HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-09, Page 7111. Words of comfort (vs, 38.41), 39. .,I gide groaning -Bet tune of the unbe- lief uhrlief tt the Jews. We never find him iu ae much "tier over 1118 own suffering, I es over 'lie sins of Urea, Cmnelh to Lim tot:-- 1Jt:'it us, woo, es 1, tt,ntt' his 31.1 - tun, not: lead in a cemetery, but ir, las Loth p'!t:u • remit ie n rata ---probably ut LESSON IL -APRIL re, 1908. 1 garden, the favorite place of inter - 0::.a. Not only Lite r000,, but :that of .i" e of Leearls, --John 11: 4-57. sulaner mews, had tomb's of their own: , pt opted before they were ueuded, and 7. Ch,iet mouth to Kept ae pt otttol property. The tombs `,!,til'A411;i its i -„I), haus had no hone were eitlicr of rock, hewn, or natural u he often tested et Ute eaves, or else huge walled vaults,with1, , h. , , tttt'hl, but lae= of hie friends. The home' of niches alfa g the sides, In such caves or Slav, Alateho and !.acarus was one of tock -hewn tombs, the bodies were laid, nie:atones. only a fete weeks before the having been autinled with many spices time of this lesson Christ visited this --with myrtle, aloes, etc--Ederslteim. family at l(eth:my (Nuke 10;38.42). 30. Take ye away the stone -That Moon after Jesus had left theist Lazares which could he done by hunhtur baud he w •taken sick (v. 1). The sisters at orders to be done. Be would have the omen sent a message to Jesus (v. 3). bystanders son that Lazarus was nail- ' ear- They mode, no request, but the message ally dead, Ile stinket-h $seeing to (1'.' 1 Was a prayer, "Lord, behold, lie forget whet Jesus had said to her whet whom thou 'coyest is sick." Jesus waited she met flim, Martha now thinks only two day's after receiving the, new of of the condition of her brother's body the dangerous illness of Lazarus before and objects. The idea of two immediate ;darting to Bethany (v. 6). lie writs ac; resurrection sloes not went to have oe• e ompm)ied by Ills disciples, who felt they currod to her. 40. If thou wouldtst be - were going into great danger of aecoutt lieve So we see that if these sisters of the hostile feeling of the Jews against had not possessed tweets of faith, 0 their Master (vs. 8, 10). Jesus strived williingness to believe and ober (.lout, at Bethany when lAenrtts had been dead this miracle could not have taken place;. mrd buried four days (v, 17), the burial, Glory of Cttd-"Such a revelation • of Mem:ding to the Jewish custom, taking God's power as shall disclose ills place on the same day on which he died. glory" kir ha first heard that Jesus was con- I'` Lazarus raised to life Ito 41•+l). m„ and, without notifying Mary, she 11, Took away the stop:--\lartht'0 went to meet him just outside the vii- faith must have rallied and she gave "age (vs. 20, 30). She greeted hint with way to 1,',us req nett. They had tree ;t- thete words of sorrowful despair-- pliebt'd all of thein' power wl,eu the stone 1,ord: if thou lodst been here my broth- was rcanoved. Jesus now ',^'tt 0 ,lis or had not died" (vs, 21, 22). Brit even part, Lifted up His i.ye;_Att uutvar11 then there was a dawn of hope in ha expression of the clevatrisr of this oiml heart, from her experience of the power and to shove theist 0000 stood by 11',.m of Jesus. Jesus relied with the assur- whence He u rived itis power. 11' lifted vas "the resurroethon told u t 1lis ev00 as looking•het'nu1 rho grace once that he v [ e. the life,,' and prcpnrcd her for the great and 'ooetool:iag the duheubp,s that troth: he was about to c10 (vs. 23.21)• afore tieur_e,-C•om. Coat.• When Martha's faith and lope were 00• 42, 'Thou hast sent ate -Not to 3,e- sur•cd, Jesus bade Iter go and bring her ,toy nun's lives, fart to snit. sister, with the message: "The "latter ',Mosta, to show tint God sent hint, made is ''000,0 and ealleth for thee" (v. 28). the, earth open and swallow up then Jesus seems to have avoided going to (Nuts, 16, 26, 30), for the Inv; was 0 the house, because, so many Jews weee dispensation of terror hitt Christ proves there, IIis work of comfort and ntstrite• lits ntissine by raising to lite one tient tion could best be done. with the sisters was dead.