HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-23, Page 10adian aa
FRIDAY MARc11 93, 1900.
LOOK at the epeeial otter for old men by
G. Burgess, the photographer, in our
1i Sugars, taws, Sugars.-Advanoing an
higher expaoied. Now is the tinge to buy.
have TWO OJ*. Redpath's Extra Standar
and Yellows. I ern offering in barrel lots for
less than the who'esale pollin to barrel lots.
Special price in 1001b lots, J. W. IEWIN.
or e. r -t on the The fancy a e and stationers acores.
rice in Pprice, 15.10 being paid for the are be inninto put en Easter style ;
deliveries this week. Du Monday it will be the -millinery stores, though,
Ches. Wallace shipped a car load to that will be eagerly watched from now
Toronto, and on Tuesday R. Fitzsim- till Haider day. At a recent meeting
lone ane to •l'ollingwood. The output of the fire brigade, it was. decided' that
in cattle was .three carloads, "by S. T. 0. West be reeomended to the
Smith. to Toronto, which he got from council for the stoker, which, is vacant,
>r. D. A. Fnrrester, the average weight and it is altogether likely Mr West
a I being 186# lbs. Chas Reid sent a car will fill the position, and that efficient-
. load of stock to Manitoba, on Tuesday. 1 ; Harry Glazier bavin¢aaggain joined,
d The Doherty Factory made a ship- the strength of the brigadels now full.
1 ment of organs to Lllverpooi on Thurs. The old flax trill hae been bought by
day. , I1. F. Andrews, from D. A.. b'orrester,
but it does not include the machinery
Iai MENSR SAwLods.-There are sew- part ; it is Mr Andrewe" intention to
logs and sawlogs. The latter kind is convert it into a barn. West Renee
to be seen at' the Doherty yards which celebrates the 12th of July in Kincer-,
are qti a bepmiln tV ryllfdayohpi prepare -
dine this year. J. Fisher it attending
tende °to have runninrrin Sprin hey to the palating,per making the' new
g• store for O. Cooper do 00. look attraec-
are piled up high and it would seern ea ;,ire.. The 0. O. F. society held their
if the wocdl. around here would soon grand lodge in Sherbrooke lately,and
be depleted should the. present.eeason'8 from repors read it is learned tht this
output be a yearly occurrence. They fraternal and benefit hi
is boons.
are of immense a ze the majority of ins, and the 'focal lodge has a good
them but last week the largest yet membered"). and are adding to its list
took two days to take it from the bush all along �; there' is an advertisement :,,
to the Yard rt having measured 1.4$0 on the first page which tells the reasons
feet. By the time the season opens up whyis the society , a good . one. A.
fit will be a. eight to see this yard the Kirkby entertained the gentlemen in
loge in which will soon be converted poanection with the B iptiet church
into organs,• last nighl(Thursdey) at Rev. Mr Mur-
TRIC MAA>a.-Housekeepers are duck's; it was a pleasant evening spent
realizing that the Brice of butter has by the "boys" who had a good time by
been away up. The retail price flow t em9elnse. Over 50 names were sent
varies from 20e to 220 andover for rood the yA,ld Cooper
oe Trion o. rhe To Topeka
roll butter, and in the' .city it sells Ca�►;tai w P
Odin 26c to 80c per pormd. >t">tport + high had a daily riot of .aner
trade hay made the supply scarce. in 18(),000 copies a day ; the peoceede •of:
eggs ie:ie�irregular, owing to the de- this great eels will be devoted to some
chine in city markets, : and in Toronto
the prices. are from 15 to 17. Oantelon
Bras„ of town, inform us that eggs are
coming in•freely ; the market fs weak
and declining, owing to the supply
being beyond the demand, and this
produce has accumulated. They do
not remember a spring when. there
were so many eggs, with the prices so
low, 10 to 11 cents. Theyshipped for
the eastern trade about pounds of
butter, oyer 1000 dozen ,eggs, $8
a' ton is what is being asked for hay,
and wded is bringing from .$3.50 to
$4•.25 a double cord, according to, the.
