HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-30, Page 4-
Mal'ch 30, 1900
March 29th
March 30th
March 31st
On the above days will be the chance of the year for
, those who have Dry Goods needs to fill. We can't afford to
sell goods at these prices every day,
but f
FRIDAY AND SATUtU Yx111 make an exception and
give buyers the benefit of the biggest bargains we have ever
If possible, we would like to do .double our ordinary
business on these days, no matter how much the loss. To
gain that end we will make it exceedingly profitable for those
who ,buy 'on the lest three clays. of the month.. Come as'early
as you can for the best !choice, --
Table. Linen at 20c
2 Ends only abant 50 yards of Table
Linen, 60 and 66 inches wide, our
300 and 35o linens your ohoioe sale
day's for + •,
Fite Bleached
Table Linen at 25c
1 End only of table linen 25 yards;
fall bleached, very fine quality, 60
inches wide, regular value 35o sale 25e
days to clear'
A Lace Curtain Snap
1 24 Pairs only of real Nottingham lane
curtains 3i yards long 50 inohes
20e wide, fine .quality, elegant design,
best onrtain we ever bad at $L25
while they last choice p:rpatr for . a?
85e Table Linen at 57c
72 Inch wide table linen full bleached
satin finish, floral design, extra
fine quality, the beet linen we ever 57,C
sold for 85o to clear at
3de 'tweeds for 18c
2 Pieces only, about 100 yards) ot for
tra heavy Tweed, Suitable
boys' wear, our 3011 alae to go at 18e
Per yard _______----
30e Figured Lustre at 19e
3 En -is only of black fi,nred lustre 38 •
inohei wide, small neat patterns,
gond weight, onr regular 30o value ''„�
for Lbree days only:...,,,,.
25c Denim at 19c
1 Piece Grey Denim, • 28 inches wide,
very heavy quality, soft finieh,will
give A 1 wear, best 250 Denim; LOC
sale days, only....... ,
March and April Exoureioga will be
run to Manitoba and Western points.
For rates and all information
apply to
Hallway & Steamship Agent, Clinton
OM** 5 ( *0 fl
Health -8. Jackson
Removed... O.
O. Cooper & Co1
Table Linens Newcombe
Opening -Misses McDonald a Smith .,4
Women -F. Melville
Jewellery-Rumball'e 5
Blue Serge -R. Coats & Son. 5
Ready to Wear -W. L. Onimette. 6
More Good News -McKinnon -a Co t
Cordial Welcome -W. Cooper & Co
About Wall Paper -W. D. Fair Co ......,• ' 8
Millinery Qjienings-Hodgen Bros
An interestingdebate took place
last week in reference to the preferea
tial tariff, which has pioved such a
boon to busipess men and British ex-
potters. It was proved beyond all
possibility of doubt,that the preference
had amounted,. in round numbere, to
over $2,000,000 in direct saving. But
the actual saving�to the people, as
'pointed out by Mr'Heyd; in his admin -
able and eloquent speech,is much more
than this. The goods imported under
tariff come into coin -
petition withabout ,
the preferential
f b t't il' d 11 Aggregate Trade for the Tear, Nearly glaz
of about $12,000,00(1 yearly, or $12 for
every family of five 'persona. This,
surely, is a matter of interest and im-
portance to every.consumer in the Do•
minion, and proves that the preferen-
tial tariff is not a delusion, as asserted
by the Opposition The vote on this
Lssc& Curtains at 19c
2,i Yards long, taped edges, floral de 19C
sign a real bargain per pair
'Hack Goods for 49c
1.End only of blank arepon dress .
goods , in plaid effect, hard finish
..suitable for dress skirts good value .
.. at our regular 'price 75o special for 49e
.three days only
NOT ALWAYS AN INDICATION. Additional Local News.
