HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-09, Page 6�L`wU@ 1° No Dusty Dust. "rut h 10 yn n) t and for lh,,, ager i n ' ;;1 ,.. . ,tel 10101ir;l t 10' 110,1 11. "A,0 I1(3 detain t I1:10'' 1110 env," nu - r, -1 110 1..t.1 ward yen(h."'Ube only ,-:a. melt. 10 Fre of In ruins tit; tilt." An InipoSing 1''111ily. "se,re.itens stein lu 1. , a") all 1ul1':-gin n-(,"l:nm it' 1 '1 0101 tit,' (.111,"c. .e;ds (11 "1011 bra they de uplieel thegrocery- lean, wits 0 drat, 11 n', "alai of the 1:31,0, e 11 ce imam:, on." Playing at Him, •limy Pod: --Ilett 11liow 3sur sister thioles more of ire than Any 0110 else, Tommy. \illy, didn't she -,ay 1 was the first. fiddle orotnal here?,; .1',00m First fiddle, eh? ((0, she wee only stl01gog you. Never Quiet, 1[rs. Gunner -Dear mel I somelinus wish i could go on the sea„ e', even if didn't have a.,poal;ing party Mr, (,unmet --lou would never bust twoapitutes on the stage or anywberel 0160, }3raria, withouttaa speaking part. ART IFiC1AL ASPHALT, Fresh Herring and Pine Wood Go to Its Making. By distilling fresh herring and oily pine wood in an iron retort, end than condensing the products in a Liebig con- denser, a pl'0(0311001, experimenter has succeeded in producing 00 artificial a .halt dont closely resembles the natuutl product. The experiment le reiiaided as confirmatory of the opinion that as- phalt and petroleum aro the products 'of a natural distillation by which the re- mains of early form; of animal and veg• stable life have been transformed an the heated crusts of tho earth, Reason Enough. alachie," said the boy's mother, 'your 00e is fairly clean, but how dud seri get , emelt dirty lands?" "Washita me face," said tine boy. These Gotham Sharks, Alias Rye -top -Back from Noo fork, eh! How did you like the town, III? Ilfl'srn Hardapplc--Got bunked, be gosh! Some smart chatp said for a quay - ter, he'd direct me to the. Flatiron build- ing, where they made flatirons, and \ulnen L got; that I couldn't buy a flatiron to 01151t. nay life. be gosh! A Misnomer. at time old winter in her lap, Is •,fingering -- She plainly caring not 0 rap- ' Ike shameless thing: -- apealc of her (our joke, ntayitap) s "backward spring!" -Puck. The Flatterer. "S0 he praised my'singing, did he?" "Yes, he said it was heavenly." "Did he really say that?" "Well, not meetly; but he probably meant that. Her said it 0000 w10arthlyl' -3tclbout'ne Weekly Times, Complete Outfit, ylie Yu' am certainly dressed to kill. Ile -Deed 1 10, 1 has n razzah in malt pocket. Unprepared. lhr slender, nervous man stepped 1': be telephone ;end called np bis hone in the .enburb;. 1 moment later be fell in a faint. haul gat 1.110 w:,n,.0 x00 11 the lint trial. The shock was too great. Probably Had Been Worked. 1l;itnor Spumjalt toll's of none into bu inns 11 , h m} 'working e tpital1'' "...km.- 11 iltil34 c' uLnl Cee; ,sir Capital is his magnificent 1(051,'1 )f toilet]. Primitive. ['10?» 1Cank, the railways have got a eta; safety device that ''1),nt care to hear wrythm; shout it, Cltr.n'e, I've got 0 safety device. of (lir own that lasts it all to theetler" '•i\dart is it, uncle? "Never trio 5'I-,, on !.n„ Arctic. ave ewe,/ l Inn ; 0010' t0 1100 1)1,, of+} lid 1101 1,011111'11.1:1. nl. ''Via l;:rli" 1 .1 All 1l r with, L'hie.go youth, 11.'1,7no' 1,5. 001.3!.." "1)1,, titer!, at i1-:rutedi.te oua>, u'a thele, 11r, lata ' time her iter rejig der. Tito Big Stick. atol)her (surprised)hr, .lnhn:y,' how did you happen to get the merit Laird for good he tevicr at ech•iol tin. week 5mti1',Ioho.iy 1, ^,; like tlw-, ntnle1, 1 ^,s like thus ntnm 1 oiry fines eon rt, mud I tea l him it he didn't give it to me 1'd (''inch loin/. -'1'110 IUcbro(1' Standard. What to Do With Her. It'.. all right to talk of departiu,t; I:mmna Goldman the anarchist, but vi bar e'tu eke be taken? n? I t is doubtful if the tut iatatfee will allow her Ixr luta tilgil whole except in Pate r:,an, ''. 1•- llansn, City Star. Hirsute Tragedy.