- Ibtd. ae, Loud foie, -lie alone. "He did not come to jour in Ito del not whisper nor mutter, as did ;IL, meal lamenhttiou, but to take away the need of .them," II. Christ's compassion los. 32-37). 32. fell down -Oriental wailing it said by travellersto be indescribable. "After the burial- the wonmtt still go to the tondo in the early morning, where they pray, ireep, sob; chant hymns, and beat their breast. This mourning continues tho" violently for three days, and then for tour more feast(ngs end wailing's are, the proininent characteristics," if thou ]mist been here -"These words express the very essence of seal torture at such times. In our affliction we continually echo the if of these • sisters, saying to omselv'es, 'if We had dote this, or if we had clone that, or if it had not been for our blunder, or that of our, ivieuds, or that of our physician, our beloved would not have died, But rend verso 4 o this clicI :tor. Chalice is the god of atheism, and is a comfortless god in the time of out trouble." -Abbott, groaned in the spirit -This is it strange terns and is better rendered by the margin of the Revised Version - was moved with indignation in the spirit' The Greet: word here transln ed "groaned" expresses indignation rath- er than grief, "Jesus 0000 indignant at the hypocritical and sentimental linen- the Father's throne he is ret ashamed 'flmmns Gibson at the carnet of Altu- tetinns of his enen}hes, the Jews, Wring' to could nus brethren (Pleb, 2; I1.) fie is not ling with the heartfelt 0000001' of his lov'nshamrd to be written in the estrus re- nnng sect= and 131oor• street yesterday, l Menten•, "These Whet the little fellow was run over by a ing friend litany."-' �,nster as this poor people. Jesus Wept. h coos Jcaa, now weeping rmd � Ile was not ashamed to own the affiic- Bloor street car going west and almost I1 -rig t tion sin caused his holy soul, nor the gmull11 to pieces, Tlto focality occurred esac;h the eight of death made in his shortly after the noon hour, Young Gib• "snot . Plc could nut bear to Fen the son was running up Manning avenue to grave (1(011 fie corruption, 1 neva into; reach his bene on Bathurst ,risen. He here front e:d to end of Leaden without :tarred across Bloor street just 08 n 7 e word moans "deeply' moved; 'bis, feeling n Week cloud like n pall 000r ray 73lonr e:u- westwtu'd bound, came along, tt however, would not be at variance with al»lif. How Why Scant breaks for bhei,, The lad did not see the ear mail it the other explanations. was troubled-' 0 sinful city, its shuns, sins, •poverty, was on top of him; and wdrile the motor. "'1'vnnlded himself," -R, V.i mnargin. el"' drtnkenneee v moo go through a mud's 110011 lout of tate etfe'geney brakes as bably the meaning is that he allowed his heart like sharp swards. Jesus wept, soon as loon to Ire Bette• tthe hiole bayfalls it He was too Jeep emotion to become evident to by hau'�h about to wol +a wonderful nisi standees"-Iiurlbut. etthrl. and cnut«t along for n distance for the sorrowing ones of'Bethany were tears on a hornet' grave," Both sisters said to ,lostw, 'Lord, If thou`hodst been here, my brother had not died" (vs. 21, 32.) Over against thea it' Jesus laid another, `Said 1 not unto thee, that, tf thou weuldst leduve,'ther sho„det ce the glueyof Cod'," (v. 40,) If We h hetc. Ile shah :e, David wrote, it I had fainted n alt ss 1 had believed to set, the cordis s tt1 that" (Pee. 27; 13.). The Israelites "Inhered t0 see" when in the day of darkness ne s anti trial, too =;rep eta : ':upon the seeming load, and find the rock beneath," Christ delay's "to' lite ittteet" that we may believe (0, 13.) If the ease he desperate, when relief corms we "see the tory of (and:'` ile that Was dead mine' forth" (w, 44,) Martha said to Jesus, -."1 know, filch even novo, whatsoever thou whit ask of Cod, (foil will give it thee". it. 22.) Jesus would not grunt a miracle to it simple impulse of natural affection. Iie required faith in lefty exercise-, and tonight ,to revive this in the wounded: heart, by theclefinite promise, "'Thy bro- ther shall rise again." ♦.o GRAND TRUNK. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. FOR THE HALF, YEAR. Gross Receipts Show Increase of £188,- 400 -Net Traffic Receipts Show Increase of £28,962 -Funds for Prairie and Mountain Sections and Lake Superior Branch, G. London, :April 0, -The half -yearly report of the Grand Trunk llnilway shorts the Toss receipts for the half- year to be 83,703,'240 as tgaiust.•Ci,381,- 816 last year. The working cognates wer0 1:2,710,5153 as against 319,501,102 last year, The net traffic teceipto were 81,002,312, while Inst year they tsar O1,023,350. The amount available for dividends is 341,815. A tour pot cent, dividend has been declared on tot' guar- anteed first and second preterenee sestet and a dividend of three per emit, till the u a h itnes,-Hsil, It was the tyre of tend preteatn c 'tats lea ret .00,i;i: to I h eluded louts:d, that voice like the sound of many wet- Ilse passengers numbered 0,291,506, an es (lu'o'. 1, 13), at width all who are in tterens.' of 'eai,326 over last year. The then raves shall come forth (John ;i, • aright earned was 8,981,34, toe,, an 28; 1.lhess. 4, 10). --Abbott, "Ile (!int meeease of 303,272 tune the train mite wept its a man now spoke 00 a Gott" i wet ine•enaod by 581 oJ milt•s• AFRAID O'''BOMBS. . New York Stock Exchhngeto Close Its tialierios. New York, April 6 I'lus:'I'imee:to- dt) say,: Hollowing the rotoe)pt-frony potter hondquprters of a tvarniq, dluat at ;tmrhdtistie attaek aright hr mule open the member," of the exchange the } Coesolbd tted Stock 7;xehaij,e Nati dctid• ed to close its galleries. nnilur warunfns are said 1,, havebeeit sent officials of the outer exteete cs, in• eluding .the Cotton Exchange and the New York Stock Exchnwge. An offtein' of the latter 'instiluton, -however, would not ttlnnit that :any wtuadng hall been` rec'ei'ved tent> 10(38 hendgtfaters. The. gallery of the ex• change has been dosed for a ntontlt. or more, The Cotton Exchange Gallery 1)'100 been c!oeed since 1Vbtuday. In the ease of both exchanges the ,xcrae was given that repairs were to be made, The Stuck i,xdtmtge closed its gallery' to the public, but the' only precautlet taken by the Consolidated Exchange busIieet to put another special policeman rot duty. SIN AND DEI TI. Results of a Tragedy in Philadel•' phia Last Sunday Night. Philadelphia, :Ipril 13. -'.Airs. Ella Pnsehnll, the. second of the three Women when George I5, Ec!s, it policeman, shot on Sunday while in a jealous rage, died to -day, 1t was Airs, Paschall for when Eels deserted his wife told children fhf- ttca ycnrs ago, and who was endeavor• Mg to dissolve their relationship, Alas. Albert Andress, with whom ;Mrs..Pru• shall had taken tap her residence, w;gs Slid and instantly killed, and Mary I wei, a sister of a man whole Eels meowed of supphmtieg him im the afihedons of 'Mrs, Paschall, is in' a hos- pital with ,t bullet trowel in the neck, The shooting occurred in front of the 1'I, home in the presence of to number of neighbors. Eels is in prison, charged with the murder of Airs. Attires, and 1 az" Te n t imine t , we • "o will be amalgam' again, eh•uged with the ,nus I e smile him by t ut n the C'uannulu Atlantic net revenue call those by titer manes whom the would a;,00t ett a deficiency of ald0,J2:i, The i killing cf the 80 tt t otL tttt wake out of sleep. Thi, hwtiumtes that tea 3', 1t . 