Conservative papers say that James
McMullen, M.P., of North Wellington. J3'O rEItt?c OF Oz,IN'roN. J. Moore,
is to be appointed Lieut.•Governor of of Lucknow, formerly of the London
'Manitoba,to succeed Hon. J. O. Patter- road, Stanley, died on Tuesday, at the
son, and they give as one reason for old and reepected age of 92 .years. He
the assumption that "he sits up close was well known to many In Clinton
to the Ministers." We don't know and ,vicinity, and removed to Lucknew
whether there is an atom of truth in some years ago. The burial took
the report or not, but the deduction is � place on Thureday, his son, Phomas
Moore, and dau titer, Mrs 3. Pickett,
and son-in-law, , Rumball, attended
the funeral.
statement is going the rounds, credit- _
ed to the Sault Ste Merle Star, that
Linklater, who was wanted in connec-
tion with West Huron election case, is
now living a's the American Soo, ':his , .rte
is not ep, if Linklater's Wingham
friends are correct. They state that
he has been.living at Buffalo ever since
he left Winghaw, a fact said to be gen
,e;tilly. known, so that his alleged inter
view with. Duncan Bole, at the Soo, IS
buncombe. •
RUNAwAYs-No less than three of
these exciting events happened during •
the past few days. Thos. Walkers
span of sorrels took fright last Satur-
day at Thos, Robinson's and ran along A
Albert street taking the sidewalk part
of the wayto the depot, along the
track to e elevater and then down wor
the London road ; no serioue damage 40
was done,only the tongue pole broken.
J, W. Hill's delivery' horse became
tt,aetious last Friday from • the explo-
sion of a cannon cracker and the sleigh
was damaged somewhat
vo u d A NOVEL PIPE, -By au arrangement
that would hardly be looked for in the number of the members of
J r
hardly logical. McMullen has done
some hard fighting tor the Liberal
party; some people think he has dealt
with mattere r trifling importance,
but be is an "Irish Scotchman," who
believes in strict integrity, and hie op-
ponents loved him so well that they
made two attempts . to .gerryulander
him out of Parliament.. , There is a
god deal of fight in him, like there
was in the late M. O. Cameron, and he
has the knack of calling a spade a
spade. We believe his opponents
woud like to see him out of prrlia-
inent,.and if any one deserves well at
the hands'ef his party, McMullen does.
But if every man Who "sits up close to
the Ministers" is going to be appointed
to some office, the list will include a
„nurnber of Conservatives,for we notice
several who. on occasion, cross the
floor and"sit up' close to theMinisters."
The Senate will likely throw out the
Redistribution Bill. The time may
come when the people will throw out
the Senate.
Last year Hansard made . three vol•
umes larger than the family bible ou
the centre table. This year it will be
four1 es and will contain much
other book among a.
is extended to all to visit us during our' Wall
Paper opening which wi1L beheld on Thursday
and Friday of next week.
Gond Wall Paper or none. That is our rule .
when buying and it ought to be your rule when
W. COOPER & CO., , Clinton
George H. Bertram, the Liberal who the curling club, of which as• Fair
represented Centre Toronto, died in was one, he won a novel pipe of "origi- Book Sellers, Stationery and Fancy Goods Dealers.
that city of cancer of the eta mach, on nal design, which has a "golden case.
Tuesday. lie was a genial and pope,. The pipe ie literally covered with the �4,�I�, ,�i�+ 'l1ibeib. 1006.•
lar member, but his death hes been handiwork of an artist. On .the front
looked for,as it was known his „ yl:aient of the bowl is the name of the winner.
was incurable. It is the first de:, ''h of and en the sides are the name of those that western country. Re and Birt TEE. FAVORITE SAINT -St. Patrick:
a member this session; but a Sc.;atoi .who composed the 'five rinks which Tedford, along wi h others, go west on could be adopted. as the Patton saint,
also diAil a few se days ago. competed in the five and out contest y Theyof Canada, so some people think. Reag for the "`smoker" given tby Secretary:Tuesday
tto visit . wentlatives before son; be was barn in Scotland,• ordain -
W. Jackson, for competition. It ie' a proceeding on,their l inrney. Success ed in Fiance, recently accepted in Eng-
uoique.article, and may, well be termed P
THF DOMINION BUDGET " [ties .to you, buys,, . .land, and of,course was a martyr to'
$63000 worth ,' the "pipe of peace, as it
now 5e
who is champion single curler of Olin- RAILWAY CIRCLES o -A number of Ireland. He seems to be the one per-
p geode o ,a similar character, im or ton club. Mr Fair will value it highly changes among the officials of the road nonage on whom English,. Scotch, h-
from other countries, .which >�stimated Surplus' the Present Year- as a memento of his struggle for se,- have recently been made. A reduction ish and French might unite • $e was,
are subsequently lowered in price to $1,528,000.premacy in the pa with the "bosom in C P R passenger rates in Manitoba a gentleman, so tradition tells us, and
the, extent o about ten million dollars ane, stones."
