HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-30, Page 2Mach C)t $O(
OU/DAY lIlAROR 30, 3000.
Parlinraestit DOMOI'01141100
It lei staid that 000 Ohioans Vera 14 (*ederich• is pat on the hurtle come, name e will be printed on a ballet•which
knitter); IL Snaith, of Hey, and Thomas will be distributed to the congregation
there are lOoking for land in the Cana- - Russel. of Elteter,on the cettlecoustnit• for two succeseive Sabbaths and Will
dian Northwest, where to locate and tee; Editor T. IL Race, of Mitchell on be returned on the third, and the re-
. • probably start a colony. There are 50 the horticultural treraturttee. volt will be announced at an adjourned
families of them 'who now reside
*sleeting to be held on the 2w1 oT April,
Oen NOT DO WITHOUT illeseailid one rece ving the larger number of
• *The present oessionhas witneosed
quito a 'Om " " that can
only haye a tendency to demeralize
perhament. On a 011taber of OCOatii0118
Members of the Opposition have violat-
ed all the rules of order awl procedure,
• and'almosb defied the antherity ef the
Speaker. To such an exteot has this
gone that it calls forth the folloivipg
article from the Ottawa Feee Press,
• lehicbitencr exaggeratieinj„ •
`‘t "The violate:SW 00 parlialientief
ordet ,wituessed alinest every day
among the unruly band of free loaves
which pretend to "follew" the lead of
Sir Charles Tupper, and their grow of.
fence** tig,tiinet the dignity of Parlia-
Ott ere becoming intolerable and
prove how low in the Conservative ea-
tirnate of the position raereibers hold.
Perham* the Opposition is working on
the principle of "let 1.10 eat, di ink and
be e3eery„ for teemorrovkWe die.".Tbey
cannot_ but, be conscious pat their de -
teat at the next general e be
moils complete and weeping than in
1890. _Those Who lesi*ebeen obliged to
attknd the eesselos of Parliament reg-
ularly for any length of thee cannot
faitto haver_ peen impressedwith the
different conduct or the Optitieltion
-duiing the five yeaCii'Mr ' Mackenzie
-Wee in mew, .andtire: Deur years that
latree interyened elude the Wit defettt of
-thekOooseryatzves. Sir TOWS Macdon-
t•Idanust Wee*** the Sreakt. of ha,Y1°4
keist his followers well in 'hand an
•cohdect ed the Opposition With:dignity,
,impartiality and fairness. It has been
van thatibezeyer appeared to better
advantage as a politician than whet to
the left of the Speaker. It is said that
' his following was one of le istinerior
type to that of ,the disorderly crew
now forming the majority of the OP-
' position and who seem to completely
override the very small mmority which
appears to be diepofed to act decently.
Only once on the occasion of the Letel-
lier discussion was the decorum ot the
chamber flagrantly violated and there
were circumstances connected with the
break that, if they didnot excuse, at
least explained why Sir John Macdon-
ald had to confess that he had lost the
control of a large section of his follow-
ing. The exturordinetty scene at the
closing a the session of 1878 was some-
what of ,the nature of an accident, rend
the responeibility of the scandal rests
with one:member. But generally the
course pursued by the Macdonaldtoppre
Baton was .of a character .that calls for
little criticism and Mr Mackenzie him-
self conceded that he was contronted
by eepolitical foeman vShafoughtfairi
and without offering any factious op-
position. To -day the opposition peeme
all faction and no, fairness.. All aspire
to lead and none condescend to follow,
Manners are filing tothe wind, and the
grossest personalities turn the House
Into a bear garden. 'This kind of eon -
duct is not fair either, to the members
of the House and to the tpeople of the
• country, whose attorneys those mem-
bers are, who expectsoreething better,
imaore businese-like and con3patiblewith
• the honor of Parliament. Farther,
Lthe disorderly tendencies exhibited by
certain Conservative members are a
gross injustice, not tosay insult, to the,
„chair and the estimable "first common-
aw" who now occunies it. It is goner -
tally conceded that during the time Mi
Barn has occupied the Speaker's office
be has z uled With most perfect impar.
• Utility and a proper regard to the pro-
ceedinge of the House. His long par-
liamentary career has enabled him to
be ready with correct ruling's it trying
moments and no member Can mita, a
legitimate objection to any decision he
baagiven. •
Yet, again and again, he has had
to appeal to certain. sections of the
House to respect his position as well as
themselves. He has, in the oirinells of
a good many, been over -nub gent in
the ease of flagrant offence audit is no
credit to the offenders that•they have
failed in more cases then one to re -
Wine *his liberality, and have rather
abused it than the reverse. It is to be
-hoped that theleader of the Opposition
will be able to impress upon those who
pretend et least to follow him, the de-
sirability of altering their course.
They are not contributing to the trod
of Parliamentary instieutions (wards-
ing them thesyes of the public."
Iteeems the Burgher Government is
on a trek.
• • •
It used to be "with Kitchener to
Ilhartmlior now it is "with Bobo to
Bloensfnitein." •
• • •
The Stratford Herald ears thieLord
Roberts' present address is Bloerofen-
tan bet it will soon Ise Pretoria, .
. . .6
• •• • worth' are always appreciated be v to he made the unenicaous (*Ole.
°entre Toronto, died on Toesday, the many expressioris of high eet:era ein Pupils 01 the
re ard to our brightainit 7etvteby
Court, or Justice I Canada 18051.11eo College
Geh. Bertram, Liberal M. P., for Zegregittiltirogs IleVeltillaTeltraspin of the congregation.