`', 'fhc 111311 on guard was nhtiiil)eri;:,g, I0. gave the switeli no cure. 'The train ran right into it, and (lot ltiu:(1 3 int the loch. -Chic000 .J:' -r'al. Croaking It Gently. 01)1(111 x111', sir," began the, J1l'l pnts111 111.3110' r 11ro1,1 trap to the in tit who sat nest to him, "hut what 5.01(113 you say if I sat on your halt" Suppose .1,011 sit on it and than ant: 11x,". suggested the other. 1 did," admitted the portly person nurse-Ilarper's - Ncolf l y, LYDIA. E. PINKHAM No other medicine has been so successful in relieving the suffering of women or received so many gen- uine testimonials as has Lydia E. Pinkham'aVegetable Compound. In every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Piukham's Veg- etable Compound, .Almost every ono you meet has either been bene- fited by it, or has friends who have. In the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn,Mass., any wornanany day may see the files containing over one mil- lion ode hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, and here aro the letters m which they openly state over their own signa- tures that they were cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made from roots and herbs, without drugs, and is whole- some and harmless. The reason why Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound is so successful is because it contains in- gredients which act directly upon the feminine organism, restoring It to a healthy normal condition. Women who are suir.ring from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. Venezuela's Railroads. Venezuela has 13 railroads, the long- est 111 miles long, and 110 other as much as 60. They aro for the most part lines which climb hills from the sea toward the interior, and have steep gradients. On one line' for two and a half mules there is 0 grade of 449 feet per utile., worked by the cog -\wheel sys- tem, and there are other grades of 213 feet, 185 feet and 158 feet, Few of the lines connect with others, and there is a number of different gauges. About half the mileage is of 42 -inch gauge. nearly a quarter of 3e incl(, a fifth of 24 in'o11, end a little of metre gauge and one of 25 inch. The longest line is a German enterprise. Almost all the roll- ing stock was built in the United States. The aggregate length June 30t11, 1000, was 623 miles. ITO9-1 mange, Prairie Serat/1es and every term et o titaelou8 Itch on human or animals cured to id minutes by Wolford's aaultary Lotion. It neve: fano. Solo by druggist.. A Preserver of Forests. "Are you willing to chop some wood for you' dinner?" "Lady," answered Plodding Pete, "I'm interested in de preservation of the for- ests, an' it would be ng'111' me principles to put an axe oto one of de monarchs of de forest, even theugh he lay pros- trate at tie feet'-Wasaington (D. C.) Star. "Life in Every Dose" "1 cannot speak too highly of Pay - cline, for it is the geeateat medicine I ever used, I Wats just about all in' when I bean the treatment, and in 0 menthe I was as well as ever. It is a great tonic for weal: and run down peoeie. Theo is new life in every dose ea A', s'lGal ItE.11" lialgelott o, aut., lay, lax n 11)1., It is a sin not to tell your sock llamas tebolrt this wonderful prescription. Throat, lung mud stomach troubles, turd all run down conditions quickly cured by ire nen use. At all druggists, rifle. and $100, or Dr, T. A. Slocum, limited, Toronto, BROOD OF PYTHONS. Lively Young Family -First Instance of Hatching in Captivity. Most people know that vipers bring forth their young alive and that the common English grass snake deposits its eggs to be hatched by the heat of de- caying matter. Some of the great cote 011(0titel 011(1110), however, exercise a Cel twin nu 011)0 of enure over their eggs, gathering them in n heap and coiling around them till tine young make their way out. or are helped into tho world by the kindly orates of the keepers who break away the hardened shell. A cash' of Ibis kind nectn'red with the indin0 python in the Tower :Menagerie in the early part of the last century, and others are on record int 1110 Jardln des 1'Ioides al Paris, the llegonts Park Gar- dens and at 0 later date in those at ',pipette .