L i announced to what more is me ?
Dress :Goads Specials
6,Only dress lengths in colors of bine
and blank, grey and blank; red and
black, .torquoie and cerise, regu-
lar prices were from $3 to $5; to,1 98
clear at
125 Wrapperettes for - 62.e
27 Inch wide wrapperettea in colors
of navy, cardinal, cerise, purple,
etc, souse of them same. on both
sides, jest about' 150 yards left,
were 12jo yard, your choice of the 9
lot at 69 C
A Cotton Bargain
400 Yards of grey cotton 34 inches..
wide, good quality, free of- speoke,
to oleo at • , , , 3e'
. Extra. Special
'75c Corsets'at 49c.
Nearly 100 Pairs of Ladies' Corsets, made
of best quality Sateen'Jean, and lined
with Cotille, filled with fine steel,
trimmed with 1i inch *ids Lace, best
75c Corset on the market, to be sold II
forThree Days Only at .....,...,
V'c Shaker Flannel at 4ic ,
g Pieces only Shaker Flannel, 31 • 8
and 32 inches wide. some stripes,
others plain, grey and brown, beat 4C
7 °Flannelette. to clear at
121e 'Prints at Tic
500 Yards only of our 124e, prints in
colors red, brown, navy, blas, pin
green, etc., 82 inches wide, fine
heavy quality, to clear Thursday, ,..l -
"' Friday and -Saturday at' .f,
10c Apron Ginghams at ale -
200Yarde ofapron gingham' in ooloti
11e White Cotton for 8 e
6 lnoh wide white cotton, extra ,
heavy quality, free of starch, fine
round thread, if bought now would
be worth More than 110, sale prioe 8+
rcy Cotton 0,t 4le
84 lneh wide grey cotton, very fine
of navy, garnet and white (leaked
some with borders, fall 86 inches
wide and well worth 100 rale days e,
10c Apron Muslims at 5c
200 Yards of white checked apron
muslin, 26 inches wide, heavy
quality, free of starch, cheap at br
100 for three days only per yard..
A Hosiery Bargain
120 Pairs of black cashmere hose,
made of very fine quality yarn.
fine fashioned, wankel feet, our
regular price ie $50 a pair, to go SAC
WJaye t mo pitir for...
25c Children's Mose for 12?c
g t�oseii children', blank wool hose,
eines 41 to 8, just the thing for
early spring wear, regular 150, 20e
and 25a qualities, all to clear, two 25C
pair foie. ,.
quality no ark speoke, will nuke
good sheeting, our very beet Oo
quality sale daye at .... %IC
( astir to uo �
u for 5c
8C Toweling
160 Verde of. kneeling 1t1 metier wide
left finish, Wiley pattern, god
value al our regular titled 8o, 40
clear at
me wt wanted to three cents per mile s -
' h taken a#act on the G ` GRANNY WILLIAMS DEAD. -On Fr.
-making a total saving to the people ,4ve 15 h Thot-
000,000 - An Increase or$135,1100,000 ACCEPTED THEIR HOSPITALITY,- L �ndon train down was over two h�rurs
day, the 16 h,; Granny Williams, form= -
over that otis06. The boys' brigade has •' caught on to kite on. Monday afternon. erly of Brussels, passed away in Clin-
An •Iucreaso In Inc Pref
crentinl Tariff (} d h h GARRISON DUTY AT HALIFAX _ ton: As she was most anxious. to be
from k5tt93c/yper cent., - • d 1 t k d Eight have lwen taken. on the force buried in Brussels arrangements for
-- cent y i n , from Huron, (33rd) battalion tn. do gar -. such were made for the funeral for the
The above are the three prominent ' d rifon duty at Halifax. All of the following day. The cause of Mrs Wil -
25e, 30c & 35c Towels at 19c
Linen towels sires 19x44 and 20x49,
extra heavy quallty,fanoy border',
fringe epee, oar regular 950, 800
and 850 quelities your choler) per
pair sale days ....r 1 uC
$1.5e UmbrellaS fOr 08e
20 Only ladiee' and men's timbre -
being hospitable. They invited the
Goderich cadets to pay a visit ere on
Friday , as and their kindness was ac
ed About fortyboys in. eat
nava, blue costumes came down an
spent the evening in merriment -at the
headquarters here where abountiful
repast had been.spread out. The room
wasbeautifullydrapedthe three royal
colors .atnd festoons of draperies.and
bunting.he boys s ant apleasant
time becoming acquainted. with each
e addresses were.
given byCapt. McTag art Lieut.
