HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-30, Page 61111ilatia
Olivier and Troop 'Rave
Eluded the liritislit
, ller exiillar tO the repel tit the othe
pewera , '
' Tee reply ameatvore to show the
reetet Peeseele sempatity with tee
ears, att expreseee greet regret that
leuse'a i:3 unable to comply with the
Veqiieet the'Refnee eels
It eoye tbat. Mal Freakients.Krugev
ane Sesyn, appl.ea to the powers te.
tore telegraphing to Tara Se.lesbury
there le sena) reasog to. belleee 'tilt
(*resit Dretaitt eroule letee teen ap•
proaceel in liehalf of tee Re,peblios.
• eiereoefeireerteferieeeeope, "
• Leaden, • eterea 27, -Count .Adalbert
Sternberg, an Austrian ofikeer ;wee
feleght metier eon. Crone anti; Wile was
timely •tile prisemers teken et r oArde,
' VOeg, 'eels 'Interviewee 011. lee' aerial
lie kate, regareity eta Seuth African.
experietiee. Ile Rail tire-Euretesanceli-
ettreen tile Boer alley had, Op a rule;
done tilt 1 etite When aetel if eteatius
ental troop woill3 have fought letter
time: the'British, repliel; la the
.titat ' place, there is ea contleental
-poWee Neleeli could have armed and
eent ea many troops( smell a great
sltetanee frOM benne.. AM able to Peet
'tele thing -even our Attstriten troops
would not baye donebetter." •
• ';.4))1(Joii. Matah despateh to
tee Daily letail from edateking, dated
Friday, March 113, describes' the tu-
morous. side of the Alegi). It melee:re,
that the. eoloalale set up bottles, In.
,,vitiege the Doers to ehoot at them,
end teen chaffed ths enema when the
.sitots went Wide. Another triek of the
"leemilals is beepatel aren't. 'Oteneertina
playing to !pre tile Boers, excited be.
cotasity to rale() their header ,.from
the trenchee. when they are promptly
'Meted. .
Greet. Cadiantry of the, Trooes De -
readies Ladysmith. " •
„egesPe toeten.. efaitalt 27. -Gen. Veleta
nee • related several • 1nstence3.of the
'couesige 'of 'tee. British troops during'
stele Ladysmith siege. He said:. eDur
'leg. the atteok on Ca'estera. Camp.: a
."-amteete, comer was held. by 10 Maw
.thenters,..who. fought from 8 ..teclook
In the issornin Until Aegis ereen the.
.Devioatilthaie tolefinted there. Valle;
• tem lay deed, but tee' tiro, survivors.
One, of *tom was -Wouridect still lead
•Ihe leettion. . •
etlio same day, ,sergeaeta.witti
:Ora, of the. guns,. Iola p,.lbg and an arm
• Sshist, off. He foil_ airoese tee teens Ot
• the gun and staid: aeolame.oet ef .the„
.e.cve7 end•goe_On working :the aline
. •
,Destroying Coal Mines.
• grator:a, Morn '20.-etTaitec1 States
.Consul Hay ;and •hisr secretary have
gone to Kroon.stadt to make neceSsarY
' arrangements for Milted, States rep.,
'reSetitation. In. the. Free State.
recetvel here :from Boer
headquarters lii Natal -announces that
the da...tructan .contnues ef opal Jukes
. lately to be useful art the British., •
•• the, Dundee .coll.ei•y hail' been blown
-Up; the..:mach:nery has been. destroyed .
'.'..and.the WM hes beat rendered use.
elesaster three months. According to
se despatch from „Kroonstatit, Come
Malidant.Cilvier has joined Gem. Oro:
bier and "Learner, who .are safg„,;Gen.
Delarey is still sielCat Pretoria, but
-be w:11 proceed to the front. on Saw.
tiny. Trains arc frequently leaving
'Noah burghers for the Lighting litie on
eles Hide of Bloemfontein.. "
. The •Standard and D:gger's News -
• .--- ,.-.9 -.1",- -,-.1., - --+•. . ••••••• .. ....,m...
tritieli iirme are in a eoidtion teen. •tho High Cometiesioneres eleit is la
awe the ediet, s it private nature. It ig thought tide
ean taltreele be abything bile an
Mal enbterfuge, tee (ineetiou of
the prielileatiou of the Free etate , • ...,....,..,.
.' n
. .
anti the treeentea of tito ineurgente Tho Btorysof a Bright fouPlena and Ravenousng o is Dia -
doubtless being discussed between „ etas,. Whieb Defies ail Medi.
Lord Roberts and Hie Alfred Milner.
' 101.11).
This nine the' aim,. line Mr o
Lorene() efereuee, 28.-teene AV:fading to the sante (1 111.111
oral Joubert demi. kien. „French. prevloeoly to rata -1611g
1. retoria, iIar1ile0.-ex'ateral :Iota to illesemiontein, occupied the fleet
bort is c'ell1'1111.11 to ele bed and Is tier. mins near Vatter, which tire coated.
lonely ill. •erect net important acquisition.
l'retoria, efitreli '28. --General Jena Reports from Rouxville end other
ehert tiled Lott night at 11X° &Clock. towns say tlie surrender of anal to
• Ha lied been ituffering from Hammel tire, British continues satisfactorily.
