HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-23, Page 7itovviv4:1.4444,4-40),Avivw•At MCKnnon 8E CO. • .YTH 'Uk,.."S�TI ; Are You ire Love in With Fine Dress Goods and Silks? If so you should see the grand display laof andfa ' p y now shionablegods we are showing. Our stook this sprig g g g the qom rizes p t e newest fabrigs in et lieh Dress Goods, haying laced our orders for those goods before the advance in prices, we an give you, except- ionally good value in all lines. We open the spring campaign with prices like these New Poplene,-in-liltiok, brown: and navy; bright finish; reediam size' oord, FaVeia150o. Vienna Cloth, three shades, very stylish, 76o. Vigoreaux, in two toned -goods, very epeefel, 50o, Black Lusters at 25o, 35o, 5Qo and 75o. Blank Wool Serge, heavy twill, 30o. Empress Wool Serge, in blaok and navy, 50o. Black French Blister Crepons at 75o,'$1 and $1,50. Fancy Tweed Drees Goods, summer weights, 50o. Colored Cashmere, 42 inohee wide, worth 250 for 15o, Japanese Bilks, in all colors, very eoaroe goods, pure silk, 85o, Striped Silks for waists, e snap at 25o. Waist Silks, in stripes and checks, 50o, 75o and $1. We carry a full range Of Dress T rimmings to match all Dress Goods, in Gimps, Braids, Fringes, Silks, Etc. April Fashion Sheets, free of charge, now on band. Cash and one prioe.. McKinnon 8z Co., Blyth FURNITURE BROADFODT, BOX & : CO. The steady increase in our trade is good proof oethe fact that our goods 'are 'sigh • our prices lower than those of other dealers in the 'trade. We manafaotnre furniture on a large eoalo and eau •afford'to sell obeap. If yon buy from ns, we (cave for yon the profit, which, in other oases, hue to be added inlfor the retail dealer, This week we have passed into stook some of our new"designs. Space will riot' perm tie to quote prates, but Dome and see.for-yourself what °naps we have. to offer.. Remember -we are determined that our nrioes shall bethe loweet in the trade. UNDERTAKING. -aa-111- this department our stoat is complete, and we have -undoubtedly the bestfnnera outfit in the county. Our prices are as low as the lowest.) BRO,ADFOOT, BOX & CO. J: w. Chidle3 Manager. P. S. -Night and Sunday callaattended to by calling at J. W. Ohidley's, gainers Director) residenne Our. OWnt n r • • ar i Sar �a zlls Dozens of Reasons There are dozens of reasons why you ehould use Tt our sarsaparilla in preference to others. These at reasons are the dozens of people who have .bought and used our Sarsaparilla and ,,t we have yet to hear of a single complaint. Sarsaparilla has had the . long--ap- - proval of the best physioians as being one of: the: best Blood Purifiers and Spring tMedicines.. Ours s not a patent, Full formula printed on every bottle. •s Each bottle contains 100 full doses. $1 per bottle. 3 for $2.M it J.E. H0YEY 'Dispensing ChemistClintons Cl 'i'WO •- A Big Snap !SATISFACTION SATI . SFACTION For Big'Men IN CLOTHING NG We have a lot of 44 inch Un- dershirts which are all first- class goods, but larger thin moet people require. We will clear them oat at prices as . in ordered olothing at reasonable prices and follows satisfaction guaranteed. Men's and boy's. $1.50 Ones,per suit,for.