\n iu:dlbation which has been successful is just recorded from tbe'lier- park of herr August Foc:el/mum at Cross -Ben tel, neer Hamburg. In ,\u 1st last he bought a large reti- culated pyt11o, (0000 a sailor trading to the East Within a month she began to 103' (ggs, and when One tuns examined it was hound to eonlain a partly devel- oped embryo, :As time vvent on others were opened, and in this way the pro- prietor ohlained a series of specimens of young in different stages of development. The mother Python paid the ,greatest attention t0 her eggs, leaving them only at night, when she went for a time into the bath. The general results appear to be far better than have hitherto been obtained, At Regents Perk, though it was found that the eggs had beet, fertilized, 110 living young were produced. At Gross- 13orstel twenty-seven young pythons came out, and their owner described them no very lively little reptiles, with much the appearance/ of common grass snakes, treasuring from twenty-two inches to thirty inches in length and biting read- ily at anything offered to (hent with suf- ficient force to male an impression on ends finger. Go Nov,25 limy took food for the first time. ---white mice of a pretty good size. All appear to be in the best possible ec1(131(on, mid should they roach matur- ity the feet of their having been 1(010110)1 in ennfincmont will no doubt enhance their value considerably, for 11110 appears to be the first instance in which this particular species has so bred. -London Tribune. 4.• Who Started Whipping? Tommy had been punished. "Mamma," he sobbed ,"did your mam- ma whip you when you were little?" "Yes when 1 ens naughty." "And did her mamma whip her when she w'as little?" "Yes, Tommy." "And was she whipped when she was little?" "Yes." "Well," " inquired the child, his brain (loured by the potation he had just occupied, "whit started it, ltuyway1"- Unknown. HORSEMEN, READ THIS, I have used MINAED'S LINIUIENT in my stables for over a year, and consider it the VERY BEST for horse flesh I'can get, and would strongly reconauend it to all horsemen. - G Ela HOUGH. Livery Stables, Quebec, 95 to 103 Ann Street. "THE WORDS IN D." A Curious Composition by Professor Skeet Involving That Letter. Preece -Kr Skeet has apparently served 2.1 self-appointed laureate• to twat king of lex- lcogrnyhers, Dr, Murray, The Periodical once printed 1119 (lues "00 beglnnlug .5,111010.0 and QUetkC's now recalls Iwo 1111:v10(10 (0n1- 111011;01aI11e poems: 10 tet, SUItlt X (IN COMtl,l-11AG 'rill: ( \t n:sever the 1 o if h insieh 10 spread And the 0111011 Jack flies tree, Tho renis will be gratefully, aoudly road, That you've conquered your 0, 11, 0! But 1 fear it will 001110 Ae a shock to some That the sod result will be Thai you're taking to dabble and dawdle and daze, To dolour and dumps, and worse than those - To danger and drink,, And -slacking to 1111111:- '1'o words that begin 0(111 1-, • TRE P1031150 IN D. Those words in DI A dismal, dreary dose! Beam dilatory dandies dangling (1000, Dull Minces dog cue' utelis and dreadful duns. Dolours and dragons, donkeys, dolts (sad dupes Devils 0101 demon„ and "the dreaded name Of Demog.oroni" 1)Ir10 and diggers haunt, Dank Dandelions tloorleh, dampness daunts, Depression and dejection drag us down, Drear Dcs0latt011 dwells, and dire delay, Disaster, disappointment, disarray, D010nt, disintegration mod despair, DI erre, decay, (1010101, darkness, death! Pot tineugh the darkest does of dimmest doubt Dogged determination drives 110 way, Dilemmas yield to diligence at. last, Deliberation dissipates dispute, Dismay is dashed with draughts of clear de- light, Deft dainty denies, and