HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-23, Page 4anal= Call on Thursday. • • MissEusie, daughter of William H. Cook, went to London on Tuesday: W. Otidinere, Of Kippen, was through here on Wednesday on a business trip. F. R. Hodirs, of thePalace, was on a bust - Roy hompson, of Goderich, was visiting his \ uncle, E.A. Then .Tr., this week. and reports orders for sprmg plenttful.• Miss Nellie' Allen, of Alliston, is a guest at thesRattenbury street Methodist parsonage. Mr Isaac Jewett has hired. with Mr Win. Gra- ham, of Granton, and intends to move there. Miss M. Reit returned home from Blyth Tues- day after a pleasant visit with friends there. W. M. Mohring, Benmiller, and Wm. MeCloy, Hensall, were registered at the Clarendon on Monday. . Miss Ida Holmes attended an evening party of Miss Thomson's, in Goderich, On Monday evening. • Miss Fisher, of Goderich, . comes 'here on Saturdays and. conducts a class of small girls in Kindergarten werk. Rev Peter Straith, of Innorkip; was the guest of his parents, Mr andMrs P. Straith, for several days this week. Mrs John McGarva returned home after a three weeks visit at her daughter's,Mrs in Ansa Craig and other points. T. Boles, who has been spendin_g_ a couple of weeks with his sister, Mrs F. A. Miles, of town, left this morning for Toronto. Bookings by A. 0. Pattison, agent G. T. R., this week were Smith and John Scotch - mer, of Bayfleld, for Kelso, B.O. • Thos.'Jackson, Jr., is representing the cloth- ing house of Jackson Bros. in Wingham, Pal- merston and Walkerton this week. • • M. Spende, superintendent of the Home Life Association, Toronto was in town the other day in the interest of company. ' Mr and Mrs Win. Brniidson, of Pickford, Mich., arrived herethis week on a visit to their many Moths here and at Londesboro. , O. E. Dowry, District Freight Agent, of Strat- ford, and. Dr. H. Bennett, of • the Chicago and North Western, were in town on railway mnt- 'tare, on Thursday. Miss Porter has been visiting her sister, Mre in- Brampton, for the past few weeks. She has —been—very diligent in the post- offizehere, and well earned these few holidays. Scotchb d ness trlii to orontothis week, • Thos. Jackson, r., returhed•home last week, Miss McKee, who had been the guest of Mrs W. H. Newcombe for three weeks, returned home on Thursday afternoon last. Oho was a general favorite with all whom she met while here. W. G. Doherty was home from the Forest City College, of London, over 'Sunday. On Friday evening last he played point with the College team against a Parkhill taeptette, and reports the game was a rough one.. The tiCkets sold by OrP.R. ticket agent W. Raid to Carnduit, N.W.T„ J. H. Medd to Bran- don, N.W.T., and a return ticket to .1. Bastedo Jackson this week are :—Mr and Mrs Chas. toPortland, Oregon; all went on Tuesday. Albert E. Moore, son of Mrs E. Moore, Albert street, who has been teaching school at High Bluff, Man., has resigned his school and after spending some time at college in Winnipeg hal, secured one otthe best situations in the West ar Stenographer. • • A sort of an exodus of residents from here will leave on Tuesday next for points in the North West. H. Moorish and family, T. Rob- inson and family, Bert Tedford and Walter Jackson and John McMurray returns to his near.Veyburn, Mrs A. 0. Pattison is aWay this *Week visiting in Toronto and Buffalo. On Monday the fam- ily will celebrate her father's birthday by a re- unioniand Mr and Mrs Pattison will be present. J. Mee". tare will look after the tickets while the agent is away. They will be back on Tuesday evensin atis Braden who has been the guest of Mrs E. M. McLean for a month past left on Tuesday for her,_ home in Guelph.' The young ladies Misses Braden and McWhinney who have been the guests here for some titne are evidently highly thought of bylthe friends they' met here as many a reception was given them. Premier Martin, of British Columbia who is endeavoring to form a new Cabinet: offered the position of Minister of Finance to, M. P. Gord..n, of Kamloops, who declined the offer. Martin, tbough a Liberal, has lost the tong. deuce of his own friends, Many of whom de- cline to help him in his emergency. But it was honor to Mr Gordon to be offered so , important a position in the Provincial Govern- ment He I., a native of Goderich, son of the late Daniel Gordon, and lhas been maker of Kamloops several years. Huron boys will come to -the frofft. Many of his old friends were pleased to see Jas. Turnbull.J_son of our termer Co_llegiatel Principal, . Turnbull, around this vreek. n is now engaged in the wholesale dry goods house of Gordon, MacKay & Co., in Toronto. He Was glad to; see his old comrades, but it 8001/If4 he was on a speend mission. I John j. McKenzie, s Cousin of Chas. Wallace, I has inist arrived from South Africa, and gave us call on Wednesday while on big way over to visit his mothor, field. His homo iiirtrAtt(gligiirAattrh Bal; e poets to be home on Saturday. In next issue we will have a short description of hie travels away, which is very interesting. Chas. Clarke', one of the proprietors of the Kincardine Review, (a Conservative paper) left Et. John, N. B. this week for South Africa, wherehe goes 0118 proepeeting tour. Notwith- standing the fact that his paper is adverse to the government, he asked and emitted ite and geed offices in getting hint a free passage toles destination. He goes on the Steamer which is carrying hay and other e11r4diee for the English government, is not required to do any work on the trip, will have his Waage and the beet the ship atiords, free of expense, and could not have gone in this way, had not the government secured the privilege for him. There are detains of Liberals who would have jumped at the sante &Oleo -if they had known it could:be secured. /snot Taylor, now a member of the Arm of Williams Shed Co., Of Brampton, wee a caller at otir eanetnin on Saturday, He remained in' town over Sunday, and Was heartily welcomed by hie nuinerotte old friends, Hie stratenbury street. Methodist friends were very raueh pleased to again shake hands with him. bit* , Taylor is belng Made use of in elinreh eirelee„ 66110 haehad for several months charge of A , Bible elaits in one of the Methodist chilmheg in , tgreYr°*Ito likes tho 11r 411p tI giInld ty,n go w11, 1.1 he WAS anveys desirous Or being employed at. 4 Mr ILS'oster is taking to the Mare, and SO far 4 (tes fou.tid, the town agreeable to livejn, pa liltt ligilf th r 11 outlook r ;toss `I iV1141tgatlYe Trricil" Mr TER:1" 111. sales this emit*. They both bave Navy tender I there. No telling how maisy vaald have been ran up b.,,a not 'MI eagle 1;ben mo- tive, The score was 10 10 3, is,u!' forwards layed combination " did the Goderioh team but were Jo, to the home team. Th s home defelio,, little' to do only at times and many .u.ies- they were tip on the forward line. W. Thomson, of Goderieh was astisfaetory as umpire and only ruled„off. Clark oxide who should have decorated the fence for the re- mainder of the game. The Colts did them p and easy too. The line-up Wa6:—Clin. t n-Tebhutt, goal; Dayment, points theson, cover; Holmes, Clarridge, For - es rand Armstrone, forwards. G oderich -0 libel!, goal; Horton, point; Clark, cover, -Eobinson, McDonald, Wiggins and Hislop, forwards ent_s Admitted' • At any Time 01111,CL 7'q Asf1 // / %/ STRATFORD, ONT A school that offers advantages not found . elsewhere in Canada. Large gi,ff of expert instructors; increased attendat*e; up-to-date • lmsiness training; scores of studente placed ID good paying positions; students iir mtend- ance who ooe from places in whie are lo- cated other business colleges._ They ant the best. It pays in the end. New term now open. Enter ao soon as possible. Write to -day for our handsome prospectus. 'W. J. Elliott. Principal.' Ware. Aft". Wood's Phosphodine, Vie Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by at druggists in Canada. Only reit. able medicine discovered.. pay/awes guaranteed to cure forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuee• or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To - batten, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one *mintage 81, six, $5.. One wall please, lb will cure. Panaphlets free to any address. Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont, Wood's Photphodine sold in Clinton by Sydi ney Jackson, Druggist.. s to c DI constantly changing hands. The Groceries we handle don't stay here • until they are abeolutely unfit for con- sumption. We a little more trouble our way but -infinitely better for you.. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY . 3 lbe Oxford Biscuits for 25a . 