HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-30, Page 8ii'tarc!ll 30, 1 i,(i(! • .
Thin, pale, anaemic girls
need a fatty food to enrich
their blood, give a color to
their cheeks and restore their
health and strength. ' It is
safelo say that they nearly
all reject fat with their food.
is exactly what they, require;
It notonly gives them the irri-
portantl element.(cod-liver oil)
ri• .
in a • palatable and easily
grated form, but ;also the hypo-
ypophosphites which are so valua-
ble in nervous disorders that
usually accompany anaemia.
fattyfood that is more easily
di$ested than any other forth
of fat. ' A certain amount of
m flesh is necessary for health.
You can getit in this ways
We have known. per-
sons to gain a. pound a
day while taking it..
.soe. and $r.co, all druggist!.
SCOTT & BOWNk, Chemists, Toronto.
t esseeseseeecasee3e•
Experimental Union Field.•Tests-
for 1900.
The members of the Ontario Agri-
cultural and Experimental Union are
pleased• to state that; for 1900 they are
again repar d to
rtrihutei to everyrstwnsipf Ontario material e
' penmen is with fertilizers, fodder crops,,
roots, grains, grasses- and clovers.
This system of co-operative:: experi-
mental work in agriculture was started
in• 1886 with '60 "lots which were situ.
*ted on 12 different farms in Ontario.
Since that date, however, the work has
increased "from year: to year,'and in
1899 there were 12,035 plots, 'which
were sittiated on ,3,485 farms through-
out Ontario. ' •' -
l 22 - Five varieties of grasses.
23 --Three vurietiee of field beans.
2.1 -Three varieties aP sweet corn.
25-•Fuer fertilize; s and no l'et tilizer
26 -Four fertilizers aweno fertilizer
wit h marigolds.
27- Sowing peas at four different
elates to determine the in'ury done by
the pea bug. (Brnchaa pi'ei,)
28 -Planting potatoes the same day
and five days atter being cat.
29 -Planting cut ' potatoes which
have and which have not. been coated
ovPrwith land plaster.
bt rows and he
Material fur either ,bio. 25 or No, 26
expetiruent will be sent by express,
and for each of the ()there it will be for-
warded by mail.
Each person in Ontario who wishes.
to conduct an experiment and is will
ing to use great care and accuracy in
the work and report the ,rest its of the
teat as soon as possible after harvest,
should select the exactexperiment de-
for thesame at an
s'► a
e d1
1 napply
eat ly date. he"- material will be for-
ded in the order in which the ap-
plications are received, until the limit-
ed supply is exhausted. It might he
wt i'
for each applicant to make a sec -
mid choice for fear the first could not
he granted,
.Spring Term.
The Spring Term in deer/entre' Business
Cotiege; Stratford, Ont,,opene on Monday,
April 2nd. This college is_ now closing its
water term which has been the most ano-
easeful in the hi.tory of the school. Stu -
dente are now in: attendance from Canada,
United States andNewfoundland. All inter-
ested.ia eeouing a business or shorthand
education ehouid.write to Mr W. ,..Elliott,
Pr,noipal of the college for a oatalogue Don-
twining full information. •
The Canadian Home Journal
-is the magazine for the homes of.Canada-
oantaine ail the latest in dress and ladies
w.nk, The. March number is . specially
g •od and includes some excellent repro-
(*notions of photos which Lady Minto kind-
ly supplied the publishers of this popular
monthly.. The April number premien( to
be as interesting as the previous issues. It
is .a magazine.which should find a plane in
in every home. , A • noticeable . feature it
, • has is a • late and popular selection of
music.. Fend for a sample :copy to the
Canadian Home JonrnalCo.,Ltd.,-Toron-
to Ont.
1-Tbree.,varieties of oats {•
2 -Three varietios of six -1 r Wed, bar
1ley: _ .. .
y«'B-TsVo varieties of Hulless barley.
4-Theee varieties ofspritrg wheat.
5 -Three varieties of bock* heat,
6 -Three varieties of field peas.
7TAS; o varieties of bug -proof field
8 -Three varieties of Soy or Japanese
beans. Leg a.