The most popular and fashionable material for spring Marabou. --.A quiet wedding wag
p � , . p g celebrated at the Baptist parsonage,
costumes and skirts,. They 11 be worn not In spring only but on Thursday last, 15th fret,, by Rev T.
right through the summer as well. There is no dress material' J, Murdock. The interested , ppartlP-
were Alexander McGregor of Coder•
shown this spring that will equal them either for style or.
wea . qualities.
g�. •
We show an assortment that'would do -credit ;to a store
in a town three times the size of ,!Clinton, exclusive -styles and
.atterns, confined. to ourselves and in the entire lot no two ink when they wish to inform the pub-
e the alike @x @ tili plain � and many of them are irk
ofgreat bargn�in.. By reading, the
lig � jl goods, advertiement this week you will learn
icb, . and 'Mrs Elizabeth Kinsman, of
town. The newly wed. will reside in
011nton. " We extend, along with;
friends, our. congratulations.
ALE., Har -land Bros. beleivps in using printers'
single patterns. You get a better choice if you buy early. that wdayais_gtalFriday. up great ,Apr ir
86 inob Homespun matinee, all wool, 48 inob heavy cheviot serge, all pure 0, 7 and 9. when goods in the lines car-
exaet roproauotions of the more wool, homespun finish, wilt make .fed have been noted and are marked
expensive linea, will give excellent. 45 very stylish oostumes, bleak and "rg
wear, in the.leading•shades..,„, C navy only.
Stylish fioniespune`in plaids and checks, medium and small patterns,handeomie
color pombinations, no more fashionable fabrics for separate skirts slcowp this
season, a good range of patterns, no two alike, at
; �. .
Elegant Homespun saitinge, •in the popular spring shadings and blank, will make
hsndsoa a tailor made costumes and give no end of wear, each WV
Other Kinds of Dress .Goods
We are showing a great collection of everything ' that
is popular and fashionable in Spring Dress. s Goods, both in
blacks and colors, and no dress goods buyer should
fail to see
this stock If you aregoing to buy Black Goods ask for the
`Geld Medal" brand.It keeps its appearance better and wears
better than any other make •
Silks for Waists
The handsomest lot of Waist Silks we've
ever shown, new colorings, new patterns, and a
stock to select from.
. ou
r will find it
hard. to
duplicate. Priceslean very Inuch your
Fancy Stripe waist Silks, light ground with oolored
- stripe, will make a. stylish waist - Xt11.1:
Stripe.waiet. silks, fancy patterns, Very handsome colorings and design'
n fancy English lie.
.4 h silks,will I not
i y S.
not. shown Before, extra good • out, good weight and give excellent
giifllity,. in all, . the fashionable wear "would becod a
;optingshades a eoial value at, t..
50C r g Isle et 700
special sy: ... .
Skirts Ready tomwear
People who take :advantage of 'oar special -March offer- 'job it wilt
w�make a great improvement
I reflect credit on the work-
away down, Glance over the long list
of articles on page 5. of this issue.
PROPERTY CHANGE. -The other day
Mrs Biddlecombe bought the houseand
lot on Rattenbury -street from Mrs
Oarline, at' a reascnable figure, and
will remove from her present home ,to
the newly purchasedplace in a few
days. She has her property on Huron
street to rent. • Mrs ,Garline intends to
leave shortly for Toronto, where she
will go to'a • hospital for general
treatment, and where we hope she.
will receiyengood care and attention,
thereby restoring her to health,
-BUSINESS CHANGICs-Owing to illness
of Geo. Armour, the firm which has
been conducting a harness: business
under the name of Johnston& Armour,
for years, has been dissolved by.