3 lbs Jain Jana Biscuits 35a 3 lbs Ginger Snaps 35e 2 lbs king Sugar 15.3 17 lb. Loaf Sugar 1 00' 8 lbs 'Evaporated Apples 25s Economy is a good thing generally but some people have a false idea of economy one °fling° wrong ideas ie to refinalto buy; ear special Blended Coffee, F. Melville,' . . GROCER successor to George Swallow .. .. ,Alarch 23, 190C erfect Corsets We pay particular attention. to our Corset stock. We select those brands which in our opinion are the best. One thing cer- tam no maserableonean Corsets can epnter here. Wel.eave the tr,ash. to others. We are satisfied to handle only the Standard, well - _tested makes. It will be a satisfaction for you to know that here you « will get a only the best. Some Price Infortnatio Newcombe's half -dollar. Corset, made especially for us, in drab only, double side steels. Kaboo filled, five clasps, double front, embroidery trimmed, per pair 50c only Our own "Special," made of sa- teen jean, extra long waist,side - steels, silk floss and lace trim- - mei], w ith five clasps,a bargain 7,ff at per pair Athletic Corset,sa.me as cutanacle of best sateen, filled with feath,- erbone, nicely trimmed. and fin- ished, a very comfortable corset, at per pair Child's Waist, made otfinequali- ty jean, buttoned front, nicely. __corclealsswill_gev.e. good wear, • 2 5° special Underskirts No. 172 B & C, made of French cotille, all filled with fe. ther- bone and side steels, •n gely trimmed with lace and ribbon, will give Al • wear, warrant d, perfect fitting, our special 10 0 price per pair • • No. 490 Flexi-Girdle Corset,. made of good quality sateen, all filled. s With featherbone, extra long . waist, perfect fitting, per $.0 pair. . 1 Ladies' "Comfort" Corset Waists made of good qualit,y French • cotille, high bust, long waist, laced hips, buttoned down front, special at' - • .. . . $ I 00. Misses' Corsets, made of heavy ' jean, 84 rows of cording, spring ‘' steel clasps, 4 hooks. lace •trim- med, shoulder strars, per 40 • pair, , Just'the kind you'll need for early Spring' wear. Some made of 1 affeta Silk, some of *Nearsilk, others of Mercerize, Sateen, makes no difference which you buy, you'll find thaw a little lower in prices than you usually pay elsewhere. Ladies' Skirl, made of • extra heavy quality 'sateen warrant- ed fast- black, circular frill, trimmed with four rows of cording. •special value at Ladies' Underskirts, made of Roinan Satin,in colors of cerise and cerano,large circular flounce trimmed with pleated frill, $3 25 very special at • $1. 00 1'4 • a I t ot a a• • Ladle/Skirt, made of merceriaed- sateen, in colors of blue, white, mauve,and black stripes,a very serviceable skirt, at. tP I .85 Ladies' Underskirt, made of fine quality near silk, nicely trim- med with 3 rows colored ord around frill,extra full skirt, $in g good value at. .0 Black Mercerized Sateen Under- skirts,with large frill. trimmed with four rows of piping cord, Al value at.....,... $2 50 Black Taffeta Silk Underskirt,. made of soft finished silk, full circular flounce, trimmed with four rows piping cord, at . $4.50 Business Bringers FOR Saturday, & 1VIonday 60e Dress Goods 390 3 pieces only 40 inch wide black dress goods. very neat designs. extra hard finish,v_vit_gl lyegood wear,our regular prices., 50c and 60c, choice on Saturday or Monday Ladies' Skirts at 590 • • • Ladies' Skirts, made of extra fine white cotton, tucked frill, re- gular value 7oc, Saturday or 59c Monday. Ladies' Aprons at 25e ' Ladies,' agrons made of good quid- ity4, linen, sonde plain white, others with colored trimming, well Worth 35c and 40c, choice 0 ge Saturday or Monday for....... 4J Ca,shmere Gloves 15c Ladies' and children's black cash- mere gloves, vepo fine quality, sizes 3 to 7. To clear on Satur- 1r or Menda,y, at per pair 1ue Cashmere Hose 25c Ladies' black cashmere hOge,War- ranted all wool, seamlese feet, sizes 8, 0,.9, regular value of these stockings is $5,3,8atiirday 0 or Monday L Snap in Flannelettes- - .2_piecesonly__ pink_ flannelette,. . English make, extra heavy twill,. 32 inches wide, the best 12in quality. to clear on Satur- oc day or Monday at TEE CLINTON NEW EX& Manitoba loorr• ftAILV' SYS ISM Excursions s.t• 4-a• EVERY TUESDAY during Marob and April Excursions will be run to Manitoba and Western points, For rates and all information apply to F. R. BODGENS, Railway $c Steamship Agent, Clinton lists* TOW OTTAWA LETTER. Additional Local News. I , ,p1tomoTER0,,, THE MMES. -The 6pring cession of 1 There are a class of people who re; the Mall (Joan of Justice- for Huron I county opened in Goderich, on Mon- 1 side in the Capital "who toil not, day, before Justice Falconbridge. The neither do they spin, yet Solomon, in all his glory, was not arrayed like unto Crown Prosecutor was J. barrister of Ingersoll, T°he'rewFieglearre' one of these." Apparently they live well, faring sumptuously every day; fifteen cases entered, six.jury and nine nenrint Y. not one of a criminal n attire. they certainly dress well,bet like many another person in the humbler walks, FLAX INDUSTRY Boommet-The flax , of life, they have no visible meane of industry is having a boom; so lb is said. support. Their business is to"promote Oyer near Atwood a new