HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-09, Page 8PAaE.7.Elo r--•r'IEE F LYTH STANDARD—APRIL 9, tgoS,
Wardens of Huron Since 1850.
In connection with the proposed re-
union ofex•oounty councillors County
Olerk Lane has been busy snaking out
lists of former !members of that august
body, One list in particular is of
historic interest, namely, the list of
county waders since 1850,; lbllowieg
in the list, with the muriieipnlities in
whielithey resided at the time:—W,
Chalk, Tuckersniith ; John Strachao,
Goderich ; John Holmes, Goderich
township t R. Gibbous, Godericli ; Arch
Bishop, Ushortte ; \Vm. Young, Co.b
borne ; John Leckie, Brtiseels ; G. E.
Cresswell, Tuckeremith ; O. Girvin,
1Vawanosh ; T, E, Hays, McKillop ; J,
'P, Gamow, Goderich ; John Koine,
Howick ; F. W. Johnston, Godeficit ;
L,, Hardy, Exeter ; A,.- F. 0tbien,
Wroxeter ; V. Ratz, Stephen ; 11, \Val-
ker, Tuekerstnitb ; I', McKay, Ue•
1bo1ne ; .1, Hays, McKillop ; J. Button,
Bititett ; Jos. Berk, Colborne ; J. Tor-
ratlee, Stanley ; J. Griffin, rlaht1ild ;
WA. Taylor, E Wnwanosh ; W1n, Mc•
Pherson, Tornhe'ry ; T. Strachan,
Grey ; J. Cox, Goderictwo ' 0, Mc -
Ewan, Mensal{ ; 13, S. Cook, iiowick ;
Dr, G. A, Rollins, Exeter; P, Holt,
• Goderich ; 1), Patterson, E Wnwanosh ;
W. 1-1. Kerr, Brussels ; .7. Bowman,
Alorris ; Roht, Millar, Wroxeter ; H.
A Street Tonic WithoutAlcohol
A Body Builder Without Alcohol
A Blood Purifier WithontAlcohol
A Great Alterative WithoutAlcobol
A Doctor's Medicine Without Alcohol
Ayer's Sarsaparilla Without Alcohol
we )ublh► ear brbeW
A. ►peb aaC
We urge tee to
°e Lente year
Ayer's Pills ire liver pills. They set
directly on the liver, make more bile
secreted. This is why they are so valu-
able in constipation, biliousness, dys-
pepsia, sick -headache. Ask your doctor
if he knows a better laxative pill.
--ssaa.toy mea,0, Ape Oe.,
You always pay
too much when
you pay too little
Paraiioxicel but true,
Particularly when buying Gro-
Nearly every article of eatables
pan he adulterated,
Many of them often are,
Constant vigilance is required to
keep undesirable goods from creep-
inginto a grocery stock.
One of the most persistent sinners
is Canned Goods. Thou8ande and
thousands of thein pat Up every
year, S.mebody sells them,
Somebody buys thein,
Somebody eats them,
This grade of onnned goods is Very
common, but this store has never
sold a can of it to a customer in ite
lite, and it never will.
Our way is firsts or nothing in
everything, always,
Godcrloh 1,v, 7.00 n,m, 4,50 p, m,
Auburn " 7.22 " 512 "
Blyth a " 7.38 ' 5.22 ,
7,46 '� b.33 '
Milverton " 8.21 " 0.00 "
Elmira ..... " 8.50 " 6,45 "
Troon o Ar. 1110 " 7.12 "
Toronto Li% 8.00 e.m, 5 50 p, m.
Guelph Ar, 10,00 ' 7.50 "
Elmira " 10,25 ' 8.14 "
Milverton ., " 11,03 " 8,50 "
Walton ," 11.30 ' 0.25 '
Blyth " 11.52 " 0.36 "
Auburn " 12,02 " 0,46 "
Goderlch " 12.30p.m. 10.10 "
paying from 035 to $100 per month by
attending the popular
This school le noted fir and near for
the superior education git•en to the tau.
dents and for the remarkable flumes of
Its graduates, college open the entire
year. Begin now. Our training will
make you independent Write tc•dey
dor catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, PrInelp;l,
Cor. Tonga and Alexander Stw., Toront,', I
Spackman, Exeter ; 3, T. Currie, E.
Wawilosh ; Rom, ltoLein, Goderich,
%Vinghan, Sesforth, Clinton, Bayfield,
West ll'awanosh and Hay have never
been honored with the Wardenehip,
Low Spring Fever
Doctors Report Many Cases.