'ten net revenue showed a the tame individual pertain that died etedit balance of .815,085. A THING OF THE PAST. shell lice again at the hast dna 41' '3b boned state that in eie.w'o the Lurid band and Foot --Probably each' decreasing traffic, oausegucuce Jf bad Britain's Volunteer Army, mak„ Way limb was separately bound, as was the Jigyptiatt custom. loose hint --11v was 0 healthy, strong rami, and no longer need- ed the bandages and winding sheet, 'the remainder of the clutptct tells how the high priests turd others in au- huoest and severe fintuoia,l crisis, stringent meastu•^s are being taken to to.trict, aonsistett with the interests m -the company', all cxbtehlitufc while the depression lastti, The whole of the fends required ender the Grand Trunk , k thorny plott d agaia,t his life. • puma ti; for the prairie aad utoue.l,tin 1'R:I 11CAL AYPLICATII(NS• ;,rtions and the Lake Superior branch "Jesus 111)01" 10. 3.5.1 Three tines 3; of the ("rand Trunk ]'nciti, have been 'urs of Jesus are recorded. Jesu }vi'pt raised excepting :Ui0U,000, which is not a: u substitute, pouring out itis soul in wanted now, a stcrifieitl w•ceping over a dost \voila (Hob 5; 7); as a prophet, 'over the doomed city (Luke 19; 41); as n friend ah the toub of a friend The Jews, see• ing his tears for Laaarus, said, "Behold Iwor he loved him!" (v, 36,) Spurgeon says: "nth earth, Jesus :was not ,[sham• eco to find friends among nmrtals. On BOY KILLED. Run Over by Toronto Street Car and Terribly Mutilated. ' Toronto despatch: Death instantane- ous and terrible came to eight-year-old groaning In .professional setrinv with :\tory', were men who would soon be lotting to kill, not only Jesus, but the restored Lazarus" (compare chap. 12:10). • Put Liddell and Scott state that ., Where -laid ltim---A question tul- dreesed to and answered by the sk- ims, Not that Jesuse did not know, but 1(b'- question was indicative of whet he. heal determined to do. 35. Jesus wept - ,Legs., was a neat and as a matt Ile wept, Ile did not feel it beneath Die nity to sympathize with the dt lsed anal Weep with those who wept. This ant uu lite part of Chri t shows Ilis so no unity' and love for us, "The needs of 1 Ow whole tvorfd rose up before Ills eyes; all its mourners and all it to s were present to IIiut,"-Trench. 71!8 1 Mare suggest that wewpipg and working blend well. Tears wore shed by out Salt, only on the etre of His mightiest tell!' y works, It is mockery fon' us to weep ,c•:�r the "erringMies' and than do nothing to -are thein." Cuyler, "With these fed.. ib' e0 there mingled the certainty of his own bitter death, the picture of ant one believing Jews, a fallen race, kateeuntg on to a death which has no end, ,nil 1011 than first moved flim to pity nett, aril conte down to sato hitn," 30, Ilow He loved hint -A spontane- ous testimony from those Jew's of the tenderness of the Sot of God, 37. Could lett this matt ---"The miracle of the blind nem was was rt.fored to because it was of teem occurrence, mid in the immediate o h h - tbo•bood, while the tovo previous ane t'!es of raising the dead (Luke 7, 11.17; 8. 41-56), were performed in 03 - tont Galilee, about one year and a half butane,' Sevvnl lending commentators thin): that these ,Jews were unbelieving :nod now refer to the healing of the blind hitch in a deriding manner, suggestieg (hat if he could have done that, then he v,otld have kept Ltuatts alive, end real love would have prompted Flim to do it if He had porter. AVhedon how- ever, thinks those Jews are expressing "nn doubt of Itis past miracles, no mal- ice 00 Davit about sins power. It stops at. simple wonder that this miraenlously :11, ado, Iib wine not ashamed to own his fen - for New Territorial Force, Lender, April 6.L -With the stroke of midnight (treat iBritaiu's, . volunteer arty' beeenie a tiling of the lost ager SHOT BY CONSTABLE. Politician Killed In the Streets of 1' Baltimore. Baltimore, April 0,- 10ures 3L lion was shot stat almost, umteetly Nothing Lost. .. Isilled last night b I Rem. 1. 