mutual consent, and J. Johnston will
carry on the 'business as heretofore,
He will' .continue to do first-class
workmanship, and the public can lely
on. it at -prices which, will_ be_as reason;
able as .before. The stand is the
n west
side of, Albertstreet, opposite the
town hall W. Downs hasbought out
the bicycle business of. L. Brown, and
will hereaafter attend to matters in this
line: lie is agent fox a number of good
wheels, and will manufacture a new
one, or will attend to any reqttiring a
bicycle hospital.
host J. 0 Miller of this hostelry has
converted it intowhat appears as a
new hotel. •11e his had B. Kaiser and
J. Kennedy renovating ''and` papering
the interior of the hall and •some on
thegroundfloor and second flat and
•brthe time these experts complete the
lug„of Skirts Ready-to-wear save Mone ..' The Illaterial. 18• rnxnship performed: The moat critical
first-class Y"d ill wear
•,willnot be able to floc court. •The pap-
w Well � and '. the an tess
y are 'made
- , p In er has been replaced by one cif lighter
one. of the most .popular: spring. styles, There is a; Ravin of ' coloring and appears to giver' brighten
.at least the cost of making buying either of these. and a me tasty appearence. This
hotel has been patronized by the trav-
elling public and will always maintain
' 33 Yards, 54 inch Tweed, 85o $2 55
6 Yards linenette lining, 14o.. fi3
1>}Yard :Canvas,_121o., , ,..e..• -t•-•1_•,•••••19
8 ools, Belting, eto 10
MYard Velvet, 50e•
8#reeds 44 inch tweed, til,
'6•Yarde linenette lining,•'12ln
i reran Canvas, 121•o.
} Yard Velvet, 600'
19 Spools, Belt, etc....... ..•
150 Making
RAFELY . its reputation as long as Mr Miller
• conducts the business.' It is ,a pleasure
• $3 75 to stop at the Clarendon at any time.
• • 63 CoL1 iOIATE BoABD.-The board for
•.6 • • • • 19 the Collegiate, met for the: first time
19 on Monday. evening and reorganized
1 10 for the year. Several new members
race the circle, in the persona of Dr.
• *5 16 $6 36
Buying Ready Made Buying Ready Made
e s 1 you the skirt complete for We sell you the skirt ready made
$3.25 4 5
To Save
Oii Gloves
$1.25 Gloves
For 73c -
Some of our
• newkid.gloves
, are in already
There are more to follow and
we Want this lot out of the wa
before they get here.` That's
why we make . this special
glove offering for the last week
in March. Every pair is •peer
feet and all are standard makes
andhigh grade qualities. They
go on sale Saturday. •' Those
who want best, choice •*ill
come then.
64 palm colored kid gloves in shade.
of tail, brown and fawn, all lacing
erring end Alexanler's well
Remnants -
,\\ 1
1 Ocand'20c
We have still
,; %,• j .•a good assort -
14=` i ment of . the
`• "� short ends of
•r -i- -4 embroidery ad-
vertised last week at 10c,_ In
our stock we- find many ends
to long to sell at: 10c so have
gathered these all together
and they go on Sale on Satur»:.
day at your choice- of the lot
at 25c. - If you are wanting
embroideries there is money
to be saved buying from either
of these. lots.
Short ends of embroidery, 4 to 8
yards lawn and cambr o., narrow
and medium width.,. obolee ......, 1OC
Embrbidery remnants, fine goods,
ends of 9 to 4 yard.; Some of the v
o/1n. tnakee. Our atandar&i11.26 beet we- have, we want all Abort
quilitiee, ell sizes, 6/ to 71, onside ends cleared out and have made'
Saturday, your choice for........ • Oe the lot all one price, cholas 25C
We are ready for business in the Millinery Department.
