HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-30, Page 3• h. • r- -••••7"". '`•••• • 4•44 - - Look at your tongue. Is it coated P • Then you have a bad taste in your mouth every • morning. Your appetite ' is poor, and food dis- tresses you. You have ',frequent headaches and are often dizzy., Your stomach is weak and' your bowels are always. constipated. There's an old and re- liable cure : • • 11 p ‘,„ 1)01."i take a cathartic • close and then stop. Bet,. , . ter take a laxative dose. each night, just enough to cause one good free move- ment the day following. ' ' You 'feel hettnr„,„the-, very next day. Your appetitereturns, your • dyspepsia is cured, your headaches pass away, , your tongue clears .up, your liver acts welliand your bowels no longer ' give you trouble. price. 25, cents. AU dralltilde• • - • 1, six bave taken Ayer's Pine for.aS • years, and I consider them the best ii made. One pin doee me more good than half is box of any other kind X have ever tried." • Mrs N. E. TArde&r,___ MarehAMM. Arrington, Eats. • • , Crisp County Clippings 71 There died in Whitechurch, on Mon. day otthis week.. Margaret McBurney, wife of Chas. Reinhart, in her 88th year, Robert-Goitenlock has leased the Burnett residence, on Main Street, Sea - forth, and will move to It after the sale of his farm stock. • The old Hannah hoineetead in Tuck •_eremith,weet of Eginondvillei was sold last week llyanotion for 55,400. Jas. A Martilof•libteter, waslhe purolmeer. Ft. Srnale, of Brusselshas dispos: hie drug stock t�a 'Mr Hunter, is opening a drugnn book store Listowel. -S. B.'• will also *go to • Listowel. Mrs Samee Pollock, an old and re- • speoted resident of Morris, died at her, home on -the 8th con.. en Tuesday • .mornincr, from bronchia-priptimonia. She was'ill two weeks. • , . • A very pretty wedding took place at Staffs, last Wednesday evening, when Miss Janette Barbour and William Wooden were united in marriage by Rev .W. J, Doherty, B. A. David Chesney's auction: sale, last week, WAWA splendid. success. The at- tendance was large, and, good priees., , realized. " One horse was sold for $167; and a. three-year-old milt brought $186. A quiet wedding took place at the residence of the groom, ' on .Wednes- day, when Alex. Parker and Miss Mag- gie Irwin were united -in marriage. The cm-en:3013y was performed by Rev A. McLean, 41; Blyth. • We feel sorry to have to chronicle thedeath of Mrs„.Oharles' Shafer' of MarlettiMicin, cildest daughter ofMr and Alfa john",Andertion, of Stanley, who passed away to her reward on the llth inst., in her 41st year. • ' There died on Friday evening last, at her home, Winghern, Sarah, belov- ed wife cd john A -McLean. The de- ceased Wae.20 years; 1 month and 14 • daysof age, and had only been ill fdr a littl over a week with pneumonia. Op Wednesday last a very pretty home wedding occurred at the rest- dence of Mrs G. Vancamp, 6th con„ Beitt'Watvanosh, when her youngest daughter, Eliza, was united in mar- - .riage to 0 -Et. Irwin, of the IOth con.' Donald Me,Kellar of Tuckeremith, whosoitchis 160 -acre farm last year, to John Hay,.Vortl,_,,_Basthope, has purchased Donald McKellar's 50.acre faring, .Stanley, for- $2,800, and has jeoltedhitkihOusehold' goods' and Mu- Cpieniente• theire.-0 s • :41.T.40-,,POrtversazione • gi'en in . Jona- .1 . 4y the young 1010 Minto Club, last week, passed oft most enlovably- :•',.PtCVattendance,Oit,PA11 PAP" 1,4F,OVE,e,•,4?i largattendance,AI the number coming from Blyth, the ladies being Members of the "Thimble Club"of tbat 'place. 7:P The financial pro** tOtalled $15695.. 