HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-03-23, Page 3Lots of people ,brave thin hair. Per- haps a ' . their parents ad thin nhair; per - haps their children have - thin hair, _•..,But :this. does.: not make it necessary .for them;to have thin hair.. One thing you may rely �) r "- makes the hair healthy and vigorous ; • makes it grow thick and. long, It cures dan- druff . also. It always :restores color to gray hair,— the dark,rich color' of early life. There is no longer need ..of your looking old be- fore your time. ' bottle. AU druggists. to"tase ahainYfoveArercHor Vigor bas no'egnaL I bas aiwayy�� given me Retract gatiefaotion m every we. Mrs. A. M. Blunt, Ang.18, 3898. Hammondsport,N.Y. . WIt. this Doctoa...:.. Hair nd send' 'upon on If yon do not obtain all the benefit' . ion ,expected from the auto of the Vigor write the Doctor about it. Address. Da.a,aare,• Low8U,3Th n, •� ,.'.""wl Alaskan Hardsliips. An Interesting /edema. The following letter, taken from the Fargo,. Dakota, Eoruin, :isfrom the pen of Al E. Rose, (a cousin of F, C. Elford, of Holmesville) and will be found to be very iaterestin'gg to our readers e=• + "A number- of friends re nes j respects resembling the wolf. They ate docile enoughin the, summer and fall, but in winter,~ bard work, hunger and cold make them uglycustoers. They will light to the m death .among themselves unless separated. They are au expensive luxury, it costing about a dollar's yr orthof grub a .day each to feed them. The climate here's; deligghtful,though it is cold the air is dry. The coldest it was known here last winter was 820 below zero. There ie lean game 'here' than in any part of Meeks, a few ducks; grouse, rabbits, some moose and caribou. Some Inaians brought us some moose melt a few days ago.. and it was quite a relief from canned meats, Theysold-it for 50, cents a pound. TO t'he' past" yeare • 'there has always been a'run of salmon, but this ' year they failed to appear. There are very few Indians up here now, compared with a few years ago. The severe climate, the scarcity of dame; hardships, disease and whiskey TIL OLINTON NEW ERA The Blau in opting. Iamb 44.44444.4 Despeeident, Melancholic and Tired People Are Made Active and Strong by Paine's Celery Compound. Rundown end ilalf-dead Man and woman Maio al h —and iul�et •a Strength from the. Great . Mediei,,e. ave gradually killed them off. ` An Indian will run•a hundred miles for a drink of whiskey, •' Where they get the taste for the liquor is one of the unsolved mysteries. They are honest and simple in their ways, but short on morale. Their religion is a mere super- stition. they have a vague idea of a future existence. but no personal God. The Indian boy@ are bright, easily acquirins'. the English language, and - ' eery shrewd. Tales of • suffering and death .are plentiful. Last winter, near here, the miners found a father and son starved to death on the trail. The boy was lying by the dead ashes of the :camp- tire,, as if asleep ; the father's face showed the agonies through which he had passed, In one hand he hreld a half eaten leather moccasin, and setting on the half burned sticks and, dead ashes r was a small pail half full of lee and hontaining another moccasin which they had endeavored to cook. In St. Michael I met a lady who was the sole survivor of a party of four. teen, she haying buried herhusband on , the trail. Such tales are not uncom- mon. I have no intention of encouraging any.one to come to this country. My "advice would be just the contrary. Only experienced ruiners of hardy con- stitutions and indomitable will ' power can hope to accomplish anythin in !this country. I saw the crowds of die. F,appointed men who.rusbed from Daw- eon and the up -riper camps to Cape Nome, .and a most pitiable looking set of !nen could hardlybe imagided. Snow fell here on Sept. 15th, and 'since then the