HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-23, Page 9IF � I 1. I � . . � I � . . ­ -71101141,11.11,1111111M ��,-!R* , I I . I . I " I . "�� _. _.T� - . . .. � , , � r, -- �i� _1 ., I I � 1. 11 . I 114, I I I . � ,� , '"_ �_,_ I I ­ � � """'" - NO � . . TIM, CLINTON =W sp.A, . . . , ", . �__� . t f . . ­ I —=1-11' .1 � - . .. 0. . . � . � I Ranh. 23, low � ,. I . . BLE al � -rHAT ___ - '' ' ­ '_ - �41 , _;;.1_;.­�­;; , ,­ " 0 I . 7f, - TRO I . MIGAGO RIVER. - FEASTINO () . I � _. I � . . - __ -1 1. - '_ ­ -1. - ­. - � � I I --- �_ . N SNA11 — RECENT INVENTIONS., . � 1- -1 I - I., : .� a4w , I __� - RAILWAY Ties. I Better stop that . I -�,�', It 1� _-� .1 IJL' I BAX,Ks, T"I'le" 114y Provent - th ux,lellalln4t,�ll't'ooholuenadgeod r1�,yke(,rSfe,1,1,1,n,t,.O itibl: .AN ANCIENT ROMAN OU-STOM ADOP Vleartabs street rallway Sys A w-Omau IQV0ut0r'Of Brgdford I I 1*4110own of 04 Norybq$ SiSteM tumbling dowu._,N1baneApcIjS. journal. ,, Bag.'- COUgh no* with / . . . � 1114MIXAM. and it is evti tow *Opt land, hag del ' � . How It will Irritate St. Loolo when ED INTO FRANCE. . mate ,knel An apparatus to re. --- . V*kh Oftelk orbreaoas, 4 tlant It move wool ro ,$kill'$ a f�w doses ,,off -, file N4180118 a �* . �, . . I , Ch(calwo's foreign COmMorice begins to -� will .Par for itself in ten yettre. . ug knife , OMMOY1119 4A - allik, � 'I------. . . The report of ' electric 0411111 "W�Ichlujureirrpj-;Dr. Woo Is I I I . ... I �. I � k pall past her do6Ij,'-1-%4I14d0IPlrIa Ledger Tho Prince ,04d tho C093k T11gaigIt not the whicorioln StAtte rall. I ther the Wool nor the pelt. d . Viloorporstod bV Act or p4rliament I ., V -my, imna Work, ibs strolng aaa4 The ope . 0 1 I the, 1'"4100 ODA- tb* C* COO, alorier shows thatnegrly 26,. 1, . aes allog of 141049,0's drainagq,C4. 1uptAoigna Norway Pine I . � I -1 ., I , Of 4 lease. her's Iffo are ,$rich 04 tA tell, , Wrion 4orle" employed on railways to, the TyPt' f0ce4i Of 0 new typewriter are ur� : _ , . I CAPITAL - . #2�qq%000, 11 . no) demonstrated tb4t the Witter of tile Oat the Tables at Nioloure i4ag-TIga I stg . ranged On nine type bars in rows of three a:n let - , . . : on the nervous Agate I- Mt4a And Chicago river would rliu.-,judlautapolig I $I I Ur Syrup th L ; I have h a . prou *8 It QvIlInsivr Tidbit. .The BIC'Forar r4firo 1 each, with libItting keys fox. adjusting . �. � REST FUND . 11,00 I ,000 I . I -ve ny XQ94 News. , the , it run on to nd OP. Woodoo . 4 - ­­ � On "Oou4t of 0 61. V140 - - . (tLrgkt.r4 ad has planted 4 bars to strike tbf� letters d(-F;ll,Qd, u ' I .. e � I Jclovt diet SeA graVr 404 In Indiana with quick only Ing FRIOR MoNrAi4U. , - � .2 nM do" It will -taka, Chicago Along that The.1111411 as 431*art . orally, - et of I nine, keys UAAD :0 - I I 0 to got Is Associated � Ing trees, which to Print the letters fallid perhaps in Bron� lgorWay . , - I . I . I !S`0C40t6rA04 to tbe,,qlgbt' at the CilicaiQ , 'With t1lo.Fronob pation, ,&M, luta�grosrti I will be coal tWQ 011 ft keys to ra I'VX, MOU(ilt XACPUSUSOX, PreasId"t � ­ I I , A rna,ter to . ex. �, !erted,. I �IqQ slid lower tbg Chiti.9 . . t14 o. � �, I . river with real", 'O tb , !Ciftcte it 10, 4 'dietetic 10A, . . " . . . , Pneu. a . � , . . � I 0 type bars, ' I V- WOT,Fx$OTAN TaQuo, Gen. iiiion" . I ey Weam rAllwO Passenger rites to indlg�, s Nvellhltve toe Cen. monia or Coo. , " water 14 It-ROcheater 4 cut"Rompric who, were, Re- I Pine Noise dlscoaaat�d . . . n -Bull, from whQoe tradi. average' 2-80 cvlktx per mile first' cliso, tr . . p Collections mode, DrAft. , I � .11 � St- Louis has never, established a ree. 1.13 second III Portion Of the eye broadened aild SUI-nptllon. _. It,$ . Syrppw I leaned, Sterling and American ch& . A ... 0044 9f*tbe'tkbIe,tbe American n4ti.04 0140 . I 01680 And only ,11 for third 114ttened, with a shoulder I on either side Wu&t 9134 4101d. late , rat, allowod" On = , , I I ,-", 7 A.wi. Ord for refusJUK gifts, but she would IS, 41ancot,ein4mewAtod, -tlaawsty feeder Vla -1 : �� Democrat and Chronicle, tording to job -�, � 0 ,.�_. ". . _1r ­r. -r, ... :1 ­ - " �_, ­. ­ I 1_1__.._-1_--. .rather Obleago- ,woiild--Itok,p"-b'e-r""rl"v"e'-r",t""'- 'Tit i i , , It 114 That 10 Incomparably 1 ,;4Fr*'lxWQS,DA*j��interoot�4110 %&Og ­ . . . , i� "' - , I .. I I C, . � o4, - chgti . ges In t*Q Ullitt.1d,-Sts . Oaper than of -tbe--.qept,eri---.wbic4--pi-eventg-",tlitz7r,,ir,, `a-w0ndefAt�ltjl�j .POJJJ;JJ,­,. .. - , I I .1 ... . herself.-Nausao City Times, , Is laste for snails must have 1111ger,40, . tee, e - , ­ ­ Z- ­�, w ­-�­ I ... '. firo� Among . I . "I---- � I � ancy Wout Of the book, and tile two lilem. 9 ... , , -J� ra 1411V Upk M -9013Y 11,04W. 4 I&, ., The Chicago river �IrAs been on , the Peasantry. of -A# Garip, for bars call be separated only at the widen. healing reniedy farmers on Marc Owli note, with one (,p � I I Centuries After the, departure., 01? tile AD_ - _UPELUNG IfEFORM, : ed portfou-of the eye, I I more end I I Several times. Why a I b I I 0 1 . at- Oroe , . I.. ' . Act dralal It to t5t, t ltW.gs mot until 1814 that -_ I th Curcs the . . rs, No mortgage req aired . I ". 4 -, 1 I . 4`1011111 0114 use It temporarily for Illural- M-4VIX,XcUlture-jand refluirient in, To the unilt,cu A Connecticut (in 11114, yatenTed a Lw9 k I �1. . , I . liating1purpooeot�tj , rot kinas of Ut O. BRZAVU. Ma'askeer, Clir,Wo , . it; � , t. Louis Olobe-Demo, Fromee-adopio 0610ed eye the refornaeo. NwItcli turning . an I OL , . I fJ I . . , . d them formally,, The man sP011109 adopted, by. 'tbe University of ,operated by the�- ocilealsin Wbl& Call b I I . I I - " �0 i_ I - I I 1, J I icrat. I _ - ­___ _ ____ � 1. Who ASIP the audacity ta,make an allsto- 1 19 Not, comprisfug a' ve . Gul;Ighs, and cold$ , _­ �, . . � I . I . . - Ohl -like a college �rell.�Cbjca. cal spring controlled rod set rtl . �� .