HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-23, Page 6•
••••••••101,- • •-,11.1***0.* a,44,./.411,10.Manal.114",... . , •••., kom.L.111 • ; • -ke •
anadian Mounted Rifles and
Artillery at Carnarvon.
- •••••••44 nanny+,
. •
*supplemented by the occur:tonal cap.
tura of Cattle. Our home-made gun
erratically hembarde tho Bocr
"Horrible atorigs ano ctierent that
Tines may not he true.; but they are
tending to inflame native passions to
suoh an extent that it may soon be
impossible to hold the natives In
°Owing to tbe Boers having deliber-
ately bombarded the native stadt,
evhieh is fell of women and children'
Col. liadenePowell nas armed the na-
dyes, but he bas only allowed thereto
wit on the defensive, althoogh they
have elainored to be allowed to go
out ane attack at Dies point of the as-
segai. ,
"They will be `prevented as long as
frosiltle frm.cet.m. Inflictiee reprisals on
Boers Restless'.
liefekIng, :Mattis .17;-Frotu March
_Boers .__Corarnandpering-• -Everybody evera night. The Boma bet
7th eo :Meech 191.11•-thereswealteavyra
They Can Get a Hold Of.
, •
• .(ten. White Gettig riome—lie is a Very Sick firel—Canadians as Athletes
--flatacee's Division Resting at Springfontein.--Buller's Rig Ann• e
(letting. Ready for Attack—Drs Lords .Going to ParIs--.-Around Lady-
smith—New .York Dutch • Aristocrats to Try to Free Cronje—British
Troops at See Bound for South Melee. , .. •
• • Thaba, Nchn is east of Peeemfoiltelie aecompanied by Sir • john Willouglibe,
ou the border qf Basutoland. Warren- who °went withhim on the raid into
ton is about forty pilios north of Kite- the Transvaal,
berley. At this p�int the railway to
Inafeking crosses the Vaal RIver,
. eyelet) forms the southern boundary of
. stile Transvaal. -
• .
Thousands Surrender...
, Gather° fields Springfontein. .
Bethune, Mame 10, -General Gat.
acre's scouts have occupied •Spritig•
fontein. The country Is clear of the
enemy. • Tho. main celeien •Is
London', March 19. - Despatches Mg the • scouts. •
from cape Town and Bloemfonteinein-. •
dica.te tnat the Free State Boers are Isight at Fourtecu Streams.
Increasingly ready to cease the con- Kimberley, March 18, 5.45 p.m. -4
tests Organized military reelstance In mounted corps under . command qf
e the *southern half of the Republic is Maj. Drummond, of the Shots Guenda
' almost ended. The Bethune ande Nor- made a reconnaissance in the viclishty
valet Pont commandoes lia.ve partly of Rourtean Streams Friday. They
-surrendered The remainder, reported surprised a Boer form, Who ran for
. to number 2,000, Mee) trekked to De- -their arms under the British fire,
tvetedorp, south. of Theism szeChu, to which they later returned with their
whites place Gen. Roberts mentions rifles, and with shrapnel and cordite.:
that he has sent a form, .The enemy's sheill fire was caught
The correspondent• says that 2,500 ' by the rising ground which sheltered
rifles were surrendered on the day he the British troops, and it did no dam -
sent tne despatch. age. .Two of the British were wound-
- Five hundred burghers have mom- ed, itqwever, he the rifle fire.
tiered at Bloemfontein, all or them tak-• The British prevented the ; Boers
ing an oath when they surrendered from doing any further damage to
not to take up arms agalese the Bei- the bridge at- Fourteen Stream; and
tish during the present war, nor to secured the pont or •ferry boat there.
Wraith assistance or intormation'to General Metestien rode 60 miles with*
Any 'member of the Republican forces. the troops. He returned last evening,
They also swore to remain qtdetly at andsent reinfOrmenente to Major
home until the war is over.Drueenond. . • '
,They are aware that if they break • It is expected • that the Boers
tbis oath in any respect they will be will withdraw from their positions at
• table to arch its.nalty as the cuseora of Ioarteen Streams, as the British pos-
'war prescribes. •, Woe On the south side, of the river.
• The rolling Meek captured by the commands their entrenchments.-
, Britiih•at Bloemfontein coexists of 26
locomotives, 18 earria;ges, 8 brake
vane, and 124 short wagone.
$t,. Patrick's day was oelebrated
With fervor -in Bloemfontein. •
• The correspondent adds that sine
allar requests for Gen. Roberts' pro-
clamation witlna vijew to surrender
will probably be received from Ronx-.
vele, Ladybrand, Ficksburg and -petit-.
The Daily News' military critic says
that about the time Genera- Roberts
departed for South Africa • General
Lord Wolselay, commander-in-chisf of
eseiler Majesty -a forces. prophesied. that
he would enter Pretoria by May Le. r
•11 the enemy's resistanee was main- Send-ofr to Lady Rolieres.
•"' tained. General Wolsslay's exact pro- , Leedom ' Mareli 1.7. -The departure
r • plxceles regarding Ashantee. Comas- of Lady Roberts from London this
ale and Telel-KebLr are recalled.
- ...6. despatch to the Daily Mail frbm
morning _far .South 'Airica was made
, the oceasion for a popular detnon•
Bloemfontein, dated., Friday, Mama stration, Among her fellow -travellers
16, says:
- were the Duchess of Teck, who has
• "We are getting rifles eurrenderea gone to join her huisband ; Gee. 'Sir
fruiter than a factory could ' turn Frederick Cerringtoti and etaff,
out. It is quite certain, that If a , Ledy Chasham, and Miss Rhodes. •A.'
British official can reach the north.. large gatlwring of friends bacleLade
ern imagers wtth Lord •Roberts' pro- _ Roberts farewelL Lady. Roberts was
elamation, the whole Boar• popula- accompanied by her two daughters,
Von wDl• declare for peace." . all M. the deepest mourning. Sbortly
A despatch to the Daily Nees m .af ter she. entered her saloon carriage.