ileSchivir, dreums! The power to do 021e0 duty still surrt0A, S(111 dawns the day, divine dominion rules Soft Disc Cuts Hard Steel. The curious phenomenon of a soft steel disc revolving at a high speed meting bard steel, has attracted the attention of numerous observers, and h'. W. Har- bord has endeavored to throw light on the subject by publishing in the En- gineer the results of a microscopic ex- amination of the revolving disc and of the material subjected to its action. He finds that the material acted upon 10 heated at the point of contact to a tem- perature approaching, if not equal to, the melting point of steel, and that this high temperature is confiuod practically to the surface in contact with the disc. After the Funeral, "Did she leave you a legacy?" "No. She took 'em both with her." There 6a Only Ono rom Quinn That is Laxative Brehm° Quinine USED THE WORLD :OYER TO CURE A GOLD IN ONE DAY. Always remember the full name. Look for this signature on every box. Rho. SHI S Quick ease for the worst tough -quick relief to the heaviest cold -and SAFE to take, even for a child. Cures is Shiloh's Cure. Sold under a guarantee Cerins to cure colds and coughs Colds quicker than any other 4104 medicine-oryour money back. 34 years of success conmeud Shiloh's Cure, 26c,, 60c., $1. 316 QUICKLY! Recent Excavations in Greece. The excava1, (ne recently carried on by :Messrs, Waco and Droop at Tlteotokios, in Thessaly, have been productive of very interesting results. During the ex - cave tams some Doric columna were brought to light, evidently having foam- ed part of the facade of a temple, which, hoverer, had entirely disappeared and given place to an eerily basilica dating probably from the sixth century. The mosaic floc' of title budding, Aid 're- presented vicious ChFist ia sl'mho 0, was found to be 1 I a very good state or pre- servation. Among the minor antiquities discovered were some mins of Justin II., A, D. 570, which were found at about the Ratite depth as the pavement. 460,00 FREE is, ( t noun un your ,Ot for an'Iladdroe3 sovolry to se 1 atloconls each, Mon !old nand at tiro Mho 11111DO 01i. Wo trot you nr1 h I you ho ,tTexa IryTWO xe,,D1eoLD It sit charges paid. Bond US yoarnau,0000 addr1uuoev.' STAR MFO. co.,2s Roy Ot,PnOVIDEII08,3.L,4.0,A, Use of the iron Shutters. Isaacs -1 see you (tuff put iron shut. ters on all der vindows of your new building. Abrams--Yes-in case of fire, Isaacs -But dere are no buildings next door to keep der fire out froin. Abrams -Ah, in ease of fire in my building der iron shutters viii keep der fire in.-Fron the April Bohemian. 4'e Kinard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Why Paper Decays. The brownish spots which appear in oldibooks are really due to the ravages of bacteria, sage Popular Mechanics, The tiny destroyer is especially fond of starchy material and its propagation is promoted by damp. It has been well un- derstood that damp produced discolora- tion and decay, but the share of the mi- eroberin the operation has not hitherto been suspected. Tiny fungus or mold is responsible for gray and black marks upon old papers. Iu spotting the sur- face the tungus helps break down the fabric and hasten the process of its de. struction. 0-4 Kinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. AGONIZING PILES. CURED BY ZAM•BUK. Mr. F. Attridge, of 3 St. Paul 010001, 03 Cathtunnen Ont, 00ye. "l5or five years 1 suffered untold agony with protruding piles No mw (mows tho suffering one has to, en- dure only those who are so unfortunate as to have them, Tiro pain was so great at times I would almost scream. 1 event down in weight and Lad no appetite, 1 tried every- thing I heard of for plies, but got no re- lief. 1 wont to several doctors, but they would give me Utile hope of ever letting rid of 150(0 and I finally gave up in despair. One day 0 friend gave (00 a sample of Zaal-Belk (salve and (001 010 of someon0 who 0011 been cured. 