&ran andMr' Jordon. a boys will
a the return visit to-Goderich'in the
near future. as i photo Was
taken. of the group byr. Brewer, o
town. the members are requested
to be present next Tuesday evening at
7 o c occ sharp.
young men were iron, Goderic•h except • lianis' decease was F old age and for
matter stood 91 for and 46 against pre- features of the Budget presented to d h one ft Canham Arthur Yule. E. months has:been confined to bed. She •
with the trade ; Mr es. It sa voting the HOMO
.k1y. Hon. Mr Fielding in hie q Bates, M. Kennedy. F. Haley,. Geo. wrap about 80 years old, In' her .earlier
with the Conservatives. It seems to 'Mitchell, and VV m, Yule, all of God- years she was a bard worker who V.A.
” d d f I brightest d t T b d Dunlop and independence even if she did not
they declare, in the face of all' their in financial statement ever resented y P Capt
, Gundry were recommended for {ways get her nen it Fier not
us that the Uonservatives have made a admirable speech on Friday evening.
voting as the i or ' t is the an most encours erich and P Hickey, of Seaforth.. tied for her living with commendafile
great mistake•in >; Yg” Capta, McTaggart an , 1�,•.
professtone of loyalty, that they will • to'a Canadian Parliament. In a word, other and five ininut add a commissroiis.. I who was also an inmate of, the. Hou
not" give England any favor unless A LEARNED ScnotAR•-J. T. Holds of Refuge tor a time, going. • fr ar
England gives es something to return. :..it shows Canada, to be enjoying a state g' t J d Th worth, of Drexel Institute, Philadel= �.`vin.gltami died over a year ago at 'tile
And the increase of the preference by f 11 1 d' erity and progress h' h se hotne-is aG Id-0Imesvihe is home of hist daughter, near Minden,
Holds -
the government to 83t per cent places o unpara e e ,prosy
tH ;v Halibuton • district, Ont, They had .
position than ever. It shows the development of trade to
pay f t A ff h 1 ht ph t rapidlyrisingin literary and ,ede e- '10childten but the daughter referred
them in a worse p t y M f t 1 circles. The other day w
a point far in excess of what was ever lona to is the only one living.
ceived a copy of the
number of y g•
Attention has several times been experienced•before. It proves beyond the Journal ,of School Geography, ed
directed to the fact that an effort was any possible . doubt that the. Liberal. ' 1 k b licit Prof.. Hodge, of New Yotk, in
n excellent article on
tinually on the rise, the price paid for
Students AdmitteaL
which. he has a At any
to grant a bounty. for the manufacture ministry is composed of business men "Animal Industries," which deals with Time
being made to induce the government
of beetroot sugar.. A Mr McMullen, whe are capable in administering the
a shipment on Monday being$5.25 and
b next weekWallacetellsus'. a
$5. will e the figure pat a cat-
tle and horse market at a good consider-
ing the quality. t Grand's auction
sale in • ot•onto lately prices ran rem•
$28 to. $101. A ten-year old bay geld-
ing sold for $46 ; an 8 -year old fetched
ba .mare a agelding-bothear
olds, brought $370 ; for really good
workinghorses from 5 to_ 6 years the
market is from $120 to $140. W. D.
S addock of • al ar as
been around here the past week ,purr
chasing bulls or the ranchupwest;
Jas. Snellis looking after oro re
shorthorn but or him and secured
some fine specimens near Bayfield and
Bel rave, The general rice aid is
'a "on Wise, con.,
Goderich township,soldhis two-year
old thorobred• shorthorn bull to Jas.
Snell who is purchasing stock for W.