New s. to,(select from. Thdte of our will formal op complete
will �.� earlybuyers
announced tale . mg will
'New CellIngS
rorMarch winds you'll be wanting veil-
.bga. Sore of the nobbiest veilitlgs we have
evert, shown came in lest week, The very. new, -
Spring styles and all the latest colorings
plain and Chenille Spot Fishnet Veilinge, bleak and
color.......... 20c and guy
Shitipe•Bi11tVrtlinge,'With border and lir Chenille
bleak, white, blue, bleak en wish, white on
oak, white On bine,and blue on white,sery'stylish $fie
14, Bar. ,ak .
l� � In Rugs
Goad rugs sellin at bargain prices. They aro brand
new 04, prieet1 hollow value
barge Rniyrntt Rugs, sire 27:64 inches, reversible triaged end', hit tinct a IA
tiff.. relterny, ted Mori, omelet *bite they last, oboine„ ...
Thompson and M. D.McTaggart, Jas.
Scott and W. Jackson were re-elects
chairman and treasurer respectively,
and M. D. McTaggart :was appointed
secretary; The •'committees are -
Property -Messrs J. Ransford, Scott
and McTaggart ; studies and discipline,
W. Jackson, Thompson and Plum -
steel ; special -Scott, Forrester and
Plumsteel.•` . The board re•appointed
E. Herman as caretaker, and decided
on the third Monday in each month as
regular meeting night. The accounts
for wood from R.Thompson, $10:69,and.
J. Wallace, $11.50, were ordered tobe.
Holmes, D. O, o. of the London dis-
trict, was in Clinton last Friday to in-
spect the proposed new rifle range,
which was proposed to have for use on
J. & R. Ransford'e property, at Staple-
ton. The colonel visited the site in
company with Capts. Shaw, Combe
and McTaggart, and . Messrs John
Raiiefaidi<fidJohn Johnston, and in-
spected and looked over the ground,
but the D. O. O. was of the opinion
that the range of fire would be in line
with several residences. However, it
is necessary that' heshould report on
it before Government assistance can
be granted. He will also confer •with
R. Holmes, the meniberfor Ibis riding,
and then report to the Minister of
Militia to deal with the proposition.
We are ofthe opinion that some suit-
able place should be secured for prac-
tice for the volunteers, and as the
British government• now realize that
effective work le only gotten from
such, it is hoped that rifle ranges will
be an acquisition t0 the battalions .iu
the near future,
Loon's BoNDs.-A quiet,inter-
esting matrimonial event took place at
the parsonage of Rattenbury street
Methodist ' church on Wednesday
morning at 11 o'clock, itbeing the nup-
tials, celebrated by the father of the
-bride, Mev. W: G. Howson, in the mar-
riage of hie eldest daughter, Florence
N., to Rev. J. H. Hoover, of Michigan,
U.S.A. It was etrictlyy a family affair,
the only strangers 'being Miss Allen
of ,Ailieton, and Mr. W. O. Myers, of
town. The bride wore a beautiful and
neat blue grey travelling suit with
cream roses.. After the ceremony; ';+fife
performed the wedding dejeuner was
participated, after which the young
ttaake the 2.65 p driven
t ain for
Toronto rad other points on ' a honey-
moon. ti.. They will be away for several'
weeke and return for a few days pre-
vious to leaving far the .States, where
the groom has charge of the Methodist
Episcopal in the neighborhood of Last.
sing, State of Michigan, ' Mr Hoover 1.
a Oapadlan, and his home is in New-
market, while the bride is an entimable
dpun . lady, who, though only a itresi'-
snt here for *bout a year, triol formed
many loving ac uaintancee In .tdwn,
particularly in the circles of Rattan -
bury street church, where she was a
most valuable aesisl nt in all kinds of
work, being (ver rominent in Ep-
worth Lee`ague' an other. Christian
work. She will be indeed missed, and
from the regular ‘prayer meeting as
organist, We do hopethat their fa-
-tare may be one of happiness, and
though we mies her here from amongst
us, she may continuo the good Chrle-
titin work in her new anhere. The
presents consistedrincipally of dalu-
able silverware, and they were ruiner -
due, showing what a dear friend she
>'ttmon her aequaintances. We
joist tri hearty congratulatione to the
newly wed'.