$1.15 stook of ready-made snits in next week Men's from $4 up. Ca11 and see them before' deciding to go elsewhere. • A. J. MORRISH A. • J. HOLLOWAI Before buying your spring overcoat or suit see' our stook. . We can give - anything More Pounds . of Butter • And - more orieYl per Pound : There ie more money in working your head than your hande. There is more batter in running a Sharples CREAM Separator Than in skimming by hand -25 per dent more. In a ten low dairy the extra profits gained by the nee of the Sharplee Separator will in one year pay for the machine, and the Separ- ator willgoright along doing the beet of work for 20 years longer. It will pay you to adopt modern up-to•date dairy methods. Write for catalogue; it's free. We want a good reliable man to sell Sharples Cream Separators in every township in Ontario. • Salary or dem- mistrion. W. L. OUIMETTE, Londesboro This is the Time To . buy Your Spring Suit • We remind you became they are just in and the best pattern' haye not yet bon picked out, We Sell Shorey's Clothing The milkemanehip on every garme nt is guaranteed and the at is elegant. In• your interest see them before purchasing, When you have MW6T6 selection, take it home, try on the whole snit, coat, year and pants, examine it thoroughly, have the whole family examine it and if you are not quite eatiefled return it and get your money bloke DRESS GOODS SPECIAL - * rine all wool serge 48 inches wide, navy, green and garnet at only 50o a yard. - DLACK CASHMERE Special all woOl 40 inohee wide at 50o, FANCY BLACK DRESS GOODS • In dress ends, of 6 yards, at $S to $7teaoh. lCOTTONADESwgeAND atc1SHHtTINGS d prices. ir1' Try di pail of oar Bee Brand Sy'ftip, there is none better. W. L O IME r, :_ Londesboro tx " 2X114 CLINTON NEW ERA ehurch ehlMes Meeeleatevn 004. The Presbytery of Huron will ineet again on the second Tuesday in May next. ST PAUL'S. -••Rev. .1,F. Parke, o Si Paul's church, took uthe third of th Lenten discourses in S1.Thomas church in Seaforth last Sunday, preaching on the discipline of the body at the morn ing service and on the discipline of th tongue in the evening. Holy Com- munion was held at the morning ser- vice, Rev'. Rural Dean Hodgine o.fflei• ated here. W learne that, Re E. Roy,!mis- sionary F. Rey. agent of the'cease of Huron, l n g D , as met with encouragingenemas, in soliciting help towards tliquidation of the debt now resting upon the dio- cese, ihe parish of H Imes ill Mid- dleton inG r o v e M p btu e i 1-. t b= dletpxr.and mm rh l , The total s 1 scribedarnounts to about $155, He will hold special services at 'the usual hour in the Church of England at Dungan, non and Port Albert on Sunday next. Sr. JOSEPH'S.—+A mission was held in. . the R. 0. church here, beginning with high mass at 10 a. m. on .Friday last aria lasted tinti1 Sunday, inclusive. Services were held each day at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.'' The celebrated missionary, the Rev; Father Pius, of the Carmelite order, preached at the services on Pei - day. ' riday.' Rev, Fr.' West also took part in the services, Father Pius lett for Niagara on Saturday, where he will re- main until' next Sunday when he will be conducting services in Brooklyn, N. Y. SALVATION ARMY. -A farewell social will be held in the Army barracks this Friday night, in connection with the departure'of Mr H.Morrish and family. for the North-West. Addresses will be given. by Rey. Mr.Murduck, Rev.Mr Wade and others,. also lots of music, singing, cakes and coffee; the ,admis- sion will be 1Oc, -Mr Uantelon did not visit Clinton to assist 01 the Army meetings as announced,being unavoid- ably prevented from" attending; he is, expected to be here a week from Sun- day. ONTARIO Sr. OHURCH.-The services on. Sunday were speciaf y.well attended and the choir rendered excellent selec- tions, Madam Wall taking the solo "Abide with me." - There was no League meeting on Monday evening. the reason being that the League paid a visit to the I3olmesville League.on that evening -and gave the program, after which the visitors were well look- ed after by at delicious lunch.