The Clinton New Era, 1900-04-06, Page 9Spring
Try as you may, you cannot
'escape the weary, worn out,
dont-care-to-work feeling that
accompanies spring weather.
Brain is not as clear as it
or to be; there Is ionguor
an bstlessness instead of
Otiergy and activity.
"Surdock Blood Bitters Is
what people need this weather.
•It sets the jiver, - bowels, and
Id±ineys acting,. whereby *all'
RolSoT are eliminated from the
° 3rideni ; cleans the tongue,
• Improves the appetite, purifies
and enriches the blood.
,Itirsi MARY J. bum, Hol-
land, Man., writes :
49 have used Burdock Blood
.BItters ,as, a spring medicine for,
110`4,y444 noiv 4114' don't think ,
'there is its equaldanywhere, When
I„ feel drowsy and tired, and have
.40 desire to eat, I get a bottle of
• B.B.B.
, v -'a I think it purifies the blood .and.
• ,
builds.' up, `the, ,coristitution better
'Pthiiii. nnv other remedy."
now isis ',erase For News" Once Got
' Man a Good Story.
- , "After*man has been in this biteltiess
for a certain length of time," maiden old
i 'reporter, after work was over the other
might, "he undoubtedly develops l_seet
ct instiuct that occasionally enables- him.
' to 'And news without being Zable to ex -
Vain, how or whys ,, He has 'A feeling'
that A story of supreme interest lurks
behind some commonplace event or that
gemethitig .esfs, extraordinary importance
ft .ciffinected with this or that casually
encountered stranger, and such premoiii-
tone almost always turn out to be cor-
D"PP::: ' E;Flerlield; :timer knows; iwhat X
-Mean and can,• illpitrate the, subject' with
'leaden *des hii "personal Careers The ,
' s• eiXeingeet tiiingl ot the ;kind in CraY :own;
experlencp happened when' I was a 'kid,'
- . se .1 am Unable! tosattribute it • to• an
highly developedi 'noile for news.' Him:-
ever, I ill tell th 'f ' : '
' "When, Preeldent Garfield mai, shot, °
I `:was, working on a paper in .Leadville,
Colo., whichwas then in its heyday and
the biggest mining center in, the world
We received -the news of •the tragedy by:
telegraph at about noon and at once bul-
letined it in , !rent of the office. As I re-
:1160)er the message, it ran, 'President
. Garfield has been shot by an unknown
nian giving the name of Charles J. Gui.
In the the dense crowd . that immedi-
ately collected „sissified the board I hap-
soened to poticeirlittle, pale, washed out
• looking woman, who was staring at the
e.nneuncenseut withall her eyes, and the
wild thoughtsflashed through inethat she
. could theow some light on the crime. •
"Now, on the face Of it 'nothing could
Lave been more prenosterous.; The idea
was absolutely, without any .foundation
.. in reason or common.senee, and if I had
suggested it to my editor he would have
set me .down as crazy, but that . white, '
, sterined face haunted me so persistently
that late in the afternoon, when I chanc-
-cd to see the so:man-again on the street,
I walked up and asked her abruptly what
*be knew of the shooting of the prod.
"'1 don't know anything about it,' sill
replied, greatly agitated, 'but the man
; who shot him rifted to be my, husband,'
"Well, you couldhave knocked me over -
with A feather. She . was Gulteau's di -
',tamed wife and was then married to a
' man named Dunmire, who ran a little
swoodiard in the suburbs of the town. I '
' went with her to her home„ and she gave
— me the first facts of the assassin's private .,
f life printed in any paper. The story fill-
• ed a page and was telegraphed all over, -
the country. She was afterward one of
ies main witnesses of the government at
the ,trial."—New Orleans Times -Demo-
crat. s ' ' •
I had e terrible cough ana oca, and not
,getting anything to help pie, I tried Dr.
Wood'e Norway. Fine Syrup, and AM glad
to say it cored -me at 0 once. Miss CABars
Briclues, Peepabun P. 0.,ont
General Rtiberta 10 the oldest of the
British coniissariders now in -Africa. The
ogee of the- several generale are: General
Muller, 61; Geneirel Gatacre, 57; General
Lord. 'Methuen, 6.5;, Geneve' Miry; 62
General French 48; General Kelly.Keriny,
60; Get:moil Warren, 60; General White, 65;
TAM Roberto, 68; Lord Kitchener, 50.