Same thing happens every year. At
winter's close the body is weak and run
down. Damp spring weather Minas
out rheumatic tendencies, exbattetn
vitality, turd simply deinenda everyone
to use a bracing, 81reugtbening tonic,
Time won't help ; !nutters grow waren
instead of better If your system isn't
rid of its phi/anon» burden,
Your blood is not only thin, but is
coutttminuted with a whole winter'sac-
ounulutlon of wastes.
A stimulating blood tonic is required,
I,Vhnt's it, going to be?
Not bitters or alcoholic dopa, but con-
ceit' rated cure in the forst of "Ferro,
Zone" which fa known as the best of all
spring rejuvenators,
It create keen appetite,
Produces prodigious digestion, -,
Converts food into nourishment,,
Gives richness and vitality to the
Makes strong nerves and hardy'rnus-
Ferrozone possesses power that. can't
be doubted. It will do for you what it
did for Walter Wood, of Beaufort, Cur.
Co„ N. B„ who writes :—"l can say
that Ferrozone has given me s -new
lease of life. A year ago I suffered
much from nervous weakness, L was
really Scarcely able to drag thyself
around. My appetite was gone,'I had
no color or ambition and felt generally
used up, The first box of Ferrozone
started me back to health, I took a
number of boxes, but it was worth
while as my health was completely re-
Get bank to health with Fert'oaone,
six boxes for 02.50, or 50c. per :box et
all druggists,
A large number are engaged In Ina
ins maple syrup this spring and the
all report it good ruin of cap.
John Robinson returned to his home
in Saskatchewan, John McPimrsou
went aleo on a prospecting trip to
Mrs. Win. Cameron hag returned to
her home after ':pending a few days
pleasantly with her brother, • Samuel
ylcPherson, on the 14th.
Geo. Dundas left for Thesealon, Al.
gorse, 011 Saturday hast where he ex-
pects to speed the summer, Mrs.
Dundas any go in the course of a few
months by boat from Goderich::
The Leadbury beef ring opened for
this season }net week, the patrons get•
ting the first supply on Friday, The
butchering will be done by Richard
Hoy, which will no doubt he up to the
Impossible to escape being cured if
you apply Putnam's Corn Extractor to
the worst corn on record;; Painless,
safe and coign only a quarter In sty
John Petty who held a position in
the Sovereign Bank at Aylmer, is tome.
The Council request cow owners to
keep thein off the streets till they be-
come dry and hard,
A good attain:ere work is ahead of the
Council and our citizens. One is to
get the band reorganized and the other
the inauguration of a water works
Tho business et the G. T. R. station
here during the past 10 days has been
exceptionally heavy. The amount of
freight paid on Wednesday forenoon
alone was 8042,00,
We understand that a movement 15
on toot to induce the Council to pur-
chase the driving park and, 'grounds, 18
acres in all, for a park androcrentlon
ground, The price asked is $1800,
The idea, we are certain, would receive
the hearty support of a majority of the
Hobert 7lcKav received the sad news
of the death of his mother in Van-
Assessor Dulmage has nearly 13nisli-
ed lila work for this season and will
return his roll in a few days,
Robert Jolineten has sold his shoe
business to H, Willis, of Snaforth, whp
Witt; a former resident of IVingham.
Mr, Johnston dose not intend to leave
town for it while at least,
Gordon, son of C, N. and Mrs, Grif-
fin, of town, has gone to Owen Sound,
where, in company with. Mr. Creeper,
he will engage in the (hardware bust-
news The firm will be known as
Creeper & Griffin,
Ona of the most startling shocks this
community has received fur some time
came on Wednesday rimming mitt,
Miss Minnie, daughter of Uriah Shark,
was attending High -School, end on
Wednesdny went to her class stones
80 usual, She had not been in school
long when elle became seriously ill and
apparently fainted, Dr. Kennedy was
summoned Immediately bra the spark
or lite had fled, Deceased was n bright
old of 17 years of nee, and a favorite
with her fellow pupils and esteemed in
the community,
The bowling club held their' annual
meeting lard Thursday evening,
Exeter Lodge, I, 0. tl F„ will attend
divine aervlee in the Jisin' street
Methodist church on Sunday, April
John Teichner was the u'i"ner of the
Trophy presented to the Exeter Gun
Club, getting a total of 88 rooks out of
IT Oe'I'oesdav evening about 20 of the
0ddfellow's'oi Exeter went to Ingersoll,
where the work of the three degrees of
the Encampment brunch of the order
was exemplified and some 13 of the
Exeter brethren were installed into
their myatel'Ies,
Ed, Dignan was presented with a
beantthtl Oddfetlow's' ring in open
lodge oil Tuesday evening by Saxon
Fitton for having secured the greatest
!umbo' of applicants during the win•
ter Months. A nt»!her of appropritue
speeches were made on the o l`,aaloit,
Fred Hooper, sen of A. Hooper, Hey',
left last week for Toronto where ne
1188 accepted n position as junto•
draughtsman with Brown & Reid, of
that city. Air, Hooper is a bright
steady young roan and there is ne
doubt but that he will matte a success
of his new occupation,
The pi•ovisioaal board of directors
appointed at the meeting held in the
Town Bull recently to discuss rural
telephones baro decided that owing to
pending legislation, they would do
nothing in the matter at present, It is
believed if the law is made limpid
enough that the local municipalities
can hieinduced to take up the work
and provide cheap telephones,
' DLTTtn 808005 ttEPOltr.