D. Shaddock, of Portage la Prairie. A.
3. Holloway sold his driver to James.
Dowse n. Chas. Wallace shipped two
car loads of porkers 'to Toronto on
zens were awakened at an early hour
last Saturday morning when the fire
alarm was rung at 2 a. m. and the - fire
was discovered to be ie, the butcher
shop of Chas. Wilann's, When first
seen the blaze was confined to the in-
side of the building but naving gain-
ed considerable headway the whole
place was a mass of flames before the
water was applied, but when two
streams, one from the engine and the
other from Fair's hydrant got going
it was very soon subdued. The Inside
of the place was completely gutted, in
fact, the building might as well have
been let burn down entirely. The or-
igin of the fire is a mystery haying
started at the rear and went so quick
that nothings was saved (except two
smoked halls.) Had there been a
north wind blowing. Hodgens Bros'
Dry Goods Palace might have fared
badly but, happily, they only suffered
from smoke. •Mr Wilson fortunately
had not brought hia Saturday's supply
from the' slaughter house. His lost
was. entire and'fe covered by MO in the
Manufacturer's In8urancelCo.,of which
J. Taylor it local agent. Mr Wilson
intends to start up again as soon as he
gets a suitable place. Out of all the
fires this year so far the firemen have
done splendidly and kept the fire con-
fined to the building where it origi-
nated, They are to be commended for
their activity and efficiency to cope
with the flames art ttoon as the alarm is
facts of commercial and indnstrlal'geo-
of Rochester, appeared before the Ag- affairs of the country. ' y C W 11 that
raphy to aid commercial teachers.
1 1 committee the other d The article was the production of much'
riots tura commt ee e o er ay
and tried to convince the members When our opponents were in power, 11 b h d Th .d t study and research, and one which re
fleets M Heide orth
thatg y whatever progress prosperity 1 A G d axl
fleets great credit on r
b s which will be pr uced
if the government would only-
a ro rens - or .we ' STRATFORD, ONT •
grant a bounty of 1 cent per pound for
. ar,nvi+tl teas attributed to the National T I 1 f He also
a ,
later on, a venture in a more staple A school that.oSers alzsgatr I� not found
and retentions article. There is no elsewhere is Canada: Large [gaff .of sneer[•
P inatrnotora; increased attendance; np•to-date
beet roots. There ere several protec- ,. ''' y niare ' P the u.ar by become famous ina paying D , aj1h
t' nist members o£ the House who present government is entitled . to y and b y Bp erary world w Ended other businesspcloolleaeis.. They want the
nolus,bolus his plausible credit for the wonderful financial show- [,est: Itpays'inthe ens. colleges.Theynow op_ert
k nt r as soon as possible. , Write to -day
arguments, and who would be disposed. ing and tl a re arkabie industrial pro- Doming and C*oino. _ our handsome prospectus.•
the would provecture or. beet root sugar, a Policy and the patty in ower. B y g
a veritable bonanza for y P y
the farmers, who were to raise the the :Same process of reasoningthe y doubt that our friend will some day in bnstne,e trarmng; seorea of atnaent: placed
a 6 year old m re 109 • a air• the lit- in cod oeitions• students attend -
to grant pini all he asks, but on the ress indica[ by the Budget. Our h C g 9, N W T h
cotnniitteeare some hardheaded far- g g James8ne11wasinMitchellonWedpesday �• J.Ellit)tt,Prineipal.
:mgrs who 'refused to believe Lis rosy- trade has increased nearly twice as h b 11 for' t biissMnrrayisthe• gnestof 1 (Dr.) Thome
colored stories. Their experience has much in the few years that the Libel,.
J g ' 1 k' ft thb d eon: WOOth'C P}106phOd�IIfis
convinced them that there was a great. els have been in power as it did in the h f d Miss B. Heywood was visiting ihBtyth lav[
The seas English Remedy.
deal more in it . for., the manufacturer entire 18 years ot the National Policy. week. ly
Sold and recommended' by sill
than for the farmer • they' reasoned This is a fret - explain It as you may. y Sllgiss Jean Matheson visiting relatives
gmedialt a d`sdcaove a �h
t3 P P
venture xi its ppout ors claimed, . r From 1878 to 1800 trade hats'increased' from.,
sale[ without +i bonus Mr Par
that if it was such a money -making Here are figures which prove it
:- b [ $100 Ed H W' 11th , Sutherland, of Renese,, was in town on `. •. ,, JCagea guaranteed to sore' al
t 't t I d t • y H E Ewald of Goderich was in the Hub on
, or excess, Rental Worry, Excessive use of To
$174 000,000 to 1280.000,000,or a betterment of gg5,-
melee, a Quebec editor, showed. that it 000,000. From 1890 to 1900 trade increased to
had been tried. in that province under $875.000.000 or a betterment of $135,000,000.
