The Clinton New Era, 1900-04-06, Page 8,41040...40#1044,10.404.40.••••44,444. Advoco to Consumptives STARTED IN A JOKE QUEER WAY IN. WHICH THE &SEEN GOODS GAME ORIGINATED-. .1`be Cue Was Given to tlie Oron)cs by a Trick W1111011 14111 Innocent There are three great mine. Mtn, Whis_Wits Suepected ot calm. dies that every person With terieitinw Played on the Pollee. , weak lungs, or with consump- "Did you ever bear how the green • turn Atself, should understand. goods game originated? But ot course These remedies will cure • yo).1 did not,. for not over a half dozen about every case in its first men ever knew," said an old thne sport. stages ; and many of those "The beginning of the game was due to more.advanced. It is only accident and the freak of a man on It the most advanced that are spree, once originated, however, it was hopeless. Even these are the most remarkable swindle in criminal wonderfully relieved and life 2 annals. For 4 long time there was no itself gwatiy"pfologed, - - I- law ngainst it tor of-eourse there Weliae, .attempt at counterfeiting. . What are. these remedies ? 1 "Along about ISM down on Houston Fresh air, proper food and, street, east of Broadway, Matt Grace, n SOWS [Mil1g0111 I ,oann,d a leader of a dingy, cheer - 1 of Cad -Liver Oil with Hypo - •Be afraid, of inch : less place, with sawdust en the floor an thick, one of the kind consistent • Nvith the neighborhood-, which was then draughts but not of fresh air.: known as Murderere row, It was the Eat nutritious food and drink • center of crimp of this great city. Bar - plenty of rink. Do not forget I ney, McGuire. whose photograph is in the of that Seott'S' Emulsion is the i a lot swindling games. rogues' gallery, was then at He 'ohoeoadd to e oldest, the most thoroughly Z tested and the highest en- 2 hang out at Grace's Place. Another of . dorsed of all remedies for 2 the gang was Big 'Red, a pugilist, but a 1 1,ireak thrcia.ts, weak Itings and i . gomLuaturod sort of a- fellow, burly and . consumption in all its stages. i l'bittlf. They -ran things in their lneighbor- : PardAalidnigg4thood, and many a COIlairYhaa Was rllh SCOTIg OVChomists,TOiOnto: into the place, passed: his good coin over $ae.ese••••••4•••••••••eeeitetioeits.•••111 the. bar and woke up in the morning with a Pocketful of counterfeits. GraCe's .wasn't the nely place of the kind either, CU RItA I,N IA AI $ E RS: ' and the secret service men had their eyes on the row turd know all the men in the MinnieSeligman has,signed a eOritract gangs. But .knowing and Proving are •to play In the Keith nooses exclusiVely . two differeht things, andthe secret serv- tor Berne time to come. Slie is in New lee officers were constantly engaged in York now, ' . • trying to secure e.vidence against the. • Grace Van Benthuysen, daughter of men. ' the managing editor of the New. York "Living in that' neighborhood was. Joe . World, will make her debut on the stage IlennessY, who was then :boss of the In Chicago' next month. Plasterers' union and was given to occa- MO Fernandez, . J. G. • Saville .. and sional jags; when he would frequent Matt ' Frank Hatch are 'Members Of the "Coun- GraCe's Place, although lie wits a thcir. tess Chiffon" company, which oPened in °uglily honest man and when sober kept New York some tiMe ego. .,nwey from the crooks who used to fre: Fraok Daniels will devote next, season • rtitent Murderers' row. He knew them to the Pacific coast and the territory out all, however, and was safe arnong them that Way. and Will not be back east. when druek, *kick was not often the ,wbere he is now, Cr two years. • case. Because of this 'he Wa$ unknown .Eitimett Corrigan, who succeeded Ill to the.secret service men, of whom Cole -- .T. hforganiin.the title part in "Ben-Hur,". ''`ii Whitley wais °11140P ,with headquarters at 56 .Bleeeker street; neer Crostl: ' has done ,so . well that he has Poen en- ' • Colonel Whitley. One de), decided to . gaged to play it foe two years ahead. • see' if be couldit'tc Richard Harding Dais'-iirainatization t rap the ounterfeiters :who hung out at Gtace's:, So he heti one of "Van Ribber" has heen accepts d for n _ production . by • Robert • Hilliard. . • Three; oI his memake go around tit nighuptas 'a countryman -and - It happened .that rigs will be required to tell the stories. : Coloopl, Whitley's plan •Was put into. exe•` - Every Week we bear of some new plan colonat the time when Hennessy was of victory Bateman's. 