1 decided to try 1t, and the relief 1 gat was encouraging. 1 bought a box and the piles kept on diminishing and the pain was getting lees. 1 used' three boxes and am now completely cured. I wish I could have got Zam1-t301, years ago, It would have saved MO it groat dual of adoery. One thousand dollars would have been «ono too small nn amount oto give for such a mire as mine. I wish I could convince every sufferer of the value of Zattt-link ' Zntn-Bok cures cuts, burns, chapped hands, raid Bored, itch, ideal's, eczema running sores, catarrh, piles, bad leg0, abscesses face sores, spring eruptions, and all .;ktuliseas00 It is also good for rheumatism, sciatica. etc., when rubbed In, Of all druggists and stores, 500," or from Sam -Bok Co., Toronto. Put Something On. Dean Stanley was once driving with a friend from Monrealo to Palermo. Both men were reading. Stanley sud- denly discovered that he was shivering with a cold, IIe mentioned the matter to his friend. "Well, hadn't yew bettor put some- thing en? said the hatter, pointing to the dean's bag, which( was close at hand. Stanley thought it rather a good idea, Mid the friend went on reading As they entered Palermo there were shouts of ostonlshmelt, Stanley was Aida,/ reading. His friend found that the dis- tinguished ch welimtn had absentmind- edly drawn out a nightshirt front lois bag and net it on over his other cloth- ing, and thus arrayed was riding trium- phantly into the city. -- London Sketch. Ananias' Calling, The Dentist -Now, open wide your mouth and I won't hurt you a bit. ex action - the tr, The Patient (afterextraction) Doctor, I know what Ananias did for a living now.-IIone Herald, Chicago. ♦ • Kinard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Out of the Dim Past. Alexander the Great had just subdued 13ucephalus. "Anybody can bust a broncho," he said, "but it takes a man to put. the snaffles on a big four -legged devil like this one." Being shroud, politic fellows, the cow- boys of that age allowed the impression to go out that they were afraid to try to ride the savage beast, and the nub- servlent historians hastened to confirm that impression. TRADE MAK R RCGI0TC050, SKIN SOAP Contains the famous beating principles of Mira Ointment, combined with the purest vegetable oils. It is really a medicinal soap and a toilet soap in one, Invaluable for all skin troubles. Ideal for the bath on account of its elegant perfume. 250. a cnhe--nt druggists or sent on receipt of price. The Chemists' Co. of Canada, I,Imited, Hamilton. 25 A Catastrophe. Mother had put the mutton stew on to cook andg of ready for church. "Now, Tommy," she said, before ehe started, "I want you to stay at home and see that this stew boils continuously until I come back." hall an hour later Tommy came rushing breatlrlese into church, exclaim- ing: `Mother, come Thome, quick? The sheep is butting all the dumplings out of the kettle." 4.4 Drawing Quick. "You don't use the same slang you used in Chicago," said the visitor in the Nevada lunchroom. "Well, I should say not," cautiously whispered the waiter in the green swea- ter. "It is too dangerous" "Why, the other day I yelled, 'draw opal' meaning a cup of black coffee, and every man pulled his gun. They thought I meant draw one of those new black revolvers" --Chicago News. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 BAYS PA -00 OINTMENT fa guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Bd011, Bleeding or Protrud- ing nee in 6 to 14 days or money refunded, Yea. Relieving the Monotony. Nan --lie proposed to you while the train was going around the elevated loop? Dow odd! Fan -Yes, and the engagement lasted till we got clear around. You don't know how it relieved the tedium of the ride. Fresh tea is all-important, Ten weeks after being picked in the tea gardens of the island of Ceylon (the finest tea - producing country in the world) "Sal- ado" reaches you. The flavor of tea con- sists in an eeevtial oil, which deterior- ates rapidly with age. 1n order to pre- serve the delicious flavor of ''Salado" Tory it is packed in sealed lead packets (never sold in baulk), guaranteeing you a euporior tea, in flavor, quality, purity and economy in use. 4 - ISSUE NO. 15, 1908 AGENTS WANTED. 