The following is the report of the
standing of the pupils of Blyth Public
fur the mouth of March :—
Div, No, 1,
Forth III.—
L Anderson
.1. Coombs
IJ. Lyon
'1', Edmeston
D. Cowan
I, lllorritt
Form 11.—
R. Delhohn
G. Stewart
A,Tam blyn
C. Copp
Fortis I,—
L. Wanless
F. Aiken
A. Spafford
C. Tierney
J. Watt
J. Sturdy
xA, Wells
xB. Potter
xE, Bell
Those marked "x" missed one or
more examinations,
Div. No. 2.
IV, class, Seniors—.
Willie mains
Dorothy 'I'10rrnK)'
XV KIM Cowan
Mabel Colelough
Lizzie Lawrence
Leila Begley
1V(11ie Burling
Cannan Anderson
Frank McCaughey
Vaster Bell
Maggie Johnston
May Spafford
Japes Hirons
Jimmie Mc(iulnnlhn8
Laura Johnston
Hattie Spafford
Lilly Weltlaufer
Jennie Heneed,Y
Stanley Chellew
Florence Taman
John McCaughey
Annie Mains
Elva Fawcett
Creswell Anderson
Laura Wettlaufer
Doris Scott
Ella !l'nttlaofer
Teresa McLaughlin
Russell Gidley
George Sloan
I\'illie Copp
Maggie Cater
Redella McKenzie
Annie Robertson
Fred Haggirt
Eva Henderson
Div, No.13,
III, class, Pt. A—
ltitude Phillips
Willie White
Elena Cook
Lena Burling
Henry Johnston
Willie Anderson
Vary Potter
Minnie Fawcett
Rena Barr
May Robertson
John Cowan
Leslie McElroy
Alerle Poupey
Mex. Butler
Eddie Mains
May Laundy
III, class, Pt. B-
Katie Hahltfrlt
Grace Habkirk
Fern Johnston
Torn M orraY
Wilbert Spafford
Edgar Cowen
Elsie Fawcett
Lorne Burling
Bettie McElroy
Willie Carter
Emma Taman
Redgie Curter.
Berta dtothers
81'. II, close-- '
Effie Rath
• Div, No, 4,
Jr. II,—
Patience Scott
Nelles Anderson
AntOS Andrew
Carrie Situs
Carrie Dempsey
Mary 31cMurohfe
Harold Bloor
Earl McElroy
Daisy Mason
Harvey Mason,
Fred Mellon
Luella Cook
Not a Miracle
But Medical Science
Dr. T. A, Slocum, Limited,
Torent0, Out.
"Some time ago I began to lone flesh
and failed every day until I had to
quit work. My physicians and all my
friends said .1 had contracted consump-
tion, 1 fpiled from 165 pounds down
to 110. I was advised to go to the
Rockies or to the coast. 1 went to both
places under heavy expenee. I eon -
Butted to fail, and was advised by the
doctors to 00100 home us nothing more
could be done for nue. Hope seemed
to have left me.
"1 tried Psyehine and since starting
its use 1 have gained from 110 to 141
pounds. l have used $10.00 worth of
the medicine. I am a well man and 1
cannot say too mach in praise of Pay,
chine. The etrongest reconuaendation
would be'weak in view of the fact that
1 believe' it has saved my life. It is
without doubt the t bent remedy for
run-down, conditions and weak lunge.
"I aineerely hope and trust that you
will coatiuue your good work of saving
ruts down people and eoneumptive from
the grave. Wishing you and Psyehine
continued success, I remain, one of
Psychino's best friends."
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.
Almost every mail brings us letters
like the above. Psychine will repeat
this record in every case. It is the
greatest medicine known. At all drug-
gists, 50e and $1,00, or Dr, T. A, Slo•
eon, Limited, Toronto.