'The last report ' enjoying one of ' his infieqoent jags in ' is that she is to Create'lhe title role in M t' 1 d h th n h om, the disguised detective first paw when he entered and whom be took un with, as. he could do easily enough, for Joe vras in, his usual geed humor. • : "They had a few drink' s, and by and by the pseudo farmer said to. Joe, I'll give you $2if you'll get me $100 in coon- - • • " terfeit.' .Toe was mad at first to be talc- CHURCH COLLECTIONS. en for one .who would deal in fairy:mon•:- • • • - ey, liut after c little thought he 'decided "•' . ; The Rev. Dr. Washington Gladden..of.• to have -a joce on the supposed fartaer. ' Celtimbus, O., hasconsented heeon "So he :l: .!All right. I • can't get it, :. : to 13 .1flember‘of the city mind] of that eity7• . ; morning. j'11:.'have it .ready for you. • :tonight, but you meet ine here toniorrowl, •, .. Bishop "Lawrench'Ippiseopan .041as: Then they' Separated, the farmer going sae se is'one; of the wealthiest derg. . out.. Joe told the gang What had hap - men in the-eduutry, haringlhe ingoree,•ort pened and invited them all to be on hand .$2fit?.0;00.0- '''.' 'I'''.• when be tooled the guy.'• Then he went The 'Rei. Sainelel A. Eliot, 14seere• io work to prepare to fool hint-. ' !wry of the American Unitarian assecla:: 'I:Tomes:Sy got two $1 bills and a lot -- den: has .declined .to aceeot the qualliof paper as near to the texture of bank 31"1110':ban Iiihich WII8 lebdere,d to him by note paper tis he could, cut it into. sheets the inerabeta of the South Congregational the exact Site of a Si bill, bound 98 of clatticii.vt Reaten;, and he will reniaialit theta together with , a° dollar., bill on the iris present position. , . bottom and another on the tojy. •Efol stain- ' , Rev. Dr. MtrelienOie,l a promineet Pres- .ed the edgeS.of the bundle with green ink bverian minister with ix, clutrge la San and was ready. Fitancisco and professor it San Anselnie .'"The supposed • farmer got around at ' selaiienry. is said to be the richest clergy; the appointed time, antiall of. the gang • man in Califoroia. He made his fortunewere on hand when hecame in. Ile soon himitelf in orange farming while niftebd,-got away in a corner at a table with Ing to his clericarpndeducational dittiei:.iiermessy and asked him if .he .had the :••`...r. , • •, ., . ••• , fairY,Aiioney with 'hini, 'Yes,' said Joe, THE CLINTON NEW ERA The Test That -Tells the !rale of Merit. ktml••• Is the Test of Friends and Neighbors You 4sut Get All the eenvinehin - Proof You Went by Reluliall ellelten POP erg. If mixed up in e. law euith Yon -Pill nerve _ your beet interests by engaging the best law- yer in Clinton. It going into bilsinesa the advice of the .,beet butoneee triendyou know is worth con- • Putting. It is but e ehort time ulnae Dr. Pitcherli • Ananeehe ,Kidney Tablets tint oame to Clinton. It was Said trey wiild otire back.' ache and kidney complaints jand now you can consult mores of 011aton people to ver- ify the statement. Long distance reports are not given yon to depeud upon, but convineing statements like that et Mrs Southcombe, of Batten - bury St. ,who says: "For somayeare I have offered from kidney trouble assooiated with a mosoularanclartioular rheumatism. The kidney did not act at all well. My age 72 ift against me. I was told of Dr Pit- cher's Backache Kidney Tablete and gm a bottle At R. B. Combe'e drug store and I am Ole to eay that their effect on the kid- ney Was excellent. I have, no idea of com- plete recovery at my ege,but am well Veas- • ed with the relief:gwen me by the ta lets. They are oertAnaly easy and gentle in tion,P Price 50 dente per' bottle, A free sample of Dr, Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets mailed to every applicant. It you doubt. the testimony of your neighbors you can Prove for yourself -get a