9 -Three varieties ot• busking corn.
10 -Three -varieties of marigolds.
11 -Two varieties of sugar beets for
stock feeding.
12 -Three yarieties of Swedish ter-
13 -Two varieties of all turnips.
14 -Three varietfeacf carrots.
15 -Three varieties' of fodder and Sil-
age. corn.
16 -Three varieties of millet. .
17 -Three combinations of grain for
18 -Grass peas and two varieties of
1.9 -Dwarf Essex rape and two vat i-
t ties of kale,
20 -Three variptieg pf Clover.
21/ `~Sainfoin, Lucerne, ti,Rd Mammoth
I ed clover.
. as -a+ _ . __ _ ,-•
Russell Sage says in a recent interview
that' his good health• is due largely to the
''fact that he had avoided social functions.
William Kerr of Providence is still Pur-
suing the. trade: :o watchxnaking •at. the
age of 82 years, after 66 years' work, at
Thomas A. Edison's first large earn-
ings were $40,000. This he . got . !rem a
• .telegraph company for the model of the
now famous "ticker" ' for • which he had
intended to ask $5,000.
Two.of the grandsons of •John 0. Cal-
houe lite in the northern states, They
late ,Patrie • Calhoun of Cleveland.. and.
John C. Calhoun un of New York, Both
aft .
wealthy, having made their money. in ,
coal, .iron and manufacturing enterprises:
Sereno E. Payne, , chairman of the
house ways and means committee, has a
voice which is the envy and despair. of
most congressmen. In carrying power it
has no equal, and though every syllable
is plain all over •the house the tones "are
never harsh or wearying. • --
Senator Cockrell of Missouri is known.
as a- most democratic malsand a short
time age surprised the employees in the
senate folding room by appearing intheir
midst and, taking off his coat, helping to
get a quantity of documents ready for
mailing. • ••
• :Congressman William A..Jones o>4 Vir•
ginia served during the civil 'war in the.
defense of Richmond and; earned a nick-
name which/still clings to him... He was
- born in Warsaw, Va.,' and hiefighting
qualities earned for him the title of
"Thaddeus of Warsaw:' •
Ail:' the pictures. of the new .duke of
Westminster convey the idea that he is a+
small man. This is very far from being
the case. Although but 20 years of age,
he is (her six feat tall and well set up.
He rejoices in the nickname: of "Bend
Or" andlecite as devoted as was his
grandfather,the late duke, to sport.
Daniel H. Moffatt. the banker and mine
owner of Deriver, has given $100,000 to
Gorge Boss Lewin, cashier of the First
National bank of Denver, and $75,000 to
Thome Keely, the assistant cashier of
the tame hank, as tokens of hie regard.
A1iiogt a Aar •aid Alf, Moffatt took the
goad waiter of the Fifth Avenue hotel, -
New York, on a trip to Europe.
• Thewi 1 of the late Robert Breck Brig-
ham of Boston bequeaths the bulk of his
estate, estimated sey i'llllone to
iiailties, One of these is a uew Iioapi a
n Maffei] to Ile known as the Robert D,
Brigham Hospital lt'or incurableg, fo be
tnaintginegl fo tl free treatment and
8Uppor•1 o nee y neurables. Nearly Av-
ery charitable institutions In Boston is re-
membered. •
• (overnor Crane of Massachusetts Is
.very popular among the employbes of his
paper mill in Dalton. There' are several
The Story Told
S1iot From Par Away South •
.Africa, Vancouver or'tali-
' lax, Bat Bright .,Here in
Clinton the:. evidence
•• • is at your door.•
• aged men In the town whose sole duty: is
'When you read of something' re- to walk to the office of the mills and
markable being done for soave One fat drawtheir pay, a sort of pension ter'
away who was troubled similar' to ; service% loyally rendered 4n the past. 'A
to yourself, you wonder if that state- striker in the establishment has not been
went is true, and you probably can- known iu the three geuerations of family
not find out,. management. • .