CeAuln0 '
Little Liver Pills.
IvAtist Bear SiertatUre of
See Pas -Simile Wrapper Bali
Tory roan ae4 se say
e• taw *s*
/ roil litAllACNE.
CARTERS nili blIfIllais
- mit santustai.
FOR SALLOW SUL ,, Pa Infants and Cididted.
-0•0mviretasovazst=„4 grj: ,, le II
. , 111 4740,
We Pant grow oldl The yeare go by;
Sometimes on wing* they 'Kew to ay.
But wkv such haste! We know not why.
Ws only know that we grow
Sometime, aloe, the year" theY go
A/4 11 with leaden foot, io
We taint from pain! We cannot know
'Moreton or why, but we grow old.
Bach vaillahed year ita own "ad tale
01 dtittoMenitment, woe apdwafl
Addto the ecore until wQ fell.
MRCP we grow old. We must grow old.
The broken links of We's inert chid*
Can never Sod their place Irani
The heart will Weed when pihreed with pain.
When loved ones die and ws grow old.
Into the dirk mknown wo take
The hope* misfortune could not shake,
Pure as the mountain?' anowy Bake,
--IlnihwITY4ThiOtn?"'esilit;tvit= we .rc trk Sun.
Ham. Poeta soya That its One ,of the
Needs or wan,
...When nature qiive- ue -two .hande elle
geve ne all that Was wanted at the time,
.but we have moved on, and nature has
remained atationary. We have the trots
\Ley car to take us down town. We carry
with us a hat (which blows off when there
is a plight breeze and is ruined by a
Ohower of rain), an umbrella to protect
the hat and a small black bag containing
papers. On our way back we have in ails
dition In another bag a piece of fish which
we have purchased in the market and are
taking home to our reeidence. Lae il with
theae impedimenta we attempt to board
a ear in motion.
Af first eight it would appear tnat ope
hand is necessary to catch on to the rail,
aoother hand to secure the hat, another
handto hold the black bag- and another to
hold the fish bag. .But this is not eo in
practice. One hand tem satisfactorily ac.
count for a black bag, au umbrella and
g fish baeket. The trouble begins when
. •
we try to bold on the hat with the same
hand yrith which we tire gripping on to
•the rail. And in the case of the two
handed man this happens every day. As
at present constructed, we Wee our hat or
our balance, or both. The third hand
would make a secure. • '
Go down at midday and enter any of
the Popular restdurants, and you will be
'faced at once ,with the great luncheon dif-
ficulty. There is a long counter and a
number of Men seated af It on high stools.
The counter itself Is crowded, and there
are many waiting for their chance at it
add 'wasting valuable time. New, there
la room and to spare, but not against the
Counter. . -
• The third hand blots out all the difficut-
t1p, of the rush luncheon at *Rees. The
third or'. middle hand spread out flat
'would hold the plate on which was the
cut froni, the, joint.. The. right .band
.w,ojild h id thiSiznif-and the I ft .the
fork, an now. The counter could be re-
niebed 'entirely, thus giving more' space.
Emery Mali mould be Intel:own counter.
When the human race, first started with
the Original couple, there was plenty of
room, and two hands sufficed, but in the
crowded coedition of the metroPolltan
•imichecin the third hand, to hold the
plate, has become a necessity. Having
acquired the'rush luncheon, we must in-
evitably acquire the third hand.
Piss froni the business to the social
funetion; - 'Let us suppose that it is a re-
ception after a wedding. . The wedding
preeents • are ranged "-round the room.
There Is an enormouscrowd of emartly
• dressed people, there are two detectives
Norefully distinguished to look exactly
IN detectives, there. are refreshments.
In the middle of the room is a young man
with a coffee ice In each hand making his
way to two ladies in the corner. There is
a crowd around him and no available -
place on which he can putdown either of
the ices, and at that moment' It becomes
an imperative necessity that he shall
sneeze. Think what a third hand ‘would
mean to him at that moment..—Barry
Pain In pearson's.
Efindoo Arrogance.