• coneetairit. 11 1'' CA.TISE. TR01.113LE.
The town Is plunged in 11101101111gfor
. the true patriot, gallant generenind Gen. eauuneas column entered
upright an 1 honorable gentleman. Fauresmith Tuesday, March eetie 00.
(Teo elespetenfrom 0.'brio Marques eseneing eagerefonteire on its Neay
- arinoeueleg thietleath ot-tieneral eau- seeeee• Magistrates were appointed,
bert, It will be noticed, le detee to. the proclamation wee read, band8. of
music, met the troop, Dad flags wore
70 4 ay, re .
eienerar l'etrus Joubert, command..
antetieneral of the Transvaal fOrceig,
• hotter 'mown as SUM Voter, was born
eabelle,Bel,,accerseage. lIn wagaleticeadecle
from the aid Freneh Huguenot; Ronne,
wheel settled in South Africa. He
wee born in Cape Colony, bat .was
taken by his parents to the Orange
ilowne Among the apectators
Fearestuitli wase leek:Merit Stereo
daugeter. Beery rains: made Gen,
A 'despatch from . etagere, Basato.
land, dated Tuoilday, March 27t1e says
apparently reliable. reports gay that
the Jean: a,re.eaetitering Ladybrand,
• ,,use the prestiMption that the Brit.
Ish treopS hare Crossed the line of
the Beer retreat towards. Kroonstadt,
end that a fight or surrender near
I.:Ade-brand le ireipinent Ntatieru des -
patella; aro ectt distinguiebed for
elieir ticeuraca.
Thertber .novicee from elefekleg,
lateMarelt. 10th, re:terete thatall
was well there, and that the cordon
_ Was ntot reo t'ghtly drawn, the Boers
AllowIng natives to pass through their
.11.nese wilich time Iut1 previeusly for.
ieldere, •
••The. izative.refogeos•are reported to
be toe situp:a and Mee to work. or
mire cOver from the shells. Thee
Natter in crowds aroundetbe stoup,
•stollens, and beets tote drivee away
(viten thewetting bell .riegs. ' • - •
•The borabarcimeet Just prevlouple,tO
he despatee being een,t bad been =le
esualle elgoroue, and it was 'ended -
Mee it wee prObeine thatbefore long
he .retions • woelde be still hotter
edueed... ' '
Bi - , y. eines
Site Was First Attuelted With. lm
Grippe, the After V, deets Resulting
In St. Vitus' Dance-VrIends Des«
paired of Rer ReeeVery.
(Prom 7tie Acadien, S.
The mails. treat Woltvelle to Gee-
pereau are cereleel every day by an
official' who is noted for his willing-
ness to accoraimodate and the ptinc.4
tuality with which he dischargee
duties. -1Xie name is Xerrluer
Meer:elle") 5?1(..1 !Ieee ia 9feePele
'Neliete bili'aides With his Wife
and grand -daughter, MSS teazle Kay
' Cleveland, a bright girl of fifteen
yeare. A few monthe. age the 110041
of their grand -daughter was a source,
of very great anxiety to Mr, and
Mrs. Cleveland, and the 'neighbors
wIto eetiened ot tee peeteal condetien
of teelittie girl gravely shook theit
heads and said to themserves that
the fears of the fond grand -parents
e by no Mean* grottadlessI. W',hen
the news ieeehesd the ears of an Ace -
+Roe man, a short...tlme, ago, that the
health of Miss Oleveland had been re-
stored, he hastened to interview Mr,
Cleeeland, as to this facts of the case.
Wrliett he explatned his erra3ad both
Mk, and Mrs. Cleveland appeared only,
too eager te give him, the information
sotight, and accortlanoe with
their evieheiii ibet.we glee to Pub-
lic the :mita of tale remarkable care.
„Early in. December, 1898,,liaeit Cleve.;
land -Was taken wit e a severe at-
tack of la grippe and fears of he
recovery 'were entertained. • Carefni
herseng, hoWeveri brought
• terougleaeharemelada, but et left lie:
syntem in a completely run-down cen-
ditiOn. This showed itself pelitolteelle
an a' weakness of tae nerves. In, Jan-
uary ayisaptCans of St. Vitus':dance
began to. allow themselvee. At fest
, these were • not vase est -eminent, bet
ie was not long before she waieread-:
ered altogether hedpieenbe this ter -
e. malady. cat time site
east all eoutaol over taeMovemetals,
'aloe hands and feet. .Por :weeks she
,had. to carried front ramie to roam
and was unable to feed lerselt. Hei
grand -parents natairaler became, eery
'Muth alarmed, and having trikad othei
remedies withott effect determined
to give WXlittras' Plea Peas a
Developments phoweed that thee
cenfidence was not. misplaced. :Wieen
three boxes had been used the condi-
teen of Use patient. had improved con-
siderably. T,hen.3103r. Oleveland'boueet
six boxes more and coiatineed. their
use as before,. Tat, sufferer rapidly
began to recover. Wilion she had don-
aimed tee •fifta box Xirif. Okaveland
reduced, the Awe' to r one pill .a. day,
and by the. timia the sixth box was.
gone a csomplete Cure was .effected,
Miss .'Cleveland is now as vigerous
anklealthy. as could be deal...red. Her
greed -parents are parmiaded that Dr.