• When you read about Dr. Pitcher's ._- , , ,
Backache Sidney • Tablets, you. 'read
about some one in your • own vicinit�tr; .I... THE i-IOiVEYMAKERS.- who -will endorse allthat is. claimed...Lark of ventilation is a cauAe of damp-,
for this preparation ; the only Medi
cine in Canada that can give local re- mesa in many hives, t.
ferences in eye!, place where it is in- Honey improves with age: the older it
traduced. '• • ie the finer the flavor.
. Atnpng the mangy in ' Clinton who More bees aro gist by wiuter{ng than
speak of. Dr Pitchai• e• Backache Kid- 'by disease,or any ether cause.
grey Tablets Wedeln; le ,its B. ��{ni•'' Extracted honey is much easier kept
man, Huron St.,' 'who 'bays ' t :••"Foil' • than conib hunr'y, as, the latter is liable
' O11 a flyeryearse1 have-euffered- from a :•to get Wiled. i
terrific backache, due ...to: t -a kidney r All work that is to be Clone with bees
trouble. The pain sprerldupthe bac ; 1e winter thaw must be done ,on warm
to the base of the atilt. 'The top ' days while the beer are flying, and at no
Of theheadfeitrtttimes'a
s thtaugh It • other time.
would burst.. Some flays the pain in : It -is absolutely necessary that sufr•
the back got into the hipps, and there cleat absorbent should. be kept over the
' .ail an.ntknrld�d in dowrn
e l oerthe:sInd'.:
the blot v p The limbs it not absorbent enough diarrhea will
''s' i'akg o between acfueter to take up the moisture it there.
sweiled halt, particularly towards set in and more or leer lore Dean..
tli ht.'. Ali'' tatloti I were ld was
the.oa y retie , 1 eard,at the time of
et ria In cold weath r it it not safe t
fats sand got ri,bottle at '$.•B. poglbei's '.bee granulated sugar This May be tial
,dr ug Afore, sins, truly the effect was . In large mikes. Or alahs laid over the
wonderful. By tile' time I bad taken frames. •
the first bottle I wag in comfort; the .
r e
,foodthat hould
feed liquids:. T e onl tl a S
tie r e !Back/Ohs Y3; d e' abq y
Dr. P lie i rl T
e ma be read
n ed it rand � which
be w v
eeterllii bottle ,leafed the luting, Bead- Divers worker bee Begins Its life as a
ache, dr, na and swelling, and I eh% nurse bee, 'staying within the hive for
*ors then iitidaad as t�e relief lr y
the first +wdaeek or ten e,. rulife 1y ing
aloes than °I can tftil. I am only too leaves with the milky feed and capping
pleased to endorse thein. thein over when they are large enough to
Pike 50 conte jier bottle, A free : take care of themselves,- •St. Louis Be -
sample of DrPiteher's Ilackache Itis• public.
nay Tablets mailed to every applicant.
Ifou doubt the testimony of your '
neighbors yeti diff PrOVOfor yourself-
geta sample absolutely free. Send Children Cry for
stamp to The Pitcher Tablet Co.,
'«i'ol"0lcito, Ciel.
• ing the Free State annexed to the Trammel
That People Should is refuted by Mr. Start r a w
1111 111 ,
• Admiral Dewey is ill.
President B,ruger'r'prdolamation dealer
The Miaowed Ga1~ts d! lent- io`l orks
lest night. W. Bitten, eng{neer' in
Know Just What charge, fe probably killed.
Settlers are beginning to nook into M. an-
oba in large numbers. e colons
Faine's Celery Compound
=rived in one day at WinnFiv
ipeg, at trains
of Canadians can vow)), for
Carl, Do for them in the effioaoy Of that peerless Dough remedy,
Pyny-Peotorel. It sures a coldvery qui*
,� ::.. - o,. «. p: • �,.. . ,{ ,, .20o.. of all ,drnggi
s6e. „,11tanpfaoture
Spring Time. by the proprietors of Perry Davis' Poker-
I , • All the goyernnaents of Central Am -
It . Begins Its Good Work at erica are opposed to the Davis amend, -
Ment to the IlayPetuncefote treaty.
the ' Root of Trouble The13'11or e
f t bli bi t
. i s a s ing a o vi
and Disease. meat in Paerto Rioo hag been completed
• by the sub-oommittee at Washington.