11tu ig. ,\lo' -Tribune.), y (,I. AV Poky, hut, in 1'ismtu•d, lion is a brother of John J, 11+hhon, Not etery g'ltstening pearl of deW 1 the rich sot jewel, finis a rest keen a. rosy, or, nestling dow'tl, )hrinls, modest, on its velvet breast.. Not every songster's swelling throat Yours Borth its wealth of song to bless Om, ears, but oounticss carols flout 'Unheard' in the deep wildotness. whom minty lonlc upon its tete such h s oar in politics of the hate t, lireeteau Rosin; harts, who is it constable, hat been a figure le polities for many year,. The shooting necurrcd at the co)'ner of 11011' liday' Ural 1''pyette, streets, within half h block of one of the, popular theatres and caused a great deal of excitement, Ilttrig claims that Alaimo, after haying ttccuoed him of responsibility- for a r0• shit; raid on a pool room, attempted to draw a piet0l, and that he here open shot' Mahon, Twenty. odd years ago llaiig shot jounce 11. Sweeties', who had been. Not every 0rrow finds its uun•I:1 But, sped all eager trout the how', Too 'deftly feathered; floats too high, 'Too lightly.ttriven, fall-, below. Not every effort finds sat ts,• But fails, as falls the aeioefe:cyttt, ietitnatoly' nssoeifited with political af• 'Not every eenbetnt gilds this gloom, fairs in the southern ,schen of the city. Nor every song may reach the hu'ai'l. In that case Hang wits acquitted on the ground of self defence, GOT FOUR MONTHS Sick Wife Saved Him From Getting Fourteen Years. Toronto despatch: In the pollee court to -day Edward Beery was found guilty Prayer. of perjury in having denied when placed 1i01y and most merciful God, we ser.': on trial, charged with the non-pay of his fare on n. street car, that he pre- Thy face with humble gratitude and of- Iedted a bogus special constable's badge fe• Luo tribute of edoatior and preise, instead ofha ticket, and that when tie we titanic Thee for our creation, far esnduetor refused the badge he had said t!re e bodies eo icarfully nn 1 wonder• he had travelled on this fm' nine months. Pirie 'Magistrate said Ile would sentence fully node, for the light of reason and of Ileus to 14 years in prison or peniteu. conscience and our ca eteil-y of commun- Lias'y for the offence, but in view of the ion with Thyself. Savo ua,: ore beseech fact that the prieoaer's wife i iu ill- Thee, front all unworthy uses of the health he made ilio seulenec four months Powers with which we have been 'endov- in the Centel, ed. Yelp ns to regard our whole being' • as an instnuwert for to execution of FIVE YEARS FOR EACH. God's holy will. And gran', us strength --_-_, nod tvisdomr that nye may content] in Chis, Sells and Frederick Yokum;Guilty Thy none against the evil forces which of Highway Robbery. oppose Thy sway end harms our Meth-- ren, :hist, 0 God, in 'Tbty divine might :1 Woodstock despatch: Charles Sells and overthrow the Idngdou of dnrl:ncis, sant Frederick f ok ria beth of Taken.. affil let the kingdom of light be estate tete appeared for trial this morning rt, tidied, Let tewtp:wall t.'purity, truth charged with Ihul'tg to the Gonne Corot, ttud Ione prevail throughout' th0 woild, chttrged wflh lrglurny' robbery, 'Otto :1000, eras' against the two Were taken up to. _- Whet'. nether. Both of the prisoners are young men. - Fare. John Birks, veterinary surgeon, who J. Soealr_went down to .Toppa fled took Yet, though I fail, mine effort lines, And somewhere on a scroll eulroscd The glory of my striving is, For nothing fruitless, nothing lost, That like a seed sown of the soul, May fall and die in desert hot, But would have blossomed and borne fruit If fallen in some fertile spot. lives in.. South Middleton in Norfolk ship f '1' 1' ! He id the fair, left Tillsonbnrg on the night of the rob• doubtless the motley was his own, lay. merry, about 1) otclod:. When about n fully gotten. But it proved "a snare, as s hop or ars its t. c pa County; told his stay, He said that he mile and a half batt from the town he it often does note. Had his pocket'bcen MI5 track on the head by one Urine empty Nineveh might have heard her from hcd:ind, while n ecemtd ,alar ,v, "'el n little earlier and in a better jumped in the buggy, grappled with t stn, L him end began to feel" Ido pock its, fashion, Olt the inspiration of an empty Thee fell out of .the buggy together, pocket! "\Wben I sent you out without purse or scrip, lacked ye anything? they say unto hint nothing." Faith is easy when the cupboard is full, but the true mission of faith is in the' face of an empty cupboard. Who is tired of study- ing the power of money, and reaching atter the prize! 