Welieras' Pink Pills are. alone respon-
sible for :her care' and are devoutly
tramikful for the. rem:Obi which, under
- Providence, they have peoducetl. •
Sold by . all dealers or sent post
paid at 50o a box or sex boxes. for
e2.56, .by addressing the. Dr. Wel-
'dame' Meaksine :Co., Brookville, Ont.
.Do.. net he persuaded to -try some-,
tilling else said to be "just as• geed."
' • ere ':
Clever.Bird in etexico.
Mexico has a clever bird called tlie
inelanarpes, which has diseovered.'a
new use for -the telegraph pole. At
The foot of the Peat thie bird- makes' a
large hole, in 'which It rearerits
_SoirMwhitt higher up the post. it
makes ate observatory, froei which
eor.erl holes pen -lilt it to observe the
horizon in every 'direction. Still higeer
this eagaciatis bill Makes Its store-
house, and thus the pole servos as its
house, fortress and warehouSe.
P erman en tl Cured. .
Two Boer prisoners escapee from
Free -State, where he . was tauget the camp.- at Simonstown, ettercei20,.
from early altildhood to sheet straight The slokueee there is unabated, and
ant hate the British. Of schooling he many of the prieoners are ban, seri-
had bat little, , but • hits anabitiOn 03)8 condition.
prompted hini to read the. few Imola. ' The only werd froin Gem Blake is a
he Could obtain, Midhe sueceeded iv report of the officers who have ' re.
obtaining' a fair' knowledge of history eoveredfrom wattles and have re-
and. ivatguages. • • • . eturned to dote. . • •
Soon ,aftea• the acquisition. of Natal .. A Spacial despatch from Meemfon-
by the British he became a lettrehel telia says: ...xte period of inaction
of the South African, Republic • and wcoming to an end. Troops are being
et-d.aring fighter. He Was so feared .pushed to --tha front, and
by the natives that knowledge that _ and storlsare being oelCiected: The
he was atetheherid, of a punitive ea • mea, are =trend conelitiaa and • the
.poditien eisualey resulte.a in their .horses are wiring up eventlerfully," ..
surreeder. He was elected Vice -Pre- however, the reports entailing the
sideat of the Transvaal in 1800, 'de- imminence 91 a forwerd.mioverxeme aril
feettee Sir George, Coley at Majaea - so conflicting that this canno.1 be tak-,
Iiill; in -1881, and actea as President -ea to being in any way autemitetive,
• of the ,Itepubfic in 1883-4, enemy . . , • - .
/Cruger's absence ill Ettrepe. ' ' ' • '". ' '•
Gain.eaubtart was always infever -
' . ' . •
,...,of the tea of force instead t diplom - BRON• CHIAL AFFECTIONS
aoy, an,d ' Preeideat Kruger on sev- ' ______
,ecral- oCcaRiall•si had " diffictiltY in re- A Michigan tarty, 'rens How Rer.Littie
pressing his hot -heeded, friend' and . DaughterBliffered from Bronchitis.
ealieserge, notabie la 1879, when Tod- The doctors failed, to b•enetit.
planning . the .reestatione to .eVerthroo Mrs. It, le m
C ATA RR 11 ozoNg CURED. .
hart, with Krugee and Trestorins Was
British rule in the .Transvaale • writers: "Our easel of Hickey, Michigan,
. .
latteeriughter of 8 years was'
. It Was aeutert who organized. the a great Sufferer from bronchitis, and slight
army of the ' Sonth Afr:can RePillille, vhanges in the weather brought on severe
dividing the • country hito seventeen aftacks. Our doctor was consulted and:
prescribed different- bottles of medicine,
rn'llttlr3r department s, - with - com-
. but ..none of them seemed to Afford more
'whams,. field cornets andlieutenants. than temporary. relief, We •thea tried a
To Stich a pont of perfection was the host of so-called COM,but they all turn-
sYstera carried that when the present ed out worthless, After Igo !pooh . useless
War 'Was declared Joithert, it is said, mons° with' doctors and fraudulent pre -
had only tO send Boventeea despatches, carautionwhat
wdere at miirm;svits' lendia to
nl'3t oti ne g or o au
and w.',.thiii. forty-eight houra the Boer been curedy iC tarrhozo ei sent Ain her
nation. was Wider arin.S.,• Inhaler to try, and it Wits so pleasant to
/t 'woe due to Oen; Joubert that the, use and gave such Immediate relief that a
cornplete outfit was at once ordered. • . After
Smith African Republic. Succeeded ih using It but a short time the Mona al
arrids'shig theanonenne etores of war trouble disappeared, and the child ran 'gm
munitions and provisions Which have run about ' In damp rainy weather - some -
Steel them in such good steed during thing unthought of before uSing Catarrho-
tee confect no* inprogress. '
zone. We recommend Catarrhozone ' is tt
, e
Although known as "SI m Peter."esertese remedy for nronehitis and colds."
' he
Was nearly ex feet in height And .oi. •CATARRHOZONE
stoat .buld, his nicknanie being •given -
to Mu on accouat of elsshrewd mile . - is a guaranteed cure for
. . • .
tory emotes. . . nRoiwurrxs, AsTusts., aitztiturr.