mill will he differe,nt forms of legislation; it may built by D. Nichol who has already put be a railway charter that needs pro- Out 200 bushels of seed. This is only motion, or it may be any other form of legislation, but they are equally, ready one of the many mills which we learn are to be in operation the coming to "promote" the one as the other -for season.) We had a flax mill laere run by a consideration. Their services are at D. A. Forrester but was given up as he the disposal of any company or individ- . found it was not profitable. ual requiring them, and no doubt in #4, many cases these are essential to the TRY IT AND SEE. -The sidewalks, particular legislation, - The business especially on the main streets, are in a FRID&Y, MARCH 23 1900, may be perfectlylegitiinaie,aud if only bad and dangermare condition for • NeW gkijIt exercise up to a certain point, entirely unobjectionable, but there is, unfor- Question of the hour -C, 0. F..'. ...... Page 1 Our own prepare ion -S Jackson Perfect ooreete—Newoombe's Our stook—F Melville . 4 Are you in love-MoKinnon lit Co 6 House to rent-liew Ens More butter—W L Ouimette , e Wanted—Mies Eougie5 To farmere—Jas Laithwaite 5 Diseolution—Johnston iie Amour 5 To rent—Harland Eros ,. • 5 Seed peas—W Marquis ! 5 Seed grain— W G Perrin s Big spring Bargain Sale—Harland Bros, 5 Home spune—Hodgens Bros. 8 Hello,there—W Taylor & Son .. a 8 Shoes and olothing—Jaokeon Bros .. „ 8 Sugars -J W Irwin 8 The Speech of a Statesman. Our readers have already seen refer- ences to the speech delivered by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, on Tuesday, in reply Lo that of Nr Bourassii, one of his own supporters, and a personal friend. Many able speeches have been given within the walls- of Parliament, but old parliamentarians ' say that for masterly eloquence few, if any, have approached that of Mr Laurier. To read it is one thing --,to hear it deliy'er- ed is quite another, and members on I both sides vilere fairly electrified by its "impassioned periods. When, in replyto Mr Bourassa's , assertion that the action of Canada, in sending the contingent to South frica would be taken as a precedent for future action, Sir Wilfrid said tha If It. should be the will of the people of Cana , at any future period, to take part in any wa et England, the people will have to have the he expr sed a sentimentlhat was re. echoed b almost every member, and was •appla ded to the echo. . To show how Sir W frid'e speech was appreci- ated, we can ot do better than 'quote some corn rue s therein. The Ottawa Citizens the Co •seryative organ, says : Wilfrid Laur er hae seldoni, been' heard to better advantage and. disassociating his speech ot last night oin the recordof his earlier attitude upon t e question of the con- tingents, his words brea hed it spirit of patriot- ism, of Imperial sentim nt, of pride in the achievements of the Cana • an volunteers, well hellse," generally gives a slap at Oovern- cheering came at times fro • both sides of the dependent. Society wee y, which °The Toronto Saturday ht, an In - 't elicited FrAany_ And ay has the tunately,•a tendency to lobbyinearnern- hers, who may have convictions con- trary to the legislation that is bein "promoted" are cautiously approache 1 and persuaded or influenced to moder- ate their convictions. The promoter Is always a genial, whole -smiled fellow, and may be a necessary part of parlia- mentary institutions. , 30e Lustre tor 22o 38 inch wide figured lustre, very fine quality, in neat designs„ extra hard finish, our regular 30c quality,special for Saturday or Monday ".•,=‘'-'. 22e. 33e Plaids for 25c 2 pieces only 40 itch wide plaids in colors of garnet and green mixtures suitable for children's. dressee, will give good wear, our regular value is 33e, Satur- c day andM d special at, Shiitin.gs at 123e Rest quality "Standard" Shirt- nic ins warranted Indigo blue, I Lz Oxford Shirtings, in light and 1210. dark colors, our price ment When it gets a chanee, following flat tering remarks t "Sir Wilfrid. Laurier's brilliant spe in the House of Commons on Tuesday night, i reply to Mr Bourassa 'Will live in luster as '-ne of the most eloquent orations over de ver by -a Canadian; . -It was applanded by both poll 'cal parties, and so great was the effect that e en our local Conservatitre dailies have praised t without stint, His concluding words, quot below, may we not hope will end the contro- yersy In oilr l'arliamont with regard to the sending of the contingents to South. Africa ;— "To -day there are men in South Africa repre- senting the two branches of the Canadian family, fighting side by side