It Feeds and Braces theNerveS Mies Julia Arthur has been compelled to
cancel l engagements n e her gag ante and disband her
and Drives .Impurities from company at Philadelphia owing to illness.
Private Stephen Tobin committed suicide
the Blood, at Stanley Barracks by shooting, He held
the muzzle of a carbine near Ms month jand
literally blew his head off.
Tames Bookham, Chief of Police at
Sydney, 0. B., was fatally stabbed by an
Italian laborer. He belonged to Halifax:
s and was only appointed Chief' Wednesday.
With the ushering in of a new season, it
is important that people should -know just
what Paine's Celery Compound oan'do for
tired, half•siak, nervous, irritable and de
epondent people of all ages.
Spring is the time when thousands have
the "blues," amigo about in misery and
wretchedness. ;
The nerves of such viotin'es require nour-
ishing and their blood inpst be'purified, As
soon as this all-important work is begun
by nature's • olood purifier, and system
builder, retina's CeleryUom Compound,
seeds 01lurking disease are expelled
the body, and 'health and true vitality are
manifested in the face and in every move-
ment of the limbs. •To win bank refreshing sleep, good ap-
petite,natnral digeetion and continued good
health, the beet remedy in the world is not
too much for any one to insist on getting:
If you have the slightest doubt' about the
power and:effioaoy of Paine's Celery Com-
pound, have etfeast as much faith as some
of your friends' and .nsighbore who have
tried a bottle and are now praising its'vir-
tbes and life-giving .powers. .Paine's+ Celery
Compound cures when all other medicines
fail. ,t
• According; to : traTit'ion,`Arabid' figures
were derived from. Solomon's seal, upon
which they can all ,be traced with a• little
The bubonic plahe spreads' with .aston-
ishing rapidity. lu two. years after it
first appeared. -at'1 onglcong it. had. tray
eled 3,000 miles to the westward .,
Among the:Burnmese football is as -.pop
tiler ass it English speaking coun-
tries. But the Burman scorus to wear
bots. He kicks,. and : shoots goals with
hie .bare feet:.: • •
The biggest idol ,in the world; is Dia.
Buten,' the Japanese god; which is over
00 feet high. The, image is made of cop-
per, tin, mercury .8ed gold : and has been
worshiped fiir More than 12 centuries. . r.
;The authorities in Aigeria,gave $40,000
toward fighting grasshoppers. In one
district 4.200 'camels were employed to
Barry the material for burning over the•.
.places where 'eggs had been deposited. •
Berlin is emulating the eccentricities
of England, A society has been formed
thereto combat the heresy of the circu-
'nation of blood. The members show their
zeal by interrupting .themedical lectures'
at the university by protests. •
Victims to stomach; .fiver and, kidney
.troubles and feel the results in loss of appe.
tite, backache, nervousness, •heedacqjhie and
tired, run-down feeling, but, ""Eleofric Bit.
tete are just the thing for a man" writes
J. W. Gardnter,nof Idaville, lnd., "whey, be
is all ren -down and don't,Dare whether he.
lives or dies. It did more to give me new
strength and good apretite than anything
I geoid take. I Dan now eat anything and
have a new lease on life." Only 60o.
Every bpttIe guaranteed by. H. B. Combe,
druggist, Clinton.
The Manitoba Legislature will meet on
Rudyard Kipling has gone to Bloein•
Ohazi Osman Pasha, the ``Turkish.
.general. is dead.
James Brown, Oshawa, lost both of
his feet in a' railway accident at King-
ston. •
The ,G. T. R. 'and O. P. R. have ad-.
Danced second -clasp passenger rates, to •
the Pacific coast,
Gavin Ude, a well-to-do farmer of
the Emerson district, was instantly
killed. by Lis team running away.