820 of this will beapproPriatedto the f•-1 min Duidep Tiros In' redo° • 4y - • 4.0 ) . sf: '4, •hM fitted with • s .30sVPir"1"''41,5 gives no 44, tnafte &tiler aftir • ,S ale one reason ''rott 12,' tP•ri••,in ' eaters favor Dtiniop-nred Moe1s EbeY, 440**, • Dunlop 'Tit:ea are the ont. • ,Ward inward worth in the building of a bloyole. tortio only tools.0 tionstiontreflo.,1hrdWd. • Toronto, , Stontreel, tVioniont. „•:', • i Sick Children's Hospital and the hal' A pnrep, r wriiik low, $31s Plus $10, front friends, $40 as gtalitialti 11101‘, I in.,anfi. all, will go to the India, Famine . VITAS SA llV ED. J. G. McGowan, son of the late Sas. McGowan, died at the residence of his Hod Sutfered for Neal y 12 ye a r s Mother in Batt Wawanosh halt week. Harry Xelly, who is now eonducting with Arthenitlas a ionibering business M Louisiana, ar- rived in Blyth recently and will close up Ms Wetness affairs here, returning Severe Eferedaebes, Heart. Palpitation, N er. to the sunny south in two os' three women and Extreme Feebleness Made weeks. Her Life Miserable ;••••• Her Doter Told 'The contract') for the new Union gee see yank; go B000ver. block in Blyth, have been awarded as follows 1,-Stoueworka few Brown, Dootore hevo given the 'Greek name Blyth ; brickwork .and plastering, ithaenlia, meaning 14blocallesenese,i, to a McNeil Se Pugh, Brussels ; carpenter . disease which is mutat more prevalent work, Cowan & McGill, Blyth ; frame- atoong young women than is generally bo. work, James Hill, Blyth, lieved. •Iti its early stages the disease is • ,,,,,,‘ not worked by any deoldod symptom, and Questa to the number of nearly ,tou often tekee considerable advance before its were present to witness the marriage, presence is noticed. A feeling of fatigue of Mr and Mrsjaquea's sixth daughter, after alight exeroige, breathleeeneee and Ida May, to Robert Ashton, a young pallor of the face are the aro sseum,Able farmer who lives near Gerrie. The eigee, Unless there le prompt and effect. Rey Mr Farney, of Garde, performed fee treatment the diseaee then makes rapid -the. marriege ceremony. - - • •. eirogrese, and the victim presents. every ftp. N. B. Gerry, Brussel!, has bought Pettrance of goinginto a decline or ooneteep. out the hardware and tinware business thin, The only successful way of treating of Denuded Pros., of Blytb, and takes anaemia is to buildup the blood, and the possession at once. Stock is being best medicine in the worldfor ptheIreppueropRoisz taken this week, and Mr Gerry and is Dr.Willianaa' Pink vil e for family will move to Blyth as soon as Mist Adeline Darner!" le one of the thous; thands of young ladiei who can Weary to the ,Lbsiourenstedseantedeesotfilwx:P'and Mrs *Bate. efflosoisegoaynetDr, Vimilolaiwnsm' aPoirnelrTikciaeollswitihn man, 6th con.,Grey, was the scene of er parents,on %farm near Liniere, Beauce one of those peasant events, on he n nesday, being the marriage of their flie(vr,"f9oruteie ptpaorseeP 01401: gettingwh o to:elle:07r: granddaughter, Eliza Atwood, to I . *re ox her Woos and oure. Miss Dumas Rufus A. Jacklin, of Howick township. • 'mid ; " Since 1 was Omit Watson years of The ceremony was performed by Rev age JGYelland. I had been ailing snore or Iota, but for . . . , . • a long time me t for periodical headaohea, Wm. Pepper, a prosperous young the troubledid not seem semiotics, About farmer, of Tuckersmith, was happily the years ago my ease began to assume an wed on Wednesday of last week. The alarming nature. The headaches cause important ceremony took place at with greater frequenoy. I became very Glencoe, at the residence of the bride's pale, and the slightest exertion would leave brother; Wesley Pepper. The happy me breathless. I tried several medicines, bride was Mies Elizabeth Ann Pepper, but inetead of finding benefit I was steadily ef Glencoe.'