the mostfavorable circumstances, and Not only has the Dominion made
was lete fawilted. However, the substantial progress in this direction,
delegation that waited on the governbut the management of its finances
moot were informed theeat no bonus have been equally as satisfactory. allowNot-
willld be given, but tzmacnmery withstanding the extraordinary pre-
come ' beet root, sugar machinery dictions of the Opposition, the financial
to in free of duty. showing is one of which the Liberals
DOES NOT PAY FOR WINE have reason to feel proud, showing•
Some Commissioner employed by careful, prudent and economical 'men-
the government included in the liet of agement. Under. Conservative rule,
his expenses_Several items for wine, in the three years of 1894-5-6, the de-
but the government informed the flcits aggregated $5.694,750. In 1896 7,
House that, it did not allow charges of tender Liberal rule, there was a deficit
this nature to be paid for out of goy- of $519,981; but fp-ate years 1897.8 9
ernment funds,and the man has to pay •there was asurplus of $6,500,461 -mak -
his own wine account. This is right ; ing a total betterment in. the three
and if the rule is rigidly adhered to, - years of Liberal rule as compared with
well and good. It might be mentioned the last three years of Conaervatiye
tbat this is the first government to rule, of $11,795. And the estimat-
abolish the practice of having wine at ed surplus for the current year is $7,-'
its council sittings; it was the •present 525.000. In spite of the increased ex -
government which abolished the House penditure, caused by the enlargement
of Commons bar; it is a government of the canals, the Yukon, the conting•
having six or seven total- abstainers ents and other unforseen expenditure,
among its Ministers; it is a government the Government has not increased tax -
no member of which has ever, at any ation one cent- in fact, it has been re -
time, been seen the worse of liquor- duced -- and it has not one dollar of
and yet some people are uncharitable floating debt
enough to insinuate that it has no A feature of the Budget that will be
sympathy with the temperance move- immensely popular, and will bring us
ment. The temperance proclivities of into closer and more intimate relations
the present government are ,in such with the Mother Land, is the increase
striking contrast with those of some of of the.Preferential Tariff from 25 to
its predecessors, as to be the eubjectof ;tai per cent. Tide means that for ev-
frequent Comment in this city. , ery dollar of duty paid by other na-
LOYALTY Inc MOIITII AND itx ACT, tions on goods coming to Canada,those
A great deal has been heard this see- from England will only pay 06 2-3
bion from the Opposition , as to their The Budget.' is cosi enc iuraging; to
loyalty, odd ohdy have indulged in every manufacturer, to every business
heendo of Words to tlonvinly their man,to every farmer, to every artisan.
hearers that they aro the only trulyy It le one of which the Finance Minister
loyal paeople in the Dominion. It is himself ma. well be proud. Ie is one
nue thing to be loyal by word, another 10 which the Liberal party can point
b kt tion, and the Liberate prove with pride, for it demolished at one.
theirs by sending their bone to the the argut:tente of this Opposition, that
front, In the South African war, the under Liberal rule this country would
as follows
contribute to the contingent po to ruin. It is one that every honest,
as follows : independent elector can be proud of.no,i
Tion. Hie It. a. 0artwrlaht•-2 sOner [natter whet his .part learni The
lou, Air Henri Jolt' --a sone,.
Ilton. Dr. Bordeau lien, prosperity of the WWI. Dominion it a
Sent R R. rwbeil--1 eon. matter in which all .the people are eon, •
Hon, S. A. Pelletier -1 Non, seined, and we believe that there are
Thor,. Mackie, IM�.P,--1 eon. ('oneervativee AI well as Liberate who
Dr, , ton, FI• P.--,1 Non, will rejoice, tae see this magnifioent
Hon. HenatOr set -leen. .
}ion. Senator Ceegealn-1 brother, country enjoying a state of material
Total lit
the Oonsertiattvee have:
Lt. 001. TMuahoe.