...Bloemfontein, dated .Friday, eiafro1.0, the the Lord Mayor presented the three
10, says :ladies •with buncliee Shamrocks..
"Latent? have occurred whiell in.
The •departure of the train wail the
.• duce me to believe that the war will
las to mar
signI•ri for a great outburst of en -
only last•ao ong•it 'takes ch
tiin, vi
to Pretoria. The ed uca thuseasc cheergthe Wang of
d Boers,. ..
eenen the Transvaa lora are ready to 'Jags fetid handkerchiefs. .
• accept the hurritable." * • selarekings Surrounded. ,
„Di response to Lord Roberts* pro-
clamation, 400 Free Staters our- Pretoria, March 17, 6.45 a. m., -via
tendered at Desemfontein yesterday.. Lorenzo Marques. - There are a
it Is credibly reported that three- large number of Boers on the weeteen
genitors of the Free State troops border of the Tranevaal in the neigh -
have returned to their farms.' The borhood of Mafekin,g, and that- town
Free State burghers --who are hold. is surrounded by a* very strong cor
ing out are said to be poor e-hitos don through which its is impossible for
who have nothing to lose. the British to break. / The - federal
A despatch from Bidemfontein, dot. form are disputing with the great.
eil yesterday, states that the .Friend est vigor an attempted advance to -
of the Free Sta,te, the official news. wards ' the Transvaal of e British.
,paper printed there, Me been taken force from Kimberley.
In ohazge by a oommittee of Englesh . s
. War correspondents and is now being The French Canadians. .
printed as a daily journal on Impale London, Marais 18. -The daily and
Janette lines.•
weekly papers yesterday reflected
"rate. German Consitt1 expreesed es- the remarkable impression made upon
esetannehmeist at the quiet 'manner! sin sengd'e • lish _ publia-opiniOn-by--ther
- and. tude- • of the FreneleCanadian (eli-
tist. absence of looting by the troops. zees of ees, Dominion.
.. The Tams, commenting upon Major
To Cut Off 2.000. ,sseeeenee.s indispensable railway- en
London, March- 19. --The "nett Move gleeering work with Lord Roberti,
Will be to collect at Bloemfontein remarks that it is an interesting
by ' railway aufficient stores for the fact,. eminentiy illustrative sof the
immense . army Lord Roberts' will vastness and complexity of the'Ene
beets when the Orange River forces fare, that a Canadian subject Of the
ha,vta joined him. .• , Queen of French descent, irlue as
• This will probahly occupy from two officer of engineers, has won dItLnc-
to weeks. Therefore the 'next Moe hys_the conistruotion and man
important operations may bp expect- • "agentent of Egyptian railways,
ed in Natal.should play so important a part in
The cavalry brigade which Lifted the Orange River campaign to -day.
Roberts has sent to Thaba, Nehu, 85 Tim Daily News notes in a leader
miles east of Bloemfontein, is destined the prominent and enthuidastic part
to ent off some 2,000 Beets, who are the Frerieh-Canadians took in the pops-
eeeeping from the southward. The ular rejoicing at Montreal for the
• Beers sfete reported to have de- Strathcona Horse.
the railway in the neighbor- Tile epectator, noting the passionate
Mod of Kew:Meted. loyalty speeches In the Canadian Com-
PredletiOns and betting are begin- mom, says Englishmen will never for-
ding here that the war will be end- get in dealing with South Africa that,
M by the middle of May. In one battle. the company which dire
• tinguished itself was iso thoroughly
A Sop at the Hoed. Erench-Calladian that into of ite mem-
London, Match 19. -The Cape Town bees could•not speak or understand the
ettrrespentdent of. the Daily Newts de- other language. They Were ready „ to
*albeit` the indignation Caused by a die, the Name way for the flag that
Goeesdiment circular prohibiting ea. our work in South Africa may, be ac-
tooteetrettiens without official sapothen cOnlashed, e •
, seeded as a sop to the Afrikander The Saturday ileview says: "The
Bend The correspondent adds that insPerittl Senate may be nearer real-
ization than the most optimistic woularouni d
, the Robte in Denfaraland are raiding
Wedfisoh Bay, whither British dare suggest." •
and ' German form have been des-
pAtehigy etimberley Coltenik. .
. •
French Military Melee° :Wounded.
• Pretoria, -March 15. -Captain Carl
Blechman, the American --attache
with the Boer, army now operating
•on the eastern border of the Orange,
Free State, arriVed here this Morn-
ing. He stays that Col. Dematige, the
French. military •attache, received a
contusion on the • hip, be Inteing been
hit by a . spent shell. ,
Zile' War Office •annotetees that In
•the fighting At •Aliwal North on
/genii 11.th • five men , Were lelle0 and
eighteen wounded,
Cape Town, March 18.-Jrhe mount.
r lapling'S Irish Poem. • • ed force from Kimberley proceleding to
Cites Town, March 18.-04 the In. the relief of Mafeking, has review] at
itiative of Lord Roberts, a newspaper Warrenton (45 Miles from .Kitaber•
„r hes been started at Bloemfontein for ea9. As the force neared Whelsorten,
gr the oducation of the trooPe. Mr. Bud. the Boers evacuated the town, blow -
Yard Xipling eontributed to the inaug., ihre lin the bridge,
oraledition yeetmelay the following It is reported that the rebels, who
refesed to ace:mit:ally the Tranteatn-
free r
• 0 Terence, dear, and did you hear eer when the latter vacated Twinge
and Vryburg are preparing to ttek
The newt that'a going round?
The Shamrock's Erin% badge by Iaw, Into namaraland 011 the tarn/roach Of
. weer*, wee her was are foona, , the British, but Otte the notion.
• Trent Bloemfontein to Ditlybank,tot eillete are getting reedy to bar
I "rig ordered by the Queen, 'their mane,
aezese wxu) our right In open fight -
Still Pegging Away. •
The Wearing of the green.