Agninaldo's infant son, who was dap -
tared by the Americana in November, -and
who had been Buffeting from smallpox,, is
rhe` committee have begun paying
out relief from the Patriotic Fund at
Ottav6a, which now amounts to nearly
At the Conservative caucus at Ot-
tawa it Was decided that the Senate'.
majority should again defeat the redis-
tribution bill.. •
Twenty-four persona were drowned
by the/ eajfsizifi ` of as boat in which,
they were croseing the Danube river
'frdia,Salacsa to �1Pay , . -, j. " e °` •
• 11 anyone" offetp „'•lou a .cheap, Amite*:
tion of or Substitute for Dr. rowlier'r I7;<
tr of of Wild !Newberry, err refuse it. Man
a W1 Sa
of the a cheaplyre red D{axrboaa• Many
medias nor ,higlypdang roes rind:.hleia lfe,
G 'At SkT'iiomas, John AA. Heywood, yard
mangy; way instantly killed in Tithe Wabaih
yards. • iia 'slipped whist milking' whim
train, and, falling aorouit' i, rails, ,wax%
crushed td death.
• Anthony and Paul Decker were each
sentenoed to five years in penitentiary at
''i400detookfor^ counterfeiting. Kunz w►r
'Oren fifteen months in the Central, arid'
Nnrnberger will probably der given hie
freedom in return for furthrx'iafosmation.
Mining men m e n a ssert that,apart from
the elf*itsslf, there is oyeeight lett.
lions stealing in the worksand wiaehin.
ery on the surface around Johannes-
burg, and this it at the mercy of the
Dt, Steward 'Webb, of New'Yark,in 6:
warding $1000 as• aooiltribttilon from him-
self and l Crit, 'Webb Y to the Ormedidn.
Patriotic iaand, stater that both Mrs, Wsbb
and be admire the bravery and loyalty of
the Canadian troops.
Tits Btsphatio ittatttnent that The D. &
L. Menthol Plaster it doing a greilt deal to
alleviate neuralgia and rheumatism 0 bate
ell upon facts, The D. & L. Plaster never
fail. to soothe andgn{ckly cure. Mandan..
11110d by the i)ayls tk T.tawnsorOii., Ltd, ry .
The new United States army transport
Sumner, acid to be ' the finest troopship
afloat, started from Norfolk, Va„ but ,ran
against a oar -barge at the pier and damaged
it spindly that the bargesank.
Ie completely driven from the system by' Milburn'Rhematio Pills. They r
i lief ',from the pain, •limber up the Stiff.
'Joints and oure when •other methaid of
treat/neat fail.
William Dean Howells has . consider-
onsiderable ability . with the pencil as well as
with the pen. He is a born caricaturist
and With some training would,have made
a better illustrator of his own book than
l heckeray. •
_ James L. Whitney, the new' heed of:
the BostonPublic c 1 ibrary, speaks°fluent-
ly French, German, Spanish, Italian and
modern Greek. "The Ticknor Catalogue
'of Spanish`Literature'r Is oue of his best
known bibliographical works. •
• :.Rudolph Schwartz, the sculptor, has
completed the first one of the colossal
stone figures for the great lndianapolis
soldiers' monument.. The contract Balls
for its completion by next August, when •
the monument will be. dedicated.
Count Tolstoi is recovering from his re-
cent severe illness and is again at work
upou his interminable revisions of the
proofs of his "Resurrection." The Amer-
merican edition of this novel,: we are inform-
ed,;will be brought out before next aur:
tumn. •
Japan has bad a Hebrew synagogue
atom the year 1182.
The bishop'
e of London. ie'a !ov
er of `fine •
horses and . used to be one of the best
whips in England,
There Are No Words For Wife end
Life Il1osde iInn Pehraal , Lesapneuaa$yet
he wo-
man's life. The law of lslam allows eacb
man to have four wives. Ilia wives he
may divorce at will. Our word "boats" is
the Turkish word by which a Moslem di-
vorces'his wife. It doesn't count if he
says it only once or twice, but if said the
third. time the woman must go, and there
. is no recourse. There are no words forte
wife and home le Persia. There are no.
homes and few wives, It is curious to
hear ;a handsome woman say, "I have
told my husband .if he marries another
wife I. shall..poittint_hien,jnd. I intend to
do it," Or to ask a woman about 'herr= ''-
home life and get the answer: "Love my
husband? Oh, yes, I love him. I love him
as much as a sieve holds water."