for the honor of Canada. Already some of them have fallen, giving to the conntry the last fullmeasure a • devotion. Their remains have been laid in the same grave, there to remain to the end of time in that last fraternal embrace. • Can we not hope, I ask my hen. friend himself, that in that grave shall beburied the last vestiges of our former antagonism. If such shall he the re- sult, if we can indulge that hope, if we can be- lieve that in that grave shall be burled con- tentions, the sending of the contingent would be thegreateet service ever rendered to Canada since) Confederation," The Ottawa Journal, Independent Conservative, says :- _ "Sir Wilfrid Laurier sat down in half an hour after delivering what in the general esti- mation was one of the moat eloquent speeches °this life. No mere verbal report conveys an Idea of the 1/1111ii0 and Are of many of the pass- ages. Galleries and members together cheered wildly for minutes. It was a great, a long -to - be remembered scene. During the, thirty minutes the Prime Minister was on his feet, . the applause was almost constant. The galler- ies were crowded, and at times could hardly wait till the end. of a period before the uncon- trollable -applause broke out." . The London, England, Times, whose Ottawa- eorresponAent -is • - the -Mail-- Empire reporter in the gallery, said :- "The speech would rank high in any assembly as a model of noble eloquence, but it is not its eloquencewhich will make it live in the annals of the Empire. He has expreesed Mere faith- fuliy and more truly than any other statesman who has yet.spoken, the temper of thenew Im- perial patriotism fostered into selt-conscious- nese by the war. We look forward: to a day, not distant in the life of nations, when a Boer premier of the Soitth African dominion shall kindle with a like devotion to the British The London morning Post sa.ye "Ear 'Wilfrid Laurier speke for Canada in words of impassionate and splendid eloquence." A letter written to the editor of this paper, by a gentleman holding a high position, says :- 41 envy; You in the privilege of listening to this great speech from the lips of this great and good man, who, in my humble judginent, lute not hig peer in Canada or the Empire How tnlserabiy patty do the speeches and efforts of g political enemies, totarnish bill own and his Government's loyalty, appear in coinparison." t The great leader of the Liberal party deserves every word of eulogism he is receiving, and when history comes to be written concerning the nresent decade, his name will appear on its pages as one �f the ablest, purest and best statesmen of his time. No • wonder the Liberals are proud of their leader, and the more intimately he is known, he commands the greatest ,possible admiration and respect. , 411.01110+1141414110410110010•410060111110011411••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 . PA " ' : Lathes it uress SKItts for $1•90 • • • • • • 6 only Skirts, made of fine quality plain and • .0 figured lustre, ni3ely linectbound with good quality i i velveteen, lengths 89, 41, 49, well worth $2.15 to • 0 go a , * • • t • .. . . . . $L8-: , rillOgoolleireemeolos44441.641.4••••••••••••••emeeseelsollee Your lioney Jinn If You Want It. p , 4 CLINTON The SholdoN Edition. Rev Chas. Sheik:ion took editorial and business control of the Topeka Dail Capital on Tuesday of last week. We have seen copies of itt, and we con - Bider it tocompare. as far as moral attending is Coneerned, favorably with the Montreal Witness. The edition, which is inipposed to represent the Christian conception of a newspaper, sold to the nuMber of 25,000 a few hours -after the first lame appeared in Chicago. The news consisted chiefly • of matter which is not objectionable to the morals of the public. Scare head- ings and patent medicine ads, were knocked out, and everything eschewed which tended to the vulgar or coaree. The editor has diselaimed it tte a money making venture, and has denignated the proeeeds, Which he did not want, to a charitable and worthy. Institution. It is indeed a noveltyin newepaperdoto In the States, but not so ks canada, oKaritri,AL ELE0Tiosts. With scare headings, the Toronto Wold announced that a general elec- tion would be held inside of three months. It then pretends to give rea- sons for its announcement,one of which was that "Mr Threlkeld had been seen in close confab with Hon. M. Mulock," Mr Threlkeld being one of the Ontario organizers. During a parliaii.ent ary session it man might conae to any con- clusion he liked, based on such . /pion- ing as that. Nearly anybody si lei can pt an interview with any of thei