I was having my lemon in Hindustrinee
from my high caste munshi, whom I em-
ployed on first arriving in India, who,di-
lated with great bitterness on the arro-
gance of Europeans. Presently, wishing
to give some orders to my low caste
sweeper about ply dogs. I asked the mun-
shi to Interpret for me and among other
things to hand the sweeper 2 rupeea and
to give my directions as to certain pur-
chases. Instead of placing the money in.
the man's hand the munshi threw it on
the ground, and the sweeper quite con-
tentedly gathered up the coins, saluted
respectfully and Withdrew.
I asked the mnnshi how it was that he,
who resented the arrogance of Europeans
'so much, was so insulting in his behavior
to the poor sweeper, and he -explained
that the latter quite understood their re-
spective positions and did not expect a
high caste man to run any risk of touch-
ing him, well knowing the penalty ,of fine
and troublesome purification which would
be thereby ent iled.—Chatabers' Journal.
Boston'is ChIlly Girls.
"Heard about the discovery tnade in
Boston?" asked Scientificus of a friend
."No'; '811,bat Was
"Fellow down there giving a lecture on
liquid air"—
"He passed a lot around to the people—
you know It's about a million times cold-
er'n lee, and still a liquid?"
"Well, strangest thing in tlie world
"Fellow epilled a dipperful on a Bole
ton girl"— •
"Yee—what then?"
"It froze solidt"—Detroit Free Prese,
Slower 'Phan a Snail.
A Well known lawyer of Buffalo Is an
entliiielastic entomologist who has devot-
ed minty hours In searching for "big bugs
and little buo." He is reputed to be very
slew in his movements, so that when our
Mewl Judge Byrnes was, told that Mr.
Dodd - Wind a large snail he dryly said,
"It omit have been coming toward hind"
A remark which seemed to fit the case se
well that it was greeted with a shout of
laugh ter.—Hareer's Bazar.
Demo Experteneesi.
"I fake a cold plunge bath every morn!
tags" "
"'flint's nothing. My wife throws a
wet blanket on me at least 20 timed a
day."—Chicago Thnes-Ilerald.
A medleal paper directs attention to the
curious feet that seargit fever has never
been °heaved in an epidendc tom In the
tropical or slubtropical regions a Asia oir
Health in • April.
Use the World's Oreatest
Spring Medicine
P nine's Celery Compound.
It is The One Remedy ctladly
and Universally Recom-
' mended by the Ablemt
It is well known that iiiIMOSt every con-
dition Of winter life hes beau detriment**
to the health of thousands of men and wo-
The blood hoe beocene (dogged and im-
pure. the skin is uuhealthy and mudd
showing eruptions end pimples; the eyes
are 'Jutland sunken;the nerves are tmeteads;
there—iv .19es in weight, the -sten:IA(1W
troubles, rheureatiam sect neuralgia make
life a misery by day and night.
Paine's Celery Compound is the only
spring medicine that the best Orfila/Pi
are now recommending, because P9 her.
remedy cen so quickly brieg new and. Tie -
()roue health to the Ailing,. half-dead and
broken down. o
paine's Celery Compound cum dimwit
by first perifying the blood and enriching
and strengthening the nerves. It makes
the weak strong; it regulate. and Znvigor-
stip the entire nervous system, from the
brain to the minutest nerve filament.
Seeing that the experience of tens of
thoueands has proven that Paine'. Celery
Compound is'the greeteet of .all epring
medicines-- the one remedy that the world
could not lose to -day at any priori — it is
foolish and quickie) to defer its nee. One
cr two bottles used at this season will Imre-
ly banish all symptoms of disease and fit
you for the work and duties of spring and
summer. . • •
When you are buying Paine's Celery
Compound Bee that you get the genuine
with the name "Paine's" and.the "Stalk of
Celery" on the label; other compounds are
frauds and deceptions.
Lead.* Wins Taster'. APPLAUSE IN OLD ROME.