In the cities the Mosleip women -and
all but about 60,000 or so of the 4,000,-
000 women of the land are Moslems -nev-
appear in pa6{ic save dressed in black
and heavily veiled, the eyes looking out
through a small meshed space of the
veil. Custom, . fear of men and' not mod-
esty impose this dress. The poorer wom-
en or the women in the villages wear no
veils, or throw the veils back and leave
their faces uncovered, unless now and
then. in ee•coquettish way they draw a
fold of the dress across the mouth.
The areworshipers or Guebres are but
few la Persia now, though it is the land
of their origin, but their women can -be.
picked out at once in Teheran or in the
few cities .where they' are., found by their,
dress. Outside of Teheran is the tower
of Silence, where, believing neither in
cremation nor in burial, the fire ,worship -
era expose their dead. From the hillside
it looka out in solemn stillness over the
broad, dead
plain,even as the dead of
this ;lying people look up in eolemn still-
ness from their ghastly burial'. place to
the unanswering sky. -Robert E. Speer
in Leslie's Monthly.
Trivial Calmer of 4 Bloody War„
• In the year 1654 a Polish nobleman be-
came obnoxious to the laws of his coun-
by.reason of his having committed a
crime, :He fled • to Sweden, whereupon
John Casimir, king of Poland, wrote to
Charles Gustavus, king of Sweden, de-
manding the surrender of the criminal,
The king of Sweden on -reading the dis-
patch, noticed that •his own name and
titles were followed by two "et ceterae,"
while the name o1; the king of Poland
was followed ;by three. , The missing • "et -
cetera" enraged the 'king or Sweden -_
thathe at once dealers 1 war against Po-'
• land. The war was carried' on with great
bitterness until:1600, when a . peace was -
signed at Oliva, near Dantzig. A con-
temporary. writer (Kochowsky) poured
. out his lamentationson thl war in these
"How dear has this 'et cetera' been to
us'1 With how many lives have these' •
OW potentates paid for these .missing;
eight letters! . With what streams of
blood has the failure of a few .d'rops of
Ink: been avenged l" -Collier's Weekly.'
As some aro Today.
Pinch your feat in'wrong shaped shoe. ; make
' you nervous, irritable ; spoil your temper ; lose
your concentration.
You can't expect to' go the even tenor of your
way in a shoe' that crippler, •
"'Slater Shoes" are rnade to fit feet --to cover
every tender joint comfortably -make you forget
you have a painy, that,
They 8t the drat time they're worn, and ever
after, because fife st itclii"aril"Ilti3iik,"lt'aaheeu°for.-
ever taken out of them while six days on the last*,
Twelve shapes, all, sizes, six widths, all colors, ..--
styles end leathers: c.
Goodyear welted, stampedon the soles with
name and price, $3.5o and $9:oo.
t' HSI 14 t' N
Jackson Bros„ Sole Agents for Clinton.
rlydi41is11':1,1 1 . .1,W�Y�iWiuiu i ii
Fpr:, pure blood,'
A bright eye, and
A clear .complexion,
A keen : appetite, p. etite, -
And refreshing sleep. eP
. ..
M• .
Mors .Sarts aril's
General Sir William. Stephen Alexander:
c e
-Lookh rtCo m'ander-i •o ref of the
n h
British forme in India since 1891. is 'dead.
The strength of the various' sections. of '
the Methodist church by'receht returns a Well Known Lad of Thornhill file►.
bo r .
ahows that throughout the world there are
7,957 churches, with 44,598 ordained min-'
slets.: Got Almost 'Instant Relief From
The Church of England is supported by • Heart Trouble 47 the 'Use'.
income from investments,, endowments' ,
• of lflilburn --Heart ..