'William Cox, a newepaper Wives tatarrhezone, °zonated Air Cure, is a
poinierit, who was recently released new, scientificmethod of treatment that
from imprisonraeat at Pretoria, said cures. these dIseaseriby the action of medi-
In an interview at Durban yester- cated air, which, when inhaled, spreads io
day, that Gen. Joubert Wits appal^^ annildpnoarstiara of the lungs, bronchial tubes,
passages, where It kins the germ
.eittly, suspected pf halaheartedness. lire. It is very soothing and healing' and
quickly restores the raw, irritated mem-
branes to their natural condition, °Meeting
a permanent euro.
tlie berghero if Pretoria was. be- Six weeks' treatment, price $1; extra hot -
ties of inhalant See. At druggists, or by
mail. Twehty-five cent trial size for 10c
In stamps,. froni N. Cs Mimi & CO.. RIDS*
eroa, Ont.
Putnam's Corn Extractor cures corns and
Warts without pain In 24 hours. At drug-
gists, price
says it learns that Gens. Olivier, Oro-
eler and ',meter have arrived at. a -
.poiat saffitently far north -to relieve
all apprehensions of this possibility of
' thelr being cut off. _ It is expected
. they evil arrive let Menem* in a few
days. and effect a Juoctloe with Gen.
Dewet, when the Feeeeale position, it
, Is :declared, will formidably oppose
•' Lard. Baena. . •
Reports received, *from the various
hanke of the Repubi es show 'that the
- cash hollings amount to £2,283,0Z7;stereng ($11,165,285).
a• A New York Story.
New York, Morph 28. -Mr. Clam-
• berlain has taken into his conSidence
the Australian delegates now in Lon-
-done and consulted them abeet the
•aeolita African settlemeht says a
Lcaidon cable to the Herald. It ie
repotted that the Colonial Secretary
bad communicated with Premier
.1.,aurier of Canada on the same mat-
ter. What recommenh
dations ave
been made by the c010010.1.stateelnen •
'cannot be stated authoritatively,-
but it Is believer that they favor the
'application of drastic principles to
• elm problem.
- MAY ANNEX pox.
• It Is understood:that a strong Intl.
ma ton hats reedited the • Cabinet
front Cape Towet that any ikeley in-
. Vol dug leniency. tOwards eebella
tun Dolph• Wilt result in, the whole. •
Bele Conversion of loyaliste let° re-
• bele. •.
A hitter le current hi Parliament
arY Circles that the GoverOMetite will
mem Ione a proelemation .annealfig
-• the Orange Free "State. and 'that
the same course will be purstied non -
„corning the Trangvata seen as
and Mr. Cox • gathered „that his life
would be In danger at the bands of
•sieged. ••
• Teo wife of Gen. Joubert, who was
a Mise Fraser, had been devoted to
kini • throughout the campaign, • fro.
(meetly, tiering his dangers in the
•Lotidon • March 28 . -In 1
with the aationecement of tee death - J113 WAS TOO 5PKEDV>
if 'Gen. jonbert, esa Ifithialterigete
nv e's ""enuant see.e. 'ea , lu _ 1031480h of
note that Sir George White, the - 'It
British general who commanded the , Promise Case •
garrison _which defended Leclyetaith,
let a speech at Cape .Town yester- - Detroit, March 24. -Sohn C, Ward,
of Toronto, haer given'a e1,100 bond,
day• evening, declared that Joubert uete James D. Buries,
a brave and honorable opponent. Beatty as sureties, and watt released
and James
'RUH a soldier and a gentleman, and
test night from Jail. The young wo-,
man we° caused lds arrest a Week •
Mfl,NJdRltT IlLOUMPONTEIN, ago on a °aphis for alleged breaeli
et. promise ef marriage, says • that
elritielt Forces Clearing tip the Free - Ward came to her houee five weeke
, • State.
London, March 28. - The 'British
High Commissioner, Sir Alfred Mil-
rier. arrived at Bloemfontein last
night arid Was met by Lord Roberts
and his staff.
Actorcling to a despatch from the
Orenge Free State ettaltal, publish-
ed in the second edition of the Times,
g g , •
proposed marriage thesecond time
he had ever seen her. •
Doctots and °Dr:yeses pronounce
Miller's Compound Iron Pills the beet
on the market; 00 dwell g5 meta
Prison Stabbing,
• Eariget,on., Ontaltareb 26.-To-da3
"onviet named Goldsmith, from To-
ronto, stabbee Wes Mary Smith,
deputy* matron at the penitentiare, in
the neck with a Italie. The surgeon
does not consider the wounds to be
dangerous. Goldsmith will staled trial
for his asoult. It was quite nnpro-
*Ora medesty prevents Many froin seeking
only actual Cure, Dr.
° What Slavery can be more erne)
than that of the Victim pliCe?