` President C. H. Holland occupied the chairs for the evening, and the •progranm was as follower Opening hymn, Ontario St, League; address, chairman solo, Miss Eva Turnbull; hymn, League; solo, Mrs (Dr.) Thompson; recitation, Miss A. 111ickenden; duett, Misses E. Turnbull and . K. Murch; address, President.: El- ford of Holinesville League; address, itoy. J. Greene; Miss K. Clement filled the duties as accompanist. -The mem- bers of the choir are preparing some excellent Easter music. WILLIE CHURCH. -The sermons de- livered by Rev. Stewart on Sunday. were particularly good in depth of thought. At the morning service the text was .taken, from Jeremiah 13:15-10,: the ..theme being "Man's alienation from God, the changes resulting: from such and the final exhortations of re- pentance." The • evening discourse many considered was a masterpie`ce, eo t o speak, of .deep study and was well explained; it was based on the first chapter of Isiah and was presented to the congregation. as of a ceurti of as sizes with God as judge • and plaintiff and the people as defendants. it was ass God,as it were, bewailing our wick- edness,. and gives ._promises; threat- ens and • exhorteth to .repentance, and if not, the, final decision which is contained in the 31st, verse- "And the strong shall be as tow,, and the maker of it as a spark,and they shall• burn to- gether, and none shall quench them." -At the April meeting of the Excelsior io band there will e missionb a debate bate between Misses Lizzie Chidlev, Watt, Edna Manning and Wallace- Irwin, Robie (Stewart and George Biggart on "Which would - be more worthy of sup- port from the Mission Band - The Pa- triotic Fund or Indian Famine Fund." -Rev. W. G. Howson, of Rattenbury St. church will exchange pulpits with the pastor for the morning service -. Rey. P. Straith, of Inner kip, gave ad. dress at the prayer meeting on , Wed- nesday evening which was enjoyed by those piesent.-The Endeavor meeting on Monday evening was particularly interesting and well attended,' the vice president in the chair. The catechism was taken by Miss McTavish; the les son, a selection from the book of Psalms, was expounded. by Mies Wil- son; the topic " ow the old testament grew"by D.Mc ,avish was very instruc- tive and dealt largely on the order and authors of the books; then followed that which was most helpful to the so- ciety,a discussion led by Rev.Mr Stew- art. N.ATTENBURY STREET CHURCH. 3y.requnst;-the pastor deli-vered--a -ser- mon, the title of which was, "The face of Christ, in art and religion," and the congregation were not disappointed in the able and eloquent exposition deal- ing with this subject. Many references were made of celebrated" paintings of the great mestere of art, in which the figure of Christ bas been depicted in different phases.. Woe have pictures and representations of Caesar and other notables of the time of Christ, and why should we not have one of Christ, In concluding, or dwelling on the latter part of the subject taken, he drew the attention in the form of a question, "Have you seen the face of Christ -spiritually ?" As he was the embodiment of meekness, forgiveness and kindness, he asked the assembly to look upon the Lord spiritually, trust and follow Him. The .subject was ably handled. Mr' Howson is an- other minister who is considered not only an eloquent deliyerer, but a sound and deep thinker. -At the Quarterly Hoard, held last week, the tollowing 1 notion, which expresses and puts on record the high appreciation of their pastor,wasunanimous) carried •-- y r d. "Moved by W. H. Manning, seconded by J. 0, Stevenson, l'hat this Board expreeses ite very high appreciation of the services of the pastor