HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-30, Page 10• . Y* March 30, MO • Sprin.g Milliner • Opening Pigq 41% v•ie° Our annual opening -display ot • IsepngMilhinery will be made on P O. DIED IN CLINTON.--At .-11100014443' the afternpons of dale, of Belgrave. who came to Clintou' anion THE CLINTON NEW ERA. PRIPAY MAROn 30,1900. LOCA.T4 NOTIOES. TO MOAN 011:11'.-4large supply °fluent Illansine sue inane. Lewes of au *Inds ana vises. will be sold regardless of cost until al *re disposed ot. J. W. IRWIN. suffers, Sugars, esiears..44vano1ne and higher expected. Now is the time to buy. I have TWO asAs itedputh's Extra Standard and Yellowe. I ark offering in barrel lots for less than the who'esale sell In 50 barrel lots sPeoint Price in 100 Ib Iota. J. W. Wednesol,aST., Thursday, Frida April 4tb, 5th & 6th, about a month ago troubled with Jrigbt's disease and complication died last Friday, the final trouble belifit an abscess, on. the kidneys. He was of the age ot 73 years. His many friends will be sorry to learn this as it was hoped he would recover. FOR THE PATRIOTIC AND RED -CROSS AND ALLDAFUNDS.-The subsaiptions received so . Y SATURDAY; far for the Patriotic and Red Cross -Wlien the leadin.g styles and novelties adian Patriotic Fund -Part proceeds in Millinery for the Spring of 1900 will be V.;';e11:cre.3,4'slettrif-ci;t1,1T.Hti)ciltg shovh, Many are exact copies of Paris and Fun& at the Molson!s Bank are. -Can- . .oneez$at Bayfield, per(3. W. Litter% New York -Pattern: hats,. which were made • 1554eXi;t:lsostArg1,114st $5•00; a .freind by our Milliners when in Toronto, and have THE LOCAL BURK' ET. 13titt dropped considerably since last Iveete. all the' style of the original 'at Vat a fraction and to a good suppli belpg brought You are heartily welcome ' to come frmd etc'. 3.6e* g g8 are about the extrxectmes_of riexiese _products were sent ' . will be well worth seeing fcr never have potatoyean25eTeraltahe market in we had a millinery stock to__ equal that we h Ire read for this S rin 's business Movimas Apota..-This week many of the prieec4.,.„, . • in &prices, for lot) butter., rane • same in sh.pply and demand, the tuling reneyer and as often laS xou like. The dls- figures bpin 10c to 11c, The ueual The best time to see the Millinery in fituengsgotadoin in occupants ecombe is moving C0111fOrt -is i the afternoon, but if you cannot .from HuronRattenbury street to Mrs Carle' uee street, come then com.e, at which ever -time suits you she lately purchased, Mrs Carlinwhiche leg. bting for Toronto ; Miss White occupies . her own house on the same street, 111r Dinsley removing to T. Rnbinson's house on Mill street; Rev, Mr Mur. NEW SPRING MANTLES s duck is to take A. Morrisli's. house on . We passed. into stock this .week some"very' back to her old home. on Rattenbui •L.1 street, Thoe. Kemp will shot tly ; move natty garMOOtli. They are the newest things to Ed, SnelPs house on the Baee line.' • in the market,made from Atherican:modekand ANOTHER RAILWAT EOR'OLINTON.- of fintelaas m'alerials: • The best time to buy is The Grand Vanik—riativir eliiiitiT" Albert street, Mrs Win. Teylor gOing • ' .7" • . - passedthrough t Lk Railway irantnittee early when the assortment is full and. the stock of the House ot Commonaon Thersclay, • at itp best. Here are two or threeitems to give and only reives to; ease the /louse hi •you An idea of what th y are like. a. rroposecl line frourPolt Dover - Fawn Ladies' Cloth, •velvethoilar, fiy front, colored mercerized " • le With the Department of Rail svays, order to enable it to be proefitaia with. . . , • „to Goder ch, According to the maps lining, a very nobby coat .... . .... . t .P -e passes through ad Obvert Cloth, fawn only, collitr. trimming of . satin bands bury. in McKillop, then south-Vvestetly down each side of front, fly front, new coat sleeve „ „..$4:caro to Clinton, and on to Gedirich"through Fine Vienna Cloth, blick'or fawn, inlaid velvet collar, fly front, .tbat portion of tire township of Mater, pearl buttons, 'eked corded work down ,,,front• .'nlergeriged ' tioeth• of the FLU nn road. Tile sateen lining ro d line , . $1.25, Kid Gloves for 73c . r *1.00 ItidAlioios for 356 The chance to buy .good kid glovegfor abouthali..prics comes but seldom. While this lot.lasts yoil dan do it. The rea- • (son for is.that*e want them out of the way - to make room! for an extra fine stock or new eGtoves that are just in. All are standard, Well known make :and reliable qualities.. • O pairsilla6k Kid Glove, Perrin's standard dollar qualittea, soft ktL will yogood•wear, we ve jus go 5,2 an n to clear them out quickly, your choice now .. . 