Hon.,Clark Walleee-1 eon. Total A�,
11$s beet paragon frame steel. rods The other night John McMillan, the
fanoy.woodand bone handles, tops respected member for South Huron,
of glove and near silk, warranted was dlscueslnQ• the ?referential Tariff,
never to tarn green, regular. realise and in reply to a speaker on the oppo-
$1.50, for thine dill wle only, ... 4701. site, was showing up some acts of
, wrong•doing, when an effort was made
to interrupt him, as his remiu'ke were
very much to the Point. He was bound
not to be shut out, and the' -following
pithy and pointed thrust 'by him will
be keenly appreciated by those who
know the caustic manner in which it
would be tittered. Said he :
"It ie very pieldom I tranble the Htttiee, and
when I do do not Call a pitch fork a hay rake.
1 say a knifo is *:knife owl an ax an ax. f hon.
gentlemen ofspanto will drew down upon their
own herds the weight of their own argument's),
Jutted of objeeting, then, let them retneniber
to bold their tongues upon thee* geaetione in
YOnr Money Back
If Yon Want It .
GOLDEN BAND or AF TON.• -•-Prior
CO his departurefor the 1 orthweet, a
number of boy( in the organ factory,
rtthere he was engaged,•in the oface,
took advantage of the occasion to show
Walter Jackson their affection and
good will by asking him to be resent
at the Comin Cial hotel on Monday
evening when he was presented with
a gold ring -the holden band of affec-
tion -and the t►ccompany'1ng address:
rase never before experienced. 1 etsClintonoit It eta March Seth, MO
pCtrg Datre Ttarwtm JAo'xbolr.•-It west with a
dual of nor we learned Ton were
leave Sour cine and native! ,
i�i p evince and ehat
AitatAAMOWWWWIMAMANWt we were Befnia; to leve i > dame we wish to e eD2--
on.in scionoreway the
ma�n,Yt'iways h We ha' eal'en►yrifa�ud ylo�u [iced
Opening pp$$
and tnleeinp;lou we feel that
our frAn have *ward you and assue y kind your con.
' duet, while we live been together, hie been
arneh that we could. nobeen t butedmireyour eus in
qualities, va
Corn oleo, read' at aU times to c o a favor,
rank* are
broken and our lose le g,wreat. Will yea kindly
acnept Mitring as a *Mall token from your
friends in Minter,. and vire treat that es you
wear it you marks,* pleasant recollections of
the times we have "pent Alen allow
us to aesure you of our m sincere wI.hes for
your• senesces in our new of labor, and
we trust yeti will find geed true friends
wherever you may make your home,
we reepeotfally inHte you
• t attend nant spring Millin-
Thursday, March 5th
and following days also
Thnraday and Sates
day evenings when we will Wafter, son tit our reepected towns -
show the lotted novelties in man, John Jarkeon, of Rattenbiiryr St..
trlmtned lttillinsry, it a smart, energetic young man, and
MISSES had been.fcr some time engaged in the
office of the organ factory, a friend of
Me O laid Smith all the boys. We sincerely' hope that
he may succeed in piling up wNtlth fellego
Monday. forms of Sema _Weakness. all effects of abuse
Salii Dowling left for her home in Petrolea on of price, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
Wednesday. of price; enc• •taokap;e Sl. 'sir: 55. One lent[ pisses,
Miss sday.,Cottlewas the goes[ of 8eaforth al zwil cut,!. 'amphlco free to an7 address.
friends last week. The Zyood CcxnpaaJ, Windsor, Otlt.
D. Eidt, of Auburn, left on Monday atternoon Wood's l.'hotphodine sold in Clinton by Syu+
for the Northwest nay Jackson. Druggist.
L. Dark, of Batavia, N.Y., is the guest of his
uncle, Thos. Cottle. '
'trim Laidlaw of Seaforth, is the guest of Mrs
W. Foster, Albert 8t. Women
Miss Challie McNaughton spent several days
Cleo. Emerson
ti -
visiting mifriends Goderich, was a caller at the
Are cod
NEW Eau on Wednesday.
John Miller was home last week from the
business college ngLondon.
Lc- r economists
M. J. Armstrong, of Lneknow, ,was registered
at the Clarendon on Thursday.
L. Barber, Toronto, was here visiting his
uncle, John Ridout, last week.
Wiee women know that a few pen -
Jas. Ford now represents Frost & Wood, im• nice saved here .and there on Groceries.
element manufacturers, of London. soon conn[ up. Men don't notice each
Mrs ArchibaldleftonMonday onavisit toher R • They say : •Get the beet:
sister, Mrs Robinson, at Peterboro. Women say ager the beet find get it et the
Mrs R. Holmes returned home from Ottawa,' cheapest phos. " That's the- reason we,
after a two weeks' visit is the Capital. hove •eo mint' women cmtonpere. Here
5 this McKay, of Seaforth, is the guest of her area few specialities for Saturday:
daughter, Mrs L. Kennedy, this week.