and by voluntary celntributiOna. The to='
tal revenue of the church .la.about . $35, • and Nerve Pills. '
POLii`ICAL. QIP IPS: -•' • I*• I. simply wonderful the number of
western women who are ooming forward
to tell of the enrative powere of Milburn's
The great difficulty: about voting ma- Heart and Nerve Piffle,. ,
chines is that they will not turn out. a; This time it ie Mrs. Geo. Train, a highly
machine vote. --Philadelphia Ledger. respected lady of; Thornhill, Man., who
Ever since St, Louis threatened to• gives in following words the history of
lynch its alleged boodle officials the litter dr case:
are more than: ever resolved to hang to- "I obtained from Mr. J. A. Hobbs; drag-
gether.-Philadelphia Times, gist ofr,Morden, Man., a box of Milburn's
Cities generally would be better off if , Negri aqd Nerve Pills, ag I was very bad
praying politicians, like a conspicuous w{thheart trouble at tLe time.
alderman In Somerville, were more un- "I used the one box and got almost
merous and preying politicians were not instant relief. I then bought another box;
so Maw -Roston Moho. but only had to nee a few of the pills, as I
have never been troubleliwith palpitation
Since using them. .
"I am very thankful that I got the pills,
and if this will be o: ta,y we to others
It arouses' the Liver,
Quickens the circulation,
Brightens the spirits and
Gseerally, makes life Worth
Sixty seven years trial have proved it to be beyond question,'
the most reliable BLOOD' purifier'
Indio the I
Alled n Druggists sell BRISTOL'S': SaflSAPIRiILA;
Le Spring
At the Enspot i
•we can talk to : • -you because a th'
- Nowwehave oma ingato:#alli to you about. ' ,
We have received a large shipment of spring goods .and. more Doming and. invite the.
• ladies tonsil and See the fine drew! stook, alike, sateene, satins, prints, ginghams, flannel
and fancy goods of all kind. _ • 4,,-
DIILLIYER.•Y.-`rhe ladies are tsepeoialfy invited to call a' d inspect
the new u-tcedate and stylish Millin which has met arrived "from the r e pities
p 9 Millinery ] ,f g
Millinery of all kinds at low prices can be supplied by ns:
• Call and examine our new stook andcompare prices. No trouble to ehow`•
goods._. Batter and eggs wanted.
EmpQti'n, Londesboro R
March 8th, 1899
1 �. ADAMS
Give Perfumes if you'd please the fair
sThe choicest kinds are here.. All the
fanning makes -ail the desirable odors-
and many kinds put up in specially.attrao-
PEBrUD Ec an
C.sive Christmas packages
TOILET goods
Dainty Gifts for both radies
and,Men-for Young or Old
-Our assortment aline Hair Brushes,.
Military Brushes, Mirrors, Whisks, in
ebony and handsome woods, is the most
complete in the town. And the mostinter-
eating part to you is that prices are far•be-
low whet you've been aoouetomedato pay
for 'limner .artioles elsewhere.
ORTUSuffering as I did yoc may rublisii, it in the
H. Ba CO M B .1 Chemist et Druggist
E papers.
A Portru
10Z. Vt11V1)1$1
lits*v el 111',s •T*Or�rG -
�+h'. loin° WISI•10
Vie tuatinithattheir
1,101,01 will relieve
I Offerers than any
other. P,ut up only in.
250. tin boxui sad 00
std ro
Tse a
ff Itr.
�4 Y
allows you to cwt the
PlUtcrant rtze;.
Fver family
ready tor an. Eno,*
DAVIS A moot OS..
• I esu
Fire, • Life, • Accident, - Plate-6llass. �el S"` A
Ottetcil, Mutual*Bnociz, Crnixon
• Clinton, - ' Out.
. °eneral District Agent for the
Confederation Life Insurance Co
for Stratford and Goderiob, inclusive. .All in
ormation relating to insurance gladly given
Money to loan at reasonable rates.
Omce in Palace Bieck
Agent for the MANosiseTleh 13`mit Amin:Axon
Oa. of Idanohester. England, whose fronds and
a ourity_t�re rata at $14,1540,001).o-
. Also the M
ICztiTpr MUTUAL; mammon Co. All biasses of
farm rifts end town-profrerty taken a
loireat rates. Plrat-olaas. Loan. Companies
•also rrepre,ented. 'Money to be ha from per
gent tip, 000rding to nature 05 leo y.-
Baily mail to 8olmeeville ,•- portal card will.