4P• 11
victim of cancer. In , the House his
death Wail regretted by the roembere
on both sided, as he was a favorite
among them.
• 41.• IT: • • 9
Soule paper in Camila Bare "Laur-
ier, a united Canada and a united Em-
pire" is a good rallying motto for the
Liberal party, The 'very name Laurier
And-4110--PlittfOrin-140 -.44,rat.11 piFY,
followa certainly amens a united /Ins-
pire. '
• • •
Another Senator has passed :may,
In the person of Hon. Jaraes D,
Senator for St. Sohn. He was years
of age, came to Moeda in 1830, and
was called to the Tipper Chamber 19
years after Confederation. This is one
more vecancy for the Liberal Govern-
ment to make an appnintarient to.
• •
Ilse Chicago Newsboys reaped .a har-
vest on Rev. Mt Sheldon's edition tot
the Topeka Capital. just as they
found customers, from 5 to 25 cents
were charged them. The boys got the
papers at three cents (each and hy seW
mg them at 25 cents what a prat they
would reap, Who can blame them. ?.
• .
Richard Cartwright, of the Appeal
0ourt, Toronto,has been notified by,R.
: si win as
words and wishes for the Nine E.
remar e to make :--"I look for the
hn Tienr of Rossendale Map ft; ellaTIMM, ONTARIO.
weltinf us ids week. has the following OforbilllEtial:Zes Tor Huron Oonnty
Raw Engetverrareger, eandecould nob ,i •
' .
arsereYer in demand by busmen •houses.
Ameng those who have recently gemmed gatel
Posittens are the fouowin
T re. t Vale
• ale . -
wourt, opened on Ateriday for the _ vietitielviate, '' teolerZerie; . 9.ritie NV. A.
ensure ili co.
do one day wit mit it; I get -,my, malt .ri
Onli once a week, on Friday, and it heating etactiees. Clevend, onto I elle°
oustice •Falcoubridge, (Inlet Justice - wiltire'r,etetat, la uveatitsi 'elorelinsil,
Wive *mien id werithee here. no ;Weigh- ' t
ing thle winter, ' /It is rant ' ea • severe mower, hettra the cisses, ,, , _ Fred carter,etenograelier. (lit. ofilee• t•
here'as it er down in Clinton, judging } „TLere being no pritioners in jell Thorne., Plat. Thule, with ISO et ere of oux
by theinews we get from there." I awaiting trial," His Lordship was pre.
,_ late Does it not risytozttend,the beetyr The
• puTolls.Lhe,ve take* good vooitions sines
R4IbliOski3 2.6471480.=^.00baderable -seined 14.1i}bOriff-Rey..110104....10044Rgt .PrInient.is °Beef. the beat evaeoss for noaktrie
ty will now reign ameut0 the eecii0t1 ceatetuarynairldnvhtto tglevell., t • !..21,t4mtl_y.sztrir'iroostion...-Ionvite. mar es -
ere on the ra, ,a•,, . R. : :rho manage- •The grand jurere, were ;....Edward, e?, db• 7uy aim Fox cata'ogua,
03000 of theeystein annteentee `faking AcheliottlinderitliAoWlitihip'' ; .War.
effect on Aptil 1st, ail inCrealle' in-' the Blashill, Bruseele • INVitton Bryant*,
me pe thin"; very dleavreeable, We on account ee the inaispolaioti of iirtlet19,Dri tit allsgrtr dro, iillothrorord
D. McLachlan '& qii•
rate of pay to section men and fore- 1 Morris; Thomas °limp ell, Stanley ; Chatham, Ont.
men on ite line, in Canada, of la cents ,, Matthew Varrie,•Ashfield ;1.11'; 'Gold -
a day, and a like increase in ti e case of 1 therfore Sabha; Wur.lackson,• Ha, .
all track laborers who are at Preempt I lett 14Litweadeb A. Motion,' Howiclet he deeided to leave it in the hands of the
receiving $1 per al FereMell Will 1 Delicate MbOowan,‘ Starlit3y - Hobert
recommended to bave the members
subordinate circles, the Ceieg atrs **lee
now wet $1•00, an t e le•borers $1.10. ' G. MoLitughlinTurnberry ; jobb Pad. kept, In good standing. None of the
This Wag the hug atm for which the : field; TurnberrY_ ; Janus Turnbull,
menihere who are serving the Empire
menstruck and„raesed *Oita a eenla ' Grey rIlugh Wrivitt, Grey. S. T, in the present war will be allowed to be
motion about lest. ypar. This act on Goldthorpe was 'chows as foreman suspended for non payneent. After an
the part of the Officials is to • be cons- and after the jury had been sworn iti 'animated debate it was decided to hold'
'mewled, as the disagreement which His Lordship* addressed- them, brioilYi next year'emeeting in Hamilton Der -
had been so neeatiefactoryand lookedreferring to the feet that there were ' iag,the year•23 newt chides had been,
Dur -
upon as quashed, was optional on the ,no cierninarcrieet to be tried, arld stet=
added to.the• order, bringing in a total
part of the managementl. and will be , ingthitt it would he their duty to visit
, new membership of oeaile 2,000. The
greatly tioreciated by the men on the the jail, 'see if tiler inmates were legally
life, .expectancy fund, --hut rereptly, es -
They are not painted so black montitted, examinee's ^to its aerate? tabliebed: as 80 feature of the order,
as one would' have been led to suppose conditions; and ascertain whether it. s
' at the time of the strike anyway. ' safe ehough to keep secure those• , con- 1312.0078 an increase during the year.; of
. ‘. • fined in ' it. !' h • '
' rtegeth ve. Grand. Trunk Ey. Co. et
at the close. The beneficiary fund also
Chinch Chimes. al., the first action on the docket was
• postponed, • • shows a bale.nciefor the year. over ‘; all
. Biome for several years, Ihe generel
IlAfMrvPa ' Beetled • fund balance was, $M2, The death list
during the year reached ii, toter of 921
for vyhich the sun) of 11186,034 was, paid
to their beneficiaries. The, number Of
cello dm ingahe year Was fourteen..