' Loreftee Marques, Mart* 18.---A tle.
11: dainceon tit Durban. mach from Ilinfeking, dated Settee
Londe% dittretiss 10, -Dr. Jameson, daY, March PAX 'lay:::
who has not yet entirely tecovered "The garrison is holding it even.
trona the effect of typhoid fever, welch WO WM" heard linniteolla ruiners that
tbe siege will be rtlieed, but AO far
contracted duriug the :liege of
Immo, tutteaa nt Durban easter* that is net the Mute. WO are Dogging
en tette to ('ape ToWIL /Id away patiently on quarter ratiene,
aiming the town appear to be rest-.
JOSS. A few. shells were Bred toelay.
Gm hundred of the enemy, With
three guns, trekked nerthwarrl to.
The Is a dy snit th re ch.
e Pietermaritzburg, Natal, March 10
(Friday), 12.20 p.m. -The revictualling
of Ladysmith • s proesediag daily, but
as the railway bridge over the Tugela
River will not be ready until about
the 171h, food corms in. slowly. The
medical comforts, 'however, are now
sufficient, but , the accumulation of
supplies with a view to further oper-
ations is proceeding.
The hospitals are being ovaculted
steadity, and a large oonvalascent
cempsia forming at Moot River. The
thou -sands of beds- on the American
hospital ship Mteneseend other hos- •
pitaldines are filling up whth oases for
England. The Maine sails Saturday,
with a full complement of cot 'oases.
But there are still about' ewethou-
sand three -hundred in the tin camp
and Antombi. • . s
The army now occoplea widely ex-
tended camps from Acton Homes and
Dewdrop on the west pi Elands -
Laagte and Sunday River en the east,
outpoets pushed forward toWard Van
Reenen's pass and Helpmakaar.
• Both opposite Wisenen and along
Sunday river our patrolss are in con-
tact with the Boers, and there are oc-
casional outpost affairs (skirmishes),
with a few casualties.
Yesterday a patrol of the South Af-
rican.Lighancena beyond Beater's was
.fired on and two men wounded and
captured. Otherwise all ,is quiet in Na.
tal. • i---
The Boom. n,umbereng . about lee
000, eccuPY 'strong Pesitione in the
Biggartsberg range, which' runs at
right anglea• to the Drakensberg
mountains. It is reported that they
pcissese twenty guns.. • , -
These men willjtave tb be caught
sooner or later. - • -
The 'British troops. are rapidly re•
easter1:3g from their fatigues. The
Ladysmith garrison es recuperating
well, with plenty of exercise and good
General Buller's army, with the .in.
cream of the Ladyamith men and genets.:
is now a very' powerful force. The
soldiers are all growing impatient to s
attack again and completely, expel
the •Dpers from Hee Majesty's terris
tory. The feeling here is general that .
this great army will not long remain
idle. .• •
, •
' 17;000 Ot -Respite'. .
Toronto, March 19. -Dr. . Charles:
Hodgetta. tfonosnre Seoretary of
the • lied Cross Society, Canadien
branch, is in receipt of a cable mes-
sage front Dr. Ryerson. Canadian.
Red arose Commissioner, Slated Kiel;
berley, March 16, s'tating .thitt he -
"hes eetablieshed 90 bed; at ICimberley
and that the Canadian envies are
being sent .there to assist In the imrs•
lug. lie also reports that tbere are!
one 'thousand sick and .wounded. at
Kimberley alone, with 17,000 of all
ranke in hospitals, either byreason
of woundor greatness. The Executive
Is pleased to note tee feet that the
assistance given .by. the 'Canadian Red
•Croes Deana is .much appreciated ha
tee authorities at the Cepa The (loc.
tor intimated' that both Lieut. Ma-
son and Lieut. Wilkie, who .are at
Weeberg, are improving in. health.
, ............. • -
Cape Irishmen Titanic the queen.
London, March 18. -Sr Alfred Mil-
ner, Governor of ' Capes Colopy, tele-
graphed to Colonial Secretary Chem-
berialte for transmission to the Queen,
o 1eLo1utiOI1S that 'were UILILIIIflLOUH
ly 'adopted ' at a public meeting_ sof
,Irishmen at Cape . Town. The first
resolution hutribIy thanks Her Ma-
jesty for her elesenrock °Nese for her
decision to visit Ireland, EtnErfor the
formationof the -Irish Guards.
The second records the colivietion
that theempire IS ilgIltIng'SOr justice
and peace.
Her Majesty replied to the metsage,
saying she sincerely thanked the Cape
Town Irish for the sentiments they
expressed, vrhich had greatly touched
her. She was always confiden.t that
the MAO spirit of courege.aaditilegra.
•hiece-sesellibir distiriguTshed her Irish
soldiere In the face of the enemy -would
be shared by their brethren in the
,colonye , .* •--
Dundonald Active. :
Ladysmith, March 16. -Lord Duns •
donalde. cavalry petrels • reconnoiter-
ed the Free State border of Basuto. -
-land to DS Bore Pass, where a slight
skirmish occurred, in wEittli two Br -
attached• to the Boor forces, were
also encountered in strength at Van
Reenen's Peas and Tintwas Pass,
Ka•ffirs arriving here report that
tee Boers ere Manifesting a very vin-
dictive spirit under defeat, and that,
many kraals hitherto reported have •
bean burned. The German ambulanees -
attached to the Boar forces, were
found near lilodder Sartrit, abandon-
edi by the Boers. The physicians in
charge were unable to move p.nd weie
brought into oarap, where the wound-
ed Were oared for. Transports were -
subsequently supplied and the am-
bulances were sent to the Boor lines,
Carnarvon, Cape Colony) March 10.