during. the past year, and we beg to assure him that he has our prayers and sym- pathy in his work, which has bed n of great benefit to the church, and we hereby extend to him an invitation to remain with us for the coming year." --The pulpit, will be occupied next Sunday morningby the new A. Stow- art, of Willis church. The pastor will speak in the evening upon "Some common expressions of life ; a lesson learnt in a Jewish synagogue." •The ushers will be glad to show strangers to seats. -It was a missionary meeting at the Leanne on Monday evening, with W. O. Myore as chairman, and the topic was in regard to . "lhina." Papers were read by Mies Mabel HOW. SOD, Mies M. Turner, Arthur Tyndall andW. Townsend, ---A number of the officers of the League entertained the executive committee of the local union on Tuesday afternoon with refresh- ments, the occasion being a business meeting of the union, arranging for its next union. The carnival giyen on Saturday after. noon by the management for the sobool children was a pretty affair and afforded great amuefinent to the youngbters who do , not, get tothoso 1 eld in the evening. There e was a very good nuinbor of maskers but the attendance of speatatore of course was very slim. There were mixed children of • all ages there from the Co'legiate students e to'the little tote, all taking part and hay - ing a big time, There were: costumes in robes and ether ieeenuous origin and the bright colorings bnghlened up the eoene, One little fellow who found it hard wcrk to get around and dressed u Pa- s a little a1ow n was very laughable. The ioe was goodas d the prizes were: -Beet at dies ad gir!, Belle MoEwen; best dressed;boy, Cecil Brewer; girl's comic, Minnie Cook; bay's comic, 0, Sheppard, CANTON 01ABICETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, March 22, 1900. Fall Wheat .......... 0 65 a 0 66... Oats. . 026 a 027 Rye 040 a 045 Barley 0.67 a 0'60 Peas 0 38 a 0 40 Flour per owt,,. 1 75 a 2 00 Butter, looee'21-22,p'k'd 0 15 a 0 17 Eggs per dot 0 10 a .0 11 Sheepskins ..., 0 60 a 0 80 No. 1 Green trim. hides 0 06 a 0 07 Potatoes, 0 25 a 0 25 -.Chickens, per pair, .,., 0 30, a 0 40 Duoke,per pair 0 25 a 0 40 Geese, per lb 0 05 a Q.06 Turkeys, perili 0 08 'a +0 09 Pork, live 5 15 a • 5 15 Pork, dressed 6 26° a 6 26 Dried apples per lb... ; 0 05 a 0 05 Bran, per ton 15 00 a 15 00 Shorts, per ton, , 17 00 a 17 CO JUDGED BY THE. PAST. We are willing to be judged by our past services to the people as druggists. We always devote our best' energies -to those who call on ire to have thoir wants supplied. Our stook of Toilet V,,reparations is ever new and varied, and low prizes maintain our popnlarity. The spring medicine surpassing all others is Paine'e Celery Compound. It is the great blood purifier rend strength giver. it banishes rheumatism neuralgia, dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles. Come • to use and buy a bottle end test the virtues of Paine's Celery Compound. H. B. Combe Druggist, Clinton, Oat: BORN. MASON. -In • Blyth, Oth March, the wife of Mr Wm. Mason, Of sort, • PATERSON.- In East Wawanosh 11th Maroh,the wife oi•Mr N. Patterson, of a daugh- ter. - LUNDY.-1n:Blyth March loth, the wife of Mr Ed: Lundy, of a spn. - RQBINSON.-In East Wawanosh, on March 7th, the wife of Mr Thos. Robinson, of a daughter . McDO we MoRillop, on March 11th, the wife of:Mr J. McDowell; of a son. CLEGG.=In Gorrie, on Mar. 18th, the wife of Mr R ch, 01egg, of a son.., - JERV1S--1n Si:.taluta, Mee., on Maroh. 