sample absolutely free* Send stamp to The Pitcher Tablet Co., Toronto, Out. the forthcoming melodrama, "The Angel - of the Alley." "The Dramatic 'Wrier says in a late Is aue that wherever ticket speculation • thrives as a general rule it can also he 'said that the management is deriving a share of the profits of the traffic. •. • ' Oyi,E Fi ',THE'. OCEAN., , ' ; ' atius, so I'll have to. piss it to youunder `but all tbese fellows are sort 0? looking • . ., , - ' - the table. cWhere'd . your $2?' The $ • Parie objectit3!'buildilits. Revolutiona was pnehed,:to him over the top . of the .iire tralte as ,exefting and not mIarly so tattle, and Soo passed the supposed Conn- ,ideingeroaS.--St. Paul Globe. • 3 led& money under It. The detectiki 'General: Kitchener has n record as 4. looked at the package; saw the ten' bill, ' man' who will not stand any tonisehse. jumped up and, pulling off his disguise, . As Gore Paid hasseinethieg of a record arrested Joe. • 'Ail 'that way, the clash:will. be .ti vere. turbo whole barey. aceammogad.... the . one, -,71, . • ."... eh.o&tozt §tar• ' , 'sleuth and Joe to Colonel Whitley'stettd- ..,. t Wit,...tst-ev.... • . /, . r .• t Ittlit0i'fl tbOut a POssible .:eenniAs Ct , 0- quarters .. tieric, Joe wanted , to kite . 'fweeii-Japan and Russideare becoming •,,:. imumerous-enoughto cause. 'anxiety. Pebo . .•. . Pie have. earned. in recent years that war pan he'ppen.-4ndianapolis Novi •,,,. Great 1.ritain is ratber,IiitS in propos- log to democratize her army, but better , late titan never, .Theree --yast room foi •what he had been arrested for. ' 4!'179r dealing in emeiterfeit money,', replied Colonel Whit* ' ' • " 'Tnere'e nothing false ebout_itat trattey,' said Joe. 'Just examine /that .pec'kitge, and you:11 find tie() $1 bills and lot of Worthless, green stained- 'paper, reform where ..no Young man vitt anter which cost me nothing, nailer' It all 1 the cavalry unless his father can give, got $2. No one We lost or matie a cent,* bin:v*2,500 a year. -Boston Herald... I thought to play a harmless joke ab a •.• dIshotteat try:nail.' , . 'Mitt) • .• i,se one. ey el Joe I go, of course, - THE HOME DOCTOR. " 'but 'McGuire nod his cronlee got together, with a big idea in their brains. Lung and, liver epmplaints 'are certainly , said Inoy, 'wt' have been dealing in coun- benefited aiid,often cured by a, free eon: terfeit Motes; which is against the law, titimption of (Miens, eltbef,raw or cooked. 'naive aro nettle to arrest it it is found ~'. Vie habitual use of tett atea means of In our possession. We have.to show it to relle,vitigheadache is, soil a-dbetoerwith. our come mut. Now, why not show them ortt doubt;a6P, efficient cause of rheum* real money and let them test it? Vire% than In numerous ways. tell them counterfeit and that not Oatmeal water flavored with lemon e%141 811 expert could tell it from the gen- uine. Then when they buy it we'll do it Joh e, cold coo*, chocolate cream or cold bon'llon, Is not only meat as well as ttp ih paekages and put it in a satchel while thy come on is looking, have an. AMA but is even more cooling than Ices. „ other sorbet Just like it with packages The Leinster Regiment will Sail from of green paper with a $1 bill on top and Halifax on the Vanoetver Tuetiday, change satelivis going, through a passage Detail/1'4,03e plans for the new O. P. ft. or,,m some other station andhotel to be erected at Winnipeg That's what thveTlid, and that is hoW have been completed, the green goods genie of the present day • originated, from the joke of an holiest man, innocent of any intent to do wrong, -A.bsolutely ▪ •FEtst anti its possibilities revealed to counter- '. feiters by a secret service man. Of course, it was developed and enlarged • DIANONO DYES taw by which eubsequently, and for years there was, no operators could be punish. ed. They did no counterfeiting. If they Can't Be Washed Out . vv, The first international cat exposition will be beld in Berlin next month. The detachments to form the Halifax gart ison have all arrived at Halifax. The Duke of Norfctlk, Postmaster General in the Salisbury Cabinet, has resigned. ' Solatica:--Tbat•most intensely painly of diseases that defies doctor's treatment -tan be promptly relieved and thoroughly cored by Milburrert Rheumatic, Pills. By I. the bursting of a grindstone in the "Welland vale works at St. Catharinee Wilbam Waltor, one of the workmen, was fatallY injured. Mr j. 