-The Canadian. Mounted Rifled, un.
der Col. Ilorehinert and the Canadian
artillery, eenttnanded by Col. Drury,
have arrived Hera with a contingent
of yeomanry. The presenee of this
fleece here tars had an exeollent effect
Iii the district. It is reported that
a large force of rebels is in the vicin-
ity of Van We:gimlet. "
Carniervano Cape Cdiety, inabout 100
miles west of the railway lines run.
ning from Cape Town through Kim-
berley to the north, and 150 miles
southwest Of De Aar Junction. The
(leaflet has been a hotbed of rebellion
since. the Warbegan.
The Globoes correspondent ret Lon.
don, England,' cabled y0E:tee:lay tha
summary of a letter reeelvell from
Mr. John A, Ewan, the GlolVa taw.
nepondent with the seweal Cana.
dian contingent, and dated Cepa
Town, Feb, 27tii, Mr. snyn
"The Pomeranian arrived here yes.
ttrday.„ Nine horses died on the voy.
lige, but the men axe all well, in eeloa-
diti spirite antilleliglited at the pros.
poet of Active service. At the sports
held here to -day the Cann,dittpe enter•
ed n tertni in the ttigofavar contest,
being the only nen-naval team in this
event. They eurprieed all by reaelikug
the senti-flual, having hot to eontest
against ittroug tanoit They wore
b4333.211 In the final by a smell mar.
gin. Thole vestories oser the sailors
In tbe .qualifying tugs were vigor-
ctir ''.11)1. Tied l'iviiiitil •I!'et!Itgl:L'Iti•
n • p 0 . W ; an ,
won the he tenth) mos. lens contests
,inaleated the fine phesique of the
("anathema, espetially in view of• the
*et that they had only just landed
atter a long voyage. Since Penedo.
berg .the praises pe the Canadiaus is
on every. tongue."
• —
Review of the situation,
London, March 20. -No important
nem: has been received from eaduth
Africa, 'during tlie past 21 hours. The
much desired relief of affifeking bas
not yet 'been announced and March
10t11 •eoutInues to be the latest date
of newe from that town.
Titers ie adisposition.hiare to susPec
intentional mystification in Gen. Rob..
erts* reference 'to Gen. Methuen hate
lax been at Warrenton. Some further
,chstails ..efs Gee. _Notate:en:a. aperatione.
'have teed, receivoil, but they do not
indleate* that any attempt was made
to erose the Vaal Inver, or that the
operation WAS necesoarlie anything
more than n reconnaissance.
The people bare hope yet to learn
that Oen. Roberts detached part of
ids force and sent it to relieve Mate -
king when the siege of Kimberley tvas
TIshaly Telegraph's correepandent
at Cape Town, in• despatch dated
March 19th, records the belief there,
based on private telegrams,that Mate-
king.has already been relieved by the
Boers departing ane thus raising the
siege, • . •
' The same - correspondent says he
learns that a strong One° will be
placed at Gen. Methuen's citseosree He
odes that this movement Is a highly
Iteportantrime.-Ita objectless is not- ne-•
cesserily Maegking.
• Statement Aboat. einfekings
:Leaden,. • March. 20a -Mr, GeOrge.
Wyndhara, Parlitimientary, Under-
Secretary of War, repilying to a pri-
vate' inquiry in 'the. lobby Ot the
House. of •Cosamons • sheet mainiglht.
respecting the sera:Wad. Mafeking,
smilingly' said :
Ili think it is all right" ••
• . ••• Converging Forces. - •
London, • March 20. -During the
pause it the military opeeations In
South Africa Mr. Spenser Wilkinson,
welting in the Meriting Post, deals
speculatively with- possible) moves. He
says :
"Load Roberts may send one or two r
strong cavalry °alumna to move une•x- The Portuguese Att.
the event of BritiSit approach.
"Mines," Hal(' one, "are .thelr only
newt for tertne of peece."
Lyddite vs. Ifellseicriniers.a
Altwal North, March 19. -Boor pris-
soders state that they could not have
believed that England could send so
-many soldiers against them. 'When-
ever ono was killed there was another
ready to tease MS place, whereas the
Beers had no reeerves, except Mill ser -
vats, and ell themen wha bad been
• rtirIOUgh Were now baek steith. the
army. In answer to a -question as to
tbe °Mete of one lythilte shells, my
Auformant eald they Were good for
burning, but were of no effeet-for !fur-
, poses of war. The Bootee however,
were afraid of the shrapnel,. which
they celesta "liell-serapere." They did
not Mind the lyddite so much, because
the smoke gave them time to take
Paver, and though tlie fumes; were
stupefying, they, got over that by tak-
ing a spoonful bf vinegar.
'ess ' • Finite 'Lord Detect -W.4-- —
Ottawa, March 19. -The latarqu•le of
Dufferin and Ave, writing to *City
Clerk Henderson, from, Clandeboye,
Ireland, thanks the corporation of
Ottawa for its resoartion of condolence
on the death of hie son, the tete Earl
of A.va. He hays :
I ask you to convey •to the Mayor
and members of the munkipality, In -
my own name ands that Of Lady Duf-
feria, Lite expression, of . owe 'deepest
gratitude for this signal mark of theAr
sympathy with tis in. Uses:death of oar
eldest son. Resealing, as we des tee
many happy years passed in. Ottawa,
Etnd the constant kindnemen.anclecone.
eadeintion shown to us by its Inhabi-
tants, it is soothing to our feelings
that they should still remember us
'and have. thought re as in our sorrow.
The, action of the neunialpality in die -
pitying •the national ensign at had-
n't:let for a *week was- a tribute to our
eon's memos" that hes thached us
_to the, heart.
Gatacre at Springfontein. '
'Loudon, March 20.-Genera1. Gat -
acres • division is now , resting
at Springfontein. A etrong force of
mounted troops Eras been sent to
Smithfield, forty ralle.e east of Spring-
fonteis. Jibe eonunander of this force
was instructed to diserfbute .Gen.