8,. the wife of Edwin Jervis (ne. Miss :Hamilton), of n. • o n SMELLIE-In Ann Arbor. Mich., on March 9, the wife of B. A. Smellie of a son. • MARRIED. McGREGOR-McC'ULLY-At the residence of the bride's mother,Constance, on March Mef3• 24; Maryregor.,idaughter of Mrs •• McCully to John. • • •PArTERSQN-GOVIEft--At the • manse, Au-. burn,:on March 20, by Rev, R. Henderson, Wm B. Patterson, of Beverley, to Miss Sarah Jane Govier, of Hullett. • MOGREGOR-KINSMAN.- At the 'Baptist parsonage: on March 15th, by Rev, T. J. Mur- dock, Alexander McGregor, of Goderioh, to -Mrs Elizabeth Kinsman, of Clinton. HOOVER-HOWSON.-In Clinton, on', Wed- nesday, Maroh2lst, by the father of the bride; at the Rattenbury-streot Methodist. parson- age,of Rev novoMichigan, c gan U.S. A. to Mise Florence N. eldest daughter of Rev. �'. G.g owson. :' Mat -fa .. POSTELE W WPO -CATLING. -At the manse Clinton, on March 7th, by'. Rev. A, •Stewart, Frances, second d hter of Mr.las. Catling, of Clinton, to Mr. Thoe.:Postelethwaite,. of Goderieh. EL WARD-McVETY,-At the Manse;Bruce• field, on March 8th, by -Rev. E. H. Sewers, Mr Wm. Edward, of Brigden, Ont., to Miss Ellen MaVety, of Tackersmith. BM/PON-PRP ,. - iU. At the residence of the bride's father, MoKillop, on March 14th, br Rev. A. C. Tiffin, Mr John Scott Bolton, to Miss Polly Price, eldeat daughter of Mr Thos. Pride. • BELL-CLOAKEY,-At the Methodist 'oar- sonage, Blyth, on Wednesday, March 7th, by Rev. Wm. Penhall, Frank Bell to Miss Clem- entina, daughter of Jas. Cloakey,eillof Morris. PARKER-IRWIN.-In East Wawa osh, on Marchl4th, by Rev. A. McLean,, Mr A. Parker to Mise Margaret Irwin; both. of East Wawanosh. . • • • REID=-MEDD.-At the residence of . the bride's parents. Kinburn, on. Monday, Match 16th, by Rev. 24r Coupland, of Londeaboro, Mies Aline, daughter of John H Medd, to Chas, Reid. DIED. CASH -In Seaforth, on March 1(th,.l3id, Cash. aged 80 years and 6 months.. • BALLARD.-In Listowel, on March 8th John.G: Ballard, aged 62 yearn, 0 months and 18 days. SLEMMbR,=-InL,etowel Maroh•eth, Lizzie, wife of W J. ,tmer,,a mged 26 yoare,2 months and 20 days. McDONALD.-In Huron, 'on March 8th, Mary Ann McDonald, wife of the late Thos. McDonald, aged 49 years. ANDERSON. -In Usborne, Marph 8th, Frances Ander�eon, aged 68 years 7 months. HILL. -In Stephen, March 8th, Martha Hill eldest daughter of the late Walter Hill, aged 86 yoare. 2 months. and 20 days. O,AMERQAF.�Atiltliast;3n:M�roh 7StTr� Eira� John Cameron, - CAMERON. -In Turnberry, Maro• h 12th, A. Cameron, aged 80 yearn ,4041 Zattertionuats. - WANTED. A good general servant, references requir ed. Apply y to AMISS BOUGIE, mat 28 tf Goderieh, Ont. SEED PEAS The undersigned has a quantity of good seed peas for sale. W. MARQUIS, Mar 28-1 lot 20, con. 0, Goderieh tp, SEED GRAIN FOR SALE. -- SEED PEA'• -Harley and'Oats for sale. Cash, or tithe as suits: Drive right to the Ware House opposite Railwayy_�Station. Always plen- ty Corn on hand. W. G. PERKIN Mat 28-tf Clinton, lli(iUSE TO RENT. The residence on Huron street west --an. ex- oellent seven roomod frame honed bedroom downstairs; snit and hard water; all kinds of truittroeaandlarge;quantityofourrants, will borne very roaeonablei poeaession given at onooes tt Dissoltittlou,ofPartncrship Owing to the illness of Goo. Armour; of the firm of Johnston & Armour, eondu0ting a hail, nese bue'nees in town hat been, dissolved by mutuat consent. All last year's accounts mutat be paid by May lat so costs will not be incurred to J. Johnston who will ttill dentin - tie in the business, *p.. TO BENT ..,. Tho large Week store at present ocaupled by Ogle Cooper & Co The storm in well fitted u for groeorlea, pinto ghee front, lighted with gas; whore a large ttado has been - clone and one 01016 boat stands In town. For oartioulare apgly to Mar 28 -tf IfAIt,LAND into$. TO I Ai 1VitERS The undersigned has on his farm, lot 48, Maitland eoneession, (loderiolt township a thorobred Shorthorn bull,. roistered, and a therobrod Yerkehlre boar, registered, for ser. vide. Terms $1.00 cash, each, et time of ilea, vice with privilege of returning. Also 1200 foot hemlock lumber, dry, for hale. Apply' to JAS'.LA1THWA1TE, lhtidr 234 Clinton, unit A''''"'"'r,.a-.