• • • 4, growing worse, until at last I was -unable Mr Canning's son, Seaforth, "S-..traPv-1° do 0.03`ehold work,and had to sit in went a third operation, that of re In v ..;i1 eceheami re almostemtreel'eth)yv e entirenervous, eand day. I thehaleast d now ing the decayed bone from the little fellow's limb, Dr Armstrong, Dr Gunn noise would make iny heart wildly palpit• and Dr Ferguson all being in attend- taotointoladithavedono es oi trh whoerfl°:tirt:n nored rutefihnfaot r. mace. A trained nurse from Clinton ie ly said the trouble was incurable, and that on band and is attending to the care of the little sufferer. he could do nothing mere for me, I did not deepair, however,but tried other medicines, The comfortable and commodious but still Whhout relief, and then I began to residence of Mr and Mrs Thos. Ptyces ,feerthat death only would release me from suffering. At this a friend brought me a newspaper in which 'wee the. story of the Cure of a girl whose symptoms resembled mine, through the um. of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and urged, me to try them, • I sent for a box but they did not seem to help me, man was afraid they -would prove like To live to celebrate the fiftieth anal- other medicine, not suited to my oase. Versary of the wedding day, with a 'Itly.pareets insisted that I should continue laree family circle unbroken by thein- their use and my father get two boxes road's of death, is the priv,ilege of only more. .Before these were all used / had a few of the many who enter the no longer•any doubt that they were helping metrimonial. estate. Such, however, me, and I procured another half dozen was the pleasure enjoyed on Thursday, • boxes. They completely restored my Match lfith, by Mr and Mrs George health, and lam able to go about end' do Hood, of. Morris. Fifty years of happy work with an ease I have not enjoyed for wedded life are past. • years before. I think IV. Williams' Pink Pills are a great Wigging to the tack, and I The gentleman alluded to in the &Bowing dispatch. from Winnipeg, •always urge my friends who are not well to take them, and I will be glad if this 'hate - Manitoba, on Wednesday, was for- warty a resident•of Hui on, near Hen. ment is the•meane of bringing new courage and health to genie other sufferer," • and loamy friends in this county will regret to hear of his sad fate ; -"Mr Gavin Ross, a well-to•do farther of the :roerson district, was instantly killed on Monday by his team running away.". ' e- • McKillop, was the scene of a very pleasant gathering on Wednesday, When friends from every quarter as- sembled to witness the marriage of their daughter, Miss Polly, -to Scott Bolton, who reside in the same neigh- borhood. Hannah Durrant, beloved wife of Charles Williamson, an old and well known resident of the 14th' con,, paid Nature's debt, paseing • away in the peaceful and conscious hope of a bless- ed immortality. Her age was 70 years and 3 months... For many years she was a faithful member of the Meth(); dist church. In addition to her hus- band, ehe is survived by three • sone. The Fordwich Record, of last week, says o-lt isour sad duty this Week to chronicle the death of.Joseph E. Reich- ard, which took place, on the lOth inst.-at his father's residence, on the 2nd con. -of Bowick, at the early age of 28 years9 months and' 27 days. De - Ceased was a sufferer from that dread- ed dieeepe, consumption which follow- ed an attack of pleurisyfouryears ago lastiall, and to 'whichhe succumbed on the above mentioned date. Muchsurprise and regret was felt by many, on Tuesday morning last, on it becoming known that Mrs Wm. Cernochen., id John Street, Seitforth, bad passed away.' She was. 60 years of age, and had been ill only about a week. Her maiden name was Annie McDougall. s Site was a sister of Messrs A. G. nd Williiun McDougall, formerly of Seaforth. and now of Virden, Manitoba, and a niece of Mra William Sproat and Mise • (*errand. She has resided in Seaforth and vicia4 ity since an early age. • A very sudden deatb. oceutvid at the • residence of Justus Mellick, on the Bronson line. last•week. 