'Quinlan, travelling, p.ssengtr agent, has been tippointed representative of the grand Trunk, with full charge of the company's exhibit, at the Paris Exhibition. • A. HALF CENTURY RECORD. Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry has now been in use for 50 yeare and there is noting to.equal it as a, rapid and effective' cure for Bowel Complaints of young or • Mr. G. :Wyndham' announad in the British House that it Was proposed to give a total of 270 commissions in the tinny to the co1onies,,a04.fik to Lerd Roberts for diaributibe to the fort:astCho Meld. A °Owlet named *GOIdemith made a vicious attaok on Miss Mary Smith, aids. tantmatron at the Kingston Ptmiteptiary, stabbing her several timesin the •neolt and shoulders with a roughly tuade.knife. The wounds are not fatal. • cltented any one, It was a person had tried to buy counterfeit money, anti Virith SOapsuds. there was no provision to punish them for failing to deliver dishonest goods to dishonest man. The police were in on The Diamond Dyes in all the new and the scheme and protected it. They got faehionable colore are Made especially for hundreds of thousands of dollars of hulh home use. They will dye cotton, silk or money, and the men who riot the game , wool or mixed &bride of heavy or light fared equally well. Eventually the pees- weights-, and prance colors that never fade Cut federal laws providing punishment, or wash out. NO other dyes on the market eqtal the Dimond Dyes in strength, brilliant:y.4ot. . ability of color or simplicity of nee. Long years of severe 'testa have made Diamond Dyes the most polder in every eiviliked bind. As *Me flealerd tell inferior °meek dyee pot up in paokeges to imitate Diamond Dysit, shva ineist upon getting the gen- uine with thi name “Diamond" which it a sure protection to every home d3 cr. All (betting tela Reniek Hamilton, of No failures,,13 1/n0 disePPaintnlents .or lona Weet Jefferson, Ohio. after raft:ring la 13,1 flIsterba Yno .04 .,. U741111.- months from Recital Ei6nia, be would die Are lot) intereeted in the matting of hooked ;mien e footle operation wax performed ; DIMS sod trigs? If so, send for our new but he onred himeelf with littoklen'e Ar - for use of the mile with intent to de- fraud Were panted, but it's hard to detect green &ode correspondenee, and to on ea there are diehonesty end Ignoranee in the land the game flourish."..--NeW York Sun. V00.1.i1ro Trtn fillItGEONS illnetrited "Diamond 1)yo Bug Book; free njok Snivels the hen to the worm, Bored to arty &dare*, Well' Richardson 00,, pile dere on earth, gee g hog. Sold by CASTOR IA covers, or so stamps for Cloth binding. Agent. Olin en. SOD Mountain Bt., Montreal, P. 4): /I, S. Oombe, druggist, Olintan. Addreea Dr. IL V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y. ane2.2.00 e w ly, explain how nerves have, in's_porting language, "knocked out° the beellIns tt the tone et origo malorum, or the greater '..number of them, and inundate yom with stories of that colossal bore and mischief worker .Charcot. . After 50 he . will tell •,;•you in more or lees sweeping fashion that the average nerve patient wants beating soundly and that Chareotwag the venter of a new end• pestilential craze Patch stupider, though 'unfortunate, more lasting, than spirit rapping, therm. ophy or palmistry. A 'specialist, accord- ing to the well 'known dictum, onght to be a mart who., knows everything about 'something and a little about everything. He is, in fact, mostly a manwho knows a litrie iliont something - end rtt:"Naz abinte thiekeist..