•...II Montreal Battle Market. Montreal, March 19. -Tho market at this moment is nervous, with a reaction tendency. Speoulation in the hog line is gra wally decreasing in volume, and the tone of the market at the Feet End Abat- tiot was quieter than it has been for some little'' tiw0, 'The receipts this morning amounted -to about 350 head -of -cattle, 50 sheep and 25 lambs, 250 calves and about 25 hogs, The quality was fairly good and prices remain good and firm. ' Butohere, and exporters were present in large num- berg, and a brisk trade . was put through during the morning. The few oboioe oat• tl e sold at 5oto5 c per pound, w � bile the good sold at from o elP or pound, the medium at from Seo to 4s per pound and the common and culls at from 2e to 30 per pound. Sheep in good demand at. prices.. from 3ao to- AT per pound ayearlings' around 5o for anything .nioe and all were readily sold. Calves were plentiful, with not to active sale. Prioee on aouount of the quality of stooke • were rather low, with quotations at from $2 to $6 each Hogesoaroe and in strong demand; 'supply not sufficient to fill wants; prides remained firm at from $5.25 to $5.60. The prevail- ing pride was about $5,60 per 100 pounds, Wi•ngham Ruiter, nutter, Rutter 1 After six months • of practical education a number of merchants have at last got on the grourrtdd floor and got butter in the twenties, Birt .say! Do they ever tell you"they're putting it on the goods"? has not h • eard of they'll "Retreat thous and" ? Now since they have seen the light we may expect to be treated professionally in the future, as things have been said that hurt. All kinds of clover and timothy seeds handled. tf G. E. KING, Wingham, Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully need monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, elfeetual, Lades ask your druggist for Cook's Catton Root COP' pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and Imitations are dangerous. Prime, No, 1, $1 per box; No. 5,10 degrees etronger,$8 per box. Na or 3, mailed on receipt of price and two 8-eent stamps The Cook Company Windsor On$. !'Nos, 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggistssin Canada. Nos. 1 and 2 sold in Clinton by Sydney Jack- son; Druggist •. W. JACKSON, .AGIE:lT CANADIAN 'PACIFIC .�Y. CLINTON. Through tioketeiesued to all points in the -state, Manitoba, :the North - West: and British. Columbia. Trav- ellers to anyjpoint will consult their -interests by consulting above. aesiaMieeitateweesAasaaa ANAAA/NWAc SAWAWAAWA RUMB4LL'S JEWELRY STORE SPECTALTIES SPECTACLES. __ Fitted, lay _ari Expert Optician Big Reductions -. IN MILLINERY For the next Two Weeks I will make big reductions on all lilies in stock, as I want to make room for a very large spring stock. Felt Ilats From 25c to 50e MISS ROSS. LOGS We want Logs of all _kinds, particularly Elm, and are pre- pared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICES. If you have any Logb to sell it will pay you to snquire°•-oul;„prices7be foro caking them elsewhere. • R. & J. Ransford. 0 ,0.