� , �. Th� death rate in V111t4% 40oks I 0, .� 1. cago Was larger' ernt of the, inail was the prince de -Tal. go Wail la a; � In the car When Otherp fail,' - ' I " - 'C,Avbnp , �; L 1. 1� , � 'last week than 'for some time. Statistics IOYI,aand I I] . � floor, with a raotill te at the top raild -a . I I I I , . :,4 1 1 . A 0* if ell, AG . I . . . do not Show how Warly died from morro,ij noted, e -PLIrlaord'. a member of it iffallially.. row,tie'slielling , 'the Wedge shaped bg a )�rlce 25,C. & 5 . 0 AMA JO I 1 I � . I I I I even out .1z; to be adopted bi . ad at the lower e.. W oc. All dealers. . I I , . W, - 11 , .: Inparting with their old fri 0 this day rot originatity � Plabliliashmaz raj the V"rgtv9I.,lty SWIng n eithe. direction. I .. - I . 4I.. , �� - . I r . I - I 001N'ift . . - -Cbfc4g6 Itecoril. ; end the river. bordering cu whinialcullt uv SM. I . � 1 Mov"14-, - OX0 bablat wo. aw . . ­ hair he Y'arld for d4r- kagd. Between the tu vystelraellv,ltpoll_� , I . --------- .� I I .1 . 04WHIMR. . 1. t . I . . . Since' the' wat I , or Ve XPs "110"ve" wight'b6 a good, I . ­ . . I . I . � I re In the Chicago' river r' Ustraition of, thilt 61,16, . J�Mgs Cure ciustitation, WHO ess, III& 'I I i I I I -- 40instaft"llbMtS Healri, And er ' word, In the 11, I I Aow 10 yuse it 'Stand be-poselbel, for 1. PAINTY CONCEITS.' unn . I J?4W-1^Ad ,10,Awaag, go War are. Sla lifts,begaill t flow' up hill,, Into. the naJity. . . .1 It man boo can't spell or all to, make 1__1____`- I H K H', T Sta, - CLITNTON by the' testimony OU-11fro, ,P drainage, C 0 " ... . ij , arit 0 1 1 Aeadache and dyspepsia. � l3vorT r 11. I I . Boil 0 . . 'AH froaranteefl perreit.and to Act h ,generay " , f " , . I 41141 a mai-Wd purification of � Ileyrand-Porl t -V good 811OWITIFt7'ehleatc6 git" Sta'g born furnishest 11111adildlue handl I � I , T4 I ... a Skeet, Chatham, Om, the stream has bee sord, after tile return " . , . .. !�Or . I ..7 ­ I 0 who was . . 0 11`41ced, It nuty. of Lbtli$'-X'-VI'll.1-rentei,tained --o- . --� . for chafing dish es LIM1110 - Banking - BufA new . � , Owing stateragent., - ps b r �. the rEinVer. o � .. I 08c . I . I 6 Illf ,e possible after a-while'to eat Chicago or Alexander I bf !FttXssla at 4-e I I I without Any, VAPIUK, Weakenin ' tralksaete4L . I .909 . Ad Name Pills are., beyo . I.eat pg.(,. � I .. ­ - - Silver mountegJ1 Cut g1tass-I SICII49t0jr. effects. *so at 02 drug. . I . : . I 1. , . � . I - m I seat the a0me Of elega I face and y, I . . I ti I drinking water without - cooking 'It., litical dinner. The prince had In his oer Among amps repre - . . I- I I ��� rerati, 40'r norrousIn a d. I Cleveland Plain Dee V I bealut �PILLI$zgldl* . I .. .. . � I . tOd &I'di IODS ofthi syateiA I UDW I _ ler. " I . -. fee the -best.chof fir Paris, Whom he, lig I � I . NOTES MCOUNTIOD . . � . d i , I pretty leather goods is a folding I I I ; . I . � I I ­ . �glak; ,ky daught . . . bribed., by the Promise Of higher,*- ages to � 1111 �� I., . . case with oval Silver frallae for a photo. . ; - I . ­ . Pratte Issued, , Interest allowed on - . 4W4,�� e over apay " t` , , , leave his 'former master, Cambacerig. I A 11 , graph, .. . ''. - .. I � I . - I ; deposits. . -, ; � I -6040her. bicattia" lung r=­4*w*t*uaae+ .1 . . � , The, cook, was named Anacreon. no. , . , Both plain polished Ivory . ., ,�""Illllllliil!ll" I . . . , Idea ,,,,,,, er, as a result of oation to hirdati gas. School ,& Okau. . I I .. � f : . 11allit"ted ' � . __ , 'tit%& recollected . .� . . and, PIaI4 - - - I 11 11, , Tho" . I , . pri 11 �� , � . bright ., *'*�"""""""`o`�"o"" - 1. . . Iar*= and wa's very, a dellclougt dish- of' , I k lihim�;W_ silver are noticeably Popular r.. nervous. Two snails whielfheUitil eaten in Vlomaa ( 1�.,: 0 -fittings Of finel to I . . 11. H ' 4" Ago olae,be fin takiris Millauria's We, the anderslin0d, do hereby Agree so I . SIT f..", I I , . , , . the eat therr dr4sSing 'bags, ' . ALWAYS it'girp Oill HAND. I 11 I %210_004AT§rw To , II �1%40*w raflindl tho-aliquey, ort 'ei o Y -Ave �Oont, tho.qh merely'lu passing it me "I . gi 1. . . � . I IFARRAN A TIS I , i iii �� ht vent y. be men, "! C4me* glass fs'b I � , DALloo . . I . � badtifully employed fill .... '. , I .- . I I . r . I , 4xid, 'a" _ . 401** bottle of Dr., 'Willell I tibried that Ike would Ilot'have recognized I C. 0 , I . " " , . . 'vases, Pitchers, etc.- A layer . ) ) '. , . as .1 , , BANKERS 1 . I rediuXII i . Or'osees -]tdakffig he RuglishVi1% 0,� After 1. " RT' ,: I . . ,111trOng and bill X' tieing threo.forartlas of contents of bottle$ that city by6that na* . KeRP3 � 11 . ­ . of violet I ., � � � �. 1, �, . � . . , I ­ _� . ,� . � I L�. outumoned, . �� ;115;_ of -opal glass,18 iup)o I . ,01b:m� . . I � .. . , . I . - . I . . , dino 'up her entire a stem-" th6y� do'llot relieve bouStipation an4,9e� d- d gave to him 0. rimposet) upon white : . . me). H I lKilbarnIm, Rearb And Nerve Plif Anacreon an : I ? - I ' a , . orders.on the YOUR I I I I �� 8' Cars Laoile. We Also. Wfkrrsat thAtforat _ El Ah 6 � , or a. d4rker I ANOW, . . . . . . . , PAIPRA06ke'; I Rervbualld�sii 13 . 1�qstlqs will aa the prince , , . Shad Varts of the -upper. I . : . . . . . . 11 *30160*11�00, permanently 6'rrm the most obotifiste- bjija 4001a found ',opt was not only � � , I is � I 139 the .de I I . . . I ADLINTOX, 01qT. , . .. I I ... Ansertfig, Velakle Troubles, . I ft.., --r layer are then cut awar*, legvl . . 11,01045 . -_ . _ . � . - '. I �_ITHRRC Is 1121KIND OF PAIN OR &dvaucea msde to . I . I I *_ , ... I swate at- - ­ har. , e,])ebility, or an,y cond P&tiOIl, Satisfaction or ready Of the POSsibillfles'of the Snail but )) . . 'of Grig After .Effects Of Conati - ­! � sign In. reliet.-Jewelers'.Circia . , , . . is ition &risirag no . pay _%Tbon �- . . I I I , . , . �, frilluoro on their OW , . front Isordered Nerve', Weak He&r6 or 0 ' � - A AV% , I ____� A4111t. INTERNAL .Ort, alf � .