Oue of the out-,fth
o e way modes ot
getting * living In London Is that prae.
ticed by the wine tasters of the London
docks, These persons, who are stiOnozed
to hate palates of exquisite delicacy,
with much knowledge of wham hang
abOut the doeks, where they are hired by
both dealers and buyers to accosipany
- them to, the vaults and give their opin-
ions ot the varioue wines submitted to
them for exeminatlen. Though they care.
fully avoid swallgeving the wines they
taste, yet their calling elowly baps their
health, and they become at an early age
Phesleal 'arks, • The Benoist -Ione which
they experience In eampling the wines,
are of the moat delicate and subtle na-
ture. It was one of theme men who de*
teeted the flavor of iron in a pipe of wine
into which a shinele nail had fallen,
The language In whieh they deecrthe
these sensations is eltogether unique—
tionietimee, of the subtleet allusion*
and analoglets At a trial In which the
quality of a cargo of wine was In dispute
on of theite professional tasters, who
shad, beeu summoned to aptiese assaqiits
nese, expressed the most poaitive convic-
tion that, as the plaintiff oontended, the
wine that had beau sent was totally dif-
ferent from the sataples.
"And how do you know that?" asked
the opposing couplet.
"Oh, it is quite a different wine to any
taste, There wais a fine' farewell flavor
about the sample whieh the wine tient to-
tally lacks." --Saturday Evening Post.
Forted DoinemstratiOn Sisaarriest
the Disgroto of Approval.
From some relics which have been un-
earthed at Pompeii the interceding dis-
covery has been mute that the theater
goer* in old Rome were sough more punc-
tilious in the matter of applause than we
modern* are. If they approved of a Oar
Ior of an actor'i performance, they testi-
flee their approval openly, but in loch a
manner as to shoW the exact amount of
gratification which the performance had
afforded these. In other words, they
were guided by rigid rules in the wetter,
and so well were therm ruleit kuown that
every actor Conte) tell at once whetbee he
was really making a hit with the puldle
or was playing to an studienee. that failed
to appreciate even his best efforts.
When Both theater goers were fairly
well eatisfled with a play, they applaud-
ed by 'gapping with the thtitabiand mid-
dle finger. If they wanted the adore to
tinderetand that they were really wale -
fled vrids the performance, they. clapped
loudly by beating the—left liariir on' the
right. Ooly the tingers of the left hand
were brought. into Play on such OCCB1401111,
and. the fenind was 40 if two earthen„
sreesells had been knocked together. A
More 'hearty token of approval was given
IssIt Striking the flat Wins of the heeds
against each other. 'A still more Milted
token et pleesure wastheeurving a the
hands 'end then striking them bard
against mall other. , •
At time", however, there was an. oCca-
sion -When even these methods of testi -
frineaPProVel 'would sbe ineufficient to
exprewetbe popular delight. It becanse
the custom -tin .every such occasion for all
persone in the audience. to applaud by
waving' a corner of their togas or robeas
In'the direction of the stage. The peoe'r
pie of the lower, clams In Rome werenot
privileged to wear togia, but the Emper-
or Aurelian Permitted them whenever
they went to a theater': to carry a piece
of cloth, so that if the play proved an
extraordinary suceesji.they might be able
to testify their approval in the recogniz-
ed fashion.—Chicago Times -Herald.
We, the undisreigned, do hereby epee to
refund the money on a twentY-flve cent
bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pill!, if, -idler
using three,fourthe of contents of bOttlts
they do not relieve Constipation and Head-
ache. We also warrant that four bottleil will
permanently cure the most obatinote case
of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay
when Wills' English Pills ere need.
J. H. Oonsbe, Chemist es Druggist, Olin -
ton ; J. E. Hovey, llispeneing Chemist,
Clinton Watts se So., Drugs and Medi -
eines, Clinton ; Sydney Jackson, Druggist,
Oli t
Colleges of ,Commerce.
No business man can be too well train-
NO business van have too well trained
workers in Its service. .
The best training for a business MaD li
the ability to think, •
It Is usually impossible to determine
in advance what business a man in col-
ly wise not to ern-
, phasIze strongly the element of mere
knowledge In 'preparing for a -business
If one have a well trained mind, he is
prepared to learn any business' with wise
so that' he can conduct It With whatever
success It Is in him to make. •.