In mieerefr by day, often kept from
work awl unable to walk with any
•OW33: In ngony by night, sufferingin.
tenate Y frotn th.e drpar]fuI
which llitikee teat and sleet) impasse
ble, seen la tho lot of 'at least 25`
per Gent. of all men and women during
1031)0 Pet -
ValSO rdeneirtY Prevents many teem
00.1king advice or submitting to it I0 -
cal ettataittatiOn be IL PhYaietalt. Then,
beeldese there is the dread of the
e urgeetre knife, the otily means Which
many (lettere use to- cure piles.
eft Melt itaieet 1I1iS0r,V le the Piave
of Pita), the Most Mei and torturing
Of affiletiobit.
Betotat tee illiseovery of IW. Obese.%
Obettneitt there wee ne) reliable our
for piles, iio euro that would abeo-
lately atm any CASS lef plea; 'Whether
teething or; peotrittling
Teaday Marla etetrybeile In Canada,
end the tritited States, and very many -
in letirteser know of Dr. Obese% tent -
Meet Ate eurg for Piles.
It is a Wonder of medical seiellee,
*bleb bite beteit freedeittle imitated
but WO ildteeteefully. The nett:alone
look the Seta% etre Pelt MP
41* titmS kind of brAfh$1 and
0 ' Feathers Come High. .
- London, March 25.-1'he Beath Afri-
s I can, vvar has momentarily °rippled the
eeviee, Cure yourself sit homIt by using t'40 1 ostrich feather intinetry. There havo
es use's Ointment, . beat six sales of ostrich fes.therit an-
goinetimeg have a eimilar odor, Till einno0Yorilin,F ltd,P aAgVgerlavgailleg.
bur. they do not taw. The portrait - a out
anti signature of Dr. A. W. Chase Oft 1.111 . Y.4a. tiviere. has already
llae41. a
ths box is a guarantee ..,t,eae 30 11 ...,,tri defieleace of 40 pee cent. in the eupply.
"4" Aeeostrieh feethere are still extreme.
be cured:
Mr. F. G. Harding, retired farmer lY a°210fl41):jes' the shortage Inc
ce,' el a &tided enleaucament in price.
living at Niles:Own, efiddiesoe counters
Oat, writes as follows : "I have boon
troubled 'with bleeding and itching
DUOS for four or fire years, arid mir-
rored !aortae agony at times. I had steamer 'Vancouver is at the dock
tried almost ereryt'il.g but eotee go yard ready to receive the Leinster
nothing that would give relief. On 'regimeiit, which embarks at 10 to.
heziring Dr, climate matneene morrow morning. The steatner !eaves
procured 0 boxr and It, °WY required ht noon sharp. The 'loyal ArtillerY
part of it to completely cure ufl. 1 am will take charge of the Wellington
tieecnitamuling it to all affiletzA ait. I barreckg anti the clothing nrrivee
for the new regirilent.
Mrs. traM03 Brown, Ilintonburg,
Carleton, •
County, Ont., stoes I The New York Herald eve: The
beets been 11 eonstant sufferer from Prince of Wales Mee' Make a tour of
r.eirly every form of plies for the last the British colonies when the War la
twenty years, end during that time over for the purpose of eryetallizing
(both hero owl In tho Ohl tbuiltrP sentiment in favor of Imperial leder-
hare tried almost ererY remedy. I ation, visiting the United States.
ent or.ty doing Peek* to Dr. Chases A fatal tateident pee:erred on tho
Ointment when 1elty r telieve it to - farm of Milken Stewart, near leant.
be the beet remedy obtaamble for iota, Mtn., by whiell kW:Li:wick Tes.
bleeding or protruding• pees."' key loet ills Ilte. Temkey wee digging
Yoh coif huY Dr. ClintY# Oilitm6lit a welt, and had reached a depth of 40
from your (leder for BO cents a box, fent When a plank slipped from the
or it will he sent by mail on receipt I krma earth at the top, and, fallingnI ,
,11.1eo hP fluted & CO., hit him on the head, Inflicting Minty
Toronto. • from whir% he died in an how.
The Leinetere,
Halifax, N. 8, March' e-• The
Szeept Doda's Kidney Pills,the Only
Remedy 011 ftarthThat Removesthe
Cause or the Daces e --Do
ney Pills. Never Pail,
Quebec, P. Q.; • March 10.. --There
are certain, diseases that sap the
brain. and dry up the springe• of life,
'• ;besides undermining the strength.
Diabetes is such a. disease,
ite eymptoms are great thirst.
•failing sight dry mmitie coated
tongue paleness numbness in the
thighs, pains or aches, la the loins, ore
,of the back, inacrease of urine;
gouger, , tee uriee.
Ausreowee see--twee-solaantemoreeeet.
theee aPPeee in the anino Otte%
Diabetes is essueed by poison In
. the blood. ,
Poison. gets luta the blood through
defective • action of the kidneys.
Weigh seoulei filter it out
Heal and Strengthen the eidneys
and they will cleanse the blood.
Teen Diabetes will vanish,
' Dodd' s Kidney •Pills are tile only
medicine On earth; that can cure
Diabetes. whey are the only
cLne that caa cure tele Iddneee.
Here le Proof: earn Desrochere,
of 3.07 St. Jc•hn street, Quebec, Nays(
"I have :suffered with Dialeste.s for
. ilv"ekYYefacert were always cold. I had
pains .in my loins, arat a, 'terrible
th'IrIstiried 'dolen 'remedies befere I,
• •
heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Thee
all failed to relieve Me.