� 1 ,q When W0W English Pills are used . bed made.b. specialty of it as an article , . EXTERNAL,, , notes At low rates (if interest. ... - ��� . I I . I � I I - J "POVERTY.' THAT. PAIII-KILLER WILL NOT RE. . 1 . . I . ...'� . � . ,, . I " . . . � Watsry�Xllood. PrIge,5QC,S,bgX , , , J,'H. Oombe, Chomiot & Diragglat, jolia. of food while he had.-bequ direct4lig the A"D YOUR ia�' Q'% - i ver, I .. I . . —_ . ­ I . . I. . .. I . . I ton i J. Z. Hovey, P . is , - � . LIEVE. , . . . . I . . 'Vedrilf ;;; . , . . . .1.. . rising ChOmist,q kitchens bt . rot 7 . .. . I .. A. geaer%I Banking 'Business tre,las . � .; . . � I � . . �_ I I .I t Wre . e accepted ISY45TE ..luftst fl%�#*, There will ai, . . . I .- -Interest &Ile . acted , I 1. � , . 1. val ; Watto tt COi, rugs 'Bud Meav the suggestion that ill . h4f, I(# 0 1 Ways be., tWoNOpInkons '. LOOK OUT FOR IMIT,ATION$ AND SUB- I " v% i! e dish should--. be- - ,I,, Ate, . *ea on cle�oiito, , � p , I . I glass, Clinton ; Sydil aggist I Presented "a ]a bourgulgatoune.11 I I . . I . � P . . . . by., . ,Ott,, fra, 'I'vog." to. . About Poverty, .Mr, - THE CIENUINE BOTTLE , . . . . I I . . TAOU0211 pr . A . qarnegie.-�-Boptojl - STITUTES. � S&IS, Notes.. bought . - I , . ; . illiton. . I I I I $I& 1�, # (It Herald, - - I . � The,diners, among'*bO , lol?#"Clpfft"'�14 . . . I .01 " . POUNTRY.OF STILT WALKER$. " - :� ... . I. I . . an'. were in . . apo', r I#,,,, . OFARS T11F INAME, - . ' ,� ' .. . I . I . I , r ,' �� -1 .. , I . .. , tiny I 1118o "flo'.1111. .. , I. I I I . . I . I . . . . , I . . . � . I , . - ' -1 ------------- — . celebrities, bailed the preparatioti ,jvIth t 0 : A man of vast Wealth; like hTr. Car. . I . I J� P.. TISDALL"MAnager. - - 11 . � . . Vhe:uXLe*4*. wha,)FLosor,t to This Mode, , , ; . .. filp flooff to ft ,". PERRY DAV . I . . . . I . , II, Ile" of J I � I i I � . J . negle,eadafford'to t I is & some 'I, 1. I . . .1 I : � � . . I , � I . . I . _ _ entlausliaom and ate of It With expressions I f 3" Ile 0 Site a Circus day view , ­ . 1 .11 I 0.1,I4"binotion. .. � . NXWS'NOMS. , . , . � of ubbqunded delight. With It was hand- . . I of to" too# I t. of,,Poverty, but1be tin -Q%ALfto%ALftALd . �, � .� , . . 1. � .. . I . L ' ' L . . . 11"j, 'Off, of . I le Is s6i;e to' conie- . I . . - L _ . L ,:1 Sbl�a.26 -yeart *96 �Iotir:naighi - . ed arouild a neat card, headed 1110scar- I I . . "', '1� . I I .1 L . � . I —_ I . , At b6idearax 'On L In have seen Mrs. Todhey,'of Biddulph,'is dead. She, ".01i"11. 'ft In every� boy's life - �,Ohpn I . - . I , .V. he will have -to - - . I . . I � . .. . .. - . L . - " . ­ . ­ L � . I ,,Iq,,",, 11 off. , 'give u'6 *crawling 'under I I IV t arket days , strange WAS Ili& mother .01 Polioemaii-Toohey, who - gets a, Is- bourgulghoune-plat d% - . -11 , tile teal. -St. I . . , . -L , d ­ . ­_,"�' I go -114ti, Lou! Globe -Democrat, -. . . ,iLA . . I � - I I I . . -_­.­­1.OraS job" -0r-"ALJad­ ­­ CJL*. - - _ ,,,(#,,-go 1. of L � . I YEARS' ' 1. 4 1 ' ' 'eon s mesa;" Accord- :: . . #,to ft,.. ft I I . .. 0 lo k bal 1. . EXPERIENCE. . ' ', . . I I � I . �. . . . -distant 412114ts heavy laden With' a . . ...-II..'. . , -T --d . Act -AA=#,_ I . Povertyis a first i'ate thing t I , TRATIOUMES Pe 1111 - - 1. '' I - �erowds Of Tillegers arriving .on -atilts front w1lo mar Sled At-Lobdon, orat­'... ­­ on.o' "Plat d'Aaaacreop" . a I . I acks . . _t.anelrn0,sfAqq 4 60 . , � OPOT I I ate.: Either translation is gOO4. 41" -1440. . 1. 0 C . I upon, but a mi I I . I I I.. . I., I , - 1 4 utonow t1i might would Take"raijtIV6 zebma' %,, . 9 Ity poor thin# to. stgy In . L ­ . . I . 14, . �. .Ll. ... . ­ . .. I . I.. I I . . . itlid 'baskets,", b !fO.CURE A� OOW,IN ONE DAY. Ing to ta s. . L ' I . . . L 'bl6te'L ".., . . , 1, �� I . Quinine To, All -'This.eveal naturally Set the fashion for . . 1. l"Itisq­W, ., . ,.. or to look foril-al-d it). 11,hel,or.was, nothing � . I. wF1 .11, .. . . .00WA"NL ., .�, .. " . . . -cause almost A& I laubb AeOsAtIon, there as drugglarorefqU1,00 moneyif.it ralls to rre.. this crustoceab--46r it was th . � % . ::r_. attractive 'about it to ,NLIr, Carnegie 'And 1. .."H440DW ` I . -, - . it tralight"W"on0l 6V Ott'? -O*n"t6Wns.' .The 2,Sctslg.w-W.Wmve'suiRnar,uretooni)aob ox. L e shell snail t I , L .. � .. 1. I ­', . I I 141111Y atilt walkers that I have ever seen Ili . . , � . . and it laig.bli. bred : %. .1 . . � I I . . I . . . . . � .1 4" . shell Suailt and 'got the % I 1. I tile gait he struci�, wb , I * , I 4 I . I � gettibg away .. . . . . L I I .13ordetux were great 11141111das UgL Mannie Abe . from --adirafrutfar-of ..the � - LL � r . L I . . . .. ... I I .. Lamiars, the* Y white, sllmy.�, lank I . . ! lt'has-been-�t ' eu . .. I ___# �. . . pranel arrested At C6IIin8wOOd On & charge of in. was and is "treated"' with 1% slue 414t , . . . I I he I I � . . �.­, . . I . , . t !.-, . "oe-New York Tel . ), I . L .. about atuouitho, Crowd on gigstutic,stilts ' I FPI " ": litt t4e autumn fair; ,to the joy of small fAntiO1 Is, has been committed fop t . . , rate owl- ­ . egroim,,, - . . . - I . L E. , I , . rial :it nAri ,honors.- . - . . X � - , L. , I I . . . I . I . . I , �, I .� ­ . . . I - I .. . , . '10 . .� 1 ?4 � . I 'Lox .. . I -children, but thise'were morely.po adon, Oat'. L �, I Snail. farmei,i � I A Teo Tompetagg . I . � 1. . . .. 1, . . A TRADt A�KJJ � , . altairal I . . 4 11 � � s 4 4411 tivatoel well C011410109 or , . . . . .4 I 11, . . . . . - : " folso - . 00214dw*ng , . k_L' - , Sys -TE -H 1: , OVA I I., � I � acrobats. 1. . . . � . - recognized in France, and thei 11 . . I . .. I . ' ' .. - � ' � _'i - L, I L I . - Ditemm . ­ . . . . . .1 � . . : 1. � I I . I . term Is as- � I 1 -4 - . ­ ­ COPYnIGHTS&d. ., 1. . Near Lako --C men Of Wealth and Afthol. L 2 1 1 1 1 * or �, . . . . 