Roberts' proclaxaatilon at every op-
portunity. If the expeditIon, defeats
or induces the sarrender of the Boers
thereabouts, it will open the way for
en advance by Gen. Brabant's °oleo -
pectedas oe var 3S po n ,
setting the Boer pilaus of defence, and
rendering possible an advance Of three
oonverging forces on Pretoria, witth-
out any Leavy preliminary fighting."
Kreger Putt of fright. -
London,. March 20. -The temporary
trestle bridge over the Tugela River
at Colones, was opened to traffic Mon-
day. Princes Christian's ambuianoe
train -was the first to cross. .
The Times' correspondent at Lorenzo
• • • /bargees says that the Portuguese -Air-
• •
• . -oii I; thoritlea hurriedly despatched' lefantry
Margie 16. -The Government of ,the ,-_
Idro is sad, • Orange Free •. State,.
, oy a speetal train on the night sof
Free State has established •Prots".• March 18th to reinforee•the garrisois
sionaI headteiarters• here. Gen. amp .on' the Transvaal border, The Governs
beet W- givieg his .pereottal. superel- .nor accompanied • the •troops for part
issihonotpodsettsenpaero .itcends. tTo h.e.0 et r2i tp. . .
°Preerpaoti The Daily lien special from Lady -
of their journey. ., . * .
eller( :north of Bloemfontein . .:
. *smith :says what appeareh• to be a
• Commandeering of • the reseree grave was openedyesterday,. and. was
burghers °enflames briskly. officials found to contain a large quantity of
end residents are • Geckle; to , the .explosive bullets and other ammuni-
Federal .• flag, convinced tbat some elm, The find .will'probably cut an
of the biggest fighting of trio cam. Important figure when the time comee
poise' is immilient• in the 'defenee • of' for ft final settlement!, •• , .
the • eortherri portiop of • the Free. . •
• ' '
State againlest vasI
aid from other nations„ bat we are
glad of wympathy and frieptiship. The
Transvaal le willing to make peace
.at any time, but we waut po :pore
couventione. Only
is poodble. We do not want any 11301.0
,territory, but are content with our
present frontier, if we are permitted
to Jive peacefully. That Wail we ask.
The Transvaal will stipulate in the
Melee terms that Natal and Cape
Colony Butes now fighting with the
Boers shall be rgardeti as belliger.
outs and Rutter no loss of WcIfertY.
I recently /earned that some o these
men had been captured by the Brit -
isle and were being. tried at Cape
Town, ehargel witit treason. TWO ger*
enrment tabled Lord Salisbury state
,ing that if such men Were not treat.
ed treonere or war, we.
on 'the Elritieli prisoners held here.
Lord Sellabury replied, threateniug
if we injured a singe) laritisit
they woula hOld ifiesheRinially rebore
sible. I Suppose he meont the Bettis])
would. hang me. The Transvaal Gov.
ernment replied to -day informing Lord
Salisbury thet they despise his
threats. There_ Is no truth in the
story of a conspiracy among the
'Sleuth African Dutch. This is not their
quarrel. The Orange ' Free State is
boendbe treaty to tad us. Mr. Scheel.
ner repeatedly urged us to yield. It
Is too early to propheey the outcome
of the war or its; duration. The Boers
are in God's bands and He will not let
no perish. Our total fighting strength
is 40,000, but with Goths aid
we gam prevail. Ighavge •twaino hundred
rather see them all perish than yield.
I I 11 • ”
Pacification Ideas.
New York, Meech 20.-A, adeudon ens
Ohs stays „tha,t a part of, the British
plan for the pacification of South Af-
rica Is- now apparent in the announce-
ment that alt the British authorities
there wall make every effort to in-
duce the reservists, the t1113.R.OXpIred
Men. the volunteers and the colonials
from abroad to settle' there Bonn
as the war is over, by giving them
240 acres of land each, PreeitlingyreY
will - occupy the land for ten ers.
2,000 Ainazon Warriors.
London, March 19. -The correspond-
ent of the Daily News at Bloemfon-
tein says he hears .there is a come of
2,000 women at Pretoria, all anted
and dressed alike. They are called the
Amazon corps.
The gold output during Februttry
from company mines on the Rance
which 'aro now being worked by the,
Goternment, was. 97,700 ounces.
The railway between Bloemfontein
and laroonsta,(1 has bean destroyed.
The British officers at Bloemfontein
have shifted their quarters to . new
meat will not be, lung de4ared. Ilhe
Government has decided tbst areaor.
General eer Vredesitek Carriegton
halt coin:need tin 41919410 fora.. a 6,-
00e, including the 2,500, me o Mr.
Ctiamberlalet asked for :row 41434-
There in no further infonmalion at*
to the ruevemonts of Silt Altred,
It la regarded as oertain, however,
that he bee gone to Bloemfontein to
arrange for tiao. temporary adminis-
tration of the Free State.
Daller.Did Abe Trick.
•.T4endon, Mireet 21. -Mr. aVineton
Charohill, in .4 kleepatch, dated Ple.
tertdaritzburg, warenly resiata Ithe
oontention that the. relief of Lady -
:math arose out of Lord Roberts' op-
erat ions.
"On the contrary," he says, "the
operations of Lord Roberta sweet, art- -
sieted by the fact that General Buller
. kept 16,000 Boers ocoupietl. It would
• be cruel aed unworthy- to deprive the
e"Natararrayen thelashare-Wah 'annals;
and none Woeld, mere vigorously re-
pudiate such a sugggiestion than
I.ord Roberts iteareelf." ,
Deaths at Ladynalth.
'London, March 20.--Veneral puller
reports ilhat 27 deaths from enteric .
4eve r occurred fat Ladaarattili, frotn
Marra. 7th to ararch 19th.
e • The Mines All Right.
- London, March 21. - The c,orrefe
Pandent of the Daily Newe at Bioem.
• fontein says he learns -from a person
who was recently in Johannesburg
that the Transvaal Government li
• workIn the Ferriera. Bonanza, Rob.
'neon, loneer, Rose, Village, tand.
laagte. and. Itolenson deep minee.