The plan for the establishment of col-
leges of commerce hi in peril of substl•
biting knowledge for power, information
for ability to thInk.—Professor: ThwIng
In Independent. ,
Wet does it profit a woman to gain the
the whole world of knowledge and lose her
own health? Young women students,
• and aohool teachers, eager, ambitious, and
and full of energy, very often neglect their
health in the streggle, to gain education.
They eat insufficient food, and et irregular
hours, they allow irregularity of _the wo-
manly functions to be established, and the
result is that they become chronic invalids
with all their educations praotically worth-
less, • There is a plain road batik to health
for such as these, marked by the feet .of
thousands. It the rise ot Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Dieoovery fcir diseases of
the stomach and digestiveand nutritive or-
gans, and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Presarip.
tion for diseases of the delioate organa of
womanhood. Koure so certainly follows
the nee of these remedies that out of hund-
reds of thousands who have tried the treat
Went, ninety-eight out of every hundred
have been perfectly and permanently oar-
ed. Constipation, with its calamitous con-
sequences, which is a ooniroon ailment of
atudents, min be entirely cured by the use.
of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
The little town of Kushicaron on Kootne;
Lake was entirely destroyed byfire. Only
two buildings were left standing, an.1 the
people of the place are destitute.
*The transport Sumner, which sailed for
the Philippines lately, will. carry more
than a thousand cavalry, infantry and
artillery redruits, and a large number: of
Countless thousands heve found a bless-
ing to the body in Dr. Ring's New Life
Pilla, whioh positively care Constipation,
Sick Headache, Dizziness, Jaundice, Mal-
aria, Fever And Aeue and all Liver and
Stonatioh trouble. Purely vegeteble ; never
gripe or weaken, Only 25o at H. B.
Combo's drug store, Clinton.
Early Illinois Editors.
Among the men of later prominence
whose names appear as editors of early
newspapers in Illinois are 81. K. Kane,
who left the Kaskaskia Republican
Vocate in 1824 to become United States
senator; Thomas Pord, afterward gov-
ernor of Illinois, who in, 1829 was asso-
ciate editor of The Miners' Journal, pub-
lished at (Wenn; General John M. Palm-
--er, who was the political editor, of the
Carlinville Free Democrat until he re-
ceived a nomination for congresa in 1859;
John G. Nieolay, editor of the Pittsfield
levee Press, afterward private secretary
of President Lincoln; Major MeClaugh-
ry, editor of the Carthage Republican;
William M. Springer, editor in 1860 of
the Illinois State Register at Springfield;
Stephen A. Douglas, who was a regular
contributor to The Illinois Republican of
Springfieldoand II. W. Blodgett, -who in
1847 edited, The Lake County Visitor at
Waukegan.—Freeport (Ills.) JOurnal.
Smoked Mice.
The itrst thing that strikes,the traveler ,
In China upon his entrance Into any of
the many cities of the Celestial empire
is the Whip Of dried 'nice which hang
from the roofs of the houses suspended
by their tails, just as sausages are hung
In front of butchers' shops in Prance.
The Chinese hunt these mike with a
• long, tsharp pointed knife, which they
plunge Into the animals' throats. Then
the mite are suspended by the tette until
the blood has dripped out, When they are
skinned, drawn and smoked.
A, Conundrum For the Sage.
tah.e Fool—Nay, I Will ask thee a (met -
The Sage—What is thy question?
The Fool—Ie a tool a tool it he makets
*living tit /Os -Puck.
There It no word in the Chinese Ian -
gunge that eotiveye an intimation of
what we term pulilie ophilon; nor is there
Wreonym for patriotism.
mixed on the pan.
A British tourist wandered Into the
• Rustlers' Retreat in an Arizena town re-
cently and languidly asked for a ligh ball.
• -.lake." called the accommodating bar-
• keeper to his assistant, "the gent wants
oyo ball, 1 donne ...wat—fer,—but -be
wants it. Qo out and ketch a Chin*,
TakeLauttive Bromo Quinine Tablets, All
druggists reread the moneyif it fails to cure.
Wets. de, W. Grove's signature is on each box.
The Brazilian Minieter to the Court of
St James, De FOUR Corea, was found
dead in bed. '
' Mr R. IC Wanzer, the sewing nisohic e
manufactrirer, formerly of Hamilton, died
in New York in his 82ad year.