1). 3. Cantolon and Dr. Wilkie were up to California Orangee ..20o per don .
G}oderieh last Friday on a business trip. Oho.ca Lemons 15c •• •'
iC•Andrew McBwan, Ailsa Craig
, was,spending 3 ib Sox Cream Soda. Bisenit0 200 " •,
a few days in town atH, F. Andrews'.
Miss Webster, of Londesboro spent last week Green Vega#shies
visiting friends is Belgrave rind Wingham.
Thos. Jackson, ir., left Yesterday tTletraday) We have them onhandevery-Satur-
in for business trap in parte of Ontario
Lodge of Chosen Friends at Toronto this week. Celery, Cabbage, etc.
Mrs Thos- Smith returned home last week
from Whitby where she attended the funeral , •
of her niece. 1'
W. Jack'son,C.P.R.•a ant, booked Mrs Snell,
Geo. Snell �. P'ar'ker and A. Bell,
sister. His Robinsci , ,
away fora month.
W. M. Ctray, formerly of Gray, Youngg &
Stevens, sten:
Seafo*th,1155 now of Tor-
onto, was intown xondsy.
"lice and Mrs R, H°11. Collie, London, Spent Sun-
day of that week as the to or Rei. Parke.
They are formerly of Au
Hid A. H. Morton, 8t. Thomas. rind Mrs C.
r a da fresh from thtl wers, ettnoe,.
Dr. J. E. Blaekall i4 attending the Grand
lilies Snell,
o the Nothwest. ' sUalata Swallow' • • GROCER.
Miss McAllister, Princess St., is visiting her (Ra 8wallogr
n Lutknow, and will lie t - -
Campbell, London, are the guests of Mfrs A. J.
Grigg, Victoria 8t. The former is Mrs Grigg's
Moore and Mrs John Pickett were pres-
ent at the funeral of their father, Thos. Moore,
in Lneknow on Thursday. 1'. RumbiU, a eon -
in -law, also attended.
J.J. Alien formerly understand that of
Allen & Wilson, who recently returned from a
prospecting tour to Vaneonver, has accepted $
tVOUas manager of a large CO10e111 at Mon -
Frank Smith, formerly of town. came up
from Brantford last week and Is visiting here.
Hbmdnaeete out J I . verge of and we it he hhe ead
he would bate done weI.
Ticke4smold try zl r R. Ti stAtd G.T.B.,
r�keh amend I�e AndMrs Hllob�end fermi HOMYIgor, o
Oxbow, Awe. • J. J. Weekends to Sack Ste
Marie; and G. O. Donlan to Winnipeg.
'it!'. D. Maddock of , li. W: T. waver
battiest Norsk belong for Uiornhred Sh
'bbpualtlyls for his ranch of 5F000 acres. It , in eent-
Huron nand PJetties errth tonnopiea drove out th> Kh
They got holt of Nome tg�ld�bullf e. lc
keenest le and M. emdtr t , nCaetly t ,Ar
liege/wits) and X. H.tiwell, of ,,Vetter
tellers in town on Friday Wt. How..b who
hae been connected with theherdware bvrstaees
foe eomayear5 ps+tt, bee noir entered partner-
ship under the Ertl mutes et HcXeurdc ,k How-
Berrtster atemberry, **etre, tare uo a Call on
wednoday,while on his W$rter t nhyoonk., from the
ftthe ltown.
el tsie(nee scot Nxeter�hoivsithetendlny
the report that hit was to leave when Hr (b>
1ina, his partner, died. He will remain in Re,
ester, and the people *round there may r6y
00 k.ialert _ X6ltor to el >Nadltisere in arf
We. -
By Keepi ng a ---
Fresh and
We have ,Boo* Cals1ebrated
eyattrs arriying
fresh daily. Also
Fresh OrangeConfec-
tionery and anis
Pitney Caked
And Wedding Oakes
Onr Speolaltia
Any kind oaf l'anoyCake not on
hand Reade what& ordered.
Jas. MeOlaoherty,
1iovrilty Bakery
And Rent*ur*nte
Tekphon. tlo. 1.