Tbe French and German mines .have
been pumped out with -the assistance
of the Goverament. .es Special. police
• are actin as caretakers of these
mines, a only the Machinery bleat-
•fering. from want of nee.
The report that the batteries have
undermined with dynamite is untrue.
The alleged forcing Of tlie safe de.-
exalt for . documents is also untrue.
• Thera) htories were 'fabricated to
arose sempathie
seiarge bnildines north of tbe. town. '
on, • Dedds leen visit Paris...
London; .March 20. -The • •Brussels
lion es serious, ibut he is hopeful
P.resident Kruger saye the aqua-
correspolident of the. Morning • Past
that the leirghers will :show their
says' that Dr. Leyda, the dIploinatie
determination .to atruggie bravely in •
agent of the Trammel, has returned
defence of theles inclepentlence. Thee -
*ill fight, he believes. until the last to that city from Holland. Queen.
Wilhelmina did not receive the Boer
man fella, if it is so. fated, for the -
envoy, but be con
eersed with. (several,
honor of elicer flag,. as may be ex- steteemen. with'referenee to interyea-
pectett 'from the free citizens-. of the
- • tem. Ito will. now ga to Paris to see
.repuhlice. . a • • • al. Deleasee, the French Foreign Min -
Genie -els Joubert and - Botha,. have --
later. on thee sante sultiect. .
arrived :it Kroonstaa.• where they The Legation relents that seine of
are costa:111,4m With' Presidents Kra.
the Free Stets) Boers • have laid down
ger and Steyit as to the netv • tiefere
sive nleasttres, . , . their arnis, buttleoleres that the aub-
missions were obtained . by, question -
The .Boar forces, which -were. wide. able !Manse It saps that the. Free
.ly ' scattered'. by the. invasion • of the State itself la not. submitting. ' • .
Free. State, are now concentrating, •
:but • no serieue: engageineet is twee . • ' — ..-'s • s es. .-•
• . ..• Landon, March 20, eso0 p..m.-aor
eble for . a. feetnIght. . , • . . • . an the news that reached here yes-
- . • . • . .. -
Holier to Attack.
sterday and .to -day .Great Britain
• • • *.- ..
Lqedon, March 20. -Gen. Buller's. It le reasonable to believe that the
hiliework before Latlyienith has given •rellef of einfeking may he heard of
him All OXIS33,10I1Ce 19111Ch 13 about to at any hour. • . •• , •
he used In forcing the Biggareberg General Kitchenerhas entered l?ri-
range., • •• . esker Cape Colony, without opposi-
It is believed teat 26,1300 of his 40e tion, ,tho insurgents laying down their
000 inee are about to engage Get. gems. This cantinas the previews ie.
Betha's force, mallet next neWs .of ports of their willingnees to 'submit.
fighting will probably be front Natal. Generaes Roberts and Puller are
• ' etill inactive, pending*tlevelepments nt
.eltritish Mastiffs:" . the theatre of war. • • .•
• Berlin, Metall 19. -In the cotirso of • ABOUT jolIANNESBURG,
IL summary in the Taegliche Runds- Considerable interest is attached to
chau a the events- which, have ammo! the tate of Johannesburg. Comment, -
pleat in South Africa, eines Ism -SP -Rob- ing on the reported constfitation. sbe-
orts assumed the supreme command, tsveen Secretary Ilay. and the . Ger.
Lieut. -Gen. Von Boguelavski pays the' man Ambassader 'at Washington Dre
following. tribute to the British sea Von liolleben, regarding urging 'both
Wets : • . • : belligerents to leave Johannesburg
" On one or two eceasions during the alone, the Pall- Mall Gazette' Says:
war we have'been led to doubt who- "This time, Dr. Leyds has, as We
ther the British troope Would main- may without impro leteyeseasume,..
tains-their aolde-reputation- put-sabout -the tab e`tb the effect
bravery. Its must, neverthelare, be that the German Ambassador a,t
ackrowledged that the tenacity Washington a,m1..the American Con -
played by -Cten. Bullereestroopesinevet_sail at Pretoria - are-concoeting a lit.
returning ta•-the fray, in spite of . tie scheme of German • intervention.
many reverses, and being ahnoet con. Teat is really
Ftlenbuo 2e7sit,
yb11 ce
action not
nifronmFisob.bellutnhd•etor. an A GLORIOUS YARN,' -II •
d one wItIch (Mows* to what•desper-
rait4dh.e 'words 'of Shakespettre are still a
te straits the aerates of this country
are reduced. Just imagine. a Govern -
true which be .pet in the mouthOf ;pent which has formally declined ail
Lord Itambures, who warned tho bra outside Intervention• permitting Ger-
many to dictate the coulee of Lord
Roberta' march to Pretoria. The Gere,
man Foreign Office knows better than
stotreinetv:,t6, the.enub it would infallibly
receive If it (ventured to whisper so
preposterous a proposal in •DownIng
Mow Up a Bridge.
might almost as well be et peace.
garb .arronch primal before the hattife
of Agincourt that. 'that island of ting -
land breeds very valiant- createress
their mastiffs • aro of winiatcheble
courage(' " •
lerugetes Admission,
London, March 20. -In a despatoh
to the Daily Telegraph from Bloem-
fontein, Bennet Burleigh saya :
"In a epee& which he madehere a
few days beforethe British entered
the town, President Kruger adraitte,d
that hie men would be unable to
keep to the field for another -month."
Times Cannot Relieve it.
London, Vaiwday, March 20: -The
Tintes, commenting editorially upon
the repert that Germany will ask the
belligerents to guarantee tbe safety
of Johannesburg 'by deolering It nem
tral, says:
"We decline to believe that. any re-
sponsible German statesman would
make emit A proposed. Certainly the
Government Will not make agree.
ments at foreign inetigetion,"
To Proteet the Mines.