Haygard's Yellow Oil relieves pain; re -
deceit swelling, takes out Inflemmatior,
ouresItheamatisco,Croup,and Sian -y Com.
plaint, Oen be used externally or taken
iaternally. Price 250.
The Quebec Government's resolution to
abolishithe.Legislativelonnoil was defeated
in the Council by a vote of 5 to 17. •
The trial of the alleged murderers of
Governor Goebel at Frankfort, Kentucky,
is being held in a cond room guarded by
soldier. •
Two of my little boys were troubled
with worms. They would wake up in the
night and vomit and through the day
would sometimes be very feverish. I gave
them Dr. Low'e Worm Syrup 9nd it com-
pletely cured them.
51as.Wis, Mitacsx, Teeterville, Ont.
Mrs Charles Edy of London Township
was thrown out of her buggy and killed, the
home running away,
Col. McGill will resign from his staff
position at the Royal Military College to
manage the Frontenao Loan ctt Investment
sl bad a bad cough for aeventeen years
writea Mrs Sam'l Hamilton, of Lawnville,
Tenn, "No doctor of medicine could. cure
until one year ago I began to nee Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
which did me more good than all other
medicines I ever used. It is truly a grand
oure for stubborn Coughs, Col&'Grip,
Bronchitio, Aathma Hay Fever andCrOup.
^Price 50o. and 5100. Guaranteed, Trial
bottles free at 11. B. Combe'a drug store,
Clinton, Ont.
The Government bui dings at Cape Town
narrowly escaped destruction by fire. The
Stateaispera, after being much damaged,
were removed.
A Gatioian named J. Ratorez was killed
by an exploaion on the Ontario er Rainy
River road, near Brute Portage. Several
other workmen were inj ut ed.
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder
The price of Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Pow.
der has beed reduced by the manufacturer
from sixty canto tolifty oents per bottle,
This; remedy, 'Allah has been recommend..
ed as no other one in exietance'by mein.
bers of parliament, ministers and edamtional men, can now be had of any druggist
at E0 oente a bottle, It relieves in ten min-
utes, headache or all pain caused by colds
or catarrh. It is delightful to nee. It
cures completely.
"All Dunlop Tire's irl roce"
When you hire a wheel
from the Bicycle Livery
look at the tires.
If they are Dunlop Tires
then you cart test assured
the wheel has a good pedi-
gree in its every part.
Dunlop Tires on all good
"The only Violas
The rioniorrire Co., Limited,
atoraiwil„ Wholly* kJAL
Sudden for.Sixty Yeare,--This is the re-
cord -tit Pain -1( iller, .eute
cure for diarehtet, dysentery and ail 'bowel
complaints. Avoid aubstitates; there lie -
but one Pain -Killer; 'Perky Dav.ial; 25o.
Ind 50o, .„
: At KitigetOn, a true bill for thinelanghter
has been retittned,,trgainst 0lier1iSe Frolic*,
hotelkeeper, for shooting Johapaines, who
ens raiding ins pbeitry.
A 'loon tO
removes all hard, soft orosPonte
You can't be healthy if your
bowels are constipated and
your system clogged with
factiermnint material. There
should tti,* natural move.
inlet everyday, and the best
way to secure It Is to take .11
Laxa-Liver Pills. The most
obstinate cases yield to their
action. They neither gripe,
sicken norweaken, are easy
to take and prompt to act,,,,
Oro Wood's: Heals and
. .
soothes the
Norway Pine Lungs and
, yrup cures Coughs
and Colds ol
the worst kind after other remedies
Pleasant to take. Price 25C.
allii. . i er
April, 1900
The Nelsons Bank
ix oorporitsd by Act of Parliament 1$16
CAPITAL /K.. fx,000, Oil
W. 141.11911 IKAOMIXOSION, President
P. woursturras TgQ/1.01 Gen. Manager
Notes din:Quoted, Collections roads, Prate!
loomed, Sterling and American exchange
bought ard sold. Interest allowed and*.
posits. BArringl Boor— Interest allowed on
stuAA Af 01 and up. Money s,dyanoed to
farmers on their own note, with Ono or
more endorsera. No mortgage required
H. O. BEEWNR. MaAIKOT, 0114002k
ALBERT ST., euxtpx
A. general Banking
Draft's witted. Interest allowed on
Advences made to !Armen on their oWn •
notes at low rates of interest.