-. "Five boxes of Dodd' Kidney P1110
()urea me completely, To -lay I am
even and ,strong." •
• Reader, have Toe Day Of the sem"-
- tome above?
-If you haat), you have Diabetes,
and nothing on earth but Doddei
=army Pills can cure you.; '
• . • •
. • , • •
• ate Position Away Ahead of That of
' American •Rentere. •
- Take, for instance, the land laws
Of Ireland:. A landiord cannot Put a
tenant off els estate if be falle to
pay. his rent, • without much ex-
• Pt:asistaafocir tieravee'ry'llebematur pay
every impreventent of -the soil. no
matter wheteer the landlord want.
ed the board or the soil im oved
or not ; must thee pay him for
growing crops; •lie may not' then
elect him tuttli an officer is summon.
ed and tenderts the tenant ' facilitieft
to baul his effects • to the public
..houee and have him quarters, selects
ed for bireself and family. All of
:watch, 'would horrify -tee • Americatn
• letallordeealot only that, but ehe
tenant has the right of purchase of
the lead in parcels, in maoy .1n.
stances, and the government. .-lends
:Mei money at a low xate of interest'
Birgasont.i,131.e tec•:!;. pay
f°1• :* '
• 1•
Permanently ariii Painlessly Candi
in a Few Daye.
•Putnanee Painesse Coin and Wart
•Extracter removes. all sorts of come,
• warts and bunions without pain in. a
few. daYS. It has. been -the etaftd.
• ard for thirty years). P.eware of acid
flesh eating, 45angerous substitutes
and irielet on. having- the genulase
Petnamei. S.ute, safe, painless.
• '•
There Is no disease caused by germs
that Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills
for Weak People will not cure perma-
nently and absolutely. Rheumatism,
nervousness, poor blood, kidney cont.
plaints, dyspepsia,. female troubles,
yieJd poaltively to these
wonderful pills. The greatest blobd
and nerve remedy twee known. Only
75 canto a large 'box,' 25 cents a mean
box, at J111 drugglsts, or from the Ar-
nold Chemical Company; Limited,
Canada Life Building, Toronto.
• A Lemon Ban.
• In the West Indies and other warm
southern countries they luxuriate in
a lemon bath. The plea of three or
four lezaone is •squeezed into the
bath, or slim of the fruit 110 lotus
, • .
paticy Waists for Slimmer Weft
• .
••• The -very newest .walets ate) of .ein,
broidered satin-anished silk or peau
de Sae.' These come ins waist' lengths,
•and are to be made up with vest, col-
lar and cuffs. of' the embroidery. The
dark blues/ -embroidered in ' shaded
pink ; thewhitee in whit, • grey and
black; ahe yellowswith' a little touch
of mauve the embroidery -are all
exquisitely dainty. alid Will be a fea-
ture with the eailor. gowns for the
.Oneotty• design. is of the 'peen :de
soleolaid on narrow, box -pleats all
around. A pointed turn -down eollar is
of heavy lace, fialsh.ed with a sailor
knot of the lace. A little pointed yoke,
or chemilsette, and the high collar are
of draped chiffon, embroidered in
Persian pa,ttern, in soft Oriental col-
ors, with 4 fine gold tracery run.
ning through the work. A little frill
of the lace, like the turn•ovee collar,
Is caught ingide the stock around the
beck. Almost any color will tone with
this Per.iln.patterned chiffon,but,
the pale pastel oltadee-arre most 'et.
re: tz al vr.ein. combination. and becom-
ing to most women as well.-Harper's
• $100 Reward, $100. .
The readens.of this paper will be
leased to lea= that there Is e,t
east One dreaded disease that see
etc° has been able to mire in all
its stages, and ,that Is Catarrh.
Hall's ,Catarrh Cure, is the only po-
eitive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh. being .a mist.
tutional, disease, regiiiree . conste
eutkmal treatment.' '11411'is Catarrh i
Cure is taken anternally, acting di-
rectly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby de-
stroying the ,foundation of the dis-
ease, aatl giving the patient
strength by building up the consti.
t ti d aseteting
ing Ito work. The PrOprietors baits
so much fait, in its curative pow-
ers that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any caste that it fails to
euro. . Sem] for lest of testiManialle
-Adams's, E. S. CHENEY & CO., ,
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75e. .
Hales Patelar Pills are the beet.
The tile of a Gun.
The bigger the gun the twister its
life. Those monster% tho 11(1 -ton guns,
eatinot be recitotted upon to fire More
than eighty full -charge rounds with-
out becoming quite notes& The 67-•
ton gun can fire 105 rcettule, vliIle
the lainch breechloader is good for
400 or 500 tull-charge rounds.
ore us ng.
Thin is said to impart a Weaning
sense of fraternise and cleanliness •to
• the skin.
l'oronto man says • "Haire used-
"Millefed -Compoutte Iron Piles •witir
greateeatiefaction aa a tonic."
Gentle. Adviee.'
Tome -The trouble with nie is that
I'm a hit' hasty hi my speleth ; I should
we gh my words..
Mae Peppery -yea dee And •don't
give ouch generoue measure;
Minardei Liniment eUres dandruff.
4.16. •
Rough on the.11aby.