44.1ent- I . I - . . . . -1 An --- s 11dingo, gagetch and 8egerl9tion M47 . . . . . % I I ,. , Ili I"alix, however, whbre Wood's Norway Fine Syrup's the boo I 'L .L . - PAI fERW � I .9,.,,., . . � - 9 Or 06ughS, of old, .. - .1 J( _.A Aaioue . " .1 , , , , ­ .11 .. For Coughs Of' *Dun socirito4 With � V -JU JR L I 'I . .1 ­ L � � . I .. Julok) I . : . W , , III sallop) y 10 n,OU Ortintbalreew etner.an.. ' ' L "' y oold. L h 11 IT41SA .. . -. elm . Weak azid Irmp I . I IMPO .of. the land to -yet unreel4ft -and ,med . . . . � �OVIO� the one Acquired ir,exhlb. : . I . tom I . U gent onja Probaulgatentable. Communfor), arf) B,!00,4 I . . .tied ror cold in the hend *br - . I .1 47- ,T, escorts, � . . . 1. a Anabookon psiente " " � $ �. : � I 1. �L I I . . I . I � . ... I . . . *.. . . RP" 0, ,TOY . - 10118 Strip Y confident at. 11 . 'L ­ , . , L . I . . aaiirsby;�­Wo. iieIi.hints-'ellixg to this mode* in the obest, theid's nothing lik� I , ifed In Successful . Snail raisin I .. . 1. . Isk'a, :, 1�t . . � , TAA% , , __ g - -_ �`, 19 I ------------- - _­-7--­� I I-, ''. I I , - - � I K � I � 4- I *Z g_,j I , 1p�ll �Ttl —ts � Z , , aw I I' .1 � 1. I -1 I I I. 11 I .1 . I - AL"y 11 �; OW -1/1 I 11 .1i I - � Fr�p��m4l t Fi no �rsa sma I . , I I I 6, -it beass - , I . 8. In R. i UPI I .. . o � our , .. �_ . ". . .1 .49co an at I sent from Olde a . L:6 ' " . .. I I L .. .. �. I . . , 'r, . , en t Von cg. - . ii][I'M of'IoconabffdW,1'kfid�*e.m4)� still itee.the all'therest. ,_ I 1, . . I . Wil country -or in Britain a1armer who � 601104 I , ralentil tak st agency for sequiln! . tente. - . . I I . . . L . I I I . . XAJV�r ne.V lseases,, . � I . ... .1,444 - 'The Macacinald Oovernment in Varlitobs, Would be likely to. feo - Imiulfed. In , I . . .� -1 o efird-gasidinj*ias flo*,dn 1� .. was addressed -gko. !'Mr, : I%b WUnA & ; 18081", . , . . .. . a L � . . Stilts... % I . - 49nallfarmer" .. ' " "141 mek# without 0 arge, in the. - � �, JP . � L I I . 'L I In - the, ielitlip � I . I a? after Nimuc. .1 I - CAA &Z- . Ain t, ::: I , I . ,orhood,of Aroacholl Lthere - - . ' L�� � 01nalo 00=14 I , .. . I .. . . ' I . . #" . -'L , ' ' . . 13, Et4y, "I �� I ki Atllftic� liFebuilAin the cotte. 'has dismissed nearlyeill theinernbers of the _. bellp!7rAnce" he. wool . 11 I .1a . I $*00111101Mtrica . . . I .. . . I. 1. L . . I .11 .. . L� goo, and Provincial-Board,of Health sud'will make it . 4 be* stud, it only ffivts Stre4th to the . " � L . I .- I . . A handsomely Illustfa d Weekly, 0. I AiX Vr,a9td0I.,.ar � wrije dirtact-to... . : ' . � . :� I ' � roots " and corn farmoi," would * inyt . I 1. 4 . culation of Any oclentific , Largest Car. L , _ ! I mall,boyo, With the.proipect of a few: new &Ppointmento. . dd .. to - 0ous to: be.,XWAO I . , 1. . ; Pardon, but I bai ' , . ,10ulm;a. Temb.i$31g, . .. , I . 1, . I .11 I � . di 'will'butlile 1hein, �gan I ' ' . f) a . . 0 not- that hlgb� honor ' I 0 1OUr.MQ,ntbs4$,l, S64b7appewo . : .11 . . . .. I ­ and varidu . Tbo D.' t b f ' TOMA , .. L - �eajom .1 . . . , �'.:- 4 � , �' perform 9 tricks for or . & L. Emulsion � ornoalgiver Oil 1, ;etv e arraer.of sner S. CH - 11 I . 4, M. MCLEOD, - yo " till- re..,P . ­ � ile, Would that 1. . . manw sconomin fancy -_ t CO iiiiwinilia '.. . . _ . ,� . I . way . I . � I . . . 9 I Jr. hou"I . -� , (irk , . . , . I , .0 . .. .. . . . . ... . � . or slorl 6, a 6ple It . � , . ,.� Acatfou,, There is some, difficully..About be taken With'ano t--bonefloial results A I L - fd. 416 ; . I nt Lo?iei6.,., lutisott' OMO& -011 . - " , L .1 Goderich, 4411 L' I . _ X, III . . I I - .1 L ,ht, thoo.l.. . Purliv ,.1 %� - . ... . ho P. - W&61naton. 11. W : I . , .+4..*- � . . . Y 4 _,. _ I . , , . �1 W a on we stilts, And they will riot bi irg from ex. Are run down or suffen, SlIali-Karm.er was. quizz r6celatliby ' I I .. . . . I I ... - ;, litirvied over: It. Th'e shepherd starting . aftereffects of is giiijile. Mead ft French writer, The ese ' . . t . � � a I , . � argot mah� was .� '. + , %­ ' , J'�, tkom home Wlll-,Qftewmo"t��#h'�_bew .. byD ,v B.A.Lawarenes-co"'id. ' ' - in the Natlilhal library -at .Paris, reading I L . I.-, L t � III— . , _ . BL00% �' , � , I . I Z . . %:. L ., I . -dew *Ill for the�;b0o.ft& 'In &;Ablds,-,14� N4190h$sunders;�A Workman Oragaged, With ease Greek and Latin works" when . I , . . . I I I .. � I Lon - . . '41 Me 1lulyas I . I *Its - on the; ground. to Ue therh`on And - the attamer-Pittobtarg, wbich is. L Wing, re. the reporter found him.L On being drewar 0 1 - , L , L *, tho.aa e P!gUft"long ttick.'' I Collingwo6d dry4cck,'met w 11 � _.___._., , I 1 , , rlseja�Wjth�the!bol ' built in. this I to COIlversailda the ankli .t----. ._.._ .*-L_ _. 0 2, I I The landega of.. tiadle0s AD SCOM04which c 4 ad b" ith taratly &SIsted for . I . I . ... � " . GasponA .oudw;, La. 6 is death. ' . jawhile. -from reltding _L I 0 . I_ . � . , . 1;� - Vlaine. covered with' brtlohwood.!and un,. . . . I . nard,: with evideri tLastracyalnee it the ' . . 1. _ � � � . :! ' ttu- 11 4etgro'*thii�wer,p-"Ihlessed,,wlth a moll go ' CURBS PROUP-1 �MS W toward distntbince, rapidly gavo'tbe de. - ' - ' . L .. I � I lnapenetrablj�� it never absorbed the Every,mothgr�kll()Wotrow .ak% � ragerous.Ur ��_ -information. . I . . . : . � Cup : Sired I i . EMULSION : irawi And even, After a slight 4h6*01bb is- "On the Ito% signs of the Croupy cough He cultivates -the *ban . In th _��.n J .. - 1� I � ' - . be'- trAj[gfdtm6d­­Jaaf4L L _. 1""_.__"�_1_,__ *) OW 'I., Would— '�w OiL-!Ib will --Cure . ent -of La. Selfthei 'The Prodactwot Buj.,�- -- - ­ CON011IMPIrlom -^,;a-- ' , . ... !hall � -Use 1110 "do �r , in e depart�, - I L ,h_ gy I . lall I ':*�'&'40r*-'.W*m,no�road&��6i,,sheep;. III 4111,g ro, - 74911,AOthing else gundy.