-tondon Speaker. • ) idle Whiter of the Two, eald liry Thomas when a Ier, naught with unpleasant meaning • bad' followed Ids first altercation with his young wife. • "Yes?" mid Mary interrogatively. "When a Mad and his wife have a—a differenee,9 bald Mr. Thomas, with a in- dictor air, ',and eaci considers the other • at fault, which of the two do you think should make the dist advance toward a reconciliation?" • "The wiser .of the two," said BIM • Thomas promptly, "end so, my dear, Say onee that am very sorry." It occurred to Mr. Thomas that It might have been as well for him to have made the tint advance, after *II, but he • thonghtfullY refrained from baying so.* ' y. • oleeitatvge. • A. touching it:atones of the humor 'v -which never deserte a true triclinium even In his worst troubles Is recorded. soldier was seen in the trenches hold, kg his hands. above the earthworks. Ills carain atked: • 'What are you doing that for, Pat21" He replied with a grin as he worked hie fingers: ' •• "I'm feeling for a furlough, sir." lust then a dile ball struck his arm just telow the wrist, albeit it enter etpree, NUM of pain, and humor pulsed over his "And filth it's a dischugga."-teadon 41111Werta. boobs extlaimed: THE 6YNid. When a roan quarrelsome, some peo- ple are disposed to say that be bas "char. actor." . A man Is seldom rleb enough to afford luxuries before bis sten:itch gets ,too. worn. out to digest them. This is hard to underitand, but truei The landlord who ,aloities his tenant. Imo tbe least rent., • Foolish things. don't seem to :be so bad when you are doing them as when the neighbors talk about them. The warnied over meat that used to up- • Pear as hash now puts on airs with some sort of sated dressing poured river it. but it is old meat left over just the same. If a woman has a toothache or,some other trouble whieh prevents her front fleeing guest at least. ten times ndt to go "yet" the guest starts a story that the vsneen froze her. --Atchison (I lobe. • -• • • • • ,..• POLITICAL. QUIPS: Where there is rotten polities the public morels are vett:el.-Philadelphia Record. When the oilice seeks the, . Man, It doesn't look for him on the street ,corner. -Chicago Dispatch. If the. eurrency orators In the senate want to please the eountry, they .should "boil it deven."-Baltitnore An:pricer, ' BB IS A WOND.ult. • • • All who see Mr 0, P. Collier, of °hero. kee, Ia., as he is now, cheerful, ereet, vig- orous, Without an ache, coula hardly be- lieve is the sante man who a short time ago, had to sit in a 'chair, prepped up by ,oushfone, stiffering intensely from an &oh- ing back; in agony it be tried to etoop•all caused by chronic kidnat troubk., that no medicine helped till he used Electric, Bit. tors and was wholly cured by three 'bottles. Positively cures Backache, Net ousness, Lois of Appetite,ull Kidney troub:e-. On. ly 50o at H. B. Combe's drug store,Louton, According to the Delagoa Bay road award, Portugal is condemned to pay 15,314,000 fratcs. Mist Chas. P. Tempir, Hope Town, *P. Q., writes ; "I used to be troubled with severe Headaches and Constipation, but Laxa-Liver Pills have cured me and I heartily recoromend them to my friencle,". RARE VALUE OF HUMAN TEETH. . . Loisei That Are Taken Lightly and Are iird to Retriexe. ' •In the great Malagawa teinple at Kan- dy is a tooth attracting pilgrims from far and near. A special .mission was *sent from Stara to try to purchase this, a sup- posed tooth of Buddha. An amount equivalent to $259,000 was offered for it It is not strange that a portio n et the human body should be thus vrorshiped.I. • There are many shrines where teeth are . 'held as objects of worship inclosed with- in golden caskets and rarely exposed to • the gaze of the unbeliever. The average individual vAlues a tooth lightly, and its loss is considered a trivial matter unless it happens to be a front ..tooth. • Not • until nearly all the teeth have been destroyed. by. decay or remov- • ed by the forcepa doe* one realize what has happened. When one tooth has been extracted, - you have really lost two. Teeth cut and grind. The grin(1ing•teeth may be liken.' . en to millstones -One acting upon the other. Remo -re a tooth, and the -oppos- ing organ is without a function. It has nothing to grind against. It will length- en slightly, as though in search. of a mate, and in the ease of the gna-wing ani- mals the loss of an incisor usually re- sults in the'death of the