thermometer • has : been dropping, and in a few days we will be frozen in from the outside world. I have just been outside to look at the thermometer and admire the beau- tiful scene. It is 15 below, Themoon- light is shining over the !now, the air is clear, and everything stands out in bold relief. ' I hear the howl, of a Siwash dog in ' the, distance, and it • makes me feel lonely, so- I-'wi11- leave t he pretty picture, and crawl into mI bunk." . ted me Feeding a : Great army. to write them 'something of this country. When we reached the mouth of the Koyukuk we heard of the•. "strike "'up on the h aj watef s of the river. Upon arriving ,At Peavey we learned and saw ena�gh to convince the most sceptical. than sliere-was rich paydirt on a num- ber oftthe Streams,' which, • when: de- veloped, might prove fabulously' rich. The "diggings" are about one hundred miles northeast of here, Peavey being forty -miles above the Arctic jeircle. On two claims, one cm Slate and one onM rlie creek, ek, a good many thous- and dollars worth of coarse gold was "rocked'.' out .by. two Swedes . a very primitive way. . A. number of claims have been sold -for good prices. one for $20,000,' which • ie considered a gift. We do not beliepe that the gold is confined to . these few streams, but t hat a great number of creeks up here . carry gold in paying quantities ---that its, they will yield "pay dirt." By pay dirt fa meant at least ten cents to the pan in dust. Unfortunately .nearly all the 'claims here have been ''jumped" by a gang of men—many 'of whom are desperadoes and fugitives horn justice -=•who are secretly. combined toaid each other, who know they are in the wrong, but Who know thatr'there is gold there,who •th z ealizeat itw ll be about their last chance in this or any other Country to make a "stake." Tthe,grub,question might be a very serious one up herb.. We are fairly wafted we are long on luxuries, but short on sugar,condensed milk, and flour, three very necessary articles. But there are no ' provisions upthe river, as very few steamboats came up last -summer; and they-- will have to _ales! it with dng teams over to Fort. Yukon, two u"ned" mita over a rough mountain ` range. Those who have no•dogs will have to pull their tilede. What that means rn the way of • harddhips.and suffering, the public can scarcely ° realize: • Nothing is very cheap now, 'nothing less .than '"two bits",a'pound,, even salt. In a few menthe provieious will ha worth one defier per a 9nd. . oreven more—and thew hone for sale. The highest pt ice ' that was e''er known in Alaska for any 'orae article. was in 1890,, when at Circle City, q t Wag elttin'g.for its weight in Wit -n ggold, t ti a rag . figuratively, but. literally.., ;Thittsttiams are the only means' of transportation. They are the Beam•, ularfx;t tveretg ng ;about one build., red 'po nde in *eight, with long, shaggy coat, bushy tails eurving oyer the lack, sharp pointed ettre, in sodue • "A11 Dublop'tires le {goo" "'.;: Oir, cadlLiit roads:— • . i 00014th tileic1S- on.goo'd a to and, t asd reads --- {fµ,a And, ' t tti> t p ,��tathabie TI rtes • hre'safest .mitt .040igft to ride. If you Meety *ith'et milt Milli front home--" these are the only'EOOMyouneed.►' ,,. Via• r . 1. „ .6b "The onit tools." .� rifle revolvers ati'tmuteition of f Goat osis ear '•i r Troops � e o ops lis 1South Africa. .. During:his period of service a British soldier Is entitled to three-quarters of a pound of fresh meat and one pound of nread daily„enol when on active ser- vice the meat is increased to one pound and_ a -free ration of groceries and yeg- etables is also issued. The blues, despondency and melancholy make thoneanda of lives miserable in spring time, Men and whmen around oft oonrplain of tired feelings, nervousness, eleepleesness, to a ant oiropltition and general run•d'own condition. • Though not confined to