-are still It, the It -ad, but -as --- . .. L AII, LVNQ 018111ASESi IS �"&"' . S will P , 6 * , " kin 11 and cge a . , , L . I ­.. I . . . . -gre depondoat u -the I . , - SPITTaiN41 4 SIL000 .- , - I the re- ,�_ , , . 'Vt. 0 any, I I . Pt.ce 2W . 1 suits Obtained . Pon �, , . 1. reltrGyro-10914, 1. 1, . , . e-shepherds,,and Small- farmers were � Tbewellwan-'seaver Bngin,aaj� 00. Of method of ' --=�Uingt, followed there In I.. � '09 APJlbXVs%1X, . -dotted About so faZ from'each other in, to bc this arglele . The I are niost int&sguext. :., *.. , cievoiarialas closed a ,contract with the not reallyp After all, mueb choice. APAMIUMITY, the be n . . . 'the swamps that jile,,,lorill, legsi! were an or"PS"Yof Hamilton tOL do. therL . . I 13Y the aid Of The, . , . . Nickel Steel O' snails are picked from the h * ' . . I I * � 0. I . odges-and . . L Allpolptol qp6gog _"� :" 'V,-' � I -L- ign, p.aad -build the-Jargest stool end,- jr6al other, places where abo ilia at the . - D. & L. Emulsion, I hive I . ' I � � I 1,11 i 11 . . , , L , . gottearld ofaigqckingcoug,whichhad troubled � . ..Xd*`tb9'IahA4h,`f6r cea&rIo9'r0gAltd- Dr., Iiow'a "Woraim 13yrup is �Jelja � ' end at th6 Sli1mmer'.'anil are t1hon -"park- D`O for Over a year, and vo.oggogl cbnsider� ,ed ... 0A hopeless waste, unprofitable and, alwey.9 offectug, halt t6takef ed", In Some I ably in Wei . L ilr6lilthy, have been for the an J, and so it carries its own . In'such grASEY 111closure, arraingod - .gat. , L I ur Cart jaJL Cathartio, there is no need of gi S, manner, jsg,to prevent all POSSi. . L' .,T. H. WINGHAM, C.E,, Uorg . . reclaimed anif �Iraidid.-. Forests pt�.V.Irab# jI6f,.QlJL:0ff.Aay I viag CAs- - bilItY ofeseapingro Tlio:f L ' I .treal. havo_be6n Planted.44sird,til0tend'69 bad'if, L , I Attening plot has . .. 50c. Slid $t #,of 'Bottle - I . P0rg%tiV.0'4fterW&f4s, - to bo. epoplaiij."chos4n, -Must be Shady . DAVI$ & "Wptgx6i CO., Limutdo . L e L ",VI**,�%_ . �v at 14-0jugh, aLfirsiaA4 of , *, and, arrinary ? �,Alaii�. 0Ln4L CraltiValte I ambitihitlay. some ' ft�'Of the,d1strJ4*f!- t .0,., ft _ , , the Ro . id With the ga,ea _, ­ ' . � .. L . P1 . - t ­Si*ep�q _ I . . . I tt Pat.eare. t MOXTUAr� ­ - such"as Are4.0� 40X4,!, r� 0#11y" W inpo ingtn1% AllkJ1114,0delicate, ad,, ' L I I , li'on, i, h1tvai , erterl' 110c .od ' , 6 " . ' I � . L -�;. . ; --'7-- 4 ��, trbhj.�'tht'�,L�� Strara#6'.", did - "660�lsl; ,when be all acelated'11608 004vorablel to the Proc- '. . I h6alth reefortij .' . . I no*ira,XtV, , _ . . P#104�snd a weet , �� . i ' 4 vien . . .. I.. 961tar.are fast .vanishins,.for they. have Mile& . .., I Sage, ch"6vfl, marjoram, et thyme, mint. WOULD" ' Ll Kf 1-0 FEE fell-a'arbii-tbe wires. . Ere I .Was lastaintly ess, �oudla, for frifitairee, ate Y1W I 11 .. . lobt tbeir ralsojr:d'etre. , The stilts are , .. L . IIL c.. Wlipn all. . . . usually about ofm OP seven feet In height, From all-over -6aaaaal *cdnao, leotero'tall. tulnh gives Place to chl y days titid irros- . . a and about five riot fr6m tbe� ground . there Ing no of"Illb grait L b6defitit derived fjoin ty Z jilghtsp the Jaclosure 1#,,stt,,pwn witia, PERFECTLY VELLT ' L, I .10 a rest to support We 76ot,� provided .use of The D. ,& L, Menthol Plasters in fine -moss, dried , lehVeS. etc, Singing which I I I I. ; 11 L .. I . . WIth:1k Stirrup and 'a Strong strap.. High. cases Of neaValgis, rheamstiElla, lame back, the snails take shelter lan� literally Sillat, , L , , ' ' ".. L I ft LDL' er qvit bi'bd'�-,�k,",Jesitlierbiildoltbe tOP*af 'Ja,a;,_ L., Ovid 4 14.10#006 CO,P Md.' ,themselves upla their,,, shell. Clotting it by . I � � . . the'atilt fi-JWft6 the . . . 1. L . 0 Taman. . INY r. . I . . _ leg below tho'knee falototdra. . � " I . . . I . . i I . . Al s Nubstance which : , 40' 'As" .' . . L - 190me stilts are much higher than these, Mr� Wria.'Redmorld, M. theY.Becrete. This is the tillia� when they . .1 , 1. . . �esfjidally for falickWfilklit and teicifs, . P., has. writto are reedy for the mairket, trild they . .. to. . . jothis Clerk -,of the Cotporationt of Do n are , I 114M : . Slld�'tfie, mail -mounted a*. thein I# gifted protisti"ng AgAirlot ths. Q( ed and stored Ili dry collars, I - . - . . teen Victoria and to be . I I WKW'*eritable seven kWided- .1bootij-. for e*pressing his I tbiltiOn to resign his seat in sent Off As'reqnlred, I .11"W" . . .L . be -69A covor thagiound, at a truly prodl. the Council if t9e Address is presented. * Another essentially. Frenell dish Is the I _-, I 91011"tt . &---ofterl an much as eight ot to � _J. ,one which Is Covered 6r I 1. WILL MAKE. Y - . I tilto .1. I . the.poetic, title of . - I � " so UJI&Iiul hour. Thelower end ortho 0 , .� .1 I . - - I . "XMPhei de'Bonrgowil(-�" It was under One* , ,vv410If1 touches the ground, Is ustiall.) . � ''. I .You have twt an V"t Moms, . this Pseudonym that 14"ovoillipl., thm past . I I I - - QtIORLY AND WELL SERVED. I master Ing of goa�[ beit" Will, L ,ped t� I I I - - Inatt' -ered this I 11104" I P,,Zaa .4 sheep b6ne. to Strengthen .- I,- . .. . . . . in culinfill -N, off I I .You I ,.:�. Magazine. . . . I L . dallaty, to. English, -diners half] really can 1100 With ut 'riNY TABIJITS. ' , . . 0 . . I __ . . Our store is modernized in eirar Craim-the merit of having overeorne somb �, I � I . I � .- , .y do. . . ' ' . - _t ­­ . L - __ �. partmetit that properly, pbriii of the British ri-pagatarrep.to tilt, -- I . . . . . I I .. 