Wnebeigton, efareis (ler-
Man Government IR IltleittlY over the
threete of the Deere to deetroy do.
hannesburg. The German Ambassa-
sador hag conferred with Secretary
Bay in regard to the matter, and rep.
resentations may be :mole to both
belligerent:: looking to the exemption
of the town from deeteuction or mill.
. . Only Asset tor Peaee.
Minn., March 10. -Mining
eligineers in elMrge of leading Johan".
nesintrg miner: are In the: region in -
!meeting 'Machinery and the Lake. Su -
porter methotle. They bave authorize,.
tion to place eontracto for machinery
nandunting to V7,500,000 wherever
.they see fit. Thee :game the idem that
the..11oers will rnze Jethannebbarg In
Bloemfontein, March 19. -The Boers.
blow up the railroad bridge over the
Modder Rivers fourteen tulles • north;
!Mt night.
The law Courts were re -opened to-
, day.
,i)e Town, March 20. -„The Doers
have blown up the bridgea north of
Bloemfontein, including those at Wyn-
berg etre' latexinstadt, and aro now
retreating to the north. .
On Feb. 10 He Was Still Talking
Fight to the Knit. .
New Vele March 20. -An interview
,luel by a correspondent of the Herald
with President Kruger on Feb. 10th
at Pretoria is printed to -day in the
Ileraid. At ti at thne the President
was deeeribed as showing bu4 little
evidence In 'hie countentinee of the
tremendeme .strain he was undergoing.
'rhe complexion of South Afrtean af-
fairs, however, has ehanged consider-
• ably Mime then.
Ile was dressed In a rusty froek
coat, Atite front of e,vbich was
. sprhikied with tobaceo. Ile emoked A
pipe :luring the whole interview.
° "'ride war was forged upon us by
Cecil Rhodes and the mining nililion-
:tires who want the country," Hold the
Doer President.
"The, Deere yielded as far rat pee.
Bible, until they raw that nothing
but complete surrender of their Inde-
Dendenee would patlety England. no.
ing been forced into the war, the
'Doer/ will eottcpier or ,1114. I .expeet no
AdvIcee. fisom ,the Boar headquarters
in the Biggersberg range .are to the
effeot that everything Is quiet at the
Natal •front. The Boer fictotteehave as-
Certained that there erre no. British
troops within twenty miles .of. Glen-
coe The Boers' position in the Big-
garsbeeg • range is •fogneislably en..
trenched,and the • palms • into the
Orange . Free. ..State.troin Natal are•
(Strongly fortined • •
KDeillet; have...v.e.S b. e..en...44...f.1:1..al
the Boisr hoses.. These ate as follows
A.coldentally klhlod . • • "• • •. 24
Aceicientalle wogaded .• 171
Died from sickness ....... •99
Sick recovered. or still under
treatment.'.• ...• ... 1,251
T.hle was priorto the relief of Lady-
smith, reel does- not inciade casualties
and prisoners taken since then,while
the fact that many Boers were buried
.without identhietitioa-by the British
makeethelst still 'further inaceurate
etOberts' Adareis to els beepers.
Bloemfontein, ' March '18. Gen.
Roberts has issued an army order retr-
eating. the events that have mein -red
3isee the Free State Isordee was Cross-
ed,- • on Feb. '12th, which he Rays:
"Vitals n record of. which any army
in the world wonid•be proud -'a reeord
'which -could not- been achieved
except by, earnest, well -disciplined
men, determined to do their duties,
whatever the dangers and dliftenIties,e.
•Gete Roberts adds that he dertires to'
especially. refer to the heroic epirit
with which the weineltel have borne
their, sufferiuge. Not a word or a
murmur ot complaIntehe mese lies.
been uttered. • . •
. ---
London,. Mardi.' !Ms. -The following
despatch bas been reeelyed at . tbe
Wa,r Office. 'front Lord Roberts, dated
Bleeintentein, Monday, March 19 : •
"I have received the renewing, re-
ply to ihy telegram of March 11, to
the Presidents of the Free State and
South African Republic: .
d 'Your Excellency's telegram, reach-
ed me yesterday. I assure you notat-
ing wouldgrieve mo more than that
my burghers should make tlihmselves
guilty of • a deed such as that ' laid to
their charge by you. I am. however,
glad to sayseeemegineet shateelseen.ealre
taken -a-7--
" 'I have made personal enquiry Of
Gen. Delarey, who was in ectennand
of _ oti is -burghers - at. the apiece mon.
tioned by you. Ile denies entirely that
our burghers acted as stated by ygg
but he says that on Saturday -- fife
date, being illegIble-the British
teepee,* talon they. were about fifty
yards, from our position, put up their
Weida as W011 as a white flag, Whilst
at the sante time your cannon bone
barded the .aitid troops, with the re-
sult that. Commandant De Beer was
wounded. Yestercley morning the head.
'commandant wrote his account of
the ba,ttleno foliowe i "The soldiera
hoisted the. white flag, but were then '
tired at by •the English cannons and
covereirlexidapsteitchiars ngoe.'
tknown to 'your
Excellency that the steno thing hap- '
pened at Beton kop, where, when a •
portloti of the troops hoisted a. 'White
. flag and put .tte their hands, and
whilst our burghers twere busy dis-
arming them, another portion of the
troops - fired ' on 'Our burghers, but
tome of the Britieh troops Were killed.'
It has also: been reported that at'the
last battle of tho Tugela English can-
non fired on troops who had surren-
ith keference to the. 'explosive
l\ .
bullets found in Cronerde ledger and
oleewhere, I can give your Excellency,
reentrance that such bullets( were not
purchased or allowed by tile Govern-
ment. X have, however, no reason to
anent your statement, as I know mane,
of the burghers of this State. and of
the South African IlepubIle took a
large number of LecaMetford rifles and
dum-dunt and other bullets from Brit-
ish troops: ,, , , 1 3 1, 1
"'May X request your F.xcellentty, as
the cable freeload to me, to make my
reply known to your Government and
the neutrel powers by cable?