bed, the condition of the thousands of despondent, mel. nohol- io, steeplese, nervous and rnndownpeople is euffioiently alarming to demaneimmediate care; and attention. • The symptomti and feelings alluded to are the sure forerunners of disease and. death. Thie partionlar season, ahonid be time of cleansing,reouperathngMild etrengthening for.run•down and ailing people. Pain's Celery Compound will quickly banish the blues, despondency and malars oholiee,nnd tired feelings will give life,buoy- anayand full health. It is suioida' for aiokly men and. women to mope aroundin a ball-deadcondition and shut their ' eyes to the inarvelious blessings that aro•off eyed by Paine's Celery Compound.; It is the one great medicine in spring time with all glasses of one popula- tion. Try a bottle and see how rapidly you Cet rid of every physical burden. Paine's elery Compound is the kind that "makes siok people well." • • Knitter's Ten 'Commandments. • .1. Thou shalt have tio other Presi. dent but me. II. Thou shalt not take unto thyself any Britisher ; .not' on my lands, or, under my lands, or ' by the waters 1' above. 'I am a jealous man, but they hate me ; and I shall show no mercy unto the thousands that surround me, and keep not my command, . III. Thou shalt riot take , the 'name of Com Paul Kruger in vain ; for I am a jealous and upright man. • IV: Remember to keep, o en the -Sabbath day by goingto church ; and take thy Bible with thee ;even though tho}i doest all manner of work after, thou, thy son, thy daughter, nor thy Kaffir.. Lord help a Britisher hang. ing around my gate foe- this is ' my country, and I' harrowed it. V. Honor Qom Paul Krtiger, pay your taxes and see that the' Britiser pays hie, that thy days may be long Upon the Transvaal, that I give. thee. t When Pat Cornered Nitnsoin, Dr. Neilsen, the uretic explorer, came across an Irisltrnan onone occasion who declared that be had traveled farther, north than anybody, 'What nonsense!" exclaimed the doc- tor, getting angry. "Why, sir, do you know 1 calculate to have traveled as far as any human being earn possibly get." But still the Irishman persisted, and went an to say: "Now, listen to this. flow do you know that ye've traveled no far no any human - being can get?" "Because," replied the doctor, "1 crime to a huge wall of ice that no one could get around." "What did ye do then?" "Well, 1 conversed with my staff of men on the atrls,leet �c„ •. - -. ,. - "Ah."-begorra:" ietelaimed Pat. "01 beard ye. Qi !vas on tit' other solde o' the wall!" • Aiui he walked away. iu triumph.— Spare Moments. Not 'to 'Be Disacoted. The Rochester Post-h.xprc'ss recalls the stony of a colored waiter in a hotel in San Francisco who handed an English. man a tabled'hote menu. The gentleman in question did net care for the *et dinner and selected whet he wanted:. "You don' keer for de tab dote dlnnah, then, salt!" said the waiter. "I told you What 1 wanted," returned the Englishman, "ton went tint oil' de tab dote bill?" queried the darky. • "I don't care. 1 suppose so. Just as 741; like, only be certain that I get It. "• "Well,' sah," replied the waiter, "et you want ft eff de tab dote, you has to have it all. . Tab- dote can't be' selected from, sub! Tab dote is. French, an antenna jest de whole bog, sabi" Grim . bistinor, The following Is told by the grand- daughter of an old lady who lived in one of the .southern states and bad heft known throughout the neighborhood as one who had -a keen• sense of the,ridlgu haus: Atter a .long illness her final hour was supposed to have come, and her chil- dren, and grandchildren' gathered round for a last farewell, when suddenlyshe opened hereyes-and, on seeing the mourn- ful expressionsof those about her, re--. marked, with all her old time vigor, "The watched pot never boils!” -San Francis- co Argonaut. " Striking an Average. . Optician=Those glasses are entirely