'Mr Millick'e brother, Malcolm, arrived from Boren. He had taken stage from Parkhill to. Daehwood, and then walked. ont, to his brother% but apart from feeling a lit- tle tired he was apparently ifl the best of health and spiritig'. Not"appearing at breakfast, a member of the family went to waken hint, hitt was unable to make him hear. Others' then went into his room and found him dead In bed. Heartdisease is 'supposed to have been the cause of deaths Quite a romantic wedding took place itt Aubtarn lately,: before Rev 1, Ken- nedy.. the CentraOting parties ' being /Mites Anderson, of Phaniae, Manitoba, and idth i:Stickhouse, of East WAWA- )nosiss • Twenty-ilve years ago bis fell in love with mre Stackhouse, Ant went away toDalifornia. The engagetxtent • wspybroken, and she acceptedthe hand and hearto5f the late John Stackhouse; ;who Is desist -some teI yetitti„ Mr And- ftt"....11451ilastho bus bet'tn ndatglittt 8 ft: 74; " seeded 141 epli4g., a wood amount thialtrorld'a goodaltrid hit thought it wise to offer:his hand and heart the 'world time to the only woman he tier foetid.' ichT Oast IWO, island them foould not • tg"terNlItti,)11. "titOOP 'MY 0104, isna at MM.& offered `• '1 if** f flOt 05* in bed ;_t ',!•) •-• I WithSler vsloonoeir,,towologurP1111 Witiltiznizilati Of the "Oolinettleie thee* insiguisitymer bout Milot • Pre • • A new daily paper for:Hamilton is • being promoted by a. A. Livingtitone, Grimsby. • A statement •comes from Pretoria admitting that the Boer losses during the war exceed 7,000. For Coughs of young or Coughs .of bid, Wood's Norway Pitelityrup's the beet re. • medy sold. For cold in. the head or cold* in the chest, theresnothing like it, it beats all the rest. • • • It is reported that a big strike of meow - lots in Canada and the 'United States will take plat* next month. , Two thieves were sentanded at , Cornwall otoostthieroCinenturarl. Pwrhistotn nefyofliste.arlil. an over- • - • IN THE JAWS OF A LION. The gallant Major„Swaine tells of being knocked senseless by a lion that lacerated his arni. Rut thrilling escape fora the jaws of death is only equalled by Dr, Kin& New Discover) forConsumption, which has saved thougandefrom desperate Throat and Lung troubles. "All dootora said. my wife would die of Consumption," writes; L. a. Overatreet, of Bigin, Tenn., "hut your wonderful,medictine completely cured her, and reeved herlife," Satisfaction le parses teed by H. B. Combo, Clinton, 'who give' trial bottles free. Large 'bottles 50e. and $1.00. Germany will increase the number of her War vessels stationed abroad from sixteen to twenty-one, China getting nine instead of silt, and the A.nierican coast 'getting three instead of cne, Three win be sent to South Africa, omens ents. Women are cern- Ing to tindertdand that ilisSaokaoliee*, Readleoftem, Tired Feelings end Weak Spells front which they stiffer *re dna to wrong intim of th� 3114otia: DOAN'S • Kidney 'Pills aotai,m9d ritto•-.1:ifm041, gar any form: fiAlt sy AV, Witt. (14.thrati y-••,-tesble to aujey life to the milts% ; if.,`‘t1"41:8140s*ii pool ittloi;470skrctlii korai, yak it totinter ,of the best Ord- - oistfts gag! Ihittixtdelieti little relief, s 01 sY began red withikgesirdreferinee to Sha 11#1,Ipantiityto,.. tagprigiaoh.an Eistir.t.'Tineoolorea **tee, • hal? * being *1 !f •its • r • ntitta lifin the aptiog: • • 'ME CLINTON NEW Elia , • . . . • 1440110011.010111010.001110 a Ballad, •It was a jolly company ' Set out to !Ave it ride ; But whether wore they goiter No moon or owe