011, fever that has scorched and cursed the world! The Pope gave the western world to the king of Spain, from the north polo to Cape horn. Generous man, but not Wise. 'Vaunting ambition doth o'erleap itself. Cold is yellow, and, yellow predominates in the Spanish; flag; hateful color, em- blem of contagious disease, corruption and death: Let us be thankful that the Stars and Stripes contains no yellow, 5Iese's. Peter lfelh uald and -\I-, (', nm' the onion Jack. "Three cheers for 13rowin addressed the ledge on behalf the red, white anti blue" Spain, through of their respective clients, pride and papery and gold has gone His Honor foetid the prisoners' „;nilly'' down to' the lowest. Low in pulse and ;led sentenced them to five year, :melt reverence. lief flag has been hauled to the pctuitthtim;r•'nt hard labor. prestige, and none so poo' as do her • Thomas Anderson,' 1 young nnnu from 1 down with a mixture of malediction and delight. In the most lasting nation there is a splendid postal service, and tele - grants and telephones are excelled, Here we find 'first Ind second-clns.s matter. The work represented by gold is rated second class. The highest service, unit' which eantiot be paid for in gold, is rated first-class, He w'bo via0 born in at eristcure of iatyaiilic'yctirs and and ,wheys Bhks etude to himself, his u tcrhifori:t1 army, introduced by. IPar mums $.:30. was gone and the tomo men Secretary h 00 d•' rtntnieg sway. ILtltane,` takes flit. plaee, , He,_idettifl«1 Sellsasthe math •,Otto Thor von neer foreee thrantghout the jumped hot. the rig' with hits and the country celelnrttod their "host post' at Inc prhsotets ou tie ones he sun• vun- nittt; ,swats, Ab':ntt 10 dawn 0,111(015 s their renpvellvo headquarters ,by din-. trete called to prove the tnovenooiiI tf nes and other celebrations, the fie- 11t• prisoners during the nfternoon pre- tivilies, however, taking on somewhat doling thio robbery. of +a sad character owing to the diA- For the definer, the, father's of the mppenratae of the old assbeiatiou, .\lost prisoners %vela 'called its to det'rai'n of the gatherings were attended by vet. and meeunt of livelihood. The prison - mons and friends of the service,' Who ex. erg Were alto celled in their own de- /henget' e- ch n ul old memories; • fence. Both sa'm'e that they had not As midnight struck there were stir- seen Birks after he had left the Royal t•ing scenes as to wvh0 would bo the hotel, bettreen eight and dine otkr)c, first to enlist in the new body, inauy bunt ah being thins recruited, 111 so ua- 0,1801 praclicaliy the whole rogi• meet took the new regimental title in the now force. The celebrations included procession:, volley firing, huglo reveilles, 'eta.,, while in London, Down• and other places full tete coffins were borne through' the streets, followed by 1olttnteeet, to re- present rho defunet force. TO WORK 0 N' ANAMA CANAL, manhood. while be proved himself the pt about one hundred fret with the eroelbee and the ]item Ile utd tier and then rolled under, the ea' pass- Hindus at Vancouver Turn Eye on the Karo repressed his teals, as teeny hlo , ing over him and stopping a few feet habitually, But he was never uann.tu- beyond, e. o rat, lie was free from -pride, sad wore FROZEN TO DEATH. his heart where men could see it. He did _ not disdain the feebleness of that nu- tui et- Frank Nowlan Succumbed to Death tui0..he had taken that he might redeem it to God," • While Drinking. deans was hilly bttnnan in hfs synnp't- St, Join, N. I3,, April 6, -'debar the tiles 11e did not merely walk about wages of sin ns death was forcibly illus. like .h tnfu, but, he was cquais in