too atrong, for ohe of your age. • ' - Young Woman' -Ob, that's all right: Afy eyes are too weak, I.am told:-Jew- etere' Weekly, •` =Ws NOTES. The assessment. of London, • Ont., is nearly $1.7,000,000. Lady John Soott Spotteewoode,' who carAnnie Ldead. ' Aooateording toaurie, pprivateis iettera . from t atis, smallpox is . epidemic in the French oeini- sal. The by -late to grant 410,000 to the Lis- owel Furniture Oompany was • carried at Listowel: Dr.'Bryoe reports that in all there .were 242 eves of smallpox in Eeeex and Sent countieswith one.dea h t which occurred at Rochester i • . n Essex... ' It is rumored. at -Washington that Score. cry Hay may resign on account atlas ern. barrasament Caused to the Administration of the Hay-Pannoeforte treaty. ThePortuguese officials, learning that" the fortunes of war have .turned is favor of the British side, have arrested several. Glee man officers bound for Pretoria, with arms and ammunition. • , Tho Sregtz Zeitnng,Berlin, cairns that before the oommenoement of the.B ler war. the Ozer promised Queen .Victoria not; un- derany oit oamstanoes , totAke 'advantage of England's difficulties. • The Czar's atm - tale, alleges the paper, 'influenced 'he otter powers similarly to leave England alone, Canadians in Mouth Parka. 4444444.44444.4 Oh, Canedieus on the battlefield, On the Transveat's sunburnt shore, Amidst the roar ;ifs of musketry, Scum never ;torise no more, "Wile Your comrade's blood was streaming Their limo do 'heave a sigh;: On to Protoria, ye warriors bold, Down with the Boers, old Kruger'' fold. General Roberta led the way Where Buller onoo bad. been. The Boers bravely fought away, But Oanadians for. their Queen• ThWhereey foughtthe forsup Eshanglaudllnever,theirMosettherland, , On to Pretoria, ye dauntless knights, ntih tire.1lueraatnd. putlirugor.todight. The, arched away They ib s one morning, Their spirits light al and gay, o All danger boldly scorning Eager and ready fcr the tray. The foe rushed in upon them, The bultete thickly ,dy, Some fatal wounds, alas, they And Tramp the Boers and Kruger bind. As on the battlefield they lay Their royal hearts do beat so true; All hoped again to see Canadian soil; Met ine, Wee, they will be few. Now on the cruel desert shore, Oh God, how they must die; They fought for glory and the grave, Down with the Boere,the cruet knaves. Oomfort those, dear ones at home, It may be their only son, Help to dry their bitter tears, For God's will must be done. Some would like to see home again But dying there they lte, Aid still they murmur in their pain Fight the Boers, the end be gain. VI. Thou shalt do no murder, to thine own people -but. if a Britisher crosses thy path, take your little Bible in one hand, and. your sword in.the other_ �... _ • VII. Thou shalt not Commit thyself. The average bullock, when slaugh-. - by any. degree of • malice or hatred, tered and aut.up by the army butchers. only when, you,show the white rag. will yield 700 pounds of meat, and 1,343, VIII. Thou shalt not steal • amongst bullocks must die to' provide the troops thine own people -but when strangers with one day's rations. Su ' osin y PP g coots withinc borders .a take all you Lb tthu a e operatiana. in the field, t fr y can. for my sake and the • govern- t six months and the soldiers get fresh' p !neat twice' •a week, then,` in round mentis. - numbers, 70;000' bullocks. • must . be TX Thou shalt bear ss false �cviit'ne butchered. against thy kleighbor. • • This fresh meat must be eked out X. Thou shalt covet thy neivhbor'e with no less than 10,400,000 pounds of house, also his land, his mines, his ox salted or preserved 'victuals, and we •or his ass -or anything he has,' if he is get a grand total of 14,500,000 lbs., or a Britisher. 