Prokrtietfor Sale or to Let Professional andOtherEar s
nous piou a.A.LE RENA
, •
• Sanderson vs, McNaughton had been
claims of the largeet balance
K. Cowan, Ideality-4er of ondon,that Okv
a petition had been Oiled= against the tiliN to inghani until Sunday, April
return, of Capt. Thomas , k.'itobiou to
attire 0 fleet Middlesex. , At mattes tee .cved a ea to .itchell• PreshtterLan*,
the telislative Assembly as yepresent. ftetr. A. aleArre of Pickering, re- .
usual "charges of isribery and torrup- church •
Clark's Method's& church on the Rip-
ley circuit was recently destroyed by
fire. Rev. F. Swann is the pastor.
The Topeka Capitals' rival; the jeare
nal, hes Edward •W. Rowe conducting
a daily column on "How to run the
churches,"and we suppose Me Sheldon;
who is showing the world horretolcon...
duct a newspaper, will be eagerly -en-
grossed in the article which especially
refers tobirn. There are always to be
found many who think thefknow how
to- do other people's business. batter
.than .hinlself. •, t•
; The Hamilton Times says that Rev
Mr Sheldon, Topeka,' Mums,- and Re*
Mr Keefer (d' the present) Of OttatVoi,
are temporarily editing newspapers,
Sheldon the Topeka Capital and Keefer
the Ottawa Citizen. °"The parallel ends
.rightthere, for Sheldon is trying to
conduct Ins. peper As Jesus weruldd have
conducted it. •while Keefer; plies the
dagger of politics andrnorality.
Additional Local News.
dal Board Of Health report thatthere
are 15 cases of smalli
pox n Toronto jun-
Won; three each in Toronto and Am-
herstburg, one ernes in Walden, Mer -
sea and Sandsvich; in Essex county; •
and one each in Mosa and Lebo. In
Middlesex county. The outbreaks in
Essex were in every case except one,
traced to the llnited States. '
Prima or ()MEESE BOXES.- A
meetieg of the cheesernakere was held
in London Iately-ttediseives the price of
cheese boxes.. There were nearly
twenty factories represented. It Wag
resolved tbat the price asked by the
Mannfacturers-10 cents per box -is
too high, and that unless the price is
reduced to 9 cents the makers will
bring in the Material and make up the
boxes themselveit. Another meeting
will be held at London.on March 10th,
Whetrthe pater will be further dis-
eased. •
• 'Hermit) Eames FLAG -The green
flag- of Ireland fluttered in the . breeze
all over the British Empire last Satur-
day -St. Patrick's day. It was honor-
ed specially this year ay a tribute to
the gallantness and bravery of the Irish
troops now in the ranks of the British
Are •Th f
Instead of fleeing away on an excur-
sion or. lris °ten why '.4Ces Friesident
Steyn not join theactosionpatitithatT
goes 'to St. lieleint9., d •
• • 61 •
Ddyou. .
With Oreille, wild d Freeze_
(1ffe'llatrelt tntir rOnn4n d
A obItifeeraf Valk Write A•,;c0 ;
W,e would tooner believe Lord gob.>
stets abOut. abuse of the white; at
th n
gum Priceer, whis htti been lately
0Oticligertein)Nairit'igoiiiko truth,
e •
41 These "speeder °Weer regeolartigilest
• t froneliienttkAfil04•FP,40cCi fg:i6C(ft.
4, jut ofacontolivorktottiot
a!, fAecf. of.i t".t: ft
Ric# wow botutoettone
Oapt.Mthetttrk, kid& to, judgin
ly picturee,4440144gof the Boer
terbigiff thet-,•:Dritlelf.. Mat. order the
• 'ot Et,
A Bill to incorporate the Board of
the Presbyterian church in Canada has
been before (be Ontario Legislature.. •
Messrs Crotalley and Hunter, evange-
nate, began a series Of eereeces in Elm
St. Methodist church, Toronto, on the •
• IStere are within the bounder;e9 Of .
Godetich township nine churches - 2
Piesbyterian12 Angecian and, 5 Meth°.
-diets- but not one hotel.
The Rev. WrreStont, of Kiritton, was
presented , on Monday last - for t
Small vs. Bradford -Action for dam-
ages caused plaintiff by the alleged
neglegence of defendant, L. E. Dancey
was counsel for the defendant. No
one appearing for plaintiff, the action
was dismissed.
Burns vs. Clark-A.ction for malici-
ous prosecution and false arrest. The
plaintiff, Mrs Berns, of Baytield, was
arreeted laseNovember at the instance
of the defendant in this -case; W. J..