Utah him.
AIME THE BEST RISKS,thereforethe
.Tef era fee � General Lite' A seance Co
is the BEST t1OYlis'ANY for the REST RISK
Over She millton'dollate inenrdnee Ott the litelf'
of total abstainers in Canada. For rates. 'eto.:
enqulre of �V, t Ilf'1tElte, r
• General A ntforHuron Connts,
Address --S7 n 8 P.O.
Il'WW t, or t7 Bmf
.Or, +II(TON
London &Jnodir Lifo
Established In tttara ta,.l8G8 •
]investedrundit, $U,?i32,23ii
=Dia mem; inoenneetvg
All the popular Milts ext lnsufehee issued.
Pelioiee titiotelditiMALWOrld wide and nonfor-
feitabir. Honey loaned. Policies pnrabaeed,
New f'nainees 1%05 *4,500,000'
Am't paid Policy Solders., 487,000
rail information furnished by
tifilttle, iMllltatllt OHA . B. HALM)
Beware of Windo $Agent, Clinton.
J - sane SINee
We are preparing for sprint/grade. Yom.
d4nfloS bt y a better artiolefor the money
than WO. are willing :to salt: you, The
best material and workmanship `goes
into ell our buggies -
+'. I tumball, tilintoi
u�r'!•am a farmed' -located -near Stony l3tot:t, ode cl"tittlrriost'•tt»tlartotla
State,' �Ir' r r
cis in thisand was bout , •� wltll. M.�tl i0 fn ea g`''t
e .i
so uld not workand'was always ver ► coristipatd4 as j�,iirflll\E'•' $of
had malaria,so bad in. the s r::1 , very
!On `nl ed cif i pro, Inge
t I could do nothing but f mow! .*en :• gboutajarre,
<ofguI ne.Pills, besides'dozens or o :,, r ::ridics, but never ob+ained
anybrnanent benefit:Last Tail, 1r +s+*h I I ld.411mst serious
att*chils and thea commen-.0 .at.."k,:,Tabillrntrupon
*tents advice, and the fir:-'-.- x ;no #:: l;ls a.. t- : t and t have never
'basti'vfvitlldut them since. e t:'k; nil..:'i'.a4s'iie enoil morning and night,.
and Sometimes when 1 feel afore than u,u..l.y c.1.11:ust�d•1 to cethree In
� ' and
-.: ti
x;ehlY.''.�'hey hairs' kept my st, ::a.lci ,.arae, title bo��tttlsl regular
oche sines
ttailvte 1ltd't figs thi~ 1e st tau h o rr , taut:
,s.Let 1
- commenced using them, I• know a! �a that 1 scop batter and wake up
inore refreshed than formerly. 1 dor:'r r• lots I::>•w. Many complaints
Ripen* Tabules will help, but 1 do i:•:; -v.' they will cur arty one in the
and!** r was: and'1' would not b'. itle;.t..t thrid at.any price. I
honestly' consider them the cheapest•:,. t►..v:ll,i:ui%,112: l,tk the ;'i orld, a
thsv are also the most ,beneficilll and tilt; • Most Convenient,to Mks.
I ase twenty-seven years' of age and have worked,lho'- l alt my itt`e the'
IMMO as.most farmers, both early and lire and t:La':l kind of 1+,
elit ilk ; In
and X have never ell Dyed such good Health as 1ia�e since s �
fact. m .nei hbors hive all remarked ley Improved condition andhave
itis ;: 44 ty, John, what are you doh: to look so healthy ?..t, '=3
,lr� y�I of tad br Iib that ii l•P A tett •� . i. i wi.a01 'I t,av hdw i,lt tat"
`M iIRwwe otethrrr..re11 .eta, m •M .. t: a o Do. a and arreyt no lett
OtrNIM nNNtht* rt r .'N'Y!A ten?$44414.441 tit , : , .1rtt3 .teed Tree calif
"iI Softened baa? w3Ca., tvr t,,a:r.:.. t .334...,,:,,, Lb tranditlies