annual. ' The opposing teeth, elongating,. Prevents. the use of the remaining teeth, or, as fre- quently happens to • rabbits, the 'tooth, baying no work to do, curves uPward un- til it penetrates the skull. Luckily our teeth are limited as to their growth. - The loss of a tooth adds a wrinkle to - the fade. This is not so apparent per- haps in youth tiii in middle age, although even in the youthful the loss of a cuspid, or eyetooth, is plainly indicated by a line extending' from the wing of the nose to the angle of the mouth. This is caused by the shrinking away 'of the prominence which outlined the root of the tooth. •' It is a pullet's fact that most people In chewing use one side of the mouth more than the other. This -can be traeed usu- ally to some defect on the unused side, but the habitual use of one side of the mouth Is detrimental to the opposite aide and to the health generally. "The strength of • an Organ . depends upon its use" applies to the 'teeth as it does to any: other part of the body. The mastication of coarse food niay wear the grinding, ;Voce!, thie deco tot inter- fere with their as is .shown by the teeth of the Eskimos -ground down In many cases to the gum, yet showing no signs of decay. The same condition - may be seen in the teeth of the Califor- nia- Indian. Nature has provided for the wear of the tooth by building from the - Inside when the pulp which occupies the center of the tooth is approached. -New York Herald. eatest danger to life in the city is not ttle car with s clanging gong, but those silent invisible foes, the germs of disease. The prevalence of consumption in cities is stated to be largely due to the frequent expectoration of 'diseased per- sons whose driedsputa dust and blown into the air, is inhaled by some luckless man or woman. Sanita- tion may mini- mize these perils but catt never obliterate thein. • pij The essentitil 6' NI thing is to edit,. cate every per-. son to the 'knowledge that the. germ can find no permanent lodg- inent in a healthy body. Keep the blood pure, the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition in sound health and you are practically germ proof. This disease resisting condition is ob- tained by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It purifies the blood, strengthens the stomach, nourishes the nerves, and heals the luegs. Even when there' is obstinate cough, bronchitis, spitting of Mood and other conditions, whieh, if neglected, lead to consump- tion, the faith/hi use of Golden Medieal Discovery will, in almost every instance, effect a cure. "f was taken slek tiny hist year., and wee not able to do any of work until Novel*. ber,” writes Mr. °et orviti, of Langley, salkett Co., El, 0, " tad beep coughing up ono. hard tempi of Oleg& for about a year before x w* take* down. I then called cui a doctor, who tiel that one.balf of my teft lung waa gone, in advised me to leave hlt *whetted go to the country. are to yet foe tie& took tour mixed with the bottle/m(3'A e 'a olden edical /*covers/. • which I Arnecrel tyllelieve kingdom Mt ZONI geed than all the other medicines I have ever taken." The People's Common Sense Medical Adtriber fro, on retetpt of stwepa to Oh Id C pay customs end mailing only. Smut st 4 MATRON AND MAID. Urn. Potter Palmer nude that her da - ties act commitudone: to the Paris expos!. • Von will be merely honorary. The Lawton tend has reached nearly $100,000. tars. Lawton is Already be. -Ink overwhelmed with begging lettere.. •)0this Rose Murray of Toledo, the cham- pion WOMItit bowler of Araerlea, OW tered ber name fer the -International. tour.. nament at Union Hui park The will of the late Uri!. lalla P. Mc Blain of Geneva, N. Y., be:me:trial $10,- 000 to the city hospital of Geneva and $10,000 to the cemetery for s, mortuary elliSlaPreol: Pickett, wife of the Confederate general who led the tamone • charge. at Gettyeburg, is the author of some very Pretty memorial verses --"Our Gathered Lily" -printed in tthe Baltimore papers. Mies Beata* Xoties; ir society girl of •North Oarollea,. has made a bid for the appointnfene of landsectpe-ettrdenee-for • :none. gronnds.et the new