•.0.0 .0 .0;.0. •000• 0 j 4 0 O 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0••0"0 'C7 0 0 0 O 0 Removed Across 'the Street 3 Doors South of Town Hall A. 3. Grigg Snooeesor to Joe, Biddlecombo' CLINTON" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 ,f7 , n. r ri n. f, 1) t,. .. Noxell 23, 2 OO ej Ig Spring argaln ale In-Hardware,_.Ti bet•e,..: ra,uiteware,.nn Lamps - Friday, �,V, Saturday •,,i ►~ And Monday April 6-7-9 . and There will be Bargains and make no mistake, but re= member the above dates Conde a see for yourselif f. . earlier the better. Ekook oyer - the following list, of other goods ricreiot. mentioned can be seen on our red tern any uced day' of sale,s. harked n plain figures, and at The Lots coup. greatly ALL GOODS at BARGAIN PRICES STRICTLY CASH HARDWARE 2 Kegs 2 in Cut Steel Nails :... 3 Kegs 2a ,. • !' . , . . 3 Kege 3t i. Kegs 4 ” age 5 ., , ,, 1 eg 6 " " $2.50 per keg, a great snap present ae $3.50 Gate and Barn Door Rinses, reg price 5o lb, sale price 3o 13 Keeps and Staples, 15o, now8c 2 Doz Sash Fasteners ..1513 dot 9 OnlyFence Plyers,-, 38o 10 Only " " - 480 • 2 Grind Stones Fixtures, complete 98o- 2 Drain Cleaners, was 75o, for'eacilw 350 3 Long handled S M. Shovels .., 35o - 7 Combination Garden , Hoes ..... 22o 4 Pre Rubber Anti Rattlers, per pr 5c Gimlet Bite, assorted sizes.... 5. & 80. 3 Pre Compasses, regular 201 12o 1 Only Lever X out: saw Set. , :350 5 Whip Sodkets, was loo 50 22 Boxes Stove•Polish, was :10o . ;7o 3 Boxee Harness Dressing 25o box Assortment of Chisels, Gonges,and Auoere, about • half price 2 Sets quilt frame Clamps 18o sat 3 Gimlets 5o 3 Doz Screw Hooke 5. doz 7 Doz Tinned Meat Hooke 100 doz (3uliing Tonga So pr, gp. ctacles, . , . 1043 pr h LLarge Screw Drivers .. , ... 15o & 18c 3 Pre Towel Brackets, with roller 1.5c 4 Hammers, reg. price 500• - 38o 4 u . _ " - 65o 48o 11 Plated Towel Racks, each 10o 7-Ligbt Cattle chains, each - ]4o Curry Combs, each 50 5 Combination Curry Combs, each 20o 9 Papers Round head shoo nails.. . 8o 2 Large wood panes, was $1;40.. 70o A few cans of odd shades in mixed paint....... Cheap to clear -out • Hasid saw Files ...... ... 50 Knitting needles by the gross,2 set 5. • . t;UTLEItY AND PLA'IEI) WARE 2 Stable Broome . 35o 2 . 30o y 3 Pre Rorse Clippers, good valve at $1.50, sale pztoe per pair. ' 1.15 ' 3 5(1 Ft Champion Xout saws,each 1.98 Mouse Traps :-,., 5o 5 Household Hammers • .15o ],.Only family.Meat Cutter 1,38 - 2 Lemon Squeezers, was 20o .15o 3 " , . " was 25o 2Oo 4,Razor Strops, -good, -was -3543 250 _Chalk lines 2 for 5ae7 A few Pao shoe nails, was 15o..., 5o 1 Case 14 Auger. Bits,regular price, $3.50, Bale price 2,25 3 Flower Pot Brackets, was 35o 25o - 4 Boxwood Spokeshaves, wasbOo., 30o Can openers, eaoh, ' 5o. Comping and picnic forks, per doz. 100 Wood Tape, regular 83 4. Hat and Coat Hooks,per doz..5o & 100 5 Hand saws, 26 in, ohoap•at 75e:. 60o 4 " 20 in, a " 65o• 50e 1 Only 41b: house 'reale, bargain "'2"60 2 Gurney's family cotile, '12'1b, . a 3.20. 2 Gold Medal. Sweepers, alightly -damag. d, regular price $3,50 .. 2.25 2 Plated Hat Racks, each ... 25o 1 Only family Grindstone . 750 `A few brass Curtain Hooks pair .103 3 Sete Dare Potts' Irons, set . 90o 2 Bundles braided.galy. wire, lb3. 1 Bundle flat strip fencing wire, lb 2. 2 Wire Clothes Baskets,good thing : 40o 2 Wi"r"e Vogeliiblei Baskets.. 250 7 Pkge;Disinfeotant Powder,50 11. Bottle, English FurniturePolish 13o 13 ,. .., - . ., " 50 A few - Packages odd shades in _ Kalsomine and Alabastine, pkg 1513 Large bottles Shoe Dressing, each. '20o Small ., • " " 15o . Phenyle; the great disinfectant powder, per lb 20o 5.Braoes,regular price 50e.. .. 