A. general Banking Bueinees transacted
. Interest allowed on deposits.
Sale Notes beught
J. P. TISDALL, Manager.
WOOD and. COAL YARD. - . . ' .-," . - igh' . •
Subsoribei is prepared to promptly 'fin all or. ' 111111.111."`"44IF -
dera for Wood or Coal. which will 'ba sold at , • • MCLEOD'S
lowest ratee. Moe on Isaac street, at LAT1s • •
-.,... . AGENT4 WANTED..
Fiir a genuine inenepirmilting PoSition i rin
bdoke 'insurante, or fake fieheme ,• every house
ed Ledips, _and: Blensisitee „froin liwOes; a ousiomer. Particulars free. Write. to -day
Blood .Stpavin,,Cer,bs, StAintii;kftiogi.: PRIMTHER.111.19.I0l,c0,,132 Viotoria street, ;TO-.,
gww0i3euneeuy. twshtricotro; 0E1u po lift!, ,entaa,....,,,Tdh e.fre,er ore andote, *onto. Canaan., . : , , Feb saas
bottle may make youll50,•441 1,,,Franted the '. A4E/trig A.
TS -
must wOnderfol Wed:deli Cluprevers,known. , .
• .
No enierientie ttooessur,y, , Permanent:lied-
• , •tion. • Liberal . Mrins. '. , Pay ' weekly: • Stock
r4.4......6........,... . .,....4.,.,,....,.......,,,k,.. , seoemeaplwetishewlatt,h cofaart4ellpiontrpteetteittop.s,.:IonvolTuFdiiv.
' Don't
, ..,,,,,,_,,,,,.. ..•,:reiemureen,t,e. BrriroryieetiNeliwrs.','0.,.c.),;r--,
At Rattails.,
. ., .,. Aug 44L7tf : .‘ . :. .
' :11E111 Ileittli.11111114;it
Our fee returned if we fail ,Any one Lending
sketch and description of any. uwention win!
promptly receive our cpinion 'concerning ,
the patentability of same. -",How td Obtain. a
-Patent" sent upon . request. Patents secured
-. through us advertised for sale at noir expense.
'. Patents taken out Cirough .us receive spaded
nolfea, without, charge, in Tria Partial' Raccuto,
an illustrated and widely circulated journal,
consulted by Manufacturers and Investor.
Send for sample copy FREE. Addriesi
(Patent Attorneys,) .
• evaniBui!ding, . WASHINGTON. o.•.
This man knows what he did and
how he did it. Such endorsemeets as
the following are are a sufficient proof
of Its merit&
Oshawa, Minn.. Feb.12, 1808.
' Dear Biriss—Flease send bo one of your Treatise on
the gorse, your new hook as advertised on your
• bottles, English print. I have cured two SpavInit
and ono Curb with two bottleof your Kendall'
, [instil/ Curb In four week&
Price, Si; six, for $s. As if liniment for
family use it has no equal. Ask your druggist
Treatise on the Horse," book free. or address
WANTED—Honest man or wonian to travel
far large house ; salary $65 monthly and ex-
penses, with increase ; position permanent;
inclose self-addressed stamped envelope: MAN-
AGES, 330 Caxton bldg., Chicago. Dec 29-10
"The best life of Her Maieety I bare men,_
writes Lord Lorne about "Queen Victoria."
A aentS make fire dollars daily..
:\ •
"Klondike Gold Field," al arge, oheaP, Yalu'
able book, sidling like a whirlwind. Beautiful
prospeetus twenty -live cents. Books on time,
Iiimest man or woman o , travel for large
bonse ; salary $6.5 monthly and expenses, with
incirease ; podtiot." perinanent ; inclose self-
addressed stampsd rvolopeMANAGER, 330
Caxton bldg,, Chloe o Deo. 29-10
For "Story of South Africa," by Sohn Clark
Eidiatith, L. L. D., Edward S. Ellis, M. A., J.