11 -I I __ I ­ -1111 . tax to 'the I . sn tile. . I . XM YBOM3 MIM L I drug business. one -ratroalo' Ate'LIquipjay Long before 06 daY ..When Escoffier I �. . . . f Cartlitip. Cough And Coldo are, all quickly And well served, and t, _­tha Produced a WITiffei.'PieCe - 4uTJsd:b- Pyny Ii lelageaja� the L Which conqu6ria' ­1MR MAN -A W-71 WE- -ro torsi, we are Worshy pf the t Con demd6. , at least those English, gtiphts who Willing.; . . � , . flo &W&Yd as lofiba At Drs EXI" , * $" ftsa I ' . L *note 001 . Manufattured by ill rankir ' batracialan trearlY'spolled art cu. 0� Ile" Atie, I . of"o .8j% JANN04 � '60agli.kimost injitanAlk and oures readily AS in tho,pAsg, paings,a, Celery Corappand IY Partook of 'it and asked for more the 6610*t Chat, at so our loading family' Medicine . I tanoeout . JaFj�jjiiotors of - PerrylDavis, P&IiI.Killer. Ito Wilrvb1loddionjing. kag6ta , id, sliffioient -tolite' dordiale between England Sod . T"* 1 � I I i-6igarmakers oi ' " torawalamenditto4very-hiling And go SPalara, In IM the command#r'of the L :.. vo'6. pa 1W L � ' . k � . F Th - Canada %r6 holding mail at *6inill. A fall.oupply of' the gon. Ranger had orders to Settle Some ques- ' 4 ___ . L ... 4'qo �n Ord In connection nige . -_ 41� , . ,1 I a OkfsIad1qCeJeX1�iCdmVOtIntf Idwiya .ill tions with the consul 6f Spaln'tra Soma 114100111"Ges 0461006io0*1060 46" I ;i�ho'4bt,icrr at Stra" n 019atmaketal J. 0. H yoy� Dfhg#iJ$, Clinton pott on the Gallrls$j Loose . 694F .9 � u1W_ a Internatto 6 I T 110150Q11 of formillgia 01apsrate Ont. I I It. 4ifter brisitiese - I L C � 12 , 'jil h'tq 10 the obief 1, I transactions hAd been completed.tbe tra. '. , � . � I ,� union Matter under . � k-. . . -­­.J�' , . . , . � I a am on, . . I I . . I d0forial-lavItAtIon t6ilinnor,iratilatent otft .1 "'.,­ , Miss A* 20*1and of SbraIihro &;ad gocepted.. Among other dishes It � . . I - I .1 � . I I idonlinitied there . � � I ­ ­. I I I I 9filoide by slug. I - one, that madi: 06Won1w * � � L ... .- .- I . shoo , . I appeattd the I 1� I ?, . t I �1­ . I I I � ' I I I The VII6416 of MotjnJ&iA; - *iIi.j Will famous, ulader tho 061lipolaii o,tle,.of. "Ba. 0 1 7 �k I 14 I L tracien miablasautge .*. *1 � k, , . � .911re A ba"11186 toudit. Thbit. at" , III Malligialie.lo - "" , 0 , 11 � 1. . 0 1 1 1 1 .. "asy' Wfioi the Vol-tta-velif gad patised round a RE - i I . ' . ' ; . 8 ; UTE � . IMV910f9A1%9 IN WhID 4 and beet enjoyed thr* times by the A 11 � . � . : � � I I I ., I I -1 I I ,,Will 46ad6r , , . 19fitfola Colors, Sam& Stest had. . the. no. ' .�, , � � . " . . ,I" . 11 it- Vb4f 60 6AW4 V Iii4l0tra the lacky'i tAblilit of sisklip; what Com " . _ ) i . _. RD f0jollild Of Mrs $I. 4aaarg, b , _ posed .: _ tl, t , f s1rejWtead6l Karai 10JJ,a%0dlIQI;t Course, .,On being told that i - . . 1. 1 .1 , The knew JIhWhA4 be0h ltdab 4 40 loai 40Qgs--.mada,:aap�:tha JuVJQu&,4W,c1).4rAt,1cA, : 4 cl�, ; Ud wileilhil iars 6h lilf, of ld the commander, so the,otory goos, return- : �. nay and livat.trouble, aervone prostration, . , , L . I. - , - ed to his shloz and In tile greatest wrath : & . ..� 14 . `.i9her4,.4b �'Imt, o,Three bottles of fnf6i?med thoforeign office that the Brit- I'm I . ­ , . .. - 1 , �: W � tit J �. y , 1 1 A 11, , L , TIO B1.0 M ar bled. 1118 to Walk" #M, -#q . - il 't � 'Ish . ,bAd beot. InquIted,lby, the gpittrish i WVRM . . , Writes, "and in thi6o inonthat I felt ,like , -&-itil A W � I* dqu­ . I % 46astIC ' Rk Patrick C�mj�belf, who plef). It —Vp"wqw .r,p Awe � 11OWMI10 I'll IL4manouff6rilI 't6l . 4 . out hsa& I "I 19 PIRM 11, qr,� t � - . " ". ;4 , lrz,bw, � tceedfik, _S1#v#*�1,I;e"6 tal,arralige the 0 = A #A liket �A� � 111. I I .� I , MhOvo _04 wipl"goe$O 440Fto,.WSJl told,thoL .Wbolo (J.Uth. Not or . Mtwo I .4... ) ,,�.: , I . J *' P , 4*1& vZoo -- Ill , FlaSal, liagna M, % D.; Irs*% I , I - I I flne llflptoll%-50 ,� x3r, Wit * Only - aldr W, Ife Dwaftf-rhaft %food not F.4"a I- Irk 4 1 . . & W, hr thi4ii-te".1),111 having t )Ww"I'A '� J�Illv " WAX III, *004 LIANotot. 1. , Salk* i4iatt#6% %rdsolf- of, the tilt. Vol ItAl. . Inu infection Is gay L I Inertia I rhInvo ftw a lb"Im I 'a .0, � X � _%*A4Iw&4JdhbgtAkO$JI5Mh1W,,,)1 1@6 . � .11 ,ft, id r , J,.� , ow "It. 4' . . . _ 1,fep -In , .1 �_ , �t'Ldealfir#J bafm� Xtrillber,pleoAdt bisvo rftar)" "4*t0l .. _'­­��,­ -. ­­, :. 4w-, � <: - -q9qb_f_1&_ V,stO1!4?,_ Clinton. . ", f I the 41lestid'o')RI't IM and -,� .. I ­­__ 1-1 ---- -411-1 All 11, I , Qk ItAlmd Ah�p I .. A . I I . 7.111.1 *dd#d�1bJj,*h-mf,-,J6jtbp ,dWMq.7#Ir4t1llg. I .,I � glib e ' Is "J' 410 6 I YU, F . . 11 Oro Lon on .14b ;'L I I IML �4�ea­wbb could' lionostly.,tiv -Ovp Ot I'll I torgailfti I?.*.) ONAkolot At, I I o ba, , ­ ,�,, ul %!�;"96MWIN, , I , . -1 le Lly lot , 1_� " .. f if r, �9 1�- . . man. "rroggy'il 'gond tfigte� in, taillfary" Ott: 19fis:-X0014"i dat k4wo-60"Wim I I I . � LW,40 PA J, ib�, tiog. tem. -New Tatir Presq. " . . I VA1441,10 lloh* Book. PrNowd o2abstarglooL 11:4v 010k I � . P, .,:) . . arlition if the bravery f *J it troops to L L . . , ,VWK4h%A144x1#V,P**Jh4 6"fillarel6yes � ­`AA1e#4X I - I . w �Ih� I'll, � i �, .Lpo I � I .. 0ftr,J"1i4*i0 ',,jj, !0 t �� . 1, . . . wasiderlAwbong ifow" !r,A ws#w"tu � I I . �$ � I ­ I 11 I . L . - I :: , L th . I . ft' �;, -A ... ,W) tj ZI 0 1 1 .- I , I � 1, I ( A�� , el I slie""a", I . . I I I ,:, . r I 11111144d"we" 'n "!� .4 ,"%,+.,� 1,1! 14 'k I , �'.,� �,� � A ..'Or 1.10~ I i "� ."s, '.. , IL 1� Zr I I � — It . . IhA � , � 1 At of� I I ��, 2 , 46 I Ito A, , 101 � 2., '"Irl V T�e4 , I I . '. 11 l.f . �*� 1. r_ ... 0101,10 , 1, � . I I � I . 1. . . .�, . ­ I- 10 - ' -4 T .� 7T-7ETTT�, ogoa-ais"* I IT D,&Zzrjgs Tat 410, - 11-1-1 -, . . V 1. ,.$$ , , P � I I iA , I X(f _Iaoftoty, sit, " �- �� . EUAA ' .:" I ck"Ua 6na,qn&fkeiv',bfA6' "... . . I I ,_�, I bag been o%uiM lla� Dr. X11 I �k ) Aty 440, C10"i _ J Na. 1; , . have been on hopplaismot _ . roh. . I , %IO"1V_UAM1bA%1'Ab1A** - RAN— � _ �1 _ , ,brova 11m, t%a � - 11 4 prwits wounip I aw-no !"t 040160, ,,T,nds,of w , - IWoot "Ith, I ­ I = T.Jii4,&Al,� In '" q"y4%.%"1%s - - � " '""W" �N .1 I . � I I I i I � "I . � . — for .11 . � . : I �. .:, . . . . . I I . 