S$. Peter and Pegs cathedral to be built in Washlitg. • Mrs. Alice AteL, Birney, president of. the National Congress ot Mothers, re- ' grets to announce that she will not be able to receive her Mende tor tiore time, • dowauingghtetro. the continued of her • • Miss Mary. Buchanan Randolph, who was burled at Maplewood, near Char- lotteville, Va., recently, was a daughter of Dr. W. C. N. Randolph, or many years rector of the 'University of Vir- • ginia, and a great -great-granddaughter of Thimaas ;Jefferson. Miss Anne Rhodes, corresponding see. • retary of the New York State Federation of Womeres Clubs, has gone on a trip to the island of 'Trinidad. She • expects to • be away aboui a month, She will get material for a lecture about the place, people and customs. . • After nearly 50 years of newspaper work In the United States Mrs. jennie Jtine Croly will soon .leave tor England, • her' native country, where she veil' pass the remaining years .ot her lite, She. be- gan newspaper 'work 1855 in New York and was one et the founders of -Sorosis, in /SO& *Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt of Brook- lyn, who succeeds Miss Susan B. An- thony as president of the Natimial-Asso- ' dation of the IVoman Suffrage Societies, is a popular college woman and has for a number of years been associated with Miss Anthony in advancing the v?ork of the organization. • A young' woman named Erika Paulass is likely to be the first woman architect of Austria. She has applied to the Buda- pest board of examiners for .a certificate to praetice, already having her certiff- ,eates as a draftsman and as a master • masen. 'It it now necessary for her to demonstrate her ability to ontrol 'bodies. Of men; thereforb .sh must. undergo a public trial. ' , AN EASY PROPOSITION 46r.' , tirlte Vc-r, B• eanty and style without comfort is wally obtainable, comfgrt with. out appearance is equally ample. 'You never saw au ugly pair of "Slater Shoes," yet many of them cover Cenifortably most unlovely feet. The coinbination of these two, comfort and -are only to be I bad in the "Slater Slice." • Made in twelve shapes, on loots modelled -from actual feet, 'all widths and ekes, leatbere, styles and Celors. Every .pair Goodyear welted, name and „price etamped en.the.sole. , $3.60 ANct $5,00. • Jackson Bros,. Sole Agents for Clinton. a te t,,4 • le • For torpid Liver, A Poor Digestion, 1• Flatulence, Constipation, • Biliousness and Sick Head -Ache. . ICII.A.XAM.= They are Safe, Mild, Quick -acting, Painless, do not Weaken., And always give satisfaction. They arethe most reliable Household Medicine known, and can be taken any season by Adults, or Children. ALL TRE LEADS. DRUGGISTS SELL BRISTOL'S PILLS, plants .wet e totally. destroyed lately, a, the Listowel gas' and elect: ic light . 13y the generator in the gas 'works The...Suring Trade hlOwing up. The engineer waS seyete- . ly iejored, biit it is thought he will re- int At the ,EMptirium Now we oan talk to yon because vie have semethingato talk to yon abota. We have received it large shipment of spring goods and more coming and invite tha• . ladies to call and see the fine dress stook, silks, sateens, amino, prints, gingham, flannel' and fancy goods of all kind , • MILLINE RY.-Tlie ladies are Xepeoially invited wadi and inspedb, the new up.to-date and stylish Millinery whioh has Just arrived -from We large oitie Millinery of all kinds at.low prices can be supplied by Its. Call and examine our new stock and.compare prices. No trouble to show gond& Butter and eggs.wanted. • Emporium, Londesboro March 8th, 1899 Christmas • In these days of imitations it is well for . , . Especially is this necessary when a matter. PERFUMES and everrne to he careful what he buys. of health is involved. There are so many imitations of Doan's absolutely worthless -that we ask you to TOILET goo.ds Kidney Pills on the market -some of them be particular to see that the full name and the trademark of the Maple Leaf are on ' Q. "every box you bey. Without this you are Dainty Gifts tor both Ladies not getting the original Kidney Pill, which and Men -for Young or eld has cured so many severe