to guide. Things' looked gloomy all day long, ginia Sid fretand whine, Till corning on towards evening They had uo need to nine. 00 thee they hitched the potties it pelt of good tatting sleigh% Then stetted on their loamy. Ae if it wee for days. Although the night was sleety They clida't Dare for that, What oared they if icebergs Where hanging from their hat. And they moved imp elowly, Cause the driver° Wee 00 steady, The journey for toe abort With big arm wound -poor Erorne. But as they neared thelileee The shadows darkergeew For through end tbrotiga tlie bailee The light a' nearer drew. ' And when the•place they reached, - Their tongues were -wagging still, • They met been wound up that clay For they talked enough to kill.. juet then the merry crowd Bogen the joyous din Aid awoolillailekbtandt 1dId J you • • May, With her winning ways, The time began to epin. • Until they talked ofgoing home, Poor Rob hefelt so sad. Another in the company While Ab the organ blew, And A. G. shatimught be was the best • . That ever ever grew, So then the fun wee ended, e °tonne it was nigh time ; • And when all was ready • The bells began to chime, The big fellow, you see,' That nearly weighs a ton, Did not have the right kind To balance ell in.one. Iosooner had he uttered • The words that were go flat, • When a limb- from above . jerked off his little hat, • Yet the driver was so jolly • • .• 'With no tholight of an 'upset, Bet Bill kie•wons safe at home, And Lilebe neecrnt frit, MHinal da- leBfwteheetr bnOdti aeimpid . To run the saw next day, And Tom be fel t,so bad, But Laura didn't care • - For,she's not jealous mittcled, The storm Art had to face Had him nearly blinded. Oh, Wes he got irfiirtny, For he t,he lessons -told; • But all he could retneinbee lie was a little Cole d Another Laura too there was Who helped them in their fun, Another name we havo'nt mentioned Who ° put things on the hum. • And now the jolly company. Arrived atlome so sweet, For the Aurora of the morning They were about to greet. • ' • MS WONDERFUL NERVE Alone' austalued F.M. Higgins,of Seneca,. III., when all dootore and medicines faile d to relieve het pain from piles. That:Muck- lenei trnioa Salve wholly cured him. In- fallible for Injuries Paine or Bodily Erup. tams. Cure guaranteed. Only 250 s box. Sold by Id. B. Combe, druggist, Clinton. Cecil Rhodes has sailed from Cape Town for England. . The Government will sell binder twine to farmers until May 1 at King. eton Penitentiary. • Wilfrid Martin, Montreal, called up the ambulance .and then shot himself dead in a cabmen:8, shelter on Prince Arthur St. It is reported that be was unable to raise funds for his approach- ing marriage owing to the difficulty of. collecting money due him. • Children will go Sleigking They return covered. with HOW. Half a teaspoonful of Pain -Hiller in hot water Will prevent ill effeots. Avoid substitutes, theree, but one Pain -Killer, Perry Davis'. 25o. and 500. • Gloss Number' Otto. 010MI number one, "only iu fun ;" Glees number two, "other boys do ;" Ghee number Wm; "it won't hurt me ;" Ghee ;amber four,"only one more ;" Ghee euraber five, "before * drive •" Ghee number six, ',brain in a tlObt ;" Glees number 00Vent "oars opinheevert ;" Glove number eight, "stars in hie pate ;" Glees number nine, "whiskey, not wine;" 131000 number ten'"drinking again ;" (44000 number twelity, "not yet e plenty ;" • Drinking with boys, drowning his joys ; D;initing with men; just now and then ; Wasting his life, killing his wife ; Lasing moppet, manbood all wrecked ; Losing bis friends, thus it ail ends. Glasa number'one, taken in fun, Ruined hie life, brought on strife; Blighted his yoath, ruled his truth ; • Gave only pain, stole all hie gain ; laade hire at last a friendless