3 c 50 pairs .Perrin's and Alexander's standard $L25 Kid Gloves, lacing or penr1 buttons. sizes 51 to 7i, assorted colors. to • clear out quickly, your choice for 73c apestry and - j. . Unions and Brussels oOls road is paid to be backed by American 1311ERNEss SOLD.-. The western • fever has struck some of our_young._ ,flee and among them is 3. Ireland, of town. He has sold' out his milk de I livery to Thomas Kemp will) *ill cnn- tinue the same and attend„ to the -prompt livery of -good sweet milk to,. e • alt his cuetomers. Mr Kemp intends teluy several more Jersey milch cows for the use of customers and Tyndall '•• Bros. will .erimply the eream required. We are pure Jack will do well in that We are showing some erY handsome designs in these pop- ular Carpets. Colors that are fast, qualities that Will stand any amount of hard wear. %malty ,Tapestry Carpet, faiiTY thick pile, dark colors 25b Tapestty Carpekin good wearing qualhaes, neat and ' tasty pat- terns, dark and medium col - • hip "•4 • 4C): Trandeoate designs in Tapestry Carpets, close pile, dark colors -60c Verythandsoine designs and extra good qualities in Tapestry.Carz • petit, newest patterns and col- OritigS, will gore no end qtweer 75c Heavy Brussels. Carpets, close • • pilk Will stand any amount of • hard wear, new ,patterns, neyv colors. ....... - . . .. . $11 ' • Heavy Axminster Carpets, rich new colorings and patterns, 0.4 - lartire the appeatance of velvet .Carpets at a great deal more' money.wear guaranteed fllf, $1.25 We sell the best linden and • Wool Carpets we can •find. • There are none better • made •than the•lines we • carry. The • Colors are . guaranteed --netr-to• run and qualities are thorough- ly reliable in every way. • 36 inch Union Carpet, good colors , and pattern,will wear well,just - the thing for bedrooms... 2 5g iea,vy Union'Carpet, scroll and floral patterns, colors will not run, will give excellent wear...3'70 Very heavy Union Carpet, will wear well,dark colors, new pat- terns, an extra good . Oc All wool Carpet, every thread pure wool,, neweet .designs special• 75 Extra heavy all wool Carpet, 'the' beat made in Canada, colors fast, yarns thoroughlyecoured, • elegant designs suitable for all . rooms .„• 90 itstiP CARPETS For a cheap floor covering therere nothing much 'better than a good getup Carpet. This season's stock is the best and- bigghstwe've ever, Shown and values also.are ahetul of those of any former lietnoti.`• • Good Hemp Carve% stripe, woven or prinked floral Vatterns, • q utilities that Will sts.nd.hadd 11111c 117c 20c 25e : From Maker to Us Thavati4 way Mir.Lace Curtains 00010 •:Aim* from the inaker.no middleman'e Profit paid, just one profitours, Wein you and the man, who makes them, We ve got some exceedingly tdindsome designs this spring and Val- • , tiekthat will please Curtain buyers. • wfil More More to bay about thou nag Week, • ThoseNobby 11ithnetipuis • The swelleet spring dress stuffs we've shown, for ninny a ,das, are the home- spun litnitibgil and skirtings advertised last week. Stylkoh Masers/kW/le they Make ail Ideal Costume or eltirt. :1141tirkonde,no,two allite,$3.73 to $4,75 Suit " 4.75 to 7.00 •,--,...“0•0040egkeelieeee••••••...eees...••••••••••••eseesieeie 1 Cushion Tbps 37%o Handsome Crepe Cretonne Cushion Throe, something entirely , 1, Pow,'will, inake,eervicsablo cushions, fluty color combinations ,.on 340 , 'red and ktuagrounds,regular price 1110c, just a few to Nil 7 • Two gPealiliin Wash Goods to 01/T011 BLUE PRINTS iStic 440 yard e sertuhi8 Dot& Bluerrinte, OW& Weight.. White or colored tuttteins, tne regular wholesale, price wiis MP, we bought thie lot cheap and while they lust you 0,1111 buy 12)03: thein isonnneriee April with. GINGRAUS AT Sc **het. the thingifor Aprons or Child- ren s Dreettile- yard. fancy check ginghart3s, at leas than present whole- sale prices# fast colors, good weight Will stand any amount of :wear 6 ...... •**1•41**0* .... VI ....... 