Ohiek, formerly a ' merchant; of Sea -
forth, and was, afterwards ,tried, on
the charge of selling certaimpeoperty
with intent to defraud: her • cteditors,
particularly Olark. The actiortagainet
iser failed; and this suit. was tee recover
danaagee for wrongful arrest, -etc,
?hilip• Holt, Q. C., for plff. ; .T. M. Best;
(Seahartii) fur, deft After beating
evidence Lirdship withcireenv•the
case front the Jury and disruiseed,at
with costs '
Cameron ',vs. teimeron-An action
for meander taken by Miss Isabella
Vamerowagainst Mrs •Roderick Cam-
eron. Plaintiff and deft, were both
residents , A.shfield township, at
Lochalsh. flugh Morrison (Lucknow)
counsel for plff. ; J. T. ElarroWo Q. Cl.,
for deft. The jury returned a verdict,
for Plaintiff for $600 damages, and His
I•ordship diteited that the cost be
paid by: defendant.
Oallieroe VW. • McLennan -This was
another action for slander, taken by
the same•illaintiiras in the above Case
against Finlay McLennan, of Lochalste
Counsel the same as iiithe above case.
Thejury awarded plaintiff $200 dam-
ages, and Hie Lordship glowed plaint-
iff the costs Of the attion. '
Leevs. Mitchell, et al -It atose out
of the apple trate last hill, the defend-
ant' being, a .virell•keeewn buyer, for
whom Lee acted as agent, paying the
fanners. Mitchell reede an aseign-
ment, It was alleged, owing to the
failure of the trade, and Lee as age
signew on behalf of the creditors,
brought action to break a mortgage
made by defendant two months before
he assigoed.• After hearing the argu-
ment of °Damsel, His Lordship gave
jud.graent for. Assignee Lee on every
claim. being equal to A verdict of
$3,200. The three trot hers,Alexander.
John and James Mitchell, were arrest-
ed on a ,charge of defrauding their
creditore. They were afterwards re-
leased on substantial bstil. W. Proud -
foot and L. E. Dancey appeared /or
plaintiff, and J. V. Gai row, Q. C., for
army nSouth
of Shamrock was a noticeable decor -
ca. e our e
ation on the lapels of. our citizene'
teats of Scotch and English deecent.
as well as rirish, The green fieg of
Ireland was flying over the Memnon la
merry old London and our own Oahe;
Ian cities joined in. . • ' •
• •
,Krice nr,allit$TalaDaTtlle--:We want
altthe *We, and Wonld deern it aftiVer
.to any one wineneVer,there is an Item
to either drop it, in the postoiffee, in
our letter box on the office deem, or
this it tai One Of onerepotters, thereby
asslining us to keep the NEW ERA a
bright,teWoy,"eleaMo up-todate .and
live local •newepailer. - 'We want to,
Iceep.uptheltandard of the ',Som. gnuL.
ab thefteknoWledged beet local. paper
Of HUDE3,0011elty) rta , well as .ataonle,
thodalredtegnized an the lOading
lies of Ontario. Give the newgolng.
, • , •
• We have seen and glanced over the
Sheldon edifieti of fliaTopeka
is ooper-
ed ,corepitees .7fzerorahly, •Igjtik the,
Nntr BEA. •iiStig we are( of the': ceriniong
that -We giVerocre newi teen', teadereb
TheibilloariEtna ciontains all the
class Welles ibf itdivn and Surrounding
coudtmair, whit% DO•J Atilt ,VIES 3;101
foural.lor 'lathing ,detrimentalato
dietigibrythisirfale butition*
siderp alit& i
pries Ili* thew patio platedAttl.
tiltiated Matt -ttiloVetit[0,41010,D,•;11&r,ICit
nook! . /1" • "(Ar tt A•J niafftrA
WhIlIt an aitietirit tif Mousy Ootii
P;rL*IKTI*ger would 4rorrkill exblbltions
one a our rotiroa gentlernen in • teviii
*aye he if willifigtoffit0 all he P,000000#
o have * Iconof binsfor only one
leight boor laws OA 'amid b/ those Is
,dreless workers -Dr. ' Xing s New
67 Airifilltifiehle editor
ACE' ,,!00,0feinglilft
it ditty% ItYrOPPlithkjie (Avow
accuetom to have somekly
de molia..,1-oakviey
uoinotaur..:0$041,VIIKe _Et; OWE*.
lifmadayeavid.Tueloder halting; ,04len tfoll
ijoklemnias wilkidtemeatige ,thet,0001.et
itottinkday into Friday." We inkye
bearded/tome men Who. 00 th.
Ins feir,the Whet.'
dOrrtil on 1900. -The West*
ern Pair Boar met on Saturday after-
noon to 'hike the con*Mitteeti for the
Year and deal witkother nrettereof
terestet raoVentent Jeep foot tohave
the, Goyernor General attend the fair
and present the colors to the Seventh
tifsTilla, Millions *to always Id Work, ! Filifitietrei to which aconnnittee was an.
eigbt and day, ourinq InlgeetIAft, Billetills pointed. There were thirteen commit-
• Otthaltotion; Malt liestigeh6 tont all tee* appointed and among the number
sinnutch,,Ussrindltoweltronblos,, Rosy, we learn that Dr. J. E. Blackallatad A.
ht, sae intre. Only 25.1 at 3L B. font% of Olinton, D. McIntosh and
be dreg SW. r Murdock of Brucelield,atni E. 01,Atrill
This paragraph le inter.ded or
these of our subscribers who h aye not
yet remitted their suboormtion tor
this Year, and for no others.
Insolation to:publishing a first
• elan; local paper attheloWest possi-
two are giving our readers an up to -
date mar service as goodas given
by any daily paper, which coata us
considerable extra.