cases of kidney . Jompiaint in the th ':u...1 Stztes, Australia H. B. COMBE . i and England, as well as lio-e in Canada. The Doan Kidney LA Co., l'uronto. D. L PIACPIIERSON INSURAITCE. Eire, . Accident, Plate -Mae& Ornes. Moray Emig, OLINT014 JACOB TAYLOR Clinton. • - Ont. General Dietriob Agent for the • Confederation. Life Insurance CO for Stratford And Goderich, inblusive. Allis ormation relating to insurance gladly given Money to loan at reasonable rates. • otnee in ralace Bieck • JOHN W. YE0— B.OLYLEBVILEE, Agent for the Mailman= VIRE ASSITEAUM Co. of Manchester, England, whose funds. and securityarc rated. at 04,500,000. Also the Mom =LOP mirruar, Lusurtanes Co, All °looses Of farm rialto and town property taken „ lowest ratea. First-olass Loan Companies also represented. Money'to be had from pier Daily .mail to Rolmeeville - postal card will fetch him. TOTAL IIISTAINERS ABE THE BEST RIS88,thereiore the cent up, according to hetet% of seats ty Temperanee & General Life Assurance 6 Ok tottolero le the I3EST COMPANY for the BEST PISIC, Over six million donate insurance on the lives of total abstainers in Canada.. For rides, eta. enquire of lilt, O. MYERS, Geneva Agent for Huron County, A ddress -37 Fulton St. or Pc.rOis. BTooxill70 14011 &Iamb Life retsbilahed in Canaria. 1853. invested rands, tlitl,632,23S LinEitAL STItONG PROGIttS8IVID All the Popular forms of inauranCe issued. Policies unnonditionalovorle 'Ade and nonfor- icitable. Money POficitA PUrChared. Now Tiusinnem 1890 ii,S00,000 Am' t paid Policy Holders., 687.000 Pull h.tormation furnished rah ry for one.eent stamps for the book in paper OHAS. 1-1ALIE, R ADAMS Give Perfumes if you'd please the fair. sex. The choicest kinds are here. All the fameue Makes -all the desirable odors - and many kinds put up in apeeially &Wm- . sive Christmas packages.• • • Our assortment onrine Hair .13rusliesp Military Brnahee, Mirrors, 'Whisks, its • ebony and handsome .woods -is the most. complete in the town. And'the raostinter-- eating part to you is that prices are far be- low what you've been accustomed, to pity - for similar articles ekiewhere. Chemist it Druggist • BUGGIES AN n tkagWogroN:rteMOTT:tyt go than we are to sell you. Thee • ibiejtiost art sotuerribanl goalie: workmanship goes CARR• IAGES• s F.. Rumba'', cuntom • ewes Mow. • years 1 had malaria so bad in the c,,rie,rwhen engaged in plowing; 1 am a farther located near Stony took, f the most malarfous d1shicts in this State, and was bothci•ed rn..1a4.1 LI years, at times , so 1 could not work, and wi:i. alvva-;:i very constipated as vell.„,1"iiror 'EA 1 could do nothing but I niuct have taken about a barrel' o f quinine pills besides dozer... Of tt'.!••Cr remedies, bitt never ob*ainect any permanent benefit. Last faii, ittn,e I had a most serious attack of chills and then coranu..-.,:edi Tabutes, upon al friend's advice, and the first bli; tu de we all tiglit and 1 have never been without them since. , Like ono 1av'1 etch morning and night and sometimes when 1 feel more tl.t.ra usually exhausted 1 take three In a day. ,They have kept my stornvit inv bowels regular and! iffr ' have-ght had the least tou44 of r.. nor_ splitting headache since r tottunenced using them. 1 know 0 di :t 1 sli-k. p Lotter and wake up more refreshed than formerly. 1 tic it l'inw how many complaints RipanS Tabtiles will help, but I do 1 !:ct- they wilt cure any one in the conditionl was and 1 would not ...vithoct them At any. price. 1 • honestly consider them the cheanes' -prieod me,licine in the world, at they are also the tnost beneficial t.i:d the most convenient to take. • lam twenty-seven year of age and have worked hard all my life, the Mlle as most farmers, both early and late and in all kinds of weather. and 1 have never enjoyed StiCh good he.e'll s ire since last fall; fs.ct, ray neighbors have ail retnarked iny improved condition and BIM said, 44Sayyjohn, what are you doi.ig to look Fo healthy? " Avati...4. Aida at bita *health t hod 11.1-1, 1(.9- 411114 btnetk flw34 bnaIth oft ai4 rignipAtTrirttv;441 ft.1, 1."‘oltra !1,13 liattot tiututAtia0 te. e07.14 nierao '444,1= anteli Irma Como