atiouset. Light hearted boy, somehodyse joy, • Do not begin early in sin ; , Grow up a man brave as you Can ; Taste not in fun, glees number one. ,. New latreotiona, • Below will'he found a list of patents re- oeutly granted by the Canadian govern- ment, through the egenoy of Messrs. Mar. ion de Marion, New York Life Building, Montreal. The "Inventor's Help" will be sent to any address upon receipt of 10 ciente ; Ephrera UZI" Marbleton, P. Q " Steam niaohine for cutting curd in cheese factories; °ghee Martin 'Newburg, Ont. - Looks; Philippe Rousseau, Terreborme,P, Q.-Bioyole Lire; Julius Schafer, Oer. mai,- Bottle Stoppers; Felix Gregoire, St. Jean Baptiste, Mate -Plow; L. L. Billestidet, Paris, Franoe,-Improvements in the manufacture of phosphorous and apparatus therefor; John Misolitsy, Ste, Foye, Quebec,-,-Ventilatore for smoking care: • 'Jr) the Palace of Justice at Paris. an • attempt was made to shoot' the presid- ing Judgernf the Fifth Court by a drug.. gist named Bardin, who hart just. lost a spit. . • . . ' Itis.announced that II, fl, Verily, general manager of the Verity Plough EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Works at Brantfdtel,has been ap- pointed :, , • , '; general superintendent of the . ..aillillese • • Massey-liarris Cuwpany's works at Toronto. ... enet111110411114111111111111111111111111111tellectellI1flfltIIJJJtt,iHo 900DROps lissilai-iSsmusesmsosuissio,issomss-oiss.sysis,, AVegetablePreparationforAs- oltallotin$ !Wood audlleguto- lia$ ttwuWowesof March 80, 1b06 SEn • THAT THE SIONAIVRE s.) IS oiv THE •••• 50,4 ••••••••••• prpriultesPigestion,Cheerful- lieeSancillet.COOSTa nailer OpiunTNorp1iine nor limeral. OW NAB OTIC. • • _Nave at Old ArSiffiCELIYITZFER ,ilanAfin &ea- ' ..11.4fsruser Roclislid — • ' Carbanakislew ;firm &eel ••• • id •fuyou• • . Aperfect Remedy for go. a* SO:, • lion, Sour siomacti,Tharrhoes, . Worms,gouvuisions.reverish- • IMESS and LOSS OF SUER, • Tat Signature of olcl 3 5 D.o.s WRAPPER OR VERT BOTTLE OF cAsTomA Oettoria h put up izeone-size 'bottles only. IS le not sola hi bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell - you anything else on. theplea or promise that It is "1110 aa good!' and "will answer every pa. pose," Itar See that you get 0-A-11-T.0-B.I.A. is pa of.cf"*.crArt#W, vrapper. The tlmtle slosh?. Home-rum:le Mats -/-1 and Ru,gs. • . Fascinating Work for the . • Home. %: • DIAMOND DYES •Always Take the Lead. Everywoman and girl in Canada should have the • new illustrated "Diamond Dye Rug Book." This useful little book shotte rich,colored patterns. of Door Mats and Floor Rugs that can lie made from rags of any kind. The book will tell you how to get any of the lovely deeigne..• ' Send postpaid to any address. Write to Wells da Richardson Co,, 200 Mountain St., Montreal. , ' • . sp.s.seaorgoosaitonan'aski- 10 Pyliy- oeArat 2 . A QUICK CURE FOR • w ot; COUGHS AND COLDS Velir valuable Remedy 'nail co attentions of the • I THROAT or LUNGS! Large Battles, 25c. LAWREWCZ Co., Limited tI Prop's. ef Perry Davis, Pc:In-1011er se8eciexmeeeeos‘veeee& Tue imperial Photographs MARKET.: . Free , • .=-- The Undersigned wish to inform the People of Clinton and vieitittY •• they have opened tipin She store formerly occupied by Fair dr Co. Special offer for MacKay Block, Ontario St.,, One day only. Monday,March26 I WILL GIVE where they wakeep ha stook all kinds of Fresh, Cooked, Cured azsd Canned Moats,- •, rigiestotettritr gglgya, essesteArlorgitact Beef. Pigs Feet, Mince Meat. an AU sedates or a like nature. which will be delivered tree to anyaipbaxit. goorodthiesato, uswngeOrrodrveria:ocelioted. nits. JOIKSORTJTON, Manager ABSOLUTELY FREE T. R. F CASE & CO one cabinet plait:ire-id old gentlemen over 60 yeartof age; Two proofa will be