Sometimes it is not altogether une
pleasant to be made e subject of
seientifie investigettma To demon -
/grebe. the theory tbat alcohol •Is d
food, the doctor.* at PeIlevae Hos-
pital are roaring a baby on all ex -
elusive, diet of whiekey. Should that
child etiok to its early „braining the
future holds for him flOnia great pos.
if your child is pale, peeviell and
does not thrive, a dose of Miller's;
Werin,PoWelersi Oceasibetuilly will cure.
' •• A Ilad Bank.
in Jersey Oily the cattle:lig of.a
spinster WAS !muted and $800 she had
banked In her bosom was Incitioratea.
So long as the New Woman will fore-
go time honored emanate et it eh cal-
amities are to be 0.Xpecto1. tine
deposited the roil in her stocking
41 ter thegood, old fashioned man-
ner he might not now be.bewalling
her los.
If the children., reanieraphyele none
ileta se •11166 as Miller's Worm Pow.
Ors; very pleasant. to take.
Pield efarebal Sir Dewed •
Stewart died this morning at M.
giers, in hie 77t11 year.
Peter t41bson. fell from, a load of
lay at Ifolmtield; e.t.a wtts drowned,
twhile crooking a bridge over. the Pena,.
flrina Rtv.r.u,
Starving resonate ofRussim, are Coto.
pealed to Try the Remedy.
About the beginning of tee een-
tury a dietingehlited fiaenell Mean.
- throplete A. June, ;vivified poor pea.
pie to sleep as much as possible dur-
ing the Ivinter month's, as only thus
evoithi they be able to live with any
degree of comfort. This etreage
theory note being teeted by many
persons in Ituaela, end, aecording to
a report weleli itas been jusuml,
their , almost complete abstinence
front food ha e prodeced no harmful
reeult, aud even has, from theit
staaelpoint, proved Ilighly beneficials
Teeee people live at leseow, dime
trice 'south of St. Petersburg, and
the teaeon wliy they ilaVe adopted
tee pratalce of sleeping during tbe.
winter in because for the last few
year,3 their crop.' lutve• been insuffie
(sleet to provide them with the
necessary mewls of eestertance.
• WieeleatIleeekleeseoefee theadietriete
Slaw' that starvation stared.' the peo.•
plo nieltor iface they dves
to t eh! reitedifilig :tore:4'
foot] last as long as poseible and to
go to sleep during the whiter. This
suggeetioa was aeopted. The mein.
ber.e of each tamer stretch them-
selves on cote around. the large
stove and (slumber day and ' ight,
• Once in tee 84 hours they et up
and refresh .theniselves wi mor.
sol of hare bread leaked a et autumn
and a drink or water, iter whiche
teey. Ue down " ag and 'anent
Apparently som f this poorest in-
habitants oe • ow hove been hi
the habit • hieerhating• for eome
years, but the practice del not be.
come general until recently,• and it'
has now only. attracted 4lui -atten-
tion of philanthropists and of phy-
sicians. Medical men in 'St. Peters'.
burg have decided to investigate
the matter closely, as they are es.
eaciallee anxious to obtain Answer's,
to two question's First, does- the
-temperature of persons' who remain
torpid tied 'whet sleep for whole
months An this fashion undergo anys
°image? And, second, in what other
meaner, if any, does thie mode e1.
living affeet persons pheelealle ate
went:see" -New York Herald. .
To Cure a Cola in One Day
• Take Laxative Breino Quinine Tablets. •
druggists refund. the Money if it fails to cure.
215e. IL W. etrove'ssignature is on each box.
• Reaction."
.datocronif-Ji.ow do y•ou; .•feel,abolit San,
Jones-Dotet tell tilia(t( 1 said Bo, 'but
X have heard sermons so long. lately
that they nio,de nevratit 'to. go ,out
and taloa& whack at something.
• • • •
Iev •
life for a .quartaxe
Compound Iron • Pills • •• '
A Simple Throat Remedy.
lArusead Imam:Lae makes a.. isemthing
drink for a relaxed throat, and should
be made in the following meaner :
Into frbaSin, pat two tablespOonfuls of
linseed and over it, peer a Pint Of bole'
lag.water. Cover •the beetle and allow
it to stand near the fire. for aeout
four houra.after, Whieh strain, and to ,
the liquid acid the Juice of two lemons
and asi meth sugar as -liked. The drink t
may .he taken Lot or cold;
,ISSUE NO13. 1900.
or the
• The fifty -cent she Is just
right for the baby. A little
ef it in the bottle three or
four times a day will supply
precisely the fat all thin ba-
bies need. If your baby deeS
not gain in weight as fast as
you would like, try
The resultvill please you. If
the baby nurses, the mother
should take the emPlsieu
It 'makes., the baby's food
• richer and more abfmdantt
only buy the dollar size -it's
more 'economical;
• Both mother and eblIdwill feel at
once Its strengthening, upbui!diag
,and fatiprodueing. properties.
drpgdst$ Lsoc, cod $1,00,
Scow & nOwNE, chemists, Toronto,
But. Wairt to Unload on the State.
Speaking about religious instruction
in toe schools, a sehool teacher who
has spent a' good many years in the
profession told the Express that he
Once taught achotil In a sectionIn.