notch trate(' by the tragic ending of Frank with sorrow, as one "acquainted 'sink def" sea. 53; 3,) "Because there meets Nowlan, who, deserted by his drinking in Jests the tenderness of human pity comrades on Suunay oventng, succumbed and the fuducss of divine power, be sat- to exposure nod was found lifeless this isfies the deepest cravings dour hearts, afternoon by '+y Searching party in the In stn, sorrow, weakness, doubt or fear, woods near the golf links, 00 Sunday we need sympathy But it is laud to nfternoon Nothut and Frank and Robert find. What, trottlrles,us does not trod- ICiag, taking two bottles of liquor, went hie those about use cls our triol is item!- to the woods, anti all were drinking. Ac• Robert Iiia 's store 'Frank than, so the circle. of those who can synh. cording to1 b g y, }lathiest with it is traeroov. But what we King left first, while Nowlan and him• cannot find in any human being WC Final !self were pretty well intoxicated, Piing n 1estts.' Ile is touched with the feel- remembered that he left' Not•lau and ing of our infbrmitie.e (Belt 4; 13,), But t managed to get Roane unaided, he dote, mer itis heart is not only piti- 'Thomas 11 mob ll, who had beets work- ftd, hie hand is strong to stave And 1113 with King and NcWl t at'loagslioe we will have power to help others nr.tett work on the Long wharf, suggested to we 1,000 0en1 svutpnt!ry with sorr0W 1' tt, that they should telco at walk out There Watt no bitterncs fu ehrf,t's there. the three bad beton ort Sunday. T•so TIis isspph hien Played Poker limy went out and found I'Iowlati dead. for Her, Isthmus, Vancouver, April 0.--- Baying been coldly received by their fe)low eitizeus of the Canndas, and having been lath. les 1y driven from their .jobs in the hunted States. the Hindus in this city, who have Nen without wink for several mortis, loot: with hoping eyes upon I',tnana as a place where they Will be received on all eco :slits as far as their lebor is concerned, with other workers. The leaders of the Hindus have been in- vestigating the situation in Panama. Several of the number went 10 the Isthmus about ten weeks ego, and they report that, the Ilindus can obtain plenty of employment at good wages. Efforts are row being made by the Hindus to get transportation for the crowd, numbering 1,1610. 'Thus far they have been ensucceseful, but as there are several large vessels due to leave for the Isthmus from this port nod Paget Sound within the fortnight, it is likely they can get away very soon. A GIRL WAS THE STAKE. ref. He never tnan•nmrod against Lis lather's vu:l, 100)0 found fault with his 1b' peneati n, T'he first word of Uo pntya wets"Father," and the fist earl- ten0e it thanksgiving (v. 41,1 If we cat ROUNDUP OF REVOLUTIONISTS. St, Petersburg Police Maine Over One lookup through our tears anti cry, "14a - tier," 11 our first word in ltereawsutent Httgdred Arrests, is praise that Clod doves us and hears St. Petersburg, April 6.--- For the us, there is no'hitterness in ottr grief, past 24 lteurs the police have been and ours is a sanctified sorrow without making raids in the revolutionary sin, quarters, in the course of which over "Take ye away the stone" (v, 30,1 100 arrests have been made, The police Jcsys we1ot and then coinnranded. Ile activity is uuderstodd to be 1., case - cried, "Lazarus, come forth", (t', 43,) liequeen of the discovery of a widespread said, "Loose him end let hint go"' (v. 44.) military revolutionary organization in Jestts wept, but he did more. Tears are the capital. not enough if there is something we eats A number of notorious revolutionaries endowed being had allowed eo loved a del to remove the cause-, of grief or as- have arrived from abroad within the friend to Mel" swage it. Spurgeon says: r''hose tears past few days. • Columbia, Uhss„ April 01;- iBunice Spencer i., under arrest clurged with murdering (hales Wesley at this Imiii± hero yesterday-. It is said that Mist Speyer was the stake in a pokey game in