38e 4 Braces; $1 25 and $1 50,each,.., 00. • 3 Bets knives and forks reg 75o, set 3 Sets•knives and forke reg $1, set Sets knives and forks 4 es or s reg 50a, set 4 Sete, knivea_and fcrke Ng 75o, set 2 Sete knives and forks Rogers reg $1.50 set ' 2 Sets knives and forks, Desert, Rogue, reg $1.50 set 3 Sete ohildrene knives & forks, pr 7 only forks - , • - 1 Set celluloid handle table knives alightly damaged regular $3, set 1 Set plated table knives reg $3, set 8 Setschildren knives plated 503 1 Set children knives plated 750 • 1 Set children knives plated 25o 1 Set carvers with steel $1.75, set 7 pre oarvers your choice for 3 only quiok mit knives Plated mustard and salt epaone 3 butter' knives regular 65.o 3 u ., " 80o 2 ,{ " " 35o 58o 3.Butter knives,pearl handle $1.25 95c 70o 7 Butcher knives, . regular r r i a 250 1813 380 5, " " " 200. 14q 60o :4 Butcher knives, Rodgers; reg 30e 22o 4 Brea•i kniyesregular price 20o.. 1243 1 20 8Razors, $1'and $1.25, slightly w damaged fi0n 'T 1 20 11 Pre Scissors,. 350 and 400 , . 28u 12o 6 50o.... 38o -38o '6 " 60o - 450 3 Doz Plated Teaspoone; regular 2 00 pride $1, per doz 753 2 00 4 Sete of half dozen eaoh white 35o metal forks, regular price 75c45o 40o 2 Sets Plated forks, $1 ...... 68o 20o 3 Sets Tinned rorke, per set 25o 1 50 11 Plated Muddlers ..... ...,.2for 5o :2,55.;Auf,7:43,d Plated -Table Spoona,ea 200 8• " Desert ". 15o 83 BKniyee, damaged,•eaoh15o 4504 SNapkin. Rings, 35o,eaoh15o . 07 PForka,$1 and $1.25,chorce 60o TINWARE Cake Cotters - 2 for 5o 3 3 -Quart Covered Pails, eaoh, ..: 15o 3 4 Quart " " . • 20o 4_6 Quart _- L-- - "- - ; . 250 3 Small Strainer Pails, eaoh: , . ,.. , 35o 4.Large - " " • 50o 13 6•Quart Pails, eaoh 913 15 10 -Quart " " 14o 12 14•Quart " • 190 3 No 9 Boilers, copper bottom1.48 22 Dippers, each 4o 8 Fire Shovels, each 7o 2 4 -Gallon Oil Cans, eaoh . 48o 1 Spice Box 350 -A.feet.Bake Pans, eaoh ., 10o 7 Flour Dredges, eaoh. 50 5 Flour Sifters, was 20o 15o Pepper Boxes, eaoh 30 8 Children's Trays, 50o 30o 13 Small Pressed Wash Bowls,l(lo 7o 10 Large " " - " 120 90 6 Small Dish Pans .Tr.. ilii.. 16-0 7 Medium " 20e • 4 Large " 28o Pie Plates 4o Patty Pane, per doz 5o and 8o Angel Cake Tins, each..,, ...,543 and 7o Oval Pudding Pane,with rim eaoh 17o " without " 12o, 2 Toilet Sete, °lightly damaged, - regular pried $2.50, sale price .. 1.50 2 No 9 Copper Tea Kettles,. each 1.00 3 Chicken Drinking Fountains, ea 25o b'Rd Bread Bake Pans, each , . , 25o Small Dippers,our own.meko,eaoh 4o Tin Dash Egg Beaters, eaoh ,, at. 16o 10 Pressed Milk Pane for 1.00 Round Tin Padding Pan 4o to 100 GRANITEWARE 3 Teapote, regular price 500 2 60o 1 .. " 3 Dippers " 2 Water pails" 2 .s " 380 5 Wash Basins,regnlar price 80o.. 24o 45o 4 " " . " 25o.. 200 1,00 60o 1 " " " 20o.. 13o 24o 2 Double Cookers, large, $1.25.... 98o " small, $100.... 85o 8500680 1 I Cnspadore, 050 ... M,,;; 50o 990 1 Tea Drawer, 25o . , , . ... ' 20o 28o 6. Basting Spoons, 100 8o 24o 2 -Milk Pane, 300..— 24o 85o....,. 1.00 1 Teakettle, No 9 150 4 -Quart Covered Emile, 850 3 -Quart " 800....4 2 Lampe,decorated, reg price $1.25 1 " "• " 200 2 " sr " • 2.50 2 Hanging Lamps 'a • 4.00 LAMPS T• T l T T' 98o 2 Banquet Lamps, reg price. $3.50 2.65 .1.18 1 •" " " 4,00 3.25 a 150 5 Parlor Lampe, shades oemplete 60o 1.88 2 Hall Lampe, regular prioe $3,50 2 50 3.25 3 Hanging Lampe " 8.50 2.50 SPECIAL 1 Only Fire Proof Safe, 400 lbs, good value at $35, sale price............ $27 00 1 Only " " 225 lbs " $80 " ... ...,.,... 23 00 ,25 Whips, about half price 7 Oyolone Sprayers. a drat -class article, regular price 750 and $1, sale pries 56o Barbed Wire, special pride on days of sale, $3.75, worth $4 This is4), groat chance to Secure borne cheap goods. ! We will have another such sale", but not until February, 1901 --just before taking stook. Remember the Dates t , , I-Iarland r1RDN_HARDWARESTOVES,TINWARE , 1' r-.