n- ritieemrs." is "seen dleenitnor close confab with of the World is a member of the House, and he goes on to say that "the indications point to a general election in thattime," What are the indications? Pray ? If he can see them, no one else can, at least not in the near future, The House has been in session nearly two h2Onthe, and thatiks to the speech -making powers of -the-O-Pposition very little business has pedestrianism, owing to thern being covered with congealed aqua pure ; Mr John Rahsford tells us that a rib- eral application of the Stapleton salt would be an effiefacious remedy, which is a very, cheap product, purcbaseable at any of the grocery stores in town. A PERTINENT ENQUIRRansford wished us to ask the town's Y. - John 40 officials "Why does not Clinton muni- cipality secure a respectable flag?" Re tells us that present emblem of Britain was a gift given the town ten years ago by W. H. Ransford, and he thinks it has done service long enough for the council to purchase another. A. T. Cooper has a large one for sale, 10x18 feet, which would he the right thing for the council to purchase. We need a good fig for state occasions. STOCK NOTES. -Edward Wise has sold a thirteen month old bull to Rich- ard Penhale Bronson line 'Stanley. Jas. Laithwaite, of Goderich town- ship, has bouebt a fine 11 months' old Shorthorn bull, • registered. for $90, from Hobert Ferris, of Harlock. W. St raugh B are enmi Iler, has bought a thorobred Yorkshire boar ,from J. Govier,. of Hullett. Ed. H. Wise has purchased it the dispersion safe of shorthorn cattle, the property of the late John E. Birrell,Morborough, Ont , which Was held on the 14th, a thoro. bred bull, King Kenney, 18 months old, registered. It is a fine.animal and a good figure was bid before Mr Wise been transacted. At the rate the became the ower. Kig KenneY was House 18 nO s proceeding, adjOurlitnent calved Cot.' 21, 1898 got by Insp. Clan canno possi y e re c fJI h f -ele Campbell (63,791i dam Mayflower 1st o u v. So I e chances c an c tion in three•monthe ate not very reel,. A general election will certainly be held before July, 1901; but we doubt very much -whether even the Govern- ment knows exactly when the elections will be.held. It certainly has not been diecussed by the party, and if the.Gov- ernment has any definite idea as to , time, it, keeps the matter absofutely secret.. I have jocillarly asked mem. hers when they, thought the elections would he held, and their invariable- an- swer has . been :"You know just as - much about it' as I do." The Virorld, with all its asserted wisdom tothe con- trary notwithstanding, can see no "in- . dicatione for they do not exist on the surface at any rate. . . • • . siiiiiviiii,4 11110111,110641elkibell, Special Sale Of ,Stamped Linens . ,ON SATURDAY, 11A11C11 24,th $ $ We will place on our countere e, large cinentity of 'etaisapati linens, to be sold , at about half the regular prices. Other lines deraand our &Waltman fairing „ months and necessitatee our rmiking more roora which explains our holding ' this sale. This is your opportunity to eat stamped lines at a very low price - The sale will continue for one week, t, '4 Hemstitched Table Covers, regular price $1.50, now 76e. 1 Hemstitohed Table Cover, regular price 600, now 300. ' 1 Hemstitched Table Cover, regular price $1.00, now 50,3. 2 Dresser Clovers, regular price 50o, now 25o, , 62 43Hpr ex tire r 00 ti, Vreer4; irp#7! price,ularp;iociz 25o, no nio40,13k,o_. , :, _. 4 Splashers, regular price 15o, now 7ko 4 Fringed Table Covers, regular price 00o, now 85o. 2 Fringed Table Covers, regular price 60, now 40o 3 Fringed Table Covers, regular price 90o, now 60o. 1 Table Cover, regular pr.me 350, now 250, .. 1 Table Cover, regular pries 85o, now 41ko, , 3 Wide Hems'titobed Table Covent regular price 50o now 3* 8 Carving Cloths, regular price 50o, now 25o, , 41 T-aiscovers, regular price 500, now 25o. 8 eray Covers, regular prioe 25o, now 15o. 2 Stand Covers, regular price 650, now 200. 2 Tidies, regular price, 20o, now 10c. 7 Tidies, regu'ar price 10o, now Sc. 20 Honiton Doylies, regular price 10o, now 5o. 30 Embroidery doylies 10o now 50, W. COOP ER Book Sellers, Stationery and Fancy -Goods Dealers. 