We are not asking any extra
price for this 'extra service, but we
do ask that subscribers show their
&Percolation by renewing their sub-
scriptions as prompt 7 as possible.
It is unreasonable and unfair to
ask us to pay postage on papers, and
also run a credit badness from year
to year, and ' we "frankly ask • our
delinquent subscribers to see that ar-
rears are paid,and a yeariu advance.
And the. sooner this is done the
better we will like it,
fourth time in less than three years -
with a large load Of oats by his appre:
ciative parishioners of St; Patrick's
chUrCS, Biddulph.
, •
' „Bev. Mr Muir; formerly Presbyterian
Minister at Brumfield, has aecepted a
se4,to ,a congregation in Prithitornie
Forgandeery, Perthshire, Scotland.
The date of ore indention had been set
for MarehI3th, ,, • •
The Executive totninittee in connec-
tion with the Diocese of Huron met in.
Bishop Oronyn .lia,ll last week.:.
5aMong the mattere attended to waft;
an application fronvilelmeavilleparieh.
for leave to remove the old church to a,
better site Was granted on the threat,
terms. - • , •
Itele. Wm. Stout *kited Stratford,
St.MarysantiLondon last week,afraeg-
ingiShinteeptetticatiooe and toonoto fet"
the e,re,ctierlad protterela tilt:nth itt
Kirlsionalerieg the ea IY"pait of texts
Ours nier;and alio attended thet,mielting
of *the Exeditifoe 'cordinittee,ofJ'ther
diecese of l'WhiehlitPlerti lineMbetti inftl
Tburiday, Met;
• t5Beteirtit !Odra all neetionto orthePres,,
,beterienclitireh indicate the luebesg*.
ful pirdieetition of the'Oentaty/ Fund,
inhs*e.ci AlrOdy the •subeeriptiow
:litinearefriiegcesieef4)500.-000; - Ot alai)
,thinitterii While bakee-Ceitstrilnited•..ripe
-.V94iidg tit 1$80EX i.B'6rlg11enbssiotes
rir in (bele'lifetrilliecl, tit :ft
de delft* rib s",° Iftiff,MePWardeti tee
rifrlfieye anted
.;• %innOhltitts
IfthitengelieittlY sent let
1110 suffer eititNifai )11:0}4h11414"i nu*
beginning tole 41
t anniver-
f. &la* Wir•
I itt
doTckhelties.re eight more cases on the
The grand juty'brouelat, in the fol-
lowing presentment: „
To His Lordship, Chief justice
• Armour, Holding Assize Sittings
• at hoderichi-March, 1900. The Greed Surore of Our Lady: the
Queen present that they have visited
the'gaol and found everything clean
aild tidy and the prisoners therein all
satieflettwifil their treattneut. -There
ate tenprisoners ; three under' charges
of Insanity',' one ' waiting egtraditioni
and sit Committed for VOWS' ney".•
We *child strongly tedomniend that
the:gable* be provided with better ac-
commodation for his private use. the
"Ol'eeelit'aPartmente devoted to that
tube beifig behind the lige; besides 'too
041110 and not sufficiently isolated
:fie144w,'attilintj4itififtketl°rethe OonntYlleude of'
RefdgeioldfOutiErtherein 81 inittates,..
who appeated, to he happy and con-
tented, and .welles'atiefled with their
treatesent, ;.; the , profligate appeared
Mr and ,r000co 97. •tO Of, ete
bet Ip e'verSthillif.Peqabting.to It oir
,TIte house is nileg altnost , to,
ita esPoolty„.;.:' tr.
Alt wmen Is respectfully sub,
131, it,tled:1441 TI-43.144iTagniina ForOniany.
• 'OM, 404141.11.
• ,
Mil/ utrcl� iir•We eittntdiati
thh� u Iii; 'Me ity'atintuti
bre* '461F;"e•th 'for;
aatitii 0 0 f8A
j%ioh: derteterareet
on wasesatmed ,t 0,40 „;
44.4441.444. JAMES sOorr
At present occupied by A.:. arise, Oow01111111". Bauhaus Eloileiter, /we
apply to MRS BIDDLECOlidit• Clinton
Shepherd G. ,Froste °Witham, le; B,
writes "Fora number of 'years I have
been.troubled, with catarrh and headache),
and have tried molly remedies during that
butwithoutavail. At last I heard
of your undimmed air treatment and pro.
Oared a •10fotarriviaone outfit. •
tWoity-four•houre troy headaohe disappeared
and has not Omni ieterned; and in ti Abort
tiniekl have been eompletely cured Of Cat-
rin .1 'recommend Catarrhozone se the
,safest ,and- cheapest cure for Catarrh. One
Wale did the treet, for Me." Oaterrhoe
one is soldiby all druggists. Trial outfit
sent for ten oentslrt tamps. N. 0. • Pol-
son (,4; Cp,; ItIngstoio, Ont., Proprietors. ,
- A ease of emellpox has developed at
Niagara Falle,14. Y. .
Every mother knows how dangerous Croup
is. On the first signs of the Oroepy.0ough
use Hegyards Yellow 011. It will , care
this dengeroter diteraee when riothing else
SAIL, Brice 25e. , •
Settlers from the United Stated are •• ie.
ported to be pouringinto the White Fish
distriot of NortifOnnirio. •
Desirable Town Property For OINICR-.19,111ott Mock Total) Street,
Sale, soma TO leelut•
The residence of the late A. bloAlioter, on
Princeos street, Clinton, will be pold on posy
terms. For particulars apply to .TAIdZb
Cry for-
In OckfieilehBVIIINVitillillotw9 14114320!