NoTEs.-J. W Irwin bad been laid
up last week with a severe cold ; he
was around on.duty this week, but is
not entirely recovered. A sleighload
of young people from Seaforth attend-
ed the rink on Friday evening.; they
took in. adan
here and Seaforth.
' In the . Toronto perhaps -we may give a short descrip-
Globe we notice, among the•receiptsof tion of this fine mansion in a later
sums senu for the Patriotic Fund, the editions Miss Oombe entertained , a
Junior League of Ontario streetMetbo- few frieeds"Friday evening last week. There's where you can get the bargains in
diet church, sent. per Miss Freeman, Oue of ourrofessional •men of town is' ,
$20, and. the Union church, of Qoderich about to enter matrimony's state, s0 n
townehip, the proceeds of a'concert, little bird informs us. Rich. Irwin re- TQ A O S
per Rey James Hamilton,. the` gum of'- resented the lode. cif the Home Circle BOOTS "' ++ SHOES
charitable and deserving Christian in•
stittttion which Mr Sheldon designat-
ed. The boys' briggade, of town,. will
entertain the Goderich brigade to a
supper this Friday night. .Miss. Snell,
of London, has taken a position as
stenographer in the office of the Do-
herty organ factory, Geo. Armor is
still confined to the house with illnese.
and' being unable to attend to his har-
ness business, r e h s diaeo v
i d at er•
e n
pp t
shi with John Johneton, who will .
p 6
still c'
c ontinnein4hesld,sttt.!?d, Walter
Jackson, who has been in the office of
the Doherty organ factory, leaves on
Tunelay next for .tbe Northweet,where
he hits obtained a :Iticrative ".situation..
'Prank Fliilock, cots:10, Qoderich town -
bhip, is putting *foundation under his
arn, and Hiram Hill has the contract.
W. Doherty and family moved into
their mew handsome residence this
week, 'and Mr J. Houston moves into
his own house vacated by Mr Doherty;
hat is
One writer says it is "'a. pond in which business men fish for
petmnage.'! , ""Cheap" is alimony the bait most merchanti
nee oriel iib ddit'bt it-'ie"gobd`bat'°wee advenoe'good•>geode..-et
fair prices as better and a sufficient induoement for these
who desire it is to deal i a sensible and honest basis. An
intelligent coinperison of whet we give goo for the money
in any 'breech of hereto= will deihonstrate clearly that our
prices are right. "Often the cheapest, Always the best".
The selling of Wall Paper is one of its largest features, the
available progress of Ole department has been merit by
selling nothing but the best we could buy for the money, i.5
prices boundrto make customers. It is a dangerous policy
we think to be either high or low in Wall Paper prices, the
former is something of a robber and the latter is moot sure
to be a cheat. Our policy is honest goods at honest pride.
• We ask the favor of your trial.. '
The •W. D. 'FAIR OQ Clinto%
"Often the .Cheapest- =Always the Rest." ..
110 There!
here are yon goh1 ?
hy,.I am -going straight to
18.42 ; the fundnow amounts to in:Toronto this week. .Inspector• W.
nearly $70.000, of which the town of : J. Paisley was on a tour of inspecting
Roseland, B. C.,' has the honorof sub- the hotels in this district last week.;
scribing the largest eum.heing$1489.83.. reports are favorable. H. Oantelon,
J. Gardiner secured the contract ofbrother of P. and W. Oantelon. of
plasterin the' new house of Charles i town,'intends leavingthe Metilbppolitan
Baker, Qoderich township,nwhich T. Hotel in Exeter and oing to Mildmsy,
McKenzie is erecting. The coal bin is where he will continue an the same
the poor man's thermometer, there -..lousiness.. Another triumph for the
fore it tells the 'mercury is low at_ Dohertyorgan has' developed in. Wm.