411' tit I NW) 'western country and also that the new proprietor will be as prompt and oblig- ing as the former, He. will be found to be reliabie.and careful in attention. Mr Kemp will move in a month's time to the house of Ed. swans, gravel road. Iltrertnrse REMOVALS. -:Two grocery stores have removed their quarters this Week, O. ' Cooper now ,oucupiee. the corner store in the Seat le:block 4ccater of Rattenbury and Albert streets,) end it is neat and popular stand. The in- side bas been thoroughly renovaten and made to look like a new store; T. McKenzie had men repairing and over - luting it, while S. Oran repaired and Iooks quite hrigiht and refreshilsiow. is now to be' found in the Smith build- ing, (a few doors north of the Claren- don,) but. is no more now since the fire yesterday. B. Kaiser and T. Kennedy had made it a very attractive business tbfl ceiling, 3. Fisber retetutreltrIt Beacom' grocery and fee store place. • 'lun' SPRING TRADE. -The outlook fox a, good busihess. in the clothing line is reported by the local merchant tailors, as well as the city' dealers. A. J. Holloway and A. Downs are taking in many orders, and T. Jackson also had many to fill. Thos. Jackson, ;jr., has been on the road lately. During the first week in March he was around Toronto and Woodstock, last week in the vicinity of Windsor, Walkerville And other points in western Ontario, and this week is up at Wingham, Walkerton and Palmerston, At all of these towns harrecures a satchel full of bookings. There establishments are all beginning to put on 'hands, the Jackson Bros; firm having about 80 on. For workmanship and reasonable prices Clinton . can compete with the city trade , NEW DENTAL OPPICIL-Clinton will have the third dental parlor. Dr. Hol- ines,son of Rev. J. W. Holmes, of Lon- don (formerly' of Rattenbury street church,) will open up a new dentisty in the Smith bnilding corner of Isaac and A4bert ereets, in the course of .a week. The doctor has been establith‘ ed Blenheitn With Dr. Gibb bub be- lieving Cantab.& suitable place has de- cided to remove and will be ready for, practice shortly. The News of Blen- heist speaks well of Mr Holmes as a citizen and a D. G. E. Hol- mes, who for ten Menthe past been a3sociated With Dr. Gibb, leaves this week for Clinton, where he will enter into business for himself.. tlie genial, friendly manner, combined WW1,* thorough knowledge dull the latest_ ideaei in the dental Nofeseloti, thould thisure him succees from the Beateltt 843cimoire., The management of the People's Star cootie 'Wish the subscribers and other eltIzene of town and notintry to remem- ber the final grand Context of Moiler* on Easter Monday, Aptil lath. when the Be/toil tad*, Symphony Onkel. tra- MeMItihrs and Muster Donlan. the boy oeprano, are to appear at tb4 town hall. The repertoire of this fatu- ous organization is unlimited and In - elude the best works of the great music, masters as as selections of a light. or or popular character. A epecial feature wit be made of novel- ties•Ths boy Novato° is something new its the was, of entertainment and at this grand commit limiter Donlan will satotiear. An extract from the Boston mays "Mesta Henry Donlan is unsurpassed in Boston. He takes ev. vs7 heart by Amp. His ',Holy Cite' was rendered so that one in the and. knee could only imagine himself with angels," Reserved *eat plan open to snbcrlb.rs at Jackson •Brott, on Wed- nesday, April to the public the following days. Paste this date in your hat for the web concert of the series. I•1 .IN Summit's ViTHInto-Judging from I cert, mays that "Mr Spaulding, Clinton, the present the Lenten teason le ai added net a littiO to the pleasure of the usual gay and all seems to prove that audience, and it is hoped be will, at there are a good many people in ea. some future tie, again favor the elea. clay ncwadays: We learn that it was forth people.' Thoe. Orooketon, who almost impossible to get up an evening has been here for some time, employed party or ten, azaleas invitations were at willow basket making, left town on sent out some time infideance, go -many Tuesday morning for Toronto; he of these gatherings had been planned. thinks the Queen City will. afforda Mrs E. Turner entertained on Tuesday wider,lield for his manufactftres. The evenieni and Mre A. J. Ifolloway ea inspector hue been attending to Thursday evening. Mrs T. Dottie gave seine of the streets in town; it will nob a party on Tuesday