0 Luton ; imm poostas on. Applyio-
TROROBRED I3V1.10 ' fOr Sale.
The undersigned offers: a 2 year oId, Than, -
brad Shorthorn Bull tor sale 'at a reasonable
figure. ED. H. WISE, _
, . Clinton, P. O.
•Tamworth Boar tor •Serviee.
Subscriber keeps for service at his Oren:does,
8rd con. of Tourkersmith, the thorobred regis-
tered Tamworth Boar, 'Clinton Eihk, brad by
&George Sons, Cranniton, Ont., Terms; sr at
limo of servioe witb_privilege of returning if
necessary. APPLETON =OAT, Tucker -
smith. . Feb 166
The undereigned has on his farm, tot 48,
Maitland oonceosion, Goderieh township, a
thorobred Shorthorn bull, registered, and it
thorobred Yorkshire boar, registered, for aer.
Vice. Terms $1.00 cash; each, at time of se*.
feet hemlock lumber, dry„ for sale. An to
vies with privilege o.tfaraest,urni,Arringn. wAlso 1000
• Mar 28.-4 Clinton.
"Furniture for sale.
The nn,dersigned baring b
deemed tti Sell 0
-oottage on Rattenbury street will sell bY
private sole, all ber-bonsehold,.inraitre.
consisting Of a new parlor Net an Axminster
oarpet,Wolueme.Extendion Table Sollarto bed-
2'00re Beta and toilet set,,springs and mattress
needy on the inititure 1. new some not being
Used, a parlor cook and kitchen cook. stove,
good rag Carpets and other artioleo to Munoz,
ous CO. mention, eiloo be viewed between 10 am.
and P P. in, Terms to suit the purchaser,
Tra " " MRS OARLPIE,Olinton.
Queen and John etreeta, Clinton. Three-moor-
et04.76:14.0f:rttaathdlee. f:propowbwouse m the corner of
tersaores of hied; geed, orehard ; hard water,.
NOV. 801-.14t ' lane. J. TOWNSAND
For eale, lets•near Ute Flex Mill, 2 Iota %on
with frame kitelien.hao iteiv:asate:ru,attobtiollik. oTothiaardge:
JOBroniffe*Jaly"E2iniNagat7J0,09011::InaDOUT1 Plipton, or to
A large double brick house, built by the late
W. II. Blooming, on Albert otreet. The bouts)
Is In AA excellent state of repair and fa Ratable
tor tee arsComincalation of two families. For
particulars apply to J., P. TISDALE. Clinton,
Out. • • zIgareloa-tf
110VSE for SALE oi,t6 RENT.
wialloblothbliruelyeptaaravrlyotere.tyyt:, nea---r Organ FaCstorY, $300
romerentotlytaboeleouhrogsde bwyithrogoLd
Upshooll. Apply at once to -t
House and Lot tor Sale.
sitTuhatteldargoneasnudiocnora.strmeeed4toonescubpoiueese riOathBoauutlnY.
tederndar Tehddisreoiffe.oevrtedryfoarcoosernleoodnativoe ,wietbasootanalablee,
orchard; Sto.
•B°W▪ . :°CaliSnitOn.
Sept 21, 1899.
. -
The large brink tore at present occupied by
Ogle Cooper th Co. The stare is well fitted up,
for grooeries, plate, glase front, lighted witn
acetylene gas; where a large trade has been
done and one of the best otanda in town. For
oartionlars apply to
Mar 28-•tf 0HARLAND BROS.
• Housp wo RENT..
' The residence on Holtrort etreet west -an ex-
dellent seven roomed frame house, bedroom
downstairs; soft and hard water; all kinds of
fruit trees and largo quantity of Marmite. Wilt
be rented very reasonable; uosseasion given at
once. Apply to Nava ER& office. s mar 211 tf
The phlinomenalLvell bred standard halm,
Tareutunt 21705. will stand at W. W. Fatvan's
barn, near Statiett At Minton, every Monday
for the littlatibe of Oita geatoil, s • • 0
T.altarrrult-21701 bas isr hid..breeding the
'41reitteet sie living vr keend. Pomo 12 °X Ott
Streateit prMuoinedants Wring. He has-la
find, tearerawaireree;
br_,c1 the gbWer tatranemit it..• ;•1 •
Toots: To ineure, el& For extended pedigree
• lee.large '°.
Jane A I • ilrAdr•01•11.11100 Qat,
' • xftpletLeat Steek•Farin,
" .
„Alai .4 • 14 '
NM ISM • • .•i • .
, • reoleintitin,,apoTA iviourfe n Euelaeria
)144igliiAll)f,'•;'1 • •
• • ' ';77:-,TIMUlk"9111,,
, • s
, 4i.71 if *447, .,774T.
• , .,1 11 -.11 MLitt 4.11.°171,,t; AtIft.4 ft
..tes-meel. U/6 ....47!%'S .
i.euesees4etaseezifeeeet 44-leatel
le I- el, ,e'eall ••;;', es •
• 1The Ststiforth lireabYterianit held4
tibrglegntional meeting *n. Monday tof
hob week6 for the ptirpose of , taking
Step* for the Moderation inn call to a
lilitdater. was largely attended, )` Bev,
Mr Stewart, ,of Uinta% orriderator
iDigitiOn, presided.There were some 18
candidate* to Meat from.amettg Whom
were many favitites, And wnlie the
WWII* was harmonious, there was
condderoblei diversity of opinion to *,)
oktdider• Finaily, Row. Mr Larkin.Ohat.
ham, and Ety. Mr MoWilliounk Non.
ilton. Were tolected as the two whom
BAUM should be submitted. Those
± '
P "
Moan ,• - • •
Iatilliteri10.14441 ',TbrOiltoly;
it ;
oblik4Votobttit Swettineuttatitorg,
{VirtriiWilitineen,l/Itantitircl, 'and A. U.