A. 0•0126r, Managing Editor of -the "Canadian.
Magazine." Toronto, and 3. 11. Aiken, of
London, Ont.,, who has retrumed Ude week
frcl•in 12 Y.: aarrse travelling 111
.k.zu Alva for
ivho hare had ek branch in south Africa for
nineteen yams, giving us an immense edvatt-
age in procuring photograph& and Material.
Our' Authorship, letterpress and engravings
areisuperior, and Canadian Contingents bet
ter illustrated than in any rival work. So
Imre are We of this, that we Will mail free for
comparison our prospectus to Anyone poises*.
ins a rival prospectus. Menhirs and terms
free. Apply World Publishing Company,
Guelph. Ontario.
For Twenty-seven Years
POWDER Clintou,SaskDooriBlindiractory
with Wortne and MUSIO COMPlete,
• I A
O graaogiection of Musical Geras, sentimental, path.
We. comic; a veritable treasury of ti, worldhpoyn.
lar and beautiful zoom price. 10 cents. Postimid.
JONNSTON MerA1111.141,71 Bongo Bt., Toronto. Can.
. •
'Weak -and Impure Blood,_
• Liv,erit Kidney Diseases,
Female Cenzpiktints, Ete.
te direct to:
4°, M. MoLEOD,
Goderioh, Ont.
This book contains me hundred sail
tan of the best humorous rncitationg,
embracing the Negro, Yankee, Irish age,
Duteh dialects, both in prow and Tem
SS well as humorous •compositions
every kind and &tractor, Bent. Pest' -
Pad. with onr illustrated catalogue at
nooks and novelties for only ten cent&
. Johnston & McFarlane
_ • ItIOngento _ Toronto.Cnne
EV0015%0110 KgOWS •
We bay clued from the mantifaeturera in Staffordahire, England, and thus buy
atflret cost. We secure goods of finest quality, and therefore know that in prices and
value our goods are unsurpassed. Buyers must gavel money on these goods, compared
with articles not so favorably purohaged.
Exquisite Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets
DINNER AND TEA SETS, 97 Pieces, from $5 up,
TOILET SETS, complete, 82 and upwards.
' You can examine these goods withent being compelled to buy, but you will want
I to buy biter you:examine. 0
We have the best' 25e Tea, in town; we have tea at other prices, but no matter
what priced tea von want, we can give you extra vable. Agent for Ram Lai% Appleton]
Monsoon and Brim Ribbon packet Teas.
TO EV.E1fl ON X who Mtn And in the Drorey Paula 2 Faoes—mark
, theta iuld return le va—ms give an exquisite Tiffany 4y1s sionnistiv•
Opal or Ruby Stick Pin Tree, and send U Teri•eent Packages of lin•
perishable Perfume to sell for us if you can. When sold, return money
and wo give yen Free choice of a heavily plated Chain Begeelet with
Lock and Rey, or Solid Gold Shell Belcher Birthday Ring. Simply
Intarpresposo. sal we aced pato without mosey or price. Writa to -day. You risk nothing, as wo pay the any AM
.grig• en am Perform seat Into Ontads. makIng its delivery absolutely free, and unsold goods lirS returnable.
histtisel ties saw NATION&L siurraw 411•30 West Lamed Ste. Detroit. Mk&
Jwit arrived—A. lot of new style Bedroom Sets, SidebOards and Tableo, whit&
We offer et very low prices.
People say that 'we ehow the finest patterns in Tapeatry Curtains and Tablet
Covers, Our 02.08 and $3. 97 Tapestry Curtains are beautice, Call and gee thorn.,
Pictures Prattled on Short 'Notice.
4ou1uramIvir, rnyttit
ut... igtstaz
•••••1••••••Nidar • .,01,1111,11.41.
General Builder and Contractor.
This Wien, is the largest in the county, and has the very lateet improved mai
• glittery, oapabie of doing work on the shortest 1304100. We oarry an extensive
and reliable stook and prepared plansand give estimates for and build *11 elemw
ea of buildings on short notice and on the crown pries.. Ail work is sot:amide
ed in a mechenioal way and anitiolaction guerantsed. We sell all kinds of
istior and exterior material.
• Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime.fiSash, Doors, Blinds, MC
Agent for the Celebrated OBA.THILletit SCHOOL MON, nissursonstii
O WatN
at erloo. U and get nrions and MIMS* Wore placing Your orders