**bleb three parisbee•met. Time and,
again he invited all the clergymen of
the three parishes to visit his sehool
and take advantage of the school lave
by giving religious instruotion in the
School. He offered to aceommodate all
of them and set apart a 'stated tine
for eneh but lie never succeeded in
inducing otte of them to give five mine
etas' inetruotion.-Woodstock Exprese.
.-18,.3,4.aere. LiLiniment reiie.ves neural(
• . . .
-.United. States ' Secretary Long says
the Navy Department hap at present
made no arrangements ;or sending a --
.squadron European waters; .bute
later will nedoubtecias do go. . •
' • • - •
ams.11151111111111milkissnimiAlmi. •
r'or Coug'
hs Gelds and Lung Diseases
.Take a half teacup 'full Flee -seed Tea with
; • • ;
a, dose of EBY'S . •
Pour or *five times a day. It nover fails to give
ffidfon..i. at all Dru. sesta, or groin.
M. F, EBY Chemist, Port Elgin, Ont. • '
I 'FOR 8ftle.B OR
'"...Caitirnitt-iiringoi, Lemon, Prult; Vine . and
Alfalfa land.
icgijilaatarSSIS or leaseo• In. fan1ons'Xo-
. 11 oustriet,. rn co., california
•where fortunes are being merle
• Oil snicks in first-elass reliable 41impar1
for sale. • • • ...r,
Minard Liniment for sale every -
Kansas will have a big eaposition in
1904, in celebration of the fiftietit I
annlversary of the orgitnIzation ot th.e
territory of Sepses. ' •• t
TO the Odorless Crematory Closet Co.
Tfamilton, Ont.
DEAR Slew -About a year ago boughtfroto
you one of your iddorlessOrematory closets and
nave since wee It constantly in my private
residence with splendid satisfaction. I am so
wellpleased with it that you can ship me an-
other at once for lily hotel. Yours very truly'.
S.ILITtrch, alarkaaletOnt.
The following are the .names of
few prominent citizens who are using
this eloieb, and from whom we have
very flattering testimonials:
Dr. D. L. Thompson, Toronto., Ont.
Dr. McGlaugelan, Bovemanville, One.
Dr. AL Xertatkvillere Out
Dr- C. F. Feigu.son'Kemptrille, Ont.
Uirie Gabourg, Plantagenet, Ont.
Judge A. C. ChadVrick, Guelph, Grit, .
C. 2. Mickle, B. A., Chesley, Ont.
Rev. John Downie; Watford,. Ont.
Dampier. Mgr. Bank of Commerce.
Strathroy, Ont. -
Sae. Moffatt, merchant, Amherst, 'NS.
, er Ont.
For catalogue and price Ilst wr to to
The °goriest' crematory closet Co.,
mainliten, ont
• , Address Recherdson tatel.Cee 'Ware, C
Ji Dritipt "Il?pkins" and
"Halstead,' In 'two volumes,' Is a unique
agents throwing, nwn7 all otber. -
pros. when they son ours; large.book,,•ela. •
boratoIy ^ illustrated, elegantly finished in
genuine English "gold leaf ',; agents enjoy-
ing immense success with our pros,; otanoard
work,"_ very cheap; big commissions( ",outtit
•free," freight paid.; large income to attstlersi
write quick. J. 14 Nichols eomeanaRich-
mond west, Torgnto. .
Lawihe Ms rift Seaworthy, reliable, noIIIftI fire,
Izea:. 150134 )t1311
ror Catalogue, 11611.11011V110sna-VP60Iir
HAMILTON,. 014174A1*.
Mint* Great Nerve Restorer. No
tits or tervou s after first day'.
use. Send to SS Arch street, Phila.
For salo tr7,1!7. tf erttr godOtedbtrgi iticrI
books, "The Library of South African
(four books in ane); and "Dwight L. Moody,
; The Mao and Ills Mission"; the books are wail
written and up-to-datoona are not a rehash of
. oldniatter; the prices are low, and the terms
extra liberal; agents can make money if they
. take hold. at once and sell our books. Pros-
' pecans free. .1r you mean businhss, other at'
rangeinents fortliecauvassersibeneat. William
Briggs, Methodist Book Room, Toronto,
Mrs, Winstow's Soothing Syriiirshould al-
ways be used for Children Teething, It soothca
the child, softens the gums, cures wind cone
and is the best remedy for Diarrhtea. TWoiltr
five cants a bottle. • •
A Dollar
• You can obtain this friend by using
•St. Lawrence Sugar
A Londoner !aye; •"Was suffeHng
from B100t1Po1eoning. Was recommend.
to try Miller's Compound Iron -
I did, Ito, and they cured me,o
' Oreaking it Gently.
"I'm sorry you're to leave,• Bridget,"
Efaid the housemaid to the cook.
"But orm not to lave" replied
Bridget. "Who tould yes I, Wtta ?"
"The miestis."---Ilarperet Dame. . •
No worm medicine acts so nieely
as Miler's Worm Powders; no physic
diet!rty TIrgien8t117
_ „,
fulling of a freight elevator of "the
Makely Printing Company, Chicago.
It is thought none of the injured will
die although several of them ware
ba butt.
ORD itt$1.0411.
I V/