Thatipediv thoroldl thtiwenteTrue tee.,
lt.,licticingel Teleran; L•Iti G. Glum-
raingiStiOothitiinest Mowbray,
AlfesaIliTheorder, it was reported, has
n�w over,,111,000 4ineMbers- its • wad
intiodirtgo The tinestitri ef providing
ibetbeveyttieht44 assessmente of seY
eratmembersof Out order who ;have
.votdeintatedtetheSbuth African wafter.
lire Was dietteseed..As *here is noon-
* in the tonstitution for /Oting
moneys for such vodkal purp000sit was
;or s.
'417vtil tikikiliWillbiliertnitt the •
41101/11 ' • d
MC; iddrf•t•t"
• „ 7,- .
of Terstite4wher• itisubtiituss.
employed, And, own 100 ittildeate,
dre In attendanos. Thla it I big Mthoaqt
and a Popular eehbolt:te bath
nese firths leek for *killed nen. kat.
so/cuts elle wen* direca frOni 001r
ending ab, gthi Etter any time.
Ne lege lsitue ion, maize owe week,
Vattit itiO116 Write ler Preseetiels.
SLIANi. Principal.
The prerniser*occupieeVey n. J. Cu', and
consisting of afire'. olassbricla ;store on Albert
Street, C11.0%10 ho offered for sale on easy
Sons ,
ms " • - s•'
Aleo•Cottage on Albert Street, With two
lots, stable,. and all oonvienose. Particulars
on appise,tion to Uri W. Robertson, Clinton
orlI-rsC, W. McGregor, Constanoe. •
up.ttstra!, 00nm** Phyto Gallery
PerrIster, Holioitor. Notary and Conveyermo--t
CeIberiee Hootel
• thwietticit
The Undersigned offers for Nee a frame house
on Wallington streetiof eight rooms, containing
four bedrooms, dining rooin, parlor, sittlng
room and itinerate_ Peed hard water; live
minutes walk from the POEit Office. The house
bas. only been built for a y_ear. For partioulare
oto, apply to MRS. mOGRIDbus,. •
Feb I8-t,f , Wellington Ste Clinton,
• •
• 'SALE „.
ill'onolerly of Oamerets Hott * Camera")
Oillee--naminon fie opposite Colborne 0011110
011ice-Coracr Blantiltort PA. And the Sonar
Getierlohe Oat.
T. T. Gana3W. Q. O. Ones. amatoW, LTA'S
B&ImitIraliSe $9rflin3OR8, NOTARtite PUOLIO
JPROOTO!ISIN ThE 314111TIME comer, er,o,
• Ogee: alerth 14., next door teetotal, Office• •
IFErivatalfunds to le.d aglowest rates
of interest.
That desirable Eriok Biabiesa Stand, on Al-
bert St., Clinton, occupied br Mr N. Rolwon:ta
offered for sale, including rear lot and stable.
The location Is one otthe 508( 10 Clinton. The
property is free froto tneumbranee and title in-'
disputable. Price reasonable and terms to suit
purchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY. Lon-
don Road Or address Clinton P. 0 ,
For Sale or to Rent.
The eboice brick house on the corder of rut -
ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate
of the late Richard Heywood, to offered either
for sale or to root. It contains room for ordi-
nary family, is practically a new h01190, With
all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre
of land. 11 110 property is not sold or rented,
part 01 15 will be reated. Apply to -
W. COATS Exeoutor 0. nton.
.Fairnt for, Sale or to Bents
.• 200 acre farm for sale or to rent, being Lots
99 and 20,-811*•ooneesaion of Mullett township;
126 acres. under cultivation, the rest buoh and
pasture land; watered by a Well supplied river;
sshool house No. 6 'situated on the farm; good
large bank barns, stablessheds ana . other
buildings,also lA story house; also geed or-
chard; hag 111 conveniences. Terms easy.
Apply on the fart& to_ • •
WO; • letter io Londesboro P. O.. Out. lm,
.41LOOP 04.01t. FOR SALE.
444-iiAthitr far% for oohs being lot No. 85,
llth eetioestoOrt, ,fsrtho tome/alio of Goderieh,
one milbleuth of Holutesville,knoWn as the
Cole Wan, Se.aoresi .1011 plouglalog o140 morel
all well done,10 stores of fall wheat, 16 acres
meadow. balance In pasture, orchard of ohoice
bearing fru1t"tretts;101:thw front of said farm
is a bee utifnl row of people trees, a log house,
stone dairy, banktbartir offered, for sale on
very advwt55ge terthall ..•
pNovp.,op. P,O,
- 311t. 00/11 SALE.