114410/e4W141111i, 1111111111,%1101 Coming and Going. places for their • old friends of the town of Mrs Ira Johns is visiting friends in town. A. E. Thomson was up to Goderich Monday, W. Brydone was. in the county town last week. Miss 'Bean was visiting Blyth friends last week. Miss Dot Fair was visiting in Seatorth last week. A. P:Kelcher, of Brucefield, was in town on Friday last. Miss Mau Keane was home from Goderich for Sunday.John hie of Winibara was here on busi- ness on Monday. viGsietol.aFisttTzhguerritsdald, of Seatorth,, paid Cllintom a Y. Harry °Lucas, an old townsman, of Goderich, id 3 d b Im d • W Clinton. Mr l'ayler vras the guest of Stevens while here, and returned on Monday- rnorning. • On Friday evenfiincgcKEth7e Goderich colts and Clinton's played,a game of hockey but. it was an easy victory for the borne team.. They bad it their. own Way and ho lede thaa 10 goals were put through the poSit although • Campbell the invincible goal ',raper W68. . r y p. n tan chief1:5)7,485), w L 0 tt f L nd b . WEST HURON ELECTION CASE, • The Opposition in the Honse and the ' Oppositioe papers have devoted a good - deal of attention to the West Huron election case this session, hut not a sol- itary one in either class. is honest enough to give the actual facts. Al- ready two very heated debates have taken place in the House. It is con- tended that the Government is trying to prevent further inquiry intO this 'case, siinpla because the Government is requiring Mr Borden to follow the regular rules of the House; rules which have been in force for years. Last year the matter was allowed to go be. fore the committee as a matter of "privilege;" being unfinished, the case this year is not a matter of "privilege" 'and cannot be so regarded, though tbo ' Opposition ask it. The Government s0 er paper, the same as all other reg- ular said "You mrist pnt it on the business." This is strictly parlia- mentary and the Opposition know it; they know it has no right to come up except1n the proper Order, but this is what made them mad, hence their violent speeches. It happens that on the "order" paper are a number of de- batable questions before the West Hu- ron order is reached. The "orders"are not Government ones -in fact most of them are private members' orders, and' is requiring that West Huron go on the order paper, the • Government is simply following out the practise that has been pursued for years. It is not "burking" inquiry; it is simply doing what any Government would do under the same circumstances, and if tbe Op- position were holiest they would 'stay so,but that would not answer their ob- ject. Their talk is for election pur-- poses, pure and simple, but they may talk until they are black in the feces they may "pavs-and claw the . airnas much as they like,,ftsaafil not. al- ter the fact that the Government's po- sition is correct. The anger 9f the Op- position is make-believe; 'heir profes- sions of purity are hypocritical, and their heroics don't amount to a laill of. beans. The' order concerning West Huron will, no doubt, eventually be reached, but there's a right Ana a Wrong way of reaching it. • ' NOTES. ' , The Grand Valley Railway p.,roject had a hearing before the Railway com- mittee on Thursday. - This is a propos-- ed line from Port Dover to Goderich, via Clinton. The way the Rouse is cleared out on Friday night is shown by the fact that on the evening of the lath; only 6 Con- servatives were in their seats and less than a couple of dozen' Liberals. A representative of an Ainerican beet root sugar factory qave evidence before the Agricultural committee the ether day. ff, the Government will bounty ' pound guarantee a for flye years on all the beetroot sugar they can makesthey guarantee to erect a factory costing half amoillion dollare. If the Goveinment will make the bountyhigh enough We will' guarantee, to raise hanannas and oranges. But, don't you see "it Would develoP the 1 country and give employment to labor." ( 111151146 The final round in the game of singles for the prize offered by the seogy of the Curling Club took phos on Wednesday night the following players taking perk- jes Fair, Bev, Snaith, P. Fair and W. Brydone ;after a good game Jas Fair wee the first man it get his ilia points and he is now the oharapion single curler for the seeSon of 1000. The Seaforth curlers de-. feated two Clinton rinks in Seeforth last, • week by only one whet. • Ascartia CUUNIVAtt l3hOtlia matter prove favorable an- other grand carnival will be held on Mon- day night next. re is altogethe likely the* next week will be the ilnal week for slat- ing and it it expected that a large int:mbar Will be preemie in Oileinnieg to rounil up a very sneoetsful,seaserk. The Bend will be in Atter:dame foi the last time good prized' will be offered for ninny ooskitoes, • G. D. Mayflower- maid -2nd. bvs uke- Lavender (51,135) and so on. Imp. Clan Campbell belongs to the well knewo Clementine, tribe and was sired by the 0 "k h k s an bull Sittyton, the hest.; ru blood d.. t famous• The other crosses are of the finest breeding and rests on the fine old La- vinia tribe which produced the silver medal tow at Toronto two years in succession as well as many other show anitnals. THE SCoTcat CoaroEur.