evening, in honor be long before he and assistants will of her nephew, L. Darcb, of Batavia, have considerable work to look after, N, Y. woo B. Moltwon was the host- in repairs and cleaning up. The fire ese of a bright gathering of young brigade wereputpractising on Monday ill pleasr's, base -it. ant time was epent town.drove out to JohnMe people from town on ,T11.eetlaY evening,. *AOC A party of YounS_Pec:Ple from Awben cards and dancing, after wiffeh ti ds• -•-line, last "friday, end vent the_evenIng licious lunch was enjoyed. in amneeMents; as •usual the time flew by too quickly. The ekating has gone; Saturday night saw the last of It at. the rink. F. G. Burgess, the photo- grapher, bad It special offer on Monday last, by giving to men over 00 years of age a cabinet photo free; there were Over 50 taken and one old gentleman never had a• picture taken in his life before, Ab Moore. on of 'Mrs R. Moore, of town. has secured a good position as stenographer with, Miller tt Miller, Portage la Prairie; another evi- dence of the rise of our town boys, Winter Weather le on Lim wane; cvhcels are In use again. Heber Clement left last week for Hamilton, - where he has secared a situation in Sanford's (Noth- ing House; her is a good salesman, and the citizens No the ambitious city on the hill will find hilt an Obliging and courteous gentleman. The clothing NOTES. -We regret to learn that Mrs Alex. Armstrong has been very ill lately with nneumonia.Mr J Bean who was confined to the house commenced hie work again, at the public library.. This. ie the season when the roaring poet e expected to 1;us his lyrics. and the fabricator ie. fishing stories. It, is said there will likely be It scarcity of farm help in Canada, as many of tbe robust fellows. have gone off to i war; wages in this • line have increased materially, principally up in theNorth- vvest. Febinary was a conspicuous month in not having a new moon, but there were two in January, and also a pair in March, a moonless month had not occurred since 1855. The Easter hat will be more charming, than .for- merly, the Milliners swim; three weeks from to -day is good Friday. - With itwaslist WUeePlItath24e 'c'matinnta wa otrnowdni:a: house of Jackson Bros, is known far and wide, it seems; an order. bas been • elledredr el. gsoonindenawihlcaht of as hcoauplidt attn.; A received from Rev. W. G. Wilson, of Berlin,_Germany, late of Snot Col. well As a local market there are ready lege. P. Rumball nee sold one of his Josh Billings says signs of spring are plkliolev.mgJ.atxs .faMeetddas, Ishii: mStat.n, houses on Mary' St,, to Mrs Hall, of sale for this produce elsewhere. .. • the birds awing, the cattle hollering, yienftnintd; the pigs screaming, the cats sighing. would like to see him, and as his and the geese warbling;'it is'about trouble is of a critical nature tb ay are time we heard them ' then. The next- more anxious for his recovery; • we--. and beet of all...,the grand finale -of Wipe to see Mr Medd out again , soon, Mon - the concert& ;given by the People's Star as 12 Course, will be given on Easter Mon- e has a cheerful word for every person who has the pleasure of an ex - day, April 16; the booking is the Boston quaintance: A new 'phone has been put into E. M, McLean's residence this week; the number is 88. The Paris eph Chamberlain bas secured a con. ed on Sunday. April 141.13; this date Exposition will be officially. inaugurat,- from, the London Advertiserthat, Jos - tract fot installing & hot water-heal:11f does not conflict with the opening of apparatusdor $2,000 in the Essex the Huron Central Exposition in the _ uses. se go, in e ereCtect at • eam.. fall. Dr. W. J. R. Fowler desires to • t h" .. and we are pleased "to see him fo8rging at Davis it Roveland!e, Boma year ag : to do with the exorbitant prices buy .away, inform day afternoon last. ' About twenty in the' habit. of charging; as Dr.Fowler was riot in town at any titne. -Mr. Mc - vices at the House cif Refuge On Sun - young people froin Seaforth drove up Intyre was at libertv to charge what - on ThOrechwevening last to atteadtbe . ever prices, he liked, a having obtained rink, but wefe disappointed; Clinton is no benefits. A car load of household has a sick lora% but under theYet's, W. Wheatley - effects and 7 horses were taken. iip west on Tuesday by T. Robinson and A: not so- coldqbearted.) care it iti around petty went to Seaforth on Friday again. A , skating Morrish, A. lady ftem Parkdale • has night and report havin a gliding'.towns around here, with the intention been on rkepeculating tour in a few _time. Miss Nona, daughter r ne j. lt' . 