OaRatteohniit*..eopotilte 1•103 Clombe'e, a
1.1 story frame emote, contemner woodshed and
aullonterititchen andrpoma,i Pa. rlor„Atning
room, latohero, I beohOont do wrietains and Parse
up -stairs; hard arid &oft *Mori -1.atite &Amer
lot, with evergreen, rose and. 'other hedged,
Gooseberrie% raspberries,;.cumdta, apple and
stt trees, regetoold meen.etd. mos
ert'taire Weld Well Within
itsseA ••• pp .on tho prainidio ala' at the
• a 1. o' d.ddy'
4% 29t, j , • r•,/./Ifanata
/ 1 *
. • •,,,
. j. r
Here's; , • . „.„••
; 3. `i ,TrIt117 NIZ
retinae elleMpatreton sasy terols-Pen
tof aLe4,40111aAleldetOeftiwe Oederioi
itandlitel Kw*, A f4).. "
t I'. • 90741:d :r .$
(1 de A P'"'"1-•,,,,
°commune:En, Oommonuottrat,
Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Mona to
• 'tendon Mortgage and Nato security.
onloe-ennusie ettielaT. Cratmites
• •
• • •
teeny oone who *I
reasonabter terms her tal
.vint Pr!I
Vont rnari taro T 000011,
• 1%* *
• Mai I1116411 Of Wit
thi 160400 fht for We
onatita, of ,AtIrti
. treieeteert
& To uI If tO1
1 Ihilibetbr t dU,0 • tfrylet 4
AM tratiafet nic voe
.!,' %ft 64fSAY
. • t•
good ;mond hattawageon for We. WI
n woof for cog entranter arse e gnad Vow an
mist amps. 'cheap. Whir for Dish or °radii.
• Apply isto A, Gem, (hop it., 12 New asta,
• QR.. AO PA
OrOwn and BFidg4,Worh.
AT ZURICH THE 2pro Tatra:max or
Offloe Rours-9 to 5.
composite:see, .:11:11toort Street,- CHlatou
Speoird attention given to preser-
, vation.orNetural teeth
Akio ligewa and Erldge W•rk
• DR, a W. THC:IMPRON . •
• Physician, Surgeon, •ICto •
Office and Residence-.
. .
Lioentiati 01 tlihoen.Itod. puys:1,BECO. gilleagned?er.. eysioiairs •
"94 aliafliliallEitelikr ELOCke— 11;S: Satre- ,
' Sueemonr to Dr q Turnbull.
De Wet G UNN, L. H. 0.42.-0,nd Li H. 0. S.
Edinburgh, Oilloe-Ontario Smoot Clinton, .
• Night Salk at front door of redidenee on Rattan •
bury Elt, Opposite Presbyterian othireh.
soonclumr, ate., elloe and residenee Ora-
torio fit., opposite English church, formerly oo
envied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont.
T1R; STANIKIHY, GR4litla.193 00 THE
Department of Victoria Univer.
atty. Toronto. fOrmerly of the Hospitals and
Dispensaries,New-York,-Ooroner of the
County of Hume, Barfield. Ont,
' W. J. R. FOWLER.,
Gold and--Bilver M�daUt, first -010s honor
graduate of the Ontarto Veterinary
Cellege. • •
MEATS DiairegicS annis.141.
Night tuid ditTr Calls mongered 0 Oftioe-Br
wortbingerees old stand,opir. Coaunerolal Rote
V is. iniatniabx. VETEEIHARY SURGEON.
el ellonoraryeraduate of theOntexioVeteritia
College; Treati alldilimtesef domesticated an -
malt on the moat Moderilanffeeleatifie Mine
P/WIt Ofiloo-bareediatelysoruth.OltheNeritErs
Orntal. hefddenee Albert in.. O3Intos ea
night °raw, atteuSedto isrereOlqr
Agannienit unman., i..Anna floomtL en.
.1.1o. Issuer of Marriage Lcenses, Library moom
and,Rigidenee. Merit iltregt al.ntwAs •
• • • o 1•
- No wItoessee required
.13 • Sii ProVintial Land Surveyor and
lik.NTS better than or
betterMod fastearealling
4g9glittttoirowaseli st.r
essareleolittelir,"' 'Pro -
r GOO 117oldoMT10.
9 Ai' ." • IOLEOP9A9to
introti Woo
altar ,a.neasa • cave tad.
tieetierete ••,so .1 it
I .. it 1.4 .pe.„. oV
, r
Viral pongees tog Disittiot Woo Hilnillor
1. on‘nta zioi•ot lotie tiaatorn 4usct
Ii00,11611itizt.417.mida.,Avrimitto 04rearly
with utteguai reporimlitiee. Refereneenha::-.
ehaafted. Eutaw self-addreeeed stamped en-
lroloPC A. Pstk, Claxton
KeK P I 1 v
FARA? ilillaiiieZaoingitt:
• 3 • ;
J. R.HOtekioPiinaiit. i'°t:truer, tioteelie*7ri9•nelnon, icy.TosC.,T1n
_W. G. t, Seatertb; &Int ti. Grist'
*IbOW4it itv• t ,..•
Bru04444.1A Jahn, °Lean, *tom , err
Olitwilan,ten,Wattisaithituir.1""ibitili • 2.1poulnewni86afoinnallebeepilb"kil 1..b4Arts.
Ochnter. /ewer
, 04trrs ,L
1:1.0,4hne.trtisSminaittbduntit TiAtook,; tathteoMndolivaillabo ink vin
2sildtraled tO their respeosose maw&
•Pitrti16146611.461,.. , W:ditel:4771017:Shilhn, Oq't I't:1:6°1Wilitittian4Or tarr°111ht:'
WA other bulimia* will be ptomptly attended to
on 1.Trylibalatort 10 any et the above. °Mom