11 I . � 11 . . .1 I 1� � V . . -1 .. .. ) ". I . I . I . . . . I I . �� � I - . . � . . . . t , � ,1/ - , -Tow- . I—. I _. _... OIL - , NO-. ,Imd Ifft Idna. I.. . .711M.Mr."'. 11 r. I tM.0qJh1ft xn*ral. Xave no ' P5 . := -for 2y; , � . ,-''Il" . � . � ; C. * � . . I , I ; . .1 I . J*. � ; � . . . . � , I I � . : 11 . , � . I I I I . . . I � . I.. I " .. I : Way vttt �her anly go and is aiste 0. .. E 0 lot .1 ys*oI An � 'r. iffeUg. i0b"..VuYtA '. 9 � vt3osf . � � wax . 3`7437 110491"PW W. 11 . MOCALI; COMPANY, & . 1. ste�l&s wffl�ljgab 81-1�:q - - - I New' Tbrk I Mr. L Ito I I "". � .. f . .� � I —.1 . . . I I .1 -- ----------- — I . . -AG, Z;T-9 W,kk . I � L r . ` - , T -RD. ,. : . . .ForajarenufWd loora6y-niaking position; no - . books insurance, or fake oeherao - eveiry house I a ousiomer. Pa. S. � " U 4"I 1 rbioular - t 4'.. to -Y TIM F. E. RARN Co.; 13"'V" . 2 1. - I .troTt'!T'_ kontot Cansda. * 1. . I , .b 23-18 1 — . . . . . � I .. � I WAN D-Hongest manor WOM0611 to travel -fer large Ouse, so ary S815 111011thlY and ex- � per3ses, t Increase , .position permanent ; ..... Inc ose f r aedstainged envelope, MAN. . Eat o bLdg., C leagro. Dee 29 -id , I ...­ I . . .- . . I . I - . . I RGENTS . I "The beat life of ner Majesty I heV9 soon, Warites'Lord Lorne out I' neen Viotorig.1f A Val 2 BjVnts make fit ado ars da, y . I 8 ADLEY-GALtRHTSONCOifbANV.iLluzfto, I . . Toronto, . I � ----I----------- _­ . I � " 4GONTS, . '%Iondike Gold Fields I, &I &rgo Cho ' .able book, sellin apt vita, glike &;�Idrlwlnh, Beautiful or a Gotars twon ve cents. Boo it on time, BIOLEY-o"MON 003A I , , � - __:_� - � , Oroft t 11 . . — — . � � VA"8111, - I , - —_ . . I a or ornarg o, . . rove for, 6 Were e 1* &]a (Anthly an e% on es, With . ,4 UO perinariant , Inc a sell - I a roes a , a I I -telopo R I � .9 IS � . to . _ * , , I I _ . I . 1. . . I ­ -------- . . I ., . CLINVOW,- -. I.. - ­ . - WOOD aild CO'A Tilt% � '' �ubsqlber Is prsoue and togitimptly iiiii. All or. , den f?t Wood, or. oat. Wil bh Will a 1OW65 tftt4",' offide 6h bead.Street at 1j,&V13, 1311PLEUBMT ]KOOMS. W. W11RATLEY . � . . I_ . .. - � , . ,. I . . I AG8XT8'WAN,T'U1), . . . I .. .f.�­ I .. . - No orklaireal now"pr.. ParmAhen . . t 0 Con, berst terms. Ity weekly,% cord to with t genjost o"oliltlee, includ � IS � bfttl, Mi. PbtAt,bas,, fto. oUT , I 8606re tbrif now.., WrIbig , I , W W , " b.; , On ( X tt r7 moo, Bpo 0 , I ., OP" , 'Atli. __" � I � I - � . 4. 11 � . I , - __ A091M. vkw It . . . " 00,09 " " .W�** ; , , � WJ* 4f §4nth Afvlqg;111� lohn 0.1010 . i&61D td hT, X"X.? !�- IJ(W -I 61 ,7 ", , , ft" dI4 I i I 4 1. tb " , 2%ti;W9 1 I'Ttaviftv 0 4, O.". ,i!v., , on, of t.t';wU0, b" 1 4 � th? ,,W , I 'At � ,W� , pt�- , `q V I , JII � k 56 r, � I ero..1. , JM16 I ft ' '-:N&1ft;AftIft, , . 11 1Jri"$4*W,..'J �, ­ ., , ,, ­r,—al Ma� Wgrybog 6*16 .. I I � �w , f kvm� A , , ��'ul,' 4�, ,,-�­ � � � *FO 31 A ­ .. I % * i -'� , *4 X I , I ,J lb"10-AneTMelt 061 tA for I 1 4 * F%Vrh1,d -,, " iii:' i ,thast W'1.!t Il4*PAII0d tI P deudgoryof ftaly`�#hi.L' f , " � b,A I . I , 'bJS killer _ - __ ,� I _ Ir I ;?J"%1..J1Ilt will fit, most faithfully Per. 11 " i 0 , an laddAl , R",ja 'J'X 11#M 6 'I W1 kg a "'11111-11 liv tho"One wilo tAIik"6+U_ A t ortarAllru it it" no 11 As a Ing -_ � _ I I r .. Ilk , .W ... ct I I 00go.4 I 1Aq I" Wror 1.1'..11114401i'mVe vlo�l* of the A,hol(t work. it k -f 0 or ad . , 9 , ,-* . 4 .. , ". '? - a M A 4 n -= I . "%-f'-tr ill ttv tI.110 rplat , Olt. a. A � N 4 0 I , wqgr2n � F N =t lax 1011111- It obtaings a dI9- I 9 g, =1 . .. "4 016461160 .. 00 0 . I ; 00,1V14,7, 1 '"11"ll '011"O"I"0401 C911tem,114,404. , bos"6060- .. . � #A . [,(,� ��11 , �, '�'t " �'."�L � . . . . ,flor mail will 'vtIIIJA#jy­ oikibi* 4 �—'­t' � , , , i =71 I 11*1 - ht, milifi owl _� � ,�­ I . . � i , I "'. " � _� '. I I WattlY it fitak Whith, A legater oat I ": - ,_ , '' � ,,, woo � . . 11 . 000�01 ** " hoing ho'60"so,wara, I � � ­ V, I ovello Ohli i4A I 1 � " `o — , � i 1 0 .41'"4-.00,4-m � . I . . Ll. . . INA 41i wi& y that I � , I -.I 0, , V 4 1W ty-9 , ,�411!11,_, loov. I d I 0 I '. I - I .L I . ".�, .f-- � V , , ­'� , I I . Wis I � ) J, in I , f) ?I � N ., I I 1.6,i � �'Ort 1r; I � ilpk CAST, Of UA , K40; ;f, )1do ­ ­ 11 ... ­ ­. -.-1 .1 I I- -1 I 603 .. �W,U&t" "a, 091&40� L I .. I � , —I L 11 1� I � I � � : Do.. .. a, , I . " I . -1 , I � ro�. 11 I 9i #a I I I � a . I I "I kol �U L = am I I I I I . I I. ... .— ._!t6__ __.1441 ti I I " I I - - �,W�_. I , I I , � L, , ! !.I , � 1. . I , 110so I , , �� 11 1, . I I.. � I , I . J � , .. . � � I , � r I C I ) . I V I r, . r . 6 I . I I I I . � .. ... - I - . I — , � � � .. I I I .. . --- � � . ! ., � � ___ .. .. __ I . . _W.i . . . , , I . . I .1 I . , L ­ . . . I . . ., —I IL . 11 ­ I : I .. I : . !JjJJdId .1. " r- 10 6604, ` I , I 11,112M. q 110 fo , I . , . ­, Out fee retggr�aegf if We fail. Aiay O- — ' .A." : Sketch and dese . . ne seadin , DD= COntSIMI; one atua&ea awsi _ . rip.tjon of any. � invention wiff ! I . - Aen of the bed humomus ftclt&tlo Frojaptly recsefo ' . � L I !embr � I I a out opinion free conceraIln _wis 'r L . . stbo.W.K. "k. uish= he patentability of. SaUA% . -A, 9 witico. WAINUI, Go Fg%)Xe*W-vMft - r ]Kew to.ObtAiti, a .� L As "a " humcbrous ftrapgdt�" . -ratentp sent reflup Patents Secured.. .. � .1 VOW. Adad and dwsolor. ar -, as I � � ." us AM I, r, = M our fliultatted 0% ent, post- I AIR , L le sit rg. petift, MMUCIT9114" for only I a . �6, 0 It 6 in i .,e 'Pe"KA `*Ift,& , . '' Ell 0 IV - utpli RECORD r - I L . PII _. . I An ill It an 11 . ­ & �. ioh=$Ojk ^ werorbae . LL . Journ urofteAt-I - Tomilftsca*o LL LL 1 � I I LL , t I M ,. . . . . 1. � �__ _ _� L - ' " --'- " ­ - -'-- ­�- ­ L. . - L ''�'. . . , "I ' 'L . .1110TO.R %J. EVANS & ; I � I : . � . � . L , oat L L L . . I . I.., � . I (ftt=t.AftorvW wisp. � I I .. 