Olga Colelough
Charlie Potter
Poor! Hamm
Mabel Hill
Willie Hamm
John Butler
1't, H. --
Sara Milne
Iona Stothers
Stewart Cowan
Emily Howard
Archie McKenzie
Susie Fawcett
Kerma Gerry
Marie Mason
Susie Phillips
Gladys Pouuey
Austin Seaffot'd
Grunt Laundy
Wilson Rath
Pr. I,—
Mabel Spafford
James Taman
Roy Barr
Fred Fawcett
the end of the year for all new sub-
scribers in Canada. 1f you want
cheap rending look at our clubbing
FARMERS desiring sale bills print-
ed on short notice cannot do hotter
than have them printed at this office.
With our improv d facilities we can
almost turn them out while you
Round -Trip Excursions
April 14, 21 duns 8, 22 Aug, 4, 1/
May 12, 20 July 1, 21 Sept, 1,11, 25
Ticket. good to return within 60 days
VERY LOW RATES from all potato
in Ontario,
Ranging Winnipeg nail return 032.00
between Edmonton and return $42.50
Tickets issued to all North-West points.
number of
'tourist Sleeping Cars will be run on each
exeureion, fully equipped with bedding,
ate. Berths should be secured and paid for
through local agent nt least six lova
before excursion leaves.
Rales and full information contained
in free Ilomeseskers' pamphlet. Ask near•
est C.P,1t. agent for a copy, or write to
C. 6. (05305, Dbiricl rm.16,, C,L1., Tamils
For t,ekety and full information see
Retiring Sale
There are. Bargains for
All lines , of Jewelry,
Wall Paper, Crock-
ery, Fancy Goods,
Toys, Sleighs, Games,
Bibles, Prayer Books,
Etc., 25 per cent off:
Watches 15 per cent off.
Many odd lines 35 to 50 per
cent off.
Everything mast go. Come and see,
Jewelry and Stationery.
House-cleaning is near at hand and we have been
busyquiet month of February
the q Y �
getting everything ready for a Bumper
Spring Trade. We have the best stock t*
of Furniture, the best selected for the C
least money of any store in the
County. We also carry a full
line of House furnishings such as
Carpets * Rugs - Oil Cloths
* Curtains, Pianos, Organs *
Sewing Machines Furniture *,*,
* coverings and draperies *
--""soW 111581181011111."--
In this branch we handle the latest goods
and the prices are low. We have the
best outfit in the County and no extra
Furniture Dealers & Undertakers, -. - Clinton
Your Expenses paid 'nth ways. 'Phone 28
Liberal Clubbing Offer.
The Canadian Pictorial and the Blyth
Standard one year each, worth .00.00,
for only 81.80 This ie a genuiut, liar -
intim Don't miss it. Call and see
samples nt this office and leave your
Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for
t THE S'rANDAtul oftle , Blyth.
Our Big
Offer .
We are endeavoring to increase our circulation and in so
doing we offer The Standard to all new subscribers from
now till the first of January, 1909, for
in Canada only. 1f you want to send it to the United States
postage must be added.
If you require any city papers see our clubbing list below
or call on us and we will show you how cheap they are by
leaving your order at this office,
The Standard $1 00
The Standard and Weekly' AdVer"
tise' , 1 65
The Standard and Weekly Wit -
nee 160
'Cho Standard and Weekly Globe 1 85
The Standard and Family Herald
and Weekly, Star 1 70
Tum Standard std Weekly \fait
and Empire 1 3S
The Standard and Hamilton Semi-
weekly Tiniest 1 80
The Standard end Weekly Free
Press 1 80
The Standard anal Toronto Week-
ly Suu . 1 80
Phe Standard and Hamilton
'l'wice•u•woek Spectator1 80
The Standard end Toronto Daily
Star 2 25
The Standard and Toronto Daily
News . , '2 25
Thu Stetudur'd and Farmer's Advo -
Cote '2 30
The S'ande'd nal Daily Adver-
tiser 2 50
The &,andord and Evening Free
Press 2 75
The Standard and Toronto Daily
\Vo'ld .... .... . ... .. . 3 25
The Standard and Daily Free
Press 8, 50'
The Standard and Evening Globe 3 50
The Standard and Evening 31all
aid Empire
The Standard and Daily 7lail
and Einpire ,,., 4 10
The Standard and 1)ally Globe... 4 50
Send all aubserietions direct to
3 5O
We are also ready to turn out Job Work its quickly as possible and we en -
dearer tone only the best material that 0.011 be bed, 1f s oat ate d fitlytitbig in
the line of Envelopes, Letter or Note Heads, Statenteuts of Bill Beads, call and
inspect our stock.
An Advertisement in The Standard
lVill help you dispose of any article around the farm or in the store by
using the prim ter'e ink.
Phone Ivo. 4.