0001 MEN WANTED POR AI iO- A7 piwy.' neat hand sprUYer made Com.' ,pra0scd ah'; automatic, 1(11)00111 terns, Cov- ers Bros, Galt, Ont. Worth Knowing. You might obtain the desired relief through the aid of cayem e pepper, When thrown into the crooks where ants congregate it will drive them away. The ware remedy is also good for mice. When washing a wooden floor put two hthlcspoonsfni of paraffin oil into soume clean, weepy water, tee hot as you eau bear your hands in. It will also de- stroy all lnsecte. When polishing your stove mix the stove blacking with vinegar. Thin '111 snake the blacking stied: better, and also gives a better polish. 1'ie plates, dishes and cups, marked with brown stains from being used tr,r baking. may bo cleansed by applying powdered whiting or a damp flannel or by common salt. If lemons are kept in Bold water their freshness will remain unimpaired for several weeks. 'Po get the groateat pos- sible'value out of a lemon, ]teat it thor- oughly before squeeting, and you will obtain nearly double elm quantity of juice. '1..1((,. o 3 l.:5li0l Men should look for this Tag on Chewing Tobacco. It guaranteesthehigh quality of Black Watch The Big Black Pug. 227 At One Fell Swoop. "flave you got any of those prepare. lions for reproving superfluous hair?" asks the man who enters the drug store with a first tread and, a set counten• once. "Yes. sir," answered the druggist. "Give me a pint, I want to use 10 me my head." "13ut 10011, you haven't got any super• floods hair on your head. You're nearly bald now." "I know it. And I've got so aggravated and tired watching the confounded hair leaking off day by day, that I want td remove the rest of 1t at one sweep and have the agony over." -Success Maga, 'zine: 404 ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT re' moves all hard, soft and calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save . $50 by use of one bottle Warranted the most wonderful blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists. Systematic. Lawyer -Isere are your divorce papers madam. I advise you to take good cart of their. Charming Soubrette -Why, Certainly Mr. Lessem. I shall put them in my safety deposit box, where all the other) are. WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE From October to Pay, Collas are the most I3ROM0 QUININcause E Headache. removerusee.Y. E. W Gr0v0 on box, 23e. r The Court Crier. When an Irish County Court was about to open its session recently, the discovery was made that the court crier was absent. A aabstituto was provided, and the court had barely taken up acase whon a breathless messenger boy dashed in with a telegram signed by the absent crier. The missive was handed to the Judge, who read: "Wife's mother died last night, Will not be able to cry to -day." -Ilona Her old. 4-e► Minard'a Liniment Cures Burns, etc. Defending the Animals. Cups and Couples. The silversmith and the furniture dealer met. "How is business?" asked the furniture dealer. "Oh, pretty fair," replied the stdver- smith. I a1n interested to loving cups at present," "IIow funny; I am interested in lov- ing couples." Loving couples?" "Yes, I ani placing a new parlor sofa on the market" -Chicago New, Vigorous efforts to preserve the more, remarkable animals of Africa continue, At a recent meeting of the National Preservation Society at Cape Town the Chief Justice, while urging the need o) stronger measure's to preserve the Tara flora and fauna of that country from extinction, asserted that the gnu, the gemsbok, the mountain zebra, the eland and the giraffe ogre now 310cu•ly all ex' IPA]LoIR MATCIIiES Silent a§ the Sphinx!