1 ,4) �,. �., w, �Yfm_ - IAOT ' Kt . . . . . . . . ... RWRBS ff�lldlng; %�ASHINq-tolij.' - Aga fts ' % . I I . . .. . � 1. .. , %&�, -� . THE VALUit Or . . . . 11, I . . .. L .. . '' . . -119alb, I L .. ' 15SPOOVUR 80 L. I � , I �, - ,� LLL I , . With WORDS An.4 - 3111SIC 0 pro I I . � r . � beatl .RFM an tind In 0 a Vol L ...... A .. , I . am Co action Of' 1. L I . I . . afte, t6fate; a voritab a IT I f 6, 4. I I . . . � � � 1 I - go 9TON40 "�AS A PARTMENT MERINE. -- . . , � 10 Slid Ott 0 1 ,I n , 4 lq�� I .. .. .. L, 11 I . I 1. . ". � :. . � I . . . . . � . I . . L .1 . I 11 . .. . I . I I 1 .. � . ... . I . 'L . I.. I I - � I. . . ..- . . . . . � � . . . . L . . . . ­ - . . I "11-1-1 ..... Rommomminnompoomimponopumom - _,�, . . � . . �. . . I.: I . . L . . 7 ------------ �� I - . ....; 1. . . I . . I .. . . I . I . I . . L . . : . . � I . I � � , . . . I I L I I . .. . . . . . . . . �. r I ! � r L I . I . : . , . ... . I I., . L . . , .` v I .. � . . . . L ' I ' � . I I LL LL . I 01A as . . , . , I : . I . . . I 11 . I � . I . . . ... 0`110.1st BEAUTIFUL, GOODS.— 11.1 . . I.... . I.. . . . . . . . . I . . I . . � . I : , L ' ''. . - .. I IN DINNE44, AND. TOILET SETS. . L . . I . . . ,. L I . . . - . .. . . . . .1 .. . * . I L. . ' .. We buy dirOci froni tbb- minufacturerg i . it stalfforashire, England, end tiarlo'blay , I *. * at first Cost.- L,VVe secure good I a 'Of fillest quality,, slid therefore' know'that in price _ I . ­ VAIII0 our goo ware Onsurpadegaid, Buyers mass asve�'moa L It and "With artiol0a not So Uvorably purchased . ey on these 'goods, compared L I . I � � .. .. � . . . . I . I .1 . 1, I . � I . . . . L � I . andlollet Sets . . � , . . � . ... . Exquisite Diflue,ii, Jea . "I . I I . ;. ... :­� . DIWN ZP. AlqJD TIMA 99TS-,- 97 PIO�Zio -$5 up. ' . , . I . I frimnat ' ". I . T011AT SE, TS, coral arop.- . . � .. You can examine tbees g I Ilete, $2 and Llap'W ithotto being Compel ed. to buy but; you, will . oodo,wi to larly Ofter. you."eumirle.. . . I I I . . I . I what I . . � . I . � � . . : . ALL,, KINDS 01f* NEW IFRUITS AT LO,Wg$T PRI019S. - . ., - .. � . . � . I . . . . . I . We have the beet 21%e Taa in town; we ha'06 tea At otbar prioeq, but no. matt -w - , . - what priced tea you. want"we eon give you extrA VA no' Agent for Ram Lid'st Aiaple",' 1, L I . I Monsoon and Blue Ribbon ps.oket Teso. , I ., . . I I I I . ­ . I I . . I . ., . � . . . I I I I . I -10-M r � . I I . I I . " III W .1 I . 1. . W. . -kA I wilve - ( .* . . . � 3fintail . I . L . �!,__ __%� . . I . . I. . I . . . I I 4 1 . I I I . . � � . -I- . . I , 1. . . .41" . I . - . ! . � - ! -71 !!ni �! 4 * , ­ 10, - . . I I I I . '11111 I .1 . . . X �' 1 I , , I . I . I I . . . L I I � � I I I . . . .. I I. .�'. . I . I 1. .. L . __ - � � I . I I I L I I . I I , I I . I .. I L - � - I -Olt] I I *1 L11111111 VI . -% �.� . TXRT0XX*b66sAftdIAQ0DG I 11 .. 11 � r � � uqm"d IS **-*a Elva " exquidt4w li == , I OW W 6 11 =by Iftliek P FA T#q44� *n d ne nd 12 Z V -9M, V4 � _ _ T.D_mht ichil4l 11 "KbIqO4 rarNmf%melt for Ualryou"M Wbeh=Z=A� . I - W�Mr-Z..'­­ -= - - --­YPAwQv)ja1n Fra6wtvitat, ,ft, , __ &,X47 . I '*tggLVA4%J=0J Pd W wor 86114 Go Moil Belchor Btrthiu; Rut I WrAaft" _ tb6t OU *W0 ,,%or pri" Writ* to-Asy pq risk Jk9tXQ � I 1b6 I'Adl mcm A M;k # a M."MIXV. ,A __ _ . 4T1* 110-ALT191"th""41 WA, zll**,V�I , 0 _., =IWNGIW;ll;,I"ill Vr Al Is It I, * I 11 ...-11:4,1A. .. '­­.­­ V.� -� . ­ I � ­ ., I . 1 1, ,w L .. "r.. 1. I I .. I . I I I ..� '11* ­­ L, - � ­­­ ..-L I ­­: _; .. - - --L _�, W - - r. tl I— --- ­ ­ I -- ­ ti� ­or%oo ..0 i6 L �- L I . 1'� I I,, �., __ . ­, ._. I—— .% I ­ i, ;,rj, I . .- , . I " I I . . I I I I . . ; I I ,�_ � �,' I ­- 11 . . 11 - . I . . . .. .1 . I . I �� '� 1. . . I 1`1 tkk . 11wr I "! I I ,M��t �Nlot , , 1, I I . . I sk ; - I r) �:,. . , , I 1AA . I 4�.­ .t , SA . �* E. 1tist ararived—Albi of now oiiyk� 43 - SJ'- — Idyke .0 0 r"**Nwiar� Ifteeff lxlk*II7,kyw� _�= ., =:� " � ==1Z - Z_-,, ­ I—. -I.. =JI4"..W_­�, :".,t",.�,_�,�,, ,­�, - Peo I V , L We allow thefinest pattern* in W 'it 4 alacl,48.OlTa itty Crartaltabar4 , jRtiapa and T 001110too our 411.96 PJ6tUreI; 9 r&r ibj�4,f lst� , M -- It , ,or . 14iia A�%) � " ined Oil Short 6tije, .1 -d 11"Ohn 1]EJJUW ' , *V 40 a q� '11=*21 Is v , ,,, . _ . , , J& - I 1174 I i4marigytZL � 44 , ­ . . , �: 7 `:J I i -,,I/ , �% � f i , �, " 11" . . ,.. I . f ,,, "'.? � DU,f:�;,r �,.,,J�y :� *' 1. 1.�, . -I. - L' �,. 'P, , e . . .� . �. I 1. 11 , , �,i , -1 " I * -I " , � �, I! " ri, , , i t "', ; i � ­, , f ;_ ", __ � , I . ____ - - I I I , ! I i MPTO"limon �! blit 111A . I , - - L I I , -4 I Z � �_ , * I L I . , 0 q - — 1;4-4 ­ � �. . . ,� , t � � � , .1 . I " . . I . I , , I I . I I �, . t�V;v 1" � . � , , , , . , . . . . . . . . � . . . �.. , . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . A 11 It'. ! � , 1� , �' I . I � ,� � 44 - � ." � 1 . . , ,, D o r Uhl, EPA** 011 . on submil lo i : .L tW:�, ' . - - �U'*_� I., . n5U­ ­;.­� 1-'- W,-,--- I I ", ff. COPIER - �-.:,� 1� ., . � 11 I I - onemlAdIft � P. , . . , ,,, �J', *1 i P i - . , V , 4, I -) R Ir (I I I � . N larver?" , , I � I , . nlit RAotO0 III the I'sq"'iful tittoaft ,*U4,ii"t ­`­ 4'"414104*41119 61116 I 6AP014 01 doing Work on the 11orion notice 1190"d 101 - sod, w2able iiik*stunp", �*tls, atia wbitfiia6 ioresown'Mila 4""012422. ' , ,so of blandingo,ft 40 totll* &I - In, � ONO Wow ,All work Is it ,vla* . .pa, 44 it, a W4444104 way and milogation ImArAnM, Vs moll MI klaa& of la. I � . � 162`10r'lild kkir(W 0 0 1 11 I I I . L.'', �1_ I Lm"e"I"s NOW% �*(�,`S&A, boors, 111111nds, Xtt I AN"* *W *4 004kti" VFA%%*UUL SOMIII01, DUSIC, aunw*0111" 1 �. -0. Wsiorloo" 069'."d *6 1a*0 001410APA** b4foro plkb# "W Met* I I . I I - t J I ft I . . I ,,, I I * 11 . 1. ,�,,�� I � I .�, I I . ��%&WeAftAL-�,,.;L_i6AA,.,.ssI._, ! . , I ��, 461� ....... , 'LiAll I'll, -�I& A.i....'k. ,e,�, , ,� L L ""I