The(iSktItest)patel;114trtealtnn.. Trorr64:11(hRnote":ts
coneludeu as follows: • . .
• "As the enquiry into that matter
proves het Ilotior'a :film:alone to be
t breve not thought it el \Ltirable to eon-
unfounded, end ars I ac,.\smelly .Sestv the
holding up of luttele u &II he denlee,
titute tin) eorrespondenee." -
The Preeldents' reply to Lord Rob-
erts' .ehargerl of the, wilettae of Rage of
truce Is commented upon no impertin-
ent and rldienione, and Lord Ileberte"
nurse in closing .n. viseleme tihkassion
Is eononerldtel as wise. •
inditetions from Nitatl wilt .to
Aglow that tleteffitalItee forward mnveot
. New Zealand Backs Bittain.
London, March 20. --The •Earl of
Ranfurly. Governor of New Zealand,
has cabled • Colonial Secretary Chain.
berlain that that colony wishes to
endorse. the position take* by Great
Britain in reference to letertention
in Sotsth Africa. •Be assures Mr.
Chamberlain that Neer• Zealand sup-
ports the Mother Country, slid will
maintain • that' position lerespective
of .consequences. The Governor 'adds .
that he lir desired • to estate that al
, large number of good edests and rid-
ers are voluntseeing. and are willing
to go to South Africa .to relieve Ita,
perial forces, if the latter are regnir-
ed elsewhere. • • •
• Premiet Seddon's Speech.
• Wellington, N. Ze March 20.e -In bid-
ding farewell tc, the.fouttit contingent
of New Zealand troops leaving to -day
for tervicein South Africa, the, Pre-
mier, Mr. R. J. Seddon, emphasized the'
determination. of ,Australtesie to uphold
the Imperial prestige. The country
had 400,000 male adults, mostly drill-
ed, prepared to defend the colonies
and, if an emergency arose, to send
men enough to South Africa to release
the Impertal. troops to deal with line
unfriendly power daring to meddle
with the settlement. •
Commandant Grobeiaar ' Captured.
London, eforeit 21.-A. despatch to °
tile Writing Ptist from Noreees Pent, •
dated Meech 19th, soya that et lbw -
level railway ig being conetreeted
under- the • Iseeken . Wedge there. • and•i'a•
that supplies are being,. pushed 'for-
wardi . . .
-A,. eolumn will start on. Wednesday.' '
to • inercia by -*ay ot P1111114)014 and
Fauresmith to Bleomfonteln.
Another • despatch .front. Norval's .
Peet reports the capture of Command-
ant Grobelitar. ' • 'He • was disetwered
wounded in a lantilionse In the neigh- .
berbood ef Doukersp,00rts • s
A British forceeeconnoltred towartia
Philippolis last 'Saturday and found ,
white fLags flying On. the farmhouses.. -
The :women all protested that their
husbands were •. net fighting. They,
readily ,solci peevish:Ms to ' the' British.
• lour hundred of Gen. Brabatit's col-
onial :brigade %left Alteral. North on •
Monday . for Rouxvine, and moreeerefie •
follsosr. • . •• • . • •
. .• .. •
. .
, • . ellister's Proclamation,' '
• • •
Cape Town, March 20. -Sir Alfred
Milner, • the • Governor of Cape Colony..
and Britieh High Commissioner of
South Africa, hae Issued a proolamas
'Mons declaritig that the Imperial Gov -
et -motet will not recognize as valid
or effectual any alienations of •pro-
perty, whether of lands, railroad's, or
mince, within the Transvaal or the
'Orange, Free State,. or any interest
'therein or encumbrances, or any con
Melons ..granted be the said Govern-
ment. • • •
ea.-- • _
On the .Way te Matching.
Lendon, ettaeole,21.-The ottles wife
• in reference to Bilafetking, comer.
frora Pretoria, under date of March
154h. It announcers that Colonel
Pawner -la undlble tel advance Sleuth of
It is also annohnoed from the llama
source thitt the) British are'at Christ --
tante, a place on the Vaal Inver,
about thirty milers northeast of War.
renton. • . •
m•••••••• •••••'
. -----
Chirtstiania Is in the •Orange Free
State, on the borclere of the ; Vane-
vaal From this place a road rues
directly north to alateking, which le
140 miles distant. The railroad takee.
it more cireultoue course to the east.
Itobatsi Is 40 miles north of Mate.
king, , •
DI ilableC by. Slillistrokese"
Ningainei' Ont., March 20.4-41.1eit M.
Affleck, a teethed nurse in South Af.
rice, writers about her 'work 'to a
friend in this city. eilus Is stationed
;at Rondeboeoh, four Miles .from Cape
Town. The nurser* have plenty to do.
At the .tlintsof writing there. were
450 patients 'being attended to, Ma. .
jor McDougall, Of Toronto, was doWne .
In the hoepital a month. It le •bee
'lewd Ile will not go to the front
again for WW1 time, an he reedited
a slight sunstroke, from which 110 has
not fully recovered.
To See the War Through.
,London, March deepateit • to
the Daily NOW: twin Pretoria. dated
March 15th, Rap: that a deputation -
0! burghers' waited on President
Kruger to inquire regarding the the-
e:Von. They received a reassuring re-
ply. The President ealci the Govern-
ment Intended "to sae; the; war
thong!), determinedly, and that a
eounell ot wet by the flattener lead-
ers' would be held shortly.
Step) 'rbreetens Diatfi.
London, Irarrit -20.-The WWI` OM%
'has reeekved the follorshng despatch
front Lord .Theitette, drasid 1110entfens
Tuesduy, Ms ecu With 1,
"Kiletaener oceuplied. Prieska yek.
terilay unoppoRd. Trao tsbels eurnett-
tiered their arme, The •Transvattlers
eseeptel .ecrais tire river. •
"Mr. Stern i Is circulating a notlea,
by means of despettat riders, 1st reply
•m'y proelernetion, to eke, effect
that eine harghet who Moe a declare