which Vec,ley and I. F. Coombs 00000 the phtyyers. Each of, the players wee two gauzes, and in flu dechdin aura, with oleo point to go otit, Coombs se cased Wesley of cheating.,, In the fight which fol'low'ed \V siny ttnd Coombs on the flexr .with tti' knife at his throat, At •taus moment Alias Spencer is said to have seized a lifle and shot \6csley, wslno died in 0 keit mo- meats, 'Aliso Spencer claims that the killing of Wesley Was accidental, ; 'I'tll.onburg. was tnet•e:etel here this af- teruonn; He is said to have been 00 ac- complice. • '• BOWIN WILL TESTIFY. Boy Accuseel of IrIurder to Give Evidence in Detroit, lktroit, April 6. ---That Percy Powis another man's stable, and buried in ale will. take the stand in hes own behalf other man's g1'nvc, and was sustained in benne the noel. is out is the uncler- stoatdfng about the eotiet where he is lie• ing tried, It is also declared that he will ,tel:nowledgo the lulling, but will defy the intent, daimiug that he, struck the woman, but had tie iutentiot of kill - public ministry by alms, is the king of this nation. The coni of his realm is stamped with a nobler image fuel super- scription than that of Caesar. Let mil - deceived, for the loudest laugh of hell limine, take rare that they be not ing bei', Detectives Downey' and For, is the pride of dying rich, H. T.' Miller. who traced Bowin and arrested hint at Woodville, Ont., were all on the stand Notes, this afternoon. Fox told of the confes- sion haute in the police station after the ' Our conscience, and Clod, Wild our own return Isere; adding nothing to the evi• immortal soils mast always have the Benca that ltas already been tntrodueed onttis.binc. Attornoy Kennedy, for the defence, arose awl. declared that.: hr. vrottld introduce evidence to show that undue influence had been used to seeore the, confession There is just a possibil• !I,y that one of Botvin's female continuo. hos will bo connected with the cringe benefit of the doubt; and never once our supposed interests, or our affections, • or our appetites, -Dr, Alex. \\'ny-te. 1 believe that the free development of conviction is, open the Whole, the sys- tem most in favor both of truth and of charity. -W. 1:, Gladstone. What does the character of 0 citizen through an effort to prove that Bowen involve? That he will deliberate nbont assaulted Mrs. Welch and robbed ler at • trotting as if he weed etaehed from thehtstigittion el enothe• Woman. the comumnity.-Ephetefus. GEORGE ROWLEY PARDONED, ' if ]: have made one weary life the A St. 'Phomas rlespn(eh: Word was re. I brigbtei, staved in the vity today to the died o If 1 have eased another's toil and Altai George taro Jlowley, ex -manager of the fettled Elgin Loan Company, who on If 1 suave tirade some eonu'ntle's harden ,.ugust 12th, 3003, was sentenced 1,0 ledge. Emu: ringer to twelve year; lit Kingston Penitentiary for embezzling ~187,0110 of the. company's funds, had been pardoned. it is expected he will be released today and will Hien go west, The loan C'ompnny closed its doors on Jude 15513, 1003, aftoo extensive losses by the manager, who dabbled in stocks and made up Ills losses by misappropriat- ing the company's funds. When the At- las Loan Company failed it effected the Elgin Company, and Rowley fled. IIe re- turned later, pleaded guilty and was sen- tenced to twelve years. Several peti- tions tasking for his release have been sent to Ottawa from this city. lighter- I have not lived ito vain -Norman Cole. Yee forget tint !here may be many dames, but Unit towing- ng theist all there is a first and u. last, and that we nnist not fulfil the last before fulfilling the first, Just as cue must not harrow with- out ploughing. -Tolstoi, Part of the very nobility of the doe motion of the true workman to 'his wok consists in the feet that a aunt is not daunted by finding that drudgery must be done; and no ratan Win really sneeeed in any walk of life without, a good deal of wliet is called phtek,-,Pah, Ilantorton,