94 starting a store of dry goods,s: ant- ler, sustained , a fracture to her left peeing the smaller articles; she was • -wriatby failing. Fran: k Olatworthy is - Dere Wednesday and, likes Clinton moving hia family to Collingwood this very much. The jurnor lacrosse club . Where he -has set upbusiness will organize for-tbe. coining season on week rehkin imself. • Winter in hanging on in Monday evening next, at the Camper - pretty goodshape; we have experienced c al hotel, and all the boys interested, nne-of the old -time-Canadian_wintere in the game are invited to be. present Randall Robinson, of Peterboro, grand SA. Glover has secured the contract crf son of Robert Coats, t of town, had the building a large brick addition to the misfortune to be run over liy a sleigh residence of Jas. Richardson, llth^con., the other day; and had his leg broken ' Godcwich township. Wm. J. Powell, near the hip. W. P. Spaulding, of (son of a. Powell,) is baying out a bak- ing and confectionery business at Pal- merston ; being a hustling. 'competent young n3an, he should have no trouble in Making it a success. • town, assisted at the Veterans' concert given in "Seatorth on Friday evening last, end his solos were heartily greeted; the Expositor, in referring to the con- 0 There's where you can get tbahargabis in BOOTS AND SIIOES . • . • • • Yon can get Ladies' Fine Kid Buttoned Boots fOr One Dotter a war. A nice Lidiee'Rid ' Strap Slipper or an Oxford for the same price. - Gent:6 Fine Laced 13 ode for One Donee • ' .• • .Or a pale of Ositere if you prefer them. •. Then yon ought to age the Lidice' and Gaeta' Fine ildote you can get for $1.75. and $2, right up -to -late in etyle and gruirenteed to, give good Wear. •• • • The boys andthe girls want good School Boots for the gloppy weather • • ' . . . • • Have just the kind you want. Close buying, economical management, citric* attention • Taylor (dir Sc)n te business and cash selling ielhe secret 0 the low price!. ,,, • '• No trouble t6ibow goods. • • .. • 0 - Gash and Olin r'elee • Eggs taken as ;Omit insurance 0E4 at the store • ' r Departmental Store ••••••••••••••••••-••••••-••4••••••••••••4•• hoe Dept.; 1,11_ I I When a woman buys Xing Quality Shoes she saves $2. They cost $3 and have the appe.arance' of $5—that is how she saves $2.. . ., These shoes are irre- proachable in material, style, fit and finish. , Alt trimmingsareor Bilk, and they 1111 es guage could not tell the facts &Liner th* are the best shoes for the price on this PILPIII I earth. Alithe wordsin the English lan- , • thI\ OA I at. Rememberrnpi":41,4*.toW4ft'l?mja cz is KijIG 1%7 iou tallgtiolDd • • • . • 911-•t•-•••••••••••-•••••••10•44.. •••••411-1104.4.044-404-10-11.0-911-91-04.4.4044, 41 oyal r e . : . nits ' • This line of suits •is -made from.a sloe- • jal cloth, Sometlabig \ that we Can, gUaran- - tee auct something •that will".give great satisfaction in wear. AI You can buy them in °BingIe- or doable breasted. They are made and tiimraed in a Manner totally different from or. dinary ready-mades • =awe are quite safe "s aying th at no seen elsewhere. The price of • • This Shoe is for 'the rich and poor alike. What in the use of paying more, when yoti can get perfect shoe' satisfaction for $3? That Is what you get. When you 'Oily Zing Quality, When a shoe wean well, when it is atylish *Mown. 6 ,t§Ot fetish* what morecan be &sired? '6"It " • • , „swot Zing Quality on and yen will .'"1"4 **aye wear them. $3, and the appearance of $s. G.Q • , ,Auri such value can be This Suit $10.00 and if you paid $14 you would not grinnble at the price on aoccoua nt the great wear that this lino of suits give. • 13eys' 010 • There are hundreds of • Boys' Suits gmng through our workshop at the present time, and a little later we will have SOMO interesting news to tell buyers of Boys' Clothing. Buying from the manufacturers will •• Save srou 115 per eeiit. in price. We will show the greatest seiseiloi.. of' Atli REPAIRS Oit Boots and ShoOtii pronaptly attended to. (nothing in the eourity. ACICSON S., :IPETAL curium Amommmmoymmtmm