--This extra was fairly well attended, on Tuesday everthig, and it was something good and out of the ordinary, it being a Scotch concert consisting of songs and dances, from the "auld land o' the heather." As an old Scotchroan would say, "Ay ! mon, it was guid." Mrs Spence and Miss Laing were attired in full Scotch costume, most attractively. It would require lots of space to de. scribe the interesting things Mr Spence told about Old Scotia and its folks ; his humorous stories convulsed the audience,...and his pathetic words brought tears to many. eyes. The duets were well given, and greeted with applause. "Bonnie Annie Laurie," "Jessie's Dream," and the others delighted the hearers. It is customary to close all Scotch enter- tainments by singing "Auld Lang Syne," and. this was the; way Mr Spence closed -one of the finest, most refined and most pleasing entertain- ments given by the committee of the Star Course. The management are desirous of ' thanking their many friends from Stanley and Porter's Hill who patronized the concert by their attendance. The next and last on the course will be the best of all -the Ladies' Sympli-Ony-sprchestra, of Boston, of 22 members, and a boy soprano -on Easter elonday, April 16th. AonnuorATiarK-A gathering of the Y. P. S. of C. E. through the Execut- ive of the Local Union, to-gether with the ministers and t heir wives.- was held Tuesday'evening, March 20th, in the :lecture room of the Rattenbury St. Methodist church, Clinton. The main object of the meet inz was to pro- mote interdenouuina,itillal „fellowship and discuss plans for a more united effort on the part of the young people of the town and district against the strongholds of .• His Satanic Majesty. Tea was served' at seven o'cloek by the social 'committee of the Rattenbury St, E. L. of a E. after which an informal conference was -held. -Mr-A.- T. Conper,-provincial settetatv Of en- deavor, took charge and guided the discussions in a very happy manner. The following are a few of the topics discussed "What- are we doing as Christian Endeavor Societies?" "In- terdenominational fellowship" "Local Union Rallies," etc. etc. No restraint whatever was felt by those present and the discussions were entered into in a most animated and helpful manner. Something good was received from each society and all were benefited by the experience of the other. It was felt by all present that if there was any one thing given prominence in our O., E. meetings it should be a systi- matic plan of Bibte Study, far too little time is devoted to this important mat- ter. Some of the societies reported as taking up the church catechism every night with good results. Nearly all were progressing favorably in the missionary department and Were fav- orably impressed with a plan for ere tematic giving to missions, from which good results Were sure to follow, As all the young peoples societies of the town hold their regular meetings on Monday evenings the following reso- lution WAS unamiously adopted : "that whereas in the Opinion of the exe-, calve of the local union of Y. P. S, of C. E. of the town of Clinton, con- certs and gatherings of a limier nat. ure held 9n Monday or Wednesday evenings haves distracting effect upon the attendance of the midweeksentices of the town churches, such gatherings Will not be recognized by Weinberg Of the local union." The presidents of varitnis societies in the union Were Ur- ged to present the' above ro•tilution the next regular meeting ot their so- ciety in'as forcible a manner as pos- eible. lprogram of intervisi a t ion of societies was recommended to be pre- pared by the presidents of the differ- ent societies. The union has also adopted the uniform topics as arrang- ed by' Dr. Clark The next regular ineeting of the Rally, which will be hold in Willie chiit'eh on April 30th, Will be of a patriotie nature,. the sub- ject being "Out Country", A reaolu. tion Of thanke Wag tendered the Social comtnittee of Rettenbury St. E. L. of 0. E. for the very aceepteible manner in which they had provided the enter- tainment of the eVening. We Lead 1137 Keeping Fresh and SeasonableStock • We have Booth Celebrated Oysters arriying fresh daily. Also Fresh Orange and Lomeli*, Confec- tionary Ana Cigars • BAKERS' AND HOMEMADE BREAD Fanoy Oakes Pastry And Wedding Cakes Our Opoolaltlea Any kind of Fenny Cake net on hand made when ordered. Jas. Meelaoherty, Novelty Bakery And Restaurant* Telephone No. 1. 1