6,500 tons of bullock. The army eats up•80,000 pounds of bread daily, and bread containe .a guar- The Hockey Match. ter of its weight in flour. In 20 weeks • • it will require 3,040,000 pounds of flour, -' or' 65,000 bushels. It was the Red Hot Oyster,Clnb, Supposing the beef averages 5d a Ib. Wee always in for fan, all round—rather than over the mark And they were in for sport thio night —we have an outlay of £325,000. Add Althongh-a storm had come, • to that £13.000 for the British army's daily bread (at is per stone of 14. There wet going to be a hockey mateh pounds,) and a further £212.000 for veg-- That night in merry Blythe, stables and groceries, calculated at the And an R. H. 0.0. could not mise it, rate of Aid a day per man. and a single If it cost him half his life. • army corps will eat up 4,550,000 in six-•• months. They hired a sleigh, and loudest belle COST of TRE CONTINGENTS. Known in the country Aide, - The Minister of Militia on Thune And to the mid • of Oolong, slim shaft may. A l�rge oow.bell they tied.. March 1, laid ori the table of the house They aaiyeinbled at the Clarendon &detailed. .statement of the cost.of?.the . _ _Ahiri emblerin mind are don! t contingents w tx nts to South Africa. The g.. And when they started on of to n total amount .A, wen tw a ant theim ove nment t tak- Poor Dave was left behind. '$1,859,853, but the Government it tak- info a vote for the round two millions woThey got' well at►rted o» their way 0 ' in order to teide for unseen items. With the hockey boy, ahead, The pay list will be $59,847.24 for the When in a sudden those•beh nd fleet contingent, $8,535.10 tor the liana- Beheld an upturned sledi diem Mounted Rifles, and $59,60267 for , the Royal, .Canadian Artillery, these Then stinking from a mountain drift, two tcgether forming the Second con- • That towered o'er the sleigh, tiageiit.They saw large teat end grasping hands ' The . horses purchased coat $183,850; . And faces of dismay, trahsports by sea came to 4557,221, and transportation to parte of embarkation They all got out and lent a hand $94,250. Separation allowance • to To..ppall them from thelano% witee of non commissioned c.flicers But I:ola'grabbed at Walter and men Will total $12,000. And wouldn't let him go. • w The allowaocee to officers for Outfit ` At lilt they got rightli swain are '45 officers first contingent, at 4125, And s g s toon their way" Ectal, $5,620: 60 offieers second cdntln When>Lola soreaohed a rereaohin scream gent, at IBM, total, $9,000; four nurse%, And Lola went the sleigh.aserg second eolith)ggent. aia•$30, total $120, making in all- I4,745allowed to ofiietre , 1?oor,lennje landed in the snow anal for outfit. With the seats ripen her head, • The beet of .,altithing is: first.eontin- mad is thetppsing turnout. 1 agmty' 0,74;1; second contingent 1,08,• 140,„ r pfolttd things !vete, said tenr1',etc:'1 ftel ebont,Ingent,,and And wbeiltints eaohedthetiwnthatni ht, } ,$41,.1,88,#10 ueao eotitingent. Sundry • ,ey wine ttadi vary While, " `� g . • attidlee of equipment are��ppu�t Hoene at BA the hoekey halt wed6 to their roomsr , 4�OQOlI. 'th[s.;fultakirt �1,t15�'.11l, j'e 'J~o,pfti�iird,#�+tf��or;�E6� ti�tile, ''���e o a At0 • Si .,homy going to late 80,1000 • The !match twee *ell oont+s ted, r . I flitther:*Wovnt off $100,600 le pint : Audtbe)tet!fiertearhiipia ed well, L,, !• dolwn Ale:!e lent to !fay this tuft instil hil,id! !ton *a$1tty�h t ft T, ,11eIC' lli, :.iii . '°, one o amount* Make ' A int' t its riot ;it f v tap. dhta j�••'iia&7f�Qtatrof' $1,�.053M0. " ') e i cis - KS i k-• r iott�illstlsl tbplc cines wore, i l, who'd e by ern, ii . ,'diet.t 7+ 1/0 •iisondlifon: It it not the AA share tfaltial*roOnt.agafe0 Children Ory for CASTOR -IX CA�T� hive A Youth : • resolution and a cotiree in 1 n+iceea and 8borthand at the Beneath the desert's &caroling sand They laid them down. to rest, • - The soldier's grave in a foreign land Covers their manly breast; And se their dying thoughts did' roach Those words name with a eight ' Onto Pretoria, all who are left, Rana old Kruger and leave them bereft. J.PERCr Comi,Gioderioh township. Marchi 23, 1x40 minimimamilimmommisammonamis Whatis Vasotoria, is for Infants and Children. Castoria Iso- a .. harmless substitute for Castor ail, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing ' Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor. other .Narcotic substanee: Zt is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers.. Castoria destroys :Morns and allays} Feverish- •• loess. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. (lastglria relieves Teething: Troubles, cures. Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates. the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, givinff. healthy and natural sleep. Castoria • is the Chilcliren's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. w Castoria. Castoria. .. Castoria isIIn excellelttt 'medicine- for ".7satorla is so well adapted'to children children, Mothers .have repeatedly told ate that I recominend it as superior to any pre, • of its good effect upas their children." ' , ' scription known to me," Da. G. C. Os000n, .Lowell, Mass ii A. ARCtrIR, 111. D. Brooklyn, N Y THE ' FAC-SIIIIIII~E SIGNATUI~t O APPEARS .ON • EVERY WRAPPER. THE--✓JENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY aTNEET, NtW Von,, CITY. • • These pills are a specific for all diseases arising: from disordered nerves, weak heart or watery blood.: They -pure palpitation, 'dizziness, sinothei•ing, faint. and weak:spells, shortness of breath, swelling of feet and 'ankles, nervousness, .sleepless- ness, anomia, hysteria, St. Vitus' dance, partial paralysis, brain. fag, female.. complaints, general debility, and lack of vitality:' Price sec, a box. s:3i soQ sti'. : is cotiog 4 QUICK K Cl,''1�...1a 0 se. FOR COUGHS 0 c.o.! COLDS e+ ,Pyny-FctoraI = lie..Cariadian Remedy for all • THROAT AND LOND AFFECTIONS _ Large Betties, 25 cents! . DAVIS &,LAW122NCL,CO.,Limited, lC).' Prop's. Perry Davis' Pain Killeri' ' Q Neq•.Xoik .',;.• Mont�Fal Tire 1>p�tnerial MEAT • MARKET, and who diall place limits td his Career .,Catalogue tree. WESTEHVELT.. Yrixielp9,1 • Great FIs being clone this term in•the. Central Business College ;'Young dt tierrnrd Ole., Torinoo. of Torento, where 19. regular Teachers are •employed, and over 30o tttdents are in attendance. This is a•btl�solfool and a popular se�hooi to which hall, nere firms look for skilled help. nay - .11 vomit neople'went direct from L'oi- lege .to situation. • during one week, ending. Feb- lath. .•Enter any time. No vacation. Write for prospectus. W. O. SUM", Principals to ,ap .s. v 0i 'AL - ured to •1t out thatara foga tit d ;a Atibeerty a petIta does' not always in.,' .Poaud. tae, It I(bf4 � arab, acini tyat f Wi ' ig.&tdu ,if' le iYie • I'fi a '1; r.. qutantityi,biih:felft, t trialed, wlitoh de- Naxi'marn iti',merry Clinton iown I iktiatarlitliWitetuer __t__ aE thio feted aria Thee star. mannloft for workt till gen 1 "'lOf The undersigned wills' to. inform the people of Clinton and vicinity they .have opened np in the Store formerly occupied by Pair.A Co. • MacKay Block, Ontario St., where, they Will,keep in stop aU kinds of Fresh, Cooked, Cured ants! Canned Meats, such as is usually carried in a drat•olaes meat store together- - A 0r- 'with-Poal -CarrnrddTan e r g r . trq gri Beet, Pigs Feet, Minae Meat, and all articles of a, like nature which will be. delivered free to any part or the town. Orders solicited. • . 