present. . Three weeks . from• today Yeo, pf Goderich township, choosing a
be Good Friday • t the 15th is famous'Dahecty piano -cased organ,
Easter Sunday. ' The "dollar social" is which be obtained ;from C.. Hoare, of
a novel echeme •for church assistance the town music- store. The: grand
and ie very unique ; everyone' who at. jurors visited the House of Refuge the
tends a social of this kind is required' other day in order to report ' in -their
to earn a dollar 'in anextraordinary presentment to the • judge at the &s-
way, and then relate how it wee earn- sizes; they found matters satisfactory..
ed. Welearnthat the postoffice Frank Eastman, .late of Woddetock
authorities state that all marriage and Buffalo, is'now engaged .. with Jas.
licenses' and returns forwarded to. the 'M.cOlacherty at the Novelty bakery;
Government must be left open. • and if Frank.:Clatworthy has„gone to Collinrt-
sealed are sent to the dead letteromce. _wood, where he willstart in btieinese.
You oan get Ladies' Fine Kid Buttoned Boots for One Dollar aair. ' A nice L i
Strap Slipper or an Oxford for the eame price. ' p n*es' E d
p oa, Qent s Ririe. Laced Boots for -One•Dollar
or a pair of Gaiters if you prefer them.
Thep you ought to see the Ladies' and- Genne Fine Boots you etnoo gottor $1.75 and. $2; •
right up-to-date in style and guaraeteed to giye,god wear.
The boys and the girls want good. School' Boots foe weather'
. Tay az Sou
Have just the kind yon Want. .Close buying, economical manage nt,: +ttrlot ettezttien
to bueine=s and cash selling is the secret. of the low p%lr:
No tronble.to show goods. .
Oash and One Price
Eggs taken lis•:. cask
Insurance office at the store •
Departments/ Store
Shoe Dept.
-A► Woman's Shoe _ l�
should he like herself
-dainty, and delicate • -
-yet strong to endure. `
This is the King
Qualityall over. It's •
as pretty as a shoe can be made and as strong also, and
yet it- doesn't look as though it was made fora man.
People who don't know it, guess \O. kW
the price somewhere around $5, and ..1.04P.or
yet itis Only $3, TRADE za►'
Ask to see Xing Quality.
TS 1.1.0
There is no fairer' offer t1'ian that of
+.i.y . the King Quality Shoe for $3. "Vire
have squeezed into this shoe actually
more. than. $3 worth of style, dura•
bfiity and ease.. , Nowheri .lee that
we know of can you buy the same amount of shoe
satisfaction for $3. '
You are a judge -every woman le -so please come
said Judge for yourself. -
We are not laid to have
I Cin sof e, Vc,"It,re;
• 'l an'd°0nibet.ic ig Qtillllty, TRAWL KC
0 QuAlald
The • Ro• yal Oak"
line .
is mThisade from oaf s ecsuits-
ial' cloth, something
that we can guaran-
tee • and something
that will "give great
satisfaction in wear.
You can buy' there
in singleor double,
breasted. They are
made and trimmed
in a manner totally
different from or-
Binary ready-mades
and we are quite safe
in saying that no
each value can be seen elsewhere. The
.This Suit -41001
Orice 0
and if you paid $14 you would not grumble at the
price on account of the great wear that this lime
of suits -will give.
Boy's' Obi
There are hundreds of Boys' Stilts going -
through our: workshop at the present time and fl`
little later we will have some interesting' news to
tell buyers of Boys' Clothing. • Bung from the
manufacturers will -
Save yob'. 1.5 per cent.
in price. • We will isho`w the
ALL REPAIRS On Rootsoa$ Shoes promptly attended to Clotselection of
bIOFE4?AL AlS O.� SC> ton