taken fromwhich a choice rat- be had. Thi! . offer fe for *hie deste onlY., Do not forget. Merck 26511, No money required. rrediturgesir 14 Successor to H. Poster,* Clinton. e• 011 ONO 'A few lines of winter • goo & Wt vet. *owi� ,:ftlie.ii540 to buy • 11 •••se weisor A Bargain Is Never linseasonabito °11Saturday Next Wewill sell PARASOLS 100 Ladies•• 50 at 56c. each B0 at 60e, each Ath. new goods Robt. Coats & Son: Are You. Looking:; For a place to buy the best grade Ofgroceries cheai •if so, iTou WILL FIND IT MERE." • Maple Syrup, Buckwheat Flour, and a. dozen kinds of choice Breakfast Food, Corn Meal, Oatmeal, Flour, Fancy Decorated Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, Fancy , Glass and China Berr y SAts and Table Sets Cheap. e ore you purchase give as a call. N. ROBSON'S CASH GROCERY Clinton, February Mk, 1900. •-• • CUSTOM Acme Drum' Elteter nour Por Heating and Ventilating. purposes This excellent Drum is con- structed of the yell beet meter. iiskon thamost edientifio prin- olInestand by virtue of its spe. alai feittrtres le the GREATEST INNATINO DAM ON EARTH.. It takes tlx0 e01d, atz from the floor, hear .and circulates it through the hoorah and thus ' tabhoraises ha the matter of . oat:44; fuel to such an extent that nine • 1, , , 4 , 0e balf leSo fuel is, rerirstred. ,,itk.la not smoke. strati rto sabots Is easy to menage. Thosewholusvporicin tiseesaythey , trosslit ninot asttahout it. This Drum la now 1. ' vissi!obi or t.s .000lk.soli oi. Gunton v . i setts -on qeis Ifentitaohntat tot Myren . Vrklie. OlilatOtt, TEE 1310 LOIN, .0- ontrAis *mos At low rates on Antra/sae Mortgages; . Apply to . , G. O. 1%3 -Taggart, Moth Kett Clinton, Ont. AT NO EXTRA: cpsr - • All kh4a of Small Field Seeds, as Timothy, Red and Alsike Clovers. Headquarters for Turnip, Ifongold, Carr° Seeds, Fresh Clroceries and Cauued Goods. , • • ottripedialty iaTcas, Try our 15c; Tee. Other:varieties egnally:as:ohertp. Ifighestircarket price paid le math for eggs. • k • " • • avaartcnetidtar tlikplatee #41601 041107wanteu itoli0s4114114111 s • ' d tte i Wh (Mel* for the festi'vatr .aa- ig (alittt - r red 3 t OW at 4 he direta • •., Oa adoring are ton in Ow dee tlerthleht,deyeted to eeeleidaitical:enibroid, . The deilintator it twenty-seven years old, ed a:Otitis*, to hold its goats among, faeliffia paltlinatiookr ' ; ; • 4 4 , • • inutik arta a • • - • • • •• ;7 - Oak titbit& kt, otoiitoigo, 9t4st. meal and theiteut roar bite market' to follow i- , , . f.. 11 OM OfitintaifOr 1.. 1044101 Outs 45 F434 inc‘iirtAtti.Ati An*ed) . . 4 • , . . S*10 ***4-14, air*" • 'Otaisr.tos MARBLE virouss. tookinitirED sum 14, 4440 TWOS - Next to derootorea tow. ItoOtii, Shoes aid)tubbers WhAretteb op radon an an ary tirtitta VIrtitiretillyntgeort: -10401101 0 ies slisOusefloty eisiebliturr4 t •,140170rwaroixen. mvay, .Weid110,:h4f4S4014 Cedar ' *Anything that ,wa tall, be atoonnt entail or loge, gets a oottpon • Alia when a wish( number is reoeleed. the bolder will be entitled to * plea of Silver- ware of their awn &Wain. Como and • Os the Silverware. 0. OLSOIV. ,0004 Butter ssOggs "pow. • and Pine Shinglet$ on hand. 11.,04112selleited. 7 ••, • r. TIATIT(XECELA • • a.goo'isat, Clinton ' WANTED. : 'Owe* Caftans ter District, Offite hfininervi Illifirov46,4:21r#14141:'421,:tigli hpportilititift, sageteild0ot sot• M6nired, Enclose self addressed stomped ert. V1101)0, SdtelNaths 820 Oalttelfol Malin g, Clist 0840, Dee, itits2011Y. ITT nit , We are agents to the Canadian Car- riage ,Co., of Brockville,, and hairy & Sons, • of Chatham, both well known‘makers of.first class Cutters and Sleighs: We keep a stook on hand and those who contemplate purchas- mg one Would do well to see IV. • 0 Geo. Lavis, tleneral Implement beater, ' Clinton,