3 Ile.:' good ;sausage fort$ cents. J013aV,SCRUTON, Manager T. R. F. CASE & COe , OLIN foN• ' Acme Drum Por Heating, Ventilating purposes This excellent Dram is cost- etruoted of the ter beat mater- la1'oft Ike a1ort eeientiflo bthi- oiplea, and by virtue of its spe- cial features is the tiRi4AtEST 11E.l;TINea} DRUMS ON EARTH. It takes the coal air from the doors teats rind oircuiatn it throuR th..house, and than etuntenti%ds in the natter of 10.4x..4, !del totuoh an extent that tally on/th;ilrleas fuel is reamred. Doss not smoke, Has no allied. Is easy ie manage. Thosewho have one in use say the, 'would not bewithout it. This Dram is now tided in scans of thtl belt helmet in Mitten w :, 1.411.4±J Sole Iii tllintotl, Aph46 tit + antttaetaret fo; Mitran ar_gain ! : Hever Unseasonable 4141740y:.NOtt- We will sell 100 Ladles' PARASOL 50 at :- 50c. 'each 50 at 60c. each All new goods Robs. Coats: Son. aiAtre You LO�king For a lac to buy the best grade . of groceries • cheap, if so, "YOU WILL FIND...IT HERE." Maple Syrup, Buckwheat Flour, and a dozen. kinds of choice Breakfast Food, Corn Heal, Oatmeal, Flour, Fancy Decorated Dinner,.Tea and Toilet Sets. Fancy Glass and : China BerryrSets-.and Table- Sets -Cheap. _ - - , -�-- :a ,,- - e o eyou p c se gl a �us a coil. . N. ROESON'S 'CASH GROCE ` " Clinton, Febiwary 1Gth,1A00.. • 't• Flour AT NO EXTRA C'eS P All kinds of Small Field Seeds, as Timothy, Red -and Alsike Clovers. . Headquarters for Turnip, Mongold; Carro Seeds.. Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods. Oar specialty it Teets. ' Try am 15o Tea. Other sarietiee egnally ee oheep. 8fgheatrinarket price paid in oath for eggs. ' MONEY TO ,LOAN. Special offer .oi`o>l�tiiVAE f'ilJliD>l. At loWin ee on MtkIlaee m`oirtgage,, day only. • Ariel to f,� s,. r ,. • r . i c . IJ. ble'Cagietsrt, 1 t Marchi a04e Minton. Ont. i arcs 6 CL1tl'p'ION Mtt1 Pt.tx ;fi,yttiq'„ b ..sic„ •o t no ' � ; !laid >t ere Were many 'neath 'the. ooverl ne, I ; WILte: GIVE " d iiitonand nuir'tion' not aaitirert a Were very blithe tolurk. • , • - AHNOEET EI( FREE �; f !into 'riotset,;, And ,. tato : bloody. 4"a11ooT Due, t. ' , 3'106r 'ail, cl ,t „i#� t . art itiif$ M ' • i 'eogt "alggi 0 v otta rt the boa is ea t jnity instead of a ben- ; s °d!' the is titch _. A}� p s u t nit- • 4",4IdnopLike .iiad"—iIow ONO,. ,011e t►4iiolr th`e�e.a awiaiwcrera6dy is fraEiee+ bolt the yAi s eoomplalA of. this iron. rienk ese petiole is the • at;Qr1s . .'Thtouch ° negleot riteii thews ttettfeda,rmntted. Vetere, ii'tontreil. Rafal te• ' ate �t e, ° ate' ': e : of ✓iv l ltk ;Iltrr it rare" tr k. eweiiteie n `itis '!eaten. antler* sued sad, this, ayltabton is the ot>ftivaon mamas �,�t n,• . o flabby3t► pe x>fai lded e)itl bl ry aotltAirtr no Tbitr 8isootrsry btai iven to the hitict Vic ar<tl,lyeitdati tint body, It M a • 4. Itediott sifter eating..s•tlhe piaiap le it.Nh (n ok ps tio t: , oo tainli a large !stomia 01 retstrt le wain, antis a .praterl1, *Id to dlgNtlon. ' +" deft 1 scow y " alooltol,'whiskey' of inloxfoant of •any kind; nature's' delightful andpositive mire, Dr. and is equally free from opium,. 000aine . Von Stan'u Pineapple Tablets -60 in a box, w.� '+end all nareetior, lily onto, • • one cabinet piptt; of.old ,gentlemen over 6o yestre•otigd," woliroofe wili be taken !from`tehfoltilf o tfskr'bli' hie. `Thin silitst for title' ittl'l 6t►li', -15ti flet ftiiytit awed d f ofu', oaten' F'ed' 'rur ea 000oeueor to 11, NSW. Clinton. cooesR'H Qr,,a 01AIW Next to OomrasroIal tfbtal. this estab fshMrat Is Intuit -op rattan and an otd#*MMos in os mitieteto *ay, e. 'tery end granite *Mt .6 banally. >''tiedsae reeonabie se those 141114! esirblisdumt. t 3,; A6 h'it, Linton '• YetAkYitgir•Ps nd v.rat fyfronts ]ant'pf a Itinager. k�agqr�rtiaae 'pp�teuuui tsesp ilinr to DIY, Meri I90b':}at'able WNW. IWi sbia ynt , vial w portabittesr Refeestt oes "ex' chanted,eie Hsaddressed •�eM en- velop*.R. A. ark, 8210axtoo's/landing, Chi °ago, Deo, 1st, 16w. - Ai �utrs We are agents for the Canadian C riage Co., of Brockville, and Laury Sr Sons, of Chatham!, both well known makers of,llrst class Out> rs and Sleighs. We keep a stook on hand aid those' who contemplate wallas. ing one would do yell to see us. Geo. Lavlg General Implement Dealer, Clint.*