was insured in. 13y figuring ttp the total loss of Mr Smith by thefts, is $3137. IC le his intention to build again right away, and erect about the same number of shops as before, Mr - Scott, of Berlin, represented the Perth Mutual, but Mr Kirkby's loss has not yet been awarded, art the invoices were lost, thus necessitatingthiplicates front the wholesale& I O. Edwards:room. to adjusted matters for Beacom 8c Son and J. T. Einmerton, and these gentle. men are contented With debris set forth, the former gets $750, and the latter over $11S0 fee dertiages anstained. _-_ • --'-` Hat Senseis to get a Good BatA poor hat is shabby in no time and is an expensive invest -n3ent A good Hat is a necessity to every man's dress. if you have a new tluit you can only make your outfit complete with a stylish fiat Our establishment is Headquarters for the latest and bet goods on the market We are sole agents for Christy's Celebra ted Eng- lish Hats; They are the best wear lig goods. in the world, We have them at all prices. We will make a special Easter display of-noveltieEri 'tiff and Soft Hats,. and buyei's who appreciate fine goods. should see our selection. them at $1.25, ot and rivetted and sale, ° Sizes 6 to The Slater Shoe • • • Special CO Prices In Plow Shoes • We have made a contract for a large line of Men's Plow Shoes and along as they last we will g p p . e hers think that $1 iS a tremendous bsrgain, but our price is only 85c. made from a strong leather, They ale, a tremendous bargain and we 11. ive a, s ecial rice n tbem Som • p Iaces sell We are sole agents for these famous goods sold at $30$4 and $5. Acknow. ledged by all wearers to be the best fitting and best made -goods on the Market, di. Our saes are constantly in. creasing. We also handle the Boys' Slater's in all sizes at *2 and $2,50 a pair. (rAsetticosegi3oettiteepamcz OLtsf41CDO r• • They are double seam are prepared for A big a". a 4 - a 4 • We are also agents for =4 • the celebrated • Bs ell 4 and King,,, lni Shoes . 4. -4 "or Ladies' wear and our se. Jealous are worth seeing. All Repairs on • Boots and Shoes promptly attended to.. • Annoconmeicr. ,• Jackson Brothers .9444 Ala& 44U UUU 4M1U4U 1iUUS 4 3 ,